Item 6 - Discussion of Scope & Topic Areas for Citizens Survey AGE )A REPORT SUMI RY rRO#: Oaees L. Bowersox, City N&n~'~ INITIATED BY: Oohn D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Reba Yrtght-quastler, Director of Planning Services Pm Gravel, Nanagmnt Analyst DATE: Narch 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Discussion of Scope & Topic Areas for Cttizens Survey ABSTRACT Staff was directed on January 19, lgg5 to lnittate the process for conducting a Citizen's Survey. SANOAG was contacted and delivered a preliminary estimate through their Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program. ENVIRONNENTAL REVI~ This Informational report is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT The preliminary estimate of $25,703.00 suggests the total cost for a Citizen's Survey would be under $30,000.00. AOOITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ANO CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to enter into a contract with SANDAG through their Local Technical Assistance program, identify topics and proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire. ACTION 1 of 21 NAR 29 t995 ITEM 6 AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This re~. is included on ~e Consent Calendar. There ~11 ~ no ~r~e discussion of ~e re~ prior to approval ~ ~e Ci~ Council unless members of ~e Council, s~ff or public request it to ~ removed from the Con~nt Calendar and di~ussed se~rately. If you wish to have this re~ pulled for discussion, plea~ fill out a slip indicaEng ~e re~ numar and give it to ~e Ci~ Clerk prior ~ ~e ~ginning ~ ~e C~ Council m~Eng. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. B0wersox, City Mana~t~lfT~ INITIATED BY: John O. Fitch, Assistant City--Manager Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services Pam Gravel, Management Analyst?J2( DATE: March 98, 1995 SUBJECT: Discussion of scope and topic areas for Citizen's Survey BACKGROUND The City of Poway has completed two Citizen Surveys in 1981 and 1988. Additionally, a Business Survey was also completed in 1988. In 1981, 11,130 questionnaires were mailed out to all households and 48.8 percent or 5,431 were returned which is a higher than average rate of return. There were 4 major areas covered in the survey: respondent profile which included socio/economics and demographics; parks and recreation; growth management; and, development and land use. In 1988, all Poway households were again surveyed, however, this time the survey covered a wider area of topics and concerns. The questionnaire was sent to 14,510 households and 5,401 surveys were returned which represents a response rate of 37.2 percent. Besides demographics, the areas covered included 6 other topics: city services; shopping; transportation; recreation; the center for performing arts; and, growth and development. The 1988 Business Survey was sent to out to 1,754 businesses, 981 were at commercial locations and 773 were mailed to home businesses. The response rate was poor with only 313 surveys returned. Of the returned surveys, 218 or 22.8 percent were from commercial locations and 95 or 12.3 percent were from home businesses. One of the goals and objectives for the City Council for fiscal year 1994/1995 is to complete a Citizen's Survey every other year. In order to meet this objective, staff was directed on January 19, 1995 to initiate the process for conducting a Citizen's Survey. SANDAG was contacted and delivered a preliminary estimate through their Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program. ACTION: 2 of 21 NAR 2~ 1995 ITEM 6 Agenda Report - March 28, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS Using the last survey as a guideline, Karen Lamphere of SANDAG was able to respond with a preliminary estimate that is based upon information obtained from the last survey conducted. In order to fully explore the City's options, SANDAG was asked to provide their estimate based upon a city-wide distribution of about 15,000 surveys as well as for a random sample of