Item 23 - Denial of Claim for Damages AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana.q~ INITIAI~gD BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~/~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ~rativ~ S~rvice~~' Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager,/~,/~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Joe and Kellie Fraccalvieri Denial of Claim for Damages -- Brian K. Martinson Denial of Claim for Damages -- John L. Johnston ABSTRACT 1. On January 4, 1995, heavy rain eroded a hill behind the home of Joe and Kellie Fraccalvieri causing mud and debris to slide onto their property. The Fraccalvieris have placed a claim with the City in the amount of $6,200.00. It is recommended that this claim be denied. 2. On January 19, 1995, Mr. Martinson presented a claim for damages to the City for damages sustained to his auto at Old Poway Park. The amount of the claim is $450.00. It is recommended that this claim be denied. 3. Mr. Johnston has presented a claim to the City for damage to his vehicle caused by water from an overflowing drainage ditch on Montauk Street. The amount of the claim to date is $100.00. It is recommended that this claim be denied. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This agenda item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It it recommended that the City Council deny these claims. ACTION I of 19 FEB 28 1995 ITEM 23 - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report pnor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately, If you wish to have this report putled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the repor~ number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager C~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative\Servic~s~t~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager(~¥~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Joe and Kellie Fraccalvieri BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received from Joe and Kellie Fraccalvieri on January 25, 1995. The amount of the claim is $6,200.00. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS On January 4, 1995, a "substantial" rainfall caused the hill behind the Fraccalvieri's home to erode. Mud and debris slid down the hill and ultimately entered their property causing damage. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This agenda item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None ACTION: 2 of 19 FEB 281995 I._.~ 25 ,~ Agenda Report - February 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim, JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages -- Joe and Kellie Fraccalvieri �' °� Gt, i . a � r � d:ity CD`f Poway J �� C�.ni�,+�,c,wNS77HE .. p' _ _ _ �encs r�r+e st,rr�p ° Ma � � JAN. ? 5 ' �-ottice Man . r the Counter p.pOM1lOt RISI( MIM1NA�EMENT '7 ',� � f . a1m must be filed with:the City'Clerk or Ruk Manager ot the Giy-ot Powsy wiC�in 6.mo�ttu after wfilch the lent�or event ocanred: Be sure your daim k apainst�the City ot-Poway nat anot�erpubttc entlry. Where :e is:(nsut(icien� piease use additional paper antl[idontlty iritumatlon b"y pavaq�aPh number. Compieted iu mus! be mailed or.deiivered to The Cftji°ot Poway, ]3325 Clvfc Center'C�ive,Powayr CA: 92064 ( P.O. 789 ). Attn: Risk Manager . TFiE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CITY COUPtClL, THE CITY OF PGVYAY'CIIL1FOEiNtA ,. undersigned respecttuliy submit3 the following daim and Informa�on retattve to damage to persons /or personal property: • Name ot:cla;mant �t. � 1�F-�-1:1� �(ZFCC.AI:ViE. a Add�ess of claimant b: Phone No:' a Oate of�bi — d. Social Security N e: Grivefs:Ua N Name, telephone and post otf,ce address',to which Gaimant desires notices to be sent H ot�er � ttian above: , C� 2 �:. „- . �c .M :.. " S ��.