Item 14 - FY 94-95 Midyear Budget AdjustmentsTO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City mana~ John D. Fitch, Assistant Cit~nager IhTI?I~TED BY: Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Servic~ Peter Moote, Deputy D~rector of Administrative Serves Christine Tsung, Finance Manager DA~: March 14, 1995 S~JE~: FY 1994-95 Midyear Budget Adjustments .t is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive this report and adopt the attached resolutions approving midyear budget amendments for Fiscal Year '994-1995. E tal review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines As stated throughout this report. ADD The members of the Budget Review Committee have been notified of this report. t is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive this report and adopt the attached resolutions approving the midyear budget amendments for Fiscal Year 1994-1995. ACTION lof9 CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and ~embers ~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, C~ty Mana~l))l['~ John D. Fitch, Assistant Citl~-#anager INITIATED BY: Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Servicq~ Peter Moote, Deputy Director of Administrative ServiCes DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: FY 1994-95 Midyear Budget Adjustments KGROUND On June 28, ]994, the City Council approved the FY 1994-95 Financial Program and established a General Fund Budget in which revenues exceeded expenditures by $87,570. This General Fund surplus was achieved by a planned deferment of expenditures for replacement of capital equipment and a reduction in operating budget expenditures. Staff has completed an evaluation of the City's FY 1994-95 midyear fiscal status. This evaluation is the first of four reports scheduled this fiscal year regarding the City of Poway Comprehensive Finance Program as follows: March 14 FY 1994-95 midyear evaluation and budget adjustments. April 25 Preliminary Forecast of FY 1995-96 and updated 5-year fiscal forecast for General Fund revenues and expenditures, June ]3 a) verview f the FY 1995-96 Proposed Comprehensive Financial rogram w th emphasis on the General Fund. b) resentat on of Report from the Budget Review Committee on the roposed inancial Program. c) pen Public Hearing and receive public input. June 20 a) Open Public Hearing and receive public input. June 27 a} Open Public Hearing and receive public input. b) Adopt Fiscal Year 1995-96 Comprehensive Financial Program ACTION: ~ 2of9 MAR 1 4 1995 - Agenda Report March ]4, ]995 Page 2 FINDINGS F 1 ow ng an extensive re tew f ear-to-date revenue and expert iture actt*ity, s a f s projecting that isca y ar 1994-95 will close with a e e al Fun surplus o 12 ,4]5. This p nc udes the expenditure of $388, 0 or rep acement o ap ia1 equipment. De erra o this expenditure was identif e n FY ] 94-95 as a resource to balan e a roi c ed sh tfall of $275,160. With o a Ge eral Fund re*enues exceeding ,dge an ex end utes lower than budgeted, t is de erral will no be tac men A rov es a detailed account of General und revenues an expendituresl tac men B rov es a summary of significant adjus merits to mi year operating bu gets. equ sis or additional appropriations for ine-item bu gets are listed in the at ached resolution authorizing the midyear budget amendments. On Apr 1 25, 1995, staff will present prelimin ry projections for t e Fiscal Year 1995-9 General Fund budget as well as an upda ed five-year fiscal orecast. [n May ]995, he Budget Review Committee will begin i s pr cess of a detai ed review of expend ture and revenues budg ts for the upcom ng f scal year as we 1 as an evalua ion of the five-year f sca1 forecast, ful report and recommendations from the Committee will be prepare for presentation at he June 14, ]995 Public Hearing for consideration of the FY ! 