Item 6 - Rehearing of CUP 94-17 VAR 94-10 Ric & Barbara DuDeck - AGENDA R- ~PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Reba Wri ght-Quastl er, Di rector of Pl anni ng Services~i.DQ. DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Re-hearing of Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, Ric and Barbara DuDeck, Applicants. ABSTRACT A request to legalize an existing second living unit which would permit its rental, and a variance to allow the placement of a carport within the side-yard setback area for the property located at 12859 luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone. 'ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Class 3 and Class 5 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT ~ None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 45 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property and Ed Muscat. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Counc i 1 approve Conditi ona 1 Use Permi t 94-17 and Vari ance 94-10, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. ACTION e: le1 tYlplanm nglreport\eup9417a. sum - 1 of 31 FEe 28 1995 ITEM 6 "t~ ~ AGENDA REPOR CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager c9. Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: February 28, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: A re-heari ng of Conditi ona 1 Use Permit 94-17 and Vari ance 94- 10, Ric and Barbara DuDeck, applicants: A request to legalize an existing second living unit which would permit its rental, and a vari ance to all ow the placement of a carport wi th i n the side-yard setback area for the property located at 12859 luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone. 275-400-03 BACKGROUND On January 3, 1995, the City Counci 1 approved the app 1 i cants' request for the project descri bed above. Subsequently, a neighbor filed a request for re-hearing of the subject, based on assertions that: inadequate notice had been given to surrounding property owners; some affected property owners did not receive a notice of the public hearing; and that a neighbor wishing to speak at the original hearing was not permitted to do so. On January 17, 1995, the City Counc i 1 granted the nei ghbor' s request for re- heari ng and schedul ed it for February 28, 1995, in accordance with Sect ion 17.46.080 of the Poway Municipal Code. FINDINGS In response to neighborhood complaints relating to the wording of the public hearing notice, the language of the notice has been expanded to add detail r ACTION, I )) 2 of 31 H.t! ¡:: b 1995 IIt:.M 6 .' Agenda Report February 28, 1995 Page 2 regarding the potential for the legal rental of the second living unit, and a description of the variance request to permit the construction of the required covered parking for the benefit of the second unit within the setback area. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to ~ property owners within 500 feet of the subject property and Ed Muscat. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. JlB:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: A. Resolution B. Letters Requesti ng Reheari ng C. Original Agenda Packet . 3 of 31 FEB 2 ß 1995 ITEM 6 r\ RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO P-95-02, AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-17 AND VARIANCE 94-10 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-400-03 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, submitted by Ric and Barbara DuDeck, applicants, request the approval to legalize an accessory apartment on the property located at 12859 luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone; and WHEREAS, the approval of the accessory apartment requi res the provi s i on of one additional covered parking space; and WHEREAS, the carport for the parki ng space i s requested to be bui lt withi n the front sideyard setback, which requires the granting of a variance; and WHEREAS, on January 3, 1995, the City Counci 1 approved the subject application; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 1995, the City Counci 1 held a second publ ic hearing on the above referenced item to solicit comments both pro & con. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinqs: The City Council finds that this project is Categorically Exempt (Classes 3 and 5) from the California Environmental Quality Act, as it is a small residential structure, and a minor alteration to land use limitations. Section 2: Findinqs: Conditional Use Permit 94-17 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that a second living unit is considered to be an accessory use for a single family residence. 2. That the approved project will not have adverse aesthetic, health, safety or arch itectura lly related impacts upon adjoi ni ng properti es, in that the unit was built as a room addition to the home. It is not visible to the street, and is architecturally integrated with the main house. There is one carport in the neighborhood located across the street from the subject property. 3. That the approved project i s in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, except for the placement of the new carport, for which a variance from minimum sideyard setback is sought. All other property development standards are met. 4. That the approved project encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property withi n the City, as di scussed in Finding #2. The applicants further agree to install a landscape buffer along the east property 1 ine to provide screening of the new parking area/carport, from the views of the adjoining neighbor to the east. 4 of 31 FEB 2 B 1995 ITEM 6 - l7Ì Resolution No. P- Page 2 5. That the generation of a small amount of additional traffic will not adversel y impact the capac ity and phys i ca 1 character of surround i ng streets. 6. That there are public facilities and utilities available to service the project. 7. That there will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources in that the property is a suburban lot which has been fully developed as a single-family home site for more than 25 years. Variance 94-10 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan as discussed in #1 of CUP findings. 2. That there are speci a 1 ci rcumstances appl i cabl e to the property, and because of this, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical zoning classification. The house was constructed more than twenty years ago under 1 ess stri ngent zon i ng setback requi rements. At the time of construction, minimum side yard setbacks were ten (10) feet. The request i s for a minimum side yard setback of eight feet to accommodate the carport. 3. That granti ng the vari ance or its mod i fi cat i on is necessary for the preservat i on and enjoyment of a substanti a 1 property ri ght possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zoning for which the variance is sought. The variance will permit the placement of an additional covered space, in a logical location within the lot. 4. That granting the vari ance or its modification will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or i njuri ous to the property or i mprovements in such vi ci n ity and zone in which the property is located, in that landscape screening will be provided along the east property line so as to provide a visual buffer to the residence to the east. 5. That the granting of this variance does not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the 1 imitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that the property is located in an area where many of the existing homes do not observe the minimum side yard setback due to the age of the structures, and change in development standards which has occurred since their construction. 6. That the granting of this variance does not allow a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by zoning development regulations governing the parcel or property in that the project is the legalization of an existing second 1 iving unit, which is permitted in all single-family zones with benefit of a conditional use permit, and where required off-street parking is provided. 5 of 31 FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 H Resolution No. P- Page 3 Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby resc i nds Reso 1 uti on No. P-95-02 and approves Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the appl icant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. The use condit i ona 11 y granted by thi s permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surroundi ng res i dent i a 1 uses. This conditional use permit shall be subject to annual revi ew by the Director of Planning Services for comp 1 i ance with the conditi ons of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the past year. If the permit is not i n comp 1 i ance with the cond it i ons of approval, or the Pl anni ng Servi ces Department has recei ved comp 1 ai nts, the requi red annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council, to consider modification or revocation of the use permit. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fi re Code, and all other appl i cabl e codes and ord i nances i n effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. For each new residential dwelling, commercial or industrial unit(s), the app 1 i cant shall pay Permit, Pl an Check and Inspect i on Fees and School Fees at the established rate (in accordance with City-adopted policy and/or ordinance). 6. A paved, covered park i ng space shall be constructed and a 1 andscaped buffer shall be installed along the east property 1 ine, within 90 days from the date of this approval. 7. An Affordable Housing In-lieu Fee of $2,500 shall be paid pri or to building permit issuance. 6 of 31 FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 -k! Resolution No. P- Page 4 - 8. The outdoor storage area shall be permanently divided floor to ceil ing, from the living space of the second unit. This work shall be completed within 60 days from this approval. 9. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished. 10. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with appropri ate grad i ng practi ces and the Un iform Pl umbi ng Code. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. 1. An inspection fee of $500 shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to building permit issuance. The purpose of the fee is to provide for an inspection of the site to certify proper drainage. 2. The fo 11 owi ng development i mpact fees shan be pai d to the Engi neeri ng Services Department prior to building permit issuance: Drainage Fee $ 950.00 Traffic Mitigation Fee 660.00 Park Fee 2,550.00 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Counc i 1 of the City of Poway, State of California, this 28th day of February, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 ~"" 7 of 31 - I JAN 91995 CITY OF POWAY Meyor Higginson end City Council CITY CLERK'S OFFiCe Subject: Request to eppeeltho docislon to grant CUP 94.17 and Variance 94.10 approving a reRtal unit and sldo setback for a carport localed at 12859 Luiseno Dr, 1) At the maating on January 3, 1995 only three cards wore turned in opposing the above: A) Jim Seifert - Community Protection Chairman representing approximately 1100 families for the Green Valley Civic Association B) Stuart Ed/eson - a neighbor C) Ed Muscat. (myself) a neighbor that resides next door to the property in question There was little opposition present at the meeting because the notice was misleading. After speaking with neighbors upset by the City Council's decision to approve the above CUP and Varience, I asked them why they were not in attendance at the meeting to voice their objections, The response rang out over and over that the notice didn't say anything about a rental or side yard setback or a carport, therefore, nobody became alarmed. For instance: an existing second living unit for an elderly relative or an older child could possibly be accepted and is thought of as a very different circumstance to an apartment for rent. 2) Stuart Edleson of 12826 Indian Trail attended the City Council meeting and filled out the card requesting to speak out opposing the CUP and Varience, However, he was never called. He was unsuccessful in getting the City Council's attention and therefore went unheard. The City Clerk has his red card if you wish to investigate this further. 3) Three letters in support of the apartment were secured by the Dudecks: two from fellow realtors and one from Allen Thrailkil, a neighbor immediately to the Dudeck's west side. Although Mr. Thrailkil has no problem with the current renter making noise or being an annoyance, he is against the building of a carport and any legalization of this unit for rental purposes on a long term basis. When Ric Dudeck presented his letter for a signature he never mentioned the need to add a carport or make any other changes to his property. Mr. Thrailkil will be sending you a letter stating his opposition. 4) During the City Council meeting, Ric Dudeck stated at the podium that the carport would be 100 feet from the street and out of sight.! measured a maximum of 40 feet from the street to the front of his garage and cannot see any possible way to hide it from sight. Construction of a carport meeting Mr Dudeck's descriptlcn would require tearing down part of his house and the removal of several trees. 5) The Varience for a setback and carport were approved at the same time as the CUP Discussion about the setbacks and carport were never open for debate and thus were passed without proper review and without the knowledge of the neighbors effected. 