Item 18 - Authorization to Destroy Certain Records- LjM~bS, R¥ TO: Honorable Hayor and Members .of_t(~City Council FROM: James L. City Mana~ INI~IlgD BY: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City CleriC;~*~ DATE: March 14, 1995 ~ SUBJECT: Authorization to 0estroy Certain Records Staff is authorized by the Code to destroy certain records with the of the City Attorney and authorization by the City Council. Annually, taff prepares a list of records that have been identified as eligible for destruction and submits it to the City Council for auth to destroy. ESPy-IR None Required Funds to have these records destroyed are in the City Clerk's Budget, Account 0011- 4120. None t is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution Authorizing D of Certain Records. ACTION 1 of 8 I~AR141995 ! _~-~ 18., I TY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~w' INITIATED BY: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk~ DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Auth to Destroy Certain Records BACK( California G Code Section 34090 states "...with t e approval of the legislative body by resolu ion and the written consent of he City Attorney, the head of a ity may des roy any city record, document, book or paper, under h s charge, w thout making a copy thereof, af er the same is no longer require . This sec ion does not authorize the destruction of: ...(d) records less t an two years old." California G Code ectio 1009 b) stat s "... riginal campaign stateme ts of candidates no elec e to ffice(s and o committee supporting candida es not elected to fices s sha 1 be re ained y filing o ficers for a perio of not less than ve ye r ." ection 1009(e pertains o Designa ed Employees who f e Sta ement of Economic Int rest Form 30 and states hat these statemen s shal be held "...for a period of not less than seven years."; Section 810-9(f) pertains to Form 721 and states these statements shall be held "...for a period of not less than four years." FINDIN It is in order to destroy certain records. ENVIR( None Required FISCAl Funds to have these records destroyed are in the City Clerk's budget, 0011- 4120. 2 of 8 MAR 1 4 1995 ITEN) 18 ~ Records Destruction - Page Two March 14, 1995 None IMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of a resolution authorizing destruction of records as listed on Exhibit "A" of the resolution. Attachment: Resolution with Exhibit "A" MAR 1 ,~ 1995 I1'~.~ 18 ~ 3of8 ~, RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTIO OF T E C T¥ COU L OF THE CITY OF POW Y, C IFO IA, A HORIZING THE CITY DEP "TM~ HE TO ~TROY CITY RECORDS AFTER S E AR NO L ,HER REQUIRED WHEREAS, G Code Section 34090 authorizes City Department heads to destroy certain city records, documents, instruments, books or paper, under their charge, without making a copy thereof, after the same are no longer required, with the approval of the legislative body by resolution and the written consent of the City Attorney; and WHEREAS, this Council proposes to grant such approval for the d of the records, documents, instruments, books or papers more particularly described in Exhibit "A" having been determined by the City Clerk to be no longer required; and WHEREAS, said records, d instruments, books, or papers are not within the category of items which are forbidden to be destroyed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: 1. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to destroy the city records, documents, instruments, books, or papers under her charge, as described in "Exhibit A" without making a copy thereof. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 14th day of March, 1995. ATTEST: Higgil MAR141995 I~M 18 4 of 8 ~- Page Two Resolution No. 95- EXHIBIT "A" AS-005 PUFFS files, 1985-1989 AS-O06 Budget, 1987-88; mid-year 88-89 AS-007 PUFFS files, 1982-1990, 1989 marketing plan AS-011 PUFFS files, 1986-1988 AS-012 PUFFS files, 1990-1991 AS-013 PUFFS files, 1991-1992 Statement of Economic Interest, Form 730, 1987 Statement of Economic Interest, Form 721, 1990 CC-054 Plans & specifications, 2/91 to 7/92 CC-075 U ful bids, 1992 CC-076 Unsuccessful bids, 1992 CM-010 PUFFS files, 1981-85 CM-065 PUFFS files, 1984-92 CM-066 PUFFS files, 1992 CM-068 PUFFS files, 1990-92 C Service Grant files, 1986 Community Service Grant files, 1987 PUFFS files 1980-83 CS-001 Class Reg Fall 1990, Work Order Requests, 1989-90 CS-O02 Class Reg' Summer 1991, Summer 1992 CS-005 Budget files, 1990-91 5 of 8 MAR 1 ~ 1995 I~-~] 18 : Page Three Resolution No. 95- CUSTOMER V~C CT-O05 Water service applications, 9/85-8/87 CT-039 Water stubs, 10/22/91~1/6/92 CT-040 Bingo reports, 1990-91 CT-041 Water stubs, 1/7/92-3/16/92 CT-046 Water stubs, 3/17/92-6/2/92 CT-048 Water stubs, 6/2/92-9/14/92 CT-049 Out of business Business Certificates, 1988-92 CT-050 Out of business Business Certificates, 1988-92 CT-053 Bingo reports, 1991-92 CT-057 Returned checks, 1991-92, MediCal/MediCare appeals, 1990 -92 DATA PROC lNG DP-O06 Water billing reports, 1986-87 DP-O07 Water billing reports, 1986-87 DP-O08 Water billing reports, 1982-87 DP-O09 Payroll reports, 1987 DP-013 Payroll reports, 1988 DP-016 Water billing reports, 1988 DP-017 Water billing reports, 1988 DP-022 Water