Item 16 - RDA Consideration of Agreement with David Paul Rosen Affordable Housing AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY : Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agen FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Oirec~ INITIATED BY: ~ohn D. Fitch, Assistant Executive~rector~ warren H. Sharer, Director of Redevelopmen~ ~ervice L~_~ DATE: April 4, 1995 SUBJECT: Redevelopment Agency Consideration of an Agreement with David Paul Rosen and Associates to Provide a New Affordable Housing Needs Assessment and an Affordability Gap Analysis as Ordered in the Judgement Entered in Smith v All Persons ABSTRACT Under the Judgement entered in Smith v All Persons, the Redevelopment Agency is required to conduct several studies and to use the services of Oavid Rosen to perform these studies. This action is to comply with the Court Order. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the work is $83,500. These funds are available in the Housing Fund and will be transferred from account 471-8912 to account 5970-1726. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ANO CORRESPONDENCF a copy of this staff report is being sent to Catherine Rodman, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with David Paul Rosen and Associates to complete a Needs Assessment and an Affordability Gap Analysis, in a form approved by the City Attorney, and to appropriate the contract cost of $83,500 from account 471-8912 to account 5970-1726. ACTION c: \data\agenda\rosenjdg. COy ::APR4 1995 rrF. J,I AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This re~ is included on the Con~ Calendar. T~re ~ll ~ no ~rate di~ussion ~ me ~ prior to approvaJ ~ me Ci~ Councd unless mem~rs of the Council, staff or public r~u~t ~ to ~ removed ~om the Con~nt Cale~a~ and discussed se~ratel~ If you wish to h~e this re~ pulled for di~ussion, ~ase fill out · slip indica~ng me ~ nurrd~er and give it to the Ci~ Clerk prior to me )~ginning d me C~ Council m~t~ng. of~d TO: Honorable Chairman and Members evelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Direr.~ ZNITIATEO BY: John D.. Fitch, Assistant Executive Oirector~q ~-~-~ ~arren H. Sharer, Director of Redevelopment S~rvice~ DATE: April 4, 1995 SUBJECT: Redevelopment Agency Consideration of an Agreement with David Paul Rosen and Associates to Provide a New Affordable Housing Needs Assessment and an Affordability Gap Analysis as Ordered in the Judgement Entered in Smith v All Persons ~ACKGROUNO As part of the Court Judgement in Smith v All Persons, the Redevelopment Agency is required to retain David Paul Rosen and Associates to complete a Needs Assessment and an Affordability Gap Analysis to determine the maximum feasible amount of affordable housing for the next five years, based on conditions in the Court Judgement. FINDINGS Based on the time requirement in the Judgement to produce the affordable housing, it is critical that the Redevelopment Agency authorize the work required by Mr. Rosen as expeditiously as possible. To that end, staff has requested from and has received a proposal to complete the work required under the Court Order. The proposal for services is attached as Attachment 1. Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds it to be in conformance with the Judgement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of the work is $83,500. These funds are available in the Housing Fund and will be transferred from account 471-8912 to account 5970-17~6. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this staff report is being sent to Catherine Rodman, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. ~CTION: 2 of 13 APR 4 1995 Ii'EM 16 ~, RdA Consideration of an Agreement with David Paul Rosen and Associates April 4, 1995 Page 2 It is recoranended that the Redevelopment Agency authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with David Paul Rosen and Associates to complete a Needs Assessment and an Affordability Gap Analysis, in a form approved by the City Attorney, and to appropriate the contract cost of $83,500 from account 471-8912 to account 5970-1726. Attachment: (1) Proposal from David Paul Rosen & Associates c: \dar a\egenda\rose~jdg, rpt 3 of 13 APR 4 1995 rrEM 16 ~, '., DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES HOUSING, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1330 BROADWAY, SUITE 1035 OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA 94612-250g TEL: 510/451-2552 FAX: 510/451-2554 PROPOSED CONSULTANT SERVICES City of Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Scope of Work and Budget Submitted by: David Paul Rosen & Associates 1330 Broadway, Suite 1035 Oakland, California 94612 3941 Hendrix Street Irvine, California 92714 March 3, 1995 APR 4 1995 ITEM 16 ~, 4 of 13 w DAV D PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES Table of Contents Scope of Work .............................................................................. Introduction ............................................................................ 1. Prepare Housing Needs Assessment ............................. 2 2. Prepare Housing Affordability Gap Analysis ................ 3 3. Review Local Resources, Leverage Opportunities and Legal Requirements ......................... 4 4. Develop Housing Policies and Priorities ....................... 5 - 5. Identify Program and Project Opportunities .................. 5 6. Prepare Five-Year Capital Plan ....................................... 6 7. Meetings and Presentations ............................................ 7 Budget ........................................................................................... 7 Schedule ........................................................................................ 