Item 14.1 - Responses to Letters Old Coach Golf Estates TPM 92-04 &GEND& REPORT SUM1VL4~Y : Honorable Hayor and Hembers the City Council FROM: ~ames L. Bowersox, City H INITIATEO BY: gohn D. Fitch, Assistant City Ma~ag~a~P~i~ Reba Nrtght-Quastler, Director o P g Servtces~ DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Responses to Le ters from Sim Setfert, Green Valley Civic Association (GVCA) nd Charles L. arrick ab ut Revision to the Matrix Concerning the Timing or Implementat on of Con tttons of Approval for Old Coach Golf Estates, entattve Parce Map 92-0 , E :al Development, Ltd., Applicant and oundary Line A justment B/A) No. 94-08. ABSTRACT On February 28, 1995 Jim Seifert representing the Green Valley Civic Association spoke under Public Oral C and submitted two letters a Old Coach Golf Estates, one lett r being from Charles L. Larrick. This report provides responses to issues raised in he two letters a last month's action by the City Council approving a revis on to the matrix for implementation of conditions of approval for Parcel 1 of Tenta ive Parcel Map 92-04 as well as the approval by the Engineering Services Department of a Boundary Line Adjustment affecting Parcel 1 and the remainder. AL REVIEW Not applicable. ACT None. Jim Seifert of the Green Valley Civic A and Mr. Larrick. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION ~ of ~ MAR141995 l'lEbl 14.1 / · AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ t~ INITIATED BY: ohn D. Fitch, A sistant City~14anager'~ - ~ eba Wright-Quas ler, Dire tot f Plan~d~ng Services ark S. Weston, irector o Eng neering~ervices~ tephen A. Stree er, Princ pal lanner~ ~ avid Siminou, Senior Civi Eng neet ~d~ DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: esponses to Letters from Jim Seifert Green Valley Civic ssociation GVCA) and Charle L. Lar ick about Revision to he Matrix C n erning the Tim ng for mplementation of onditions o pproval for O1 Coach olf Estates, Tentative arcel Map 9 - 4, E 1 Deve opment, Ltd., pplicant an oundary Line A justmen (B/A) No. 94-08. BACKGROUND: n ovember 27, 1990 a Specific Plan, Conditional Use Permit, revised en ative Tract Map and Development Agreement were approved for the Old Coach ol Estates. On November 10, 1992 a Tentative Parcel Map was approved which iv ded the property into four parcels and a remainder to facilitate financing nd potential sale of the various portions of the pr ject for compl tion. his approval incorporated a matrix of conditions in icating at wha point in he project each of the conditions were to be met. reparation of he matrix nvolved some assumptions about the order in which t e parcels woul be eveloped. Recent events suggest that the development ma' occur in a somewhat ifferent order and the matrix has been revised to reflec these changes. The ity Council approved the revision to the matrix of condi ions affecting arcel 1 of the tentative map on the consent agenda of Fe ruary 7, 1995. Further refinement f grading plans and development proposals has also resulted in the nee to revise the boundaries between the various parcels somewhat. The Eng neering Services Department approved Boundary Line Adjustment No. 94-0 on February 15, 1995 subject to conditions. ACTION: , 2 of ~3 ~AR ].4 1995 III:M 14.1-~ Agenda Report March 14, 1995 Page 2 The letters from GVCA and from Mr. Larrick address similar concerns about the outcomes of these two actions. FINDINGS: In proposed modificat ons to the pr ject, for d as to whether the were consistent wi h the origina approvals, staff has kept a number of c nsiderations in min. Most impor antly, all changes were reviewed to ensure: hat there were no a ditional dwel ing units proposed; that there was no increase in the amount o gradin roposed: and, that there were no neg rive impacts to views of ex sting h m s. The proposed alterations to the pro ect result in reduced grading, no a d tional view impacts and an improved art ngement of golf course holes and bu 1 lng pads. No additional dwelling uni s, golf course holes or uses are proposed. Responses to the specific questions raised in the Green Valley Civic A (GVCA} letter are as follows: 1. "Where will the two golf holes, which are proposed to be eliminated from Parcel ], be relocated?" e: The two golf oles will be relocated to the "remain er" parcel, at the southeast corner of he roject, wher four residential lo s were previously proposed. Th s r location wil place the two golf oles closer to the balance of seven gol ho e proposed or Parcel 2. When t e development review application is su mit e for the 7 residences on Parce, 1, a modification of the cond tiona use permi will be processed tly to review the design and layout o the two golf holes on the remainder. 