Item 21 - 1-Yr Contract Extensions for LMD 83-1A and B, 86-1A and B, 86-3A and B_ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. City Mana~ ~*,~ ,~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch,. Assistant City Mange.r James R. Williams, Director of Pubhc ~ervices Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide~v~~ (.~ DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: One-Year Contract Extensions for Landscape Maintenance Districts [LMDs] 83-1A and B, 86-IA, 86-2A and B, and 86-3A and B for the ' ' '-' (LMDs) and for the City's Center for the Arts allow for one- year by mutual agreement between the City and the Seven held by three are for approvals for April 1, 1995. This item is not subject to CEQA review. On July 1, 1995, all district will by 75 percent of the 1994 Orange/ /San Diego Price Index which was ~ to be one This means the for these services will by 0.75 percent July 1, 1995. from ' will to fund the for of within the A copy of this report has been mailed to Inc., Pac W~ t Land Care, Inc., and Krueger Services. It is that City Council approve the for of for the ~ of within LMDs 83-1, 86-1, 86-2, and 86-3. ACTION lof7 MAR 1 4 1995 ITEM 21 -AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. City" BY: John Do Fitch, City Manage~]~ James R. of Public ~ervices~ S. Nelson, . Aide~ DATE: March 14, 1995 SUBJECT: One-YearConWa~ E~emio~ ~rLan~capeM~n~nance Di~ricts ~MD~ 83-1A and B, 86-1A, 86-2Aand B, and86-3Aand B allow for by mutual between the City of Poway and the of record. When offered the option to renew their Pac West Land Care, and Krueger Services agreed to for the from April 1, 1995 through March 31, 1996: LMD 83-1 Adobe Ridge II, Camino del Norte, County Creek, Gateway/L Manda, Rio Court, and Hills with three, options No. 1 LMD 83-1/86-1 Poway 16, Twin Peaks Plaza, Park, and Stone Canyon Ranch with four, options NO. 4 ACTION: 2of7 MAR141995 I,aN 21 ~ Agenda Report - of LMD March 14, 1995 Page 2 LMD 86-1 The Grove, Huntington Gate, and with three, options No. 1 LMD 86-2A Sunrise Ranch an~ " One-year with four, one-year options No. 4 LMD 86-2B/ Creek 86-3B with three, options Road Medians Addition to current with three, one-year options No. 1 LMD 86-3A The Pond and Poway Estates with three, options No. i of these options varies between one- and Ail have been work required under their satisfactorily and to City standards. This item is not subject to CEQA review. On July 1, 1995, all ' will by 75 percent of the 1994 Orange/ /San Diego Regional Price Index which was to be one This means the for these services will by 0.75 percent July 1, 1995. from will to fund the for of 1 within the d' 3 of 7 ~AR 14 1995 ITF. 21 Agenda Report - of LMD March 14, 1995 Page 3 A copy of this report has been mailed to Inc., Pac West Land Care, Inc., and Krueger Services. It is ~ that City Council approve the attached for of for the of ' within LMDs 83-1, 86-1, 86- 2, and 86-3. 1. ~ Inc. 2. Pac West Land Care, Inc. 3. Krueger Services 4 of 7 MAR 1 4 1995 I'-f~.~ 2 OSC,a ~IAI! CT fEAR ( '-EMi: FOR: ~ 83-I 'win Pi ,nt F EXTENSION NO. ~ I, Tom Heaviland, Vice President, on behalf of Heaviland Enterprises, Inc., by mutual a~j ~ the City of Poway, do hereby accept the option of renewing f :t pedod of one year, beginning April 1, 1995 throug 1996. I also agree to the terms, conditions, and re~ ' :1 within the contract previously executed I: City and Heaviland Enterprises, Inc. tr' I ,~.._~ay of .~"~'~/~199¢ Ac_kno,,~[gdgment:. Tom Heaviland, V % ) James R. ~lliams ~-~ Se~ices (Company name) (I ) day of 1995: ATTEST: James L. Bowersox, City Manager Wahlsten, City Clerk / Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive // City *' ..... ~dress: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 920?4-0789 · (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 ~ 5 of 7 ATTACHMENT 1 ~IAR 14 1995 I]T.~] 21 MAIN IA DISTRICT ~~Y ~LAGI FOR: C La EXTENSION NO: One {1) LMI EXTENSION NO: One (1) EXTENSION NO: One 1'15 I, Barry Blue, President, on behalf of Pac West Land Care, Inc., by mutual agreement with the City of Poway, do hereby accept the options of renewing '~ed period of one year, beginning April 1, 1995 through March 31, 1996. I also ag and rec~ * t within the contract previously executed ~' City and P Care, Inc. Exec~day of ~ City of Poway Acknowledgment: '""~ Director of Pub~iflli~?~s ices (C ) (Date) day of 1995: ATTEST: James L. Bowersox, City Manager Marjode K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City Hail Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Address: P.O. Box 789. Poway. California 92074-0789 · (619) 748-6600. 695-1400 of 7 ATTACHMENT 2 MAR 1 4 1995 21 ONE-Y FOR: EXTENSION NO: One H) I EXTENSION NO: One ¢11 I, Jerry Krueger, Principle, on behalf of Krueger Landscape Services, by mutual ~ the City of Poway, do hereby accept ti" ~ renewing my contracts for an extended period of one year, beginning Apdl 1, 1995 through March 31, 1996. I also agree to the terms, between the City and Krueger Landscape Services. [ E l~,"tLday of ~'~,~I. 199,X''~' City of Poway :lment: By: 'fy Krueger. Principle ( '~ James R. Williams Director of Public Services (Company name) (Date) Accepted this day of 1995: Al-rEST: James L. Bowersox, City Manager Marjode K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ~,_ Hall Located 13325 Civic Center Drive City at ...... 1 Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway. California92074-0789 · (619) 748-6600. 695-1400 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3