Item 8 - Construction of Sheriff Substation Adjacent to Proposed Library -~GENDA REPORT SUMMARY ~)~~ l'O: Bonorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~~ ~.~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~" DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Construction of a Sheriff Substation Adjacent to the Proposed Library ABSll~CT The Real Property Division of the County of San Diego requested that this item be removed from the April 25, 1995 City Council agenda to allow more time to resolve some issues in the Memorandum of Understanding. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONAND CORRESPONDENCE Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee; Jim Marmack, Captain, Poway Sheriff's Station; John Kross, of the Real Property Division for the County of San Diego; Tom Tremble, Chairman of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee; Joye Davisson, Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee; Jerry Long, Chairman of the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee; and Kathy Shawl, President of the Friends of the Poway Library. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council remove this item from their agenda for the April 25, 1995 meeting. ACTION 1 of 3 APR'51995 ITEM CITY OF POW^Y AGENDA REPORT Additional Material TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ FROM: INITIATEO BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~n DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Construction of a Sheriff Substation Adjacent to the Proposed Library ABSTRACT The Real Property Division of the County of San Diego requested that this item be removed from the April 25, 1995 City Council agenda to allow more time to resolve some issues in the Memorandum of Understanding. BACKGROUND Staff has been working with representatives of the Real Property Division of the County of San Diego to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the development of a sheriff station in Poway. They have requested additional time to resolve some issues in the Memorandum of Understanding, including the purchase price of the land and the size of the facility to be built. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT Removing this item from the agenda will have no financial impact. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ANO CORRESPONDENCF In addition to the normal distribution, a copy of this report was sent to Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee; Jim Marmack, Captain, Poway Sheriff's Station; John Kross, of the Real Property Division for the County of San Diego; Tom Tremble, Chairman of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee; Joye Davisson, Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee; Jerry Long, Chairman of the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee; and Kathy Shawl, President of the Friends of the Poway Library. 2 of 3 APR ~ S 1995 ITEM Agenda Report - Poway Sheriff Station - Additional Material April 25, 1995 Page 2 RECOHHENDATION It is recommended that the City Council remove this item from their agenda for the April 25, 1995 meeting. c:\repor ts\sher i f f.rev 3 of 3 APR ~. 5 1995 ITEM .AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ~ _TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of.the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City M~agerE~)¥ DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Construction of a Sheriff Substation Adjacent to the Proposed Library ABSTRACT At their February 14, 1995 meeting, the City Council decided to wait until after their library workshop, which was held-on February 16, 1995, and their February 28, 1995 meeting with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to designate a site for the proposed Poway Sheriff Station. In addition, at their February 14, 1995 meeting, the City Council concurred with a conceptual plan for financing the construction of a new sheriff station; however, City Councilmember Rexford requested that more information be collected regarding the actual costs of building a sheriff station. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT This report recommends that the City Counci! appropriate up to $200,000 from the General Fund Reserve to hire an architect and to finance other costs associated with the preliminary design of the sheriff station. Any money expended for this purpose plus interest wil! be reimbursed to the General Fund upon the sale of bonds to finance this project. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRF_~PQNDENCE Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee; Jim Marmack, Captain Poway Sheriff's Station; John Cross, of the Real Property Division for the County of San Diego; Tom Tremble, Chairman of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee; Joye Davisson, Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee; Jerry Long, Chairman of the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee; and Kathy Shawl, President of the Friends of the Poway Library. RECOMMENDATIQN It is recommended that the City Council designate the two-acre site on the Western Lumber property adjacent to the proposed library for the construction of a 15,000-square foot sheriff station; approve a draft Memorandum of Understanding with the County; appropriate $200,000; and that the City Council authorize staff