only 2,000 households. The estimate to send out a questionnaire to 15,000 households with no follow up mailing is $25,703.00, which includes the LTA deduction of $1.000.00. The cost of a random sample mailed to 2,000 households with a follow-up mailing is $1],470.00. As there hasn't been a Citizen's Survey for over 6 years, staff recommends that all households in Poway be sent a survey. In order to obtain information that will allow us to make comparisons between data obtained from the first two surveys, the following topics are suggested to be included in the ]995 Citizen's Survey. Demographics- income, age, education, occupation, length of time in Poway City Services- areas needing improvement, library, youth needs, pedestrian pathways Shopping- location of most often used facilities, desired services or products Transportation-bike paths, carpooling, transit uses, i.e. dial-a-ride Recreation- programs offered, programs desired, after school programs, recreation facilities Center for the Performing Arts-times used, contributions for funding, role in community Use of computer technology in the household. The list of specific topics and subtopics should not be considered complete. In addition, it might be desirable to contact other agencies, such as the school district, to inquire whether they wish to add any questions. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This informational report is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT The preliminary estimate of $25,703.00 suggests the total cost for a Citizen's survey would be under $30,000.00. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to enter into a contract with SANDAG through their Local Technical Assistance program, approve 3 of 21 I~AR 2~ 1995 Agenda Report March 28, 1995 Page 3 distribution to all households, identify the topics and proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire. JLB:JDF:RWQ:PGG:kls Attachments: A. Letter from Karen Lamphere B. City of Poway 1981 Community Survey C. City of Poway Resident Survey(1988) 4 of 21 )f~AR g!)1995 RE,.,EB/ED Sa~ Diego PLANNING DEPT, ASSOCIATION OF FP..~t"~.~ 6~ 1995 Suite 800, First Interstate Plaza 401 B Street San Diego, California 92101 ~'~S. Pal~ Gl'~vel (619)595-5300 Fax (619)595-5305 Management Analyst City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Dear Para: This letter will provide you with a cost estimate for conducting the proposed Poway Citizens Survey. From our discussion, I understand that the survey instrument would be similar to the one used in the 1988 study, and that you would like two cost estimates -- one for mailing one survey to every household in Poway and one for mailing the survey to a randomly selected sample of households, with a follow-up mailing to non-respondents. In addition to providing decision makers with information about the views of the City's residents, surveys can serve other puxposes. For example, not everyone will complete the survey they receive in the mail, but many will at least read it and become educated about the issues addressed in the survey. Making all residents feel part of the decision making process can also be an important consideration. If these aspects of the survey are the most important, then a mailing to all 15,000 households makes sense. On the other hand, surveys can also be used to test public opinion about issues and be relatively confident that the survey results accurately reflect the views of all City of Poway residents. If results that can be measured in terms of their statistical reliability are most important, then a survey where a small group of households is randomly selected for participation would be the methodology of choice. A second mailing to those who did not respond to the first survey would be conducted to .increase the rate of response-and therefore the reliability and usefulness of the results. In thi~ case, surveys would be mailed to approximately 2,000'households with ' the expectation that about 800 would be/eturned. It is important to note that this