Item 18 - Report on Drainage Problems on Golden Way Jim Francella , AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - --, TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managefjtr ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer ~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Report on Drainage Problems on Golden Way Requested by Jim Francella on January 31, 1995 ABSTRACT: During the rains this year, flooding of properties along Golden Way have occurred. This report discusses the condition and limitations of the drainage channel and the cause for localized flooding. FISCAL IMPACT No additional funds are needed at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This item is not subject to CEQA review. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Jim Francella. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to consider studying channel improvements to the area between Gate Drive and Neddick Avenue in the future Capital Improvement Program. In addition, staff will meet with residents to discuss means to increase channel capacity to reduce localized ~ooding. --. ACTION =::- - fEB 2 8 1995 Ii¿M 18 1 of 5 ~ AGENDA REPOR~ CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: "James l. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri Service~~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Report on Drainage Problems on Golden Way Requested by Jim Francella on January 31, 1995 BACKGROUND On January 31, 1995, Jim Francella brought to the Council's attention drainage problems on Golden Way, a private road. In 1993, Jim and Robert Francella had discussed this issue with staff. An evaluation of the problem was begun but no funds had been budgeted for this project. Staff focussed their efforts on the residents' other request, which was to install a sewer in Golden Way. Two branches of Poway Creek cross Golden Way (See Attachment A). The 1 arger southern branch crosses Golden Way approximately 700 feet south of the Francella's property. The northern branch flows across the Francella's property, and in recent years flows from the channel have flooded the Francella's property and several others to the south. These properties are in the flood plain of Poway Creek. The north branch flow crosses Golden Way in a single 24" pipe. In addition, the road dips just south of this pipe to allow water to also cross over the surface of the road. In severe rain storms, like that experienced in early January of this year, storm water flowing in this creek exceeds its capacity and floods the adjacent properties. In addition, the flows exceed the capacity of the culvert crossing and inundate Golden Way. Further, flooding on Francella's property results in part from debris catching on fences installed at the property line, greatly reducing the carrying capacity of the channel. Based on old topographic records (1958), this north stream channel historically drained all of the north half of Poway Creek (over 3.5 square miles). Urba~ization in the early 1960's redirected the majority of this flow to the south Dranch of Poway Creek. The remaining portion of this drainage basin (approx~ly 0.5 square miles) developed in the late 1970's with the Flair subdivi>fcrIT just north of Garden Road and in the late 1980's and early 1990's with Sunrise Ranch, la Paz Summit and Silveridge. The recent development occurred during the drought of the late 1980's and early 1990's. ACTION: 2 of 5 fEB 28 1995 ITEM 1-£ - - Report on Dreinege Problems on Golden Wey Requested by Jim Frencelle on Jenuary 31. 1995 - City Council Agende 2/28/95 Page 2 With the last few' years' wetter winters, the Francella's are now experiencing higher storm water flows but lower than the pre-1960 flows. The France 11 as are noticing a change in the runoff pattern which includes a quicker rise in the water level as water drains from a basin with more impervious area. The Francella property is occupied with a house, large detached garage and a modular building. The creek flow enters the property on the east and crosses the property south of the structures and leaves the property at the southwest corner. The creek leaves the property about 50 feet east of Golden Way. The Francella's have made significant improvements in and around the residence, including installing a 4-foot high stucco fence along the southwest, west and part of the north of the property's perimeter. This presents a barrier to water that escapes the banks of the creek and keeps it near the house. Additionally, they have installed fence/gates in the creek. These fence/gates are designed to hinge at the top and swing up as water passes under them. Until sufficient pressure is built up behind these gates, they do not move. The pressure is normally developed by debris catching on the gates, blocking the flow and giving the water something to push against. The water then backs up until sufficient pressure is developed to move the gates. Sometimes, debris causes the gates to sag on their hinges, and likely impedes the flow of water. On February 14, 1995, after several hours of heavy rain, staff visited - the France 11 a's property. The fences were catching debris but did not swing open. Flow was slowed down by the fences. Since the natural channel cannot contain the 100-year storm, nor large storm events, it is imperative that the channel be kept as clean as possible and unobstructed. Any obstruction will cause a backwater effect and may cause the water to escape the natural channel. All obstructions in the channel should be removed. Staff surveyed the channel in the vicinity of France11a's. The channel i s the flattest between Claire Drive and Golden Way. Because of this, they also experience severe siltation in the channel as water velocities decrease raising the water level in the channel. The Francellas have stated that they remove silt from their portion of the channel annually. The existing sJ-Rgle 24" pipe in Golden Way cannot handle the flow in the natural