billing reports, 1989 DP-023 Payroll reports, 1989 DP-024 Water billing reports, 1989 DP-025 Time cards, 1989 DP-026 Time cards, 1989 DP-027 Time cards, 1989 DP-035 Water billing reports, 1990 DP-036 Water billing reports, 1990 DP-037 Water billing reports, 1990 NEEf EG-040 Right of Way Permits, 1989 EG-041 Right of Way Permits, 1989 EG-054 Right of Way Permits, 1990 EG-O55 Right of Way Permits, 1990 EG-066 Right of Way Permits, 1988 EG-079 Right of Way Permits, 1991 EG-080 Right of Way Permits, 1991 EG-088 Transportation Task Force work papers, 1990 EG-089 Transportation Task Force work papers, 1990 6 of 8 MAR 1~ 1995 18 Page Four No. 95- FIN~ FN-018 Cash receipts - 1987-88 FN-019 Cash receipts - 1987-88 FN-021 Cash receipts - 1987-88 FN-026 Pa,'abte, 1987-88 FN-027 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-028 Accounts Pa,'able, 1987-88 FN-029 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-030 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-031 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-032 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-033 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-034 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-035 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-036 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-037 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-038 Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-039 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-040 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-041 Accounts Pa,,able, 1987-88 FN-042 Pa' ,able, 1987-88 FN-043 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-044 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-045 Payable, 1987-88 FN-103 Payroll signature sheets, 1986-87 FN-140 Receipt books, 1986-89 FN-149 Payroll journal entry 1988-90 FN-237 Bank slips, 1990-92 TAX-1 Tax info, 1958-1975 TAX-2 County Tax Roll, 1963-1980 TD-1 TCDs 1961-1980 TD-2 TCDs 1978-1979 19-83 Purchase order reports, 1982-83 20-83 Financial reports, 1978-1983 11-84 PUFFS Files, 1980-1983 2-86 PUFFS Files, 1981-1984 FD-017 Incident reports, 1984 FD-018 Incident reports, 1984 rvlAR 1 4 1995 I']'~.~ 18 7of8 Page Five Resolution No. 95- PEI N£L PE-O19 Leave Request Forms, 1989 PE-O20 Leave Request Forms, 1989 PE-O36 Unsuccessful applications, 1992 · PLANNING PL-O28 Temporary Use Permits, 1982-85 PL-029 Temporary Use Permits, 1986-87 PL-047 T Use Permits, 1987-89 3ERVICES P$-013 Cannon Chrono 1989-1992 PUJ PURCH 85-2 City Hall C bids PURCH 85-3 City Hall C bids PR-O18 Closed purchase orders, 1989-90 PR-O19 Closed purchase orders, 1989-90 PR-020 Closed purchase orders, 1989-90 PR-021 Closed claims, 1987-1991 PR-025 Bids 1989-90 PR-026 Bids 1989-90 EVf PMEN RA-OO2 Ca{mat 1989-91 ~AR 14 1995 I~'~-~ lB $of~ Page Two Resolution No. 95- EXHIBIT "A" AS-O05 PUFFS files, 1985-1989 AS-O06 Budget, 1987-88; mid-year 88-89 AS-007 PUFFS files, 1982-1990, 1989 marketing plan AS-011 PUFFS files, 1986-1988 AS-012 PUFFS files, 1990-1991 AS-013 PUFFS files, 1991-1992 Statement of Economic Interest, Form 730, 1987 Statement of Interest, Form 721, 1990 CC-054 Plans & specifications, 2/91 to 7/92 CC-075 Unsuccessful bids, 1992 CC-076 U Iul bids, 1992 IANAGE C' -O FFS files, 1981-85 CM-065 PUFFS files, 1984-92 CM-066 PUFFS files, 1992 CM-068 PUFFS files, 1990-92 C Service Grant files, 1986 Community Service Grant files, 1987 PUFFS files 1980-83 CS-O01 Class Reg' Fall 1990, Work Order Requests, 1989-90 CS-002 Class Reg' Summer 1991, Summer 1992 CS-O05 Budget files, 1990-91 MAR 14 1995 ITEM 18 , Page Fou? Resolution No. FN-01B Cash receipts - 1987-8B FN-019 Cash receipts - 1987-88 FN-021 Cash receipts - 1987-88 FN-026 Payable, 1987-88 FN-027 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-028 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-029 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-030 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-031 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-032 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-033 Payable, 1987-88 FN-034 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-035 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-036 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-037 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-038 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-039 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-040 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-041 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-042 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 - FN-043 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-044 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-045 Accounts Payable, 1987-88 FN-103 Payroll signature sheets, 1986-87 FN-140 Receipt books, 1986-89 FN- 149 Payroll journal entry 1988-90 FN-237 Bank slips, 1990-92 TAX-1 Tax info, 1958-1975 TAX-2 County Tax Roll, 1963-1980 TD-1 TCDs 1961-1980 TD-2 TCDs 1978-1979 19-83 Purchase order reports, 1982-83 20-83~ ~ii::~ Financial reports, 1978-1983 11-8 ::~'"'PUFFS Files, 1980-1983 2-86 PUFFS Files, 1981-1984 FIRE DEPAI FD-017 Incident reports, 1984 FD-018 Incident reports, 1984 MAR 14 1995 ITEM ],8 "'