Item 14.1 - Approval of 1-Yr Extension on Consulting Agreement for Economic Development - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Director INITIATED BY: John O. Fitch, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executive Director~C:~r Warren H. Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Service~-~:~' DATE: March 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of a One-Year Extension on the Consulting Agreement for Economic Development ABSTRACT In April 1993, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved a two-year contract for economic development services. The need for the position was suggested by Councilmember Cafagna and verified by the management audit conducted by Hughes, Heiss and Associates. The contract expires April 1, 1995 and an extension is recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The contract for services will remain at $65,000, which is included in the Economic Development budget for FY 1994/95. The Redevelopment Agency currently has a budget of $146,500 for the Economic Development Program. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Ross Spalding has received a copy of this report. ~ECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve a one year extension of the current contract for Economic Development services with Ross D. Spalding and authorize the City Mananger/Executive Director to execute the agreement. ACTION ~\dat a\agenda\edcns ~ t. coy MAR 2 8 1995 ITEM 1~+,1 1 of 11 'AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This re~ is included on the Consent Calendar, There mil ~ no serrate discussion of ~e re~ pdor to approval ~ ~e ~ ~~ /I Ci~ Council unless members of the Council, staff or public r~uest it to ~ removed from the Con~nt Calendar and ~.~./+~.~". ~<~ discussed separately. If you wish to have this re~ pulled for d~uss~on, please fill out a simp indicating the re~ numar '~~~, and give. it to the Ci~ Clerk prior to the beginning of ~e Ci~ Council m~Ung. · ~I] TO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the C~ty Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency I I FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Director XNITXATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executi~'~J)irecto Warren H. Sharer, Director of Redevelopment Services~,~ DATE: March 28, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of a One-Year Extension on the Consulting Agreement for Economic Development BACKGROUND In April 1993, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved a two-year contract for economic development consulting services. This action was taken at the request of Councilmembers Cafagna and Emery to retain an economic development specialist. It was also a finding in the Hughes, Heiss and Associates management audit. On April 13, 1995, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved a staff recommendation to contract with Ross D. Spalding for economic development services. Mr. Spalding came to this position with many years of experience in the economic development field. FINDINGS During the past two years Ross Spalding has been responsible for developing the City's economic development program. In this capacity he has worked to lower the vacancy rate in the South Poway Business Park from 20% to 5%, developed an advertising program which has developed over 600 contacts, developed information material and a newsletter to help promote Poway, and also help promotion of the retail commercial area. Mr. Spalding has also assisted the City promote and achieve a better relationship with the business/development community. At the City Council's workshop on the Business Park, the Council confirmed the intent of industrial development of the Park. Given the current market conditions, it appears the most likely prospects will be "end users" of the vacant land. As a general rule, these types of users require more effort on our part to locate and then assist through the development process. In order to capture this share of the market, it will be necessary to continue with our economic development program. ACTION: 2 of 11 ~lAR ~ 8 1995 ITEM 14,1 Approval of a One-Year Extension on the Consulting Agreement for Economic Development Hatch 28, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REV)EW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The contract for services will remain at $65,000, which is included in the Economic Development budget for FY 1994/95. The Redevelopment Agency currently has a budget of $146,500 for the Economic Development Program. ADDITXONAL PUBLIC NOTXFXCATION AND CORRESPONDENCF Ross Spalding has received a copy of this report. RECONNENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve a one year extension of the current contract for Economic Development services with Ross D. Spalding and authorize the City Manager/Executive Director to execute the agreement. Attachment: Current Contract for Services with Ross D. Spalding c: \dar a\agencla\edcn$ t t. rpt NAR S 1995 n'EM 3 of 11 bGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES This Agreement, entered into this 13th day of April, 1993, by and between the POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (hereinafter referred to as "Agency") and ROSS D. SPALDING (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Agency desires to obtain the services of a private consultant to perform economic development and redevelopment services; and WHEREAS, Consultant is an economiG development consultant and has represented that Consultant possesses the necessary qualifications to provide such services; and WHEREAS, Agency has authorized the preparation of an agreement to retain the services of Consultant as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RETAIN CONSULTANT ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Scope of Services. Consultant shall provide services as described in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Compensation and Reimbursement. Agency shall compensate and reimburse Consultant as provided in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Term of Aareement. The term of this Agreement shall be as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. -1- MAR 28 1995 ITEM 1%1 4 of 11 4. