Item 13 - CUP 94-04 Steve, Donna and Maxine Dix AGENDA .,;PORT SUMMARY FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana)~R~v~' INITIATED BY: John O..Fitch, Assistant Cit~JNanager~ Reba Wrlght-Quastler, Director of Plan~ing Services DATE: April 25, lgg5 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 94-04, Steve, Donna and Maxine Oix, Applicants ABSTRACT Clarification on the types of activities and sports that Tek-Ice is authorized to offer in accordance with the approved conditional use permit. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt (Class 1) from the California Environmental Quality Act because the use will be located within existing facilities. FISCAL IMPACT Hone. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice is not required in that the action is clarification of the intent of a previous City Council approval. The applicant has contacted other tenants within the Poway Industrial Center to advise of the proposal to also offer roller-skating related sports and training. RECOMMENDATION Staff has determined that the proposal to offer roller related sports and training by Tek-Ice is in substantial conformance with the intent of the activities approved with Conditional Use Permit 94-04. It is recommended that the City Council concur with staff and receive and file this report. ACTION E: \C I TY\ PLANN I NG\REPORT\CUP9404. SM1 1 of 6 APR 25 t995 FF~.M 13 --AGENDA REPOR CITY OF POWAY This re~ is included on ~e Qonsent Calendar. There ~ll ~ no separate di~ussion of He re~ pnor to approval ~ the C]~ Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to ~ removed from He Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this re~ pulled for discussion, ple~e fill out a slip indicating the re~ number and give it to the C]~ Clerk prior to the be~jinning of He Ci~ Council m~ting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members.ofx~.e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~l~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services Carol Rosas, Assistant Planner II DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 94-04, Steve, Donna and Maxine Dix, Applicants; Clarification on the types of activities and sports that Tek-Ice is authorized to offer in accordance with the approved conditional use permit. BACKGROUND Conditional Use Permit 94-04 was approved on June 28, 1994, by the City Council authorizing Tek-Ice to operate a figure skating and hockey training facility within an existing industrial building located at 12330 Stowe Drive. The facility provides figure skating and "ice-less" hockey training as well as allows league hockey on a simulated ice surface. Steve Dix has requested that Tek-Ice be allowed to offer rollerblading and roller hockey related classes and leagues interchangeably with the ice-less sports in accordance with the approval of Conditional Use Permit 94-04 {See Attachment A). FINDINGS Tek-Ice plans to operate the facility in the same manner whether ice-less or roller related sports are being offered. The skating surface would be changed- out periodically to accommodate either the roller or ice-less related sports. The facility is large enough to offer only one type of skating surface at a time. According to Steve Dix, on average it takes about 8 hours to assemble and install the simulated ice floor. The request of Tek-Ice has been considered and it seems that the use would generate similar traffic patterns and operate in a similar manner whether roller or ice-less related sports are being offered. To date the City has not received any complaints regarding Tek-Ice. Steve Dix has surveyed other tenants in the Poway Industrial Center and all are supportive of Tek-Ice's proposal to offer interchangeable skating surfaces (See Attachment A). Staff has therefore ACTION: 2 of 6 APR 25 1995 ITEM Agenda Report April 25, 1995 Page 2 determined that the proposal to offer roller related sports and training by Tek- Ice is in substantial conformance with the intent of the activities approved with Conditional Use Permit 94-04. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE14 Conditional Use Permit 94-04 was determined to be Categorically Exempt, Class 1 from the California Environmental Quality Act because the use is located within existing facilities. Additional environmental review is not required because the proposed use(roller related sports and training) is considered to be similar to the use that was approved by CUP 94-04 (ice-less related sports and training). ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONOENCE Public notice is not required in that the action is clarification of the intent of a previous City Council approval. The applicant has contacted other tenants within the Poway Industrial Center to advise of the proposal to also offer roller-skating related sports and training (See Attachment A). RECOMMENDATION Staff has determined that the proposal to offer roller related sports and training by Tek-Ice is in substantial conformance with the intent of the activities approved with Conditional Use Permit 94-04. It is recommended that the City Council concur with staff and receive and file this report. JLB:RWQ:CMR:kls Attachments: A. Letter dated March 27, 1995 from Steve Dix B. Location & Zoning Map APR g 5 1995 ITEI~I 1) The West Coast's 1st Ice(less) Ice Arena March 27, 1995 To all of my neighbors in the Poway industrial Center with addresses 12300 -12340 Stowe Dr., Poway, CA 92064: We at Tek-Ice Arena have would like to add to our bnsiness the sport of Rol!erblading/Rol!er Hockey. It is a sport that we have frequently been asked to provide a surface for, and we have found such a surface. There won't be any real difference in the manner in which we do business, or the hours we operate. In fact, many of our current clients for ice hockey will also come tc us for Rcller Hockey. We and the Planning D~partment feel that this should be done with ycur knowledge and blessings. We realize that it will continue to be our responsibility to maintain an environment that is consistent with what we have now. We would continue to monitor -people in the parking lot as well as vehicles to Be certain that you don't have no worry about parking spaces, i hope that you wculd all agree that to this point we have done this to your satisfaction. We also understand that if there were to be any problems, it would be Tek-Ice that would have to make modifications. If you are satisfied that we can offer this service and continue ~o respec~ and protect your privileges as tenants plea%e ~gn next to your address cn the next page. President of Tek-Ice Arena 2 %995 p~NNING DEPT. 8 1995 ,..'~iNG DEPT. ATTACHMENT A APR 2 5 1995 ITEM 13 4 of 6 !330 Stowe Drive · Poway, California 92064 · Telephone (619) 679-0500 · Fax (619) 679-6509 The We~t Coa~'e l~t Ice(le~s) Ice Arena March 27, 1995 I(We) have read the previous page outlining Tek-Ice Arenas possible addition of In-Line Skating/Roller Hockey to their Ice Arena functions, and have no objections at this time to their moving foreward, with the Planning Departments approval. 12300 Stowe Dr. X t ~/~'~/~-/x/ (title) 123 0 st°we Dr. 2_A !title) 12310 SEowe Dr. X (title) 12320 Stowe Dr. Z?il~)~7~ I?~')~ /~/5?/'~"~'~±tle) 12320 Stowe Dr. X itte) x~o,0 Stowe Dr. X 12320 Stowe Dr. X ///f~'L~+ (title) 123~0 Stowe Dr, ~(title)' APR ~ 5 1995 5 of 6 2330 Stowe Drive · Poway, California 92064 · Telephone (619) 679-0500 · Fax (619) 679-6509 MHP OS-RM RR:~ ( --- C[TY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF POWAY ITEM: cup 94-o4 LOCATION AND ZONTNG  TITLE : MAP SCALE : ~nNF ATTACHMENT : B 6 of 6 .APR 25 1995 I~£EM 13