95-96 Proposed Financ al Program. E Lal review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT As stated throughout this report. The members of the Budget Review Committee have been notified of this report. RECO! [ON It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive this report and adopt the attached resolutions approving the midyear budget amendments for Fiscal Year 1994-1995. ta hments: ttachment - General Fund Budget Overv ew; FY 1992-g - FY lgg4-95 ttachment - Summary of Significant Ad ustments to M dyear Operating Budgets esolution pproving Midyear Budget Amen ments, City o Poway _ esolution pproving Midyear Budget Amen ments, Poway edevelopment Agency 3of9 MAR 1 ~ 1995 ITEM CITY OF POWAY REVENUE VS EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES: FY 1992-93 FY 1993-94 FY 1994-95 FY 1994-95 ~ I ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED ESTIMATED Eg~s Ad ' ' Services 88 ,n41 8 ,7 8 ,944 92 ,nOr · 3ervices ,0 i ~0, ~74 ~0 i 06 ommunityServices , , 1 ,1 0 , 0 ~7 , 9 5 ia nihg , ; , , , u ic S rvices , 2 7 al' ty:S ~ices :: 3 ngnee ngServices , ,1 9 , 9 , 0 , Total Gen. Fund Expenditures 15,531,085 15,436,744 15,693,760 15,428,16 REVENUES: aj( ems pe' Tax 3, 27,7 0 3, 7,942 3, 61,620 3, 0 es 3, 86,9 3 O, 00 3, rest ncome/Rentalof Prop. 61,7 ,f 5 0, 0 te S I: -4,8 1, ,9 O 1, 0 1 nch e F es 0,5 ,0 5 - 0 DA' mini traton 1, 2, 1, t 1,6 ,6 ~., velo men e s 1, 1, 1, u 1,1 / ' - 1, 1,9, 1, ty Servic s F es o 937, 4 P Excess am ngs 6 218. .0 S b taI-Majorltems 15,21 ,449 15,277,5 3 14, 03,0f~ 14, 1 All Other Revenue Items 497,950 456,267 515,530 742,238 Total General Fund Revenue 15,717,399 15,733,790 15,418,600 15,554,57~ Unadjusted General Fund Surplus/(Deficit) 186,314 297,046 (275,160) 126,415 Capital Replcmnt Fund Credit 388,000 Adjusted General Fund Surplus/(Deficit) 186,314 297,046 112,840 126,416 4 of 9 AttachmentA )~IAR 1 4 1995 ITEM 14 - Summary of Significant Adjustments to Midyear Operation Budget FY 1994-95 )tviston Descrt ion of Activit I.egi s] ativi Rdmini:~at? City Manager (013) Request for additional appropriation of $3,7B0 for increa: :ation costs of Pow; dministrative Request for additional appropriation of $7,8]6 for ervices- telephone service due to rate structure change upport Services effective 1/1/95. _ 1_9_6.) dministrative Savings of $36,000 ue to smaller than anticipated ervices- increase in medical dental costs, and mployee Benefits savings of $26,B$1 n Worker's compensation costs 107) based on year-to-da e activity and review of 5-year trend of ret )ts. Performing Arts ncrease in expenditure of $11,460 offset by Center (207) $27,500 increase in revenue due to agreement with Foundation to fund season Director of Planning Request for appropriation of $30,000 for performing Services ('~_~_O.O_k .......... Citizens Survey. Building Inspection Request appropriation of $56,250 for increase in '303} Building Inspection contract offset by $75,000 increase in revenue. Director of Public Transfer appropriated funds for purchase of $5,658 Services (400) in office equipment/furnishings for Sr. Management Anal d Technical Asst. to the Director. Street & Park Transfer $19,500 of appropriated funds and new Maintenance (407, appropriation of $12,500 from Capital Replacement 411) =und for urchase of ca ital t. Attachment B 5 of 9 )~AR 14 1995 ITEM Midyear Budget Adjustments Page 2 ivtsion i it Street Maint. (407} Transfer $9,960 of appropriated funds for r_e_pl acement of g,O00 s~ )ed sidewal ks. Drainage {408} Transfer $12,000 of appropriated funds for Wet W, Eni Land Development Request additional appropriation of $14,000 for (602} Plan Check/Map Processing to be fully offset by Plan Check revenue. Law