Item 4 - Review of Alternative Site Plans for Poway Library C T¥ POWAY AGENDA REPORT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager'~~ DATE: February 16, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Alternative Site Plans For The Poway Library ABSTRACT At their December 13, 1994 meeting, the City Council considered options for locating the Poway Library on the Western Lumber site. At that meeting, the City Council requested that a workshop be scheduled. That workshop has been scheduled for February 16, 1995. As indicated in the attached memorandum from the Library Advisory Committee to the Mayor and City Council, the Library Advisory Committee reviewed the staff report regarding Alternate Site Plans for the Library at their February 2, 1995 meeting. The Committee discussed various aspects of the report relating to building construction costs, off-site and on-site improvements, and improvements to Rattlesnake Creek through the property. At the conclusion of their discussion, the Committee voted 7 to 1 to support the following recommendations contained in the staff report for the February 16, 1995 Workshop: 1. Approve constructing the library adjacent to Poway Road. 2. Determim~lt approximately 2 acres on the southeast side of the property be sold for tShe_development of some other use. 3. Auth~Kjze.~.h.e. library to be designed as a 20,O00-square foot building without any ~!i~161~ii~i~i~ (added by the Committee) plans for expansion, but that an addi~f6~¥:~O,OOO-square foot office area be built in conjunction with the 20,O00-square foot library that could be leased to provide a source of revenue to help offset some of the increased cost of operating the new library, and that this space be designed so that in the future, if the City had sufficient new revenues that could be used to offset the library operating costs, the additional 10,000 square feet could be converted to library uses. lof3 FEB 16 1995 Agenda Report Addition Information - Alternative Site Plans for the Library February 16, 1995 Page 2 The Library Advisory Committee did not support staff's recommendation to the City Council to approve the construction of a box-channel through a portion of the site as was initially planned. Instead, the Committee favors an open channel through the entire site. As indicated in the February 16, 1995 report: "The cost of improving the creek to a natural channel would be approximately $100,000; therefore, there would be an initial savings of approximately $315,000. However, if Tarascan Drive was ever extended through to Civic Center Drive, which has been discussed, a box channel would have to be built at that time, or a bridge would have to be constructed to span the creek, which would cost at least $1,000,000 to build. In addition, improving the creek to a natural channel would result in the loss of approximately 49,000 square feet (1.12 acres) of the site..." RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the various alternatives, take public input and provide guidance to staff regarding the location, size, expandability and financing for the proposed Poway Library. Attachment: Memo dated February 6, 1995 to Mayor and Members of City Council from Library Advisory Committee A:\LIB5.JDF 2 of 3 FEB 1 6 1995 ITEM C TY OF POWA" MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council I:ROM: Library Advisory Committee DATE: February 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Library Advisory Committee Site Recommendations On Thursday, February 2, 1995, the Library Advisory Committee held a meeting to discuss the library site alternatives. Assistant City Manager John Fitch reviewed the February 16, 1995 agenda report on the library site alternatives with the Committee. The Committee discussed various aspects of the report relating to the building construction cost estimate, off site and on site improvement costs, and creek improvements. At the conclusion of their discussion, the Committee voted 7 to 1 to support the following recommendations in the February 16 staff report: 1. Approve constructing the library adjacent to Poway Road. 3. Determine that approximately 2 acres on the southeast side of the property be sold for the development of some other use. 4. Authorize th~ Jib?r~ to be designed as a 20,000 square foot building without any i~i~ (added by the Committee) plans for expansion but than an addi~'{~'~i'l"""~'~,O00 square foot office area be built in conjunction with the 20,000 square foot library that could be leased to provide a source of revenue to help offset some of the increased cost of operating the new library, and that this space be designed