to enter into a contract with an architect to design the sheriff station, and to initiate the preparation of the necessa~ bond documents required to provide for the financing of the proposed sheriff station. ACTION C /REPORTS\SHERSUM 125 1 of 36 APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 8 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FRON: James L. Bowersox, City Man~2> INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~]j[ DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Construction of a Sheriff Substation Adjacent to the Proposed Library ABSTRACT At their February 14, 1995 meeting, the City Council decided to wait until after their library workshop, which was held on February 16, 1995, and their February 28, 1995 meeting with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to designate a site for the proposed Poway Sheriff Station. In addition, at their February 14, 1995 meeting, the City Council concurred with a conceptual plan for financing the construction of a new sheriff station; however, City Councilmember Rexford requested that more information be collected regarding the actual costs of building a sheriff station. It is recommended that the City Council designate the two-acre site on the Western Lumber property adjacent to the proposed library for the construction of a 15,000-square foot sheriff station and that the City Council authorize staff to enter into a contract with an architect to design the sheriff station, and to initiate the preparation of the necessary bond documents required to provide for the financing of the proposed sheriff station. BACKGROUND The Poway Sheriff station is currently located on Pomerado Road south of Poway Road in a 5,780-square foot area located within a commercial office building. Due to the need for additional office space, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on March 1, 1994 authorized the County Director of General Services to begin a market search for a 12,000 square foot Poway Sheriff Station and to initiate concurrent discussions with the City of Poway for a sheriff station site. Although the Board of Supervisors authorized the acquisition of a 12,000- square foot facility, the San Diego County Sheriff's Department has advised the County that they need a facility with a minimum of 15,000 square feet. The County is currently conducting a space needs study to verify the space needs for the Poway Sheriff Station. Initially, the City proposed to the County that the new sheriff station be 2 of 36 APR 2 S 1995 ITEM 8 Agenda Report - Poway Sheriff Station April 25, 1995 -- Page 2 located on the Western Lumber site adjacent to the library. The proposal, which the County agreed to in concept, included the City acquiring a portion of the Western Lumber site from the Redevelopment Agency; the City selling revenue bonds to cover the cost of land acquisition, design, site preparation, and construction; and the City entering into a long-term lease with the County to rent the facility. At their December 13, 1994 meeting, the City Council requested that a report be prepared indicating potential sites where a new Poway Sheriff Substation could be located and that the report indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each of the potential sites. At their January 10, 1995 meeting, the City Council reviewed a list of 18 sites in addition to the Western Lumber site. At the January 10 meeting, it was the consensus of the majority of the City Council to place the proposed Poway Sheriff Station on the east end of the Huber Property and to move a portion of the planned affordable housing project to the Western Lumber site. However, the City Council requested that the matter be referred to the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee and that staff prepare a drawing that would show the relative amount of area that would be assigned to each use on the Huber and Western Lumber properties and how many units would be developed on each location. At the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee meeting of January 23, 1995, the issue of building the sheriff station on the Huber property and constructing a portion of the planned affordable housing project on the site adjacent to the library was discussed. As indicated in the attached letter (Attachment I) from the Chairman of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, the Committee voted to recommend that the planned affordable housing project be developed on the Huber property as initially conceived and that another site be selected for the sheriff station. A report was prepared regarding this issue for the February 7, 1995 City Council meeting; however, due to the absence of two of the City Council members, the item was continued to the February 14, 1995 meeting. At the February 14, 1995 meeting, the City Council decided to wait until after their library workshop on February 16 and their February 28 meeting with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to designate a site for the proposed sheriff station. In addition, at the February 14 meeting, the City Council concurred with a conceptual plan for financing the construction of the proposed sheriff station; however, City Councilmember Rexford requested that additional information be provided regarding the cost of building a new sheriff station. FINDINGS The Budqet The