�.� .� Oc�cuRence or event from which the claim arlses: • . a . Dafe � y� b: Time bW �v'•�� e. Place ( exacf speelfic Iocation) �3PC� y acu> Mvc� ��� = . d How and under whai circumstances did?damage or injury'occur2 Speeify-the particutar ocwrtence, event, act or omission you ciaim caused tt�e inJury or damage (use additional paper'if necessary ). Sc.�. '(�n-r�HED PAP�r�2 e: What;par5cuiaraciion by the Gity; orits empfoyees, caused the alleged damage or injury2 S�� i�T� AC �-1 ��U PAPt.;Q 4 of 19 FEB 4 g 1e95 �.��,�'� Z3 .� 4: Grve a;descripco� of the inj�� ,�p,�rt �� or loss, so far as ,nown at the time of this a daim. If there were,no injun..;, g�e'No tnjurfcs' 4� =�:i'�jQ�,� �] �`i��. AVF��;P. � �F�QU'CE. H.Zk.'TFi��1�� -� Wfi � � �1Z�j�l.�l, �._ �1; Cti' � ' ��= Ov m� �P,� ���-�.D. a�vt Sc.iO,' 2v�' - �T- S �� v - ;Ut?�zaG�, =° . Give�:nart�e(s):ot tne City, employ,ee(s); causing the damape o� tiijury: ,� l.k� �w��tL�LS s �U�`�• `�CtJOw A� 1JAr�rti � y 6. P�amb•and.address oi any other'person iryufed: .: tJ(j� � � : 7: Nama and addreu ot the ownerot-any d8maped ProP��Y� ' - �� ��::UG �Q.fA • v` .. . : 8, s a�me : ,y o � ; m. Amoun2;Uaimed as of tflis date ' • • b: EstimateG amount of future�cos�; a �� 2 �`°� c' TotaJ an�ount daimed: g r �" �o d. 8asis for eomputation otamounts.claimed (lnGude eap s t blis�nvoices, esUmates; etc) : F.' - D. Na�nes'and`addresses ot I wttne; es, hospitals, ctors, etc. ', a _ � • . a- d ' . 10. Any additional information that;,mipht be hetpfW In eansiderinp ihis claim; ��2 tiC�-�L, �`� A i_� F�,,�� OA4CAQF FP�CiU``1 W� Uk.ED TEat� • �MAC��,S 2C:i?P��Z� \MM�• A'C �.0 �Ct W� CC3J` C3t=. SH�IT wa �- -co v��AE�. aNO ���F��.�y ca,�c.�z�c�s - 1NARNING. IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FlLE A FALSE CLASMI (Pena1 Code �§72; Insurance Code g 556.1 ) I have read the mattars and statemerrts made in�the��above daim and I,know t�e, same to ba�true of my,own krowleC�e, ezeept is,to`those matters st�ted;upon,irilorrr�ation or beliet as'to wch rruttea l'tisGeye Ihe'=ame tobe�UVe. i cert�y under penatty of.perjury',that the loreaoinp is"TRUE and GORRECT. • S�Qned,this Z�J tlay ot �i�a.�2.`, .19 �15 ffi�'•� A.F..�, C �k,��s . � fe �" , , Office of the Gty.Cleiic � J.L �L�lL(.e 4y,uZl,�.� Pouray, Cal�omia DOCUMENT NO. FILED 5 of .19 FtB 2� 1995 I�c�� Z3 +� 3D. Our house and yard butt up to a hill which used to be a county landfill. There is a brow ditch which is maintained by the city separating the two properties. On the evening of Jan. 4, 1995 there was a substantial rainfall. It caused massive erosion of the hillside. Mud and debris from the hill slid down and filled the brow ditch directly behind our home. It then avalanched down a small embankment, through a retaining wall and covered our entire backyard. Part of which is an 800 sq. ft. sandbox with a commercial playset that ie the main-stay of our state licensed daycare business. 