sampie size would be adequate for a city-wide analysis of the results. If a comparison of responses between sub-groups (for example, different geographic-areas of the city) was desired, then the sample size would need to be increased. I have assumed a city-wide analysis of the results for purposes of the following cost estimate. The SANDAG tasks and associated costs for the two alternatives are shown below. I have assumed that the City of Poway will provide adequate mounts of City letterhead, if the cover letter is to be printed on original letterhead rather than a photocopy of the letterhead. I have also assumed a response rate of 35 percent for the survey to all households and 40 percent for the mailing to a sample of 2,000 households. The summary report would discuss the results for all respondents (as a group) in detail, along with mss-tabulatioas of selected questions. Ia addition, we would provide you with computer priatouts of as many cross-tabulations as you desire. EXHIBIT A' I~AR 2~, '1995 MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Cadsbacl, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Endnitas, Escondido, Impedal Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, Vista, and County of Ben Diego. 2 1 IAISON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Defense, S.D. Unified Porl District, and TijuenaJ~aja California. SANDAG responsibilities and estimated costs for this project are as follows: Surveys sent to Pamdom Samp. le of Surveys Seat to 2;000 Households with 15,000 Households, Follow-up Mailing Task: 1N'O Follow-uo Mailing (~5.500 oieces total) 1. Quesfionnai~ design/pretest $ 570 $ 570 2. Layout/printing/folding/stuffing $5,420' $2,200 3. Purchase of mailing labels and mail-out/business $1,650 $ 750 reply envelopez 4. Mail.out postage (bulk rate) $1,950 $ 525 5. Return postage (business reply) $3,938 $ 600 6. Follow-up procedures: numbering surveys/ sds $ 520 labels; keeping track of non-re~aondents 7. Prepare returned surveys for data entry, in¢l.cllng $3,220 $ 860 coding v~ponses to one open-ended que~ion $. Data entry; computer programming/processing $4,775 $1,265 9. Analysis of data: s~,,m~ry report $4,340 $4,340 (text/tables/selected charts) 10. Meetings; presentation of results to City Council or $ 840 $ 840 other group TOTAL SANDAG COSTS $26,703 $12,470 LESS LTA DEDUCTION (1.000~ (1.000') COST TO CITY OF POWAY $2~,703' $11,470 * The preparation of the surveys for ma,-out (foldi~, stuffing, etc.) for this aitemative would be subcontracted to a local mailhouse. This cost is approximate. Surveys of this type usually take between three and four months to complete (from initial agreement to proceed to final report). If the questionnaire or draft summary report require extensive review and comment by several people or groups, this time frame would be lengthened. This project will be conducted through the Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program. In accordance with LTA policy, we would need ~-letter from the City Manager requesting our assistance with this project and acknowledging the cost. This letter should be sent to Bob Parrott, SANDAG Director of Research. If you have any questions or need further information, please call me at 595-5355. Sincerely, Senior Regional Planner cc: Bob Parrott, SANDAG Director of Research ~ o~ ~! I~R 2~ 199.~ iTEM ~ · ' , OFFICE USE ~ CI~"f OF POWAI 1981 COMMUNITY .%URVE~ ~E~ERAI% 5-6. In which of the following sections of Poway do you live? :::~(~-] 04. ~r~a 4 ~ 0~. ~re~ ~ ~2~ 06. Area 6 ~ 07. A=ea 7 08. Area 8 09. A=ea 9' ~ 10. Area 10 7-14. R~y did you originally come to live in Poway? (check the items that apply) ~%~ 7. Friends or relatives % ~0 8. Close to employment %x%%~ 9. Lower home pri~es - %ZZ~10. Larger lots {acreage) available ~_~11. Schools ~%~711. Less densely populated, less conqested ~_,~_~1S Shopping and services ~:~L~_I,~. Rural atmosphere 15. ~ow many years have you lived in Powa,? -- %~0 2. 3 years ~ 6. 20 years :~ ~%743. 