chann§]. It also blocks the flow of water and causes a backwater effect just d~tream of the Francella's property. Additional pipes with a larger capacity should be installed across Golden Way to alleviate obstruction of the flow. On February 14, 1995, the pipe was flowing nearly full and catching debris while the flow in the Francella's channel was about half full. The Francella's lot is very flat. A considerable amount of storm water flow enters the Francella's property from overland runoff from properties north of Francella's. This water contributes to flooding of Francella's property on the north and west side of the property. - FES 28 1995 ITEM 18 I 3 of 5 Report on Oralnaga Problams on Golden Way Raquasted by Jim Francella on January 31, 1995 City Council Agenda 2/28/95 Page 3 FINDINGS The flooding that has occurred is a result of all of the factors mentioned above. Some improvement in the flooding situation is within the control of the residents (creek cleaning, removal of barriers in the creek, removal of barriers in the floodplain, installation of additional pipes across Golden Way, a private road). This area is impacted by the 100-year floodplain of Poway Creek. Future master planning of flood plain improvements and construction of detention basins and improved channels will reduce the flooding, It should be noted that staff has not evaluated other nearby neighborhoods in the floodplain. Similar problems may exist elsewhere. Several local ized flooding problems exist in the floodplain of Poway Creek. Obstructions in drainage channels in this area must be removed to maximize capacity of existing channels and minimize flooding. Major improvements are needed to remove homes from the floodplain. Staff has not prepared a floodplain improvement master plan for this area. Staff estimates a study of this nature would exceed $100,000 and should be considered in the future. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT No additional funds are needed at this time. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Jim Francella. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to consider studying channel improvements to the area between Gate Drive and Neddick Avenue in the future Capital Improvement Program. In addition, staff will meet with residents to discuss means to increase channel capacity to reduce localized flooding. ~,. .=::. Attachment A - Map of Poway Creek Crossing Golden Way FEB 2 8 1995 H¿M 18 4 of 5 ^,~NW^ LINDA -- l 1.- - - tIc - -- - - - 100-Year F 0 loodpla' -Q,,=D 100 ln -Year Floodway 5 of 5 I ATTACHMENT A . . ,,' Robert and Sara Francella 13103 Golden Way Poway, California 92064 748-7152 February 28, 1995 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: We have lived in Poway since 1968. In 1968, the water that ran through our property came from Neddick Avenue, Clair Drive. A small portion of water came from the Chevron gas station which was on the corner of Poway and Garden roads and down Golden Way. The Garden Road 7-11 now sits on the Chevron site. The water problems we have experienced in the past and are continuing to experience are a direct result of the ditch that was constructed on Clair Drive in August 1974. At that time, the Long Beach Construction Company, with the approval of the County of San Diego, wanted to build on the north side of Garden Road and east side of Poway Road. (See Attached easement dated August 19, 1974. Gordon and Thelma Weatherbie gave the County Flood Control District an easement through their property (Gordon's Grocery) and received $1 as payment. The contractor, Rick Engineering Company, needed a drainage system big enough to handle all of the water that would flow from the northeast end of Poway. The pipe had to be big enough to handle the 50-year flood. This was a condition of the County of San Diego. In our opinion, the ditch that was constructed on Doris Gough's property was fraudulent. We feel the drainage ditch along Clair Drive from Garden Road is illegal. The ditch is as big or bigger than the Poway Creek channel south end of Golden Way. In 1968, the channel going from the Weatherbie's (Gordon's Grocery) though the Gough property was a small ditch that handled a small amount of water. This original ditch was not intended to handle all of the water that now flows from north of Garden Road. The water starts flowing from as far up as the west side of Sunrise Ranch Road, crosses Poway Road and covers the former County dump site, covers the northwest side of Poway Road, crosses Poway Road by the Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, crosses Garden Road, flows into the ditch along Clair Drive, and then flows through our property. The original ditch crossing Garden Road was never intended to handle a 25- or 50-year flood. It was built later, under false pretenses. It was built under the disguise of cleaning out a small ditch. The water never flowed through our property with the first rain, it took at least 5 or 6 rains before we had any sign of run off. The water naturally soaked into the ground. Now, the volume of water and the intensity of the flow has increased to the point where our property is flooding. ~~)..~ AS ~ I g ..-..-....-...-... Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 28, 1995 Page 2 The following are excepts from documents that are attached. Letter dated June 19, 1974 from Doris Gough to the Office of the County Engineer, Subdivision Control Engineer RE: Flair Poway TM3319-1. "The County knew of the work being done on the Weatherbie property and the grading of a drainage ditch on the Gough property. The letter talks about grading a drainage ditch approximately 1 1/2 feet below existing ground line. In the letter it says that the limits shall be the southerly property line of Mrs. Weatherbie's property to the drainage swale crossing her property approximately 600 feet southerly of Garden Road." l..etter dated June 18, 1974 from Rick Engineering to Mrs. Gough refening to the pipe. It states: "The present condition consists of small, partially silted pipe which allows drainage to pass onto your property. Because of the bad siltation problem in the existing drainage ditch, Long Beach Construction Company would like to grade a small ditch, approximately one and half (1 and 1/2) feet below the existing groundline on your property." Rick Engineering went to Mrs Gough and told her that they wanted to clean a small ditch along side the street. Rick Engineering held a meeting with the residents on Clair Drive and us (we were all standing in the middle of the street on Clair Drive). The representative from Rick Engineering drew a line on a map. Mrs. Gough said, "no, the line runs down the middle of my property. It shouldn't been there." The representative moved the pencil over a little and drew the line closer to the edge of Clair Drive. Mrs. Gough signed the paper. The next day, earth movers came in and hauled large amounts of dirt away and dug a channel 30 feet wide and about 6 feet deep. We and the residents of Clair Drive protested to no avail. l..etter dated June 18, 1974 from Rick Engineering to Doris Gough "There was a old silt filled drain coming across Garden Road from the old Chevron Gas Station on the comer of Poway Road and Garden Road. This pipe went across Garden Road and under Gordon Weatherbie's property and emptied on to Mrs Gough property." Comment Why, if there was an existing old silt filled drainage pipe under Gordon Weatherbie's property did the contractor and County need new easements rights, the old pipe would have been existing. Why get an easement from the Weatherbie's and Gough.? In our opinion the existing pipe was not big enough to handle all of the water that was anticipated would come from the development, so under the guise of cleaning out the existing channel, the contractor was given the approval to dig a hole 30 feet across and 6 feet deep. ,.---,,--....,---.,----- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 28, 1995 Page 3 Letter dated May 12, 1976 from Dion G. Dyer, Attorney at Law. Re: Gough vs Rick Engineering Company " ...and the County demanded as a condition of our subdivision map that we construct the storm drain." This pipe went across Garden Road. The County demanded as a condition of the subdivision, that a storm drain be built. Lawsuit dated September 23, 1976 filed by Doris Gough, Plaintiff vs William B. Rick, dba Rick Engineering Company, Long Beach Construction Company Complaint: Unnatural Diversion of Surface Waters, Impairment of Access, Deviation from Construction Plan. Pæe 3. Items 1 throul!h 6 "Long Beach and through the personal visit of his own employees, requested plaintiff's permission to enter upon the premises for the represented purpose of constructing thereon a small ditch approximately one and one-half [1-1/2] feet below the existing ground line." Page 3 Item 8, 9, 10, (a) (b) (c) (d) Pæe 3 Item 8 "On or about June 19, 1974 in reasonable reliance on the aforesaid representation, plaintiff gave written permission to said defendants to construct a ditch as represented." Pæe 3 Item 9 "Plaintiff is informed and believes and therefore alleges that, at the time of requesting such permission, said defendants and each of them knew that their representation was at material variance from the true facts and was false." Pæe 3 Item 10 "Plaintiff is informed and believes that true facts were that: (a) on or about March 19, 1974, said defendants plan for a small ditch approximately one-half (1 1/2) feet deep had been rejected by defendant County: (b) Whereupon said County conditioned its approval of the tentative map for the aforesaid Flair-Poway subdivision upon provision for a 50-year frequency storm flow; ..-..-. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 28, 1994 Page 4 (c) provision for such storm flow required substantially greater capacity than that of a small ditch approximately one and one-half ([1 1/2) feet below the existing groundline; and (d) such storm flow required a ditch in excess of three and one-half (3 1/2) feet deep and approximately thirty (30) feet wide." PlI2e 4. Item 11 "Said representation was made by defendants to induce plaintiff to grant such permission; plaintiff would not have granted such permission to said defendants had she known the true facts." PlI2e 4. Item 12 "Plaintiff did not learn the true facts until on or about September 24, 1975, at which time heavy earth-moving equipment had been moved onto the premises." PlI2e 4. Item 14 "Plaintiff is informed and believes that, on or about the dates of September 24, 25, and 26, 1975, defendant Long Beach constructed a ditch on plaintiffs premises of a capacity sufficient for 50-year frequency storm flow, the dImensions of such ditch being approximately thirty (30) feet wide approximately six hundred (600) feet long, and more than three and one-half (3 1/2) feet deep." PlI2e 5. Item 21 "Unnatural diversion of Surface Water. Heretofore and prior to September 27, 1975, defendants Rick, Long Beach and Coun1y, and each of them, planned, approved, and constructed streets, curbs, gutters, culvel1s, storm drains, and ditches, all comprising the parts of a system of drainage for the Flair-Poway Subdivision and contiguous public streets, into which they collect and concentrate the surface waters that formerly flowed across and seeped naturally into the soil of said subdivision, and, by means of covered drainage pipes which cross under Garden Road and ditch upon the adjoining Weatherbie property,discharge such waters on to the premises of plaintiff in unnatural and excessive quantities." When the ditch was originally planned by the County of San Diego in 1974, the County said that they would carry the ditch along Clair Drive down to the main channel (Poway Creek). Then we where told because of Proposition 13 the County ran out of money and the project was canceled. Mrs Doris Gough died in June 1978. Because her children did not have the money to continue the fight, the lawsuit against Rick Engineering was stopped. Since then, developers continue to build and we continue to receive the runoff from the developments. -....