6) The Dudeck's, both of whom were reai:ors at the time of purchasing the home, knew that multiple units on single family properties as rentals were not allowed in this area. The unit In question was never a rental pnor to the Dudeck's owning the home. 7) City plans are created with the Intent of maintaining the integrity of neighborhoods. Multiple units on single family properties as rental units are discordant with this neighborhood and in direct oppositIon to the plan for Green Valley. Please grant a rehearing for CUP 94.1 ì and Varience 94-10, Ed Muscat 12865 Lulseno Drive Poway, CA 92064 c c, GVCA 8 of 31 A TT ACHMENT B FEB 28 1995 itEM i;¡ . ~I ,- - 1- 12848 LUISENO DR - POWAY, CA 92064 JANUARY 8, 1995 MAYOR DON HIGGINSON & CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL POBOX 789 POWAY, CA 92074-0789 DEAR MAYOR HIGGINSON & CITY COUNCIL, THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS TO EXPRESS MY OBJECTION TO THE LEGALIZATION OF A SECOND FAMILY DWELLING AS A RENTAL UNIT AT 12859 LUISENO DRIVE. I DISAGREE WITH THE VIEW AS REPORTED IN THE POWAY CHIEFTAIN THAT THE "COUNCIL MEMBERS...COULDN'T FIND THE...UNIT - DISCORDANT WITH THE AREA," OUR AREA IS NO LONGER A SINGLE FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL AREA WHEN YOU ALLOW TWO FAMILIES TO OCCUpy A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND THE SECOND FAMILY IS NOT RELATED TO THE FIRST AND THE SECOND FAMILY IS PAYING RENT TO THE FIRST FAMILY THUS MAKING THE PROPERTY AN INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTY. THE SHORT TERM IMPACT IS NOT BENIGN SINCE IT ALLOWS A CHANGE TO THE GREEN VALLEY PLAN AND IT IS A DEVIATION FROM POWAY'S GENERAL VIEW AGAINST SECOND DWELLING UNITS. IN ADDITION, THE PRECEDENT THAT IS SET WOULD FAVOR THE GRANTING OF FUTURE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR SECOND DWELLING RENTALS. - MY HUSBAND AND "'DISCOVERED" GREEN VALLEY ON A DRIVE TO THE "COUNTRY", PEACE--QUIET --ST ARS--SP ACE--CHILDREN-HORSESm GREEN VALLEY HAD IT ALL! SPACE IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE FOR US. MOVING FROM A 50' FRONTAGE HOME IN SAN DIEGO THE 1/2 ACRE MINIMUM APPEALED TO US. JUST AS IMPORTANT WAS THE ZONING FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES. OUR PRIOR NEIGHBORHOOD HAD A HIGHER DENSITY THAN WE DESIRED AND HAVING LARGE LOTS WITH NO "TWO ON ONES" ALLOWED, MADE IT A CERTAINTY THAT THE NEIGHBORHOOD WOULD PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY THAT FIRST ATTRACTED US TO IT. 9 of 31 ATTACHMENT B FEa 2 8 1995 ITEM b . ,.t .~ PEOPLE LIKE TO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE GETTING INTO BEFORE MAKING A LONG TERM COMMITMENT LIKE BUYING A HOME. WE CERTAINLY DID OUR RESEARCH BEFORE WE COMMITTED TO OUR PRESENT HOME ON LUISENO DRIVE. NOW, ONE CITY COUNCIL RULING CAN CHANGE ALL OF IT! I WAS ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THE NOTICE ABOUT THE HEARING ON JANUARY 3. TWO POINTS: 1. NOWHERE IN THIS NOTICE IS IT MENTIONED THAT WHAT IS AT ISSUE HERE IS LEGALIZING A SECOND DWELLING UNIT AS A RENTAl. THIS DEFINITELY MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO ME! 2. THE DATE OF THE HEARING, THE DAY AFTER THE NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY. AND FOR SOME THE FIRST DAY BACK TO WORK AFTER A LONG CHRISTMAS BREAK, MADE IT DIFFICULT FOR PEOPLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING. I RECEIVED THIS NOTICE APPROXIMA TEL Y ONE WEEK PRIOR TO JANUARY 3, DURING THE HOLIDAYS, THIS WAS NOT A GOOD TIME TO HAVE TO CONSIDER A MATTER SUCH AS THIS. SO, IF YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT THE LACK OF NEGATIVE RESPONSE, THE INCOMPLETE NOTICE AND THE TIMING OF THE HEARING CAUSED THIS. THAT IS WHY I HOPE YOU WILL ALLOW A NEW HEARING ON APPEAL OF THIS MATTER. I BELIEVE YOU WILL SEE THAT THE MAJORITY OF THE NEIGHBORS ARE OPPOSED TO A CHANGE IN THE GREEN VALLEY PLAN. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OF MY REQUEST, MOST SINCERELY, é~ "' - '/' ,.¡ /. , /2o.L4 no~.~ -'kv it¡,,-.: . ~7\ . "'f'C:'ß¿tXýj CHRISTINE l. HUDDY v' ROBERT l. MAIRE CC: GVCA fES 2. 8 1995 IîEM ,6 .1 10 of 31 - January 8.1995 - Mayor Don Higginson and Counci1members City Hall P.O. Box 789 poway 92074-0789 Re: CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 Dear Mayor Higginson and Councilmembers: Our house was one of the first houses built in this area almost 24 years ago. We knew the builder of the house in question. They did not build what today is called a "second living unit" for rental property. Over the fifteen years or so that they lived there it was available to various family members. To call it a separate living unit as stated by the Agenda Report, 3 January 95 is not exactly correct. That is, however. what it has been for the past five years. It seems that the majority of the homeowners did not want this request to be approved. We bought in this area to have a large lot and a single-family home on that lot--not duplexes. apartments, or condos. To allow a "separate" rental property is to the detriment of what this neighborhood has stood for. When I come out of my front yard I can see where the "covered parking" structure is supposed to go. It will stick out and will be unsightly. There seems to be very little room for one in the first place. It will be sticking out toward the street and it will have an adverse impact. Have Mayor Higginson, Deputy Mayor Callery or Councilmember Cafagna actually seen the property in question to know if this is going to be compatible with the surrounding property? According to the residents that will actually have to look at it, it will not be compatible. Please grant a rehearing for CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10. Thank you, Brad and Siegride Griffith 16117 Bennye Lee Drive Poway, Ca.. 92064 c.c.GVCA A TT ACHMENT C 11 of 31 FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 ' ~ Phyl1 is Howarrl 1~846 Stone C~nyon Rn. Pow~y, c~ 9~O64 "-vor !Jon Higginson City Hon p O. Box 789 ?,>,.cy, 9~O64-0789 De~r M-yor Higginson, ?nn ~ity Council, I "ould like to expr"ss my oPIosi Hon to the Counci l' s 0 pprov~l to legalize e rent'l unit ~t 1?869 Luesino Dr. in the Del Norte "-rea of Po'J~y, ~t the J~nuAry 3riÍ Public He~ring. : received ~ notice of the Hearing during the busy holiday seêson, ~nd I ~m sure, like mony other Area residents, it was put aside, And the He~ring being held the d~y after the Nev Yeers holid"y '.eek-end caught m'ny unprepared. I beliE"/E' a rental in our "City in the Country" ,,'ould spoil our trenquil environment, ,.hich is '.hy most of us moven her" in the first pl~ce, ~nd I think it could st".rt a precedent for ne>' people moving here. I sincerely rope you "i 11 reconsider your e~rlier decision with a. rehearing for the concerned ci ti7pns in the area. Respectfully yours, lj ./1.-1/ :.;/ .'-/'~.L,--"y-"-¿-( Phyllis S Hcward ATTACHMENT D fEB 28 1995 ITEM .6 ¡q~ 12 of 31 ~, - ) - 07 3an.1995 Christian Von Mueller 16111 Bennye Lee Drive Poway, Ca. 92064 Home: 451-6315 Busi: 524-5122 Mayor Higginson, WHAT IS GOING ON???? After finding out that CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 was approved on 3 JAN. 95, I was MAD!!! And I am still MAD! Unfortunately, due to my work schedule I was not able to attend the public hearing on 3 Jan. 95. I didn't write or call the staff planner for more information, because I thought the City Council would NEVER approve something like this in GREEN VALLEY since it is totally inconsistent with the Poway general plan. Here are MY views and concerns on this issue: 1. I DO NOT APPROVE OF A SECOND DWELLING UNIT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12859 LUISENO DRIVE (CUP 94-17). Furthermore, I do not approve of having a CARPORT built on that property to support this second dwelling unit (VAR. 94-10). 2. Green Valley is comprised of Single Family Homes on half acre or larger lots. These properties are valued starting at $300,000 and up. This to me would be considered a Middle to Upper Class neighborhood. To state publicly that approval of this second dwelling for rental purposes would not have an adverse impact on the neighborhood is absolutely idiotic. Of course it will have an impact! On the property values! And having a Carport facing the street will also not impact the neighborhood? GIVE ME A BREAK! ! !! Green Valley is not the place for second dwelling- rental properties. 3. The Notice Of Public Hearing which was sent to me never addressed the fact that this second living unit would be used as a rental. It also did not state that a carport had to be constructed to support this second unit- The notice was very misleading. 4. I have lived at 16111 Bennye Lee Dr. since 1986- I knew the previous owners at the property in question. They HAD NOT used the second living unit as a rental- The owners children had lived in this dwelling. ATTACHMENT E fEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 .\ 13 of 31 s. This issue needs to be re-addressed. The city staff planners need to take a closer look AGAIN at the impact it would have to this neighborhood in Green Valley. It obviously was not looked at very closely before. ~. q;4JL Christian Von Mueller - ITEM 6 ,\ rEB 2 B 1995 14 of 31 - - ,- 12826 Indian Trail .- Poway, California 92064 january 5, 1995 Mayor Higginson and City Council Regarding: Conditional Use Permit granted to Rick Dudeck on Luiseno during the 4 January City Council meeting. Dear Mayor and Council Members, I am writing this letter to express my opposition to the Council's decision to grant Mr. Dudeck a conditional use permit which allows him to rent part of his house to a tenant. As I was unable to speak at the meeting I would like to take this opportunity to express my concerns with respect to allowing second family tenancy in the Green Valley area. First, I oppose allowing the use of second dwellings for rental on property zoned for single families. This violates the Poway general plan. While Mr. Dudeck's single tenant appears to be a small impact to the city - as a whole, it is a significant impact to my family and my neighbors who live on the same street. I choose to live in Green Valley, a community of large lots and single family dwellings where for the most part, residents have accepted the added responsibility, and expense, of maintaining larger acreage than they would have in, say Mera Mesa. We purchased our properties at a significantly higher cost so we could live in an area with lower density,quieter streets and a common interest in the neighborhood. One rental on the block contributes to violating tlùs condition by increasing traffic, making higher demands on utilities and eroding the neighborhood's purpose. In effect, a commercial business is being established in the center of, and to the detriment of our family environment, Let's keep commercial rental pr~erty to those parts of the city where it is so zoned, and people-living there made their choice knowing the circumstances. The second reason I oppose this is that we are allowing someone to live in our community who has no responsibility or interest in the health and well being of the neighborhood. He generally cares little about the value of the properties in the area since he has nothing invested. The current tenant is quiet and does little to change the neighborhood. But what about the next tenant? And what happens if Mr. Dudeck sells the property to someone who's only interest is to rent both dwellings and himself not living there? - I'm sure that this is possible, and legal. ATTACHMENT F FEB 2 S 1995 ITEM 6 . ,\ 15 Of 31 Yes, Mr. Dudeck (who is a realtor and whose wife is a very successful realtor) has improved the value of the neighborhood by making improvements to his property, but for what purpose? And why is he now, after five years or so of iIIegally renting the dwell, wiling to accept the expense of back fees and other improvements recommended by the city manager to legalize it? Is it for the betterment of the neighborhood, or for his own personal gains? I believe he is preparing this property for sale, one with a rentable dwelling on it - a case which would surely invite the interest of persons with living standards different from those of the current neighborhood. Next, 1 wish to express my surprise in finding out after the meeting that in addition to granting Mr. Dudeck a conditional use pennit, the Council also granted a variance to the city code to allow less than the legal setback for the "covered parking" Mr. Dudeck must provide for the tenant. The variance was not listed on the agenda as far as 1 saw, and except for the city manager saying that it was required before the conditional pennit could go into effect, no discussion addressed the setback and apparent carport which would be needed to meet the requirements of the conditional use pennit. Mayor Higginson and members of the Council, please bring this issue up for a rehearing. What you have authorized by granting the variance is a structure which will be discordant with the appearance of the neighborhood. It must be located in a narrow space between Mr. Dudeck's driveway and his neighbor's driveway. It will not be built off the side of the house, but rather protruding from the front of the house toward the street. And rather than being set well back, it will extend very close to the street, In short, this "covered parking" structure will be a neighborhood eyesore, detrimental to property values in this area of the city. Please, may we have a rehearing on this conditional use permit grant? I for one woukllike another opportunity to voice my opinion, Sincerely, Stuart K, Edleson C.c, GVCA 16 of 31 FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 - ,I ~, - !- january 6, 1995 - Mayor. Don Higginson City Hall P. O. Box 789 Poway 92074-0789 Re: C.U.P.