3E. About 2 or 3 months ago crews from both the city and the county were working on the hillside. They appeared to be regrading and compacting the hillside and clearing the brow ditch. We believe this work may not have been completed properly. Thus, the damage to our property occurred. The reason we feel this work may not have been completed properly is as follows. A few years ago when all those rains in March fell (approx. 10") we had no property damage at all. Since the hillside has been regraded this year only 2 to 3 inches of rain has fallen; and damage to our home has already occured. CI~ OF ~WAY RISK MA~GENIETTT 6 of 19 FEB 28 1995 25 No. TRECRO[E tONSTR�I�lON b;5;0. V. I I TH ST„ �ce /-16-� ESfON0100 C�fl 92025 sn�tNo.1 6 1'4 • 7 4 0� 1 3'S 0• �,��[ �'S� Propasal Su6mictad To: � Work To Ba�::Parformed:At: Name 7'o Q- + I�esll y r1 Kcei V�,Q�y" ,go a. SEreec r ' Screer c�cy Po ..ic:•f Qa0 �O� City Stete S�� C'�' ?, Dete af Pians Ffione • . MchitecC� � We'fieretiy prnpose co furnish t�eimate�iels end"perform the�.lebor necessary fae the completipn of Y o.,•- � c�.Q �. 4(� -r R�-p �� Nw;�^ialJ +- vtit..,..k m �-}� t7.�.e �. ��r} . Y�1�. d - rLui�- L (2.q�•, o-�� ��lS11�2 F►�o �... C� or Cn.�.t L�c..�$ � ' i��s ' e6 .�,�['��� �.e�.. ��.+.,� �o Cl.n.�. R4s��,�„ prOi�-O`..'�'1 � '1-o sp,.ox. . !. � v tl�- : e .. �.: ,l - 1`tG.`+n.n n�.a. �Vb �o.k R4-�a � ti � `�'p,U � ~� t4w.2o ��°- �( a�+c L� �{-. L y;' oc Po .(�t. a. n►��� ��a4.e.� w,�, * �,.....9� r � a � p ��z Y � . 3 � .•o ��-e f- D.a�,� � a.iJ' � W/ .� _.. • i 1�lo'Y� + Z a�e-, IY3a.•°' f- A''SI'� GwS D�-a:� 8�+�� f�-�d C.fiv^, ' �f • �oo Sl�' ef C'+-VaJ45 aY�� � Y�ie. Q�+-.n �-' tta Swn:i.l�b 862.� S�� �'? .r•�� S(�dt,, ,�' olrr�V�+c:{�ed t:.a� '•�p..-+ '4c+ c�v'��h 1� e.X�s��' D�-atu3 . b.�ill �j�.,oat� x:tcordi.lc � _ -$: !�}�( Mi.c.1C. t Lg.� �o �e. ta.ho� -1� d�.�� `� 9�s�os� o�' 3"l2. PMoQ�,Y oltev� �w} �O Ca�i All' materre� is guarenteed to be es� specified, and the above work to be performed in gccadance �with ttie' tlrewings �a� �specificatlons subm�itted for above work and completed in e�substantiel workmanlike menner .for 'the: sum ���a� �$ 5Y 3a, ao withpayments to be madeas follows: ,/S�' ���0 S�J.� S�;y ��,��£�'� aa►�d 2.,�ltiti.44 s�.�} u.,-k 3 u.� a, 44�1. ee.,.,P��a-. a!y sRerecion w tleviebon�.finm ebpve gpeGf utnau irnoivvq �aatre � mece wiii Ee.eaecucuG�,onry uuo�i writisn o!ears. mip, .R@SpeCt}ully Submitted ��-y l�tro CMrge over etfG ebove.GM.e6timatL: ill pry�nyt)cf':'cOn[�npen[ �iipon acrikes:;eccr0mcs w Oelsys OsyonO_our conVd,Onner W:urry � �.,:♦ ��� L S` M1 torrotlo�aM ocher rocec�ery`vrcurorire �pon ebwe.work wwt. Per ar.�..�r T �� .� meos Compenseuan en0 Puoi¢.GeCdrty,�nw�a.ca m a0ove rrari w Oe� . CBAMOUC;OY ' _ � � Note-TfiiS proposal may tie withdFawn by'us if not accepcf ` within �O ��deys: ACCEPTANCEOFRROPQSAL The.above pcices: 5pecifications�and�ccndi[ions':are satisfactory a�d ere-fiereby eccepted:.YOU are:authorized to do the as�specifle � Paymen{;,will�be:ma0e��asr:ouUinetl°a�ove. Signawre �ace. Signature 7af19 rE� z� igo5 6^�a� 23 , ; State License Vo, 30? ^ La " �, CA 4194 t 69'7-9020 �; �;;� �,STIMATE DATE: lanuary 20, 1994 F"(�A C(.:A'�;V i� R 1 T0: KELLY � Poway, CA 92064 RE: ESTIMA7'E FOR�REPAIIt OF LANDSCAPING AND RETAINING WALLS AND REMOVAL OF MLTD & DEBRIS AT'. R'e will fumish all the required materials and we will perform all the labor required for the completion of: 1. Removal of damaged fencc and inscalling approximately;80 lineal:feet of 6`tall cedar fencing With two 4' viidc gates (:1"x 6" boazds,pos4s•,spaced 8' on center or-less). 