Item 7 - Preliminary Review of Proposed FY 95-96 Financial Plan -'\GENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Hayor and Hembers of the City ~ROM: Ja~es L. Bo~ersox, City DATE: April 25, lgg5 SUBJECT: Preliminary Review of Proposed FY 1995-96 Financial Plan and 5-Year Fiscal Forecast for the General Fund ABSll~AC~ This report was scheduled prior to establishing the meeting schedule of the Budget Review Committee. Their meetings will begin April 27, 1995 and continue through early June. It is recommended that this report be pulled from the agenda and presented to the City Council at a later date, following its review by the Budget Review Committee. ENWIRONMENTALREYIEW Environmental review not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONAND CORRESPONDENCE The members of the Budget Review Committee have been notified of this report. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this item be pulled from the agenda and be rescheduled at a later date. ACTION 1 of 1 APR 25 1995 ITEM