#94-1 7 Var. 94-10 Dear Mayor Higginson, I am a resident of the Del Norte area in Poway. I and my family have currently lived here for the past eight years. Previously, llived in the Green Valley area with my parents from 1965 - 1971. I enjoyed the Poway experience so much that when I had children of my own I returned to this area to raise them. I have been extremely pleased with that decision. However, I am now greatly saddened to hear of the development being allowed at 12859 Luiseno Dr. It seems to me that the Dudecks are being rewarded for going about things the wrong way. If there was illegal structure to the house when they bought it, then I agree they should not be the ones punished. However to continue to make more allowances to create a structure that would be an eyesore as well as go against the makeup of the neighborhood deserves some in depth consideration. This move seems to open the door to this area becoming much more developed. with the results being a much more dense population and many rentals, I agree there are places for that, but not in an already established neighborhood with rules and guidelines that now seem to be getting tossed aside. I do not recall ever receiving any notice of this variance being up for discussion. I also believe that details have not been fully represented to the city counsel members as to the actual structure being built, and as to the reasons for it. This address never included a rental property before, and there was no reason for the buyer of the property to believe it would be allowed to become one. I ask you to reopen discussion of this situation and consider the consequences to the neighborhood as a whole. Thank you for considering this matter. 1 Øz ntP£:,Í1«-/~ nm Lea s 16144 Del Norte ATTACHMENT G 17 of 31 FES 28 1995 ITEM }). 'I 1 RECEIVED- . Donald Higgenson JAN 1 0 1995 8 January 1995 Mayor - City of Poway City Hall CITYOFPOWAY P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 CITY MANAGERS OFFICE Mayor Higgenson, Just today I was informed by Mr. Ed Muscat of the Council hearing, and decision, regarding Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10 in favor of Ric and Barbara Dudec. I wish to express my alarm and great displeasure regarding this decision. It has the appearance of being based upon a foundation of untruths as related to the Council by Mr. antrMrs. Dudec. In addition, the Dudec's give all indication that they can do as they see fit, and the neighborhood be damned. First of all, I live within the 500-foot circle adjoining the Dudec's property and I WAS NOT NOTIFIED of a hearing on this matter. I certainly would have attended the Council meeting on January 3, and expressed my objections to the Conditional Use Permit as well as the Variance. I am writing to you at this time, because I understand that there will be another Council meeting on 17 January, to review the prior decision. I will attend that meeting and wish to have my objections heard at that time. The Dudec's knew when they purchased that property from the Dryden's that it had never been used as a partial rental, or for any other commercial purpose, by the former long- time owners. This is a single family neighborhood according to zoning and all we neighbors of the Dudec's, in fact every home owner in the greater Green Valley area, purchased our properties at a premium price in order to preclude the ultimate deterioration that occurs to neighborhoods once rentals spring up. I do not wish that to happen to this very beautiful area of North County! Mr. Mayor, what is to prevent others of us who have second units on our properties from requesting a Conditional Use Permit for their use as rentals also? What would prevent me from requesting a Conditional Use Permit to open up a Bed and Breakfast on my property (one car per night just as the Dudec's property will have)? What if the gentleman across the street from YOUR home decides he wants to build a second unit on the back of his property, which would be clearly visible from the front of your house, then rents it out? Once the bliaht starts there is no stoDoina it! Second issue. I don't believe Mr. Dudec is being honest about the required carport. He can't possibly build back 100-feet from the street because there isn't that much space available in the àfea he describes on his plot plan. It appears to be more like 40-feet, or less. About his agreement to plant vision-limiting shrubbery on the East side of the carport. That does nothing for the eyesore all we neighbors will see from the front There is already an eyesore property across the street from the Dudec's with an open carport, piles of landscaping debris, and piles of raw horse manure throughout the yard. One festerina wound in our neiahborhood ¡g enouah! i5ti t¿J Ù\-h~ 6~i}J JJ. \; ATTACHMENT H FEB 28 1995 n¿M (¡ L8 of 31 ~ 1\1' ,I . - Thirdly, Mr Dudec seems to have a great disregard for building code. He has erected an a-foot plywood eyesore he calls a fence between his property and Mr. Muscat's. What makes me believe that if he continues to build unlawfully on his property, that he will comply completely with code regarding the rental unit downsizing? Once inspected, it is possible to remove the 'storage" partitians and enlarge the rental living space to its original square footage (to justify more rent). Fourthly, I find that the approval of the variance for purposes of constructing a carport IS a scecial crivile<,¡e that no one else in the neighborhood enjoys. The carport is required because of the requirement for off street parking for Mr. Dudec's renter 'n a Drivileçe no one else eniovs. Mr. Daèfëc is a smart man. Being a Realtor, he knew the condition of the property before it was purchased by he and his wife. It HAS NEVER BEEN a rental. The Dryden's allowed their children to live on the property, rent free, for a couple years. but no other tenants have ever been on that property. Being both a Realtor and a smart man, I presume Mr. Dudec is positioning himself to divest himself of the property at a time when homes are not reselling as fast as they once did. A clearance from the City to permit part of his property to be used as income producing property would greatly enhance his ability to sell the property at this time. Lastly, if the Dudec's can't afford to live in this fine neighborhood without resorting to the use of their property for supplemental income, they never should have purchased in this area in the first place. I ask you to reconsider your prior approval of both the Conditional Use Permit and the Variance granted to the Dudec's on 3 January. Sincerely, 6~~~ G.M. Huston 16138 Bennye Lee Drive Poway, CA 92064 , 19 of 31 FEa 2 8 1995 ITEM- 6 ~,! - \ ¿Ja--rusJ /99-5 J~~n~~_u --_.-7J~-_dJß]---~~~~- u- - --- -- -...- - -- --------. -- -. .--- ._- "' ~ --.7/u~ .<;/~~ ;-__u--__n- -. - I __&~. ~-- ~- ~._~---u_- --þ .~_~n /U-'~M::?-__- ¡ _.n./u;;~.-~_n_~ .-.- -- --- ]1 _.~ ~n_£ ~-;ý~ -- ~ ...d j~ .f'S 7' c7"~ J - - .----- - -- -.--nn- - --- - - ~ ÚYV~ j.AJ ~ ~ p~ ¡ q e.-~~. þ ~.-.z:.~,~~~ f , ~~ u-. -~ <7~' ..Þ"Y'~.--._.. -y.. 'I!~'""Þ - - [1-- _n . ..--. . r REC -- J~ ~~/ t - ~ E I V E D/l¿ ¿. t /JU-& 4/.h.dd/ ¿v~ It( JAN - 9 1995 CI7Y~~~;RWAY -._- - - _8 OFFICë . . ___~_n._- ~-------U"_. -..-- - --- -___H' -----. lÞ V;t J ~V ATTACHMENT I FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 ""' I 20 of 31 ~ - -- RECEIVED JAN 11 1995 January 9, 1995 CITYOFPOWAY CITY MANAGERS OFFICE Mayor Higginson and City Council Ci ty Hall P.O, Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Subject: Request For Appeal CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I am writing this letter to formally request that the decision to grant Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10 to Ric and Barbara Dudeck be reversed. My family and I moved to the San Diego area approximately two years ago. Our intent was to find the best place to buy a home and raise .~ our children. After an extensive search we found a home on Luiseno Road which we felt met all our needs. Our primary reasons were Poway's commitment to the growth and well being of our children and the Green Valley area which gave us a neighborhood of well established single family homes that our neighbors took pride in. We paid a premium for these things but we felt it was worth the financial hardShi~ to be assured that we would have a neighborhood that we would fee safe in and be proud of for years to come. We feel that Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10 to Ric and Barbara Dudeck should not be allowed. Second dwelling units for rental do not maintain the integrity of the neighborhood and are incompatible with the surrounding properties. It was not our understanding from the Notice of Public Hearing that the intent of CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 was that the property was to be used as a rental for commercial gains and that a carport would be erected. - Again, we would like to voice our concerns on this issues and request that a rehearing be scheduled. Joe and Linda Leighton 12847 Luiseno Road vr! ~ I/.~ !J t~ ~ ~!!?1 ATTACHMENT J FEB 28 1995 lïEM 6 .: \ 21 of 31 - AGENDA~~PORTSUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l, Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~ Jl Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services ~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, Ric and 8arbara Dudeck, applicants. ABSTRACT A request to legalize an existing second living unit for the property located at 12859 luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Class 3 and Class 5 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 26 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. ACTION - -.- e: Icitylplanninglreportlcup9417 .sum FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 A TT ACHMENT C JAN 3 1995 n'EiId 8.- 22 of 31 - if AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: HOM"bl, "'" ,"d ".b"~' cay C,"oo;l FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assi stant City Manage~\ ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: January 3, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJ ECT: Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, Ric and Barbara Dudeck, applicants: A request to legalize an existing second living unit for the property located at 12859 luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone. APN: 275-400-03 BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting the granting of a conditional use permi t and variance for the purpose of legalizing an existing attached second living unit at the address listed above. The building under discussion was built as a 750 square foot room addition in 1973, and was later converted to a separate living unit. Appraisal records indicate the presence of the second unit at the time when the Dudecks purchased the property in April 1989. FINDINGS In order for the subject second unit to meet current City of Poway standards for the construction of second units, the unit must be reduced in size. The main house contains 2,690 square feet of living space. The applicants have agreed to modify the accessory apartment by reducing the square footage to 650 square feet in order to comply with the 4:1 ratio size of main house to second Yßit. This wi 11 be accomp'tî shed by constructi ng exteri or wa 11 s where a bedroom closet currently is placed, separating an area 7.5'x 14.25' in dimension from the living space of the unit, adding an exterior access door making this space into outdoor storage. ACTION: I .. . FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 . ,I 23 of 31 - ) Agenda Report January 3, 1995 Page 2 The app 1 i cants are also aware of the requ i rement for one add it i ona 1 covered space. They have agreed to construct a carport adjacent to the east side of the existing garage. A setback variance win be needed to permit a twelve (12) foot encroachment into the required 20 foot minimum side yard setback. Staff supports the placement of the carport in the proposed location, since it will provide for the most logical extension of a paved parking area for the tenant, adjacent to the existing driveway and garage. The applicants further recognize that adequate landscaping will need to be installed along the easterly property line in order to visually enhance the new driveway area which will be placed within eight feet of the property boundary. Since the unit i s a complete independent 1 iving unit, it is subject to development impact fees which will include the following: Traffic Mitigation, Drainage, Grading/Drainage Inspection, Parks, Schoo~ Fees and Affordable Housing In-lieu Fee, These fees will be paid at building permit issuance. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Class 3 (a small structure), and Class 5 (a minor alteration in land use limitations), of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to --2Q property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. e: \city\planning\report\cup9417 .agn JlB:JDF:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and location Map C. Site Plan D. Proposed Floor Plan -.' ITEM FEB 28 1995 h 24 of 31 JAN 3 1995 liEi'd "8 - .- RESOLUTION NO. P-95-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-17 AND VARIANCE 94-10 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-400-03 WHEREAS, Conditional Us~ Permit 94-.17 and Variance 94-10, submitted by Ric and Barbara Dudeck, appl icants, request the approval to legal ize an accessory apartment on the property located at 12859.luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone; and WHEREAS, on January 3, 1995, the City Council held a hearing on the above referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinas: The City Council finds that this project is Categorically Exempt (Classes 3 and 5) from the California Environmental Quality Act, as it is a small residential structure, and a minor alteration to land use limitations. Section 2: Findinas: Conditional Use Permit 94-17 - 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that a second living unit is considered to be an accessory use for a single family residence. 2. That the approved project will not have adverse aesthetic, health, safety or architecturally related impacts upon adjoining properties, in that the unit was built as a room addition to the home. It is not visible to the street, and is architecturally integrated with the main house. 