Item 11 - Engineer's Rpt & Resolution Intent Levy & Collect LMD 86-1 AGENDAJœPORT SUMMARY ""' TO: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagercfA- James R. Williams, Director of Public SM-vices IT Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aider May 2, 1995 - FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Engineer's Report and Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 for Fiscal Year 1995/96 and Set Dates for Public Hearings ABSTRACT The maintenance of public landscape improvements within Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 requires funding The California Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 [ACT] allows for the collection of assessments from parcels annexed into the district for this purpose. In order to collect assessments. Chapter 3 of the ACT requires a resolution declaring the lntention to levy and collect assessments and an Engineer's report. There are currently 812 residential parcels in Zone A of the district, and 1 commercial (church) parcel in Zone B No FY 1995/96 assessment increases are proposed for either zone. ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient revenues will be generated by assessments to offset the District's maintenance costs. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE - Lisa Alexander. Fidelity National Title [requested] for reference RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) adopt the attached resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-1 for FY 1995/96; 2) approve the Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for FY 1995/96; and 3) set two public hearings. May 23. and June 27. 1995. I ACTION I 1 of 48 MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 - AGENDA REPOR~ CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Clty Council James L Bowersox, City Man~ John D Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~~ James R 0 Wi 11 i ams, Di rector of Pub 11 c S~rvi ces Patricia So Nelson, Management Aide~ May 2, 1995 ~ FROM: INITIATED BY DATE SUBJECT Engineer's Report and Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 for Fiscal Year 1995/96 and Set Date for Public Hearing BACKGROUND Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 was formed on June 12, 1986 to maintain landscape and hardscape lmprovements which were required as conditions of approval for the various subdivisions included within the district boundarles, District 86-1 includes the following developments within Zones "A" and "B": ZONE "A" Tentative Maps Development ~ TM 4090 through 4093R TM 3545 TM 4158 TM 84-08 TM 86-01 (Unit 1) TPM 87-05 TPM 88-02 TM 87-08 Bridlewood Piedmont Park Stone Canyon Park The Grove Huntington Gate Gri mes Jemy Corporat ion Stratford 414 78 21 73 70 4 2 4,5 r ACTION 2 of 48 MAY 2 1995 HEM 11 )) Agenda Report - Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 86-1 May 2, 1995 Page 2 Tentative Maps Developments !.!.!:1.ili. TM 88-15 TM 87-05 TM 88-12 TM 88-11 TPM 86-05 TTM 89-07 Green Valley Groves Serenata Green Valley Oaks Bernardo Winery Liu Krikoriantz 50 26 2.5 26 2 3 TOTAL 776 ZONE "B" £.r.Q.ie.ç1 Development !.!.!:1.ili. DR 89-19 Poway Chapel FINDINGS The estimated value of the LMD improvements for Zones "A" and "B" are $3,140,000 and $41,000, respectively. The proposed 1995/96 assessments will remain at the FY 1994/95 level of $261.00 per year [or $21.75 per month] per unit for Zone "A." This assessment/unit is based on the assessment revenue amount of $202.536 divided by the number of units (776). Zone "B" will have no assessment levied. as the Church of the Latter Day Saints has agreed to maintain the rights-of-way borderlng their property for perpetuity. An interim public hearing to accept public testimony is required due to assessments being levied against three newly annexed parcels being added to the District. The Engi neer' s report (Attachment 2) and assessment recommendations for the district as presented for annual City Council consideration and public comment has been found to be technically correct as presented. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. MAY 2 1995 l1'ëM 11 3 of 48 Agenda Report - Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 86-1 May 2, 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient revenues will be generated by assessments to offset the District's maintenance costs PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE - Lisa Alexander, Fidelity National Title [requested] for reference. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Adopt the attached resolution (Attachment 1) declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-1 for FY 1995/96; 2) Approve the Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for FY 1995/96; and, 3) Set two required public hearings. May 23. and June 27. 1995. JLB;JDFJRWPSN Attachments; 1. 2. Resolution Engineer's Report MAY 2 1995 Ii ¿M 11 4 of 48 RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY. CALIFORNIA DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 for the purpose of maintaining. servlcing. and operating public landscape facilltles located withln the territory comprlsed of said district as shown in Exhiblt "A" of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk's Office. pursuant to the Landscape and Llghting Act of 1972: and WHEREAS. the public lnterest and convenience require the maintenance. service. and operation of public landscaping and soundwalls within said territory. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: 1. The foregoi ng recita 1 s are true and correct and the Ci ty Counci 1 so finds and determines. 2. Proposed assessments are as detalled in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-1 for fiscal year 1995/96. 3. Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code. two public hearlngs wi 11 be held on May 23. and June 27. 1995 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall to consider the levy and collection of the proposed assessments. PASSED, ADOPTED. and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway. California, at a regular meeting this 2nd day of May. 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST Marjorie K. Wahlsten. City Clerk !¡jAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 5 of 48 Resolution No 95- Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I. Marjorie K. Wahlsten. City Clerk of the City of Poway. do hereby certlfy that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- . was duly adopted by the City Council at a meetlng of said City Councll held on the 2nd of May. 1995. and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: MarJorle K. Wahlsten. City Clerk 6 of 48 MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 -":;:"'-, \ \ \ \ \ \ .... "". ~ ""~~'" ~ ~ " NO SCALE 7 of 48 80UNDARY OF LMD 86-1 MAY 2 1995 Ii ¿tV] 11 ENGI NEER 'S REPORT FOR POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 PURPOSE District 86-1 was formed on June 12. 1986 for the purpose of flnancing the maintenance of landscape improvements lnstalled in conjunction wlth new subdivisions within the boundaries of the district (Exhibit A) This report sets forth the flndings and engineering analysis for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 for fiscal year 1995/96. FINDINGS The Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 (Act) allows assessments to be levled for the malntenance of certain public improvements within a subject district according to benefit rather than estimated value (Section 22573). The necessary revenue required to maintaln the landscaping improvements within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 have been calculated according to benefit for fiscal year 1995/96 as provided for by the Act. All assessments collected within this District will be expended on maintenance. utilities. and administration of District 86-1 landscaping improvements. Although no new district improvements have been added during the past fiscal year. six parcels have been annexed into the district. These six parcels. located off Stone Canyon Road. are not immediately adjacent to. nor have access through. developments containing lmprovements maintalned by the distrlct. Therefore. they will be assessed at a rate of 50 percent according to current policy. ENGINEERING and BENEFIT ANALYSES The name of this district is Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 86-1. The boundary of the district is shown on Exhibit A. Property lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the landscaping maintenance district are shown in detail on the County of San Diego Assessor's maps. These maps are on file in the County Assessor's Offlce. 