--.-..----..--.---.. . ---...-.- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council February 28, 1995 Page 5 In the agenda report there is a comment about our fences, suggesting that the fences are contributing to the water problems. This is not true. We have a block wall around the front of our property and chain link fence in the back. At both entrances of the waterway, there is a "flood gate" that allows the water to flow through. When heavy rains come, we hook the gates up so the water can flow freely. We cannot remove our fence because it protects our property and our home. Before we constructed the fence we had people walking or horseback riding, and the Border Patrol chasing undocumented workers through our property, not to mention the stray animals. We have two dogs and we need the fence. The liability of having the property unfenced is to great. In 1993, we approached the City Council and requested sewer installation on Golden Way. In June 1994, we finally hooked up to the sewer. We appreciate the help given to us by the City Manager and staff. At the same time, a report was done on the drainage problems. We have never seen the report but have been told that it suggested that the drainage channel be continued down Clair Drive to Poway Creek. We are requesting the City Council's help to resolve this problem. ---.-- --'------. - COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO o"",O~~',';:'~~."o, DEI'ARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ^~,~,,~,~~,:,,:.':;:~:~, "'1 . D G 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES AGE'NCY ;;,~;,t~:,'~':'~:~~::t n1 ano . onza es 'M,',"', ",."" Director CO""" 0""""", c.""' "" 0..".",. A.i. s", °,""" CA"", M,S.~"':;..~t;~~,,.. "O""", So..".. M.S. .", ",.",s Co"'mo""..,o,,. M.>, om ..,.s", ~;'::"~'::,,':"';~';.~',"t'; TO: Board of Oirectors, San Diego Flood Control District (A45) M;:~';~>O';~';':;~" FROM: Director. Department of General Servic~s (0360) SUBJECT: Acceptance of Deeds and Grants 'by County Staff Attached is a Resolution which amends the Resolution that authorized cert"in County staff positions to accept Deeds and Grants on behalf of the San Diego Flood Control District. It is my RECOMMENDATION: That your Bo"rd Adopt the attached Resol uti on. Discussion: 'On October 12, 1971 ("B" Various) the Directors of the San Diego County Flood Control District authorized certain County staff positions to accept Deeds and Grants conveying to the San Diego County Flood Control District, title or intel'est in Real Property. This authorization was changed by a Resolution from the San Diego County Flood Control District on October 12, 1976 (4) due to the passage of County Ordinance #4514 (New Series) adopted on May 27, 1975 whil:h o:ha~ged t~~ nrg~niz~ti yn and t i ti. of agenc i ~s. Because of Ordi nances #5355 and 5356 adopted on January 23, 1979 by your Boa rd, and which implement the new County Organizationa] structure, it is necessary to amend the above mentioned resolutions to conform to that structure, This :'I¡ill (IJ I~h ~ I I I I ßoard of Directors -2- March 2, 1979 wi 11 a 11 ow the appropri ate staff to accept the Deeds and Grants on beha 1f of the ' , County Flood Control District. ~ '/~ ¡'/I DI . y-;~.)r/' / ¿ , / / ;r;:p~~,-?;:;;:Iv ( V I . HILARIO (LARRY) D. GONZALES. Di rector ! General Services I ;, HDC:LLF:j1 ¡ ¡ 'i Attachments ; ; FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: None R";,,,"cc; by: 1 " Not needed: ¡, GAG ~ - il ;O""001 ~ - i '",,',Ior - V" !! ..:; -.- L ,/ L ~/ . I ì j I cc: County Counsel (A12): Facility & Real Property ~ivision (0200: General Services (0360): Sanitation & Flood Control (0380): Community Servi ces Agency (A249) M^o 20 ¡q79 5 ""'-"., CJ-{OO .' .. ~- ,"", TUESDAY, ~~RCH 20, 1 " 7., . ..":---' /;0. 5 Flood Control 1979 I I:[SOLUTIO¡¡ :'..UTH');,¡¡¡;:(, CeínA!!! t tJ/~'~ \ .;, .'.:¡ ,.\'~':'1~ cou:ln SPF¡: rO')ITl.\;;'; ,0 ,ìrCErr CE::DS ,~;¡DGi~::':,j(;'i¡EII\l.I'()r fir ' J' SAil DIEGO COUilTY FLOOD cornROL DISTRICT ~'~ ,J,lL. en \I;a~ion of Dil'E~ctor Hpore (t::z b~O Jirector Eckert , the following resolution is adopted: ,':HERE,L\,S, Section 27281 of the Government Code provides that a political COt'poration or governmental agency, by a general resolution, may authorize .~n officer or agent to jmi'itJ. on behal f of the poli tical cor'poration or go'/ern-" ,"ental anency nëeds'Ûd1:'rilrítsf conveying any flïtë"êsT'f1f"ð'I"';È!ð.!lem!!1\t:"1J~ðñ tlMll fë~tateffor public purposes; and \;HEREAS, on October 12, 1971, Ninute No. "B" Various, imd on October 12, 1376 ¡':i nute Item 4 , the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Flood Control District :~;~rcinaf~er referred to as "ïhe Dist,'ict") adopted a ,-esolution authorizing certain Co~nty staff positions to accept on behalf of the District, Deeds Dr Grd!1:s conveying to tl;e District, title to or an interest in real property; and :,IHEP.EAS, ther'e is romol presented to the Board of Directors, a letter fro:n the Cir'cctor, Department of General Ser'/ices of the County of San Diego re- co,"¡;;e~ding the Board of Directors of the Districtdesignate the hereafter named County staff positions to accept on behalf of the District, Deeds or Grants conveying !ny interest in or easement upon real estate for public purposes. Di :'ector, Depart:;:ent of General Se.-vices Jj rccLO:', Faci li ty ¿ Real Propert¡ Division Cepart~;ent of General Services Directo:', Dep~rt"'ent of ïr-ansportaticn ./ ',. \ ~. -------- , r "'-~~,1'. '--.' ,. / , .' P,SSiStdnt [)i'-¿Ct,~", O¡;pi1r'tn:ent of r..."n':;i:)rtòt,iu( Supervising He.l i'I'ope,'ty Arìent, '¡"lu,~tiQn ~ !,cr;~isitiGn Facility & Redl PrO;1erty Oi',i<:ion, D"p""t:::u,t cf Cen",,-al Ser-vices r;o'¡.