interior design of the proposed sheriff station would be modeled from plans - that were prepared for the City of San Diego, which has built three substations 3 of 36 APRg51995 ITEM Agenda Report - Poway Sheriff Station April 25, 1995 Page 3 in the past few years for their police department. As a result, staff contacted the contractor who constructed two of the facilities, Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc., and requested assistance in developing a budget for the Poway Sheriff Station. As indicated in the attached cost analysis prepared by the Barnhart Company (Attachment 2), it would cost approximately $1,964,500 to construct the 15,000- square foot facility, construct a secured parking area, and landscape the property. It is estimated that the total cost for the sheriff station would be $3,675,600, which would include: Powa¥ Sheriff Station Cost Estimate Land acquisition $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Construction cost 1,964,500 Construction Contingency (10%) 196,500 $2,161,000 Design (10%) $ 196,500 Construction Management (10%) 196,500 Administration Fees and Permits 121,600 $ 514,600 Project Total $3,675,600 After determining the estimated cost for constructing the project the City's Financial Advisor, Public Financial Management, Inc., was asked to prepare a financial analysis based upon issuing sufficient bonds to provide a construction fund of approximately $3.8 million. Based upon this amount, the building would have to be leased to the County for approximately $1.85 per square foot per month to meet the debt service requirements on a 30-year bond issue. Since it would take approximately a year to complete the construction of the facility and thus no lease payments would be paid during this period, the debt service for the first year would be paid from a capitalized interest fund. Under the terms of the lease, the County would be responsible for normal maintenance and custodial services. The City would only be responsible for major repairs. City staff has met with representatives from the San Diego County Real Property Department and the Sheriff's Department and they have agreed to recommend approval of the attached Memorandum of Understanding to the County Board of Supervisors. The Memorandum of Understanding commits the County to entering into a lease of the sheriff station once it is constructed. 4 of 36 APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 8 Agenda Report - Poway Sheriff Station April 25, 1995 Page 4 The Site In order to proceed with the development of the sheriff station, it is first necessary to designate a site. At their February 16, 1995 Library Workshop, the City Council voted to create a two-acre pad on the Western Lumber site adjacent to the proposed library that could be used for some other use. As indicated above, the City Council had contemplated putting affordable housing on this site and on a portion of the Huber property and locating the sheriff station on the east end of the Huber property. However, the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee opposes this plan. At a prior meeting, the City Council had indicated that they did not want to see the construction of the library proceed until the construction budget for the library was balanced by selling off the two-acre site. The only use that staff is currently aware of for the two-acre site is the sheriff station. At an earlier meeting, Mr. Larry Cruse suggested that the City Council consider converting the existing City Hall into a sheriff station and building a new City Hall adjacent to the library. At one time, staff was working on plans to convert the City Hall into the sheriff station and build a new City Hall. Unfortunately, AB 1290, which went into effect on January 1, 1994, now precludes the use of redevelopment funds for the purpose of building a new City Hall. Since there are _ no other funds readily available for financing a new City Hall, the City is not able to pursue this alternative. The Sheriff's Department has indicated that the site adjacent to the library is their first choice for the sheriff station. However, the question of whether the library and the sheriff station are compatible uses for the site was raised at an earlier City Council meeting. As a result, staff has met with representatives from the County Library regarding the compatibility of the uses. The County library staff indicated that they would prefer to see the sheriff station located adjacent to the proposed library. They feel that the sheriff station would provide added security to the library. It was indicated, as an example, that the new library in the City of Vista is experiencing both graffiti and vandalism problems. When the Vista library was located adjacent to the sheriff station, it did not experience vandalism and graffiti problems. Representatives from the County Library indicated that other libraries that have a law enforcement facility located adjacent to them do not seem to experience these problems either. The Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee voted at their March 27, 1995 meeting to recommend to the City Council that a family housing project be built on the Huber property. Having the sheriff station located adjacent to this site will also help to provide security for the affordable housing complex. The Western Lumber site still appears to be the best site for the sheriff station as well as the library. - In order to proceed with the design of the sheriff station, the City Council must 5 of 36 APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 8 Agenda Report - Sheriff Station April 25, 1995 Page 5 first select the site. In addition, it would be necessary to appropriate money from the General Fund reserves so that a contract with the architect could be entered into. These costs plus interest would be reimbursed to the General Fund following the sale of bonds to finance the project. It is estimated that it will take four to five months to design the sheriff station. Bonds would be sold in August or September and construction would begin sometime in the fall of 1995. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT This report recommends that the City Council appropriate up to $200,000 from the General Fund Reserve to hire an architect and to finance other costs associated with the preliminary design of the sheriff station. Any money expended for this purpose plus interest will be reimbursed to the General Fund upon the sale of bonds to finance this project. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF In addition to the normal distribution, a copy of this report was sent to Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee; Jim Marmack, Captain Poway Sheriff's Station; John Cross, of the Real Property Division for the County of San Diego; Tom Tremble, Chairman of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee; Joye Davisson, Chairperson of the Library Advisory Committee; Jerry Long, Chairman of the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee; and Kathy Shawl, President of the Friends of the Poway Library. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. designate the two-acre site adjacent to the library as the site for the proposed Poway Sheriff Station; 2. approve the Draft Memorandum of Understanding with the County of San Diego regarding the lease and the financing of the Poway Sheriff Station; 3. appropriate $200,000 from the General Fund reserves so that an architect can be retained to begin the design of the sheriff station; 4. authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with an architect to design the sheriff station;, and 5. authorize staff to begin development of the necessary bond documents for a bond issue to finance the land acquisition and construction of the Poway Sheriff Station. 6 of 36 APR 2 5 199S ITEM 8 Agenda Report - Poway Sheriff Station April 25, 1995 Page 6 Attachments: 1. January 26, 1995 Memorandum from Tom Tremble, Chairman of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to the City Council/Redevelopment Agency. 2. Cost estimates for constructing the Sheriff Station prepared by the Douglas E. Barnhart Company. 3. Draft Memorandum of Agreement With the County of San Diego. 4. Copy of the January 10, 1995 Agenda Report - Review of Potential Sites For the Poway Sheriff Station. JLB/JDF A:\SHERIFF.425 7 of 36 'APR ~ 5 1995 ITE1)~ 8 - MEMORANDUM CITY OF POWAY TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL/HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: Tom Tremble, Chairman, Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committe DATE: January 26, 1995 ~ SUBJECT: Bowron Road Housing · On behalf of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, I am writing to advise the Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Committee's thoughts on several options now being considered by the Council/Redevelopment Agency relating to the location of the Library and Sheriff's facilities. The Committee discussed the concept of splitting the Bowron Road site (previously known as Huber/Opfer} into two approximately equal size parcels, with the eastern parcel being used for the Sheriff Substation, in exchange for an equal parcel on the Western Lumber site. The Committee also looked at possibly developing a part senior/ part family project on either the intact Bowron site or the split site scenario. After their discussion, the Committee's position was that they did not support either splitting the parcel or developing a mixed senior/family affordable housing project. The major reason mentioned during the discussion was the adverse impact on development costs for developing two types of projects, since each project requires a separate financing program. The Committee was also concerned with a mixed project based on actual experiences reported to them, and their own personal preferences. They also feel it was more desirable to keep the project on a single parcel for management and efficiency reasons. In closing, it was the Committee's strong opinion to proceed with the Bowron Road site as a senior project as originally planned. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our comments to the City Council/Redevelopment Agency. lg cy: James L. Bowersox, City Manager John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Warren H. Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Services Pamela R. Colby, Redevelopment Project Administrator Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee 8 of 36 ~PR 2S 1995 8 ~ Attachment i APR g5 1995 ITEM 8 9 of 36 Attachment APR 25 199S iTEM 8 l0 of 36 Attachment 2-2 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO IN PREPARATION. WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO CITY COUNCIL PRIOR TO MEETING. APR g5 1995 ITEM 8 11 of 36 Attachment 3 ~ AD;~DA ~EPQRT SUMMAK¥ ~ TO: HonorabTe Mayor and Members oF the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager '~ BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerial INITIATED DAtiVE: January 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Potential Sites for the Poway Sheriff Substation ABSTRACT At their December 13, 1994 meeting, the City Council requested that a report be prepared indicating potential sites where a new Poway Sheriff Substation could be located and that the report indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each of the )otential sites. E?,fVIRONIVIEI~FI'AL REV1EW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT This report asks the City Council to provide staff guidance in siting a new Sheriff Substation in Poway. As such, there is no immediate fiscal impact. Additional action will be required by the City Council and the fiscal impact of any recommended action will be reported at that time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONAND CORRESPONDENCE Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee; Jim Marmack, Captain Poway Sheriff's Station; and John Cross of the Real Property Division for the County of San of San Diego. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council provide staff guidance regarding the City Council's preference regarding the siting of a sheriff station. ACTION Staff to report back on using Huber site for Sheriff and family housing. Senior housing on Western Lumber.(~/-~x>~.'~ ~~ Marie Lofton, Deputy City Clef 5 199S iTEM 8 II 12 of 36 Attachment 4 J N O 99S ITE I 7 AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIALED BY: John D. Fitdh, Assistant City Manager~ DATE: January 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of Potential Sites For The Poway Sheriff Substation ABSTRACT At their December 13, 1994 meeting the City Council requested that a report be prepared indicating potential sites where a new Poway Sheriff Substation could be located and that the report indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each of the potential sites. It is recommended that the City Council review the list of proposed sites and provide staff with guidance regarding the siting of a new sheriff substation. BACKGROUND The Poway Sheriff station is currently located on Pomerado Road south of Poway Road in a 5,780 square foot area located within a commercial office building. Due to the need for additional office space, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on March 1, 1994 authorized the County Director of General Services to begin a market search for a 12,000 square foot Poway Sheriff Station and to initiate concurrent discussions with the City of Poway for a sheriff station site. Although the Board of Supervisors authorized the acquisition of a 12,000 square foot facility, the San Diego County Sheriff's Department has advised the City of Poway that they need a facility with a minimum of 15,000 square feet primarily due to the initiation of the Senior Patrol Program and the hiring of additional personnel both of which occurred after the County had completed their space needs study. The Sheriff has also indicated a need for a larger evidence and bicycle storage area and the need for room to expand to handle personnel assigned to the 4-S Ranch area. FINDINGS 'The San Diego County Real Property Management Division indicated that the primary factor that they would use in selecting a new site is the cost of the facility. However, other factors that they asked to have considered are: (1) a preference APR 25 1995 ITEM 8 JAN 1 0 1995 ITEM 7 13 of 36 Agenda Report - Proposed Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 2 that the sheriff station to be located in a commercial/business district; (2) a preference that the site not be located in proximity to residential areas; (3) if the station is located in an existing building, it is preferred that the County Sheriff be the sole occupant; (4) if an existing building is selected that it has to either meet or be capable of being retrofitted to comply with Essential Facilities requirements in Title 24 of the California Building Code; (5) that adequate parking be ~vailable, including the ability to provide secured parking; and (6) that the site be located on a major arterial street with capability to make left hand turns into the station from the street, (i.e. no medians which would prevent such turns). In addition, the Sheriff's Department and the City's Planning Services Department have indicated a desire to have the station located in or near the Civic Center complex so that it would be adjacent to other public uses and easily accessible by the public. It was also noted that the site should be approximately 2 acres in order to meet the City's development standards and provide sufficient parking. Based upon the above factors, the Assistant City Manager, Director of Planning Services, Director of Safety Services, and the Poway Sheriff Captain selected the following sites for review as potential sites for the proposed Poway Sheriff Station: Potential Poway Sheriff Substation Sites Parcel Number Location Size Zone 1. 323-203-20 NE Evanston and Poway 2.27 acres CG 2. 217-101-06 NW Tarascan and Poway 1.54 acres CG 3. 