5 yea~s ~_~ 7. over 20 years " ~q04' 10 years 7 of z~. EXHIBIT B MAR 2~ 1995 ~'EM ~ II. pARKS AND P. ECRKATION 16-24. Which of the following recreational facilities/programs do you feel are needed most in Poway. %Check cne or more) ~qq 16. Public Swimming Pool ~017. Lighted Tennis Courts q0~18. Soccer and/or Football Fields %~19. Little League and other softball and baseball fields ~7020. Lighting for Athletic fields ~%2~21. Performing Arts ~22. Multi-purpose Teen Center' ~02523. Senior Activities ~4. Commercial recreation opportunity 25. Would you prefer (check only one): ~1|~ 1. More small neighborhood mini-parks (in my neighborhood) ~25 2. More local parks (15 minute walk).  3. More community parks (30 minute_walk, 10 minute drive) 4. More regional parks (15 - 30 minute drive) 26.' Dc yc~ kngw where the new Poway Cormmunity Park is? 2¥. If so, have you attended any functions at the Poway Community ParkY ~.7%~ ~s ~. £~O~ .0 28-31. Would you consider supporting a bond issue to purchase additional park, open space and to build park facilities in Poway? (Check one or more) ~28. Yes, to preserve geologic landmarks, i.e. Twin Peaks, Boulder Mountain, Tooth Rock and Mt. Woodson. ~29. Yes, but only for open space in my neighborhood. %~k~30. Yes, anywhere in the City of Poway. ~3_1. No, I would not be willing to share in th, cost. 32. Do you support the City's goal of establishing public hiking and riding trails in Poway? ~.~85 ~s 2. I~l ~ ~0 ~IAR g~, 1995 ITEM 8 of 21 l}~fd ol 1000 I'T'~'%~ GROWTH MAHAGEMENT 33. The present population of Poway is approximately 37,000 people. The Poway General Plan call~ for a maximum population of 52,000 by 1995. What do you feel should be the maximum population of Poway? (check only one) ~5~. 4s,ooo ?~ 4. ~oo,ooo ~1.7_~ 2. 52,000 ~1" 5. 100,000 or more ~3. 75,000 ~O 6. No maximum should be specified. 34. Do you feel the City o~ Poway should: (check only one) %~.~01. Stop growth ~--~--~2. Reduce current growth rates. q~3. Maintain current growth rates. ~ 4. Allow higher growth rates. ~q } 5. Let the market place determine growth rates. ~Z~.O6. No opinion Currently 20% of housing in Poway is renter occupied, should City policy: (check only one) {~:,~---'~ 1. Discourage more rental units ~ 2. Encourage more rental units ~0~3' Maintain current level. 36 Do you support City Policies which have resulted in a decrease in maximum apartment densities from 29 to 15 units per acre? 1.3q52~ES 2. ~10 ~o 3. ~-/SNO oP~.~o. 37-42. uhould the City allow the conversion of apartments into condominiums? (check one or more) ~__ 37. Yes, with no restrictions. i O~ 38. Only when replacement apartment units are built. {~ 39. Only if they meet current City standards. %'704 40. With special consideration given to the elderly and handicapped renter. I~% 41. No conversions should be allowed. ~-~ 42. No opinion Should the City of Poway: (check only one) 2150~. Promote a rural community atmosphere? ~___~ 2. Promote rural-residential community atmosphere? --. ~:~3. Promote an urban community atmosphere? 9 of 21 ~AR 25 1995 44. Should the develo~emt of hillside or hilltops be limite~ to retain existing ridge lines? 1.4~0 YES 2. ~Z~ NO 3. ~4 NO OPINION 45. Should the City promote a co. unity shopping Mall in Central Poway? ~- ~02 ~ ~. 2~o ~. 5~% No o~0~ 46. Should the City allow developers to build in flood-prone areas? ~ 1. ~es, but with appropriate protection measures re~'~red ~ 2. No, not until a comprehensive flood pl~ is adopted. Z~O~ 3. NQ % ~ 4. No opinion 47. Should sch~l fees collected from Poway developers be used to build or improve sch~ls outside the City of Poway? ~. ~ ~s ~.~W~0 ~: z07~o o~o~ 48. Should developers bear the cost of improving flood drainage facilities? ~. ~74~s ~. Z~9 ~0 ~ ~. ~0 ~o o~0~ 49. Should developers bear the cost of keeping equistrian and hikiDg trails open to the public? ~. ~ ~. ~Z43~o ~. 5~A~o o~o~ 50. Shcu!d developers bear the cost of improving roads in Poway', ~. 3~s ~. ~7~ ~o ~. AS~ ~o o~o~ 51. Should the City of Poway develop ~tronqer sign and billboard limitations? ~.A22~s ~. 