Item 13 - EA CUP 95-03 City of Poway AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. City Mana~.~[~~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of PlanHing Services DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: E 1 A and Conditional Use Permit 95-03 City of Poway, App icant: Consideration of a 1 use permit for Arbolitos Min park located south of Ted Williams Parkway and east of Pomerado Road in he OS-RM zone. ABSTRACT Thi report introduces 1 Use Permit 95-03 which seeks approval of the concep des gn and of the Arbolitos Minipark, the econd minipark to be considered by he City Council since the adoption of the General P an Update which established the min park design standards in 1993. Staff and the Rancho rbolitos neighborhood have been wor lng together over the past several months to deve op a park plan that meets the 1 needs of the and the design stan ards of the City. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Issue a Negative Declaration is ~. FISCAL IMPACT $120,000 has been allocated in the City of Poway 1994-95 Capital I Budget to the project. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 84 property owners in the project area. t is that the City Council issue a Negative and adopt the Use Permit 95-03. ACTION 1 of 23 NIAR 1 4 1995 AGENDA REPOR CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~oJf~,e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, City~anager~~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: 1 Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 95-03 City Poway, Applicant: Consideration of a conditional use permit for Arbolitos Minipark located on the southeast corner of the of Pomerado Road and Ted Williams Parkway in the OS-RM zone. The issuance of a Negative Declaration.(indicating. no significant adverse 1 impacts ~) is recommended. BACKGROUND The Community Services Department to receive requests for new neighborhood parks. In order to evaluate these requests, staff prepared a map depicting existing park and school facilitie and their service areas. These areas were categorized as served by park facil ties, J and not served. Neighborhoods considered served are located w thin a one-half mile radius of an existing neighborhood park. Residents loca ed in to a school were in that schools provide only a limited of Those neighborhoods ~ not served were located beyond the park and school service areas. While existing facilities cover a large percentage of the City, there are neighborhoods that have been isolated by topographic conditions, roadways and other natural or mad-made barriers. It was determined that the size and scope of to meet the 1 needs of these isolated would best be met by the minipark. One of the isolated that approached City staff was the Rancho Arbolitos/Glen Oak Road neighborhood. Th s neig borhood is bounded on the orth by Ted Williams Parkway and Twin Peaks oad, t e east by existing single amily homes, the west by Pomerado Road a d on he sou h by single family homes, braxas High School and Glen Oak Road. Wile S lverla e and Silverset Parks are ocated within or ' ' the Rancho rbolitos housing they are ocated on the eastern side of the pro ect and not readily accessible by the ACTION: See Summary Sheet MAR 1 4 1995 2 of 23 Agenda Report March 14, 1995 Page 2 people in this neighborhood without walking or driving a significant distance. A distance that would be unsafe for young children to traverse by Due to the lack of facilities in the area and the availability of the existing undeveloped Arbolitos Open Space Park, the property owners within this community actively perused the city to a 1 park facility within large undeveloped area. Over the past six months the neighbors have met with city staff to develop a park concept and financing plan. FINDINGS The proposed park site is ly one acre in size and is located in the northeast corner of the Arbolitos Park. The 26-acre Arbolitos Park remains undeveloped and is located on the southeast corner of Pomerado Road and Ted Williams Parkway. Much of the southern section of Arbolitos Park has been rendered undevelopable because of a landslide and slump material. The proposed minipark site is to located on an existing terrace away from the slide area. A drainage channel is located on the west end of the 26 acre park parcel adjacent to Pomerado Road. The minipark park is located about 600 feet east of the channel and 45 feet higher in elevation. The property was rough raded in with the development of Adobe Ridge Road and the single amily homes. On-site consists primarily of annual grasses, weeds, histle, eucalyptus and pi'ne trees. This section of the park has been previously isturb d in with the of Ted Williams Parkway and the · - ancho rbolitos housing development. Portions of the park have also been burned y wil fires, with the d guidelines established for a minipar , this one-acre facility proposes a turfed area, shade , play areas or different age roups, picnic ables, a reduced-size hard court, a drinking fountain and ~ landscap ng. The