Item 6 - Denial of Claim AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ~ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council L. Bowersox, City Man~ FROM: James INITIA~D BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~/F]~ ~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ~ative~Servicet~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manage~~ DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Edward J. Kolenski Denial of Claim - Gordon Adams, Trustee for Richard Aldrich 1. Mr. Kolenski has presented a claim to the City for damages to his home caused by flooding during a heavy rainstorm on January 4, 1995. The amount of the claim is $3,378.40 to date. It is recommended that the claim be denied. 2. Mr. Gordon Adams presented a claim for flood damages to his property on Springvale Street in Poway. Mr. Adams states that the flooding occurred on January 3, 1995 and was caused by a blocked drainage system. The amount of the claim is $2,500.00 to date. It is recommended that the claim be denied. E~RONMEN~I~ALRElrIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny these claims. ACTION 1 of 12 MAR 2 1 1995 iTEM 6 - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion o~ the repot[ pnor to approval by the Cib/Council unless members of the Council staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately, if you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the Cit~ Clerk pdor to the beginning of the Cit~ Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City mana~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~¥ ~. Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Servic)~-~) Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manage.~~ i DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Edward J. Kolenski BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received from Edward Kolenski on February 21, 1995. The amount of the claim is $3,378.40 to date. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS During heavy rain on January 4, 1995, Mr. Kolenski's home and property were flooded. Mr. Kolenski alleges that City drains were not kept clear and resulted in overflow. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None ACTION: 2 of 12 loQ ITEM 6 Agenda Report March 21, 1995 Page 2 RECOHHENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Edward J. Kolenski 3 of 12 ~AR 2 1 1995 FI'EM 6 y ��� � u Poway� CA 92064-6131 � � I�.II I Cify Of �'o6vay F� 2 � U GLAlM AGAIt357 THE CRY OF POWAY CTiY OF RIS1( ILANAGEMENT ' - c�xs rr�a sw,� ���a � � ; . , ;+� �J — - .s.:a�an . �ter.-0ffa'aAaA wer the Camter �� y-�/ 1 5 Z.� daim rnust be 9fled�with ths Gty Clerk or Fltsk Ailsnagerot th� City of;Poway wttlUa 6 months after which the �cident or �vtnt oxurrad. Be•sure your dalm�is tpalnat_;tA� City of Powsy, not enotf�er pubuc entlty. WAere pue,is in=u4fident, please uss additlona! pape�=an0?Idintity �tomiatlo� by,par�graph numtii�. Completed latms must be,rt]�iied or deinrer¢d to The Ctty ot Poway, 13325"Civtc�Coniar D�,Poway, CA: 92064 ( P.O. os789 ). Atrt:.FUs QT}iE HONORABLE MAYOR ANO'CITY COtlNClL'TNE CTTY OF POWAY CAUFORNIA , he unde'stgned r�specttuty submits tne toilowing daJm and infortn�!!on t�tativs tio damape to penons nd/oYpersonai property: . Name ot ctatmant ��u�� n� J Kd!e�. • � � Addreas of Gaimant. b. , Phone No. a Dat� oi biith d. Soctai'Securiry No. . Drivers Lic:.No, :. Name, telephone and post olfice address to which.Gatmanidetina notiees to bs sent:H.otner jhan tbove: !. Occurrencs or event trom whieh th� clatm �ises: . a . Date '"� �S b: Tfmm l0 ; UU P!'1<l a Plaw ;( �xsct �+d sp�etfie loeaUon) _ rnE d How and under what circumstances dd'dama8e orinjury{oc f't $peciy ths-:partioular occur�nce, avan« act�crbrnssion you ��m r.aused"the.tnjury'or dam8pe (use additionaJ paper9i necsssary ): (IiiO r`�iZ �'�>ix�„- Ghc�v-c. S(�b �c�.t-L � ;c��c_��l -�i � U a� '�'� Gi '�� �jp' m:,�Q.. e. What°par�rculu action by tht Gity, orfts employees, caused tha all�yye0 damage or tnjury? , �i f �!'u„r!s l,�erc, ,t.� �r�-;.�'�' �,�F.1Y �-� �:: -.'. , c,c . r� e v u n� 'r" 2 �s e �v oc� ;�., y �� My �erYyt�- 4 of 12 � 1v1AR 2 1 1995 1�f c113 6 d. Give a d�;criptlo� ot'thadnj' ProP•nY dasr�pe or bta fu ea rown:et tttie tlme ot tt�is ,� daim. N'C+erf w�re no"injun.s. stste "No 4yurias - _ 0 n •� . a — 'h ��cv: ' i w 5 _.. h mP .Y ( l . �8 dama0e or U�lury: '- .,. Givo name(s):ot 1ha G �o ee s ausi tho . . . : �g, 6. Nem� and address of any `olhsr person hjured: ; � /._ 0' . . , _ ` 7. NBm� 8nd addr�ss oi ths owner ot an �d: . . - � �-=- K ��-, �,�, _, '; 8. Damg es daimed: . . " ' G : a: amountua�medasotth�s�date � '37F�.yQ . . b. Estimated amount ot tutura eost�: 5.���? a TotaJ tmount elaimed? � _ g , T T �� ��� f� co�uta� o�o amounts olaimed �clud�' bi'ps,(nwfces; fsUmates, etc) : mP ( P� v� 1�.ZY^NI-(1� �CjC):J� 9. Plames and addreues.of aell wItr►esses. �hospkals..doeton� otc: � e:? v,/' cSS __ a - . � d 10. Myadditional iniortriati miphf;be htiptu eon � 7 s;deriny tAis daim: �. � � L^„/J:n�.i�,C. 'r,i� JQ/'�1�' .,t (•iJ uy �/,� . � i � WARNING: R I5 A CRiMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE Cl61IMC (9enat Code g72; ir�suran�c� Code g 5ae.S ) I'haw,nad tM;mattea tu+d statenai�as modQ In;tt+o abova e�ehn and l kr+ow,Ca eamo fo bo W� oLmy own knowleC6e, qs�apt•as to tho;e�manrn stated,�pon_irtiortnatbn o�.b�uet`BS m,sueh,maCmra�fDaBwe.fM same to pe We. fcert;fy ur+d p�^aM of`Der�ury thsi`tno'brg;,oinp;fa 7AUE arid'CORRECT: • • SipMd.thb �`:� dpYo} .' c: l 19��� � �t� C7airr�ru's'Siqna�r 0(5oi of th� Clty.Ckr3e Powey. c�9fotnta • DGCUMEN7 NO. �D 5 of 12 ' MAR 21 1995 ����1 6 ESTIMATE ON HOUSE IN PQW�AY. DUE TO Fti00DING AND WATER..DAMAGE: For: ;ED' KQLENSKI Materials and labor: 5475.00 Three bedrooms, hallway two bathrooms. Sealer coat, t'inish coat, and enamei; in two bathrooms, _ ���.����'�i�/ Harold Balser; P.aintec , -? , �I. .� ; , ,,,_, r��-l��`� _� ��,.- z �.{.�,� _ , � � � � . / ,=� � c,�X,.�•�_.l'-, _-� ��-�'� . :���� - ���r � �'� i ,,- . �-.� � f��;�=� ���.��� ��'�- �f - � � � � j �� ' : ��, �, `, � � /, r��.C� f2%-C�, �.,� � � ' ���� � ��.�� X - �s-� cJ —,:'�' � —�I2v � �'��� ��- ��:0 �r�t-�.��'� �2�.�;�f� ,lC �J� c'� /�^T-Q;i �,...�� L-C_/��.�t' ��.l�� 6of 12 MAR 21 1995 R�� 6 STXt�LEY STEEA�ER. - �33 osroK°'°1�� - . . P�N,BY CAGB106q,.5131 �B1LLF . �.:�C i ' PESPOEMYI�A pi COMMEqCEAL �R�_�S IJ�.L'e , �S a ilvAA�$`i 271-99� 0 Date: �`��'" c 5 Ext. 30. This estimate:is based on what we can determine needs attention prio� to lifting any carpet. r CUSTOMER.,NAME: � ADDRESS: SiZE PRICE TOTAL Eztract Water � 7 � Sa�4�i, �� �� � � —� Pull Carpet & Paddina �1' L� ��^� � � � /�� LQ Remove:& Re face Furnitu�e on First'Visit � Q t� `' D and[or Dispose of Carpet 5� S ra �Antimicrobial Aftected,Areas_ 57.3 - . �h , Fan:Rentai S �. .� - �_�� �ehumiditier'Rental 3 � - � � V nAiscellaneous /.J,d�ts2 i?'�1 �,�a'S Miscellaneous S�o _ JS` r.o Fumish' &Jnstall New Rad L S o7 -'" �S � Re-lnstall Car et � :S 3 ' - � � ciean car et 5 - yo Deodorize Cac t S73 '-:3 7 Remove & Re lace Furniture on Re-install � 0 6 Miscellaneous;ltems Miscellaneous Items TOTAL �� �� ( � Due Co the fact�that the watei damaged areas may be larger than.they appear on the surface, these pnces may cfiange accordingly: Staniey Steeiner will make every effortto keep•you informed of any price adjustments as they occur: I understand,all'of the•above and agree tFiat irnthe eve e insurance company or other paRy involved dces � iot pay; l am responsible -p ' Stanl y e r for ices provided. Signed: ' Dated: `/ � w{ 7 of 12 MAR 21 1995 I�t�ll 6 � PETE HURTUBISE No !SO3 GENERAL CANTRACTOR _ ..� 562 ��� Oace � � � � ,.. � , - Sheet Na. ' � � � Proposal Submitted To: Work To Be Pertormed At: Name r.� . .-+:.�.>� Streec Streee �,City City ��,�r � i" ` Scate Stace Oate of Blans � Phone ' Architect We hereby propose'ta furnish�che°maceriels and perform the labor necessary for the�completion of .�„ ._:,,' ,� . ;i'�'- , .. .._i .7r_ .:-� . __ . .� �.T/J.�.ri-� - I '� . ,- ��•'. . ', . . - ,.. --.� �. �e' : ��� . �.�-i. ��: : rd.-._�, : i , .-. ' _ � ' �.. ' . � _.L. • , . - . -. ' . . , .. . . . . ; , � .l , �� I , I � All maceriai is guaranteed Co be as specified. antl the abave work to 6e perfocmed'�in!accordance�w� the drawings antl specifica[ions. submicted for above work and �completed in a su�stantial �workmanlike �an�en fof the sum of , ' i � Oollars ($ ; l with payments to he made as follows: ;,, • � `�; ,' �' • '- � Any a�[ere[ion or deviacion from�. above specifications� ext�a costs, will pe zecuEed only upon written orders, and will become��an ezcra charge overand _ah�ove che-estimate. AII agreemencs cantingert��onstrikes. accidents or`delays_heyond our Control. Ownec Ca carry fire. Cornado and �other necessary insurance upon above work. Warkmen's Com�ensation antl Public �iability Insur,ance on above.work;�Ca be taken out by - � "NOTICE�TO OWNEN" ISec:�onJ0�8;5-Cancraccors�GcenseCawl ' Underc^�eMeCn=_nics LienLa�nracyEon[rac[oc�.subcontrac� [`.r, �2b�re�..^.d:enalm2n or Cther person who help5 c0 (mprove JJU' i�COEr;� dnC i5 n0: pa�tl ��f h�51a0or, SernCE50(' maGEfidl. cas a ar_.s1._r.'cn_= ^.�s cla�r+ aga�nsc�yaur propeC[y, ,;n0ec�_^�e •an . r:a�prc:ec: yo�rsz�; . Oy'fding oefo�e _pmT,anping,SOCt' n�Ork'Jr nofOV2mEnC. en � _�� Or•,ginal cor aC .` _re tiork��t imGro+emEn[�or a motlificacian .� i� �/ , � �%� :ne�eat r re ��•ceafc�ecoanc�recaraero•checounry.Jnere Aespectfullysubmitted ,`;.j :�'�;+_.� Ge,�.: ,��' :re prCpeC'� :5-SCUCGetl'a[�,rG�wring Cra[ a co�[raL[Or'S � ' � �� :LV�¢�C OGnC �E. 2CC�pE��in�SbCh'Or`iCp.l$d 0 OOf d 5�811:OE �,� an arrounc nc: iess .har. `�fLy�percent (SWcI of ;he-coneracc Per ouce ara shau �;v aaC�.mn any cond2ions s,�e:,perior- _, � �. ^+d�Ce f ne J�r C[ �C2�.COnd bonEtl fOr �hC Fd�npnC in fUll Stace Cicense Na !'., - .. _ of ;ne ca'^�s��.o�ia�l oersens�rurn�shmg�labon serv�c^s eawp� � � �` ^.enc ,.•l-.acec�ais tlescr�6etl m sa�a.cah�racc NoCe—This proposal may be wiChdrawn by us if not accepted ... . . .:. � . within i �� days:. ACCEPTANGE OF PqOPOSAL � � ,�� Tlie specrficacions and contlidons`are�sacisf�ccory and�are hereby accepEe¢�;You�are auyhoh¢ed dv�o �hework as�vpec�fietl. Payment N+IIPpe made as auclined abov8. . _% � � � � �� � � � �� `�% � i+ .� Signature� „�_!�_!G�- ....- �j.� �vr � j "� �_ _ �% � ; j , Oate .� � , - ..� i Signacure � Contraytoes are requiced,by law.to 6e lieensed and�regulated by Cha,Contrector's State license Board. Any questions concerning a contractor may'be refecred to ebe;Registrer, CantracEOrs 5tate -' � rd, [9835 Goethe�� California. [Mailing Address; P�O. Box 26000, 8 of 12 , Calitornia 95827:1 ��� 6 SBTA --°•--- � _.._..- -- .�n:��•,_� AGENDA REPORT v � j �� . � `F ,� �^ly CITY OF POWAY —'�.� i ;,, This�report is induded on�the 6onsent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the.repon pnordo approval by th8 �! Ciry Counal unless members of [heCounal staff oc:public requese it ro be removed.from the fonsent CalenGbr and " yF, �- _�� _� �� discussed sepamtely If you wish to have this report pWted (or dis<ussion, please Fill out aslip indicating:the report number "c "' �— atW �give it to lheCity Cterk prior fo�,t}fe begmning ol the Ciry Council meeting. � T � E �� �` � ' T0: HonorabTe Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City mana�" �� INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Reggy A. Stewart-, Director of Admin:istrative Seruic Dougl'as A. Milton, General Services Managerrf-v�. DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Dental of GTaim - Gordon Adams, Trustee for Richard Aldrich BACKGROUND. On February 17, 1995, Mr. Gordon Adams presented a cl`aim to the City in the amount of f2,500.00 plus. Ib is recommended that th"is claim be denied. FINDINGS Mr. Adams claims that heavy ra,in on January 3, 1995 eaused flboding of property at ? Mr, Adams cites blocked drainage systems as the cause. ENVIRONMENTAL.REVIEYI Environmenta1 review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT UnRnown ADDITIONAL'PUBUC NOTIFICATION AND.CORRESPONDENCE None ACTION: • � 9 of 12 MAR 21 1995 � 3�'� 6 Agenda Report March 21, 1995 Page 2 RECOHHENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Gordon Adams, Trustee for Richard Aldrich 10 of 12 MAR g I 1995 ITEM ..�. ^ City Of Poway � _ - � �" I T _�� — CLAlM AGIUNSTT1iE CIIY OF_POVYAY ' '� �ctiveC by —��— - � . :S. Ma;i • ter-offioe rr+ail � ver th c����� '� 9y-�1 'Q 3/ daim`must'be filed wtth �e Gty Clerk or'Risk�M�nageFof tha Gty_of.Pow�y wEtnin`6-monMs:�lter which t�e • ciden! or event,ocxurred. Be sure your daim Es;,mmgainattha City of Poway, not tnother pub�c o�dty, Where �ace'is Insuftiaent,•please use additlo�al pape.c and ideritiy hfortnaUon by pffir�graph nirrr�be►• Comptated airsis musj:6e mailed or deCriered�to The City ot Poway,13325 Civtc GnferDcive,Poway, CA. 92064 ( P.O. ox 789.).� At;n: Risk'Mariaper OTHE HONbFiABLE MAYOR AND CITY CGWNCIL.THE CTTY OF POWAY CAUFORNIA „ .he>underslgned respecttuty subm;ts the toliowing da3m anC intortnatton�retat7v� to damage to persons nd/or pecsonal property: � • . Flame ot dalmant / -� - m. Addrest of GaimanE' b. , Phone No: a Dat� of �irth d. Social8ecurity No'. Drivera�Uc No. G Name, teiephone and posi ottice=address 26 which,claimarit desire3 notices to bo sent If other ptian above: � �� �.�.,..5 J 3. Occurrence or event trom wAich.the Uaim �rtses: . � . a. . Cate / F S b. Time a Piace ( exaet and sp�afic tocation) - d How and under what circumstances did damage or'inJury: oecur? Spe_ciiy the particular ocwrrence, event; act;:aromission you Uaim caused tne'injury ordamage (use �dditional paper it necessary ). c� �.�- �i c� v e, `Fc� �.a. e c�. �'� 'L ,� S � - � S U � S'`rT�-��--�t d�'t14P � rru� � e, Whal.par'Scu)u action bYthe Eiry, or its employees, caused ihe alleged'dsmape or injury?. ' t�c.-a��z d r�,� w� �Q,l� � :��-�.� ^ .._ I.J'�`r" �� f e c�� � ��� ia ,� r-c -�-o C�.�/' � i� �l.i ���I� 11 of 12 MAR 2 1595 1��.� 6 , 4. Give a desc�iptlon et the L ry, property damapu orlcss. sa tar s kr+own at the tlme ot tt,is � qaim. tf tli �re w no inju�ies, sfate 'Pto lnjuriss ' ' � /l,� / � ° '�� �a � . "—' 3. Give name(;)°ot:ths Ctty �mployee(s) causinp;th� damap� orinIuc�!:' . � ,J t n� l�_��. � � � , . :: �y 6. Namo and of any. other'pQcson inju►vd: . � N O�rP .: • Y '' 7, Plartit snd address°ot_tne cwnor ot� ed'p'opa ' _. _ Y .d�8 _ _ , '; 8. Dama�es Naimed: � K �� ` � . • a. Amount claimed as oi tkiis dale $ ������ ( % b. Estimated amount�of future-costs: S — 50 ¢ • Totat amcunt claimed $ __,_ �'`""�`� ' d. 6asis tor compirtation"of'amounts claimed ( fncluda copos ot slt bilis,invo[ces, estimates, etc) : D. Narties and addreues ot �11 witr�esses, hospitals, doctors, otc. a p;�c-� a ' , a . d _ 10: Any tdditional (ntormation that mipht be helpfut in eons;Cerinp thit daimc �:`� e::� . �a �i:: `::r WAANING: tT IS A CRIMINAL OF,FENSE 70 �iLE A FALSE CLAiMt (PeR�I Code §72; ;., I�su�anee Code ;. `556:1 ) . •::: .., . • . ':�. 1 htve �oad tho matters and:staterr+arrts made in tM abow:clsim a�xl,I.know ttie tame'tc bo tru� of:myown'krowleESe: '�` e:a� s�s'to those,maners' stated'upon:h'+�omutan or beiiel.,as to wch mei{ 1 be6s"vd`t!x sam�:to De uve. I cenify u ;:. :: _: :: pe Iry p_ � ry'Uiaftt�e toie;o�np is TRUE`an0 CORRECT. • ' Sipned this day of ,19 -tQ r;; . �+:i;. .. 1fltTii � . :;:: ' ;f:;d • f1I . fliQJ . . t .. `�ti �1C! Of StSQ''.QtylC�O�{t .::> pOWB}/:.«Ofil�a . � COCUMENT NO. FILED . 12 of 12 MAR 21 1995 1'T��11! b