3. That the approved project is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, except for the placement of the new carport, for which a - variance from minimum side yard setback is sought. All other pro~~rty development standards are met. 4. That the approved project encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City, as discussed in Finding #2. The applicants further agree to install a landscape buffer along the east property line to provide screening of the new parking area/carport, from the views of the adjoining neighbor to the east. 5. That the generation of a small amount of additional traffic will not adversely impact the capacity and physical character of surrounding streets. 6. That there are public facilities and utilities available {o service the project. _.. FEB 2 8 1995 ITËM 6 ..1 25 of 31 JAN 3 1995 ITEM g- , Resolution No. P- 95-02 Page 2 7. That there will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources in that the property is a suburban lot which has been fully developed as a single-family home site for more than 25 years. Variance 94-10 1. The approved próject is consistent with the general plan as discussed in #1 of CUP findings. 2. That there are special circumstances appl icable to the property, and because of this, the strict appl ication of the Zoning Ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical zoning classification. The house was constructed more than twenty years ago under less stringent zoning setback requirements, At the time of construction, minimum side yard setbacks were ten (10) feet. 3. That granting the variance or its modification is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property i n the same vi ci n i ty and zoni ng for wh i ch the variance is sought. The variance will permit the placement of an additional covered space, in a logical location within the lot. 4. That granting the variance or its modification will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located, in that landscape screening will be provided along the east property line so as to provide a visual buffer to the residence to the east. 5. That the granting of this variance does not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that the property is located in an area where many of the existing homes do not observe the minimum side yard setback due to the age of the structures, and change in development standards which has occurred since their construction. 6. That the granting of this vartance does not allow a use or activity wh i eft i s not otherwi se express ly authori zed by zoni ng development regulations governing the parcel or property in that the project is the legalization of an existing second living unit, which is permitted in all single-family zones with benefit of a conditional use permit. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in wrjting that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner sha 11 execute."a Covenant on Real Property. FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 .~" 26 - of 31 .JAN ~ 100<:; rr;:;IA Q - - Resolution No. p...95-02 Page 3 - The use cond it i ona 11 y granted by th i s permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential uses. This conditional use permit shall be subject to annual rev i ew by the Director of Planning S.ervices for comp 1 i ance with the conditions of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the past year. If the permit is hot in compliance with the conditions of approval, or the Planning Services Department has received complaints, the required annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council, to consider modification or revocation of the use permit. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES, 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Oepartment prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at - the time of building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. For each new residential dwelling, commercial or industrial unit(s), the applicant shall pay Permit, Plan Check and Inspection Fees and School Fees at the established rate (in accordance with City-adopted policy and/or ordinance). 6. A paved, covered parking space shall be constructed and a landscaped buffer shall be i nsta 11 ed along the east property 1 i ne, withi n 90 days from the date of this approval. 7. An Affordabl e Housing In-lieu Fee of $2,500 shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 8. The outdoor storage area shall be permanently divided floor to ceiling, from the living space of the second unit. This work shall be ~ompleted within 60 days from this approval. 9. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demol ished. 10. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with appropri ate gradi ng pract ices and the Uni form Pl umbi ng Code. .-_. FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 27 of 31 - ITëM JAN 3 1995 8 \ Resolution No. P~5-02 Page 4 COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED, COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. I. An inspection fee of $500 shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to building permit issuance. The purpose of the fee is to provide for an inspection of the site to certify proper drainage. 2. The following development impact fees shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to building permit issuance: Drainage Fee $ 950.00 Traffic Mitigation Fee 660.00 Park Fee 2,550.00 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Counc i 1 of the City of Poway, State of California, this 3rd day of January, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk _.'City.of Poway FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 ! 8 of 31 JAN 3 1995 -1ïì::\!-13 - f( L " 'Y ~/ -1 Itl / ",. '\ i ~~ ~ I[lSI:1 : I Úo ",ie'\ ~...:LJ.-: 11' 1. '-.'-7" -- - ) ....,~\ 05-1'1 . ~ . I í, Eapola .--R~d .' )1 I L LA - T T "- tt. - ^ \ (!J-~. T Iii r:= , - ~,~ íI = rr ~ '- ), - ( \. -=- .. - )'- ----- , - :--\1 h:¡ -- p~ t ~ . B\ -'::=!: ~ ~ ~~">l 'In~ ò ~;œ A 'r-1\.? ì- <: y( ¡!-~"'"'<:: \ ~,y" ,- J 7" h= !! '- 'I- ì ß ~ :::::::: ~ 0 ~ ,.J"" I =r 'r: Ir ':::J I 1./ ~ «~ ,\ V . - v 1-"--\11, . j I I \ \) . - = r--J,.. ';. V .I"" 'r- = .1 ;;.J. ~ ¡IID'/I! I ./ =- ::::J~~ r-" ~~\\~ },IT$II L -r i~= ~ ~ ý J- ß j \ 7L1i I ,j- Ì'~ ,/ '11.-\ ./ J-.I /'-.. I ~ ~ fjc I V ~ ~ ~-=V: ñ'\ ~~\:If Jr. I( ~~r"' \- -I- \'hr-u ~ Tì Y- "t~ J11f / TI'- Tfí 'JT ,;~ ~ J. ~ H_! "N~ Ie Jill rt1 í(jr-- 1 I ];t ~ 2:'/ ',,- r-:: tL~ '-dl 1 ~ 1.. I ~ ~ .J.' 'rT ",-" '~ -- ~ - -<:" -':I ~ Ii ~ );~:: '" -.; ~- N ~ (Qq-I I ~~~'- J/IT ß t ¡ CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: CUP 94-17/VAR 94-10 @ TIT L E: ZCNING & I.O:ATICN MAP II FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 I SCALE: N<M: .'. ATTACHMENT: B 29 of 31 -I "" ^ ._-- .--.. - ;- . L "'_0 .shod / .'r' 7' I , I \ I \~ [ , \-l~ \' f 1 ' C,arOj~ c;:;.'C . \~ II. /5 S' I I \ I Z~'!2 -.,.f, $/ \ ' , / \ I' \~ ~". \ I \ - , I '" \ ' i J \ L - - - - - - - _\ /3"1.0' FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 ." ".' " L (" = 2é)' ,--"C<:1 e 1:J- I JAN 3 1995 fïci\t 0 , 30 fa 31 ATTACHMEN'!' (' - ~ .~:¡3\~."-. T ":~,~:., I ' Co . f LlIlI.oJ , '-'c...' : I " I i : - '5'>@ I i '! ."e'~ BYR I ! , ~~1:.~ ! , I I ; BF'- ; ¡ - 1 i í I , :1 f' I """5" -t- /3'(,,"- B; r::-~:'.- ". - ¡ . : I , ,t'- . .. I' ,~,.." i L' .. v , I R -::: .-' . "f ø C9) L3A 15/'7" F P , ¡ , @ a:J Ii' I '(~ ¡<,. ...., I rò'(tt ¡ i I "...PI? '" ,;- \ ' t: . I 0° e" . ..... - . .25' e,eð.: £~ ' 1. ~ 13'6 "--t I. : ¡ ~oo'~ 13/ f(! i I I 1:,1f\ 7, In /0' I \ ! 14'~"1 B f' 8^ i I . t 1 , _1- I . :::---:-.._~ "..~j t-------- .:I.) '{o ., ----1 ; L""/ . , ~ GAr:Aje.;~' . . <':.. FEB 281995 ,ITEM b :., , I 31 ~:'; 1 . ~;¡f,~,~~~~Joj~ii4;~..,çi~";;'f l~~~~~~, ~è. ¿;;¿) ;;0 /45 J ~ 2--¿{-9S --- A t:t Pre he d ,'s rIte re 5 pONSé' 5 -¿o J....e tteR 5 +A At- W fì S j e I\) e v A- te d CDtV ce'ýNi~ OuR. PevfYì:-t d- /) A y,' A- rJ c~ #7'1-/7 d- ~ LiL/-IO A 5 dAte c1 ;2 -;:¿ I - q 5 RECEIVED '5 ;rvceveLl ¡: r. ~ ~~ . ;.~.. CiTY OF POW¡\Y CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ,. C5?~ D~~ c'2? ~ FEe 2 B 1995 ITEM 6 If ---- ~ ------..- February 20,1995 Dear Mr. Muscat, First of alii want to say that you and your family have made it very difficult to be neighhbors. It seems like just yesterday that we moved in. I was your newest best friend because I saved your family from getting beat up and harrassed by the family who used to live here. You went on to say that your innocent older boys(2) were always at the mercy of the boys who used to live here. As time went by we discovered what kind of boys you really had. The disrespect of children as well as adults became very well known,it did not take long before your older boys began cussing,shouting and harrassing me. Come to find out it was not just me but anyone who would not put up with their disrespectfulness. Even at the bus stop in the momings it was noticed that the bullying and cussing was something that was not dealt with at home. This became evident by the shouting contests between you and your boys. I honestly thought I would have to call the police or paramedics. There were a few times I felt sorry for Mrs. Muscat as far as how the boys talked and yelled down to her. The disrespect of other people's property became worse as the years went on. The pelting of eggs at my house, cigarette butts littering my property from your boys and their friends, bottles and beer cans also littering my property, and throwing fruit over the fence when we had company over became quite a nuisance. It became evident finally that I should put up a fence and once again my newest best friend came over to ask what I was doing, when I said that I was going to put up a fence, I was really caught off guard when Mr. Muscat said,"1 won't be able to watch Barbara get undressed anymore." (My wife never dressed in front of an open window as long as we have lived here). You then left me wondering about the whole family. It was two years later that I extended the height of the fence mainly for further privacy and to help support your oleander bushes which are at least fifteen feet high. I frankly was tired of having to trim bushes which hang over my property four to five feet. We have certainly tried over the years to get along with your older boys. I don't think you are aware of what your children do when you are gone, and by the way the maid you leave in charge just can't hanldle the older boys. You put me in a position of watching your kids when you are not home and I don't appreciate it. I think the classic one is when I had to call the police to break up a pool party at 2:00am one Sunday when you and your wife were out of town. I did not move here with the intention of caretaking your family or at least the ones left home alone with the maid. I especially felt sorry for Sean this past summer when he got ahold of an m-80 and almost blew his hand off. But there I was ready to take him to the hospital should he need it. For all these years not one word came from you as far as the back unit. Of course this is the first male tenant we have had. The comments about our renter you yelled at the City Council meeting were heard by many and totally uncalled for. With the boys growing up and the sessions with Dr. Robinson they really do seem to be on the right track. My conflicts with you over the years are ones I'd rather forget about. We have no intention of moving as we love our home and cherish the time we are here. FEB 28 1995 ITEM Ó I I'm sorry if over the years we have not gotten along as I'm sure we may have. But win or lose our conditional use permit, we will still be here!! Just to reiterate it's nice to drive home and not have one of your boys harrass us,as I stated I'm glad they are growing up and leaming respect. As far as the fireplace in my room addition goes, I've checked with the City of Poway and the manufacturer and raising the stack mayor may not help the smoke stay out of your yard. The City says it's to code. I have no direct control in air current. If more examples are needed please let me know, smoke bomb almost thrown through our front screen,pomographic material put in our mail box,being caught toilet papering our home and then your boys denying it, more examples are available upon request,but I think these should suffice. As for you comment concerning the distance between the projected carport, I was stating the distance from your house to the carport not the distance of the carport to the street as you implied I said. City plans are certainly created to maintain integrity within the neighborhoods. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this. The fact is as you know we have had someone in our back unit on and off for the last five years. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week plus one renter certainly has little impact when compared to your household of nine which includes your live-in maid. With the two motor homes,two corvettes and five more assorted vehicles including a horsetrailer,a boat,a truck, etc. I can understand your concern for my renter's vehicle. The above stated remarks are the opinions of only myself. ~~elb£~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway 22 respondents to The City of Poway re: CUP FEB 2 ß 1995 ITEM 6 .,j February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, This letter is in response to yours dated Jan.11, 1995. I apologize for the lack of accurate notification that was sent out to the surrounding area by the City. I feel the same way you do as far as the carport. The last thing in the world I want is to be compared to my across the street neighbor at 12856 Luiseno. The room addition that I built last year has been remedied through the proper channels of the City. Since Mr. Muscat has reported us to the City we now have a situation that we are trying to legalize. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this. The fact is we have had someone in our back unit on and off for the past five years. We have never had a complaint of any of our neighbors,ever. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week has little impact compared to our neighbors who have lodged the complaint with a household of nine which includes a Mexican live-in maid. This maid is also left in charge when the Muscats are out of town. This is a sad situation as I have had to call the police to break up parties on different occasions. Finally to set your mind at ease listed below are my requests I will be making to the City regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. I can only hope that the City will approve the conditions stated above as a compromise to our situation. I hope this letter enlightens you as to the whole situation versus just one side. Please let me know in writing to me or the City of poway as a response to this letter. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. c:R:el£).~..f) ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway fEB 2 8 1995 ITEM Ó :I'I> February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kowal, This letter is in response to yours received Jan.12,1995. First of all please let me set the record straight. The room addition that was added last year was an extension of our master bedroom not the unit we are now applying for a conditional use permit. You can't see our back unit from the street.lt was built on to the existing home and is attached. I do have a variance and a building permit for that master bedroom extension. I certainly agree with you as far as the carport goes, this is not my suggestion but one of the City's. I do apologize for the lack of notice to you and several other neighbors from the City. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week certainly has little impact compared to our neighbors who have lodged the complaint with a household of nine which includes a Mexican live-in maid. This is a sad situation as I have had to call the police to break up parties on different occasions when the maid is in charge and Mr. and Mrs. Muscat are out of town. We have had someone in our back unit off and on for the past five years and never,never had one complaint from our neighbors. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future and as you have stated,we also love this area we live in. Finally to set your mind at ease listed below are my requests I wil be making to the City regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. Please let me know if you have any questions or concems. SinCerelYfj....fJ éX~ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 ",~ February 20,1995 Dear Mark Wisnosky, I am writing you this letter in response to yours dated Jan.16,1995. I do apologize for the confusion in the notice the City sent out regarding our back unit. First of all the hearing that was held last year was to grant a variance and building permit on an addition to our master bedroom. This is not the same structure we are dealing with here,at this time. The back unit of our home has always been there,it is attached to our home. It cannot even be seen from the street. The fact is we have had someone in our back unit on and off for the last five years,we have never had a complaint of any sort from our neighbors. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week certainly has little impact on the neighborhood compared to our neighbors who have lodged the complaint with a household of nine,which includes a Mexican live-in maid. This maid is also left in charge in the past when Mr. and Mrs. Muscat are out of town. This is a sad situation as I have had to call the police to break up parties on different occasions. I am writing this letter to you to set the record straight. The structure we are asking the City to grant us a conditional use permit does indeed conform with the surrounding area. The carport would certainly be an eyesore,as is evidenced by the one across the street at 12856 Luiseno. Not only is their carport an eyesore but the constant debris has always been evident since 1989. I have even called the fire marshall to respond. Finally to set your mind at ease we will be asking the City to waive or address the following items regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. I can only hope that the City will approve the conditions stated above as a compromise to our situation. I hope this letter enlightens you as to the whole situation versus just one side. Please let me know in writing to me or the City of Poway as a response to this letter. Should you have any questions or concems please feel free to contact me. Sincerelb....f) c:S<~ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM Ó ., February 20,1995 Dear Mrs. O'Sullivan, This letter is in response to your letter as dated Jan.1 0, 1995. I certainly do apologize for you not receiving the proper notice from the City. Asking for a conditional use permit under our circumstances is an option that each and everyone of us as homeowners have the right to ask of our City. In the Poway Plan I'm sure the conditional use permit is mentioned. Refering to your letter you are certainly correct and you can rent your home. I believe the granting of our particular situation would in no way harm the conformity of our community of which we love and may also retire here. I understand your apprehension regarding rentals in the are however,1 will be asking for the following should the City of Poway agree to it regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future,we also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. Please feel free to contact me directly with any other concerns you may have. sincereM CX~ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway fEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 February 20,1995 - Dear Mr. and Mrs. Engler, I am sending you this letter in response to your letter dated Jan.11, 1995. Thank you for noticing my fence. Did you also notice it was not always that high. I raised it to prevent Mr. Muscat's oleanders from hanging over onto my property. How can you see the fence anyway? Please let me know should you decide to put up a fence around your property as I'm sure all the neighbors would find it an improvement(since they have stated that your yard is an eyesore). I understand your apprehension regarding rentals in the area however,1 will be asking for the following should the City of Poway agree to it regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future,we also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. Please feel free to contact me directly with any other concems you may have. &cerelb) ~ ....fJ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEe 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 . I February 20,1995 Dear Harrison O.Daigh, I am sending you this letter in response to your letter dated Jan.10,1995. I can certainly appreciate your concerns regarding the approval of our conditional use permit. First of all,if we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. The granting or not will not deter others on a case by case basis from applying for a conditional use permit,as it is anyone's right who so chooses. The fact that I have stated and requested a permit for rental purposes should not be taken any less than to request a conditional use permit period. What I'm asking for is certainly in the general plan and I have the right as a homeowner to do so. I understand your apprehension regarding a rental in the area however I will be asking for the following should the City of Poway agree to it regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. Please feel free to contact me directly with any other concerns you may have. Sincerelfj...Q 6<~ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEB 28 1995 ITEM Ó - February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Navidi, This letter is in response to your letter dated Jan.S,1995. First of all this is not going to set a precident as this is certainly not the first conditional use pennit to be requested. I can understand your concem as to the rental unit. Let me give you my assurance that my wife and I are very selective as to the renter of our unit due to the close proximity to our own home and lifestyle. We take our time to find just the right person and the unit has gone vacant for as much as six months as we are not dependent on that income. We are not trying to make this an investment property I understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area, but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following from the City regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To tenninate our conditional use pennit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use pennit from the City. If you have any more concems,please feel free to call me directly. &!e~~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM b ,\ February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Huth, This is in response to your letter of Jan. 13,1995. To let you know my wife and I have been Poway residents on and off for the last 15 years. I have a daughter that attends school here and she will graduate from poway High in the future,as we love the school district and love the area we live in. I apologize for the notice that was sent out to you,! certainly was unaware of the untouched issues in that notice put out by the City. I do agree with you as to erecting a carport, again this was not my suggestion but one of the City's. This is a situation of which we inherited and are just trying to correct. I understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in, If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use permit from the City. If you have any more concerns, please feel free to call me directly. &n:e~~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway fEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 February 20,1995 Dear Phyllis, This is in response to your letter. I'm very sorry that my public hearing held Jan.3, 1995 "caught you unprepared." As far as to set a precedent in our area,1 can't answer that. What I will say is that it is my right as a home owner to request what I am requesting and it is certainly your right to voice your objections. 6?~e~~~ Ric DuDec 673-1534 cc: The City of poway rEB 2 8 1995 ITEM Ó ., February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett, This letter is in response to your's dated Jan.1 0, 1995. I also have a daughter, aged 14 that I am raising here. At the top of our list is harmony and conformity and the person who is priviledged to be considered in the back unit must be beyond reproach to say the least. I'm sure a conditional use permit conforms with the Poway general plan. I do agree with you as far as the carport and setbacks. This is not my choosing but rather one of the City. I can assure you that at no time in the last five years that we have had someone living in the back unit on and off has there been any complaints. Our renters have been courteous,honest,trustworthy,and an addition to the community. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future,we also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. I understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. &~b~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 I' February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Griffith, This letter is in response to your's dated Jan.8,1995. I do agree with you as far as the carport situation,l am going to ask to have that waived. Thank you for the time you allowed me at your home in response to our situation. And thank you for stating that you never even knew we had a renter over the last five years because our property was very quiet. Especially living as close as you do it seems this shows that there is and has been very little if any impact on the neighborhood. You further stated that you have never had a confrontation or a problem with anyone at any time regarding our property. I appreciate further your suggestion to have any or all of the council members including the members of the City Manager's office over to get a true picture of our situation. I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use permit from the City. If you have any more concems please feel free to call me directly. SincereM, Q :.... ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway FEB 2 B 1995 ITEM 6 February 20,1995 Dear Mr. Von Mueller, Being a renter and not a homeowner is certainly a point of which you are familiar,however, you certainly do have as much say as a homeowner. I also agree with your concems regarding a carport. After all two carports within three hundred feet would be a bit much. However, if we had to build one,wouldn't you think that it would confonn with our house and lifestyle not like the eyesore across the street. I do apologize for the notice that was sent out to you ,as not being as fully detailed as it should have been and again do agree with you on this matter. I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area, but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit, 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To tenninate our conditional use pennit upon the sale of our home, and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use pennit from the City. If you have any more concems please feel free to call me directly. Sincerely, ~ é5(~~ Ric DuDec 673-1534 f!t: f¡{~ ~r(y cf POuJFly FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 - February 20,1995 Dear Mr. Edleson, I am sending this letter in response to your's dated Jan. 5,1995. Thank you for acknowledging the fact that our one renter will have a small to no impact to the City. Your statements in your letter hold little credence. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this. The fact is,we have had someone in our back unit on and off for the past five years. We have never had one complaint. However, you and your wife have blocked our tenant's parking space on several occasions when you park your horse trailer to load and unload to go riding with the Muscats. Please refrain from this in the future. As far as my utility bills go,l sure it is much less than yours or Mr. Muscafs. And as far as added traffic is concemed once again, our vehicle count is less than yours and Mr. Muscat's. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week certainly has little impact compared to our neighbor who has lodged the complaint with a household of nine which includes a Mexican live-In-maid. Not to mention the 2 large rv's,2 corvettes,and I believe four more vehicles plus a horse trailer, a boat and a truck. In regard to our tenants, the people who have been priviledged enough to be considered had to be beyond reproach,honest,clean,trustworthy,and above all,never park an old or inoperable vehicle on or near the property at any time. I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home, and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use permit from the City. To answer your question as far as why am I now requesting the conditional use permit? That's pretty easy to answer,Mr. Muscat reported his displeasure and now I'm simply trying to get it legalized. Funny, but Mr. Muscat never,never,ever complained when our tenants were female. GtrrefJ~.u.k. Ric DuDeck 673-1534 Ct~ 'f)/G ðrry or PCILc..llly FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 -II '-"- February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Phippen, I am writing you this letter in response to your's dated Jan. 10,1995. I do apologize for the misunderstanding regarding the City's notice about our current legalization of our back unit. First of alii would like to say whether you have cc&r's or not, the city still has the power to grant items such as a conditional use permit or not. This is the whole idea of a conditional use permit, the City has the control to assure the surrounding area neighbors that the quality of life does not change. I find it strange that I have never had a single neighbor or anyone else even question our situation,because at the top of our list was harmony and conformity. The people who have been priviledged enough to be considered for our back unit had to be beyond reproach,honest,clean,trustworthy,and above all, never park an old or inoperable vehicle on or near the property at any time. As far as how many more units mayor may not be approved in the future is as unknown as the Chargers were in the final score of the Superbowl. If this were just a situation of parking inoperable vehicles on my property I suppose this would not even be in question. By the way,with the four vehicles you have parked in your driveway and the other one in the middle of your front yard, I'm surprised no one has approached you, I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home, and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use permit from the City. Please let me know if you have any other concerns on our situation, feel free to call me direct or respond to the City concerning the conditional use permit. Sincerely, CX~~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 -, I Febnuary 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bellini, Thank you for allowing me to respond to your letter dated Jan.9, 1995. I do apologize for the lack of notice to you from the City. I understand that several other people did not get notices either. I do agree with you in regards to constructing a carport,it might certainly be an eyesore. As an example,my neighbors across the street at 12856 Luiseno, not only is the carport an eyesore but the constant debris that is always evident, and has been since 1989. I have even called the Fire Marshall to respond. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use penn it. The fact is that we have had someone in our back unit on and off for the past five years,we have never had a complaint of any of our neighbors, ever. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week certainly has little impact as compared to our neighbors who have lodged the complaint with a household of nine which includes a live-in-maid. This maid is also left in charge when Mr. and Mrs. Muscat are out of town. This certainly is a sad situation as I have had to call the police to break up parties on different occasions. Also,Mr. Muscat relayed incorrect information to you regarding the carport. I stated the carport would be approximately 100 feet from his house not 100 feet from the street. He stated that I said it would be 100 feet from the street. Finally to set your mind at ease as we discussed on Jan.28, 1995,my suggestions to the City regarding this issue are as follows: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have aways done). 4. To tenninate our conditional use penn it upon the sale of our home,and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. As you have stated we also love the area we live in. I can only hope the City will approve the conditions as stated above as a compromise to our situation. If the above stated conditions are acceptable to you,plelase briefly state that in a letter, or if you have any other concems please feel free to let me know directly. &~eltJ~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway Lauer and Frank,Attomeys at Law FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM 6 ,i February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ramseyer, This letter is in response to your's dated Jan. 5,1995. I agree with you as far as the carport goes and I'm going to ask the City to waive that condition. As far as the density being increased due to our one tenant,1 don't believe that will be an issue. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week has little impact on the neighborhood compared to our neighbor who has lodged the complaint with a household of 9,which includes a Mexican live-in-maid. This maid is also left in charge when the Muscats are out of town. This is certainly a sad situation as I have had to call the police to break up parties on different occasions. I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area, but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home,and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. Please let me know if you have any other concerns on our situation " and feel free to call me direct or respond to the City conceming the conditional use permit. sincer~...Q c:::x ;..., (Y Jz. Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway FEB 28 1995 ITEM b 1< February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Leighton, This letter is in response to your's dated Jan. 9,1995. I certainly do apologize to you for the lack of necessary wording in the original notice you received from the City of Poway. Thank you for noticing the fact that most of us do take pride in our homes and upkeep. Our back unit certainly does conform with the area as it looks like a part of the main house and cannot even be seen from the street. I do also agree with you as far as the carport. The last thing I want people to compare us with is our neighbor's across the street at 12856 Luiseno, who have a carport that most consider "an eyesore" as was stated in other letters received from concemed parties. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this action. The fact is we have had someone in our back unit on and off for the past five years,and have never had one complaint. In reality, nothing has changed in our routine. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week certainly has little impact compared to our neighbors who have lodged the complaint with a household of 9 which includes a Mexican live-in-maid. This maid is also left in charge when the Muscats are out of town. This is certainly a sad situation as I have had to call the police to break up parties on different occasions. I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area, but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home,and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. Please let me know if you have any other concems on our situation,and feel free to call me direct or respond to the City conceming the conditional use permit. sincereM <5(~ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of Poway - fEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 ,. '--. February 20,1995 Dear Mr. Maire and Mrs. Huddy, This letter is in response to yours dated Jan. 8,1995. I apologize for the lack of necessary wording in the original notice you received from the City of Poway. I do understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,however, you have never complained in the past five years regarding this situation and in reality nothing has changed. This will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home,and remove the stove. As we have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting this from the City. Quite frankly, I am surprised that you are reacting in such a manner. Never when you were running your business out of your garage were there ever any complaints from us regarding delivery vehicles or excess traffic on the street. We believed then as we do now that if it doesn't infringe on other neighbors let it be. Please let me know if you have any other concems on our situation, and feel free to call me direct or respond to the City conceming the conditional use permit. Sincer~.....f) ð=<~ ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: City of poway fEB 2 ß 1995 ITEM h . \! February 20,1995 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thrailkill, Thank you for allowing me to respond to your letter dated Jan. 9,1995. I do understand that you are in the middle of this situation due to the fact that Mrs. Thrailkill is employed by Mr. Muscat. I do agree wiith you as to having to erect a carport. It would certainly be an eyesore. You already have an unsightly situation across the street at 12856 Luiseno,the home of John and Julie Engler. Not only is the carport an eyesore but the constant debris that has always been evident since 1989. I have even called the city to have the fire marshall respond. To set your mind at ease as we discussed on January 23,1995 my suggestions to the City will be as follows: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person at a time{as we have always done) 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home,and remove the stove. As we have no intention of selling our home in the near future, I can only hope that the City will approve the following conditions as a compromise to our situation. If these conditions are acceptable to you,could you please briefly state that in a letter,or if you have any other concems please feel free to let me know directly. Sincerely, c5? ~ fL.£)...J<. Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: City of poway FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM b ~,I ----C- . February 20,1995 Dear Mr. Schafer, This letter is in response to your's dated Jan.1 0,1995. First of alii would like to confirm that at this time I have only been approved of one variance and that is an extension of our master bedroom. The variance on the projected carport is certainly one which I don't like either,however,it seems to be what the City is asking for at this time. The conditional use permit again is something the City requires in order to continue in the same manner as we have been doing on and off for the last five years. I do apologize for your lack of notice,as again,l can only state that the City was following their guidelines of 500 feet notice and I believe your home was outside of their diameter. Our family of two adults and a daughter twice a week certainly has little impact as compared to our neighbors who lodged the complaint with a household of nine which includes a live in Mexican maid. I understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. 3. To only rent to one person(as we have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use permit from the City. If you have any more concems,please feel free to call me directly. &:efJ~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM b - February 20,1995 Dear Konni Leavens, I am sending this letter in response to your's dated Jan.6,1995. Like you I lived in poway many years ago,moved away and came back in 1989. I also love raising my daughter in Poway. I do appreciate your agreeing with many of the other neighbors in the area as to our inheriting a bad situation(referring to the back unit). I certainly do agree also with you as far as the carport that the City wants us to construct. An eyesore maybe, but not as bad as the carport across the street from us. As far as more rentals in the area I can't answer that. But I do know as a homeowner that I have a right to request a conditional use permit and as you already know,you have a right to voice your opinion. I do apologize for you lack of notice from the City. As far as the details of our conditional use permit, again I apologize and I know the new notices have since been delivered or at least sent out in the mail. I understand your apprehension as far as a rental in the area,but this will not be a transferable situation when we sell our home. I will be asking for the following regarding this situation: 1. Do not construct a carport. 2. To make no other alterations to our house or to the back unit. - 3. To only rent to one person at a time(as wwe have always done). 4. To terminate our conditional use permit upon the sale of our home and remove the stove. We have no intention of selling our home in the near future. We also love the area we live in. If we thought we were changing the character of the neighborhood we certainly would not be requesting a conditional use permit from the City. If you have any more concems,please feel free to call me directly. Sincerel~ (\ c:x ~ ~~~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 cc: The City of poway FEB 28 1995 I¡EM 6 --~- February 20,1995 To The Honorable Mayor Higginson,Susan Callery, Bob Emery,Mickey Cafagna,Betty Rexford, I am writing you this letter in response to Mr.and Mrs. Griffith's letter dated Jan. 8,1995. Their suggestion and we certainly concure is that to be fully educated in our situation is to come over and take a look at our home. We respectfully request you do so individually or together. We believe you will see all the facts exactly as we have stated up to this point. Should you not find things as were stated we certainly would not expect you to vote yes on our conditional use permit. 