1995 05-02 Agenda CITY OF POWAY ~ ~ I~ il~]l I~G~ ~ i~GEND~ REGULAR MEETING - MAY 2, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL C B - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE NEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMNI$SION/REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EHERY, REXFORD, H[GG[N$ON 2. - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PUBL IONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff. ) CONSENT CALENOAR - NOTTCE TO PUBLIC I rUMB ~ 14 ... 'GH I EN'CTE) IN 0 ~ O. AT TH S OINT IN M ~ r NO DI CUS, ~ n TN TENS PR 0 TO THE VO ~ TI^ TH ME' ~S - C ' L, ST"F R THE PU SP F I o FO DI., rn ITEM -' ARE PU CO E- ~ R Y PPEA ~ .E G ' I ,.' 'ISM TO ~ I E', IL OUT A U ST TO S c- SLI ( 'EN N AV R OF ~A C-'.."ND ~ - AN R D IN OPP T ON) AND GI' IT 0 ~. CI~ ' C ER . CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* rdinance No. 445 - Second Reading - "An Ordina ce of the City of Poway, alifornia, Amending Chapter 17.37 of Title 17 o the PowayMunici al Code o allow Facia and Roof Mounted Satellite Dis es in Residenti i Zones ubject to Standards (ZOA 94-04)." (Continued rom April 18, 19 5, Item .) 701-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENOATION: Take public input; read title and waive further reading ( vote); close public hearing and adopt ordinance (roll call vote). ! ~ING$ 5.* Tentative Parcel Map 95-02, Pomerado Medical Center, Dave Palmer - MCB applicant: a request to convert the existing Medical Office complex to office condominiums at 15525 Pomerado Road. (203-02) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving subject to conditions. # Exhibit in Preparation ........... ................................... CITY OF POWAY - CITY GOUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 2, 1995 - PAGE TWO 6.* No. - "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Californi , ddi~g. Chapter~.28 t the Poway Municipal Code Adopting C rta n of Title 25 o the California Code of Re~u!ations Relat ng o obilehome Inspections, xcept Fee and Penalty P Pertain ng o he Construction, Use Ma ntenance, and Occupancy of Mobilehomes"(7 1-0 ) CITY PLRNAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; read title and waive further reading ( vote); continue public hearing to May 23, lgg4 for second reading of the ordinance. 7.* Establishment of Fees for Mobilehome Services; and an amendment to the contract with Esgil Corporation for Mobilehome I Services. (402-05)(602-01 #58) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMEND TXON: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Resolution establ shing fee schedule for services and authorize amendment to he existing contract with Esgil Corporation to include mobilehome park nspection STAFF REPORTS 8.* Report regarding County of San Oiego's intention to construct a homeless shelter on their surplus property at the southwest corner of Pomerado and Oak Knoll Roads, as reported in the February 7, lg95 San Diet Tribune. (referred from February 7, 1995, Item 168). (1504-21) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENOATION: Receive and file report that there is no current propsal to build a homeless shelter in Poway. 9.* Development Review 95-04, Lester Wiederrich, applicant: a request to construct a 2,497 square foot medical office complex to replace the existing 1,697 square foot building located at 14103 Poway Road. (203-14) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. 10.* esolution No. 95- Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect ssessm nts Within Powa Landscape Maintenance District 83-1 for Fiscal ear 19 5-96 and Settin the Public Hearings for May 23, 1995, nd June 7, 199 ; and Approvin gineer's Report Outlini Assessments. Zone A: ancho rbolitos; A op idge I and II, AICA Poway rods; The Colon es, AKA owa lls; Casa ea , Unit 7; Rancho Espola; ountry Creek; oodland ill ; om unity 1 V 1 as, AKA Poway 16; Park illage Condos; Cicero- aci ic; ateway/ a *anda; Jonathan Park ane; ndian Trails; oys er/Foo man Lane; armel Vista; Midland Es ates; tobbs; Cu ick; iroma Esta es; Royster Stone Canyon. Zone B: win Pea s Plaza; rban conomic; 1 Rancho Grande, Montessori; Pomerado oarding are; indercare. (70 -07) XTY MAMAGER'S RECOMMENDA ON: Adopt Re olution; approve Engineer's eport recommending the fo owing s which will be discussed at he public hearings on May and June 27, 1 95: Zone A, $118.48 per year no change); Zone B, $255. per year (no c ange}. Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY ~;OUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 2, 1995 - PAGE THREE 11.* esolution No. 95- - Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Within~way District 86-1 for Fiscal ear lg95-96 and Setting the Public Hearin s for May 23, lggs, and June 7, 1995; and Approving Engineer's Report 0 linin A (Zone A: ridlewood; Piedmont Park; Stone Canyon Par ; The rove; Huntington Gate; rimes; Jemy Corporation; Stratford; Green alley roves; Serenat ; Green alley Oaks; Bernardo Winery; Liu; Krikoriantz. one B: Poway hapel. 705-09 ITY #A~LAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution; approve En ineer' eport recommending the following ts which will be disc ssed a he public hearings on May 23 and June 27, 1995: Zone A, $261.00 per year decreased from $261.02); Zone B, no 12.* esolution No. 95- - Declaring the Intention to Levy and C llect ssessments Within l~6-way Landscape Maintenance District 86-2 for iscal ear 1995-96 and Setting the Public Hearing for June 27, Igg ; and Report Outlining (Zone A: unrise nch; ~ilve~Ridge; Garden Road; La Paz Summit; Kadon Ranch. one B: camore Creek). (05-11) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution; approve Engineer's Report recommending the following which will be discussed at the public hearing on June 27, 1995: Zone A, $186.16 per year (no change); Zone B, $240.90 per year (decreased from $242.34}. 13.* esolution No. 95- Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Within-P-~-way Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal ear 995-96 and Setting the Public Hearings for May 23, 1995, and June 7, 1 95; and Approving Engineer's Report Outlining Assessments. (Zone A: he ond; Sy amo e Springs; Carriage Road Townho es; Creekside Lane ~ondos. Zone : vcamore Springs; Wal-Mart; Rancho owing/Storage; Poway News Chiefta n; .ortuary Services Int'l; Creeks de Plaza; St. Mar Enterprises; hil ten/Preventive Dental; MegaFoods laza.) (705-12} ITY NANAGER'S RECONMEND ON: Adopt Re olution; approve Engineer's eport recommending the fo owing which will be discussed at he public hearings on May and June 27, 1 95: Zone A, $163.00 per year no change); Zone B, $113. * per year (no c ange). (DAR 14.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of April 10-14, 1995(401-10) 15.* Receive and file Community Swim Center Quarterly Report (December, 1994- March, 1995) {1401-01) Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY~OUNCIL AGENDA -MAY 2, 1995 - PAGE FOUR 16.* Resolution No. P-95- - Temporary Use Permit 95-13, Ranchos Cycling Club/Alan Tragarz, app~ant: a request for approval of a bicycle race to be held in the South Poway Business Park on Sunday, May 14, 1995(203-07) 17.* Appropriation of $1,000 for a contribution to Cities for Restoring Direct Allocation of Motor Vehicle Leasing Tax Revenue. (1180-05) 18.# Status of pending legislation. (701-11) 19. ORNEY ~TEHS 20. ~!::~.::~ :.:~ ~ ~ ~ ~:'~ .~ ............. >.~ . .............. HAl rlATED ITEHS 21. H~CKEY CAFAGNA 22. SUSAN CALLERY 23. ROBERT EHERY 24. BETTY REXFORD: DO~ HI,GIbSOn: AD~OURNHENT