Item 9 - Editorial Svs Contract for City's Newsletter Poway Today AGENDA REPORT SUNIMARY ~ £O: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~~') INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Penny Riley, Senior Management AnalystC~--~ DATE: March 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Editorial Services Contract for the City's Newsletter, Poway Today ABSTRACT The City of Poway is in need of a consultant to provide editorial services for the quarterly municipal newsletter, Poway Today. This report proposes an editorial contract with Melissa B. Tamberg. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Funds for contract editorial services have been provided for in the Fiscal Year 1994/95 and proposed 1995/96 budgets. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Melissa B. Tamberg. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the agreement between the City of Poway and Melissa B. Tamberg. ACTION A 1 of 6 MAR 7 1995 --'-- AGENDA REPOR CITY OF POWAY ~ This re~ is included on the Qomsent Calendar. There ~11 ~ no separate discussion of ~e re~ prior to approval ~ the ei~ Council unless members of the Qouncil, s~ff or public request it to be removed from ~e Qonsent Calendar and discussed se~ratety. ~f you wish ~ have ~is re~ pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the re~ numar and give it to the C]~ Clerk prior to the beginning of ~e Ci~ Qoundl m~ting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Penny Riley, Senior Management Analysl[~ DATE: March 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Editorial Services Contract for the City's Newsletter, Poway Today BACKGROUND The City of Poway has historically contracted for editorial services for the quarterly municipal newsletter, Poway Today. The consultant generally provides professional quality newsletter layout of stories, headlines, pictures, captions, and other necessary work associated with the production of the newsletter. The contract editor augments the efforts of City staff. FINDINGS Provided in Exhibit A is the proposed contract which outlines the duties of the contract editor. The new contract will be effective for the Summer 1995 edition. As stated in Article V of the attached agreement, the consultant is to be paid $500 for each newsletter. Payment for editorial services would annually not exceed $2,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Funds for contract editorial services have been provided for in the Fiscal Year 1994/95 and proposed 1995/96 budgets. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF A copy of this report was mailed to Melissa B. Tamberg. .ACTION: 2 of 6 ~,~ 7 1995 I'I'~:M 9 Agenda Report March 7, 1995 M. Tamberg Contract Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the agreement between the City of Poway and Melissa B. Tamberg. Attachments Exhibit A: Agreement between the City of Poway and Melissa B. Tamberg 3 of 6 MAR 71995 I-~J~M 9 CITY OF POWAY CONTRACT FOR EDITORIAL SERVICES FOR POVVA Y TODAY This contract is made and entered by and between the City of Poway, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City," and Melissa B. Tamberg, hereinafter called "Consultant." WHEREAS, City, acting by and through its City Manager, has entered into an agreement with Melissa B. Tamberg for her services; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES DO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I Consultant's Services: Consultant shall perform those duties as outlined in Exhibit A and included herein by reference. All work performed by the Consultant will become the property of the City. ARTICLE II Responsibility of the Consultant: The Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality and timely completion of the newsletter layout including stories, headlines, picture captions, and other work deemed necessary by the City for the newsletter layout. ARTICLE III Content of Newsletter: The newsletter will be a maximum of sixteen (16) pages, 11" x 17" (two sheets 22" x 17" folded to 11" x 17") folded again to 8-1/2" x 11" for mailing. All stories and photographs to be furnished by the City. The City will provide guidance on the content for each issue and will rely on the Consultant for the final layout. The City will approve all stories, type, and page proofs prior to printing. ARTICLE IV Assiqnability: The Consultant will not assign any of the Consultant's rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the City Manager. 4 of 6 EXH][BTT A ~IAR ? 1995 I EM 9 Contract for Editorial Services Page 2 - for Poway Today ARTICLEV Payment: The City agrees to pay the Consultant for his/her services a sum not to exceed $2,000 annually. Payments shall be made quarterly upon receipt of an invoice and after the printing of the newsletter in the amount of $500. ARTICLE VI Cancellation: Cancellation of the contract may be accomplished by either party filing a written notice of intent not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to termination. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement to be duly executed. James L. Bowersox Melissa B. Tamberg City Manager, City of Poway Consultant DATED: 5 of 6 ~A~, ? 1995 EXHIBIT A The Consultant shall provide the following services: ® review and rewrite stories as necessary · provide layout for each page of the newsletter and recreation program · write headlines and captions · review proofs of newsletter prior to printing · provide story ideas where appropriate · provide listing of photographs needed for each issue (c:\data\wpfiles\riley\ptdycont)