1600 PaciflC Highway. Room 103. San Diego. California 92101. On February 25. 1992. by Council Resolution No. 92-039. Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 was divided into two subzones: 86-1A for residential. and 86-18 for commerclal Assessments for each subzone of the distrlct will be calculated on a per unit basis by dlviding the required revenue by the total unlts within each district. 8 of 48 MAY 2 1995 IT~M 11 LMD 86-1 Eng1neer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 2 LMD 86-1. Zone A [residential] conslsts of the following developments: ~ Deve 1 ooment !J.!Jì.ti TTMs 4090R. 4091R. 4092R 8ridlewood 414 4093R TTM 3545 Piedmont Park 78 TTM 84-08 The Grove 73 TTM 86-01 Hunt i ngton Gate 70 Units 1 and II TTM 4158 Stone Canyon Ranch 21 TPM 88-02 Jemy Corporation 2 TTM 87 -08 Stratford/Ti erra 8oni ta *4.5 TTM 87-05 Serenata 26 TPM 87-05 Gri mes 4 TTM 88-11 Bernardo Winery Estates *26 TTM 88-12 Green Valley Oaks *25 TTM 88-15 Green Valley Groves 50 TPM 86-05 Liu 2 TTM 89-07 Krikoriantz *3 Total Units Assessed 776 Assessments will be collected from properties annexed into the district. However. assessments cannot be collected from public-owned parcels (i .e.. all public streets. public avenues. public lanes. public roads. public drives. public courts. public alleys. all easements and rights-of-way. all public parks. greenbelts and parkways. and all public school property being used for pub 1 i c school purposes). * Under current City policy. subdivisions consisting of five or more lots that do not have direct access through. or are not lmmediately adjacent to developments containing improvements malntalned by a landscape maintenance district. shall be assessed at 50 percent Stratford/Tierra 8onita (9 parcels). Bernardo Winery Estates (52 parcels). Green Valley Oaks (5 parcels). and Krlkoriantz (6 parcels) are subdivisions subject to this policy 9 of 48 LMD 86-1 Engineer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 3 LMD 86-1, Zone B is made up of the following developments: ~ Development :::.u.oJ..li CUP 89-06/DR 89-18 LOS Poway Chapel 12.24 FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE The facilities to be maintained by Zone "A" of the district are defined as the landscape and hardscape improvements within the rights-of-way adjacent to portions of Espola and Twin Peaks Roads. Facilities to be maintained by Zone "B" of the district are defined as the landscape and hardscape improvements within the rights-of-way at the southeast corner of Espola and Twin Peaks Roads. The estimated value of the existing improvements to be maintained under this Landscaping Maintenance District LMD 86-1, Zone "A" is $3,130.000. The value of existing improvements under LMD 86-1. Zone "B" to be maintained is estimated at $41.000. Performance standards and specifications have been developed for the landscape maintenance improvements to assure a level of quality of landscape assessment district properties. A recent assessment of the present level of quality has been conducted, and the current malntenance levels meet the City's landscape maintenance standards. ** Commercial units are calculated as one net acre = four units (based on SANDAG studies) 10 of 48 ¡,jAY 2 1995 rf all 11 LMD 86-1 Englneer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 4 PROPOSED BUDGET LMD 86.1A FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 Contract 94.880 88.780 88.050 Water 1 Power 74,770 83.920 87.000 Administration 22.340 24.610 23.360 BUDGET 191. 