so that in the future, if the City had sufficient new revenues that could be used to offset the library operating costs, the additional 10,000 square feet could be converted to library use. The Library AdvJ_sory Committee did not support staff's recommendation requesting ti~lif~ty Council to "approve the construction of the box-channel through a portio~of the site as initially planned." The Committee favors an open channel through the entire site. FEB 1 6 1995 iTEM 3 of 3 Attachmen~ TO: City Council Members Library Committee Friends of the Library FROM: Ellen Bern~e~ ~ DAT~ I~lO ,t RE: Library Site / Sheriff Site The library should be placed on the front of the site and should not be shared with the Sheriff Station. Why can't we plan NOW for the future expansion of the Library? And, ~hy can't we plan NOW for the future expansion of the community Center? By the time these expansions can come to fruition our economy would have turned around. But if current plans for sharing the site are carried out there will be no options but to purchase another site that would be larger and more expensive. But where is the Community Center to expand? There already is a need for this expansion so why remove the most viable option?- the back side of the library site It has been and is a given that the Performing Arts Center is not paying for itself - this is acceptable by everyone. But, this is not acceptable for the library. Why must the library be penalized for all the mistakes that have been made in the past such as: purchase of Longs; Poinsettia Mobilehome Park; Royal Mobilehome Park. These have and are a financial drain on City funds. Yet, City Staff is proposing to again add to this by advising that a commercial building be added to the library site and leased out in order to pay for the operation of the library. This might sound logical, except for those past mistakes and because we have over fifty percent commercial vacancy now. Why would anyone prefer this building over others with a much better commercial location? I do not believe the City should be in the landloard business. To try to make the library pay for itself is unrealistic and placing obstacles in the way in order to deliberatly kill the project. We need to look at other areas for raising revenue without tying the word "library" to those efforts. FEB 1995 ITEM 134 [1 Starridgo Street Poway, CA 92064 E C E I V E D February 14, 1995 Poway City Council FEB 1 1995 City Hall t CITY OF POWA¥ Poway, California 92064 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Dear Mayor Higginson and Members of the City Council: In preparation for the library workshop on February 16, I urge you to focus on addressing the needs of the library and how the library is a community asset and contributor to our quality of life. Much of the discussion has centered on the lack of sufficient capital and operating funds and projected deficit budgets. The library can contribute to Poway's economic health but not within the extreme limitations of the present library location. Can we afford the cost of not serving children, of hastening the decline of literacy and the love of books, of not supporting our business commu- nlty and staying with the poorest library system in the county? Compare salaries of a children's librarian and a deputy sheriffs. In 1992, the City of Poway had the financial means to build a 23,000+ square foot library and commitment to operate it. Three years later, we have greater space and technology requirements, and costs for construction and operations are obviously increasing as well. Yet, the proposed size of the new library is 15% smaller and groundbreaking is delayed until operational expenses are identified. The City of Poway can take the right steps for the benefit of the entire commu- nity by remaining focused on identifying our library needs and using its financial capabilities to make it happen. Dedicate the entire use of the 6.5 acres to the peo- ple of Poway for their informational, educational and cultural needs. Allow it to be a place of beauty, an extension of Community Park, a natural habitat and dedicated open space as mitigation for the increasing densities of South Poway. Master plan the site for people to come together in a area central to the majority of residents, businesses and employees. Set aside space for future expansion. Building the library today is the right thing to do, to reflect our community stan- dards and values. Just visit the Poway Library and then step in the front doors of Scripps Ranch, Penasquitos and RB libraries and you will see how insulting it is to Poway~residents to delay a moment longer in