1995 03-07 AgendaCITY OF POW" G1TY IbIiNGIL1NTf (',RATED AGENRA REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 7,1995 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL /PLANNING COMMISSION /REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR GALLERY 3. PRESENTATION by Patrick O'Brien, Executive Director of The Open Sea Foundation, regarding their First Night Program. 4. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 6 THROUGH 15':1 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE REMOVED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. STAFF REPORTS 5.* Status report regarding Project CARE (Community Action to Reach the Elderly), a "safety net" program for seniors and the disabled (referred from January 31, 1995, Item 18A). (1180 -05) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. CONSENT CALENDAR 6.* Approval of Minutes - City Council February 14, 1995, Regular Meeting 7.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency February 14, 1995, Regular Meeting 8.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of February 13 -17, 1995. (401 -10) * Exhibit EncloseT # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 7, 1995 - PAGE TWO 9.* Approval of an agreement with Melissa Tamberg for editorial services for the City's quarterly newsletter, Poway Today. (602 -01 #1051) 10.* Award of bid for the Auxiliary Generator Building at City Hall to Construction Development Management in the amount of $87,777. (602 -01, #222R) 11.* Resolution No. P -95- - Minor Development Review 94 -57 (Hillside/ Ridgeline), Linda Wells applicant: a request to construct a 4,204 square foot single - family home and a 1,050 square foot pool house on a 3.25 acre lot located at 15650 Boulder Mountain Road. (203 -10) 12.* Resolution No. P -95- - Temporary Use Permit 95 -07, Ali Ganji, Guardian Towing, applicant: request to allow the temporary stationing of three tow trucks to be parked and dispatched from the back parking lot of the Shell Service Station located at 12365 Poway Road. (203 -07) 13.* Approval of the allocation of $32,250 in additional funding for the 21st year (FY 1995 -96) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) to miscellaneous ADA improvements, $8,000, and the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program, $24,250. (401 -30) 14.* Status of pending legislation. (701 -11) 15.* Receive and file report of administrative action taken on City Council Initiated and Public Inquiry Items (701 -10) JOINT MEETING WITH THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 16A.* Discussion 16B.* Discussion 16C.* Discussion 16D. Discussion CITY MANAGER ITEI 17. of dog park at Community Park. of ballfield lighting at Tierra Bonita School of potential sites for youth sports center. of Council's expectations for the Committee. 4S CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 11.1 * x i tt Enc ose # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY CuUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 7, 1990 - PAGE THREE - MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL- INITIATED ITEMS 19. MICKEY CAFAGNA 20. SUSAN GALLERY 21. ROBERT EMERY 22. BETTY REXFORD 23. DON HIGGINSON