¡. TlIERlrÙRE, b¿ it r¿solv¿û thôt tile ßoJ,'do~ Direct:Jrs of the Di:tdct ;',,:-r'~J "utho,-izc:; persons VIith th:Jse aforèil:entioned County staff positions to 1j,!i,¡;'~j ti°n behòlf of the District, geElqLo.r~:,,~r~ntsJConveji¡¡g to the District, ~~j c\li:1tll'¡¡,g~Wil¡,.¡i Il~e fig ';oj J};;( e .!.kiffiP e,~.tt:l Passed and adopted by the Board of OJ rectors of the San'Oiego County Flood Control District of the County of San Diego, State of CaliforniJ, tn i f~2Õfh~d~Y of Harch , 1979, by the follo¡'¡ing vote: AYES: Directors Hoore, Hedgecock, Bates and Eckert NOES: Directors None ¡1,BSENT: Director Hamilton - - - I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COmiTY OF SAN DIEGO )S8. I, PORTER D. CR£!1ANS, ClerIc of the Board of Directors of the SaIl Diego County Flood Control District, State or Cêlifornia, hereby c~rtify that I p~ve coc?ared th.o foregoing copy with the original r.osolution passed and adopted by said Bo.ord at a TPr'l'l",.. ~.oeting thereof, at the ti~ and by the VOte therein stat.od, which original reaolution is IlOW on file in my office; that the same courains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. thi.I!, witness 1I1Y hand and the seal of said San Diego County Flood Control District ?Orh day of 11arch. 1979 PORTER D. C~'1.~,S Clerk of the Board of Directors S"n Die:,;o County Flood Contro! District By Beatrice Mitchell (SEAL) Deputy """"-"'"""-"""'"'""""" ""'-'l"'" d ,~ "-'F /. J -_.-J.._------~~---- --,----- WilLI\: RI{,()I'.I)LD. PLI'.AS! ~I\" IIIIS 'U"STld'~II"; I" 1"0 "LL/,'.'¡;~ ~C74':"224980 l:j~:) 80l>K 1914 RECI>RDED REOUEST OF Cke\.. ß"ard .,f Diree"", CO. REAL PROPERTY DIV. San Dieg" C"unty Fil",d C"nt",1 \)"",el I hOG Paeilie Highway AU(¡ ~ 21S'K'N San Dieg". California '!llnl OfflCI.L RECORDS $4H DI~OO COUHT't.CAlIF. HAftLEH,lLOOM I A!CO!\DER NO FEE SPAC' ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY EASEMENT Project Title: TM3319-1 Ass"ssor's Parc"l No. :;23-o6~-o~ Parc.1 No. 74-1031,\ '.. W.O .No. TF0344 Log '10. 114-1 1.0 For and in considerari"" "f......._....Q¡;.~..Æ).9.......D.9.Q........................D"lIar.......... (5...).,.9.9...........................) and olher g"od and \ a!uable ",'nsiderali"ns. Ihe receipt wher«,f is I,èreby ac\."""kd~eJ. the unJer,igned. ................................................,I.~..Ç9J!ffi~m~I!!f;!!.!!¡;t;,~.I}!!.. '!'.!!mf..-!\..!'......\,!~.'!'.!!f;!!.!!U;,....\m~."'.?!'.!!....................... ...... ...........................................a.~~..~~.f!:m~~m;j.~~!'.:!=m!!:!'..':'.?!~m................ ....... ...... ..... ............... ".............................. hereinafter designzled Grantor d""s hereby gram. bargain. sell. come) and release Unl" Ihe San Dieg" Coumy Flood Control Di,tri". Z,'"e .-............)............... herein designateJ Granlcc. ," ,uce."", and a»ign, a p.:rpetual casement and right "f way upon. through. under. o\er, aero». and along the herein de..clibcd real prop.:rty for the installalion. ""n,truction, maintenance. repair, replacement. recon,truction and in spection of a drainage channel an" all structures in.:idental thereto, and for the flowagc of any watcrs in. upon. through. undcr. o\er. acr"" and along said channcl. wgether with the righl 10 iegress and egre" upon. througb. und<r. mer. across and along the hcrcin describ.:d real properly. Grantcc shall ha\'e a perpet~31 right to remo' e building', "tructurc". trecs. bushe" undcrgrowth. and any otha obstruction inter. feeing with the u"e of :;aiJ ea,en,ent and right of way by the Granlee. its succe>sors or assign" and in addition Ihercto. to remO\'c snil and other malerials within "aid right nf way and In u,e the same in ,uch manner and at ,ueh local ion" "" said Grant"" may dc-em pr"per. needfui or n«cssary in the construction. r«,,"slruct;nn and maintenancc of :;aid drainag.: channel or :.Iructure" incidenlal IherelL>. T" ha\e and to hold >aid ea,e ment and right of way unt" itself and unto its successors and assigns forc\er ','gelher wilh Ihe righl to con\ey :;aid eascment. or any partial! nf said casement. to other public agenciö. Thc real prop.:rty referred tn hereinabo\c and madc subject 10 said cascment and right of way by this gram is situated in the County of San Diego. Stale of California, and is particularly described as foll(\ws: Parcel 74-1031A (8/1~/7..) .., .,.... ,\11 that portion of the Northwest Quarter a f the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Townshi 14 South, Range 1 ¡.;est, San Bernardino Heridian, in the County of Sa.. .. ~go, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof: Beginning at the center Df said Section 18; thence Easterly along the East- West centerline of said Section 18 South 89.~5'30" East 159.37 feet; thence Southerly at right angles to said Section centerline South 00.3..'30" West ~O .00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEG INNING; thence South 89.25'30" East 30.00 feet; thence South 00.34'30" West 60.00 feet; thence South 27°52'05" East 27.29 feet; thence South 00.34'30" West 60.00 feet; thence North ö~.25'30" West 43,00 f"et; th""ce North 00.34'30" East 144,00 feet to the 11\UF. POINT OF BEGINNING. " p" ""'" , "r.' ~_._._......_._.....------_... --- ._--- The Gra,tee shall ha~e d~e right tn fence all or an.', portion of said eascmem herein C~.}nve~ed '.~idfi~? which there is installed or constructed a drainage channel or incidental structure. The Grantee. its succe%sor?, and assigns, shall be responsible for operating, maintaining, and keeping m good repair the abo~e described works of improvement, but will not ~ h21d responsible for any damages incurred within the confines of said easement, exzept as caused by the act or omission of the Grantee. The Grantor. his successors and assigns, reserves the right to enclose in a manner approved b) the Gramee. its successeu and assign% any ~-rtior, of a dreinage channel provided such enclosure is constructed or itt- stalled by a licensed contractor in accerdar.,:e with plans and s~cifieations approved by and to the satisfac tion of the Grantee, its successors and assigns. In graf ing its. approval the Gram..e. tts successors and assigns may impose reasonable conditions in¢ludir, g. but not 'qmited to. the filing by the contractor or Grantor of an adequme performance bond to guaramee completion of the work. There i~ reserved to the Grantor. his heirs a.'