Item 22 - City's Investment Report - ..AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~T Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Servic Christine Tsung, Finance Manager ~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: City's Investment Report ABSTRACT Monthly reports of investments are required to be presented to Council. For your information, attached is an investment portfolio listing as of January 31, 1995. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The investment portfolio earned $321,421.94 interest during January 1995. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the attached report. ACTION L I of 11 FEB 28 1995 ITF. M 22 > AGENDA REPOR CITY OF POWAY This report is inctuded on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report pnor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, ptease fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk pdot to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City~ManagerO~lq;F Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services Christine Tsung, Finance Manager DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: City's Investment Report BACKGROUND Government Code Sec. 53646(b) requires the treasurer or chief fiscal officers to make a monthly report that includes the type of investment, institution, date of maturity, amount of deposit, current market value of all maturities that exceed 12 months, and interest rate. FINDINGS The book value of the investment portfolio as of January 31, 1995 was $69,866,621 which consists of the City's general operating reserves which qualify for investment reporting purposes. Also added to this report is a detailed schedule of the City's and Redevelopment Agency's bond proceeds held for payment of infrastructure purposes. It represents a book value of $43,496,690. The general operating reserves investment portfolio consisted of Time Certificates of Deposits (TCDs} which totaled $2,271,000, Government National Mortgage Association Certificates {GNMAs} which were booked at $986,413, U.S. Treasury Notes purchased for $12,416,172, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Certificates which were booked at $120,992, medium-term Corporate Notes which were booked at $2,963,015, Federal Agency issues of $1,000,000, U.S. Government Securities which are booked at $7,099,529, deposits at the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) of $18,001,980, and $25,007,520 invested through the San Diego County Investment Pool. The market value of the County Pool has gone up 0.67% since last month and is estimated at $22,336,095 at January 31, 1995. A copy of the San Diego County Pool's Investment Portfolio as of January 31, 1995 is attached. The values of fixed income securities, as legal investment tools authorized under California government codes, are closely tied with interest rates. As interest ACTION: 2 of 11 FEB 2 8 1995 I'~',:M 22 Agenda Report February 28, 1995 Page 2 rates go up, the market values of the securities go down. The difference between book (purchase) price and current market price is considered an unrealized loss (or gain, if the market price is higher). A real (realized) loss is when the principal of the security is redeemed before its maturity date at a market value lower than its book value. The book value of the City's operating investment portfolio is $69,866,621; the market value adjusted for the San Diego County Pool funds is $66,328,776 for a "paper loss" of $3,537,845, or 5% of the total. The book value of the City's bond proceeds is $43,496,690; the market value adjusted for the San Diego ~ounty Pool funds is $39,268,354. The City does not anticipate redeeming any of the securities prior to their maturity date, so no real losses will be realized. The funds on deposit at LAIF and the San Diego County Investment Pool earn variable interest rates. The interest rate for the month ending January 1995 is estimated at 5.612% for LAIF, and 4.87% for the County Investment Pool. The TCDs are at 12 different financial institutions throughout the state. The certificates are placed in $100,000 increments with the amounts in excess of the first $100,000 collateralized as outlined by state law using either mortgages or federal government securities. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. fISCAL IMPACT The investment portfolio earned $321,421.94 interest during January 1995. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the attached reports. JLB:MKW:PAS:CT:eg Attachments: A. Investment Report (Including the new computer report which lists all the investments for the City. It is summarized by type of investment and lists market value and maturity dates for all investments including those with maturity dates in excess of 12 months.} B. A schedule detailing the investments for the bond issues managed by the City. C. San Diego County Pool's Investment Portfolio as of January 31, 1995. FEB 28 '1995 DF~M 22 ~ 3 of 11 02/03/1995 PM - 1 CITY OF POWAY POWA PORTFOLIO MASTER SUMMARY JANUARY 31~ 1995 AVERAGE ---YIELD TO MATURLTY--- PERCENT OF AVERAGE DAYS TO 360 365 INVESTMENTS BOOK VALUE PORTFOLIO TERM MATURITY EQUIVALENT EQUIVALENT Local Agency Investment Furx:f$ ................ $ 43,009,500.16 61.56 I 1 5.110 5.181 Certificates of Deposit ...................... $ 2,271,000.00 3.25 1,651 ?89 6.572 6.663 Mortgage Backed Securities ................... $ 1,107,404.95 1.59 10,448 7,5?4 8.144 8.257 Treasury Securities - Coupon ................. $ 12,416,171.93 17.77 1,367 1,144 6.765 6.859 Medium Term Notes ............................ $ 2,963,015.00 4.24 1,716 807 7.565 7.670 Federal Agency Issues - Coupon ............... $ 1,000,000.00 1.43 1,096 980 7.111 7.210 Miscellaneous Securities - Coupon ............ $ 7,099,529.20 10.16 946 308 6.543 6.634 TOTAL INVESTMENTS and AVERAGES ............... $ 69,866,621.24 100.00% 647 429 5.778% 5.858% CASH Passbook/Checking Accounts ................... $ 0.00 0.000 0.000 (not included in yield calculations) Accrued Interest at Purchase ................. $ 94,906.84 TOTAL CASH ................................... $ 94~906.84 TOTAL CASH arx~ INVESTMENTS ................... $ 69,961,528.08 PEGGY ~T~RT CBRISTINE TSUNG California under Government Code Sections 53601.1, 53602 and 53635. Investments shall be made using the prudent man theory with consideration given to the ~,,//o//~ following items in order of priority; 1. Safety; 2. Liquidity; 3. Yield. DATE FEB g8 t995 ITEM 22 4 of 11 02/03/1995 CITY OF POWAY PM - 2 iNVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DETAILS * INVESTMENTS POWA JANUARY 31, 1995 ~VESTMENT PURCHASE STATED --- YTM --- MATURITY OAYS NUMBER ISSUER CATE ROOK VALUE FACE VALUE MARKET VALUE RATE 360 365 DATE TO MAT LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUNDS 040001 LAIF CITY OF POWAY 8,880,288.28 8,880,288.28 8,880,288.28 5.612 5.535 5.612 1 040002 LAIF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 9,121,692o06 9,121,692.06 9,121,692.06 5.612 5.535 5.612 1 040004 SD CNTY [NVST POOL 25,007,519.82 25,007,519.82 25,007,519.82'4.870 4.803 4.870 I SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 43,009,500.16 43,009,500.16 43,009,500.16 5.110 5.181 1 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 010947 EAST-WEST FEDERAL BANK 09/07/94 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.830 6.830 6.925 09/07/99 1,681 010948 EAST-WEST FEDERAL BANK 09/07/94 99,000.00 9%000.00 99,000.00 6.830 6.830 6.925 09/07/99 1,681 010928 FIRST INTERSTATE -SACRAMENTO 03/04/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.300 6.300 6.388 