8 Consultant Team .......................................................................... 8 Attachment: DRA 1995 Fee Schedule APR 4, 1995 Ii'EM 16 ~, DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES Scope of Work and Budget Introduction David Paul Rosen & Associates (DRA) is pleased to present the following scope of work to prepare a Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy (Strategy) for the City of Poway, together with providing Affordable Housing Development Consulting Services for specific projects assisted by the City's Redevelopment Agency (Agency). Attached to this scope of work are DRA's firm qualifications and summary of recent achievements, as well as the vita for DRA Principals who will manage this project on behalf of the City. DRA is a nationally noted consulting firm specializing in comprehensive affordable housing strategic development and capital planning. In the mid-1980% DRA devised a comprehensive approach to affordable housing strategic planning for California redevelopment agencies. Much of this approach is now codified in AB 1290 requirements and CHAS requirements for HOME funds. The Strategy which DRA will prepare for Poway will provide the City and Agency with a precise understanding of affordable housing needs and financing gaps in Poway, as well as a specific set of programs and policies to address those needs within the constraints of local market economics, funds available from the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (Fund) and other sources. The Strategy will specify affordable housing production goals by household income, size and tenure for the next five years. Additionally, the Strategy will lay a strategic foundation for affordable housing development, finance, management and planning throughout the life of the Project Area. The Strategy will also be designed to fulfill the requirements of the judgment rendered in Smith v. All People. This scope of work specifies the services needed to develop the Strategy. "' DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES Scope of Work 1. Prepare Housing Needs Assessment DRA will analyze the most recent available data on current and future housing needs from the 1990 Census, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and other available sources, including non-profit service agencies in Poway and surrounding areas. Data analyzed from the 1990 Census will include: · population and household characteristics · housing tenure · income distribution · housing inventory characteristics · rental and owner-occupied housing vacancy rates · current housing needs including overpayment, overcrowding, substandard housing, and special housing needs populations DRA will review estimates and projections of Iow and moderate income housing needs from the 1990 SANDAG Regional Housing Needs Statement (RHNS), and any new RHNS figures as they become available. We will report current U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income limits and maximum affordable housing costs for renters and owners by family size and income level for the San Diego MSA. DRA will also examine the jobs/housing balance in Poway and will estimate the current and projected future housing needs of those who work in Poway. We will examine employment data and forecasts by occupational category and will project the income of Poway's current and future employees using occupational wage data. The resulting income distribution of Poway employees will be evaluated to determine the associated affordable housing needs, incorporating trends and projections in household formation and workers per household. DRA will correlate household size and income in San Diego County to best approximate the distribution of household sizes by income and employment data. In this manner the needs assessment will inform the Ci~ of the distribution of current and projected households by income and household size. DRA will review available data on housing prices and rents from the 1990 Census, on- line computer services, and local market sources. Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 1995 Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page 7 of 13 APR '~ 1995 ITEM 16 :--'"' DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES DRA will work with staff to identify potential locations for affordable housing development and preservation to meet Poway's affordable housing needs. This will include an assessment of the five sites identified in City's Housing Element: Haley I (constructed), Breihan (approximately 50 units of housing), Bowrun (approximately 110 units of housing), Gateway (approximately 84 units of housing), andBrookview (approximately 138 units of housing). The inventory of potential sites will not be limited to those contained in Poway's Housing Element (affordable housing overlay sites). We will identify possible sites and discuss the means by which these sites may be most appropriately developed given planning and zoning constraints and opportunities. 2. Prepare Housing Affordability Gap Analysis DRAw IIana yze the "affordability gap" between the cost of building housing at various densities and the amount that households at different income levels and family sizes can afford to pay for housing based on a review of market and income data in Poway, as well as our own considerable experience in San Diego County and throughout Southern California. The affordability gap analysis provides an understanding of the City's capacity to assist in the development and preservation of affordable housing under alternative targeting strategies given its resources and market conditions. The following steps would be followed: 1. Define target income levels; 2. Calculate maximum affordable monthly housing costs (renter and owner, by income level): We will define affordable housing expense (e.g. rent plus utilities for renters; mortgage principal and interest, taxes, insurance and potentially homeowners association/maintenance costs for owners); 3. Develop housing prototypes: DRA will analyze up to three renter and three owner prototypes representing different types and densities of housing that could be developed or acquired and rehabilitated in Poway. Development cost estimates will be prepared for the prototypes after compiling and reviewing housing development cost data (including land acquisition, construction, fees and soft costs); 4. Calculate affordability gap between the amount households can afford to pay versus housing costs for each prototype; and 5. Calculate subsidy needs for each prototype. Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 199b Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page 3 1995 ITEM 16 8 of 13 DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES Target income levels and prototypes will be selected in consultation with staff, consistent with the terms of ti~e settlement agreement with the Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. Housing costs will be estimated through analysis of market data, interviews with local housing developers in Poway and neighboring communities. To the extent comparable market data on multi-family land costs are not available or available only to a limited extent in Poway, DRA will use market prices for land appropriately zoned in surrounding jurisdictions. 3. Review Local Resources, Leverage Opportunities and Legal Requirements The purpose of these activities is to assure that DRA will appropriately advise the Agency and City in developing its Strategy within the context of its housing needs obligations, current and projected local and leveraged revenue resources available for affordable housing, current and proposed land use policies. a. Local Resources City staff will provide information to DRA on existing programs and current and projected resources for affordable housing from all resources, including the Agency's Fund, Community Development Block Grant funds, City and Agency - general funds and other local housing monies. These will include funds from tax allocation bond issues. b. Leverage Opportunities Consultants will conduct a comprehensive review and description of currently available leverage opportunities for affordable housing subsidies from non-City sources. Leverage opportunities will be comprehensively surveyed among state, federal and private sector sources. This review will describe programs available to Poway, associated program requirements, and remaining available funding levels. The following non-local sources will be among those analyzed: State Department of Housing and Community Development, California Housing Finance Agency, Federal and State Low Income Housing Tax Credits, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, San Diego County Housing Authority, community reinvestment loan commitments from private lenders, non-profit intermediaries, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA loan and insurance programs, and other private sector resources. DRA will assist the Agency and the City in identifying leverage opportunities consistent with the program and project opportunities in Poway. Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 1995 Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page 4 APR~- 1995 ITEM 16 9 of 13 DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES c. Legal Requirements The Consultant will identify how the City can best comply with the Federal and 5tare regulations governing its housing efforts. DRA will address compliance under the recently stiffened requirements pursuant to the California Housing Element law, as administered by HCD, and as applied in Poway's approved Housing Element. DRA will also address the Agency's obligations regarding funding and expenditures of the Fund, replacement housing and inclusionary housing, both under State law and under the settlement agreement. We will review restrictions pertaining to tax-exempt and taxable bonds financed using Agency tax increment revenues. The City's and Agency's obligations to provide state relocation benefits to eligible lower income displacees will also be addressed, as will the application of Article 34 of the State Constitution. DRA will be assisted in this task by a special housing legal counsel, Goldfarb & Lipman, noted affordable housing counsel in California and a frequent DRA partner. 4. Develop Housing Policies and Priorities The Strategy must be informed by policies which provide clear guidance for the targeting of limited City, Agency and leveraged resources. DRA will clarify and recommend modifications to current City and Agency priorities, goals and policies. Policy guidelines may include but will not be limited to such issues as income targeting, housing type and tenure, definition of affordable housing expense, mix of unit sizes, compliance with state and federal legal requirements, as well as those of the settlement agreement, affordability term, location, public/private partnerships and other factors. We will distinguish between the City's obligations under Housing Element Law and the Agency's obligations under Community Redevelopment Law and the settlement agreement. 