Item 15.2 - Award of Bid Water Treatment Plant, SCADA System Improvement Project AGENDA I~ _0.~.~~ __TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ~ Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana,~ Executive Director \ INIII~AI~DB¥: John D. Fitch, Assistmnt City Manager Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service~~- Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Enginee~> April 25, 1995 S~: Award of Bid for The Water Treatment Plant mnd Distribution/ Collection SCADA System Improvement Project (~1718) This proposal would award the Lester J. Berglund Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/Collection SCADA System Improvement Project to Pacific Envirosystems, Inc., in the amount of $845,004.00. The contract time for the project is 380 working days. ~FISCALIMPACT Funds for this project have been budgeted with the overall improvement program. ENVIRONMENTAL REV)~W An environmental review of the project was previously conducted with the Conditional Use Permit approval on February 28, 1995. The review determined that the project was exempt from CEQA and a notice has been filed with the County Clerk. No additional environmental review is necessary. ADDITIONAL PUBLICNOTIFICATIONANDCORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency award the Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/Collection SCADA System Improvement Project contract to Pacific Envirosystems, Inc. in the amount of $845,004.00. ACTION 1 of 5 APR 25 1995 ITEM 15.2 AGENDA REPORT ' CITY OF POWAY This report is included on me Consent Calendar. Them will ~ ~ ~rate discussion ~ ~ re~x)rt prior to api~roval ~ me Ciby Council unless rnernbers of the Council, staff or pubtic ~uest it to b~ removed ~rorn me Consent Calendar and discussed separately If you wish to have mis re~x>~ pulled for discussion, ~ease fill o~ a slip indicating me report nurnber and g~ve it to the Ci~ Cle~ prior to me beginning of me CH Council ~ng. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager. Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service~s/yl~ Alan F. Schuler, Sen~or C~vil Eng~n DATE: April 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for The Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/ Collection SCADA System Improvement Project (#1718) City Council has authorized upgrading the Lester J. Berglund Water Treatment Plant in order to meet Federal and State drinking water treatment requirements contained in the Surface Water Treatment Rule promulgated from the Safe Drinking Water Act. On April 11, 1995 bids were opened for the Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/Collection SCADA System Improvement Project. The Engineer's Estimate was $850,000.00. The contract time for this project is 380 working days. On April 18, 1995, the Redevelopment Agency and City Council authorized a revised financing plan for the overall water treatment plant improvement program, including this contract. Staff is recommending award of contract to Pacific Envirosystems, Inc. in the amount of $845,004.00. Resolution No. 93-135, determining that this improvement project is of benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project, was adopted on August 31, 1993. .A, CTION: 2 of 5 APR 25 1995 Agenda Report - Award of Bid for Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Distribution/Collection SC, ADA System Improvement Project (1718) April 25, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS The following three (3) bids were received: A-1 A-2 A-a A-4 A-5 Total ~ Baee Bid A-9 P&oific $ 785,670 $2.,?.,~00 $ 8,913 $ 7,g06 628,120 $ 853,410 Envirosystern Rockwell $ 978,865 $59,920 $ a,950 $ 9,760 ~0,610 $1,0~,105 Electric Northern $1,088,836 $58,576 615,152 $15,652 S17,0~0 61,195,296 Digital Rockwell Electric, the second low bidder, filed a letter of intent to protest (Attachment 1) due to Pacific Envirosystems' failure to include Schedule SP9-6 in the bid package. Pacific Envirosystems submitted Schedule SP9-6, properly executed on the morning of April 12th, citing a clerical oversight. After discussions with the City Attorney, staff has concluded that this clerical error is insufficient grounds to reject the bid. Two mathematical errors were made in Pacific Envirosystems' bid. In Bid Item A-4, there was a $0.53 error and in Extra Unit Quantities, Item A-7, there was an error of $500.00. The total corrected base bid is $852,909.00. Staff has further determined that, since Item A-4, Del Poniente Pump Station will be taken out of service within the next two years, Item A-4 can be omitted from the contract. F~NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An environmental review of the project was previously conducted with the Conditional Use Permit approval on February 28, 1995. The review determined that the project was exempt from CEQA, and a notice has been filed with the County Clerk. No additional environmental review is necessary. Funds for this project have been previously budgeted with the overall capital improvement program, recently revised on April 18, 1995. 'APR 25 1995 mTEM 3 of 5 Agenda Report - Award of Bid for Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Distribution/Collection SC, ADA System Improvement Project (1718) April 25, 1995 Page 3 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency award the Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/Collection SCADA System Improvement Project contract to Pacific Envirosystems, Inc., excluding Bid Item A-4, Del Poniente Pump Station, for a contract amount of $845,004.00. ATTACHMENT I - Rockwell Letter 4 of 5 APR 25 1995 ITEM 15,2 April 11, 1995 APR ! 2 1995 Mr. Alan Schuler City of Poway, Engineering Dept. 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Subject: Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/Collection SCADA System Bid Dear Mr. Schuler, REI submitted a bid this afternoon for the subject project. The apparent Iow bidder, Pacific Envirosystems, Inc., failed to attach to their bid the "Source Information" as amended per addendum # 1. This amended list required very detailed Model and Manufacturer data for the "or equal" instruments as well as information on the local computer dealer and the LAN installer. As I understand it REI was the only bidder to submit this data. The amended sheet (SP9-6) states that "Failure to comply wfth this requirement t4411 render the bid nonresponsive and may be cause for its rejection". Please be advised that REt formally requests that Pacific Envirosystems be declared "Nonresponsive" and that REI be awarded the contract as the lowest responsive bidder. Award to Pacific Envirosystems, Inc. will cause REI to legally protest the contract award. ,~. Schuler, ~ u,,=,,,~ you for considering RE;'s position. If I can provide any additional data, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Rockwell Swanson, Presid~nt-~ Poway 545 CORPORATE DRIVE, ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 {619) 489-6767 OFFICE FAX- (619) 489-6190 ESTIMATING FAX- (619) 4890643 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT I APR 25 1995 ri'EM 1.5,2.