extension of a walkway from the proposed minipark si e to Glen Oak oad will be considered in a second development phase of the m ni-park. Unique o the minipark design concept is that there is no on-site parking or provided for this facility. The hours of will be limited to the daylight hours. As noted, staff has been working with the Rancho Arbolitos h group and with adjacent property owners. The proposed park plan reflects numerous changes in the design and types of park The proposed minipark was presented n approved by the Parks and R Advisory on January 18, 19 5. This however, expressed concern with the access to the park rom Ted Williams Parkway with regard to traffic and the lack of sidewalks, taff was also concerned with the park's design as it related to compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). To resolve these issues staff looked at the access problems and determined that although there are no sidewalks on Ted Williams Parkway, there is a wide earth path located behind the eucalyptus trees adjacent to the parkway. This path can be safely and easily used to provide access along Ted Williams Parkway. A second pathway to the south, near Abraxas School is also proposed for a later phase when additional funds become available. This will provide a direct and improved link for the people on Glen Oak Road. Given that the degree of slope on Ted 3 of 23 ~IAR 1~. 1995 I'~E~ 15 Agenda Report March 14, 1995 Page 3 Williams Parkway exceeds the 12:1 ratio required for wheelchair accessibility, of a sidewalk for ADA access purposes would be fruitless. Staff, is therefore proposing the of a turn out along Ted Williams Parkway where the internal park sidewalk joins the roadway. This turn out is to be signed and striped for handicap vehicles only and is intended to be used primarily as a drop off area. The turn out will also serve as an access point for and vehicles. In order to assist in the of the minipark, the will also provide in-kind labor and funds to assist in the ~f the minipark. . REVIEW Staff conducted an on-si e visit of the project area and prepared and 1 initial study o determine the potential impacts that could occur with the impl of he proposed project. The study indicated that due to the location of the parce and the type of existing vegetation, no significant impacts are and the issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT $120,000 has be allocated from the City of Poway 1994-95 Capital Budget to construct the facility. The local residents have also volunteered in- kind labor and funds. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Powax News and mailed to 84 property owners in the project area. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council issue a Negative Declaration and approve Conditional Use Permit 95-03 subject to conditions contained in the attached resolution JLB:RWQ:JDF:JHL:kls Attachments: A. roposed Resolution B. 1 Initial Study C. egative Declaration D. roposed Arbolitos Minipark Plan 4 of 23 MAR 1~ 1995 I'~ 13 ~ RESOLUTION NO. P- R OLU ION OF THE CITY OUNC FE C TY OF POWAY, CAL FORN APP OV G C DITIONAL USE PE MIT -03 ASSES' 'S ARCEL NUMBER 14-- 0-24 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit 95-03 submitted by the City of Poway approval for the design and of a minipark located on A 21.65 acre site east of Road and south of Ted Williams Parkway in the Open Space Resource Management (OS-RM) zone, and WHEREAS, on March 14, 1995, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to obtain both pro and con on the above described item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: 1 Fin The City Council finds that this project will not have a significant adverse impact on the t and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. Conditional Use Permit 95-03 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan in that parks are d in open space zones with the approval of a conditional use permit 2. That the location, size and design and operating ch stics of the proposed use will be compa ible with and will not adversely affect or be mater ally d 1 to adjacent uses, residents, build ngs, , or natural hi~: that the use wi 1 be located on vacant land and that ~ surrounding property owners have direct input into the design and configuration of the minipark. 3. That the scale, bulk, and density is consistent with adjacent uses, in that the proposed park in only one acre in size and has been design primarily to the 1 uses of the Rancho Arbolitos subdivision and th~ surrounding 'es. 4. That there are available public facilities, services and utilities to serve the proposed use as public water and street access is available to the site. 5 of 23 MAR 1 4 ~995 I'~i~ 1} Resolution No. P- Page 2 5. That there will not be a harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood ch 'stics, in that the proposed park was designed with direct input from the surrounding property owners and will assist in meeting the onal needs of the local 6. That the generation of traffic will not adversely impact the surrounding streets and/or the City's Circulation Element in that the park is designed for primarily pedestrian access with no on-site parking facilities. 