obtaining a larger, adequate facility. Sincoroly, Susan W. Sheldon FEB L(; 1995I1EM TO: Mil, DON [IIGGINSON, MAYOR crrv ovt, owx¥ and R E C £ I ¥ £ D CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: .lOVE DAVIS$ON ~ FEB 1 4 ~995 CITY OF POWAY DATE: FEBRUARY 14, 1995 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE As you know, I sit as chair of the City of Poway Library Advisory Committee. At the February 2nd meeting of the committee, members voted to concede two (2) acres of the "library site". I was not and am not in favor of that concession. [ am strongly in support of keeping the Western Lumber site for only the library. I firmly believe that we must preserve our options for future educational, inl'ormational, and cultural needs. I would like to see Rattlesnake Creek preserved as a natural habitat -- it would provide educational opportunities and "food for the soul". I am not promoting the library as a Taj Mahal, but a structure that houses the information of the people, by the people and for the people. We need to consider compatible neighbors for the library such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor Information Center, the Community Services Department, and maybe even an art gallery. Now is the time that we must plan for the future. We cannot decide that we will never need a larger library than the proposed 20,000 square foot facility. That 20,000 square feet represents less than half the "ideal". Yes, the cost is high both in construction and operation. But, can we do less for the citizens of Poway? Mr. Welton Jones, in today's San Diego EDdies-Tribune, writes about the library. .And, although he is writing about the San Diego Public Library, much of what he say holds true for our o,an Poway Library. He writes, "Yes! In an age when data is wealth tuld information access is the key to the vault, public libraries simply gi~e tomy for free and astonishing volume of loot.". Mr. Jones continues, "What offers more value for our cit7 taxes? Streets safe enough to drive on? Water out of the tap? Cops and firemen on call, parks for relaxation, garbage collection once a week? All very important, to be sure, but for sheer potential worth, can any of these compete with the riches of the library? I mean, you can hire a watchman, buy bottles water or turn your yard into a park. But uo single individual c:m affurd to collect tile resources that libraries pass out upon demand,free of ebro'ge." [ realize that tile issue is not really the impnrtauce of libraries -- we all say they are hnportant. Buk aa m, continue to delay the construction of a new libra~' for Puway, we are hnplying that the library is not important. It is the uric public service that is offered free of charge to any person, Ilo matter what theh' age, their culur, or their Ilnauchd means. Eveu the persun with no pernlaneut athlress has access tu the library and tile htfornultton it holds. The "lufm'uultlon highway" Is cow avail;tide i,I our library and can be used by :my patron. CC'. ~ ~q~ I'k, ast,, lust build tilt lilu',,'y. I ~t, s not Ittt p burying,, It iii ~thcr, Issuts snch as tilt, sh~ 'lll's ~ ..t/.sub,',tatiou, st Ilim alltl allm till)lc housing ct tust el upel allen. It is Inlpot taft tu lum Ide this I~t~ ~'~ '~,ervlt'e lu our citizens, It, t% Ii,id ii ;~,) h, do Il. FEB I. I; 1911,5 ITEM 6 LIBRARY SITE OPTION 1 ORIGINAL CITY COUNCIL DIRECTION POWAY ROAD I;, /'/'~: : o AC COMMERCIAL SLTE ~ /,1 )' LIBRAR~ 20,000 SQ F~ 1~0 PARKING SPACES OvmC CENTER DR ~' ~-~-~s Poway Library Capital Improvement Budget Project Funding: $4,750,000 Option 1 site acquisition cost $ 400,000 off-site improvements 415,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipment 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 35,800 project contingency 241.500 Total project cost $4,651,000 Balance $ 99,000 A:\LIB6.JDF LIBRARY SITE OPTION 2 LIBRARY ONLY POWAY ROAD /I Iilllllllllllll]/llillll[llllllll ~=° 210 PARKING SPACES ~lllll/l[llllllllllllltltllllllllllll(- CIVIC CENTER DR. Poway Library Capital Improvement Budget Project Funding: $4,750,000 Option 2 Library Only Concept site acquisition cost $ 1,400,000 off-site improvements 100,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipmen 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 335,800 project contingency 241.500 Total project cost $5,303,600 Library Balance ($ 586,000) Bridge (if Tarascan is extended) construction $1.000.000 $1,000,000 Total Project Balance ($1,586,000) A:\LIB7.JDF LIBRARY SITE OPTION 3A STAFF RECOMMENDATION POWAY ROAD ~.