317-101-24 & 27 SW Hilleary and Community 4.44 acres RA 4. 321-190-28 S side of Twin Peaks W of Circle K 2.15 acres RR-C 5. 314-194-52 SW Twin Peaks and Midland 5.54 acres RS-4 6. 317-152-14 SW Oak Knoll and Pomerado 2.92 acres CG 7. 317-130-47 NE Poway and Midland (K-Mart) 9.07 acres CG 8. Mega Foods Building 89 k sq ft CG 9. 317-472-01 S sid~of Poway W of Tarascan 2.6 acres CG 10. 317-473-01 & 05 SE Poway and Bowron 1.73 acres CG 11. 317-473-12 S side of Poway (Builders Emp.) 3.12 acres CC 12. 314-710-35 SW Twin Peaks and Ted Williams 1.74 acres CG 13. 323-270-51 SE Poway and Olive Tree 1.58 acres MS 14. 317-153-21 NW Poway and Pomerado (Von's) 6.81 acres CG 15. Vons Building 32 k sq ft CG 16. 317-190-15,16, SE Poway and Gate 3.91 acres CG 17,18,20,3 17. 323-I90-64 NE Poway and Olive Tree 0.83 acres MS 18. Huber Property After selecting the above sites for review, they were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of each site were noted as follows: APR g 5 7995 ITEM 14 of 36 JAN 10 1995 ITEM 7 Agenda Report - Proposed Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 3 Site 1. Northeast Corner of Evanston Drive and Poway Road This site includes 2.24 acres and is zoned Commercial General (CG). Advantaqes: 1. Located on a major arteriml with frontage on Poway Road. 2. Easy Access to site even though the intersection is not signalized. Disadvantaqes: 1. Occupied residential units are on the site. Occupants would have to be relocated. 2. The site backs up to other residential units. 3. Other parcels take their access through this property. 4. Property is not centrally located and is not in the Civic Center area. Overall Ratinq: This would be an adequate site, but would be difficult, costly and time consuming to develop and is too distant from the Civic Center. As a result, it is not _ recommended. Site 2. Northwest Corner of Tarascan Drive and Powa¥ Road /Bank of California). This site is 1.54 acres and is zoned Commercial General (CG). It has served as a bank site for many years. The bank building is currently vacant. Advantaqes: 1. Located on a major arterial with frontage on Poway Road. 2. Easy access with a signalized intersection. 3. Property is available (assumable lease with option to buy). 4. Centrally located, close t~ Civic Center other public uses. Disadvantaqes: 1. The site is smaller than recommended. 2. Too close to residential. It backs up to the rear yards of residences on Wanesta Drive. 3. Existing building is too small. It would require significant remodeling if not demolishing. Too many windows in building. Unsuitable for law enforcement facility. Overall Ratinq: The site is too small and is located too close to residential units. As a - result, it is not recommended. APR 2 5 1995 Il'EM JAN 1 0 1995 15 of 36 Agenda Report - Proposed Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 4 Site 3. Southwest Corner of Hilleary Road and Community Road This property is zoned Residential Apartment (RA). It is mostly undeveloped; however, there has been an automotive parts store in the building for a number of years. The building is currently vacant. Advantaqes: 1. Centrally located. 2. Adjacent to a major arterial, Community Road. Disadvan~aqes: 1. Not located near Civic Center. 2. Existing houses on the site. 3. The station would have to be located behind existing offices and commercial buildings that are located on adjacent parcels. 4. Part of the property is in the flood plain. Overall Ratinq: The site is not recommended, but it could work. Site 4. South Side of Twin Peaks Road, West of the Circle K Market This property is undeveloped. It is zoned RS-4 and is 2.15 acres. There have been several proposals to develop the site including residential and commercial office. The residents of the area were opposed to the commercial office development. Advantaqes: 1. Easy access to Twin Peaks Road and Espola Road. 2. The property is available and is vacant. 3. Does not back up to residences, although there is residences across the street. 4. Centrally located for response time. Disadvantaqes: 1. Not located near the Civic Center. 2. Property was zoned for residential development after input from neighborhood. Overall Ratinq: Not recommended. Site 5. Southwest Corner of Twin Peaks Road and Midland Road APR ~ 5 1995 ITEM 16 of 36 JAN 10 1995 ITEM Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 - Page 5 This site is zoned RS-4. It is approximately 5.54 acres and is undeveloped. At one time it was one of the preferred sites for locating the new library. Advantaqes: 1. Centrally located for response time. 2. Property is vacant. Disadvantaqes: 1. Not located in Civic Center area. 2. Property is zoned residential. 3. Property would be expensive to develop. 4. Part of the property is within the flood plain. 5. Access to the site is difficult. Access would have to be from Midland Road. Overall Ratinq: The site would be adequate, but is not recommended. Site 6. Southwest Corner of Oak Knoll Road and Pomerado Road This property is zoned Commercial General (CG), it is approximately 2.91 acres and has been in use by the County of San Diego as a County Road Station for many years. It is currently being used by the County to park transit vehicles. Advantaqes: 1. Easy access to Poway Road and Pomerado Road. 2. The property is owned by the County of San Diego. 