7. That the site is suitable for the type and of use and development proposed in that the site will occupy one of a acre vacant site and has been tailored in size to accommodate the local 'onal needs. 8. That there will not be significant harmful effects upon the 1 quality and natural , in that the site has been ly disturbed and subject to fire of the past years. 9. That there are no other relevant impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated. 10. That the impacts, as described above and he location of the proposed park will not adversely affect the City of Poway General Plan for future as well as present development, in that the General Plan designates parks as one of the conditional uses p in the open space zone. Section 3: Coun~ 3ecision: The City Council hereby Conditional Use Permit 95-03 subject to the following conditions: The use conditionally granted by this permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential and 'al USES. This conditional use permit shall be subject to annual review for the first two years by the of Planning Services for compliance with the conditions of approval and to address that may have occurred during the past year. If the permit is not in compliance with the conditions of approval, or the Planning has . complaints, the annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council, to consider modification or 'on of the use permit. 6 of ~3 J~AR 14 1995 Resolution No. P- Page 3 COHPLIANCE WITH THE IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE ENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services D and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services D prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. Prior to any use of the project site or business being d thereof, all conditions of approval d herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 5. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Bui ding Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Nat onal Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other app icable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of bui ding permit issuance. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. A minimum of 24 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all times during tion in accordance with Safety Services Department req 2. A 12-foot wide smoothed earthen emergency vehicle access roadway shall be provided north of the proposed park imp . Access shall be from the turnout on Ted Williams Parkway LANDSCAPE IHPROVEMENTS 1. Complete landscape d shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with City of Poway Guide to Requirements (latest edition). 2. Existing on-site trees shall be retained possible and shall be d in a horticulturally acceptable manner. Dead, decaying, or potentially dangerous trees shall be ~AR141995 IT~ 13 7 of 23 Resolution No. P- Page 4 for removal at the discretion of the Planning S rvices Department during the review of the Master Plan of exist ng on- site trees. Living trees which are approved for remova shall be replaced on a tree-for-tree basis as required by the Panning 3. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. The trees shall be . d and allowed to retain a natural form. Pruning should be d to the health of the trees and to protect the public safety. . 1 or pruning, including topping, is not d. SIGNS 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. GRADING 1. Grading of the subject shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading approved grading '' plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices. 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 3. The final grading plan, prepared on a standard sheet of mylar, shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and services and shall be completed prior to issuance of a grading permit. 4. A pre-blast survey of the surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the Director of Eng' Services prior to any rock blasting. A blasting permit sba 1 be obtained from the Services prior any rock blasting. Seismic Recordings shall be taken for a 1 blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and leve s approved by the of E Services. 5. All new slopes shall be a minimum of 2:1 (h 1 to vertical). 6. A final on report shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of building permits. 8 of 23 Resolution No. P- Page 5 7. Non-supervised or fill is specifically not allowed. Rock disposal areas shall be graded in compliance with City-approved soils investigations and dations and grading plans. 8. Ero ion control, including but not limited to desiltation bas ns, shall be installed and d from Oct. 15th to Apr 1 15th. An erosion control plan shall be by the rD ect civil and shall be submitted as part of the ra lng plan. The developer shall make p to insure the roper ma' of all erosion control devices throughout heir intended life. STREETS AND 1. All exterior street shall be d to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services prior to issuance of building permits. 