Item 5 - Authorization to Enter Into Agreement with Southland Industries and SDGE ~ ~EPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable M~yor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~f'~}~J~ .~ ~ _NITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~/~ , James R. Williams, Director of Public So. vices t~ Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Southland Industries and San Diego Gas and Electric to Reduce Energy Consumption In order to conserve energy at City facilities, staff determined that it would be cost and energy effective to upgrade and/or replace existing heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment. It is recommended the City Council authorize staff to enter into agreements with Southland Industries and SDG&E. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. This project will generate an estimated positive cash flow of $90,584 in the first year, which includes a $53,000 energy incentive from San Diego Gas and Electric. The ten year positive cash flow'is estimated to be $658,567. The energy savings calculated ($76,079) represents 15.2% of the entire SDG&E cost. This is a conservative savings projection. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notification was published in the £oway News Chieftian on April 13, 1995 and a copy has been mailed to Mr. Tom Patemo, Southland Industries and Mr. Phil Ondler, SDG&E. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to enter into agreements with Southland Industries and SDG&E and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreements subject to the approval of the City Attorney. ACTION of 3 APR 2 5 1B~5 ~l'l:M 5 AGENDA.. REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council L. Bowersox, City Man~ FROM: James Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~o~ INITIATED BY: JohnjamesD.R. Williams, Director of Public Services ~ Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Southland Industries and San Diego Gas & Electric to Reduce Energy Consumption BACKGROUND In 1994, the City of Poway interviewed three energy conservation firms for the purpose of evaluating a means in which the City of Poway could save energy. It was determined that the City of Poway would benefit to upgrade and/or replace equipment to make it operate in a more efficient and cost effective manner. Equipment would include: heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, lighting, irrigation equipment, and mechanical systems at City facilities. By making the equipment modifications or enhancements, the cost of the improvements are paid for from the savings realized by reduced costs of operation, utility company rebates, and energy savings. The program is designed to be self-funding and does not require any up-~ont capital expenditures. Staff established guidelines in the scope of work that would maximize savings benefits to the City. FINDINGS Each of the three firms performed an in-depth analysis of the projected cost and energy savings to the City. San Diego Gas and Electric Company, Honeywell, and Southland Industries each submitted a proposal, including references, for staffs consideration. Based upon the qualifications of each of the proposals received, staff determined Southland Industries to be the firm best suited to meet the current energy management needs for the City of Poway. ACTION: 2 of 3 APR 25 1995 ITEM 5 ,' Authorization to Enter into Enerev Aereements April 25, 1995 Page 2 The resultant annual energy and operational savings guaranteed by the contractor, will exceed the annual cost for financing the installed equipment. The proposed contract will include the replacement of City HVAC equipment and maintenance, warranty service, and training 6n all other equipment installed. The contract agreement will conform to Government Code Section 4217.12. As part of this project, SDG&E will compensate the City for energy conservation measures implemented as an added financial incentive; staff further recommends the City enter into an energy conservation rebate agreement with SDG&E for the capital portion of the project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is Categorically Exempt under Section 15301 of the CEQA guidelines.. This project will generate an estimated positive cash flow of $90,584 in the fast year, which includes a $53,000 energy incentive from San Diego Gas and Electric. The ten year positive cash flow is estimated to be $658,567. The energy savings calculated ($76,079) represents 15.2% of the entire - SDG&E cost. This is a conservative savings projection. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENT Pursuant to Government Code Section 4217, notification was published in the Poway News Chieftain on April 13, 1995. A copy of this report was mailed to Mr. Tom Patemo, Southland Industries and Mr. Phil Ondler, SDG&E. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize staff to enter into a performance contract with Southland Industries, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and 2. Authorize staff to enter into an energy conservation rebate agreement with SDG&E, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement subject to the approval of the City Attorney. JLB:JDF:JRW:pq APR 2 5 1995 ITEM .5 ' 3of3