Item 10 - Parking Restrictions Midland Rd, Cynthia Ln, Aubrey St AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable ~ayor and Members of City Council A FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services Michael H. Robinson, Traffic Engineerp~FL DATE: March 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Parking Restrictions - Segments of Midland Road, from Cynthia Lane to Aubrey Street ABSTRACT Poway has received grant funding to install bike lanes along Midland Road. On February 14, 1995, the Traffic Safety Committee approved parking restrictions needed for installation of these bike lanes. EN'VIROI~DVIENTALP. EVIE%V This action is not subject to CEQA review. Costs will be limited to installation and maintenance of no parking signs. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ANDCORRESPONDENCE Residents were notified of the proposed restrictions on 12/19/94. No responses were received. ~RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached Resolution establishing parking restrictions on segments of the east and west sides of Midland Road. ACTION 1OF 8 MAR 28 1995 FI'EM 10 - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report pdor to approval by the Cit~ Council unless members of the Council staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City C]e~ pdor to the beginning of the City Council meeting, TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Servicesd~ry;~d Michael H. Robinson, Traffic Engineer~Fc DATE: SUBJECT: Parking Restrictions - Segments of Midland Road from Cynthia Lane to Aubrey Street BACKGROUND Poway has received Bicycle Facilities funding to install bike lanes along Midland Road. The Traffic Engineering and Capital Improvements Divisions have completed a striping plan for installation of new bike lanes on Midland from Hilleary Place to Aubrey Street. To install the bike lanes, parking restrictions will be needed along some segments of Midland between Cynthia Lane and Aubrey Street. These areas were reviewed at the December 1994 Traffic Safety Committee {TSC) meeting. The Committee requested that affected property owners be notified of the parking restrictions. A letter was sent to each of the owners indicating the proposed action and that the issue would be reviewed by City Council. TRAFFIC\SITE CONDITIONS See proposed striping diagram, Attachment A. Speed Limit: Midland Road: 35 MPH Speed Surveys: (85th percentile) 41MPH northbound 39 MPH southbound Traffic Volume: 3800 AWD northbound 3400 AWD southbound ACTION: 20F8 ~AR28?995 1~ 10 Parking Restrictions - Midland Ro~ ~ Hitlearf Place to Aubrey Street CiwCouncil Agenda- Page 3 - FXNDINGS In addition to providing a dedicated lane for bicycle traffic, bike lanes provide a number of other public benefits. They 1) provide better separation between moving vehicular traffic and pedestrians 2 )improve sight visibility for driveway exits by moving traffic toward the middle of the road and 3} provide additional room for right turns into driveways. Where conditions permit, it has been city policy to install bike lanes on streets such as Midland which is on the Bikeways Masterplan of the General Plan. Bike lanes already exist on Midland between Poway Road and Cynthia Lane and between Norwalk Street and Twin Peaks Road. The short segment of Midland between Norwalk and Aubrey has one lane in each direction separated by a two-way left turn lane. The Traffic Safety Committee reviewed this segment for the possibility of replacing the two-way left turn lane with bike lanes in the August and September 1994 meetings. The Committee learned that there is insufficient road width to maintain both the two way turn lane and bike lanes. The TSC determined that the two-way left turn lane should remain. A bike route was established on York Avenue around the narrow segment. Some segments of Midland are wide enough to accommodate both vehicle parking and the new bike lane. The west side of Midland between Putney and Edgemoor has sufficient width. Other smaller segments (as shown on Attachment A) can _ also accommodate parking and bike lanes. Some segments are too narrow for both parking and bike lanes. These segments need parking prohibitions prior to installing the bike lanes. They are shown by heavy dashed lines on Attachment A. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Costs will be limited to installation and maintenance of no parking signs. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A list of residents who were notified on 12/19/94 is included as Attachment B. No responses were received. RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Safety Committee recommends that City Council approve the attached Resolution establishing parking restrictions on the east and west sides of Midland Road as shown on the attached diagram. JLB:JDF:MSW:MHR:pc -- Attachments: A - Striping diagram B - Resident notification list C - Resolution 8 995 IS'EM 10 , ~ OF 8 I -" ' ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ - IT~ .... '~ ,,~,- ,~ ~,:..~ N1AR 2 8 1995 10 ~ 6 O~ 8 ATTACHMENT A c/o Mrs. Ham P.O. Box 767 I372.9 Midland Road 96). ?leasant Street 13604 Midland Road poway, CA 92064 Boulder. CO 80302 pow'ay, GA 92074 Mr. and Mi~. [dlckenbottom 317-i21-15 31%121-02 31%121-32 Ray S and Theresa A. Goldsmith Walter W. Kinney Jr. Browne Li~dng Trast To Whom It May Concern 317-121-30 31%122-65 1.3653 Midland Road Ms. L~hcll J. Ashcr Edv, ard C. and Myrie I. StreMan Poway, CA 92064 13645 Midland Road 13625 Midland Road To Whom It May Concern poway, CA 92064 Poway, GA 92064 Ms. Asher Mr. and Mr& Strehlan Grace Tnnity Church Denn,~ H. and Eatrella A. McNew Ms. Anna H. Baker P.O. Box 927 13859 Midland Road 17365 Tam O Shantcr D~v¢ 13617 Midland Road poway, GA 92064 poway, CA 92064 Po~ay, CA 92074 Mr. and Mrs. McNew Ms. Baker To Whom It May concern ;3 Midland Road 14047 Midland Road 14051 Midland Road · oway, CA 92064 poway, CA 92.064 Poway, CA 92064 To Whom It May Concern To Whom It May Concern To Whom It May Concern Final Touch Mark Snyder Electric 314-220-34, 35, 39, 40, 41 N053 Midland Road 14055 Midland Road Ms. Ba~oara Parma Poway, CA 92064 pow-ay, CA 92064 P.O. Box 2262 To Whom It May Concern To Whom It May Concern La Joia, GA 92038 Ms. Parma MAR 28 1995 I'J'ENJ 10 ,' 7 OF 8 ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING NO PARKING ZONES ON SEGMENTS OF THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF MIDLAND ROAD FROM CYNTHIA LANE TO AUBREY STREET Whereas, Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of "No Standing or Parking" zones in the City of Poway; and Whereas, the City Council has determined that a certain No Parking zone should be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code, No Parking zones are hereby established on Midland Road in the following locations: No Standinq or Parkinq Zone: Along the east side of Midland Road, beginning at the northerly extended curbline of Cynthia Lane, extending northerly to a point 305 feet north of the northerly extended curbline of Putney Road, and; from the northerly extended curbline of Somerset Road, extending northerly a distance of 215 feet, and; from a point 300 feet north of the northerly extended curbline of Edgemoor Street, extending northerly to the northerly extended curbline of Aubrey Street. Along the west side of Midland Road, beginning at the northerly extended curbline of Hilleary Place, extending northerly to a point 95 feet south of the southerly extended curbline of Agsten Lane, and; from the northerly extended curbline of Agsten Lane, extending northerly to a point 217 feet south of the southerly extended curbline of Apache Road, and; from the northerly extended curbline of Edgemoor Street, extending northerly to a point 120 feet north of the northerly extended curbline of Temple Street, and; from a point 140 feet south of the southerly extended curbline of Aubrey Street, extending northerly a distance of 140 feet. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at a regular meeting thereof this 2$th day of March, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT C MAR g 8 1995 ]"J"~-~ 10 8OF8