2. A 25-foot long handicap access with adequate tapers shall be provided at the to the park. Street imp that include, but are not limited to: idewalks Cross gutter Alley gutter --×-- heelchair ramps --2-- Street paving X urb and gutter Alley paving X triping and signing shall be d prior to use of the park to the satisfaction of the of Engineering Services. 3. All damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway trees, shall be repaired and replaced prior to ion of bonds and imp to the satisfaction of the of E 4. Prior to any work performed in the public right-of-way or City- held , a right-of-way permit shall be obtained from the E and 'ate fees paid, in addition to any permits required. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. I drains shall be required at 1 specified by the of E Services and in with standard engineering practices. 2. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing all surface water originating within the project, and all surface waters MARl~1995 I~ 13 9 of 23 Resolution No. P- Page 6 that may flow onto the project from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall include any and structures as required by the Director of E g Services to properly handle the drainage. 3. C flows across and/or sidewalks shall not be d. UTILITIES 1. Utility shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility companies and the of Eng' Services. 2. The City of Poway shall be 'ble for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities as required. 3. Existing telephone, gas, electric, water, sewer, and other public utility lines and within and to the shall be shown on the grading plans. 4. Any light fixtures shall use a clear, low sodium vapor light source. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 14th day of March 1995. Don Mayor ATTEST Marjor e K. Wahlsten, City Clerk MAR 1 ~. 1995 0 of 23 CITY OF POWAY __ INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST DATE: Febru, 1995 APPLICANT: PROJECT: Arbolit~ PROJECT LOCATION: Southeast corner of Ted ~ tnd Pomerado Road I. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanation of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) YES MAYBE NO 1.Soils an~ ~MII the proposal have significant impacts in: a. Unstable ground conditions or in changes in geologic relationships? X b. Disruptions, displ compaction, or burial of the soil? X c. Change in topography or ground surface Iervals? X d. The d covering, or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any potential increase in wind or water erosion of soils, affecting either on- or off-site conditions? - X f. Changes in erosion, siltation, or deposition? X g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X ATTACHMENI B 11 of 23 ~AR 14 1995 ITE YES MAYBE NO 2. Will the proposal have significant impacts in: a. Changes in currents, or the course in direction of flowing streams, rivers, or ephemeral stream channels? X b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? X c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X d. Change in the amount of surface water in any body of water?. X e. Discharge into surface waters, or any alter- action of surface water quality? X f. Alteration of groundwater ch X g. Change in the quantity of groundwaters, either through direct additions, or with- drawals, or through interference with an aquifer?. Quality? X Quantity? X h. The reduction in the amount of water other- wise available for public water supplies? X i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or seiches? X 3. Will the proposal have significant impacts in: a. Constant or periodic air from mobile or indirect sources? X Stationary sources? X b. Deterioration of ambient air quality and/or interference with the attainment of appli- cable air quality standards? X c. Alteration of local or regional climatic conditions, affecting air I moisture or temperature? X 12 of 23 MAR 14 1995 Iq"~..~ 15" YES MAYBE NO 4. Flora. Will the proposal have significant - results in: a. Change in the characteristics of species, including diversity, distribution, or number of endangered species of plants? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? X c. Introduction of new or disruptive species of plants into an area? X d. Reduction in the potential for agricultural production? X 5. Fauna. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change in the ch of species, including diversity, distribution, or - numbers of any species of animals? X b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of animals? X c. Introduction of new or disruptive species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the mitigation : of animals? X d. D of existing fish or wildlife habitat? X 6. ~tion. [Will the proposal] have significant results in: a. [will the proposal] alter the location, distri- bution, density, diversity, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X b. [will the proposal] affect existing housing, ._ or create a demand for additional housing? X ~AR 1 ~ 1995 I~.