.d assigns, the right and privilege ~o use the above described land of the Grantor at any time. in any manner and for any purpose not ineonsi~eet wi~h the fall u~e and enjoymem by the Grantee. its successors and assigns, of the rights and prb. ileges herein granted. · , t/ff IN WITNESS WtIEREOF. the Grantor has executed this instrument on th~s....-..4....Z.da':- of...~.r'_.¢/.~..'./.. !9..'~.~... THEIMA P, WEATHERBIE STATE OF ..... gr. County of._. ~¢ ~'.?.~ d~--~ r/~v~ ~ ........................... said Cou~iy and State, ~onally ap~a~...~/~...~. ~/~.~<'~ name ...... ~. ~ ....... su~m~ to the within known to me to ~ the ~on .......... ~ ......... wh~e ~ ' inst~ment, and acknowledged that ........... ~.~ ....................... ex~ut~ the ~me. gVitno~ my hand and official ~al. Nott.'~ Pu~ic in and for .~dd Count~ and State This is to ~rtify that the intent in rcal pro~rty convey~'~5~O ~-~'g~nl:t6,~n Dido Co~ly Fl~d Control District Zone. a ~liti~l ~mtion and,'or governmental agency is hereby ac~pl~ on ~half of the ~ard of Dn'ecg0~? o~ ~d~'Dh~r~c~pu~t-Cd authority conferred by R~lution of ~id ~ard ;adop~c~'o~tg~r 12.1~72 an~ Ihe.~Wie~¢o~ ~o rccor~tion thereof by its duly authorized offi~r. This I" "Irue certified copy of lbs r~co~l if il b<~ar,. Ihs seal, ImprlnIGd In pu~l}lo nk, ollheReco~der. FEB 2 ~ 1995 R~rder~ou~y Clerk S~ ~go ~uMy. Call~tnla DEb~TED H~ON SUFFICE PER ~P 60~8, ~ .,:'~o~-~'' ' ' Iune 19, 1974 Office of the County Engineer. $$55 'Overland Drive San Diego, California Attention: Subdivision Control Engineer G6n~6~en:~ This ts to advise you that the undersigned is the D~e~Y owner 14239 Garden ~ad. Assessors No. 323-06-01. I'm awa~ of the work to be done on my p~pe~y in connect[on'with i~D~vement of drainage factlt~es at 142S[ G~den ~ad on'~s. ~ea~erbie's prope~y.. It is my understanding ~at th[~ ~ork will consist of t~e 1. The grading of a drainage ditch a~p~ximately 1 and feet below existing g~und line. The limits shall ~ the southerly prope~y line of Ms. Weatherbie's prope~y to the drainage swale crossing my prope~y app~ximate[y 600 feet southerly of Garden Road. Sincerely, EXHIBIT "3" EN 61NEERING OMPANY I ~une 18, Ms. Doris A. Gough :~, ~ ~' ~:~"~ ~, ~' P. ~x-53 : / ~ .... ~way, California 92064 Dear Ms. COugh: 4~% ~ng ~ac~ Const~ction Compa~ is planning to install drainage facilities on Ms. Weatherbte's p~pe~ at 14251 Garden Road. This ts to replace the existing pi~s with a system adequate to handle large store flows. The present condition consists of a small, papally silted which allows drainage to pass on to your pmpe~y. ~cause of the bad siltation problem tn the exts~ng drainage ditch, .Long Beach Const~ctton Company would like to grade a small ditch approximate- ly one and a half (1 and 1/2) feet below the extst~g gmundltne on yo~ p~perty. This ditch would e~end from the limits of Ms Weatherbte'~ pmpe~y to the exlsting drainage swale crossing your :pmpe~y approximately 600 feet southerly of Garden Road. On behalf of ~ng Beach Cons~ctton Company we would like you to sign the enclosed letter of ~misston to do this work on your pmpe~y, and tatum it to us. Thank you for your cooperation tn this maker. Sincerely, Michael Rust Encl: , , CC: Mr. Iim Iones MR :bg L~.:": ~ LONG BEACH CONSTRUCTION COMPg~'~¥ ~ May~i12,~1976 Dion G. Dyer Attorney at Law 2067 First Avenue San Diego, California 92101 Re: Gough Vs. Rice, Engineering CO.~ Your File No.~173.01 LP Dear Mr. Dyer: . In review of your letter dated April 27 concerning Mrs. Doris Gough, please be advised that this is the first time I have been m~de aware of any potential mis- understanding or problem between Mrs. Gough, Rick Engineering and the storm drain. After reviewing all of our documentation containing Mrs. Gough's signatures, as well as correspondence with R~ck Engineering and construction drawings, I believe that your allogations of misrepresentation and 61aim for damages is to.tally i~correct and without merit. We have far too much docua~nted evidence as well as personal testiT mony which clearly shows that Mrs. Gough was fully aware .of the i~rovements to be made to her property. In terms of damages, it is impossible for me to understand how there could be any claim for damages when the County deems Mrs. Gough's property within the flood zone, and she anxiously wished to correct the flooding problem; and the County demanded as a condition of our subdivision map that we construct the storm drain. Contrar~to '~your allogations, Mrs..Gough's property probably has appreciated in value and bene- fited by the construction of the storm drain facility. If you would like to resort to legal process, as you indicate in your letter, please feel free to do so and if you so decide, please direct further preliminary corres- pondence to the office of Alex Harper, Attorney at Law, 1007 5th Street, suite 1100, San Diego, California 92101. Very truly yours, ~CTIOI COMPANY Vice President Attorney at l.~w 2 206? First Avenue 3 San Diego,~ ~USINESS OlVISIOM 4 T~l~phone: (714) 233-~321 ~ ~[P 5 Attorney for Pla~tlff '- ROBEP-T O. 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF.~E STATS 9 :' CO~W OF SAN DIEGO 10 3S 0Y0 15; ~tic; WI~L~M B. RICK. do~g natural Diversion ~. bus.ess aa HICK E~GINEERING ~) ~pairment of Access, D~latton COMPANYI LONG B~CH i) from Conet~lon Plato Ta~ and 16 CONSTRUCTION COMPAq, a ) Related Damages) 17 California corporation; DOE I t~o~h DOE XX, ~clusive, ~ 18 Defendants. ...... 20 Pla~tfff co~s a~ alleges: 21 FOR A ~T CAUSR,OF 22 (sga~st defendants RICK and LONG B~C~ 23 L P~tfff is the o~er of that real p~pe~y locate'in the 24 ~inco~t~ area of ~ay, C~nty of' San~lego,.