03/04/96 399 010929 FIRST INTERSTATE -SACRAMENTO 03/04/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.300 6.300 6.388 03/04/96 399 010933 FREMONT INVESTMENT &LOAN 03/27/92 9%000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 7.210 7.210 7.310 03/27/97 787 010934 FREMONT INVESTMENT &LOAN 03/31/92 99,000°00 99,000.00 99,000.00 7.060 7.060 7.158 03/31/97 791 010926 FRANKLIN BANK 02/21/92 9%000.00 9%000.00 9%000.00 6.450 6.450 6.540 02/21/96 387 010927 FRANKLIN BANK 02/21/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.450 6.450 6.540 02/21/96 387 010939 FRANKLIN THRIFT & LOAN 07/07/92 94,000.00 94,000.00 94,000.00 6.500 6.500 6.590 07/07/97 889 010940 FRANKLIN THRIFT & LOAN 0?/07/92 94,000.00 94,000.00 94,000.00 6.500 6.500 6.590 07/07/97 889 010930 FIRST REPUBLIC THRIFT 03/10/92 99,000.00 9%000.00 9%000.00 6.500 6.500 6.590 03/11/96 406 010943 IMPERIAL THRIFT 08/17/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 9%000.00 6.250 6.250 6.337 08/18/97 931 010944 IMPERIAL THRIFT 08/17/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.250 6.250 6.337 08/18/97 931 010931 RIVER CITY BANK 03/20/92 I00,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 ?.300 7.300 7.401 03/20/97 ?80 010932 RIVER CITY BANK 03/20/92 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 7.300 7.300 7.401 03/20/97 780 010945 SAN DIEGO FIRST BANK 03/30/94 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.200 6.200 5.286 03/30/99 1,520 010946 SAN DIEGO FIRST BANK 03/30/94 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.200 6.200 6.286 03/30/99 1,520 --'937 SARATOGA NATIONAL BANK 06/03/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.500 6.500 6.590 06/03/96 490 )38 SARATOGA NATIONAL BANK 06/03/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.500 6.500 6.590 06/03/96 490 010941 TRANS PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 08/12/92 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 6.250 6.250 6.337 08/12/97 925 010942 TRANS PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 08/12/92 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 6.250 6.250 6.337 08/12/97 925 010935 VALENCIA NATIONAL BANK 04/23/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.600 6.600 6.692 04/25/95 85 010936 VALENCIA NATIONAL BANK 04/23/92 99,000.00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.600 6.600 6.692 04/25/95 85 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 2,271,0D0.00 2,271,000.00 2,271,000.00 6.572 6.663 789 MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES 080001 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 09/17/86 2%773.50 31,589.61 30,557.26 8.000 8.784 8.906 08/15/06 4,215 080003 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 04/20/87 91,218.64 92,902.50 92,931.30 9.000 9.137 9.264 05/01/16 7,762 081008 GNMA POOL 192832 04/20/87 606,722.20 609,771.06 588,544.93 8.000 ?.958 8.069 04/15/17 8,111 081007 GNMA POOL 203379 04/20/87 265,124.61 267,296.39 257,991.80 8.000 8.001 8.112 04/15/17 8,111 081001 GNMA POOL 13057 08/11/86 114,566.00 119,339.58 117,118.67 8.000 8.503 8.621 08/15/06 4,215 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 1,107,404.95 1,I20,899.14 1,087,143.96 8.144 8.257 7,5?4 TREASURY SEOUR1T[ES - COUPON 070001 US TREASURY NOTE 09/25/90 497~968.75 5001000.00 5051000.00 8.500 8.484 8.602 08/15/95 197 070002 US TREASURY NOTE 04/12/94 488,671.88 500~000.00 470,780.00 5.875 6.323 6.411 03/31/99 1,521 *Market value of $22,336,095 FEB g 8 1995 ITEM 22 . ~ 5 of 11 02/03/1995 CITY OF POgAY PM - 3 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DETAILS - INVESTMENTS POWA JANUARY 31, 1995 INVESTMENT PURCHASE STATED ''' YTM -'' MATURITY DAli NUMBER ISSUER DATE BOOK VALUE FACE VALUE MARKET VALUE RATE 360 365 OATE TO MAT TREASURY SECURITIES - COUPON 070003 US