2..Removal of exiscing damaged retaining;wall and of 45 lineal.feet of 1'S" fiigh retaining wall (6"x 6"x 16" concrete slump block with proper drainage'holes. 3..Hauling away all inud and dirty, sand &om sand play area and replacing;it with 10 yards of. clean, double-washed. silicone sand: 4. Cleaning of damaged lawn and fertilizing-of'same. 5. Removal of damaged sod;and replacing with new.sod. TOTAL ESTIMAT'E/CONTRACT PRICE: $5,010.00 Thank you,. W CE'DEN'HERDE 8'of 19 r-te 2s r�s5 E:�=:9 23 �i �o .. . A -'----� . _--- --� —` --- t1. - ---- -�'- - � — . --- -- — — ' —' ' a. � , _.. _ 7 / 2 0 / 9 S ...� '� _. FR�4ccAl�vi����Y . ,,. . � � POWA.Y . __ _._.. B6DG PERMITS _ __ � ... _.. � ..... . _ -- �---� - --- � . i. o _ _. _ -- — — — --- - — —. ._.. .— ..— , �, — — : • _._...... i...... ;.._. .. ....__.... ._. . �, _ ,_ _ , __ _.... _ _ �° 1.Buildixg Pqr�qits _., , ...,_ , __0 0-0,_NOT INCLUDED ... _... _.. _.. , 2.Removal oj Damaged Fencs aad �rsstoUing appror 80' oj 6,'__ tall _ , , ,- . ccdar jence, wuh Z14', wtde, 6ale� (lr6" Boa►As Posiy..,8`�1 G. or less)�_ _ 1L00 00' ALI.OwANCE . _ 3.Rcmqral,_ oJ _ti,ztit. Dawa,�ed Rslo�aing....Wal! qnd lastcifraa 45' oj ; _ 2s6" High_ (Port_spac�pg....5`_:OC,., or less), __ 430 00 .... , 3.{Alterwate -_,ADD) /j 6x6" CoRC Slump, Bfotk es useA �acf,. .coacrete� - _.. Joofingi witl�__Qroper _dralaogt _,I�oles, . ._ . ADD: _ � 2_IS , 00� AL60WANCE . _.. ._. � � 4�Flaulin8 _myd awd . d7rey saAd jram _ saed pta� area aaJ .._:. � _ � W _ _ c rtplaciag witk: ►0 )orAs_ oj doubJt :washe6..,t�llcuaa...saad '... 7 00! ._ ALLOWANCE, _ , . . __ , _= S:Pcopei oj ;da�uaged' tawa , and fer{ibziwg, _. _ _; l�4U 00; „ALl.01VANCE_... , u F 6:R�mu,ral . uf dqinagsd sod artd . with new soQ _. . Y;ZQ.,.Q�.,- ACLOWANC-E � m SUBTUTAL ° f3,730 00 _. o -_ __. . __ _ _._ _ _ ... . _ � x 24.Confrqc(ur's Ovtrhtqd &.._lnsurancc ' 468 73: _ __ _. _ 24.Supervlsiun;.. ,. _.. �'..�� - _._._ TOT'A COST . _54 . ,309 . 0 . .. .._ _. ... _ . _ _.._._ . . .. ..... _. ; 25.CONTRACTON'S PRUFlT _ .. ' .:. �� _. . � _ SS„0 00 _....._ .. � __ . ._ ..... ... in . _,_ — '_ ._ _._..._ — � _ .... ..... . .... : .._. — '_ _—' _ _.__'...—._._._.__'_.'_ . ' — — y .� DEN HERDER CC�NSTRlI _--,— `— .— _ _ ..... .:..... ..... .__ _._ ... . -- —� — ----- --- ' 9267 EDCE WOOD' DRIVE I_A MESit,_ CA 42441 — _ — -.. __ .. _ _ ;. . _ ...... ._ _ . _. . -,. a, _ ,— ...—..— -- --- -..— a 697-9020 - -- _ . :.. .... ..: .. ... _,... .._ � —r _ — — -- ' -- -- — _ _ � — — — _ _—.._�..-- r %� 1 ' m _... ; ...._ _... ;...... _... ..... __ . __. _..... _. _... n, _.. : _. ._.. .._. ..._. _ � _..._ _.. .- . � q ' � .._.. .... . .. i _.... _ .. . . .: ... ._.... . ._ . ._.. .._... .._ .. .... . ..... . __ i .. . .... ....... _... ....... . _...... . _�:. . - � � � ...... ......... ..... .__ i T � : . i . . ._r. ._... :._, . .. � , . ..... ..... .... ...... .._ __. ...._. _ . . . ,-_. ... .... ....__ .._.... .___. __...._ . . m .._._. .... .... .._ . ._...... .... . _ . ...... ...... _ ._._ .. . .._.._ ._...... _._.. .. .. . . . m . �....' ' � _ _:.._.. .....,. ... _.. .... _ _. .