990 197,310 198,410 6-MQnth Reserve 95.995 98,655 99.205 TOTAL 287,985 295.965 297,615 Cash Carry Over (103.550) (95.995) (98.655) Interest Used 0 0 0 Reserves Used 0 0 0 REQUIRED REVENUE 201.770 201.543 198.960 Reserves Added 17.335 1.783 3.576 Interest Earned 0 1.590 3.000 Appropriated Reserve Fund Balance 36.685 40.058 46.634 ASSESSMENT The assessment for each unit within Zone A is: Required Revenue No of Units = $202 536 = $261.00/year (or $21.75 per month) per 776 residential unit No increase in assessments is anticipated for FY 95/96. Zone "B" No budget has been completed for this lone. as the LOS Church has agreed to maintain landscape improvements along the rights-of-way bordering their property for perpetuity. No assessment will be collected for the maintenance of the LOS Church property MAY 2 1995 ITï::M 11 11 of 48 LMD 86-1 Englneer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 5 A complete parcel listing and their respective assessments are shown on Exhibit "C" which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. City of Poway. California. Respectfully submitted. ~~"l~ Jam s R. Williams, P.E, . ,E. HI-4778 -.J /1\ \'ct 5 Date MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 12 of 48 "A" : ::J r ru1 ¡..J _1 u I r-.J _JiJ \ \ \ \ \ \ " ,~ ~ ::"" ~~ ".;: BOUNOARY OF LMO 86-1 NO SCALE MAY 2 1995 ITeM 11 13 of 48 BRIDLEWOOD TM 4090-R NO SCALE 14 of 48 EXHIBIT "B" ZONE "A" Sheet No, --1- ",§~_'!fLfJ' ~ r~ÚC¡( fRAIL I SITé VlCINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD NO, 86-1 MAY 2 1995 ITëM 11 ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No. --'- I ro 1Ir. "'50' ~ BRIDLEWOOD TM 4091-R NO SCALE 15 of <18 S/T~ VICINITY MAP ~a= LMD NO. 86-1 ¡¡iAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 ZONE 'A' EXHIBIT 'B' Sheet No. Î- BRIDLEWOOD , .~ ¡..., ~ SITE' 1 TM 4092-R VlCINITY MAP NO SCALE ¡L 16 of 48 ¡,iAY 2 1995 rr:=M 11 ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No. ---L- ~~I ~ BRIDLEWOOD ~ ~ TM 4093-R MAP NO SCALE BOUNDARY OF LMD NO, 86-1 17 of 48 MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 PIEDMONT PARK TM 3545 NO SCALE 18 of 48 'IU!.OW'IMIOA T ~QJ. ) ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No. .....5....... t rtJ 111'. "/6- PtJW~ 1lP. ~. q, ~ "- ~ VICINITY ~"'" ~ .v ~'" ~ rð ;:;1/ P€AU 1i!P. MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD NO, 86-1 L/ TITAN WAY ! I MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 .' STONE CANYON RANCH TM 3545 NO SCALE 1° of 48 ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No, ~ ! ~ ~.:, ~ SITe VICINITY MAP ~ ;;¡ õ õ 0 :!: BOUNDARY OF \.. LMD NO, 86-1 ----.. MAY 2 1995 n ¿y¡ 11 JEMY CORP. EXHIBIT "B" TPM 88-02 NO SCALE ZONE "A" Sheet No, ~ f Ta :-/5 po WAY ,qa ~ ~ ~ ~ VICINITY ~ ~ ~ ¡ TO ?OWA'r ROAD MAP 4L YELLOWïHROA ï ROAD ,-- BOUNDARY OF LMD NO. 86-1 20 of 48 DODDER Cï, ~I f¡1AY 2 1995 naj 11 THE GROVE ZONE 'A' EXHIBIT 'B' Sheet No. --8- k';o~TRO, TIM 84-08 NO SCALE 21 of 48 MAP ~\ I. \ " BOUNDARY OF LMD NO. 86-1 ~ , [:j\ 0' . < "- C '" 1 MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No, ---L- TIM 86-01 UNITS 1 & 2 HUNTINGTON GATE V1CINITY ... ~ ~ f r~ 1'1WAY li'iJA() MAP --------- , eEL ) l PCN<E'<'1: RO~û NO SCALE , , 22 of dS MAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 GRIMES TPM 87-05 NO SCALE WJLDGROVE RD. 23 of 43 ~I ? Ul!: ; V P°"'" I ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No, ~ . POW"1 /i'D. rPA/£.'NI"a 'I n "'/11 pw:nlo. VlCINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD NO. 86-1 e:: a f- LU (f) Z :;:¡ (f) 1 f,IAY 2 1995 I EM 11 EXHIBIT "B" STRATFORD/TIERRA BONITA TIM 87-08 NO SCALE :... ..... ~~ ~~ ~ ZONE "A" Sheet No, --11-. ~. ~ ~ ~ TWIN <q pe-4KS Rf) C:UNT1i'r (ReO' ROil f) . ~ 1è SITE' x T~ P~M1 . RUt) V1CINITY MAP BONITA RO, / BOUNDARY OF / LMD NO. 86-1 ; , , 24 of 48 TIERRA BONITA COURT !¡IAY 2 1995 I j c.M 11 ZONE "A" EXHIBIT 8B8 Sheet No. ---1L UNITS 1 & 3 ! ~ \(0, GREEN VALLEY GROVES c:,. ~ "i; TIM 88-15 '" ~ ~ \ TO P1'1{¡! ROlle \I1CINITY MAP NO SCALE BOUNDARY OF LMD NO. 86-1 25 of 48 MAY 2 1995 IT~M 11 SERENATA EXHIBIT 'B' ZONE 'A' Sheet No. -1L ~ TTM 87-05 ~ NO SCALE 26 of 48 VICINITY ci a 0 <{ 0 a::: <{ --.J 0 0... (/) w VALLE '- / / MAP EnJ \ ()AR( a= LMD NO. 86-1 ROAD " EXHIBIT "B" GREEN VALLEY OAKS TIM 88-12 \.¡ "- .... ~ NO SCALE VlC1NlïY MAP 1-/1 , f I ! ! \/ ! \, ~ \ I \ I I :J ZONE "A" Sheet No. -1L i ~a= LMD NO, 86-1 27 of 48 MAY 2 1995 n ¿M 11 ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B8 Sheet No. ~ BERNARDO WINERY ESTATES SITC ( TIM 88-11 NO SCALE 'v1CINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF lMD NO, 86-1 ~ 28 of 48 MAY 2 1995 Ii cd! 11 EXHIBIT "B" LlU TPM 86-05 ~ ~ ~ ~ NO SCALE ZONE "A" Sheet No, ~ ~ VlCINITY MAP ~ BOUNDARY OF LMD NO. 86-1 ~ 1::1»../\ I ' ", r" . L~J 29 of 48 ¡,ìAY 2 1995 ITEM 11 KRIKORIANTZ TTM 89-07 NO SCALE 30 of 48 8 (..... 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