TREASURY NOTE 04/21/94 483,593.75 500,000.00 470,780.00 5.875 6.568 6.659 03/31/99 1,521 070004 US TREASURY NOTE 05/06/94 989,218.75 1,000,O00.go 962,500.00 6.500 6.664 6.756 04/30/99 1,551 070005 US TREASURY NOTE 06/02/94 499,687.50 500,000.00 485,315.00 6.750 6.672 6.765 05/31/99 1,582 070006 US TREASURY NOTE 07/12/94 494,296.88 500,000.00 485,155.0D 6.750 6.927 7.024 06/30/99 1,612 070007 US TREASURY NOTE 07/12/94 499,453.13 50O,O00.O0 491,250.00 6.500 6.453 6.543 05/15/97 836 070008 US TREASURY NOTE 08/09/94 499,765.63 500,000.00 487,190.00 6.875 6.792 6.886 07/31/99 1,643 070009 US TREASURY NOTE 08/15/94 498,984.38 500,000.00 490,155.00 6.500 6.485 6.575 08/15/97 928 070010 US TREASURY NOTE 08/15/94 498,593.75 500,000.00 487,190.00 6.875 6.847 6.942 07/31/99 1,643 070011 US TREASURY NOTE 08/15/94 498,671.88 500,000.00 490,155.00 6.500 6.508 6.599 08/15/97 928 070012 US TREASURY NOTE 09/09/94 500,156.25 500,000.00 490,155.00 6.500 6.399 6.488 08/15/97 928 070013 US TREASURY NOTE 09/13/94 498,437.50 500,000.00 490,155.D0 6.500 6.528 6.619 08/15/97 928 070014 US TREASURY NOTE 09/13/94 496,640.63 500,000.00 487,190.00 6.875 6.940 7.036 08/31/99 1,674 070015 US TREASURY NOTE 09/20/94 497,500.00 500,000.00 490,155.00 6.500 6.600 6.692 08/15/97 928 070016 US TREASURY NOTE 09/20/94 494,921.88 500,000.00 487,190.00 6.875 7.023 7.120 08/31/99 1,674 070017 US TREASURY NOTE 09/23/94 496,484.38 500,000.00 490,155.00 6.5D0 6.678 6.771 08/15/97 928 070018 US TREASURY NOTE 09/23/94 493,828.I3 500,000.00 487,190.00 6.875 7.075 7.174 08/31/99 1,674 070019 US TREASURY NOTE 09/30/94 992,656.25 1,000,000.00 980,310.00 6.500 6.692 6.785 08/15/97 928 070020 US TREASURY NOTE 09/30/94 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 989,380.00 6.500 6.411 6.500 09/30/96 609 070021 US TREASURY NOTE 11/08/94 498,828.13 500,000.00 497,190.00 6.875 6.908 7.004 10/31/96 640 070022 US TREASURY NOTE 12/08/94 497,812.50 500,000.00 500,155.00 7.250 7.389 7.491 11/30/96 670 SUBTOTALS an~ AVERAGES 12,416,171.93 12,500,000.00 12,214,695.00 6.765 6.859 1,144 MEDIUM TERM NOTES 090032 EF HUTTON GROUP IND 06/17/91 493,635.00 500,000.00 505,940.00 8.875 9.075 9.201 05/01/96 090037 FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY 03/09/94 972,880.00 1,000,000.00 915,000.00 5.625 6.192 6.278 01/15/99 090027 ITT FINANCIAL CORP. 03/11/91 499,000.00 500,000.00 500,725.00 8.900 8.838 8.960 03/01/95 30 090035 PHILLIP MORRIS 03/26/92 497,500.00 500,000.00 495,395.00 7.500 7.517 7.622 03/15/97 775 090036 TRAVELERS CDRP 05/14/92 500,000.00 500,000.00 495,865.00 7.625 7.521 7.625 01/15/97 716 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 2,963,015.00 3,000,000.00 2,912,925.00 7.565 7.670 807 FEDERAL AGENCY ISSUES - COUPON 061009 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 10/06/94 l~O001000.O0 1~000,000.00 985,940.00 7.210 7.111 7.210 10/06/97 980 MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES ' COUPON 100011 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 02/08/94 500,000.00 500,000.00 452,288.22 6.600 6.510 6.600 02/08/96 374 100012 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 02/09/94 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 902,818.27 6.587 6.497 6.587 02/09/96 375 100013 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT BECUR FUND 02/11/94 ls000~000.00 1,000,000.00 902,818.27 6.587 6.497 6.587 02/11/96 377 100014 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 02/22/94 500~000.00 500s000.00 456,735.49 6.665 6.574 6.665 02/22/96 388 100015 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 02/23/94 500,000.00 500,000.00 458,086.79 6.684 6.592 6.684 02/23/96 309 100002 US GOVERNMENT FUND 10/30/87 699,529.20 699,529.20 704,490.30 8.000 7.890 8.000 10/30/95 273 100003 US GOVERNMENT FUND 07/22/93 500,000.00 500,000.00 461,237.28 6.500 6.411 6.500 07/22/95 173 100004 US GOVERNMENT FUND 08/13/93 200,000.00 200,000.00 182,635.66 6.500 6.411 6.500 08/13/95 195 100005 US GOVERNMENT FUND 08/24/93 250~000.00 250,000.00 227,588.87 6.500 6.411 6.500 08/24/95 206 6 of 11 FEB 081995 I'~'~.