%,x/// I LIBRARY AREA '1/~"/' ~ 20,000 so. m 2.0 AC 117 ~ARKING SPACES CIVIC CENTER DR Poway Library Capital Improvement Budget pro_iect Funding: $4,750,000 Option 3 Staff Recommendation site acquisition cost $ 400,000 off-site improvements 415,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipmen 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 35,800 project contingency 241.500 Total project cost $4,651,000 Library Balance $ 99,000 Office Building construction $1.000.000 $1,000,000 Total Project Balance ($ 901,000) A:\LIBS.JDF LIBRARY SITE OPTION 3B STAFF RECOMMENDATION POWAY ROAD 2.0 AC CIVIC CENTER DR Poway Library Capital Improvement Budget Project Funding: $4,750,000 Option 3 Staff Recommendation site acquisition cost $ 400,000 off-site improvements 415,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipmen 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 35,800 project contingency 241.500 Total project cost $4,651,000 Library Balance $ 99,000 Office Building construction $1.000.000 $1,000,000 Total Project Balance ($ 901,000) A:\LIBS.JDF LIBRARY SITE OPTION 4A LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION POWAY ROAD -- OFFICE AREA LIBRARY lO,GOO 20.000 SO. FT SO. Fl. 1 80 AC 118 PARKING SPACES CIVIC CENTER DR Poway Library Capital Improvement Budget Project Funding: $4,750,000 Option 4 Library Advisory Committee Recommendation site acquisition cost $ 400,000 off-site improvements 100,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipment 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 335,800 project contingency 241.500 Total project cost $4,336,000 Library Balance $ 414,000 Office Building construction $1.000.000 $1,000,000 Bridge (if Tarascan is extended) construction 5; 1.000.000 $1,000,000 Total Project Balance ($1,586,000) A:\LIB9.JDF LIBRARY SITE OPTION 4B LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION POWAY ROAD ~//~y OFFICE ," '/~ ~.~ ,'~ 1 /~ ~./, ~" ~lilllilllllllll~lllll~lllllll ~ /% ~42 PARKING SPACES 2.0 AC I I CIVIC CENTER DR Poway Library Capital Improvement Budget Project Funding: $4,750,000 Option 4 Library Advisory I~ommiltee Recommendation site acquisition cost $ 400,000 off-site improvements 100,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipment 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 335,800 project contingency 241,500 Total project cost $4,336,000 Library Balance $ 414,000 Office Building construction $1.000.000 $1,000,000 Bridge (if Tarascan is extended) construction $1.000.000 $1,000,000 Total Project Balance ($1,586,000) A:\LIB9.JDF SO--ST FORAY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 959 POWAY, CA 920740959 FEBRUARY 14, 199~ TO:HONORABLE MAYOR HIGGINSON, CITY COUNCIL k~MBERS. THE SOLrrHWEST POWAY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION STRONGLY URGES TH~ CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT A LONG TER.M PLAN FOR THE ~.n~'R,ARY AND ADJACENT PARCELS. OUR ANALYSIS, THE BUDGET Iii SUFFICIENT TO DEVELOP THE SITE. AND BUII.~ A 20000 FT BI..ql.,DINO, IF R,~r~t,ESNAKE CREEK. l~ REVERTED TO A NATURAL STATE AND THE REMAINDER OF TH~ Sl'rl~ IS DEVOTED FA~C'I.L~IVE LY TO ~ Lm~.ARY AND pARKIAND. ADDITIONAL SITE USES SHOULD BE COMPLIMENTARY, AND SHOULD INCLUDE EMPHASIS ON PUBLIC TRANSIT, PARK AND RIDE, CHILD CARE FOR COMMUTERS,TELECOMMU'i 1-N'O, TELECONFEKENCING, AND SUCH EXPANSION ROOM AS FUTUI~ GENERATIONS MAY WARRANT. REGARDING LIBRARY OPERATIONS, COUNCIL SHOULD CONCENTRATE ON EXI~ANDING THE LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND. BEGIN WITH MITIGATION FUND PURCHASES OF THE CREEK AND ADJACENT WETLANDS FOR U~E A~ PARKLANDS, AND AS AN OPEN AIR ARI~ORETUM/RIPARIAN HABITAT MUSEUM. ON-SITE DEVELOPMENT OF A PRE-SCHOOL WOULD SEEM COMPAI u~LE W[I'I-I THE KINDERGARTEN TO THE SOUTH. IT COULD BENE~I'~ COMMUTEP~ U~ING PARK AND RIDE FOR EXPRESS BU1LqES. IT WOULD BENEFIT A TELECOMMUTING CENTER I}4TEGRAL WITH THE LIBRARY rr~ELF. ALL OF THESE SYNERGISTIC FEATURE~/SERVICES CAN GENERATE INCOME, OPTIMIZE USES OF THE TO AMPLIFY USE OF DOWNTOWN. IT COULD AL~O BENEFIT TENANT8 OF THE PARK AND PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT FOR LOW INCOME FAM~ -~$. WITH REGARD TO STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. WE CATEGORICALLY REJECT STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS TO PLACE A SHEIoP'~'S SUB- STATION OR LOW INCOME HOUtlING ON THE LIBRARY SITE AS UNACCEPTABLE £XI~EDIENTS. 2 WE STRONGLY OPPOSE CHANNFI.IZING RA'i-iLE~NAKE CREEK. THIS IS UNNECESSARY AND DESTRUCTIVE OF OUR DWINDLING NATURAL RESOURCE AND WOULD DESTROY AN IMPORTANT ARCI-II 1 ~CTURAL FEATURE. 3. THE ARCI:tt t ~CT 8HOLrLD HAVE THE FREEDOM TO PUT THE BUILDING ON TH~ SITE 1N THE OPTIMAL WAY TO hI.l OW FOR LONG TERM EXPANSION. 