__. ; . . _ . . ._ . .... .... ..... _._ , �n �.Y� _ _....... __.._. _..... ..._._ . ._ ..... ...... ...... . . °' ...� E _ _ _._._.! .._ . ... ....:. :... .. .. .... ..... ...__; _.. o :;. _.. ... _.. .... ... _. . . _._.. . .... ... ..... ; CI : �: . .. ..:' .:. ..... . .� . ..... . . .. ...... ..... . � ........ . .... .... .. ...... .. . . . ... . ... .. ...... .... ...... . N .... .. .__ . .. ,. .o w . j .... .: .... . ...:. ... _ ._ --- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This repor~ is included on the Consent Calendar. There wiU be no separate discussion of the report pnor to approval by the City Council unless members ol~ the Council. staff~ or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. It you wish to have this report pulted for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the repor~ number and give it to the City Clerk pbor to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrativq Servic~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager(~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Brian K. Martinson BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received from Brian K. Martinson on January 19, 1995. The amount of the claim is $450.00. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS Mr. Martinson alleges that while he was parking his auto in the parking lot at the Hamburger Factory on Midland Road, a spike protruding from a parking stop damaged his front bumper. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This agenda item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None ACTION: 10 of 19 Agenda Report February 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages -- Brian K. Martinson 11 of 19 FEB 281995 |'?~,.q.~ 23 ~ � . City Of Poway '��g � U ^ �. a�uM AcarisT r►ie cn•r oF aownY �;� � � CTiY � POYVAY R� MANAGEM . ' s �rt+e Start� — leceived by � , ' ' , via � I.S.'M2i1 iter-OffieeaMaii � . Nerthe Co"untsr l��'i y y' '° �': � ctatm mus! be filed'wlSh�tAe'EIly Clerk or�HLsk^Manager otlh� Gty"o} Poway art4hin;6 montht after'which the ►ciderif or eyent oaurred. Be su�e your daim Es "aga�nst C�e Cky ofsPoway,; noLanother pubiic Antlty. Where paca�is insutficienk please u'se additlona! paper gnd identify into�mation by paragraph number. Completed lairn� must be mailed or deirvered fo The City of Poway, 19325 Civic Gntar Drfve;Povrray, CA. 92064 (''P:O. 1 789:). Att n:`Risk , Mar�aqer 'O,THE HONORABLE MAYCR AND GITY COUNCII, THE C(TY OF;PCWAY CA1.IFORNIA .. re understgned rcspecttuliy submits�the foltowing daim aniS lnforrt+�tlon�reiattve to damage to persons �nd/or personal property; , . Name of daimant Hnian R liaitinson. � a Address'of Gaimant b. PAo�e No. a DaEe of`birtti.. d. Social Securiry No.— �. DriveTs Uc, No:— :. Name, telephone' and`post o�ce address=to whicA daimant desires noticts ,to be sent if other �hah above: N/A ' 1; Occurtence or eyent from which the claim°aiises: . a . Date 20DEC94 b. T}R18 I930 G Ptac� (;�xact and speafic loeation) _ am �llLUer f3CtOtY - oalklnQ� .10 -. Tn E�rort� - O- EhP r ictnmPr ankranra��� d How and under what;circumstances;did damage or injury occur? S�eciy the partl�uiar oewrrence, event: ac3 or.omission.you Gaim saused she Injury ordamaQe (use additional paperit neceuary ). _ W}l��i'7P i1RCkl'T� a*' 'hhe- Aamh��rQAr Fan4�r�r�. .Thn F�rnnh . .