5~ ~o ~. ~% ~o o~o~ 10 of 21 [~IAR 251995 ITEM Vd T~ANSPORT;,TION 52-54. DO you commute out cf P¢~,ay regularly? YES NO 53. For shopping 1 2. 54 For social, recruational, purposes 1 2. 55-64. Do you or any members of your family use the bus system from Poway to other areas in the San Diego region? (check one or more) ~ 55. Yes, to downtown San Diego ~ 60. Yes, to Vista ~L~ 56. Yes, to Mission Valley ~ 6]. Yes, to 0ceanside/Carlsbad ~ 57. Yes, to E1 Cajon '~ 62. Yes, to Del Mar/La Jolla ~_~. 58. Yes, to Santee/Lakeside ~O~ 63. Yes, to Rancho Bernardo 59. Yes, to Escondido ~64. No, I do not use the bus system at all. ~I. SOCIO-ECONIMIC 65. Including ~ourself, how many people live in your household? %~5 2. Two .~_0 7. Seven %~_~3~ &' Four ~ 9. ~ore hhan eight ~5. Five 66. How many school age children grades K-12 live at home? 4. Four ~.O5. Five ~ 6. Six ~ 7. More than six 67-68. Which category best describes the total family income? ~'~ O1. Under $3,000 ~'e)7 08. $25:001+~ tc $30=000 , 02. $3,000+, to $5,000 ~0~ 09. $30:003+:~ ~o $35~000 ~ 33. $5,001+, to $8,000 ~ 10. $35~001+~ ho $40~000 %~% 04. $8,001+, to Sl0,000 ~L~ 11. $40,00~+~ ~o $50,000 ~%-~- 05. $10,001+, to $15,000 ~_~ 12. $50,00'1+~ ho $75.000 . 06. $15,001+, to $20,000 13. $75,001+, to $100r000 07. $20,001+, to $25,000 ~ 14. $100~001 plus TR.~K YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION~ ~AR ~ 1995 ITEM 1[ of zz JAN ~1 1988 ITEM CITY OF POWAY RESIDENT SURVEY GENERAL 1. In which of the following sections of Poway do you live? (Refer to map.) Area 1 ot ~..~ [] Area202 ~0 [] Area303 ,~O [~]~ Area 4 o4 ,~ ~' [] ~eaS0s ~ ~ ~6~ /~0 ~eag~ ~ 6 10 10 9 2. How long have you lived in Poway? [] Under I year I ..c$~ f-i 10 years and under 15 years s 1-] lyearandunder3years2~,.C/ [] 15 years and under 20 years s' &20 ~] 3 years and under 5 years ~ ~'*F. [] 20 years and over ? *~3'~ ~,~ [2 0f 21 t S~a.dunder30ye~,~? EXHIBIT C 3. Why did you originally come to live in Poway? Indicate your first most important reason with 1. second most important reason with a 2, and third most important reason with a 3. Friends or relatives t .I'J,P~ 33-~ 3-,~ ~ Open space/rural environment ¢ __ Close to empl03~nent ~ ~,~'~.~J',9 Schools s ,o~ .o~,.~, ~ Lowe~homepflces$7~f,7.~o~~ ~ Other(specifY)6 4. Please Indicate your general level of satisfaction with the quality of life in Poway. [] Highly Dissatisfied 1/~,3' [] Satisfied 4 -~?~0 [] Dlesafls6ed ~ 2~'~ [~ Highly Satisfied [] Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 5. Please Indicate Il you feel the following services and facilities are adequate or inadequate in Poway. Since you have lived in Poway. please Indicate if you feel these services have improved. CHECK ONE CHECK ONE Gotten Remained Adequate Inadequate Improved Worse the Same Street & Sidewalk Repair [~]~ [] J3~,.~ ~-[~'~.~ a [~] ?~,~ []/~Y~ (12.131 Police Protection [--['Y/3~., [] ~'~,~'" [--]~ooP [--13.'9 ~-'~f3} (14-15) Fire Protection {"~*~*~3 [] ~3 []~,33'~ [] "~3 ~o (16-17) Paramedic Services Library Facilities []~09 []/~?~ [] Recreational Programs []J.T'.~ ~ [] ~'~, [~.lo/f' CI.'.T'.,~. [-]/')"~ ~ (22.23i Park & Parkway Haintenance ~-~/J'? [] ~&~ ~723 [~3"~ []/~07 (2~-25) Sum Cleaning ~fa& [] fsJ' []~ []¥J~ []~)~'~' (26-27) Activities for Youths Traffic Movement Animal Conu'ol 6. Of the following, please indicate the three which you feel are m~st needed in Powa¥. Indicate your highest priority with a 1, second priority with a 2, and third priority with 'a3. If you feel none of these is needed, please check the last choice'. Camm - Lighted tennis courts 0i/~ ~ · ~ ereial recreational opportunities os (34.39) ~ Senior citizen activities 02,~$~J~J~o ~ Hiking and riding Iralls 0?y~$~9,Y~ f;~,? . Youth (adolescent) activities Other o~ O~F~'- ;~'. '~/u/~y 2% ~//, ~L/.--u a ~ Library facilities 0si;,~&v 9~f~.3-o~' ~ None 10,~/~ MAR'~, 1~J5 "II~-WJ ~ SHOPPING/RETAIL 7. Please indicate where you shop most often for the following t~pes of products and services. Please check only one area for e~/service. Rancho North Mira Other North Poway Bemardo Count~ Fair Mesa CW. Areas San Diego I 2 3 4 S 6 (4048) Groceries [] ;~'/~' Fq Ya:~'~ I-1.C' ~ ~' I~ Y.