~alfforni~ ~re 25 pa~icular~ de~rib~ in E~btt "1' a~ach~ hereto and inco~rat~ herein 26 by refer~ce (herein~er "PresSes"), 27 2, At ~ times here~ mentioned, defendant WILLIAM B, RICK 28 (herei~fler '~ICK') wa~ and is a re~i~er~ ci~l engineer, doin~ bus.ess 2 under the name and style of RICK ESTGIBTEERING COMPANY, with his ~ principal place of business in the City of SanDiego, San Diego County, 4 California, ~, ~ 3. At all time. s. herein mentioned, defendant LONG BEACH 6~ 'cONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a California corporatio~, (hereinafter 7 "LOI~G BEACIIf') was and is the owner of the real property comprising the 8 subdivision legally dszcribed and known es Flair-Poway, aceordin~ to 9 Map No.' 8148 .filed on July 23, 1575, with the County ReaOrder of.the ~.0 County of San Diego, California.?' ~ l~. 4.~ Defendant COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO (hereinafter 'COUNTY~') 12 l~. and at~ all times herein mentioned was. a body politic and corporate of 13 the State of California. 14 5. The true names and capacities, whether individual, corpornte, l§ associate or otherwise, of defendants DOE I through DOE ~X, inclusive. ~6 are unknow~ to plaintiff, who therefore s~es said defendants by such ~ fictitious names. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that ~8 each of the defendants, whether named herein or designated herein as DOIE. ~-~ is responsible for the occurrences herein alleged. Plaintiff will seek leave 20 of Court to amend this compl~int to show the true names and capacities of 2~. such fictitiously-named defendants when the same have been ascertained. 22 8. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alle~es, that, 23 at all times herein mentioned, each of the defendants named in the caption 24 of this complaint, which is incorporated herein by reference, was and 25 is the agent, servant and employee of each of the other defendants, and 26 all of the thin~s alleged to have been done by said'defendants were done in 27 the capacity o~ and~ agent for such other defendants. 28 ?. On or about June 18, 1974, by a letter of that date, defendant RICE. in the capacity of and as agent, servant and er~?loyee of defendant i LONG BEACH, and through the personal visit of his own employee, requested 2 plaintiff~s permission to enter upon the pre~fses f~or the represented I purpose of construnting thereon a '*small ditch approximatel~ one and one- 4 ~ ~alf (1ol/2) feet below the exi~tin~ ground line". A true copy of said l~et~er'is attached here[o as, Exhibit . 7..ann is incorporated herein b'y ~referenee, 7 8. On or about ;lune 19, 1974, in reasonable re~l-'ncc on the 8 aforesaid representation, plaintiff gave written permission to enid 9 defendants to ~onetruot a ditch as ~'~presented. At~Ue copy of said letter, ~0 the ori~inal of which is in defenders' posseeainu[ is attached hereto as 3.3. Exhibit *'3" and ie incorporated herein'~y reference. ~2 9. Plaintiff is informed and believes and therefore alleges that, ~$ at the t~me of requesting such permission, enid dofend~nts and each of them ~ knew that.their representation was at msteri~l v~rinnea from the true fgcta 3.5 arid was false. . ~6 10. Flalntiff is informed and believes that the true facts were that: 3.7 (a.) on or about March 19, 19~4, said defendants' ' 18 plan for a "small ditch approximately one and one-haif 19 (I-1/2) feet deep had been rejected by defendant COUNTY; 20 (b.) whereupon said COUNTY conditioned its approval of 21 the tentative map for the aforesaid lrlair-Poway subdivision 22 upon provision for a SO-year frequency storm flow~ 23 (e.) provision for such storm flow required eubstan- 2~ tinlly greater capacity th~n that of a "small ditch 25' aPProximat~ly one and one-half (1-1/2) fee,t.,below the 26 existi~ grb~nd line~ and .27 (d.) such storm flow required a ditch in excess of 28 three ~nd one-haH (3-1/2) feet deep and approximately 1 thirty ($0) feet wide. 2 Il. Said representation was re. ads by defendants to Induce plaintiff 3 to grant such permisstonl plaintiff would not have granted such permission to ~ said defendants had she known the true facts. 5 ~ ~' 12. Pl-,lntiff ~tid not learn the true faCts unfit on or about 6 September 24. 1975:' at which time heavy earth-moving equipment had been ? moved on to the premises. 8 13. On or about the date last mentioned, pla!~,ttiff~mct with 9 representstl~es of said defendan~~, who stated to~er that, unless the ~.0 ditch was csnstruCted0 her pret~lses would be periodically flooded; but 11 for the emotional amd mental duress ~aueed by such statement, plaintiff 12 13 14. Plaintiff la informed and believes, that, on or about the dates of 14 September 24° 25 and 25, 1975. defendant lONG BEACH constructed a. 35 ditch on'plaintiff's premises of capacity ~ufficiont for 50-year frequency ,1~6 storm flows, the dimensions of such ditch being approximately thirty ? feet wide. approximately :six hundred (400) feet long. and 'more than three ~ 19 and one-half (3o1~2) feet deep'~. ~ 15. lmlaintiff has sustained compensable damages as the 20 result of the aforesaid representation, acts and omissions of defendants in 21 the sum of $95, 000.00. 22 13. Such representation, aCts and om~ssions were the result of 23 gross recklessness and oppression, fraud or malice practiced upon plaintiff 2~ by defendants, and by reason thereof plaintiff is entitled to exemplary 25 damages from defendants in the sum of $50,000.09. 26 ~ ~x~OR A SECOND CAUSE O1~ ACTION .27 (ag~ainst defendants RICE and LONG BF,~ACH) 28 17. Plaintiff realleges Paragraphs 1 through $, inclusive, and ~ P&ragral~S 10 through 16, inclusive, of this eo~m~laint end ineorporaem' ~ them herein by veferenee. ~'~ 18. V~ben said defendants made the foregoing representstLon, the7 , ~, ~ ~ acted engels,sly n~d negligently tn that they had no sufficient or ~'W~ ground fOr bellevin~ ma~h representation to be trueI nor did they have eecur: ~ 6 information or data. nor an~ ~form~,qlon or data, respecting the required ~ ~ 7 depth. 