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by Agency. Termination without cause shall be effective only upon 60- day written notice to Consultant. During said 60-day period Consultant shall perform all consulting services in accordance with this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by Agency for cause in the event of a material breach of this Agreement, misrepresentation by Consultant in connection with the formation of this Agreement or the performance of services, or the failure to perform services as directed by Agency. Termination for cause shall be effected by delivery of written notice of termination to Consultant. Such termination shall be effective upon delivery of said notice. 5. Confidential Relationship. Agency may from time to time communicate to Consultant certain information to enable Consultant to effectively perform the services. Consultant shall treat all such information as confidential, whether or not so identified, and shall not disclose any part thereof without the prior.written consent of Agency. Consultant shall llmit the use and circulation of such information, even within its own organization, to the extent necessary to perform the services. The foregoing obligation of this Paragraph 5, however, shall not apply to any part of the information that (i) has been disclosed in publicly available sources of information;1 (ii) is, through no fault of Consultant, hereafter disclosed in publicly available sources of information; (iii) is now in the possession of Consultant without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iv) has been or is hereafter rightfully disclosed to Consultant by a third party, but only to the extent that the use or disclosure thereof has been or is rightfully authorized by that third party. Consultant shall not disclose any reports, recommendations, conclusions or other results of the services or the existence of the subject matter of this contract without the prior written consent of the Agency. In its performance hereunder, Consultant shall comply with all legal obligations it may now or hereafter have respecting the information or ocher property of any other person, firm or corporation. 6. Consultinq Services Provided to Others. Consultant shall not represent any other client, public or private, in addition to Agency during the term of this Agreement unless Consultant first obtains the express written consent of Agency. -2- MAR 28 1995 ITEM 14.1 5of 11 7. Office Space and Clerical SUPPort. Agency shall provide office space and clerical support to Consultant at its sole cost and expense. 8. Covenant ~qainst Continaent Fees. ' Consultant declares that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the Agreement. For breach of violation of this warranty, Agency shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, at its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. 9. Ownership of Documents. All memoranda, reports, plans, specifications, maps and other documents prepared or obtained under the terms of this Agreement shall be the property of Agency and shall be delivered to Agency by Consultant upon demand. 10. Conflict of Interest and Political Reform Act Obllaations. During the term of this Agreement Consultant shall not act as consultant or perform services of any kind for any person or entity whose interests conflict in any way with those of the Agency or the City of Poway. Consultant shall at all times comply with the terms of the Political Reform Act and the local conflict of interest ordinance. Consultant shall immediately disqualify itself and shall not use its official position to influence in any way any matter coming before the Agency in which the Consultant has a financial interest as defined in Government Code Section 87103. Consultant represents that it has no knowledge of any financial interests which would require it to disqualify itself from any matter on which it might perform services for the Agency. Consultant shall comply with all of the reporting requirements of the Political Reform Act and local ordinance. Specifically, Consultant shall file Statements of Economic Interest with the city Clerk of the City of Poway in a timely manner on forms which Consultant shall obtain from the City Clerk. -3- MAR 2 8 1995 ITEM 1 .1 6 of 11 Neither any part nor all of this Agreement may be assigned or ~ubcontracted, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, or to which Agency, in its sole discretion, consents to in advance thereof in writing. Any assignment or subcontracting in violation of this provision shall be void. 12. Maintenance of Records. Consultant shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by Agency and copies thereof shall be furnished, if requested. 13. Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent comtractor and shall not be an employee of the City of Poway or Agency. Agency shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of Consultant,s services rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, Agency shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes 14. Licenses, Permits, Etc. Consultant represents and declares to Agency that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to Agency that Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement, any license, permit, or approval which is legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. 15. Consultant,s Insurance. Consultant shall provide insurance as set forth in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 16. Liability. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Agreement, Consultant shall be responsible for all injuries to persons and for all damage to real or personal property of Agency or others, caused by or resulting from the wrongful act or negligent acts, errors, or omissions of itself, its employees, or its agents during the progress of, or in connection with, the MAR 28 1995 ITEM 1 .1 7 of 11 rendition of services hereunder. Consultant shall hold harmless and indemnify Agency, and all officers and employees of City and Agency from all costs and claims for damages to real or personal property, or personal injury to any third party, including reasonable attorney fees resulting from the negligent performance of Consultant, its employees, or its agents, under this Agreement. 