~ Medicine/Drug Store Goods t'-~37,;~ ~ []/020 [] ?~ ~ ~'..~ []./~X Television / Clothing/ Do-It-Yourself Produ~s/T~ts ~ ~J23 ~ ,~ ~ ~3 ~ ~O~ ~ Sporing Go~s ~/~G ~ ' ~22 ~& ~/~O Toys/Hobby Household Furnishings ~3~ ~0 ~ ~o~ ~//~ ~/~0 Dining Out ~76~2 ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~2~ 8. ~cluding p~chases of ~oc~es or gasoline, how bequend9 do you and o~er members of your household shop In Poway? (Check One) ~ At least once per da9 1 2~ ~ L~s than once per week t///~ ~ 2 to 3 ~mes per week 2/J~o ~ Seldom s~ ~ At least once per week 3 ]~/~ ~ N~er (Please s~p to qu~tion ~10) 6 J~ 9. Please indicate when you and oth~ members of ~our household shop in Poway most o~en? (Check one) Weekday, da~ime ~ ~ 2/7 Weekday, evening ~ Weeken~ 3 10. ~at ~e the main rea~ns ~ou do not shop in Powa~ mo~e oh~? Indicate ~our~ir~ mo~ imposer r~n ~th a~ second mo~ im~nt reason ~th a 2~ and thud mo~ imposer reason ~ a 3. Qmlt~ sel~on or avallabfiIW of merchandise 01 l~#j ~Jf~ ~ o ~ (51.s6) No major dep~ment stor~ in Powa~ ~ ~/o~ T~ ~ensiw/ve~ ~ms~e m~chandise ~ ~ ~v ~o~miW to other are~/la~ of ~nvenl~ce ~ ~o3~ a3~v No cmu~ shopping area ~ Poway ~ jjf ~f~ Poway Road U~c/cong~on problems ~ ~v ~ff~ Qu~ of merchandise In Poway ~ ~ ~3~ jF/ U~ m~it~ ~ange s~c~ ~ ~faj ~ ~ Unpl~nt shopping atmosphere ~ ~j~ ~0~ ~ No qu~W r~a~an~ in Poway 10 3~v ~/~ Stor~ ~e ody/und~dable horn 11 f~/~ ~ Sm~ stor~ have high ~ rate 1~/o~ go~ 9j _ Stor~ ~ter too much to teenage/not adul~ ts ~i2//2~~R 2~ 1995 of 21 TRANSPORTATION 11. Do you t~avel out of Poway regularly? Yes No For employment []3~f'v' []d~°~ (57-59) For shopping ~],~ 7 ~-l#~'d For social/recreational purposes [] ~36"~. [] ,P/~ 12. Do you or any members of your household use the bus system f~om Poway to any of the follow- ing areas in the San Diego region? Yes No Downtown San Diego and Mission Valley ~'-I.~'o [] ~-o~. (~0~3) Rancho Bernardo/Escondido ' i'-I.~,~ Vista/Oceanside/Carlsbad [] 3o La Jolla/Del Mar [] 3.3 [].~/~.~ 13. How often do you and/or your family members use the following services of the Poway Transit System? 5 or more 2-4 1-4 Less than times times times once per week per week per month per month NEVER I 2 3 4 Fixed Route Bus [] Dial-A-Ride [] g I-l// []~'o [-I/~g.~ [] V~,V' CalLA-Ride [] ~' []lA [] 3 ~ [] ~.V' []~90~' 14. In July 1988, CALTRANS will open a carpool/bus i~ne on 1-15 ('High Occupancy Vehicle" or 'HOV' lane). This will be a separate lane, from the Cannel Mountain Road Interchange to the 1-15/163 split, carrying traffic southbound in the morning and northbound in the afternoon. Use of the ~HOV' lane requires that at least two persons be riding In the vehicle. Yes No Will you use the HOV lane to commute to werk (68-69) or in the course of your work? [] ~ [] ~/~O/ I! a 'park & ride" lot were available near the an-rnmp, would pou be more likely to use the "HOV~ lane? [] ?3,/ I-lY~o 15. Do you carpool to work now? ~-J Y~s (Please continue with Question ~16) t :1 ~0 (70) 15 Of ~1 ] No (Please skip to Question #17) i F~P37 ~R 2 ,1995 6 16. If you presently carpool to work. how many people are there in your group? [] Two ~ [] Three 2 [] Four ~ Fiveor more 17. Proposition A (which passed In November 1987) provides additional funds for transportation purposes. Please indicate with a ]__your highest priority for expenditure of these funds within Poway and your second priority with a2. '/~"~, ~2 ~, Espola Road IA] (from Poway Road /~ii ~ (72-73) to Twin Peaks Road) 1 /~3~.~ ~/~ Poway "Grade" [BI (Poway Road east of Espola) 2 /,~c~.T ~f',2 South Poway Parkway (proposed) ICI :~ ~Oa.¥ ~ State Route 56 ID] (Twin Peaks Road) 4 ' /~.~ ~¥! Sycamore Canyon Road (proposed) [El from the South Poway Parkway to Poway Road s ~:O,~j~/A Neighborhood Stree~ Resuriacing s ..~o~..