'miss, or enpncity of such ditch, even though they were well ~ 8 that without lu~.h I~forn~ttert and ch~ta they could not aei-"~trately State the ~ ale of mteh diteh~ and at that time, and et ell t~ee thereafter u~tll ~-~ Se~tembm~ 24, 1978, laid defendants e~neealed and suppressed from plnintifl their lack'of Information mad knowledge and their consequent inability aeeu- ratol~ to make the representation referred' to. FOR A THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION .(against de~end~nt COUNT~ 1~o Plaintiff realle~es P~ragrep~:l--thrma[h 8, inclusive, of this complaint stud incorporates them herein by reference. ~? 20. The lrlair-Poway subdivision la eont~ucms with the premises 18 plaintiff across Oardett Road for a dl~tnnee of ninety-sbt (95) feet. more or. less, and, for- an additional length of appro~dmateXy one hundred n~ty-four 20 (184) feet alon~ laid Garden ~toad~ the Weatherbin property, bein~ a parcel of real estate approzimately one hundred aixty-fom. (184) feet by 22 one hnndred sixty-four {184) feet, inter,essa between said subdivision and plaintiff's premises. Unnnture~ DIv~I~t,~, ,of,, ,l~rl'l~e s £5 ~1. Heretofore and prior to September 17;' 1975, defe~tdants RIC~, 26 LON~I BF.A¢I~ an~OUNTY, und each of them, planned, approved and .27; constructed streets, ettrbff. &,utters, culvertts, storm dr~tins and ditches. 28 &Il comprtsln~ the parts of n ~ystem of dressage for the lrinit--Poway ~- ~8. The construction of said draiusge ditch upon plaintiff's premises ._~ 2 was undertaken pursuant to plaintifi~s letter of permission dated June 19, ._~ 3 1974, and pursuant to gradin~ plan L-Tlfl$ asPrepared by defendant i~ICI~and -~ ~: ,as authorized!"~' by defe'ndant COUNTY. -~ 5 Z9. 'Said d?_.!~_~e ditch a~ constructed is more than tin. se and .~ 6 one-half (S-l~2) feet deep and occupies a portion of p!s!ntifl~s premises · ~ appPoxtmtely .thirty (.$0) feet wide and appro-!mately ~ix hundred (690) feet long. Such portion of said p~remises was and is de'tod by.defendant 9 COUNTY to public use for flood;'control and storm drainage purposes to ~0 such an e~tent that the public interest would suffer by the discontinuance of such use, ~ $0. -qaid drainage ditch as constructed is eubstaet~lly and ~.~ p, laintiff ~ materially la,'gsr than that to which[gave her consent in said letter of · -~ perm!ssionl the construction of such ditch exceeds the scope of her consent · ~ 15 · and was abusive and lackin~ in due regard for t. he interests of plaintiff; ,.16 11. Such construction deviates materinlly from that authorized by defendant COUNTY in that the fence along Clair ~rivs was not replaced nor was a~y crosstn~ constructed as required by such plan. ~9 32. The value of the property taken by defendant COUNTY is 20 $20. 000.00. The damage to the remaining property by reason of the takinll of said portion of the premises and the construction and use thereon of a storm drain0~e ditch is $30. 000.00. 33, Between September 24. 1975, and the date hereof, by reason 24 of the construction by defendant COUNTY of such drainage ditch on plaintJ~ 25- premises, plal~iff sustained losses of the fair 'i:ental value of her remain~ property in the imount of $10,000.00. and in the amount of $2,500.00 as th .27 expense of r. estortng the fence along Clair Drive and of constructing a 28 fordable cr~ssintl, as specified in the construction plan as approved. 8u~hd~fon ..nd eontf~uou~ public streets, into which they co~e~ and con- [ ~ 3 centare ~e m~faee waters t~t former~ flowed across ~ seeped nat~a~ ~to ~e soft of said s~dlv~elon, and, By means of c~er~ d~age ~4 w~ch c~ss under Garden Road and a ditch UPon the adJol~ng Weatherbie ,; ~'~ prope~y, dlsc~r{e such waters on to the pre.sea of pla~t~f ~ unnatu~l . '~ ~d' excessive quantities.' ' 22. ~ a d~ect result of such condu~ ~d ~t~ction,' 8 9 pre~s~s suffer.e~st~ ~d ether dams{e, causl~ p~tfff to sustain d~a{es in the ~m of $~, 000.00. ~ ~ · mva eat of Acc~ ~2 23.. The ~oresaid premiuee.~f p~n~f ab~s, ~d, for ma~ years ~3 to Ma~ 19. 1974. ~s abutted on the ~re~ ~o~ as Oa~en Road on the street knows as Chit Drive. 14 24. Pin,tiff ~s ~d. for ma~ years prior to the acts alle~ here~, free. u~lt~nd conve~ent access to ~e premises by way Galen Road and by way 0f C~ Drive.' ~ . 25. Beglnn!n~ on or a~ut S~tember 24. 1975. defendants, and each ~9 of them. began eonst~ion of a ~torm-water dr~e ditch on 20 pre~eee, alo~ its f~ntage with Cl~fr Drive; eubeequent~, on or about Septembe~ 26. 19~5. e~d co~t~ction wa~ completed. 22 26. As a result of the const~ction of such drain, s ditch. 2~ defendant COU~Y ~s ~stant/ally app~pr~at~. ~pair~ and prev~t~ 24 reae~able access to phint~s premises from C~ir Drive. thereby greatly 25 depreclatl~ its ~lue. ~d d~m~la~ pla~tfff ~ the s~ of $30. 000.00. 26 ~aki~. Severance and DeCo,!on f~m Con~ctfo~ (27 delet~ "' *27 //Y///// Francella's East West flood gates up and open Garden Rd at the Comer of Neddick Prier to 1975 the only water we got came from Clair Dr and from Neddick There was nothing on the north side of Garden Road across from Gorden's grocery store accept a Chevron gas station Looking East from Clair Drive Looking North along Clair Drive This channel never existed prior to the devlopment of Shadow Mountain Illegal ditch facing South This ditch is on Garden road, the Weatherbie's property. According to a letter Dated June 8, 1974, to Gough from Rick Engineering. "Long Beach Construction Company would like to grade a SMALL DITCH approximately one and a half (12/2) feet below the existing groundline on your property,' Illegal ditch facing north This ditch is on Garden road, the Weatherbie's property. According to a letter Dated June 8, 1974, to Gough from Rick Engineering. "Long Beach Construction Company would like to grade a SMALL DITCH approximately one and a half (12/2 feet below the existing groundline on your property~ Poway main creek at the end of Golden Way The main channel facing West Poway main creek at the end of Golden Way The main channel facing East