Item 22.1 - Authorization for Acquisition of Right of Way and Mitigation Land Sanrex ]~:): Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council' Honorable Chairman and Members of the - Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. City Manager/Execu~;~ Director IiN-ITL4~D BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director ~f. Engin~ering ~ervices/ff¥~ Alan F. Schuler, Senior C~v~l Eng~neer~ March 7, 1995 $1J-BJECII~: Authorization for Acquisition of Right of Way and Mitigation Land - Sanrex, Poway FTC 142 Limited Partnership, and Pt. Loma Nazarene College - Scripps Poway Parkway East The Scripps Po ay Parkway East project s progressing on sche ul . In order to acquire porti n of t e rights of way, easemen s, and mitisation lan s or the construction of he roa way, s aff is proposing acquisi ion of portions of AP s 23-080-03 & -04, 323- 10-28 -59, 24-070-03, and 324-011- 3. It is recommended ha the City ~ RedevA )ent Ac ' ' ' f ihese ls. Funds for this project have been budgeted with the overall improvement program for Scripps Poway Parkway East. This authorization is not subject to CEQA review. t is reco~nended hat the City ounc 1/R development Agency approve he acquisition of a portion of APNs 23-080-03 & - 4 an 32 -110-sg from Sanrex for $56 ,400.00; a portion of APNs 32 -070-03 and 24-0 1-0 from Poway FTC Limited Par nership for ~800,000.00: d A N 323-110-28 rom t. ma Nazarene College for $~ ,BB0. i Clerk MAR 1 ~ 1995 ITEM 22,1 1 of 5 )~AR ? 1995 ITEM 15. i CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Di~ INITIA~rEDBY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service~ Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer.A~, DATE: March 7, 1995 SUIiJE(FI?: Authorization for Acquisition of Right of Way and Mitigation~ Land - Sanrex, Poway FTC 142 Limited Partnership, and Pt. Loma Nazarene College - Scripps Poway Parkway East The Scripps Poway Parkwa East project is progress ng on sched le. Final plans are nearing completion, ity staff and our Expropr ation Consu tant, JANMAC, Inc., have been negotiat ng with property owners a ong the Par ay for rights of way, easements, and m tigation lands necessary or the cons ruction of the Parkway. Several parcels have been acquired. Some o the land required is in the Co,nty of San Diego. The County Board of Sup on January 10, 1995, gran ed Poway, as the lead agency on this projec , the right to acquire rights o way and easements within their jurisd ction for the Scripps Poway Par way. A portion of the Sanrex holdings, APNs 323-080-03 & 4 and 323-011-59 (Exhib t 1) are required for construction of the Parkway. Alan M. Wilson has prepa e an inde endent appraisal of t e value of the taking and the impacts assoc a ed with th Parkway. Due to the abitat mitigati n value f these par els an he disrupt n f access anticipa ed with the Par way, sta f proposed o purc ase the sou er y remainder parce s of parcels -0 & -04. n offer of 563,40 .00, subject o ity Council approval, was negotia ed with he assistan e of William .acFarlane, JANMAC, Inc. ACTION: See Summary Sheet I~AR 14 199S Il'EM 22.1 2of5 · ..,,., ~a: ITEM 15.)~ Agenda Report - Authorization for Acquisition of Right of Way - and Mitigation Land: Sanrex, Poway FTC, Pt. Loma Nazarene. Scripps Poway Parkway East March 7, 1995 Page 2 portion of the Poway FTC Limited Partnership p operty, APNs 24-070-03 and 24-011-03 (Exhibit 1) is required for construct on of the Par ay. Alan M. ilson has prepared an independent appraisal of he valu of t e taking and he ~mpacts associated with the Parkway. Due to he habi at mi igation value of ese parcels and the disruption of access a icipate with the Parkway, sta proposed to purchase the northerl remain er arce s of both parcels. Add ional compensation was considered or impa rme t to the access of the sou erly remainder parcels.' An offer o $800,0 0.0 , subject to City Council approval, was negotiated with the assis ance of Wil iam L. MacFarlane, JANMAC, Inc. A portion of the Pt. Loma Nazarene College property, APN 23-110-28 (Exhibit 1) is required for construction of the Par ay. Alan M. W lson has repared an in ependent appraisal of the val,e of the aking and the mpacts as ociated wi h the Parkway. Due to the mit gation va ue of the rema rider and he su stantial damage to his parce , staff proposed to purc ase the en ire parcel. An offer of $119, 80.00, subject to City Council approval, was negotiated with the assistance o William L. MacFarlane, JANI~AC, Inc. - Benefit Resolutions No. 94-071 and No. R-94-12 for this project were certified by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency on June 8, 1994. These easements and right of way are necessary for the constructi n of Scrip s Poway Parkway Eas . The remaining portions of the arcels hat will be acqui ed are valid habita mitigation land that is necessa for m tigation of impac s associated with t e construction of Scripps Poway arkway asr. The agree -upon prices are representative of the current marke value of the properties. Funds for this project have been budgeted with the overall improvement program for Scripps Poway Parkway East. FI~W This authorization is not subject to CEQA review. ~AR 1 J. 1995 ITEM 22.1 ~AR ? 1995 ITEM 15. 3of5 Agenda Report - Authorization for Acquisition of Right of Way nd Mitigation Land: Sanrex, Poway FTC, Pt. Loma Nazarene cripps Poway Parkway East arch 7, 1995 age 3 None. It i ecommended that the City Council R development Ag ncy a prove the cqu s tion of a ortion of APNs 323-08 - 3 & -04 and 32 -110- 9 from Sanrex or 5 3,400.00; portion of APNs 324- 7 -03 and 324-0 1-03 rom Poway FTC imi e Partnersh p for $800,000.00; an PN 323-110-28 rom P . Loma Nazarene ollege for $119, 80. Attachments: Exhibit 1 Map of Acquisitions MAR 14 1995 ITEM 2~1 NAR 7 1995 rrEM 15./ 4of5