3. Adjacent to a major arterial. Disadvantaqes: 1. There are potential environmental problems on the site. 2. Sheriff's Department doesn't feel this would be a good site. 3. Not in Civic Center area. Overall Ratinq: Not recommended. Site 7. Northeast Corner of Poway Road and Midland Road (Meqa Foods Buildinq) This property is zoned Community Commercial {CC). The Mega Foods building was recently remodeled by Mega Food to be used as a discount grocery store. Mega Foods filed bankruptcy prior to opening the store at this location. 17 of 36 Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 6 Advantaqes: 1. Large lot. 2. Easy access. 3. Adjacent to major arterial. 4. Would not create a conflict with residential area. 5. Centrally located. Close ~o Civic Center area. 6. Property is vacant and is available. Disadvantaqes: 1. Existing building would have to be divided and would not be conducive for law enforcement needs. 2. Parking would be shared with a commercial center. 3. Building would have to be shared with another use. 4. No ability to provide secured parking. 5. Site should remain commercial. Overall Ratinq: Not recommended. Site 8. Northeast Corner of Powa¥ Road and Midland Road (Meqa Foods Center) This property is the same as above; however, in addition to the Mega Foods building, there are several vacant store fronts in this center that have been used for various commercial uses over the past 14 years. Advantaqes: 1. There are vacancies within the center that could be leased and converted for Sheriff's Department use. 2. Easy access to site. 3. Adjacent to major arterial. 4. Would not create a conflict with a residential area. 5. Centrally located. Cl-ose to Civic Center area. Disadvantaqes: 1. Store fronts would have to be converted. 2. Building would be shared with other uses. 3. Parking would be shared with a commercial center. 4. No ability to provide secured parking. Overall Ratinq: Not recommended. APR ~ 5 1995 I'TE~ JAN 1 0 1995 ITEM 18 of 36 Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 - Page 7 Site 9. South Side of Poway Road, West of Tarascan Drive {Schneider property) This site is zoned Commercial General (CG). It is approximately 2.6 acres and currently being used as a bait and tackle shop and a materials yard. Advantaqes: 1. Close to Civic Center. 2. Adjacent to a major arterial. 3. Not adjacent to residential (backs up to Community Park). Disadvantaqes: 1. Poor access from Poway Road. 2. Existing businesses would have to be relocated. Overall Ratinq: Not recommended. Site 10. Southeast Corner of Poway Road and Bowron Road This site is zoned Commercial General (CG). It is 1.73 acres in size and is currently occupied by a tire store, a fence company and a towing business. Advantaqes: 1. Located close to Civic Center. 2. Adjacent to a major arterial. 3. Would help redevelop a portion of Poway Road. 4. Easy access. Disadvantaqes: 1. Site is smaller than recommended. 2. Existing businesses would have to be relocated. Overall Ratinq: Site is acceptable. Site 11. Southwest Corner of Poway Road and Community Road {Builders Emporium) The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and has been developed a commercial center. The vacant Builders Emporium building is approximately 39,000 square feet in size. Advantaqes: APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 78 JAN 10 1995 ITEM 19 of 36 Agenda Report ~ Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 8 1. Close to Civic Center. 2. Easy access to two major arterials. Disadvantaqes: I. Building would have to be divided. Conversion would not be conducive for law enforcement use. 2. Parking would have to be s'hared with commercial uses. 3. No ability to provide secured parking area. 4. The property would have to leased as a sublease. 5. Property should remain available for commercial use. Overall Ratinq: The site is not recommended. Site 12. Southwest Corner of Twin Peaks Road and Ted Williams Parkway This property is zoned Commercial General (CG). It is an undeveloped part of the Twin Peaks Plaza and is approximately 1.75 acres in size. Advantaqes: 1. Property is vacant and is available. 2. Located adjacent to major arterials: Ted Williams Parkway, Pomerado Road and Twin Peaks Road. Disadvantaqes: 1. The site is too small {most of lot is unusable because of driveway that would be required to access the property}. 2. Poor access. The only access is off of westbound Ted Williams Parkway. 3. Site is not centrally located. 4. Site is not adjacent to Civic Center. Overall Ratinq: This site is not recommended. Site 13. Southeast Corner of Poway Road and Olive Tree Lan~ This site is zoned for manufacturing {MS) and includes 1.58 acres of undeveloped land. Advantaqes: 1. Adjacent to a major arterial. APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 20 of 36 JAN 10 1995 ITEM 7 Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 9 2. Property is vacant and available. Disadvantaqes: 1. The site is too small. 2. The site would be expensive to develop because of extension of access to Golden Lane from Olive Tre9 Lane. 3. Poor access from Poway Road. 4. Not centrally located. Overall .Ratinq: This site is not recommended. Site 14. Northwest Corner of Poway Road and Pomerado Road {Von's Building} This site is zoned Commercial General {CG). The building has approximately 32,000 square feet of useable space. Advantaqes: 1. The property is vacant and available. -- 2. Adjacent to two major arterials: Poway Road and Pomerado Road. 3. Easy access. 