~ 13 L3 o~ 23 YES MAYBE NO 7. Socio-Economic Factors, Witl the proposal have significant results in: a. Change in local or regional characteristics, including diversity, tax rate, and property values? X b. Will project costs be equitably distributed among project beneficiaries, i.e., buyers, taxpayers, or project users? X 8. se and PI ~ Considerations. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. A substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? X b. A conflict with any designations, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any govern- mental entities? X c. An impact upon the quality or quantity of existing consumptive or ptive opportunities? X 9. Tr Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular ~? X b~ Effects on existing streets, or demand for new street X c. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? X d. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? X e. Alterations to present patterns of circu- lation or I of people and/or goods? X f. Alteration to or effects on present and potential water-borne, rail, mass transit, or air traffic? X g. Increases in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? X L4 of 23 MAR 1,~ 1995 li~ 13 YES MAYBE NO 10. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have significant impacts in: a. A disturbance to the integrity of archaeo- logical, paleontological, and/or historical X 11. Healt ~afet ~d Nuisance Factors. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? X b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X c. A risk of explosion of hazardous substances in the event of an accident? X d. An increase in the number of individuals or species of vector or parthenogenic organisms or the exposure of people to such organisms? X e. Increase in existing noise levels? X f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous noise levels? X g. The creation of objectionable odors? X h, An increase in light or glare? X 12. Aesthetics. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. The obstruction or degradation of any scenic vista or view? X b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive site? X c. A conflict with the objective of designated or potential ' :lors? X .5 of 23 ~AR 14 1995 YES MAYBE NO 13. Utilities and Public Services. Vt]Il the proposal have significant need for new systems, or alter- ations to the following: a. Electric power?. X b. Natural or packaged gas? X c. C systems? X d. Water supply? X e. Wastewater facilities? X f. Flood control X g. Solid waste facilities? X h. Fire I: X i. Police protection? X j. Schools? X k. Parks or other ~ facilities? X I. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads and flood control facilities? X m. Other ~ services? X 14. E~ and Scarce Resources. W~II the proposal have significant impacts in: a. Use of substantial or fuel or energy? X b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy? X c. An increase in the demand for development of new sources of energy? X d. An increase or perpetuation of the consump- tion of 31e forms of energy, when feasible renewable sources of energy ara available? X e. Substantial depletion of any 31e or scarce natural X 16 of 23 ~AR 14 1995 I'£H~ 15 , YES MAYBE NO 15. Man nce. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the substantially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wild- life population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number of restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of the California history or prehistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, ~' goals? (A short- term impact on the :is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) X c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but y considerable? (Cumulatively considerable means that the ' effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in with the effect of past projects, and probable future projects.) X d. Does the project have Iai effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X II. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (i.e., of affirmative answers to the above questions plus a discussion of proposed mitigation ) SEE ATI'ACHED PAGES MAR141995 ITEM 1_3 , J7 o:~ 23 III. DETERMINATION [~ On the basis of this initial ~ I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the :, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the I, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. r---] i find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the I, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. SIGNATURE: o ~ 18 of 23 MAR 14 1995 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION The minipark is located on a 21 acre site located on the southeast corner of Pomerado Road and Ted Williams Parkway and adjacent to a single family subdivision, a high school and two major roadways. Th ~proximately 50 feet' from Pomerado Road. Only one acre of the site will be developed for park purposes. The remaining acreage will be left vacant. The park will include shade play ground areas, reduced size hardcourts, picnic tables, benches and landscaping _ 1. SOILS and GEOLOGY Only minor grading is anticipated to construct the park facility at this time. Additional grading may be required depending upon the type of soil and the degree of compaction. Grading practices shall conform to the City of Poway Grading Ord' :1 acceptable standard practices. There is a landslide area south of the park site, but it will not be affected by the proposed project. 