4. THE CITY SHOULD NOT BE ADDING 10000 SQ. FT. OF OFFICE SPACE UNTIL THE STAFF CAN SPECIFY AU~E THAT ENHANCES THE LIBRAKY AND DOES NOT COMPETE WITH EX~TING COMMERCIAL SPACE. RESPECTFULLY, ~-- AGENDA REPORT SUqHMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the ~ity Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag~rr~/~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ DATE: February 16, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Alternative Sites for the Poway Library ABSTRACT At their December 13, 1994 meeting, the City Council considered options for locating the Poway Library on the Western Lumber site. At that meeting, the City Council requested that a workshop be scheduled. The date has been established as February 16, 1995. EN'VIRON~VIEN~rAL REVIEW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the various suggestions that have been made for developing the library are discussed in the report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Members of the Library Advisory Committee and Friends of the Library (listed in report); Jerry Long, Chairman of Poway Road Specific Plan; and Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of Budget Review Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that_ the City Council review the various alternatives, take public input and provid~dance to staff regarding the location, size, expandability and financing for the~posed Poway Library. ACTION lof8 ~::\reports\libr.sum FEB 16 1995 ITEM CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana rg~/~U~x INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage DATE: February 16, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Alternative Site Plans For The Poway Library ABSTRACT At their December 13, 1994 meeting, the City Council considered options for locating the Poway Library on the Western Lumber site. At that meeting, the City Council requested that a workshop be scheduled. That workshop has been scheduled for February 16, 1995. It is recommended that the City Council review the various alternatives, take public input and provide guidance to staff regarding the location, size, expandability and financing for the proposed Poway Library. BACKGROUND On October 5, 1993, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved the purchase of the former Western Lumber property for $1.4 million for the purpose of constructing a 20,000 square foot library. The concept that was approved at that time included constructing the library on the rear portion of the property and subdividing the front of the property adjacent to Poway Road into two commercial parcels and selling the commercial parcels for approximately $1 million to recover part of the Redevelopment Agency's investment. On March 22~,~)i~, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved a contract with Cardwell/McGf~rchitects to master plan the 6.5 acre Western Lumber site and to design the new Poway Library. Contained in the staff report was a preliminary project cost summary for developing the site and constructing the library. Based upon the conceptual plan that was approved by the City Council at the time the purchase of the Western Lumber site was approved, $400,000 of the $1.4 million purchase price for the property was to be charged to the library budget of $4.75 million for site acquisition. Based upon the architect's preliminary project cost summary, there would be a balance of approximately $99,000 left in the library's CIP budget of $4.75 million if this scenario was followed. 2of8 FEB 16 1995 |TEM 4 Workshop Agenda Report - Alternatives For The Development of the Poway Library February 16, 1995 Page 2 Preliminary Cost Summary (oriqinal conceptual scenario): Project Fundinq: $4,750,000 site acquisition cost $ 400,000 off-site improvements 415,000 on-site improvements 215,000 furnishing and equipment 500,000 construction costs 2,500,000 permits 43,700 design,surveys, testing 335,800 project contingency 241,500 Total project cost $4,651,000 {4,651,000) Balance $ 99,000 Following the acquisition of the Western Lumber Site, both the Library Advisory Committee and the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee recommended that the library be constructed adjacent to Poway Road instead of at the south end of the property so that the library would be in a more prominent position and a public presence could be established along Poway Road. At the time, the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee indicated that they believed there was already an excess of commercial property along Poway Road and that the site would not be a good commercial site. In addition, the Library