2. "The new tentative map indicates the "remainder parcel" no longer has four residential lots. If this is correct, what is being proposed for that parcel?" Refer to response to the previous question about the two golf course holes replacing the four residential lots. 3. "The roposed ap indicates an increase in the number of residential lots on Parce 1 from 4 to 78. Does this represent an increase in the total number o residen ial lots or is this increase offset by the elimination of four res dential ots on the 'remainder parcel'?" S e the response to the first ques ion. The total number of residential ots on the property remains at 1 6 with one lot for the golf clubhouse, eventy eight of the residential ots were on Parcel 1 and the remainder (w th 74 lots specifically on Parce 1 at the time of tentative map approval). 4. "How could these substantive changes in the map be made administratively without Council approval? How could they be categorized as simple 'boundary adjustments'?" ~AR 1~ 1995 rrEM 14.1,. 3 of 13 Agenda Report March 14, 1995 Page 3 The changes are not vi wed as substantive in that the total n, mber of residential lots (156), golf c ubhouse lot (1) and olf course holes 27) remains the same. The Specific P an allows some of the propos d uses and improvements to occur wi hout requiring t e ty Council to con uct new public hearings to revise the map. C' modification wil be processed for the changes to the golf course and cub ouse prior to construction. 5. "Why were the changes in land use not shown in the information provided the residents who were noticed of the 'boundary adjustments'?" Shouldn't all affected residents be renoticed with complete information?" The notice was for the boundary adju tment. Other changes were either within the scope of authority granted wi hin the Specific Plan and the State Subdivision Map Act or will be the subjec of subsequent council consideration of the Development Review and mod fication to the conditional Use Permit. Three specific issues were raised by Mr. Larrick, as follows: "TM 89-13 provides for two golf course holes ... The B/A No. 94-08 removes these golf holes completely from Lot 2 and transfers the land they would occupy to Lot 1 which would then divide the area of the two golf holes into residential lots." As explained in the prior respons s, the boundary line adjustment moves e two golf course h les from the sou hwest part of Parcel 2 near Espola oad and relocates t e golf course ho es t the remain er lot. In disc,ss ng the matter with ,r. Larrick, he d d no seem to ob ect to the resu t so long as he could e assured that the go f course ho es would be cons ructed. The he is looking for is he deed res fiction for the rema nder to avoid the ot becoming "any form of ' l, usiness, professional, industria or multi-family use except for home occupations or those uses currently al owed under residential zoning". "Parcel 2 of the PC Development Plan would lose two golf holes and remain with only 7 holes from what was originally proposed as a g hole golf None of these major modifications in the approved Development Plan caused by the Boundary Line and approved by the City Staff, are addressed." Pa cel 2 on the development plan originally had nine golf course holes. The c ubhouse and 18 holes of the golf course were planned for Parcel 3. Parcel 4 s for the northerly 78 residential lots. The CUP modification will address he scope of the total golf course for the site. "The Old Coach Estates Preliminary Phasing Plan dated August 15, 1994 was definitely the basis of not only B/A 94-08, but also Resolution P-95-09. ...What could be a more major change than this? One that requires City-wide voter approval." 4 of 13 MAR 14 1995 ~EM 14.1 Agenda Report March 14, 1995 Page 4 se: There is no increased density proposed. As discussed above, the changes involve the location of two golf holes with four dwelling units. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: Jim Seifert of the Green Valley Civic Association and Mr. Larrick. FISCAL ]MPACT None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. Attachments: et er from Jim Seifert, Green Valley Civic A - February 27, 1995 et er from Charles L. Larrick - February 27, 1995 en ative Parcel Map 92-04 - en ative Tract Map 89-]3R - Parcel 1: Existing and Current Proposal MAR 1 4 1995 ITEM 14.1 5 of 13 G] , :,, ,y C'tvlc Zmsm..': llo, February 27, 1995 Ms. Reba Wright-Quasler Director of Planning Services :: '.~ ~ iV ~ ~ City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive F[[~ ~ 8 199,~ Poway, CA 92064 r~.,~i~NING DEPT. RE: Old Coach Golf Estates Project Dear Reba: As you know, the GVCA has received ~ers over tl~ : · 3 to th : t project. The purpose of this I few questions that need to be addressed. Specifically, we would appreciate it if the Planning Services Deg d provide the GVCA with ae following questions. 1. Where will the two golf holes, which are proposed to I: ' ' t fi.om Parcel 1, be relocated. 2. Tl~ ~ indicates the "remainder parcel" no longer has four residential lots. If th/ ' what is being proposed for that parcel? 3. The proposed map ind' ,e number of residential lots on Parcel I fi.om 74 to 78. Does this tel: n : >er &residential lots or is this by the eL' four res~dentml lots on the rem~under parcel . 4. How could these substantive changes in the map be made ad y without Council approval? How could they be categorized as simple "boundary adjustments"? 5. Why were the changes in land use not shown in the information provided the residents who ~ of the "boundary adjustments"? Shouldn't all affected residents be renoticed with complete information? We I: ~lete understanding of the changes being proposed is needed ~ ~ the residents directly affected can respond positively or negatively, and, before the proposed changes can be approved for impl' A 6 of 13 Ms. Reba Wright-Quasler February 28, 1995 Page 2 Given the hi :'~ ~ in this important project and in view of the careful scrutiny devoted to the original plan by the Council and the pub] ~propriate that changes of this magnitude should be mad y. W gy interested in fully understanding what changes are being proposed at this time but, also, l about the procedures which will be followed in the future in the event additional changes are proposed. I would apF ' ' ~ :~onse to these q, t Thank you for ) t cool: t please feel flee to call with any questions: Sin c~er~el~ Vice Presi~ff 16344 Martincoit Road Poway, CA 92064 (619) 546-4635 cc: Jerry Harganen, GVCA President Bob Hessler, GVCA Community Protection Chairman /. RECEIVED,%, ACRES 27, 1995 CUYCL£RK~ OFF;C£ City Council City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, 92064 City Clerk Re: B/A 94-08 to Parcels 1, 2, and Parcel of Tenative Map 92-04; and, No. P-95-09 Dear Madam City Clerk: Please bring my to the of the Mayor and each and on or before the 27, 1995 Council For your I have you with five copies. B/A 94/08, I receipt of notice of the boundary ad Y, I did not respond promptly as perh ps I shoul have, partly because the data was as deta led survey courses and notes, -Id Coach Road curve data and one very small scale map (8%x11"), titled y, the Parcels 1, 2, a~d Parcel as per Map 92-04 are shown on the Exhibit and to B/A 94-08 as Parcels A, B and C y. The only reason for this, I assume, is to and It is not at all surprisin there was little or no to this otice, y since it was as only a change n lot lines between p very 1 tle change in lot areas. It was further stated hat per City the - City had y to make such changes. this is because suc minor matters need not be by the How wrong this is! After the February 7th meeting it was brought to my by Mr. Jerry that there may be more to this matter than meets the eye. He asked if I would check into it. I did this last week with the The me with a new development plan for Parcel 1, dated August 15, 1994, which major changes to the Planned Plan as shown on Map 89-13. Fo~ 14 1995 ITEM 8 o~ 13 · TM 89-13 provides for two golf course holes, one running adjacent to and parallel with Espola Road and another next in line also running with E$9ola Road but from t e first by a tier of lots. Tenative Map 2-04 has these two golf course holes as part of Lot 2. he B/A 94-08 removes these two golf holes rom Lot 2 and the land they would occupy to Lot i which would then divide the area of the two golf holes into ial lots. · · Parcel 2 on the PC Plan would lose two golf holes 'and remain with only 7 holes from what was as a 9 hole golf course. Now I know Mr. Tabb is a golf course expert, he told me so once, but I have never heard of a 7 hole golf course o~if you would like to combine Lots 2 and 3, you would have a 25 hole golf course. When this anomaly was pointed out to the Department ~ it was stated that, · the two holes lost would be onto the Parcel". The with this is that the Parcel is occupied as per the the C Plan, TM 89-13, with 4 1 ts. None of these major modi in the Plan caused by the and by the City Staff, are addressed. ®·. The Old Coach Estates Preliminary Phasing Plan dated August 15, 1994 was y the basis of Got only B/A 94-08 but also This later is a not only the changes but the consequences thereof. Attachments D, E and F ~ P-95-09, Pages 21, 22, 23 respectively/show the intended changes to the PC Plan by the new plans. The most i of the changes thus is that the total overall number of residential lots as on TM 89-13 will be i from 156 to 160. This is an density which is by 283 requiring voter of ~uch changes. What could be a more major change than this? One that voter approval. On 6, 1992, I opposed the of Parcel Map 92-04. My opposition was based upon the obvious ity of the very that now present them- selves to the Council. Only one agreed with my and voted against TPM 92-04. What a pity. It does not do any good to say, "I told you so" but I think Emery and I have the right. Please listen to me now. What you have is a of 13 MAR 14 1995 r EM 14,3. -3- with a City Staff attempting to commit the City to courses of action for which there is little or no public little or no Council and major I think I have pointed out enough serious with these (B/A 94-08 and Resolution P 95-09) to justify a Council review. , you would be kind enough to inform me and other i citizens of the results thereof. Very truly yours~ cc: Five Poway Council Members cc: Mr. Jerry G.¥.C.A. 10 of 13 ~AR 14 1995 14.1 OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES RCE MAP FOR o~ co~ ~o 611Y OF POWAY ,TE~ :T~ 92-o, DE EL ~ TITLE: ~' ~* ~ '.SCALE: .. N,T.S. ~AR 1~ ~5 ITE~ 14,1 13 of 13 ~AR 14 1995 n'~M 14,1 Ii