5. Identify Program and Project Opportunities DRA will review available program and project opportunities in Poway and will provide recommendations for a variety of program elements consistent with Poway's housing needs and resources. Program elements to be considered may include the following, as well as others: · New affordable housing construction; · Acquisition of existing housing; · Preservation of existing affordable housing at-risk of conversion to market rate; Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 1995 Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page $ 10 of 13 APR 4 1995 ITEM 16 DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES Syndications using Federal and State Low Income Housing and Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits; · Negotiations with developers for inclusionary components to overall development plans; · Housing rehabilitation grants or loans; · Ventures with existing non-profit and for-profit housing development corporations; · Creation of a local non-profit development and/or management corporation; · Mortgage "buy-down" and "second loan" programs to assist qualified home purchasers in obtaining financing for the acquisition of housing units; · Emergency relief to prevent foreclosures and rental evictions; · Community lending partnerships with financial institutions under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and the Financial Institutions Reform, Responsibility and Enforcement Act (FIRREA). DRA will design program elements so that they are consistent with the City's affordable housing needs, fulfill the City's and Agency's housing obligations, and feasible within the City's current and potential financial resources. Careful attention will be paid to appropriate integration of program and project opportunities with City planning, zoning and design opportunities and constraints. 6. Prepare Five-Year Capital Plan Once the housing assistance policies described above are established, housing assistance goals specifying the number of households to be assisted by tenure, family income, family size and special needs populations will be established. These will describe achievable objectives over a five-year period, with a five-year implementation plan as required under AB 1290 (Health and Safety Code Section 33490). DRA will detail the affordable housing capital requirements needed to achieve these assistance goals. These capital requirements will be categorized by: · Subsidy capital; · Debt capital; · Equity capital. Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 199.5 Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page 6 APR 4 1995 ITEM 16 11 of 13 DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES The capital plan will explicitly state assumptions regarding interest rates and leverage opportunities. In this way, performance under the five-year plan may be gauged against changes in interest rates and affordable housing leverage opportunities as they actually occur. Thus, the City will be assured that its performance under the Strategy and capital plan may be tracked accurately in the context of changing circumstances and conditions. 7. Meetings and Presentations DR^ will be present at meetings as required by research, and as desired and requested by City and Agency staff. Meetings and presentations may include sessions with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, the Affordable Housing Commission and the City Council. Meetings will be paid on a time and expense basis according to the attached fee and expense reimbursement schedule, allowing for on- site and preparation time, and the following reimbursable expenses, as needed: coach round-trip air travel, lodging, meals, ground transportation and parking expenses. Budget The not-to-exceed fixed price for preparation of the above scope of services for the Strategy is $83,500. DRA will bill on a percent completion basis against the contract maximum, which in no event may be exceeded without the mutual written consent of the City and DRA. However, meetings and presentations (Task 7) will be billed on a time and expense basis, against the line item maximum of $15,000. Billing rates for professional fees and expense reimbursement will be per the attached 1995 fee and expense reimbursement schedule. The following is an estimated breakdown of costs by task. Actual costs by task may vary based on staff direction and emphasis. 1. Prepare Housing Needs Assessment $17,000 2. Conduct Housing Affordability Gap Analysis 8,500 3. a. Review Local Resources 3,000 b. Review Leverage Opportunities 7,000 c. Review Legal Requirements 7,500 4. Develop Housing Policies and Priorities 8,000 5. Identify Program and Project Opportunities 7,000 6. Prepare Five-Year Capital Plan 10,500 7. Meetings 15,000 TOTAL $ 83,500 Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 1995 Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page 7 APR ~ 1995 ITEM !6 12 of 13 DAVID PAUL ROSEN & ASSOCIATES Schedule DRA will work with City/Agency staff to develop a mutually agreed upon schedule for completing the above scope of services. We estimate completion in four to six months, depending upon the City/Agency participation and review process, including workshops with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, Affordable Housing Commission and City Council as appropriate. Consultant Team The DRA team will consist of Mr. David Rosen, Principal, David Paul Rosen & Associates; Nora Lake-Brown, Principal, David Paul Rosen & Associates Southern California Office; and Mr. Roger Clay, Partner, Goldfarb & Lipman. Mr. David Rosen will serve as project manager. Contacts are: Mr. David Rosen David Paul Rosen & Associates 1330 Broadway, Suite 1035 Oakland, California 94612-2509 - (510) 451-2552 Fax (510) 451-2554 Ms. Nora Lake-Brown David Paul Rosen & Associates Southern California Office 3941 Hendrix St. Irvine, California 92714 (714) 559-5650 Fax (714) 559-5706 Mr. Roger Clay Go[dfarb & Lipman One Montgomery St. West Tower, 23rd Floor San Francisco, California 94104 (415) 788-6336 Fax (415) 788-0999 Attachment: · DRA 1995 Fee Schedule Scope of Work and Budget March 3, 1995 Poway Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Page 8 APR ~- 1995 ITEM 16 13 of 13