Advisory Committee and the Friends of the Poway Library have recommended that the City Council reserve the Western Lumber site for the exclusive development of the library. Their recommendation also included developing the property in a park-like setting with the creek improved with a natural channel rather than constructing a box-channel through the property. FINDINGS There are several alternatives regarding the development of the library which have been proposed to, or discussed by, the City Council. These include: 1. The ori concept of placing the library on the south 4 acres of the parcel and sellin§ the 2 acres adjacent to Poway Road for commercial use. 2. lhe proposal to build the library adjacent to Poway Road, improve Rattlesnake Creek as a natural channel and develop the remainder of the property into a park-like setting without additional development other than what may be required to serve the library. 3. Constructing the library adjacent to Poway Road, constructing a box channel and developing a pad on the rear or east side of the parcel, which could be sold to recover some of the investment in the site. 3 of 8 FEB161995 iTEM Workshop Agenda Report - Alternatives for the Development of the Poway Library February 16, 1995 Page 3 4. Constructing the library so that it can 'be expanded from 20,000 square feet to 35,000 square feet. 5. Building a 20,000 square foot library with an additional 10,000 square foot office area that could be leased as office space, with the revenue from the leases being used to help offset the increased operating cost of the new library. In order for the design of the proposed library to move forward, it is necessary for the City Council to advise staff regarding the following issues: 1. Should the library be constructed on the south or north side of the Western Lumber site? 2. Should a portion of the Western Lumber property (approximately 2 acres) be sold to raise approximately $1 million? 3. Should the property be reserved for the exclusive development of the library with the remainder of the property developed as a park? 4. Should the library be designed at 20,000 square feet, or should the library be designed so that it can be expanded to 35,000 square feet or larger? 5. Should the library be developed with approximately 10,000 square feet of office space that could be leased to help defray part of the increased cost of operating the new library. 6. Should Rattlesnake Creek be improved as a more natural channel or should a box-channel be constructed? DISCUSSION 1- The Oriqinal Concept. This concept provides for the library being constructed on the south side of the property with the front 2 acres sold as commercial property. At the Decemb~)~)~, 1994 City Council meeting, there was public testimony that the budget for the development of the site and the construction of the library was overestimated and that there would be a significant amount of money left over from the construction of the 'library. As a result, the library architects, Cardwell/McGraw, were asked to review their budget. After reviewing their budget, the architects reported that: "...we calculated the hard construction cost at $2,500,000 based on a 20,000 square foot library at $125/square foot. The square foot cost was based on our best estimate of library construction costs for our current and recently completed library buildings. The furnishings and 4of8 FEB 16 1995 ITEM Workshop Agenda Report - Alternatives for the Development of the Poway Library February 16, 1995 Page 4 equipment numbers were based on $25/square foot and coincides with our current information and project experience." At the December 13 meeting, one of the speakers commented that the library could be constructed for $85 per square foot, which would result in a savings of $800,000. The library could be constructed for less than $125 per square foot; however, it would probably not meet the community's expectations. $125 per square foot may appear to be high when compared to the cost of constructing general office space; however, constructing a library costs more than general office space because the roof of a library is higher due to the book stacks, the building is more elaborate than most office spaces because of the public nature of the building, the public restrooms are more expensive to build and the foundation is thicker to be able to handle the load from all of the books. In addition, since the library will be one of the most heavily used buildings in the City, it will have to be built to be durable and easy to maintain. The City of Chula Vista recently constructed a new 37,000 square foot branch library