2. HYDROLOGY There is a large drainage channel located on the west boundary of the 21 acre site adjacent to Pomerado Road. The minipark is located on the opposite side of the parcel and will have no impact on the water quality or quantity within the drainage channel. Absorption rates will not significantly change in that only a small half court sized basketball facility will be ~ :1 on site. turf, landscaping and native vegetation will cover the remaining areas permitting normal absorption rates and groundwater recharge. 3. AIR QUALITY The proposed minipark is intended to serve the immediate neighborhood as a "walk to" facility. As such, no significant number of additional veh [icipated that could significantly impact the air quality of the area. There will be some additional pollution generated during the of the park. However, this is considered short term impact and not considered significant. 4/5. FLORA/FAUNA The project site had been disturbed during th = the adjacent homes and roadway. Native vegetation on the site consists of annual grasses, thistle, weeds, ecualyptus and pine trees. The on-site vegetation is classified as "disturbed" on the City's vegetation maps. Various portions of the 32 acre site has been burned on the past years. The site was noted to support only common birds and animals endemic to residential areas. Species sited on the property include a snowy egret, sparrows, cow birds, crows, and gophers. C ~ the park facility will not significantly impact the local flora and fauna. Approximately 20 acres will remain undeveloped and available for possible foraging or the growth of additional plant species. MAR 14 1995 19 o~ 23 6. POPULATION The project proposes the of a city minipark. This action is not considered growth inducing and will not require the alteration, distribution or relocation of people or housing. 7. SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS The :ed with the and maintenance of the facility will be bom primarily by the city. No new taxes or ! will be imposed. 8. LAND USE and PLANNING : The project is in compliance with the policies, strategies and goals of the General Plan. Parks are permitted in residential zones with the approval of a use permit. 9. TRANSPORTATION Given that this facility is intended to primarily serve the local neighborhood as a '~'alk to" facility. No significant new transportation or parking demands are anticipated. On-street parking will be available on Glen Oak Road or at Abraxas High School for those located both inside or outside the Rancho Arbolitos subdivision wishing to drive to the minipark. 10. CULTURAL RESOURCES A research of cultural was conducted in association with the approval of the original subdivision map. No noted at that time and none are anticipated given the past grading disturbances. 11. HEAL AFE1 ::1 : FACTORS The site is currently vacant. C of the park facility will attract people, activities and associated noise to th ' ~ the levels beyond existing conditions. Approximately nine single family h ( the proposed minipark. The homes are located approximately 300 feet north and 45 feet above the park site. The basketball court and other potentially high noise generators have been relocated within the park as far as possible from these residents. Given that here are no lights proposed, the hours of operation will be limited to the daylight hours. 12. AESTHETICS There are a series of single family residents located to the north of the minipark site. Their view of the is broken a six foot wood fence at the rear of the property line and as grove of eucalyptus trees that have be. eh planted on the slope separating the uses. The only direct view of the parkway will be from Pomerado Road and Ted Williams Parkway. Additional landscaping is provided to screen the park and to provide shade for its visitors ~AR 14 1995 IT~;~Zl 13 , '.0 of 23 13. UTILITIES and PUBL,C SERVICES Water for ddnking and irrigation will be the only utility connection required for the project. Impacts - for these purposes are not considered significant. Police, fire protection services and utilizing existing men and equipment. 14. ENERGY and SCARCE RESOURCES No significant impacts on energy consumption is anticipated due to the construction and use of the park project given the limited size of the project and required. EAR 1 ,~ 1995 21 of 23 CITY OF POWAY NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Name and Address of Applicant: of Po' P.O. Box 7 92064 2. Brief Description of Project: ,royal of a ( d of a one acre mi 4thin a 21-acre C .