~j 22 I 02/03/1995 CITY OF POWAY PM - 4 INVESTMENT PORTFOL]O DETAILS - INVESTMENTS POWA JANUARY 31, 1995 ~VESTMENT PURCHASE STATED '-- YTM '-- MATURITY DAYS NUMBER ISSUER DATE BOOK VALUE FACE VALUE MARKET VALUE RATE 360 365 DATE TO MAT MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES - COUPON 100006 US GOVERNMENT FUND 09/10/93 300,000.00 300,000.00 271,220.26 6.200 6.115 6.200 09/10/95 223 100007 US GOVERNMENT FUND 09/28/93 500,000.00 500,000.00 453,076.92 6.250 6.164 6.250 09/28/95 241 100008 US GOVERNMENT FUND 10/08/93 400,000.00 400,000.00 362,182.93 6.230 6.145 6.230 10/08/95 251 100009 US GOVERNMENT FUND 10/12/93 400,000.00 400,000.00 362,461.54 6.230 6.145 6.230 10/12/95 255 100010 US GOVERNMENT FUND 11/12/93 350,000.00 350,000.00 321,356.20 6.310 6.224 6.310 11/12/95 286 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES ?,099,529.20 7,099,529.20 6,518,997.00 6.543 6.634 308 TOTAL INVESTMENTS and AVERAGES $ 69,866,621.24 70,000,928.50 69,000,201.12' 5.778% 5.858% 429 *Market value adjusted for San Diego County Pool funds = $66,328,776 7 of 11 FEB 38 1995 22 I 02/03/1995 PM - 5 CITY OF POP,AY ACCRUED INTEREST DETAILS JANUARY 31, 1995 MONTH ENDING FISCAL JANUARY 31, 1995 YEAR FO DATE Interest DoLJected $ 158,056.32 $ 733,762.36 PLUS Accrued Interest at End of Period 420,226.88 420,226.88 LESS Accruc~:l Interest at Beginning of Period ( 423,918.98) ( 224,019.42) Interest Earned during Period $ 154,364.22 $ 929,969.82 Interest Collected S 7,574.63 $ 55,490.03 PLUS Accrued Interest at End of Period 19,942.8~ 19,942.88 LESS Accrued Interest at Beginning of Period ( 19,967.86) ( 20,579.90) Interest Earned during Period $ 7,549.65 $ 54,853.01 LAIF/Passbook/Checking Accounts: PLUS Accrued Interest 8t End of Peliod 8,522,533.84 8,522,533.84 LESS Accrued Interest at Beginning of Period ( 8,402,441.06) ( 8,698,272.63) Interest Earned during Period $ 159,508.07 $ 1,165,021.65 TOTAL Interest Earned during Period $ 321,421.94 $ 2,149,844.48 FEB 28 7 o9S IT, ll 22 8 of ll CITY OF POWA~ INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DETAILS BOND FUNDS JANUARY 31,1995 SAN DIEGO COUNTY MARKET 1986 TAX ALLOCATION BOND $1,801,972.52 $1,801,972.52 $1,609,477.07 4.870 1989 TAX ALLOCATION BONO 9.128,767.35 9,128,767.35 8,153,588.14 4.870 1993 TAX ALLOCATION BOND 8~,~Z~5_1~lD~3~ 82~6~5_l~1_~ 25.590.549.06 4.870 TOTAL $39.581.950,19 $39.581.950.19 ~ LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND: 1989 TAX ALLOCATION BOND $3,435,928.96 $3,435,928.96 $3,435,928.96 5.612 1990A TAX ALLOCATION BONO 331,664.10 331,664.10 331,664.10 5.612 1993 TAX ALLOCATION BOND 47.391.87 47.391.87 47.391.87 5.612 TOTAL $3.814.984.9~1 $3.814.984.9~1 $3.814.984.93 BENHAM GOVERNMENT AGENCY MONEY MARKET FUND-1990A TAX ALLOCATION BOND $99.754.73 $99.754.7~1 $99.754.73 5.539 GRAND TOTAL ~ ~l.~9~,~l~[l~ ~ SUMMARY BY BOND ISSUE: 1986 TAX ALLOCATION BOND $1,801,972.52 $1,801,972.52 $1,609,477.07 1989 TAX ALLOCATION BOND 12,564,696.31 12,564,696.31 11,589,517.10 1990A TAX ALLOCATION BOND 431,418.83 431,418.83 431,418.83 1993 TAX ALLOCATION BOND ~ ~ 25.637.940.93 GRAND TOTAL $43.496.689.8.~ ~ ~ ATFACHMENT B 02~'n'~/n'= c"~'r c~"' '""'°~ND 195 9 of 11 FEB 2 8 1995 r'~.~./I 22 0~~0~0 ~0~0~~0~0 ~0 00~0~00~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~00~ 0~ · ~0~0~0~0 0~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0~000~00~ 00~ ~ ooooooo~ooo oo~ ~ ~§~ ooooooo~oooo ~8~ ooooooo~ooo oo~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ 0000000~000 00~ 0000000~000 00~ ~ 0 .0 ~ 0~ O0 0 ~ ~ ~