Item 5.1 - Council Policy Concerning Contacts with Potential Project Applicants AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Stephen M. Eckis, City Attorn~,j~ DATE: April 4 1995 SUBJECT: Council Policy Concerning Contacts with Potential Project Applicants ABSTRACT: At the request of the City Council the City Attorney has drafted a proposed written policy for Council consideration regarding contacts with potential project applicants. The proposed policy would set clear limits for such contacts in accordance with previous legal opinions of the City Attorney. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: None required. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council review, modify as appropriate, and adopt the attached resolution stating the Council policy concerning contacts with potential project applicants. ACTION: 1 of 7 APR 4 995 ITI I 5ol -AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man,~ INITIATED BY: Stephen M. Eckis, City Attorn~_._ DATE: April 4., 1995 SUBJECT: Council Policy Concerning Contacts with Potential Project Applicants BACKGROUND: On March 14, 1995, Councilmember Rexford requested that City Council consider the formal adoption of a policy concerning contacts by Councilmembers with potential project applicants. The City Attorney advised that the subject of contacts with potential project applicants has been discussed by previous City Councils. A recent memorandum on the subject was prepared by the City Attorney and dated September 15, 1994. A copy of that memorandum is attached to the staff report. The legal issues concerning applicant contacts include the Brown Act and constitutional due process. Generally, the Brown Act prohibits the conduct of City business by a qugrum of the City Council outside of public meetings. More specifically, in this context, the Brown Act prohibits a majority of City Councilmembers from reaching agreements with a project applicant outside of a public meeting. This prohibition applies whether such agreements are reached in one non-public meeting or in a series of such meetings with less than a quorum present at each meeting. The demands of constitutional due process affect individual City Councilmembers, whether or not a quorum is involved. Due process requires that a City Councilmember should not make a commitment to a project (a quasi-judicial matter) outside of a public meeting. In addition, due process requires that the public and all Councilmembers have the same information which is relied upon in making a decision. If information is obtained outside of the public meeting on which a Councilmember will rely in supporting or opposing the project at the public meeting, the Councilmember should disclose that information during the public meeting so that the applicant, the public, and all Councilmembers can consider and comment upon that information. ACTION: 2of7 APR ~ 1995 ..LI'EM 5. I CITY OF POWAY --- AGENDA REPORT April 4, 1995 Page Two The due process rules apply to quasi-judicial matters, not legislative matters. Generally, that means due process rules apply to specific projects for which application has been made to the City. Due process rules do not apply to oolicy matters. Policy matters are legislative, not quasi-judicial, in nature. Councilmembers, if they wish, may commit to positions on legislative matters prior to public meetings without violating due process requirements. For the reasons discussed above, the City Attorney has advised that neither the Brown Act nor due process prohibits individual Councilmembers from meeting with applicants to listen, but no commitment or promise should ever be made on a proposed project. Further, the City Attorney has advised against even stating an inclination to support or oppose a project without first asking if the applicant has met with two other Councilmembers. If an applicant has already met with two or more Councilmembers and is seeking a statement from a third Councilmember concerning an inclination of support for a project, it has been the City Attorney's advice to decline such a meeting with the applicant. Pre-development conferences at workshop meetings of the Council are available for a project proponent to obtain such feedback from the Council in a public setting. Except where information is received outside of a public meeting on which a Councilmember will rely in voting at the public meeting, it is the opinion of the City Attorney that the law does not require disclosure by one City Councilmember of the fact that a meeting has taken place with a project proponent (or opponent). The law does not support the proposition that each public meeting item must begin with a recitation from each Councilmember of any and all contacts made by each Councilmember concerning a project before the public meeting on that project. However, if a Councilmember will rely on information in making a decision that was not presented during the public meeting, the Councilmember should disclose that information at a time during the public meeting when the public and other Councilmembers may comment upon it. FINDINGS: The City Council wishes to formally adopt a policy concerning Councilmember contacts with potential project applicants. A draft policy is attached to this staff report. Adoption of such a policy would serve the public's interest in assuring that all legal requirements are met. 3of7 APR A 'I995 I EM 5.1 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT April 4, 1995 Page Three ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: None required. None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None. ~NDAT~ON: It is recommended that the City Council review, modify as appropriate, and adopt the attached resolution stating the Council policy concerning contacts with potential project applicants. Attachments: Exhibit A - Resol uti on Exhibit B - September 15, 1994 Memorandum 4of7 APR 't 1995 ITEM 5 o I RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING CITY COUNCIL POLICY CONCERNING CONTACTS WITH POTENTIAL PROJECT APPLICANTS WHEREAS, the Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits certain contacts regarding City business outside of a public meeting; and WHEREAS, constitutional due process prohibits Councilmembers from making commitments for or against a proposed project prior to a public meeting; and WHEREAS, constitutional due process requires that all Councilmembers and members of the public have the same information upon which to rely in the decision-making process; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to adopt a formal written policy concerning contact by City Councilmembers with potential project applicants prior to public meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY RESOLVES THAT THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE THE POLICY OF THE CITY COUNCIL: I. For purposes of this policy the following definitions shall apply: a. "Project applicant" means one who has submitted an application for a land use approval. b. "Potential project applicant" means one who has expressed an interest in submitting an application for a land use approval but has not done so at the time of the meeting requested with a Councilmember. 2. A City Councilmember may meet with a potential project proponent or applicant prior to a public meeting to listen to the applicant's proposal. 3. No City Councilmember shall make any commitment or promise of support or opposition to a potential project prior to the public meeting concerning the project. 4. No City Councilmember shall express to a project applicant an inclination to support or oppose a project if the project applicant has received the expression of such an inclination from two other Councilmembers. A potential project applicant shall be advised to use the predevelopment conference procedure to receive input from more than two Councilmembers on a project. APR 4 1995 5 of 7 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. Page Two 5. A City Councilmember shall disclose in the public meeting concerning the project any and all information received by the Councilmember outside of the public meeting on which the Councilmember intends to rely in making the decision on the project, unless that information has been disclosed in writing or orally by others during the public meeting. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at a regular meeting thereof this __ day of , 1995. DON HIGGINSON, Mayor Ari'EST: MARJORIE K. WAHLSTEN, City Clerk APR ,t 1995 6of 7 - MEMORANDUM CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Stephen M. Eckis, City Attorne~ DATE: September 15, 1994 RE: Ex Parte Contacts With Potential Project AoDlicants It is the advice of the City Attorney that Councilmembers meet with project applicants prior to public meetings on a project only in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. It is lawful to meet with applicants to listen (subject to No. 4 below). 2. No commitment or promise should ever be made. 3. Don't express a 'leaning' or an inclination to support or oppose without first asking if the applicant has met with two or mor~ other Councilmembers. If the response is 'ye, s," do not indicate any inclination on the project. In fact, you may wish to decline meeting with the applicant in this situation. Again, in no event should you promise or commit. 4. If you obtain information outside the public meeting on which you ~ r~ly in supportin~ or opposinl~ the project at the public meeting, you should disclose that information during the public meeting so that the applicant, the public, and your colleagues can consider and comment upon that information. ~,,~ 7 of 7 EXHIBIT B APR 4 1995