~ ~¥ Other (specify) ? RECREATION 18. Have you or other household members participated in the recreation program offered by the City of Poway Community Services Depm-tment during the past 12 months? [] Yes (Please continue with Question #19) ~/~¥~'- [] No (Please skip to Question ~20) 2 19. If yes, how did you find out about the City of Poway Recreation Program? (Please check only [] Poway Today I ~&~ [] Poway News Chieftain ~.~/~ [] Community Services Department Recreation Brochure $ [] Poway Unified School District Flyers ¢ [] From a friend/family member $ [] Other (specify) S ,~ 7 20. A community swimming pool Is being planned for Community Park at BowTon Road. If you and/or your family members plan to use this pool. which of the following paylnent methods would you most prefer (check one)? If you and/or your family members do not plan to use the pool, please check the last choice. [] Unlimited use membership (annual fee) ! ~:~' . 6) [] Purchase in advance a specified number of visits for a discounted price 2 f~3'~RR ~ 1 1995ITEM · [] Pay each time you or your family members use the swimming pool $ ;,~ ~] Do not intend to use the swimming pool (if you have checked this response, please skip to 16 of 21 Question #25). 2~"/~ [~IAR g ~' 1995 ITEM .6 21. Please consider the following swimming-related activities for which the pool may be used. Indicate with a 1 the activity for which you and/or your family intend to use the pool most quenriy and In~'~cate with ~.~2 the activity which you and/or your family prefer as a second priority. ' ~ [] Lap swimming (exercise) ] ~/~ '~-)-~' (77.7S) [] Water aerobic exercise classes 2 /'~f.,, ~ ~D [] General recreational swimming 3 ~,'9~ 6¥! [] Organized competitive swimming 4 ~,, ~, [] Instructional swimming/swimming lessons $ ~'o2.; 22. For which of the following pool activities would you most prefer to have "adult only" time periods designated (check only one)? If you do not want designated "adult only" time periods. check the last choice. [] Lap swimming (exercise) ~ ,t &/ [] Water aerobic exercise classes 2 [] General recreational swimming 3 [] Organized competitive swimming 4 ~) Instructional swimming/swimming lessons 5 ~ Do nOt want "adult only" time periods s Oo J 23. Please consider the following types of recreational facilities and programs which may be enjoyed by youths (adolescents). Of the listed facilities and programs, please indicate which -- programs/facility you feel the City of Poway should support as the highest priortty~l._:and the second priority 2._; If you feel none of these is needed, please check the last choice. [] Organized sports ~ /~ ~oo (80.81) [] Daytime social / cultural activities (e.g., picnics) 2 ,~9~ ~-~ [] Evening social/cultural activities (e.g., dances, concerts) 3 J~J?~' [] Multi-purpose teen centers ¢ /.r&£j [] None 5 ~ LIBRARY FACILITIES The County of San Diego operates a branch library in Lively Center on Poway Road. 24. How often do you or other members of your family use the Poway Ubrary? - [] One or more visits per week t 2~ (continue with Question ~25) [] 2 to 4 visits per month ~ 733 (continue with Question #25) [] About one per month 3 ~;o (continue with Question #25) [] A few times per year ~ ~ a-)~ (continue with Question #25) [] Rarely use the Poway Library s/~3& (skip to Question #27) [] Never use the Poway Ubrary s ~(~ (skip to Question #27) 25. Based upon your use of the Poway Library, please rank the following features in their orde~ importance to you. Indicate your first priority with a 1_~, second priority with a 2, and third priority with a3. Collection of books and periodicals ~ ,/bo,~., (~33.~ 330 Staff help i J~l~ .~T~ Library programs s ~r~ ~O.~ -- Evening hours ~ .9/..r~ a'~,~ ~'YJ- MRR 2 $1995 __ Ubrary facility s ¥/'7.~ .r~'~ Other (specify) 6 &3.. ~, 12 of ~! 26. Please rate Poway Library services: [] Excellent ~ $,,~ [] Fair a 66-c- Needs improvement ~ ~'~ 27. Would you be willing to pay a special tax assessment for the provision of increased library [] Yes~ /g3~t !87} [] No ~ 28. Would you and/or other members of your family use the Poway Library more frequently if: Yes No The collection of books and periodicals were increased [] '~'~ & []/'~/'~' 1~--~-901 Library hours were extended : [-1,~'~o [].