Item 7 - Denial of Claims for Damages Thomas Fabianwicz AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY · O: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ~ative\Servic~/ Douglas A. Milton, General Services DATE: February '21, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Thomas Fabianowicz ABSTRACT On January 16, 1995, Mr. Fabianowicz presented a claim to the City for damages to his house allegedly caused by flooding during a rainstorm on January 6, 1995. The amount of the claim is in the amount of $843.20. It is recommended that this claim be denied. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This agenda item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this claim be denied. ACTION lof6 FEB 2 1 ~995 ITEM 7 - AGENDA REPOR? CITY OF POWAY This repor~ is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the ~epor~ prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed [rom the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you v/ish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of [he City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members. of~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager of Administrative Services Peggy A. Stewart, Director Services Manage~ Douglas A. Milton, General DATE: February 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Thomas Fabianowicz BACKGROUND On January 16, 1995, a claim for damages was received from Thomas Fabianowicz. The claim is for flood damage to his home on January 6, 1995. FINDINGS During heavy rain on January 6, 1995, a clogged storm drain is alleged to have caused flooding in Mr. Fabianowicz's home. Flood damage is shown to be $843.20. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This agenda item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None A_CTION: 2of6 FEB 2 1 1995 ? Agenda Report - February 21, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:e9 Attachment: Claim for Damages - Thomas Fabianowicz 3 of 6 FEB ~ ! ~995 rri~ ? , ~ hD -� u� o City Of Poway �I I 6 a�,M ac�uwsTTMF crnr oF eow�Y ,� arr�ro�av ��r�ed by , . � � u:s. a+�,7 �e�-ot� Man T . Over Ih� Countar _ f� -�i y o zf A daim,must be�filed wftti the Gry Gteric or Rtsk Manager of�tho Ctty ot Poway wtthin:6 months a}ter which the Inddent orovent oeamed. Be sure your daim.it:apainst,the C(ty ot Poway not;onother pubuc entlry. Where spaee ia Msufficien� please use edditlona! paper and idenUfy,int'om�atlon by par�raph'aumber. Compieted datma must be maited or detrv�ted io The Cfty of Pow�y,13325 Civte Conter Drhre,Poway, CA. �2064 ( P�O. 8azZ89'). Attr+: Risk Ms nager TO THE MONORABLE MAYOR AND;CT'-COUNCIC, THE CITY OF,POWAYC�WFORNIA .. The undtntgned rospectfuily submits the following dalm anC informttlon:�tatfve to damage to.persons snd/ot personai property: , . . 1. Name of daim ; ,' _ '+ , .- �. /lddress.of Gaimant Q Phone�No a Date o! 6irth . _ � � d. Sociai Security No. tkiv�rs Uc:No. �. ,� v �.a 2 Name, telephone and post ottice address to whtcri daimant desires notfces ba be aent R other �!i"an above: 3. Occurrencs or event irom which the.uaim ulses: . ^�- ,-. • _ . at. . Date �-,� . b. Time .���_ a Plau, ( oxaeC.and �3p�eifie loeatlon) d Haw andunder what,circumstances did damaqe or injury oecuc? Specity the particuiar acwrrence, eve_n� act o� omissiorn.you ctaim eaused the tnjury or damape (use additiona! paperli necessary ). � � i � . �� / r What; ar5yailar�utton t�ie Ci or fu e(n o e• p by ty, yees, esused�the aJteged damage or Injury,l % �� .J .' I - � ',✓ 4 of 6 FEB 21 1995 RE� � 4. GPv� a Atscrtptlon ot tf+e iny,,cy, �ppany, ��9 or losa. �o f�r°a- known at the tlme of this � d'm. ft th�rq w�re no kyu :. st�te 'NO tryuriea.• . 1� �� ' - ,� ' e�;. fi� _ , � 7 y . . , ,' ,.;• , � ,: . , ' °. ,, t , ; , . a )� . '�... . . � .. � .r' '. _ .. : ' r .' � ' � � l �� GIVO fl$fTiQ(S�'.0}' . - - , ,. ty sn�toyee(s} _ ustng th pe or injury: , . • r P , O�: 'iC�'t . _ �i 6. _, _ ond a_ , , Y , ef _ ��, . . : . . 7; N�m� ?SdO�sss of th owner of any damepsd : . - �. : . . � O � -�C !–, — � � ; B. Darrfages daimed: a. Amount claimed as ot•thia;date; °� �• ; S � . b. Estimated ambunt ot costs: a a' 7ota1 amou`rtt claimed: s d. Basis tor.coriiputation o�:amounts clsimed (. clude Copies of`all:b�7ta,invo(cos,:�stimates, eic) :. D. Nam and addrou - t-811 witr�e es.,hos ilals. docton, � P a, - _ p,, v�,! t . d � 10. Any additional intormation miplit 6s , tul in ns', - r(no: daim: . WARNING: 17 _IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FllE d FALSE CIAIM! (Pe�at Cod.e §72; Inauranee Code ; 536,1 ) I'Nvo raad tho matteg and ststemer�tt�msda tn iho_above t�aun and'I know tl+o�6ame, to,bttruo ot'rtfy.own krowleC6e, exeopc ae to,V+oae rriamR riated upon trAO_imat,on or botie! as tc axh n�tten I ps6w� Yio sartw Io pe yye. 1 ceRify unde ptnaRy of.perJury"Uf6f ihs=fore;,olnp;:16;TRUE a� CORRECT. • - 8'pr�od this_ ��aY o�l%� 19�, � � - ' ltunaru a 57gnann� O[fioe of.tlie`Qly;Claic . Po�y. G$forrila . OOCIJI'NENT NO. FU.ED 5 of' 6 ' (�� 7 ��8 2 1 1995 , _ _ •o• o • � �f . • e•s, , � ` �, ��% �<,,,__ _. _ .: � s��-�,�/.�� ��l �ii, � <��� _ .: �_ � . . - . . . - .. . , �'.�?l�J11�1''„ �A��JJ'1_�JD.'�'.�!��,_, , ���'.�� _ . -,.�_��'� .� r �� � P' � .. _ _.,.. ., , _.: �. r -� �� - ..- . . . .. . .. .. ..- . . . .. .. .. , . :: . . / ... : . :. •. .. . . : . . : ._��.0- ,_.� .i < � � �/ ��' ► � ° ' • • ��i % . i��/1 <ys� .i��%�7��;,.��� • rL� .�i'I/� �I / � .-_� =�i{/,!�./ /_�/.�i�'!.�bvt-._i.i 1.' �/ ././/ii � --��r _ --�— _ .��_ _ ---_ � �� =�'J ��.� ..�.�'��, ���� , �._ _ ..���-s ��.,,_: . -,: _,: %., , ii�.. . �, . � . � � ,. . ,� , . �- -, . ., .,. _.- .; , , , , , � �,- J .r � . , .. � � . ♦ •. � .