Item 17.1 - Award of Bid for Weingart Center Expansion AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the -- Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Executive Director INITIAl'ED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~C~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri~ Servicescl6-~ J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer~,( ~ DA~l~: April 4, 1995 SUBJEC~I': Award of Bid for The Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) This proposal would award the Weingart Center Expansion to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. in the amount of $285,596.00. The contract time for the project is 90 working days. FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds to complete the project. The Agency is providing $261,155.00 with additional funds acquired by the Poway Valley Senior Citizen Corp. totaling $102,871.00. EI~RON~I~ALI~EVIEW An environmental review of the project was previously conducted. The review determined that the project was exempt from CEQA and a notice has been filed with the County Clerk. No additional environmental review is necessary. ADDITIONAL PUBLICNOTIFICATIQNAND CORRESPONDENCE Randazzo Construction, Grahovac Construction Co., Famania Construction, Inc., Hernandez Const. Corp., G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc., Lippitt Corp., The Augustine Co., J. Carey Const. Co. ~COMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency award the Weingart Center Expansion contract to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. in the amount of $285,596.00, which includes all three additive bid alternates. It is further recommended that the Agency appropriate the additional sum of $102,871.00 for the project from outside funding sources. The new total appropriation will be $364,026.00. ACTION I of 9 APR 4 1995 II'E 17. I - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive, Direc~~:> INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~) Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin~ Services~Fr: J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer~ DATE: April 4, 1995 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for The Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) BACKGROUND On March 21, 1995 bids were opened for the Weingart Center Expansion project. The Engineer's Estimate was $360,000 to $390,000. The contract time for this project is 90 working days. While reviewing these bids, G.F. Bledsoe Construction was asked if they had listed all their subcontractors. Their response was that while completing the bid form (Attachment #1}, they ran out of room on the form and were unable to list the rest of the subcontractors because of a clerical error made with the bid form. They have provided the complete list of subcontractors with a request that they be allowed to use all of them. This request is shown as Attachment #2. When a prime contractor, such as G.F. Bledsoe, fails to name a subcontractor for a portion of the work, then the prime contractor agrees that it is fully qualified to perform that portion of the work, and that it will perform that portion itself. G.F. Bledsoe has agreed that it is qualified to do the omitted portions of the work and will perform those portions itself, if the City Council does not allow it to use the complete list of subcontractors. ACTION: _~ of 9 ,APR J~ 1995 ITEM..~17 . 1 Agenda Repo~- Awa~ ~ B~ fortheWeinga~ Ce~erExpansion (#5524) April4,1995 Page 2 While the Prime Contractor may be able to perform the work himself, it is not the standard normally used by this or any of the other bidders, as shown in their bids. It is staff's opinion that an honest clerical error was made in this situation and that a better quality project will be received if the additional subcontractors are allowed. After discussions with the City Attorney's office, it was decided to provide the written notice normally required to listed subcontractors for the other bidders, prior to awarding the bid. This was done by mailing the notices shown in Attachment #3 on March 28, 1995. This decision was made on March 27, 1995, thereby causing the postponement of the Award of Bid. It is the discretion of the Redevelopment Agency Board to allow the additional subcontractors or not. FINDINGS The following eight (8) bids were received: Company Base Bid Additive Bid Alternates #1-3 1. G.F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc. $266,991.00 $18,605.00 2. The Augustine Company $303,226.00 $20,833.00 3. Hernandez Construction $328,610.00 $23,783.00 4. Famania Construction Inc. $340,000.00 $30,688.00 5. Randazzo Construction $341,908.00 $23,783.00 6. John Carey Construction Co.,Inc. $344,000.00 $37,793.00 7. Grahovac Construction Co., Inc. $346,000.00 $23,573.00 8. Lippitt Corp. $389,500.00 $32,538.00 If the Agency determines that the list of subcontractors shown in Attachment #2 may be used, it should award the bid with this inclusion for the bid price listed. If the Agency determines that the appropriate award would be to use only the original list of subcontractors, it should award the bid on this basis for the bid price listed. An environmental review of the project was previously conducted. The review determined that the project was exempt from CEQA and a notice has been filed with the County Clerk. No additional environmental review is necessary. APR ~: 1995 ITEM 17. 1 3of9 Agenda Report - Award of Bid for the Weingart Center Expansion (#5524) April 4, 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds available for the completion of the project. In addition to the $261,155.00 previously appropriated by the Agency for this project, the Poway Valley Senior Citizen Corp. has acquired grants for $44,500.00 from the Weingart Foundation, $11,000.00 from the Rotary Club, and has pledged $47,371.00 from their own Building Fund to support the cost of this project. These funds total $102,871.00. ADDITIONAL PUBLICNOTIFICATIONAND COgRF~PONDENCE Randazzo Construction, Grahovac Construction Co., Famania Construction, Inc., Hernandez Const. Corp., G.F. Bledsoe Const. Inc., Lippitt Corp., The Augustine Co., J. CareT Const. Co. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency award the Weingart Center Expansion contract to G. F. Bledsoe Construction, Inc, in the amount of $285,596.00, which includes all three additive bid alternates. It if further recommended that the Agency appropriate the additional sum of $102,871.00 for the project from outside funding sources. The new total appropriation will be $364,026.00. ATTACHMENT #1 Bid Form ATTACHMENT #2 Letter Requesting Use of Additional Subcontractors ATTACHMENT #3 Notice to Low Bidders · APR J~ 1995 ITEM 17. 1 4of9 SECTION 9 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Bidder is required to furnish the following information relative to the subcontractors and suppliers he proposes to use. If all work is to be done without subcontractors, write "none" in the following space: Nmme under which License No. and Address of Office Type of Work Subcontractor is Classification Mill or Shop and Subcontractor Lt cens~¢l Number Tel ephone Number Wi l l Do SUPPLIERS: Name of Supolier Address & Telephone No. Type of Mater~? (Use additional copies of this form as ne~ed to show all subcontractors and suppl lets. ) 28 ATTACHMENT ~1 of 9 APR ~ 1995 l&a/svr Zw. :., GENERAL CONTRACTOR March 24, 1995 City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, Ca. 92074 Project: Weingart Senior Center Attn: Project Manager Dear Sir, Since 'o ,¢~ were the apparant low bidder on the above project, we are submitting a total list of sub-contractors for your review. As for an explanation of why we did not include this total list at the time of bid opening, Kathy Bledsoe was given the specification book in its entirety to submit with our bid. She noticed there %tas only seven spaces to fill out for sub- contractors. We feel this was a clerical error on our part in the field, but we feel ~e made a good faith effort by completing the seven spaces. Our complete list of sub-contractors is as follows: 1.Cement Cutting ~ Dem-o 231-i735 1845 Logan ~335661 C-21 San Diego, Ca. 2. RB Industries Signage 448-3930 9919 Prospect ~582364 C-61 Santee, Ca. 3. Design Source West/ Flooring 455-7228 5264 Eastgate Mall ~618502 C-15 San Diego, Ca. 4. Alonso Painting ~" Painting 465-9170 1212 La Mesa Ave. Spring Valley, Ca. ~658590 C-33 5.Banker Insulation w/ Insulation 738-6980 2337 Vineyard ~552601 C-2 Escondido, Ca. 6.Pacific Coast Roofing/. Roofing 292-7663 5050 Market St. ~226543 C-39 San Diego, Ca. ..- ATTACHMENT ~2 APR 4 1995 ITEM 17 1 P.O. BOX 20001 · ELCAdON, CA92021 · (619) 789-6616 ' 6of9 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 7. Golden State Tile ~" Tile 463-2869 P.O. Box 151739 ~ 612686 C-54 San Diego, ca. 8. Vic Ross's Masonry Masonry 232-0323 3451 Pickwick St. ~ 377475 San Diego, Ca. 9. Floyd Willis Drywall 624-9556 6549 Mission George ~619939 San Diego, Ca. 10. Tri City Glass Glazing 460-6680 366i Costa Bella St. ~252033 C-17 i1. Ehmcke Sheetmetal Sheetmetal 233-6484 404 14th. St. ~605901 San Diego, Ca. 12. Expert Air HVAC 4479901 -- 179 E1 Camino Pequeno ~363643 E1 Cajon, Ca. 13. United Plumbing Plumbing 441-1991 457 Vernon Way ~654767 C-36 14. Ecorp Electrical ~" Electrical 987-1660 1765 Garnet Ave ~668145 C-10 San Diego, ca. 15. A-1 Fire Protection Fire Sprinklers 578-8760 9630 Blac]¢ Mtn. Rd. "D" ~388358 C-16 San Diego, ca. APR 4. 1995 ri'EM 17.1 P.O. BOX 20001 · EL CAJON, CA 92021 · (619) 789.-6616 - 7o¢9 March 28, 1995 Subject: Award of Bid on March 28, 1995 Dear 2~: The Poway Redevelopment Agency will consider the Award of Bid for the Weingart Center Expansion at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, 1995. The low bidder, G.F. Bledsoe Construction, has requested a correction to the list of subcontractors he submitted with his bid. He states that due to a clerical error, his submitted list was limited to only one sheet, which could accommodate only seven subcontractors. It was his intention to list 15 subcontractors. He asserts that it will not change his bid regardless of the outcome of this request. As is required by State law, if the addition of the subcontractors he has requested is not allowed, he will proceed with the project for the original price. He will )erform the work in the trades not originally listed with his own forces. The proposal being presented to the Redevelopment Agency will be to either: 1. Award the bid to G.F. Bledsoe Construction allowing the additional subcontractors requested in his letter dated March 24, 1995, for the price bid; or 2. Award the bid to G.F. Bledsoe Construction with the original list of subcontractors submitted with the bid, for the price bid. The City Attorney has reviewed this situation and concurs with this procedure. If you have any questions, please call Brad Kutzner at 619-679-4221. Sincerely, ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Mark S. Weston Director, Engineering Services MSW:mhl A LIST OF THOSE RECEIVING THIS LETTER FOLLOWS ATTACHMENT ~3 APR,~ 1995 |'l't:~ 17'. 1 8of9 RANDAZZO CONSTRUCTION ~RAHOVAC CONSTRUCTION CO. :AMANIA CONSTRUCTION, INC'. 15530 Blue Crystal Trails 6156 Mission Gorge Rd, Ste 2701Kausman Street Poway, CA 92064 L San Diego, CA 92139 Roger Randazzo San Diego, CA 92120-3424 Oscar Famania -- Gina Grahovac Franklin HERNANDEZ CONST. CORP G.F. BLEDSOE CONST. INC. LIPPITT CORP. 9295 Chesapeake Dr., Ste A 24720 Rio Verde Dr. 4863 Drakewood Terrace San Diego, CA 92123 Ramona, CA 92065 San Diego, CA 92130 Arthur Hernandez Gary Bledsoe James Lippitt THE AUGUSTINE CO. J. CAREY CONST. CO. 531Encinitas Blvd,Ste 118 9484 Chesapeake Dr, Ste 804 Encinitas, CA 92024 San Diego, CA 92123 Robert Augustine Mary Benson Low bidder list receiving letter of March 28, 1995 APR 1995 17. 1 9of9