�F m�.nnr wpc damaqed;. A steel spi!ce.protrudinq out of a parkinq stop damaQed'mv front bumper.. e. What,pacJcular';dctlon by Vi�e Ciry;.orits employees, caused the alleged,damege or injury,? Sf p=oper'maintenance on the parking 1ot vas.maintained the damacie wbuld not have occurred. The lighting and other cars prevenC the ability to;see Ehe protr,uding spike. I tio e:the roblem is resolved so no o er -in iv1 ua s ave t e same problem. 12 of 19 F�B 2 u IS95 ��_ �:� z3 : I 4. Give a descripdon of t�e tr �' /,. ProP�rh damaqe or (� �{u �, ^, ��.0 �e tlm� of Nis - �a ttaim: H theca:wsn no fnjur�ea, ssate 'No injuries ° . .�� "NO�INJIIRIES�" An�estimate,oP the repaif` co5ts i_s..enClosed.. H. Car � is�only a year old and has no other damaQe -- S. G�ve,n8me(s) of the Gtty�omptoyee(s) caustng th� damape' or injury; �N/A, � i � � � 6. Name �nC address ot any oth�r persomtnjured• ., N/A _:: Y • � r •:s 7, Nam. and address ot'fh� owner ot any dart�ped AroPerty: � ' ., -; 8. Daniages daimed , ; a. Amount cia,med.as ot�th�s date ' . . b. Estimated amount of future casts: s, a5o. o0 e� Totat amount datmad g a o. o0 dc Basis "for'computabon of amounts ciatmed (.Ineiude co ps s� o t a J t` b i t l s: i n w i c a s, e s ti m a t e s, e t y,: ;Repairs and three day„s of a,comparabLe rent a,car. Bstimated'car rental. 9. Names and addreues of;all'witr�esses, hospitals. docton. �tc: & iche ; . . - �. ;Kimberly 'Ota G d- . 10. Myadditional infannation°tfiat miqhf b� helptul In:eonsiderinq this Galm: t '4' N%A . :4, .i�' . J � ' . WARNI,NG: tT IS A CR1Ni1NA1 OFFENSE: TO flLE A FALSE CIAtMI .(P�nal Code §72; Insurance Cade ¢ 556.1 j ` I'havQ raad;tho maiters pnd statemerts;msde�in ttN abova daim u+d Lknow tlu �amtto be truo ot my'own kiiowleCSe i accapt u to'those maxsis stafed,upon lnlomsat;on;or-b��iet as ta'auch rtiattersJ bi6eve Cw sarr�e fo b�"UVe. FCertify undi � ponalty oi�pmrjury',that tho t6re;otng is°TRUE �nd'COPIRECT. • . . SipnEd Vtis 1� f < dayol_JArI/l /G,Q_V � 19 �S ,, t' �yfr Nn�+.c �=C a��n n� cs i�:��; ,�! 1�n�7i���� > � CUunaru's:5ynature ; OEfia� oE tlie �ty C1�k Poway, Caliiom3a DOCUMENT NO: FlLED 13 of 19 - FEB 2 6 1S95 13 c':!Q 23 . AU"T"O A RT F�A I NT 8, B":ODY J" J ��u: �ii`Jic`i'!:.: A.%:C:�. .,�l _ Cr ' . ... .'11 . . . .'.' ' ' : . _ :? i 7�>?-6=``J7 V ZSZSLE DAMAGE QUOTATION q3630 by WqLT �EUHHARDT on 12-27-9N BzB'I_AJV_MA:RT I h7SEN ' SE,yle s GR°_V Insurer . �:-Y uF ^0'�AY Lic. P1aEa: ' Rd;juster : SatJ CI_;�J,=q 5�1i:.9 Faint Cade� Fippraiser: Dhon"ed'. Frod. DaLa: Glaisant : 9;i y;�Sr;)a RLTIi�A Profile : ST�`.DG,RC� Insured . VINs Deduclibles i.�� Policy M: Mileage: � Ciai� N x Optionst t L�6ar Oo O�scriat'inn Prict l�b¢� Paint L�Eor 6Yauo Drin G1^ou� y 3=^F!A r?_:?+t� C:'rE�i a.�a. 2.5+ ?tS ?6�Y EXiS'.IYG t , 2 N�! r�p]R CL�r;N S:�3:=r* F•a _°E.^.'c•y -NO ;:PF.dCE :�C} 8.d :J:� 3 A�:'.:3CA •QC�K 3 CGV;7 F�R 0�:»qpY . ?.;0+ a.e� e.i '�;e,r t a u: ��e c��a� c�;- r. aa :. �. a, z Q�:srs,� « �,,� e:a -,�, c�__a a.ae i.a• a.a ��tvs� t J.:;eo%r,t :te� �c.rmmarv ?G7V ° 5r:: 32.3d 75. LP i!tl[V? MA�3?PlS 79. �rT `.EN 7. �aT :c:_\:�u� �4r;a� :2.£2�. "�.Q�O �A2canCL5�AC5TE S.a*D Vcr.-Taxed ! abcr �07.7� ?aaed Cests 79.22 'ax:d ?arts 7.�2 iK 7: �d% .. °4 ix 7. B2dX 0. 53 Van-?aMrd Czsts 5.98 lab�r ( 6.9 hrsl _d7,28 • FEC'I Gosts/tlaterials 34.�a Parts 7.�2 T3M �,'t] �,sto�zr•Aosp�a;i6�lity ,V7.84� Orartid Total 3Qt4_ 77 �!'F.'�f Y`il : =F _'r..C"al�i5 FU?0 �aT. � � i�E 8l;RF�yTEE"CliR '�ORH17Fh'9!:D FOo � !:.'x /iS YCt1 ';�N '!�lfR '�E�i?CLc". :'E 'c'�nApN':E C'JY �A:�'T `OA F:'': Y�ei�S. ESTIMATE RECq1 PAASBEAr 12-27'-9A 14:2b;26 fstip�to Plut i� �.tr�dnark of pitchQl Int�rn�Eian�l FEB 2II �995 � �;�� Z3 rj I 4 o f 1 9 Capyriyht 1991-1941 All Rightt A(t�rv�d AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There wi~[ be no separate discussion of the report pdor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk pdor to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members o,~, City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrativ~ Service~s~) Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager~/~,b,_~ DATE: February 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- John L. Johnston BACKGROUND On February 1, 1995, a claim for water damage was received from John L. Johnston. The amount of the claim is $100.00. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS Mr. Johnston claims that rains on January 4, 1995 caused a drainage ditch to overflow and damage his automobile. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This agenda item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None .A. CTION: L 15 of 19 1995 Agenda Report February 28, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages -- John L. Johnston 16 of 19 FEB g 8 1995 - - D � � Caty Of g'o6vay '� � D ` CWM AGAtNST 7'HE G7Y OF PGWAY CiTY OF Ptl K NA -. Raeeived by �� � vta U:S: Ma�t ' . 4tt�"r,OKia AAs�7 �� Ov�rth0 Counber �-��'l/S D Z8 A;elaim mus! bs filtd wlth �. City Clerfc or f�ffck^ fho Gity: of'Poway wFtl�ln �;months �fter afilch the Inofdent or tvent oeeurred: Be;ture youc=daim la•;apain=t tho � ofrP , not ar+other pubtic's�Uty. Whsre 'spaee !s insut4id.nt, pNase tis� a0dition�i paper and Idantity h,ormabon - 'paraprapA number. Completed dalms must'be n�ped or deliv¢rgd to The C#ty ot Poway,13325 Civfc�C�nntvi Drlvf,Poway, CA. �2064 ( P.O. Box 788 ). Atlt+. Rlsk Manager �O T'iiE HONORABLE MAYOR' AND`.CRY.COUNCI� TiiE CTTY OF'rONVAY;GAl.IFORNIA .. TA�� underatgned nspecttuly submits the; fol[ovrtnp daim and lnfortratlon tetaUve to Oam�pe to peraons snd/oc personal ptoperty: 1. PlamYOi'dilmant �I oN:a L: .^ J ��us�,�.' ' �. Addrtss ot clairrtiant ` ' __ b. . Pnone No. c. Date of:birth -I _ d Social Security No. �. Oefv�ra Ua No. 2. Name; telephone and post o�ce add�eu to wflicA dalmant dsains nottees tb b� senYif-other �han above: 3: Oceurrence or evont'trom whieh the daim arises: , . , a. . Date �- 4-g � b. tfine,. ^ S' � 3 o ,., . a Piaeo (:�zacl;and spoeific locatlon) - �r _ � _ d How and';under what c;reumstances dd,damaga or injury oewr? Speciy the particular ocwrrenee, �vent; act;or'omission •you daim c�used tfie injury-or QamiBe (use sCditional paper it nsussary ). �ol4c9c C:Axs '� D26i�rqLF iliTC� ?b 3'ACr�_0 E oJE?F�t�i.?,. � D�7tF�t,: Ft:oO�D�E�� T�f'. .S-u�PF. ��. vu7Q c.47L PAfL2.F.A . �4-r ;c:�;�; Q a s n c e. What parJa,lar�action by the Gty, o� Rs �mptoyses, auaed tho aDog�d damsge or injury? ,.-. Fi4ic�:c2F 7D ,c� P D2R�tif�-c�E' D,.�c�-J c�Efr-�.J �+ �T �E F-�:ew ��- F�.E'E�`/ - 17 of 19 Ft3 2 Fi 1��y �•'�-:','� 2j 4. G�v� a B�scr�pdo� ot C+e .., . DroP�nY damaps a bss, eo far Rr+own at th� tlme ot tnis ,� daim. M tt+scm won no iryurt�s, aiata 'No Injurias ' • - �/ - � /98�i P�Ymc�n1' ✓b'��E� Fcp'oJE� uin./ c✓R-�Z�/iHi � +1 u _ � ?i� 6-=�!' fi'13J�/G �c.0023!li9�4i� • /vlo[� •s!2.E.4e o�1 Lih./,J � J 5. Ciivo name(s) oi tM Gty mrt+ptoy��(s) esusir+p tha'domapo orinlur�"• . ' `. . ,� • ::, =y 6. Namo and addrtss ot tny otf+�r p��san ir�und: � .,: • � 7. Nam� tl addnsa ot ths ownar o! anY �++O�d ProD�nY� - J aH�J L . ,/o}%,1S A?�s� . � w � � �; 8. Damapes daimed: ar, , � a, Amount c�aimed as oT this dafe ; % d'n — ' - b. Estimated unount ot hrture costs: ��_ c�r„�.ou,, ,�- T p,,,, � t ' Total:amouni daimed: ; /JC -�a Dss,-� C. 6asis foreomputstion of,amounts Gatm�d ( Includo eop�s oi aft biQa,involets, estimates, �ty : .�✓,��c�S - Pass,[3�E A�n,noa..a �c.4.v ,F Csha.OE- D�ES r�o— � 9. Natnts and addreua of all wifiassos, ho=pltsla, doctors.,fe. °'¢`''. a 7E � 8.4aea� A,a� : a a�'s r�csw � . � . d • m:r 70. My additional tnformaEOn ttut rtuphi bQ Mipful In eonsid�rinp,thia daim: 'K:d � . :'ir . ;��;: �%i ti:i `y;1. _ - _ WARNING: �T tS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE ClA1M! (PYna! Code §72; ��' Insunnco Gode � SS6.1 j 1�` . ` I Aava nad tlu mattera and s�tortxntt rt�de h tfp ebovs qafm anC I krow C+a sams to b� W� ot rtry own'krowleC�e, +`�? tsCtpt tS�tO 1l10ff �fTlitSlR�filifd YpOff HOffTliti0fl 0� b@Gl168 SD iNC�h R1tEDts I bOBWt OM fi1M 10 b� WC. I CtRify Y�C "`� psneRy ot psr�ury Uiat Ca toro^,olnp � TRUE an0 CORRECT. ' • ;:� '� &on.d ws 3 �ay o+_��� � � 9� � ;.;; ::; . •, . f5'� oESae ot tt�e Chy;Oak ' Powy. GBforssta • DOCUMEIJT N0. �p 18 of 19 ' FtB 2 � 1995 6����+� 23 i �y,pan:�a er ^ . Cmuci - .... , V Q. � J U J � � � Pa. Bua. =RUICEMASTER `"°.,-�—� o��. o.i. _ A:M: ew �ra. - ....� �' ." �✓ P.M: ::q:, .,�'�.. � – 140 Engel St . la�iNa�w Fint InitW �~ '? '�� (J •' A. CI RRC `DR NI -0f RRF � G.AI 1 .P ,9_ •1�. 5 �6 ondido, CA 92029 �, /,-,, R ; <� �� T � �, cJ � . AM .... �..: �..b. A� . 9..�. .� i�rD. . ... .., . ...,, • „ �{80�02Qe bGrw 'SIrx11 �.. / . ' . : �� . . . .30qKY, fIN11W C , � wer ." .:.�1 s�i. l�ZJ b�./� ._ ,su.a��am. ;�... ,, ow. c..n w. � cna. lnDfumltw� Br Ropm f9nlwm:.l. ''. Typ� C N H �_ SpNm � :'C�� l�`y Pri� AM TYW OI S�rvin � .Sry4 BY Cos� No: Room. .. ._:�n�� gpl � :'}(pp , Bv °°°' "°. ���� eM BOt Lar et Cleanin � C' R �A. , � ' � .. :� � ;� � o a i: ��� 7E _.. •. u�: .. 802 Fumi�ure Ckaniip �' . BO/ OdarConirol ��J �/��•� q (, .� ' '��'��� 0O ��809 Slatio%oolinp . , B11ti5ailProolinq . . . . � . ,- � ,f �_-y' 813�Carpet�Sanitlzinq - " - . . ,828"Wa11�8Ceiliiq.Clnq. � ' iy�' � B36�flooi�Maimenance ' "� �''���� � '825 Olher Sarvice5 .. . .. � , i : • .n: :. �:.975" �.��. B70 Disaste� Hestoratian B75�HOUSe-Wide'�Cleaninq Rlhti r'�� � . • i :�� �9!' , � .' .a S�6d . ;.:f.' � ' .....�.'�_.. ,.... ... , . .. - .. . . ... . , . -. �.. Hmw Cu� Froaucu •n...• n�:1' 2.•1Sfl�. 1�: � �.891 Care Nits ' 891� FiberFiesh Ot. , 'e , . Mpn�Co�RW�icb a ,,, �891 fiberFrtshGal, 891 SalvOil ^grp� : ._ N � B9t Drlo-X Pt. . . � B91 CAemGlide..Sponpe f: Cit �: �.^ ; � „ �891 CSrpeF.Groomer ' �" � - 892'�O��eiProCutts . . =.:�-'.i'..:°�. > ' -. il"�� _•fu,' ' ! M �TOtel Unite -i :u�"'^��"' � SwxcnLY. - �'f�4w1 �p'�.' I.NO. .. . . . .,. , BfM _ MT9tlYTY "T ISb � .._., � . I� GrvZCBMASTERo _..,.ask u8 . . . � `� ,` , � , � � .tr - � �About`ouracheduled.homecleaning � s�„�.�.A. �.A 3 0 5 5`8 3 7 � serv��e � "House-Wlde Cleaning � w .. . �— CUSTOMER'S COPY PLEASE SIGN THE REYEHSE SIDE ,. . � OF THIS CONTRACT e« n..«+� �� . ...... i9 of 19 rE6 2� 1�95 6"=::� 23