Item 5 - Status Report on Poway's Project Care Program AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable M_yor and Members of the City Counc~. FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~'Jf Robert L. Thomas, Dir.ector of Commun~y Service~?'~.~' Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management Analyst/./~ DATE: March 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Poway's Project Care Program ABSTRACT At the February 1, 1995 City Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Callery outlined a safety net program for seniors. The City Council concurred to implement a similar project in Poway. Staff was directed to coordinate with Poway Valley Senior Citizens Executive Director Connie Brock, and provide a status report to the City Council. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBtIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Connie Brock and Senior Issues Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION ~AR 7 1995 ITEM lof5 AGENDA REPOR" CITY OF POWAY ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerL~r~c' Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communit~ Services Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management Analys~ DATE: March 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Poway's Project Care Program BACKGROUND At the February 1, 1995 City Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Callery outlined a safety net program for seniors. The City Council concurred to implement a similar program in Poway. Staff is coordinating this project with the Poway Valley Senior Citizens Executive Director Connie Brock. Project Care is the name given to a coalition of service providers whose purpose is to provide a safety net for elderly people who live alone. In addition to alerting people who come in contact with those seniors living alone, the project has also provided a daily telephone support system, a "vial of life" program which places medical information in an accessible location on the refrigerator door, and a simple home repair program designed to fix safety problems. Project Care has now spread to several other locations, including Alpine and Vista, and will soon begin in Rancho Bernardo. FINDINGS Poway has several services that could be important parts of a Project Care program for seniors. Connie Brock has contacted several agencies that have established Project Care programs to gather data. ACTION: 2 of 5 )V)AR 7 1995 ITEM Agenda Report March 7, 1995 Page 2 - Connie Brock will be setting a meeting of all those interested in the project sometime before the 15th of March. Ms. Brock has complied a list of agencies to be included in this program and will be sending out invitations letters. Attached for Council information is a brief status report prepared by Connie Brock. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Connie Brock and Senior Issues Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. JLB:JDF:RLT:PRF Attachment (C: \ DATA\AGENDA\ P ROJCAR£. SEN) ~IA,~ ? 1995 ITEM 3of5 M EMO TO: Patrick Fole RE: Project Care FROM: Connie Brock DATE: 2/21/95 PROJECT CARE is the name given to a coalition of service providers whose purpose is to provide a safety net for elderly people who live alone. The project started in Chula Vista when a Woman was · scovered in her residence five weeks after ske had died. The community bande4 together to see if there might be some way to keep track of folks who lived alone so that Someone who ordinarily encountered that person in their daily work routine would recognize when ss~stance was needed. Their coalition included those who employ meter readers, postal carriers, trash haulers, local churches and agencies serving seniors as well as public safety agencies. The project has been endorsed by the City of San Diego. In addition to alerting people who come in contact with those seniors living alone, the project has also provided a ~aily telephone support system, a "Vial of Life" program which places medical information in an accessible location on the refrigerator door, and a simple home repair program designed to fix safety problems. PROJECT CARE has now spread to SeVeral other locations, including Alpine and Vista and will soon begin in Rancho Bernardo. Poway has several services that could be important parts cf this program for our residents, so it seems appropriate for us to look into such a project here, where we can work with the publicity that will soon be generated by the other sites. The project concept was first endorsed by the Senior Center Board of Directors in January and was taken to the Senior Issues Committee of the City Council. It received their endorsement and was referred to the City Council by Susan Callory, where it was also endorsed in concept. The coordination of the Steering committee is being undertaken by the Senior Center Staff. (The current Outreach Coordinator is leaving the Center on March 1 and we hope l:o have a replacement by that date.) Connie Brock has contacted several agencies involved in the project in other locations to gather data. The Visiting Nurse Association has pledged to work with the Vial of Life Program in use the computerized phone system that is being lnstalled if we can Poway and the Senior Adult Services is checkin~ to see in Rancho Bernardo by the Area Agency on Aging as Our telephone reassurance Component. 4. of 5 NIAR 7 1995 ITEM We will be setting a meeting of all those interested in the 9roJect sometime before the lSth of March. Connie has been gathering names - from various agencies and will be writing an invitation letter this week. $o far, everyone who has been contacted has been enthusiastic about the concept. MAR ? 1995 ITEM 5 5055