1995 02-16 Agenda CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 16, 1995 - 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE THIS IS AN INFORMAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE COUNCIL AND IS NOT DESIGNED FOR PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS ON DOCKETED ITEMS. HOWEVER, IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THE AGENDA, YOU MAY ARRANGE FOR INPUT WITH THE MAYOR PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ITEM 2, PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, IS PROVIDED TO GIVE THE PUBLIC THE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK ON ANY CITY-RELATED ITEM NOT APPEARING ON THE AGENDA; HOWEVER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW, NO ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING ON ANY SUCH ITEM. I. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) 3.* Discussion regarding transit ridership statistics and status of TDA funds (referred from November 15, 1994, Item 31A}. (1207-01) CITY HANAGER'$ RECOHHENDATION: 1} Concur with staff's recommendation on their various services; 2) authorize staff to implement existing levels of transit services, the ADA bus stop improvements, and countywide radio network capital projects in FY 95-96 TDA claim; 3) authorize an appropriation of $11,495 from unallocated reserve fund of $20,390 for transit services in FY 95-96; 4} authorize an appropriation of $18,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund for capital projects in FY 98-96; and 5} authorize allocation of any unallocated TDA reserves to the Capital Reserve Fund in FY 95-96. 4.* Review of alternative site plans for the Poway Library (referred from December 13, 1994, Item 14}. (1402-02} CITY ~ANAGER'S RECOMHENDATION: Review alternatives, take public input and provide guidance to staff regarding location, size, expandability and financing. ADOOURNHENT * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation