Item 6.1 - Appropriation of Funds for Maintenance/Operations Analysis AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable M~:or and Members of the City Counc,. ~ FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag..~) NITIATED BY'- John D. Fitch, Assistant C~ty Manage Robert L. Thomas, Director of Commuhity Services ~ DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for the Maintenance and Operation Analysis of the Track and Roiling Stock at Old Poway Park ABSTRACT It is recommended that the City Council appropriate S7,500 from the General Fund Reserve to complete the maintenance and operation analysis of the track and rolling stock at Old Poway Park. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA Guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT _The completion of the maintenance and operation analysis will require an appropriation f $7,500 from the General Fund Reserve. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Roger Mohling and Mary Cross. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $7,500 from the General Fund Reserve to complete the maintenance and operation analysis of the track and rolling stock at Old Poway Park. ACTION blAR 2 8 1995 ITEM ,6,.1. lof3 - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There wiU be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council un~ess members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please flu out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council rneetJn§. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~k~ . INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant Ci ager~' . Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communit~Serwces~,~ DATE: March 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for the Maintenance and Operation Analysis of the Track and Rolling Stock at Old Poway Park BACKGROUND Since the derailment of the locomotive at Old Poway Park, the City has retained Charles Coval and Jim Neal, Rail Maintenance Consultants, to assess the maintenance and operation of the track and rolling stock. The consultants have completed the initial phase of the study, which assessed the cause of the accident. The conclusion was that the bent axle on the front of the rear track and the narrow gauge at the frog caused the right front wheel on the rear truck to split the frog and head toward the siding. Currently, the speeder and ore cars are in operation, but the locomotive is not. FINDINGS The next phase of the consultants study will produce a prioritized list of rail and track recommended repairs. This phase will also examine track dynamics and wheel/rail interface. The condition of wheels, couplings, wheel trucks, and wheel wear patterns as related to rail dynamics will be examined. The conclusions from the study will be presented by the consultants to the staff and the Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers. This phase of the study will recommend track and rolling stock improvements needed to reinstate the operation of the locomotive. City staff will be working closely with the railroad volunteers throughout this process. The objective is to correct rail and rolling stock deficiencies in a timely manner in order to resume operation. ACTION: 2 of 3 MAR 28 1995 ITEM 6,1 ,' Agenda Report March 28, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA Guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The completion of the maintenance and operation analysis will require an appropriation of $7,500 from the General Fund Reserve. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Roger Mohling and Mary Cross. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $7,500 from the General Fund Reserve to complete the maintenance and operation analysis of the track and rolling stock at Old Poway Park. JLB:JDF:RLT (C: \DATA\AG[ NDA \OP PSTOC K. APP) MAR 2 8 1995 ITEM 62 3of3