at a cost of approximately $135 per square foot. The City of San Diego's new 20,278 square foot branch library cost $149 per square foot to construct and the new 20,000 square foot library in Perris, California cost over $188 per square foot to construct. The balance of the budget regarding both on-site and off-site development cost was reviewed by the Engineering Services Department. The Engineering Services Department has indicated that: "The construction costs for the open channel box, which would be the minimum flood improvement project for the library site, would be $375,000 without engineering costs. Including engineering costs, the channel would cost approximately $415,000. The concrete channel would not be covered... In October, 1993 Engineering estimated the cost of the parking lot and site grading for the south half of Western Lumber site at a total of $415,000. These costs were based upon the library site only and not the commercial site on the front part of the lot. If the bo~hannel improvements are included, I would estimate the site de.~4~ent costs for the library to be approximately $830,000. The total site development costs would approach $1,165,000 (library and commercial property)... Further, we do not know the impact of soil remediation on the site development costs..." The architect's estimate includes $415,000 for off-site improvements and $215,000 for on-site improvements costs. Based upon the Engineering Services Department's estimate, it would cost approximately $415,000 for the box channel and an additional $415,000 for on-site development including grading, and construction of the parking lot. In addition, until further soil tests are conducted the cost of soil remediation is unknown. The soil on the site is an alluvium that has been deposited by runoff. The actual cost of mitigating the soil condition will 5 of 8 FEB 1G 1995 ITEM Workshop Agenda Report - Alternatives for the Development of the Poway Library February 16, 1995 Page 5 not be determined until the location of the library on the site has been selected. As a result, it appears that the architect's estimate for off-site and on-site development costs could be at least $200,000 low. If this is true, the budget for the library could be approximately $100,000 short. 2. Library only, park-like settinq, natural channel. If $1 million is not raised by the sale of a portion of the Western Lumber site, the library CIP budget would have a deficit of approximately $1,000,000, since the library budget would have to be charged the full $1.4 million for the purchase of the Western Lumber site. The cost of improving the creek to a natural channel would be approximately $100,000; therefore, there would be an initial savings of approximately $315,000. However, if Tarascan Drive was ever extended through to Civic Center Drive, which has been discussed, a box channel would have to be built at that time, or a bridge would have to be constructed to span the creek, which would cost at least $I,000,000 to build. In addition, improving the creek to a natural channel would result in the loss of approximately 49,000 square feet (1.12 acres) of the site. The cost of landscaping the balance of the site in a "park-like" manner would be an additional $140,000 and would increase annual operating costs by $15,000. The net result of this recommendation would be that the capital budget for building the library would be $825,000 ($1,000,000 - $315,000 + $140,000) in the negative; it would cost $415,000 to $1,000,000 more to extend Tarascan to Civic Center Drive than if a box-channel was built with the initial improvements; and the annual operating budget would increase by an additional $15,000 for park maintenance. ~. Library adjacent to Poway Road, box channel, sell 2 acres for some other use. This proposal is similar to the original concept; however, instead of developing the library on t~he south side of the site and selling 2 acres adjacent to Poway Road, it cop~ates selling off the rear or side portion of the property for some use. This proposal should result in a budget similar to the original budget; however, the desirability of the south or east side of the property for a commercial use would be less than the property adjacent to Poway Road. As a result, it has been suggested that a public or semi-public use be considered for this portion of the site. Some of the uses that have been discussed include a day-care center; Chamber of Commerce offices; a regional transit facility; and an affordable housing project. As was reported at the December 13, 1994 meeting, there does not appear to be a 6 of 8 FEB161995 ITI:M Workshop Agenda Report - Alternatives for the Development of the Poway Library February 16, 1995 Page 6 demand for an additional day-care center at this time; the Chamber of Commerce office would not be able to afford to purchase the site; and there are no plans to develop a regional transit center in this area. The City Council could elect to go ahead with the development of this site and the construction of the library and not concern itself with finding another use for the site until a later time. However, there would be no guarantee that another use would be found to repay the $1 million. 