~d site. rk will include shade Jnd are 3afdc chic tables and benches and landsca ' 3. In with Resolution 83-084 of the city of Poway, implementing the California E ~ Quality Act of 1970, the City of Poway has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect upon th L An E Iai Impact Report will not be required. 4. Minutes of such decision and the Initial Study prepared by the City of Poway are on file in the Department of Planning Services of the City of Poway. 5. This decision of the City Council of the City of Poway is final. Contact Person: James H ,n . Phon ~00 Approved by: Date: Reba Wright-Quastler, Ph.D., AICP ATTACHMENT C City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ~/~R ~- 4 1995 2 2 o ¢ 2 3 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 · (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 CITY OF POWAY IT~,M: C ~-o~  TITLE : ~ ~ J 23 of 23 I~R 1 4 1995 I~'F-..~ 13 March 7, 1995 Margorie Wahlsten City Clerk City of Poway f R E C E I V E D P.O. Box 789 MAR 7 Poway, CA 92074-0789 ~- CITY OF POWA¥ RE: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-03 FOR RANCHO ARBOLrros PARK Dear Ms. Wahlsten: In regard to the subject Conditional Use Permit, the signatures on the attached list are concerned residents who do not agree to the proposed "Pocket Park." Instead, we would like the City of Poway to draw up a plan for a natural park; i.e., hiking trails, safe access to the park from the neighborhoods immediately abutting the park, the planting of trees and shrubs and the upgrade of existing facilities at Abraxas High School. In 1988, when we purchased our homes, we ~ by the City of Poway that this area would remain as a "natural setting." In this regard, we hereby request a 3 the scheduled Conditional Use Permit so that the City of Poway and the residents of the immediate area can work together to plan a park : .y feasible and one that will meet the needs of the wl~ ' Enclosed is our Petition and signatures we have acquired so far. Thank you for your consideration of this request, it is greatly appreciated. D. Kevin Bym~J 14375 Cres ~t~.9od'Avenue Poway, CA 92064 (619)748-7214 Attachments C__~C_.~ MAR141995 ITEM 1 RANCHO PARK WE HAVE AN TO HAVE A TYPE OF PARK THAT WE ALL CAN ENJOY. THESE ARE A FEW OF THE 1. THE ABRAXAS COURT WILL BE ( ). 2. THE TENNIS COURT WILL BE & WILL BE 3. THE LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD WILL BE 4. NEW SAND AND NET FOR VOLLEY BALL COURT. 5. HIKING TRAILS THE PARK FOR JOGGING OR WALKING YOUR PET. 6. TREES AND SHRUBS WILL BE THE ENTIRE AREA. 7. ACCESS TO THE PARK FROM FOUR TED & 8. TO HAVE A PARK THE ENTIRE IN A NATURAL AS WELL AS BEING COST TO I~IAR 14 1995 ITEM .............. ~AR.1A 1995 ITEM ~-~IERRILEE A. BO'YACK Attorney at Law 14418 Crestwood Ave. - Poway, CA 92064 (619) 748-6703 /- R E C E i V E D March 14, 1995 [vlt3.~ j. ~ ~3~ Poway City Council CITY --~ City Hall ~ITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE: Hearing on Conditional Use Permit for Rancho Arbolitos Park Attached are twelve pages ofsig >port of the proposed pocket park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. TI~ of 239 ~ residents over the age of 18. Th 3 asterisks in margin represem individuals who signed the previous petition against the park unknowingly and who do want this park put in. All of ~ )resent families in t~ .3' of Rancho Arbolitos Park who are THRILLED with this park going in and urge a positive vote for the permit at today's hearing. Please approve our park! 7 Since~y? errilee A. Boyack-' / / AUachments / MAR 1 4 1995 ri'EM PETITION GARDING RANCHO AR' -',ITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vote to approve this park plan. Some of e undersigned individuals have inadvertently signed a previous petition and hereby repudiate at signature and hereby state that their signature was obtained without their understanding that at petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffi,m as do all those gned below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO, PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~ ~ / PAGE M~R 14 1995 PETITION REGARDING RANCHO ARBOLITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that Ge Poway City Council vote to approve this park plan. Some of the undersigned individuals have inadvertently signed a previous petition and hereby repudiate -hat signature and hereby state that their signature was obtained without their und g that ~aat r ' 'id be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffinn as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO~ PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE / Y PAGE ~ / 1995 PETITION O~,GARDING RANCHO ARnOLITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support :he proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vo:c to approve this park plan. Some of the Undersigned individuals have inadver~nfly