6~t:r~ .£j ~ Ric DuDeck 673-1534 RECEIVED ::¡::s "',I ¡':;S'; CiTY OF PC""'AY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM Ó February 20,1995 To the City of poway and City Manager Staff, This letter is in response to the letter received by Mr. and Mrs. Griffith as dated Jan.8,1995. Their suggestion is to have City Council members come over and look at our property . But I would like to take it one step further and request that the City Manager and/or any of his staff come over to get a first hand look at our particular situation. If at that time you find things different or other than we have already informed you,then I certainly would not expect you to support or to make suggestions to back our proposed conditional use permit. Sincerely, <5< ~ ~....Ð~ Ric DuDec 673-1534 RECEIVED , Ftb ;~j. 199:; Clï't OF rO\'lA'("" CITY CLERK'S OFfiCE - FEe 2 8 1995 ITEM .6 )J ~-ÞI-I 2tjlfS '-i7J/ç~ v~ February 23. 1995 -~ - ~ ^-~ Mayor Don Higginson City Hall P.O. Box 789 Poway,CA 92064 Regarding C.U.P. 94-17, Var. 94-10 Dear Mayor Higginson: We are writing this letter to ask you to reconsider your vote on the above mentioned variance to grant Rick and Barbara Dudeck a conditional use permit which allows them to rent part of their house to a tenant. According to newspaper reports you did not find the unit discordant with the area. We strongly disagree. The property in this area is zoned for single families. The lots in this area are generally one quarter to one half acre and are meant for single families with no rentals. Your vote for the variance is a vote against the General Plan established for Poway. We have lived across the street from the Dudeck's property for over sixteen years. When the original owners and builders of the property at 12859 added on the extra room, it was meant for their youngest son, who had returned home to live with them for a period of time. The addition was also lived in by this son and his wife while he attended college. Subsequently, it was used by another son and his family, who were suffering financial hardships. It was never used as a rental unit and never used by anyone other than family members of the owners. Since the Dudecks have moved in, they have consistently illegally rented the addition as well as illegally added on another addition and a fence over the legal height. Please stand by your vote and help us to convince the other council members to reconsider their decision and listen to the neighbors who live in this lovely neighborhood. There are many children in this neighborhood and we want it to be safe and nice for our children. We are also strongly opposed to the variance which would allow the placement of a carport within the side-yard setback area. Carports are not consistent with the majority of the homes in this area and we feel it will be an eyesore as well as not meet setback requirements for the area. S~iiÞ/1<~!} ~ John and Julia Engle 12856 Luiseno Poway, CA 92064 FEB 2 B 1995 ITEM £, C¡STRfBUTEDu' ~ '? Iff~'; Mr. Don 81&&lnson, Mayor February 22,199S MI. Susan CaUery, Deputy Mayor Mr. Mickey Cafagna, Council Member RECEIVED Mr. Bob Emery, Council Member Ms. Betty Rexford, Council Member r U¡ 2 7 1995 City of Poway Copied lor: 13323 Civic Drive City Council poway, California 92064 CITY OF POWAY City Clerk CITY MANAGERS OFFICE JLB/JDF/RW.O Subject: CUP-94-17 and Variance 94-10 for 12839 Luiseno Drive Dear Mayor and Council Members: Thank you for granting a re-hearing on the subject Conditional Use Permit and Variance. Attached is our original letter on this subject that addresses the key points at issue. We have reviewed the proposed resolution on this suhject and flDd it defective! Although our January 10, 1995 letter addresses the defects in the resolution, we wish to emphasize the following points: 1. A rental unit is inconsistent ",;th the 2eneral clan The proposal is inconsistent with the area and general plan in that it is a second dwelling for rental purposes, This is a single family home area as properly identified b)' the city staff. Rental units have no place in this area. A second living unit as an accessory to a single family residence does not connote a rental unit. 2. The caroort variance is in-aoorooriate The addition of carport is a significant variance of community st3ndsrds. There is only one other carport in our area, Although we would prefer tbat tbere were no carports, this structure does not encroucb on any set-backs, as proposed in this variance. 3. The oroiect is not harmonious with other structures in the area .. .. Man)' of us in this area have expended considerable effort to assure thnt our re-modeling and additions have been consistent with our homes architecture. \Ve have taken &reat pains to assure improvement in appearance of our area. The room addition visible from the strcet lit this addrcss Is Mrchitectulllly Inconsistent and the Addition tlf the cAr ltlrt CODlIIIlIlIllls tbls lrohlenl. ""'" . FEO ¡¡ 8 !DDS .-..---,---- ITEM 6 .. I ---- Based on the above and the attached, we urge you to denv the subiect CUP and Variance. Very Truly Yours, ,2\~ Ron and Kathy Fawcett 12841 Luiseno Poway, California 92064 FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM b .\' --- .--. January 10, 1995 MA YOR: Don Higginson COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mickey Cafagna Susan Callery Bob Emery Betty Rexford City of Poway 13325 Civic Drive Poway, Ca. 92064 Dear Council Members: SUBJECT: CUP-94-17 and Variance 94-10 for 12B59 Luiseno We respectfully request a re-hearing of your decision to grant II conditionlll use permit for II ~ living unit IInd substllntilll vllrillnce for II cllrpon lit the IIbove IIddress. We recommend thllt you re-hellr this cllse IInd vote IIgllinst the vllrillnces. BACKGROUND: We hllve lived lit 12841 Luiseno since 1981, We moved to this home beclluse of the fllmily IItmosphere, low trllffic IInd custom homes on IlIrge lots. Our children, IIges 1111nd 14, hllve been rllised in this IIrell with fllmilies who III so hllve children IInd lire IIccustomed to will king, riding IInd plilying IIround the streets, We hllve mllde substllntilll investments in improvements of our propeny, liS hllve others. The proposed vllrillnce IInd use permit is ~ inconsistent with this neighborhood. The following IIddresses the key points to consider: ,. Inconsistent with oenerlll oliln The project is inconsistent with the generlll plan in thllt it is II second dwelling for !!ll11Dl purposes. We chose to live in this IIrell knowing thllt it WIIS not zoned for rentlll units. 2. Will hllve IIdverse IIrchitecture Although the dwelling in question is not visible from the street, the required cllrpon IInd encrollchment of set-bllcks is visible IInd inllpproprillte. 3. Inllooroorillte cllroon vllrillnce The vllrillnce for the cllrpon is Inllpproprillte IInd is II deteriorlltion of community stllndllrds. 4. Project discourlloes the orderlv IInd hllTmonious IIODBllrllnce of structures The cllrpon is not hllrmonious with the structures in this neighborhood. FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM Ó CUP-!J4..17 (continued) 5. Inaoorooriate traffic Many people have moved Into this area to raise families, All of us in this area are aware of the children playing In the area. ~ who do not have an Investment In the community nor have families will not be as aware of child safety and pose an increased threat, 6. Sinale familv area As acknowledged by the city, this Is a ~ family dwelling area, not a multiple unit rental area. 7, Zonina allows second Ilvina unit. not rental unit The zoning contemplates second living units but not for rental DurDoses. 8. Lack of disclosure The extent of the variance for the carport was not disclosed prior to the hearing on January 3, 7995. Based on the above, we believe the cause for re-hearing is well estabUshed. Very Truly Yours, Ronald & Kathy Fawcett 72847 Luiseno Poway, Ca, 92064 FES 2 8 1995 ITEM Ó , February 22, 1995 RECEIVED City Council FEa 27 1995 City Hall CITYOFPOWAY Copied for: p,O, Box 789 City Council Poway 92074-0789 CITY MANAGERS OFFICE City Clerk JLB/JDF/RW-Q Re: Variance for Ric and Barbara DuDeck c.U.P.#94-17 Var, 94-10 12859 Luiseno Dr. Dear Mayor Higginson and City Council Members, 1 have previously written a letter to the City Council about this matter and was not inclined to do so again, however in today's mail I received a letter from Mr. DuDeck which brings up some concerns for me. Mr. DuDeck is apparently trying to make attaining a variance into a neighborhood feud, From the tone of this letter I believe there is an attempt to sway the City Council members into allowing a conditional use permit based on a "good guy - bad guy" policy. One would be appalled to think the city council members would allow such heresy and neighbor animosity to influence their decisions, None of these personal matters have anything to do with the issues at hand, 1 believe the City Council must consider this C.U.P. as making new policy for the entire neighborhood. If you are going to give permission for this rental then all neighbors must be allowed the same courtesy. It has been stated the DuDecks need this rental to be financially able to stay in their home, Believe me if financial need is going to be the criteria then 1 will be next in line asking for special privileges, If given latitude 1 can be very creative in using my property to generate personal income. At this time I have great need in doing so. Simply put, I am asking the council members to very carefully weigh their decision on this matter, Members should not be giving a permit that allows only one family special rights. You must be aware that the make up of the neighborhood is at stake. I will make every effort to attend the meeting on the 28th, however at the moment this is still impossible for me. 1 hope this letter will carry some weight in my behalf. "'t"he.nk you for considering this matter, , ... -i.¡ø~dØ~ RECl V onni Leavens FE-b l 1614;4 Del Norte fTowax. CA CITY OF POWI., Cï",-' . 'I~GERS OFFC: rEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 -- rRECEIVED, 2/24/95 FEB 2 71995 : '. CITY OF POWAY -( To The Honorable Mayor Higginson CITY CLERK'S OFFICE and Members of the City Council of Po way I am writing this letter in behalf ofRic and Barbara Dudeck who reside at 12859 Luiseno, Poway CA. We have lived at 16435 Avenida Florencia for approximately 8 years and never realized that the Dudecks had a rental unit on their property. We are quite active in the community with boy and girl scouts, PTSA, soccer, baseball, local church, etc. and have not once heard of a single problem with any of the local residents regarding this situation. Because of the undeserved pressure that they are receiving at this time we felt the need to voice our opinion. We are as concemed as the next person about setting a precedence for rental units in our neighborhood. But, due to the fact that the Dudecks have agreed to the recording of a covenant deed stating that they will rent to only one person at a time, that they have been very careful in the selection of a tenant, and that the conditional use pennit will not transfer with the sale of the property we feel free to give our endorsement. We feel it only proper that they be granted the conditional use pennit, since the City Council has already reviewed this matter and voted in their favor. Sincerely, --: J~: ¡J :1J!::J; /- (-I // /L.ð r;;~ d-- Mr. & Mrs. James D. McCarty (C, FEB 28 1995 ITEM 6 ¡ - ----.-- February 22, 1995 I RECEIVED r , Honorable Mayor Don Higginson FEB 2 7 1995 Members of the City Council ( City of Po way CITY OF POWAY - Poway, Ca. 92064 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Ref: Kic and Barbara DuDeck 12859 Luiseno Drive, Poway My husband and I have been associated with Ric and Barbara for many years on both a business and social level. We live in their immediate neighborhood and have owned our home for over 20 years Many of our neighbors have additional units on their property which are used for a variety of purposes, both permitted and unpermitted. At the time the DuDeck's purchased their home, the back unit was in place, cannot be seen from the front of the property, and has been used as a single individual rental since their purchase of the property. As far as we know, their tenants have never caused a problem. In speaking with the DuDecks about this circumstance, I understand that they are not trying to set a precedent They are willing to take the initiative and record a covenant deed stating they will rent to only one person at anyone time - the most to whom they have ever rented - and that upon sale of the property the conditional use permit will be terminated. Since Barbara and Ric are active in the real estate industry, that information will be disclosed in any listing agreement and in the disclosure documents required by the Department of Real Estate when any purchase transfer is initiated. It seems to us as though a disgruntled neighbor is trying to make an issue out of nothing. Where was this neighbor's complaint a year ago or more realistically, where was his complaint when the house changed hands to the DuDecks. We support the DuDecks wholeheartedly and request that the City do so as well.. They are strong, supportive members of the community, support and participate in the Chamber of Commerce, and strive to promote the best of the town in which we all live. Sincerely, ~.:.= ~ 12908 Camino Del Valle Poway, Ca. 92064 FEB 28 1995 ITEMó j RECEIVED f¿" ,;~ /77,)" .' \ FEB 2 7 ¡995 CITY OF PO'NAY , N " /?1. ~LERK'S OFFICE ~ ~ 4 ~ Ð;t ~~ ~.' ¿J.:œ.--.v ~ h}~ h¡~ ø~ "^'-- zio.., ~ ~ t ~ ~~~ d-I')'-S?~~ £d ~ Iluo' ~ ~ £d- ~ ~ ~ ?udt ¿L ~a¡ ~ ~ þu. ~ ~. ,e~ .[)~~. ~ c.--I ~ ~ ~ ~~ úJ L CVu-- ~ .;ti¿t ~ ~,.I ~ L ff:ðf ~¿;:~~ ~-~~~. aJ~ ~..J ;.t.é..t dL ~ 'I P-'4t ~ z ,Þ~ IJZ,< . ¿2'~ /Jv,-, f)~ ~ ~ ~ f- t£- ~~, ~r tí) ~ -/I-. 171~' '-?11 ~ ¿ /?1 ~ FEB 2 8 1995 ITEM ó . ..--.-- /' R E eEl V E D '\ FEB 2 í'1995 I i February 23, 1995 '. CITY OF POWAY ....,. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE To whom it may concern: I have observed these past few weeks what I perceive to be an alarming character assassination of two solid, giving members of our community. It gives new meaning to the term "Can't we all just get along?" What began as a simple request for a special use permit, has turned into a three ring circus with accusations flying back and forth in peaceful Green Valley. It is my understanding that the cause for all this behavior is the use of Rick and Barbara Dudeck's guest house on their property. Although Green Valley is a neighborhood anyone could be proud of, the hurtful remarks about the Dudecks and their guest certainly gives one pause. Rick and Barbara have given tirelessly to this community over the years. Since they are not the type of people to volunteer and then toot their own horn, a lot of their contributions are done quietly and sometimes anonymously. Barbara and Rick are noted for their contributions to Painted Rock Elementary School just down the road. One year they even supplied the T-shirts for the fun run. Their work with the organization "For Kid's Sake" provided so much to this community. To even think that Rick or Barbara would be violating any laws, or skirting around laws for personal gain that would negatively affect their neighbors would be laughable if it weren't so hurtful to them both. To have such honorable peoples' names bandied about as a blight on the neighborhood truly holds up to ridicule the source of such innuendoes If at anytime Rick and Barbara chose to relocate, I would be honored to have such dependable, caring people as my neighbors. We all face difficult economic times in the 90's. At times it causes people to look for problems and act out in unbecoming ways. I would certainly hope that if those people who are so adamant about creating mountains out of molehills were to sit down and intelligently discuss their difficulties with the Dudecks, an amenable solution could be reached. At the very least I am sure the Dudecks could point in the right direction charitable events these people with so much time on their hands could contribute to with all that excess energy. NEIGHBORS! May I be so bold as to suggest REAL Neighborhood problems? CRACK HOUSES!! METH LABS!! GUN TOTING NEIGHBORS!! DRUNKEN, ABUSIVE NEIGHBORS!!! NEIGHBORS WITH CHILDREN WHO THROW PARTIES ALL NIGHT LONG!!!! LETS GET OUT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND TAKE IT ON A NATIONAL LEVEL; POVERTY, ABUSE, TEENAGE PREGNANCIES, TEEN DRUG USE, THE WELFARE SYSTEM, THE GREEN HOUSE EFFECT. GLOBAL?? HOW ABOUT AIDES, MURDER, SOCIAL UPHEAVAL, THE RACE ISSUE??? CO: ~;¡ ~J.I. 6 ..\ ~ fEe 2 8. 19~' I truly believe for everyone on that particular Green Valley street, there is probably one family that has a problem and the rest are sadly misinformed. I would be honored to have the Dudecks as a neighbor! I am honored to have such decent people as friends. Before you make up your mind about this special use permit, do yourself a great favor and talk personally to Rick and Barbara. You will walk away much assured that the neighborhood is safe and sound, but more importantly, you will have been lucky to meet two fabulous people that are truly an asset to your neighborhood. I truly believe that out of misunderstandings come wonderful things and our community is full of wonderful people with open minds. Truth will win out in the end. Until then, please give Rick and Barbara a break!! Get to know them and don't believe all the negative garbage a very few are "putting out on their curbs!" ß~ N,,""Y Ch;oo;". ~ (' North Poway Residentlhomeowner - fEB 28 1995 ITEM b ---- --------.-- , -:::;,d " -I c; .' \... ,"" ///"-::; , Poway ~ ' J, ' Ca jfo~nia , c ..JL ¡.k- ð-1 ~,-,), ~ , .11 l(";-<::,,-)/('-----"L'l~':- m-,~,¡"~ ~" :,. - r V ' ð.í' ,-' 1. ¡. (! '-7 't r-~ "'J"~ , " , Fr.u27í995 ) V,,¿<I /. \. CiTY OF POWAY ../ ~.;..J:t:7--,,- ./---í i_, ,CITY CLER OFFICE 1 (./- r L-<C-,- 1'-' ~ - " '<.. /) D.., b~L ,~--4,-, ./~--w.J,-< e(-;f-- ~}"...--t-<'-, <"- J}- Ó -, ;If " i' (r-¡' . , ..:; í ' -..-L-..c...-,c.{:'. r-t~"""-" _~7_. .;,.. ,--t:.~ :t- ;< I C -( -t<-' (f:) } ¿t> , (. 1.::;'; -:.J (-,J--s:.- c.--......~, :/~ ,A:.£! f-'l-- 5 Æ..~-j ..--¥-' 1 ~ ,I .J " 7 '""~">, ,.,-",---.:~ n'~ a,~' ,-L','. ' .4W-- r" ¿ ~ (l"""'..â ,/......--<1' .....~-::r~./ - ...~:*.;;::t £, , 'ß.-Yf. t/ ý...)-«--- , ,""". I~'- /V<r,"'~ --(., ~ ~-:::.("-- /'7 ¿-rr-:~' J)<~ -t.. cc-¡j«ef 1"~ ' /-"7l~~ «....J ,~"h' r "-~., " u.>. tf~ ,,~ ..A<'-<'4<~1 £! þu- "I. < è. ;:e- ~ 1: t.</t.<l¿. -."J ;,~k~ ;.>-::;~¡¿ cA-r-.~J Y, +- A""":C~ ..f~¿ ,. /~" "1/"; r~ A- - {" "r-7'..,d~çr?;"~ ¿- j:::x "-~* I :~Ä.~. c ...-/:: '1;'-"'7- -C(.l~" ~ -0.> ';:"7~U'....f -c. ...-I-..c-"¿~ "L ....",,7 / - FEB 2 8 1995 .. eM 6 ,>I ~ l< -t¿ /-/ "....ß /< ~ Æ <'<=- /h~CY'-<--- d~ ,1~~L,-, fr~"_cI 7L:' 1/ -,0 JJ L'¡ . , J " //,~~ ,.7"..-'~ -tY~ ~~ ¿~.ÞT a--4 ß ,:?!, //.'<-~ .,-v,-:"'/-Ù, J~;¡ "¿'~-e. ú' f I' .-J 1b !/ .A./~ fl", /u~--"'.; r - ßv7' J..-_..-<.-?, ¿","" .fi'-<~ rA- ./'~~<4~ I U?".,d«.;;1 ~ /'" - ~_-1 & ,;:<..p.-'/.-<- -b~,/ ,\,~, /:....-.-.-<- - ~":'-"7~t..o / ¡J ¡1 L,... ...,/Y.A' .J-I, 2' .....---' ,/t . ,.d-, '[1-' "- o~.<' ," Z"'" '- ~ '" ~ ?<,j ~'- l;:!..-l.é...c. Á~j-_/,.t.f ,r~r:Z 1; h ~ ~v...¿£.~- -Cf¿~ ...-J~t. rv-J:.--" ;- ,', . - I ' j (1 /.' -::--.J, ;' ~,~~ "t)"L t L~r'1-~.--I.' C'?,.-r~~-v" Y , ,Z, fA, - L 7. p~' d".' /C,.. ' '~fi' ,C,;r ¡? ß..",,' ,j 'c'- /" ,/-I 7 )~,:,/?'~Æ- J~ .' J. .-A -?'- . ') 17' t ._~; ,flY' ",' , '-V:":lV:' 1//' {/-",~- /' ".' ~', ~ ~f;.:t ..J ¿:i...~.,..1 ~-,'----"<--"--' . , /; .......,- -<"?~"'v ...t- ---- -{; þ~4 .' v< - .'.'".....L< ~ ~ ~-: :..><~} ~J"- ~~ - ¡},~ T-"'" þ",.-.c.:.- 2..;Ç",~, ~-,;'¡;-/ ---;r~ .,-.J.í/c"7:, ¡;¡c"~,' ;,'~,.:..- ~ ~,:::)- ,~J é..c.~J'.r>~ r, -'.7 , -(~ v;..¿ .1.(,.......-r. - /-.r- , " ' l: " ~...... <....""'¡<-' < , --.'- ~ ,1"'", ,.:.-- ~,k', " . ,,=r..,A> <.., .~ ;;~ ...-1 :/-/j- , ,~ --'-' l:t,):{ -r1 -;"'1,-¡)~J' -jj , {"-r""",,,-q, , '00// .J t' _~A' U"'" ¡J 'V"-'" "A, , d '-r,Ã"'-~~- u ~""~," 'f,r-"- '..J, ,-:r-., v"""'" - j ---C-p/" ~ CA.,"} fEB 28 1995 ITEM /;) ....-1 ------- I / ~ J ~, ~ '. /! -r-'" Poway / iß~~_. ~".J2"r.~~/!)ifOrnia + -t::£, ¿ ,-,- ...,.¿~~ 2- ,~ r'~ //¡~~.¡; ~/,-~_-C -::/ é,/"7 d ,-./ ~~/' --1. ,/,.- .' t- ~ -'.- -c.:~ C/- ?.....,¿ ..,..,c-':J- -i¿ "'7 (1~~,-;'./ aJ<.~ . c7 /~/J?~p-- -t:~ ,éLj-;-- I -'. 1~ ,8 re l-"" -<ell < . "4(7.d...Ä" ./ ~7J,/!.H.<': . ;t.~~ "A ItÞ:"" ":'" ,...,.~. :.k<Õ Z; /~'Î .~........'-t!'-?"- .,.j..' ~~.<? ¡:"7d~ :""7:"'-:- I § . ./ U" J- &/¡/,~-'7'-' (.~' ?-/Y~-lt.A':: ",,~_" .V.,",'~" z.~..A-è - V--'" é:----'T:f~.. ,/' r 7r~ "'l /X~.-/ ) Î- / ',,/~ ~~~ . ....{/.""'_""? ./..' , - '-, - 7 / / -, } /' ~~~~ / L~~-?~ L L¡,.;/'.p ::r: ¿/:"'!J",-",-^-- J?~7'1 5!t/f (,.<"/_d":-> /-;1 ~ - / !tt-,~, {,.: é!.?r-c..</ I f£B 28 1995 ITEM 6íi>M O~STRiBUTEu ;lJ~ o?Æ;Jf¿ Honorable Mayor Don Higginson February 24, 199.') Memhers of Foway City Council As a resident of Green Valley, City of Poway for over 25 years, and a member of the Green Valley Civic Assnciation as well as a neightor of Ric and Barœra Dudeck of 12859 Luiseno, Poway, it is my opinion that the attached unit to their home is in no way an undesirable or demeaning element to the neighborhood. Considering that the unit in question was a part of th~. bul1~lng when the Dudecks purchased it and cannot be seen from the street, also that it has evidently not prev~ously caused concern in the neighborhood to the best of my knowledge for the many years it has existed, should warrant no change from your recent Actio/! to approve a conditional use permit which I believe Was taken, I strongly recommend approval of a conditional use permit as req uested. Sincerely, (1); ~~. William. Je en fIB 28 1995 1TEM .6 ~ i --.---.... WEBBER TEL -619-485-7422 Feb 2~ 95 20:34 No.002 P.Ol February 27, 1995 Mr. Ed Muscat 12865 Luiseno Poway, California 92064 Dear Mr, Muscat: Regarding your telephone inquiry of yesterday, 1 believe that the presence of a rental unit on a lot in a single family reBidential neighborhood would be n concern to neighborB and to a prospective buyer and could negatively affect the value of nearby propertie... 1 certainly would feel obligated to disclose such information to any client I was showing homes to in that neighborhood. In fact, my neighborhood in Ranch Bernardo has CC & R's that specifically prohibit owners from renting out any portion of their property. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Very truly yours, . \ otJ~ tUÞU--. Diana Webber Realtor Associate i I I J.-).S-í5; I ~~ -f-- "---..-...-....--- I CC"~C""TB CO'ICB, ,.... IIv"..,.v <;""v' L',I.,'v. "v.. L"v'.... '.'^ <""'". «1<>, .'"77..0 --------'-.--------.----------------------- .----.------- ~ I¡, ~ .Q. ~ ~ 't- :) .:t ...¡ '" - - r ~ t "'\ ~... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ - ~ v!~ ! ~ t ~ I~ - /"'1 .J oJ ~ >1 ~ ':J VI ~ ~ ~ ~ I :; ~ .c 0 J ..¡... ~ ..\¿ ~ } J:: --- .Q. ~ ----- ~ --~ ~x ~ ^ 3 -- ~ ~ ~ Q ~ - h ~ J ~ ~ ~ '- ~ --- ~ '" ~ '-" ~ .. ~ ~ - «.j "'1: "= ~ ~ - 4. - <t::..\:. ¡ P ~ ~ ~ :t ... "'\ ---- u-- t; }J 0 X v 0 ~ ~ ~ \11.0 -- IL. ""< '" ~X' ~ - ~-- ~ ~ "I ~ --- ~ ~ ~~ 3 ~ ~~ ... ill -{< -J ~s: ç:¡ ¡:'OC ~~ 4= 11\ t ... - '" -:. 3"" --- ~ -- -- '- }. ~ \l ::10 '"' "I ~ ~ ~ '" "'1: ~ ~ .. Q.. .. t:2. '-D '.. ~ '5 ~ ~:: ~ .... :t 3 '" ~ - y~' ~ l;~ ~ .) ~ ~ ~~ Q ~ ... t- ~ - ~ ~ ~ -~. ï- /;:' ¡i ~ ;"i- ~~-: »> ~, ...X~ *--;:- ~ - ~ ~ ~. ~+ - \ ~ D ;2.-;).3-45 '--...... ~ . ,.. .¡t- (". - ì ~ - .'_m.'__'_-.... To: Mayor Higginson & the Poway City Council Date: January 27, 1995 Subject: CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 1) We purchased our homes here because we wanted to live in a neighborhood with large lots and single family homes. 2) We want our neighborhood to remain single family homes and we are opposed to any type of CUP or Variance that makes allowances in our neighborhood for multiple units whether on a temporary or permanent basis. 3) We expect our elected officials to uphold the existing plan for our neighborhood. We, the undersigned, urge you to vote AGAINST CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10. " l' II I) , It \ \ .... 0< 1 \( 'I U --"""-""----"---""-------"""--------"--- -"---"- To: Mayor Higginson & the Poway City Council Date: January 27, 1995 Subject: CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 1) We purchased our homes here because we wanted to live in a neighborhood with large lots and single family homes. 2) We want our neighborhood to remain single family homes and we are opposed to any type of CUP or Variance that makes allowances in our neighborhood for multiple units whether on a temporary or permanent basis. 3) We expect our elected officials to uphold the existing plan for our neighborhood. We, the undersigned, urge you to vote AGAINST CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10. ..........-................. _...._.._..._....._---~_..._---_._._.._....._._._._-_...-...-.-..........-... -. ---. - To: ,. Mayor Higginson & the Poway City Council Date: January 27, 1995 Subject: CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 1) We purchased our homes here because we wanted to live in a neighborhood with large lots and single family homes. 2) We want our neighborhood to remain single family homes and we are opposed to any type of CUP or Variance that makes allowances in our neighborhood for multiple units whether on a temporary or permanent basis. 3) We expect our elected officials to uphold the existing plan for our neighborhood. We, the undersigned, urge you to vote AGAINST CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10. ,. I I To: Mayor Higgenson and the Poway City Council Date: January 20, 1995 Subject: CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 1) We purchased our homes here because we wanted to live in a neighborhood with large lots and single family homes. 2) We want our neighborhood to remain single family homes and we are opposed to any type of CUP or Variance that makes allowances in our neighborhood for multiple units whether on a temporary or per- manent basis, 3) We expect our elected officials to uphold the existing plan for our neighborhood. We, the undersigned, urge you to vote against CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10. Nkr'I t--- DATE SIGNATURE PRINT AOORßS ADDRESS Ip>/q;- ~ /f.TIH-/h ¿kiLL /2B<>3 hvf5~c) ~s/9s ~d ~~ e)¡ris!rlle L. Huddy /õl.f{lff? Lu/sP/JO Dr , ;/d.shS" ~ ~,;,\ .!Jf{il1J6 irJ. I-/ltflfKIN 5 /~ fOs" S-hne Cuu¡., 'IfYJ f!J tlzliqS ~Ct~~'1 c ~i<t5 IZ8ö5S/c\iU2-0w.'(0Vlr2J. ~/ -::j 7AJ\('~~ U ~ \\\ au Î ~ b+too ~, '/1-( ,L,l,.-7/ I. 2r!:- ,~ fZ$ll~ s~-rcþ.l'o'- ve-þ>.- ß'I" /,),1 £/j <tJ ) II (; f 'f l{Zo¡fc¡)' ~~%, ld-g;nÝfft\lfJl¡¡v,/cv. c9bL ftt-l;£rcvrz~~ r!z-L/C-¡S- ~~' (2fð1~~E.eyrV,?j) þk ~r/iff..-7f4Z-?L 1(, Áfì(\ I R~ ~, . u-u- I L ç 41 Lu(¡){¡\Ilò red. J (¿{L thy FCtt.JJL,z--(t- .2.l '1 I.L LJUU. '8 lh/;Að AI" M f/.o...+hltÞn Ko().Jo--! YJ.7 95 /~ ~3 v~"-" ) G()..(y KDLvCt / V~7/Cfc; ~'. . ,1 r r ~ 1. f' ;¡~ qr ~ t¿J Ib/J-:?-~{ Mf'R- lrYlKIS -:/C l<t¥'-' " To: Mayor Higgenson and the Poway City Council Date: January 20, 1995 Subject: CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10 1) We purchased our homes here because we wanted to live in a neighborhood with large lots and single family homes. 2) We want our neighborhood to remain single family homes and we are opposed to any type of CUP or Variance that makes allowances in our neighborhood for multiple units whether on a temporary or per- manent basis, 3) We expect our elected officials to uphold the existing plan for our neighborhood, We, the undersigned, urge you to vote against CUP 94-17 and Variance 94-10. /lJ14<-t ~ DATE ~~RE PRINT ADDRCSS ADDRESS 1-.98-- ?~ . .td~ f(&.'<h'l~' ¡"/'/..'õc". lIP {1}'l (JiòI.- /JciJ.,. {JR-. I, JJI-qS-W~ n~~ eld)¡;/( r t{þ"M~r:y~~ ~ 5rr~e~ ' (/-gIS/~ J -).E-? ~) ~e:sf. 1<'o\52-:De1 ~oR:Te. 1'\1o<eL.\ LW::,v,J16 / ~2ff-91) ïé-I:f'L- /2$2k :z;.d[a--/~ }P::.::J [- z~- Co s- '-so..l !v\w..."" lb\~ \)~\ rv....~ ~ "'1 C f\ ";"vQb""'- &_12«~ ALL""" .. ~~cß:)~ \"2-'335;"....,'50<.- --