4. Construct the library so that it can be expanded. The Library Advisory Committee and the Friends of the Poway Library have both recommended that the library be constructed so that it can be expanded from the planned 20,000 square feet to 35,000 to 50,000 square feet in either a single or two-story configuration. Obviously, this recommendation impacts the initial design of the library. If the library is to be designed so that additional space can be added later, it is necessary to determine how the initial 20,000 square feet is to be utilized and the proposed uses for the area to be added with the expansion so that the library can be designed to function properly both in its initial design and following its expansion. This is especially true if the library were to be expanded by adding a second story. With the expansion of the library there would also be an increased cost in operating the library. 5. Build an additional 10,000 square feet that can be leased out as office space. This proposal has been suggested to help defray part of the anticipated additional operating cost associated with a larger library. Redevelopment funds could be used to build the additional space; however, Redevelopment funds cannot be used to pay for the operating cost of the library. It is anticipated that it would cost approximately $1 million to build 10,000 square feet of office space and that the space could be leased for approximately $100,000 per year with a normal vacancy factor. This proposa~ been somewhat confused with the original proposal of selling part of the l~'~q~q~rn Lumber site. The sale of a portion of the site for approximately $1 million would raise additional funds to help balance the capital budqet for building the new 20,000 square foot library. This proposal would actually cost as much as $1 million more to build the additional space; however, the revenue generated from the leases could be used to balance the annual operatinq budqet of the new library. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is exempt from environmental review. 7 of 8 FEB 16 1995 I-IIEM /~ Workshop Agenda Report - Alternatives for the Development of the Poway Library February 16, 1995 Page 7 FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the various suggestions that have been made for developing the library are discussed in the report. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF In addition to the normal distribution, a copy of this report was sent to Joye Davisson, Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee; Jerry Long, Chairman of the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee; Kathy Shawl, Member of the Library Advisory Committee and President of the Friends of the Poway Library; Susan Sheldon, Friends of the Poway Library; Larry Cruse, Member of the Library Advisory Committee; Alison Farrin, Member of the Library Advisory Committee; Barbara Nobriga, Member of the Library Advisory Committee; Cynthia Jahns, Member of the Library Advisory Committee; Antonette Auburn, Member of the Library Advisory Committee; Duke Ayers, Member of the Library Advisory Committee; and Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. approve constructing the library adjacent to Poway Road; 2. approve the construction of the box-channel through a portion of the site as initially planned; 3. determine that approximately 2 acres on the southeast side of the property be sold for the development of some other use; and 4. authorize the library to be designed as a 20,O00-square foot building without any plans for expansion, but that an additional 10,000 office area be built in conjunction with the 20,000 square foot library that could be leased to provide a source of revenue to help offset some of the increased cost of operating the new library, and that this space be designed so that in the future, if the City had sufficient new revenues that could be used to offset the librjmil~perating costs, the additional 10,000 square feet could be converte-~"~SO-library uses. JLB/JDF A:\LIB4.JDF s of 8 FEB161995 ITEM