17. Consultant Not an ~qeDt. Except as Agency may specify in%r tiring, Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of Agency in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind Agency to any obligation whatsoever. 18. ~ersonnel. Consultant shall assignqualified and certified personnel to perform requested services. The Agency shall have the right to review and disapprove personnel for assignment to Poway projects. Agency shall have the unrestricted right to order the removal of any person(s) assigned by Consultant by giving oral or written notice to Consultant to such effect. Consultant's personnel shall at all times comply with Agency's drug and alcohol policies then in effect. 19. Notices. Notices shall be given as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 20. Arbitration. In the event of a dispute between Agency and Consultant concerning the terms of this Agreement or its performance, the parties agree to submit' such dispute to arbitration before the American Arbitration Association or other mutually acceptable arbitrator. In the event that the subject of such arbitration is compensation claimed by Consultant in the event of termination, Consultant's damages shall be limited to compensation for the 60- day period for which Consultant would have been be entitled to receive compensation if terminated without cause. In the event of arbitration, each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred. 21. Gender. Whether referred to in the masculine, feminine, or as "it," "Consultant" shall mean the individual or corporate consultant and any and all employees of consultant providing services hereunder. 2 8 1995 ITEM 14.1 8of 11 This Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between Consultant and Agency relating to the terms and conditions of the services to be performed by Consultant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. By:~ ~.~L. Bowersox Its: City Manaqer -6- MAR 28 ~995 KEM 1~ol 9 of 11 "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" A. ~cope o~ Services. Consultant agrees to perform consulting services as required by Agency. Consultant shall provide the necessary qualified personnel to perform the services. In performance of the services Consultant shall: 1. Personally perform the consulting services on a full-time (minimum 40 hours per week) basis as required by Agency. 2. Take its direction from and report to the Redevelopment Director of the Agency or, from the Executive Director of the Agency or the Assistant Executive Director of the Agency if so instructed by the Executive Director. 3. Develop an economic development program including the following: a. A data base and informational insert for the city marketing brochure; b. Identification and preparation of a list of potential business relocatees to Poway; provision of information to each, contact, follow-up, and site visits with same; and c. Trade magazine and business periodical ad campaign. 4. Promote the image and investment opportunities of the City of Poway by meeting with other professionals, and members and prospective members of the Poway business community. 5. Actively formulate and direct business development activities to promote the economic development of Poway. 6. Confer and coordinate economic development activities with other members of Poway staff. 7. Prepare and submit memoranda and reports to the Agency concerning the activities of the Consultant and the status of business development within the community. 8. Make oral presentations to the Agency in public meetings as directed by the Executive Director. ~AR g 8 1995 ITEM 1~.1 10 of 11 B, Comuensat~on and Rei~burseme~t. Agency shall pay Consultant a fee equal to Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000.00) per year as compensation for consulting services, payable Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.00) bi-weekly. Consultant's fee shall include and Consultant shall be responsible for the payment of all federal, state, and local taxes of any kind which are attributable to the compensation received. In addition to said consulting fee, Consultant shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses, including lodging, telephone, and travel (air, auto, rail) necessarily incurred in performance of the services. Consultant shall bill Agency for such expenses as incurred, referencing this Agreement. All expenses shall be itemized and supported by receipts for amounts in excess of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00). Statements for reimbursement of expenses shall be paid within ten (10) days of approval by Agency. Ail air travel shall be billed at coach or special fare rates. Only lodging outside San Diego County shall be reimbursable. Consultant shall receive prior authorization for air travel and lodging expenses. · All other expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with Agency's cash disbursement policies in effect at the time incurred. C. Term of AGreement. This Agreement shall be effective from the period commencing April 15 , 1993 and ending April 1, 1995, unless sooner terminated by Agency as provided in the section of this Agreement entitled "Termination." Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return to Agency any and all equipment, documents or materials and all copies made thereof which Consultant received from Agency or produced for Agency for the purposes of this Agreement. D. Consultant's Insurance. Consultant shall maintain its own liability, automobile, and Workers' Compensation insurance concerning its own employees. Consultant shall provide proof of automobile and Workers' Compensation insurance on demand. E. Notices. All notices, billings and payments hereunder shall be in writing and sent to the following addresses: To Redevelopment Director: Poway Redevelopment Agency 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 To Consultant: Ross D. Spalding 12350 Oliva Road '- San Diego, CA 92128 11 of 11