4. Not immediately adjacent to residential units. Disadvantaqes: 1. Parking would have to be shared with commercial uses. 2. The building would have to be divided with other uses. 3. The existing building would be difficult to remodel for law enforcement use. 4. No ability to provide secured parking. 5. Not located adjacent or near the Civic Center. Overall Ratinq: -~ This site is not recommended. Site 15. Northwest Corner of Poway Road and Pomerado Road (Von's Center) This is the same site as above. In addition to the Von's building there are a number of store fronts that could be considered for the proposed sheriff station. Advantaqes: 1. Adjacent to two major arterials: Poway Road and Pomerado Road, 2. Easy access. 3. Not immediately adjacent to residential units. APR g 5 1995 ITEM 8 JAN 101995 ITEM 7 21 of 36 Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 10 Disadvantaqes: 1. Parking would have to be shared with commercial uses. 2. Store fronts would have to be converted. 3. No ability to provide secured parking. 4. Not centrally located. Overall Ratinq: This iste is not recommended. Site 16. Southeast Corner of Poway Road and Gate Driw This site is zoned Community Commercial (CC). It includes 3.9 acres of undeveloped land. Advantaqes: 1. Easy access. 2. Located adjacent to a major arterial. 3. Kind of centralized. Disadvantaqes: ,- 1. Would eliminate a potential automobile dealership site. 2. Residential units nearby. Overall Ratinq: Acceptable site. Site 17. Northeast Corner of Powav Road and Olive Tree Lan~ This property was previously occupied by Whiskey Creek. It is zoned for manufacturing (MS) and is approximately 1.1 acres. Advantaqes: 1. Adjacent to a major arterial. 2. Site is vacant. Disadvantaqes: 1. Site is too small. 2. Site is not centrally located. 3. Site not easy to access during peak traffic periods. 4. Adjacent to residential units. APR g 5 1995 ITEM ,]AN 1 0 1995 ITEM 22 of 36 Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 -- Page 11 Overall Ratinq: This site is not recommended. Site 18. Northwest Corner of Civic Center Drive and Bowron Road {Huber Property) This property is zoned Commercial General (CG). It was recently purchased as an affordable housing site. The eastern portion of the property could be developed as a sheriff station and part of the affordable housing project could be moved to the Western Lumber property adjacent to the library. Advantaqe: 1. Centrally located. 2. Would be part of Civic Center Complex. 3. Poway Redevelopment Agency owns the property. 4. Easy access. 5. Located close to two major arterials; Poway Road and Community Road. 6. Secured parking could be provided. 7. Not located adjacent to residential development. Disadvantaqes: None. Overall Ratinq: Good site for the sheriff station. Based upon the review of the advantages and disadvantages of all of the sites, the Sheriff's De~partment was asked to rank the sites in order of their most preferred site. In their ranking, the Sheriff's Department included the Western Lumber site as their most preferred site. The Sheriff's Department ranked the top 5 sites as follows: _. 1. Western Lumber 2. Huber Property 3. Southeast Corner of Poway Road and Bowron Road 4. South Side of Twin Peaks West of the Circle K Market 5. Southwest Twin Peaks Road and Midland Road ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject matter of this report is exempt from environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT This report asks the City Council to provide staff guidance in siting a new APR ~ 5 1995 ITEM 8 23 of 36 JAN 1 0 1995 I'i'~ 7 Agenda Report - Potential Sheriff Station Sites January 10, 1995 Page 12 Sheriff Substation in Poway. As such, there is no immediate fiscal impact. Additional action will be required by the City Council and the fiscal impact of any recommended action will be reported at that time. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF In addition to the normal distribution, a copy of this report was sent to Jerry Hargarten, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee; Jim Marmack, Captain Poway Sheriff's Station; and John Cross, of the Real Property Division for the County of San Diego. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council provide staff guidance regarding the City Council's preference regarding the siting of ~ sheriff station. JLB/JDF Attachments: 1. Assessors Parcel Maps For Potential Sites. A:\SHER99.JDF APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 8 24 of 36 JAN 1 0 1995 ~l~ ? ~ Site ~ ~ POWAY 25 o~ 36 . '. ~ ,~ ~ ¢ ~® ~ sr R.S. 1488 TI[RRA ~ONITA OP. '~ Site 4 : m .t~, ~. ~..:., E S~A' . ...... ~ .... ~ · ,..~ ~..ili'llt t:.t..tl'/I I' ~/~ i ~ ~]~Rl~g ~h ~1~11~1~ ~ Ill/I/Jill RRlJlg~l~l~g~hl~ll~l¢l¢,' ss1995 ITEM 8 - ~' *~- ~1113111111'APR ~ '~ .,.~-~ II I f I I~ I II "' ~ ' ~ ~ 2 5 ~99s ITEM 29 of 36 ~ ~ ' JAN 1 O 1995 . [ [ I I I I,'1 I II: - .',7---~ ~.~.~ ~ ,-':: APR 2 '.- ~-"~' JAN ~0 ~995 MIDLAND RD. , ,.,-,'/..?-.:,;, ~ ...~ © · · ~. ~'~ .. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' ~ ~f~l. I~ APR 25 1995 ITEM, 8J~ ~2~.1995 I1 ',~ r " Site 17 ~(~) ,, /~-- ~.' ........ ~uso.':"'~:-''~''-'':"''- -N~-~-- ~"~?'~'~ ~ - -- ~ [ IIIIIII ~ ~ h 36 of 36 ~AN 1 0 $85 lYE] - 4' r APR g 5 1995 ITEM 8