signed a previous peddon and hereby repudia:e :hat signature and hereby state that their signature was obtained without their und g that :hat petition would be a vote against :he current Pocket Park plan. They reaffirm as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO, PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~AR 1 4 1995 IT~ 1} ~' PETITION REC--~RDING RANCHO ARBOLITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Poe .k. et Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City .Counol vote to appr. o. ve this park plan. S.o. me of th~--~dersigned individuals ! ' ' ~ntly s~gned a previous petmon and hereby repudiate tha, ~ig ~ hereby state that their signature was obtained without their undg that that petition would be a vot. e against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffirm as do all those signed below that they are m favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO~ PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ','% . ( . 'c - 'Vt PAGE "~ 1995 ITEM PETITION GARDING RANCHO AR. ~ITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vote to approve this park plan. Some of the undersigned individuals have inadvertently signed a previous petition and hereby repudiate that signature and hereby state that their signature was obtained without their und g that that petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffim~ as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO5 PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE PAGE ,~ MAR 14 1995 ITEM 1~ ,' PETITION REGARDING RANCHO ARBOLITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Pocket Park devmopment plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vo~ to approve this park plan. Some of the undersigned individuals 1~, ' ' ~ntly signed a prewous potifion and hereby repudiate ~hat sig ~ hereby state that their signature was obtained without their undg that nat petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffirm as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO. PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE PAGE PETITION O~GARDING RANCHO AR~C~LITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vote to approve tixis park plan. Some of the Undersigned individuals have inadvertently signed a previous petition and hereby repudiate that signature and hereby state that their signature was obtained without their und g that that petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffirm as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO, PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~2"' ~/ ~ ~ /~,//~ f, ~/ '7~~/~s~ y. .W:, ~" '_ ~ ' -- ~.R141995 IT£M 1~,~ PETITION ---~ARDING RANCHO AR! ITOS PARK The undersigned individuals suppor~ the proposed Pocket Park developmen, t plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that ~e Poway City Council vote to approve this park plan. Some ox -'he undersigned individuals 1~ ~ntly signed a previous t :1 hereby repudiate .nat sig :! hereby state that th ' was obtained without their understanding that that petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffirm as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO. PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE PETITION ,GARDING RANCHO AR LITOS PARK The undersigned individuals support the proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vote to approve this park plan. Some of the undersigned individuals have inadvertently signed a previous petition and hereby repudiate that signature and hereby state that their signature was obtained without their understanding that that petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffhm as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO~ PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~- ~- ¢~" ,,Z~-z_ J_~.,~yw,~ ~ ~-~z'~7 ' ,~. . MAR141995 ITE~M !3 PETITION --"~ARDING RANCHO ARt '-,ITOS PARK The undersigned individuals suppor~ the proposed Pocket Park development plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park and request that the Poway City Council vote to approve this park plan. Some of .~e un. dersigned individuals have inadvertently signed a pre .vious p~..tifion and hereby repudiate at s]g ~ hereby state that their signature was obtained without their und ~ g that that petition would be a vote against the current Pocket Park plan. They reaffirm as do all those signed below that they are in favor of the proposed park plan for Rancho Arbolitos Park. YES, I SUPPORT THE PROPOSED PARK PLAN FOR RANCHO ARBOLITO, PARK AND REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE IT. DATE NAME ADDRESS PHONE 9/ ' ~ - ~ ¢<3. ) ,,,~ ~ ~ ~/ /.,/ ¢'- i¥ .,-y_ t la A ":z/ ~/~, ~7 I~r- ~ ~ ~1 o~ ~ . ~, · ' /Z · PAGE/~ MAR 14 1995 ITEM 13 RANCHO ARBOLITOS PARK CENSUS AGES TOTAL 0-5 41 6-10 49 Il-Up 118 Adults 260 · , L)o,,O / d: SALVATORE A. CAFIERO, JR., EA, MBA ~ou.)~v AO~ R E C E I V E D -- (619) 486-1~80 . Pager (619) MAR 1 6 1995 ~~ -/ ~ ~ ~. of ~ c,~ o~ ~owA~ ~..~ ........ ~le~ ~o ~ep~nt T~y~ ~fore the [ntem~ ' , ' o~