Enforcement (504) Savings of $1-3,513 projected due to latter than anticipated s art date of additional DARE officer and receipt o contract rebate due to prior year's actual activi ies. R develO H i~ RDA & Housing (1020) Reque ap o riation for Smith law suit settlement and o er t gation expenses: $ 9,0 rom RDA General Fund ( 0,0 rom Low/Mod Fund Family MHP a a cy fa tot resulted in expenditure eduction of 1120) 2 , go of set by a revenue shortfall o $25,165. o a shot fall for FY 94-95 projected o be 3 , 45. hortfall will be covered by DA funds already se aside for this I)~ Poinsettia Senior MHP Vaca cy factor resulted in expenditure reduction of (1130) $12, 77. Reven,e projection for park is $77,350 shot of b,dge . Tota shot fal for FY 94-95 projected to be $66, 28. hot fall will be covered by RDA funds _a_]~_d_~ se -as de for this I?~ Poway Royal MHP perating e penditures are projected to be $42,000 (1140) elow budge . Revenue is projected at $55,000 ower than udget due to and deferral of · uly 1, 199 rent ' Haley Ranch Estates Revenues $10,000 lower than budget due to lower (1150) than ex ected use of RV lot, and annual inco e survey esulted in lowe base rent . Operat ng ex endi utes are as ant cipated, otal shot fall fo FY 4-95 projected o be $477, 26. Shot fall wi 1 be covered by RDA unds alrea y set-asi e for Attachment B 6of9 ~AR 1 A 1995 ITEM - RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RES LU ION OF T E CIT UNCIL OF TH C TY OF PO 'Y, C L ORNIA APPROVI IDYEAR B GET STMENTS FO F SCAL YEA lgg - 95 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway adopted on June 28, 1994 the Poway Financial Program Fiscal Year 1994-95, and WHEREAS, a midyear review of revenue and expendiuture activity has determined that certain amendments to the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Poway Financial Program are NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve and order as follows: Sect The following additional appropriations authorized by Resolution 94-070 are to be made: AMOUNT I ACCOUNT CODEi¥) DESCRIPTiION iiiiiii ]::I i~iiii~iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!!! C ~naa~ $2 200 0 ) Olher Professional Services 80 0 20 P~ $2.700 013-4922 Printinc S 'ices $7 !0 06-3310 T~ hone $ O0 ~ E~ Hr & M $1 0 1 Fees C 1 Re lacement ., ooj Icom dware (Safet Services' P ling t ts Center $27,500f J ,4120 J her Contractual Services 7of9 MAR 1 4 1995 ITEM Resolution No. 95- Page 2 Director f Planninc ervices $ ,000 300-4120 Other Contractual Services $1,400 Cu t P1 annin! $14 I I 'actual Services Bu ldinc $56 I )Buildin! Fees Director f Public Servi es $13,910 400-1110 Regular Salaries $~ levee Benefits Fi 'e Prevention La~d Deve]~ $14 I I heck PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 14th day of March, 1995. ATTEST: 8of9 blAR l 4 1995 ITEM , RESOLUTION NO. R-95- A RESOLUT ON OF HE DEVEL PM NT AGENCY OF TH CITY F P 'Y, C LI ORNIA APPROVI MIDY AR GET DJ STMENTS FO FISCA Y A 199 -1 95 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway adopted on June 28, 1994 the Poway Financial Program Fiscal Year 1994-95, and WHEREAS, a midyear review of revenue and expendiuture activity has determined that certain amendments to the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Poway Financial Program are , NOW, THEREFORE, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway does hereby resolve and order as follows: Section 1: The following additional appropriations authorized by Resolution R-94-11 are to be made: - iMO~NT iiiii!ilI ) DESCRIPTION i:ii i R(de lo 700 ( -1702c L' $64 !0-1702d ion - Other Attorn( Hale Ranch Estates $1 1150-5108 I PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 14th day of March, 1995. ~SO~ ATTEST: ~ry 9 of 9 )~AR 14 1995 ITEM