~lo~ Library programs/special activities were expanded []v¥~3 i--13o5'6 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS The Poway Center for the Performing Arts will be cons~ucted at the northwest corner of Poway Road and Titan Way (Poway High School) and is expected to open in the fall of 1989. 29. What kinds of entertainment would you most like to have scheduled? (Indicate your highest priority with a~l, your second priority with am2. and your third priority with a3.) Plays I .9/$3., I,,lo~ $00 Musicals z ~?~ ~ ~37 ~r~ a d13~ ~8~ ~81 Cl~lc~ music a ~ ~/~/~ R~ music ~ ~O~ ~ ~ 'Popul~' music 7 ~J q~ ag~ Dance, ~1) ~'~ ~o~ ~AR 2 1 1995ITEM ~8 of 2~ 89 30. How often do you think you, or members of your household, will attend performances? [] More than once a month 1 [] About once a month 2 /'~// [] Several times a year $ [] Once a year 4 $~.~, [] Less than once a year s 3/0 31. If a special fund were established for the Center, would you be willing to contribute? [] Yes ~ GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 32. How do you ieef about the following kinds of building and development in Powey? Favor Favor Oppose Oppose No ; Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Opinion I 2 3 4 S (96-100) More single-family housing []$'$¥ []//3J-' ~[]./~ i--~/gY~ ~-j.70~F More apanmen~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~&7 ~ ~ More condominiums ~/~ ~ ~/6 ~ ~32~ ~2// More shopping ~ ~ ~ ~/o ~/o6/ ~/~ More indus~al/commercial development ~/3 ~i3/0 ~0~ ~ ~/ 33. The present population of Poway is approximately 40,000 people. Based on current zoning, a (101) maximum population o! about 55,000 is estimated. What do you feel should be the maximum population of Poway? (Check only one.) [] 45,000 or less 1 3o/.~. [] loo,0OO or more ¢ ~,.~ [] 55,000 2/~ ~ [] No maximum should be specified s'79-~ [] 75,0oo a 9 SOCIAL-ECONOMIC INFORMATION About Yom Household 34. Do you own or rent yom residence? Rent2 J AR 1995 ITi::M $ 19 of 21 35. What type of home do you live in? [] Single family detached house ~ ~2Y [] Condo/Toumhouse [] Apartment 2 ~/~ [] Mobile Home 36. Including yourself, how many people live in your household? [] One I ¥~Q. [~ Four 4 /3~/ (I04) [] Two2 /~$c3 [] Five or mores [] Three 3 37. How many children under 18 live in your household? [] Nonel.~$~' [] Three¢ ~ [] One 2/~3o [] Four or more 38. Which category best describes your household's total income in 19877 [] S10,000 and under o~ ~'~' [] S50,001 to S75.000 [] $10,001 to $15,000 02 7..~ [] $75,001 to $100,000 [] S15,001 to 520,000 0~20~ [] S100,001 to S125,000 [] 520,001 to 530.000 o~..~.'~ ~ S125,001 to 5150.000 [] $30.001 to S40.000 os~Oo [] Over $150.000 [] S40,001 to S50.000 0e f9,~. About the Head of Your Household (Principal Wage Earner or one Of the Major Wage Earners in your Household) 39. Age [] 18'241 (.~' [] 45-544 [] 25-34~/o2~ [] 55-045 [] 35 - 44 ~ I~'~,~ [] 65 or older s~f'lJ" 40. Education [] Some high school or less 1/$-~ [] Some college s /~$~ (109) [] High school graduate ~ '~ [] Four yea~ college ~aduate ~ P~ad~te de~ee 41. Occupation ~ Prof~ion~/technlcal I 330~ (I10' ~ Manag~/adminls~ator/o~/prop~or ~ ~ ~mun/foreman/op~aflve/la~rer ~ ~ Mflit~s2?6 ~ R~ed 6 ~ J~AR Other (sp~) ~ 20 o~ 2~ 42. Ethnictty: Please i?dicate your race/ethnicity. [] White (non-Hispanic) t ~'7'/ ~ (I11~ [] Black 2 [] Hispanic 3 [] Asian 4 [] American Indian [] Other (specify) 6 /~' 43. What is the location of your place of employment? [] Poway o~ ~'~" (112-115) [] Escondldo/Rancho Bernardo/Vista/San Marcos [] Nonth County Beach Cities 03 [] Mission Valley/Sports Arena/Point Loma 04-~ff~ [] Mira Mesa/Kearny Mesa/Clairemoo! 05 [] La Jolla/Del Mar 0~ [] Downtown San Diego/Hillcrest Area 07 [] South Bay/Coronado 0~ [] La Mesa/East County o9 [] Other (specify) 10 ~ '~ 44. Thinking of your neighborhood as well as the City of Poway in general, what do you personally feel ate the most important issues or problems facing residents of this City? 2 1995 ITEM 21 of 21