Item 13 - Engineer's Rpt & Resolution Intent Levy & Collect LMD 86-3 AGEND~PORTSù~ARY TO: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~J':r & James R. Williams, Director of Public S rvices Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide «..x-' May 2, 1995 ..-- FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Engineer's Report and Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 1995/96 and Set Dates for Public Hearings ABSTRACT The maintenance of public landscape improvements within Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 requires funding. The California Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 [ACT] allows for the collection of assessments from parcels annexed into the district for this purpose. In order to collect assessments, Chapter 3 of the ACT requires a resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments and an Engineer's report. There are currently 149 residential parcels in Zone A of the district for a total of 137 units and 20 commercial parcels in Zone B for a total of 177.7 units No FY 1995/96 assessment increases are proposed for either lone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Suffi C1 ent revenues wi 11 be generated by assessments to offset the District's maintenance costs. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE - None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) adopt the attached resolution declaring the intent1on to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-3 for FY 1995/96: 2) approve the Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for FY 1995/96: and, 3) set two public hearings for May 23. and June 27. 1995. ACTION 1 of 31 MAY 2 1995 rr2M 13 I . ~ AGENDA REPORrl CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox. City Man~ ~ John 0 Fitch. Asslstant City Manager~ ~~ James R. Williams. Director of Public services~ Patricia S. Nelson. Management Aide~ May 2. 1995 FROM. INITIATED BY. DATE: SUBJECT: Enoineer's Report and Resolution DeclarinG the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 1995/96 and Set Dates for Pub 1 i c Heari nos BACKGROUND The landscape maintenance district was formed on May 20. 1986 to maintain landscape improvements and soundwalls required as conditions of approval for the various subdivisions included within the district boundaries. District 86-3 Zone A includes the following residential developments: ~ Subdivision TM 3994 TTM 88-03 TTM 89-06 TPM 91-05 The Pond Sycamore Springs Carri age Road Townhomes Creekside Lane Condos TOTAL Zone B [commercial developments] includes the following: Development ~ TTM 88-03 TPM 90-04 Sycamore Spri ngs Wa 1 Mart r ACTION, 2 of 31 ¡,¡M ìó 1:J~~ Units 30 67 36 4 137 Units 2.88 71.44 Agenda Report -Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 86-3 May 2, 1995 Page 2 Development CUP 90-18 MDR 92-27 DR 91-28 TTM 90-05 CUP 92-08/DR 92-14 DR 92-08 Under Bldg. Permit FINDINGS P./:Qjlli !!.nlli Rancho Towing/Storage Poway News Chieftain Mortuary Services Int'l Creekside Plaza St. Mar Enterprises Children/Preventive Dental MegaFoods Plaza 1.46 1.42 1.42 60,12 1. 88 .80 36,28 TOTAL 177 , 70 The estimated value of the LMD improvements being maintained within Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 is $321.000 for Zone "A" and $130,000 for Zone "8," The proposed 1995/96 assessments will remain at the FY 1994/95 rate of $163.00 per year [or $13,58 per month] and $113,80 per year [or $9,48 per month] per unit for Zones A and B, respectively. An Engineer's Report and assessment recommendations for the district must be presented for City Council consideration and public comment on an annual basis, This report (Attachment 2) has been found to be technically correct as presented. An interim public hearing to accept public testimony is required due to a new assessment being levied against a parcel, No new landscaping maintenance areas are being added to the District, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient revenues will be generated by assessments to offset the District's maintenance costs. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE - None 3 of 31 MAY 2 1995 ll"ëM 13 Agenda Report -Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 86-3 May 2. 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Adopt the attached resolution (Attachment 1) declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-3 for FY 1995/96: 2) Approve the Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for FY 1995/96; and. 3) Set two public hearings for May 23. June 27, 1995. JLB:JDF JRW:PSN Attachments: l. 2. Resolution Engineer's Report 4 of 31 MAY 2 1995 ITC:M 13 RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY. CALIFORNIA DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for the purpose of maintaining, servicing, and operating public landscape facilities located wlthin the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit "A" of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk's Office, pursuant to the Landscape and Lightlng Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience require the maintenance, service, and operation of public landscaping and soundwalls within said territory, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci 1 of the City of Poway as follows; 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Councll so finds and determines. 2. Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-3 for fiscal year 1995/96. 3. Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code, two public hearings will be held on May 23, and June 27, 1995 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall to consider the levy and collection of the proposed assessments. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 2nd day of May, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 5 of 31 Resolutlon No. 95- Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I. Marjorie K. Wahlsten. City Clerk of the City of Poway. do hereby certlfy that the foregoing Resolution No 95- . was duly adopted by the City Councll at a meeting of said City Council held on the 2nd of May. 1995. and that it was so adopted by the following vote' AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT Marjorie K. Wahlsten. City Clerk MAY 2 1995 ITeM 13 6 of 31 I \ -':::"-, - \ \ \ \ \ \ ".;);o~,., "" "A" jr r--1 I.J -1 u : r-J , _Ji.J \ '. " ~ NO SCALE 7 of 31 ~lAY 2 1995 I; ¿N1 13 ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 PURPOSE Dlstrict 86-3 was formed on May 20, 1986 for the purpose of financing the maintenance of landscape improvements lnstalled in conjunction with new subdivisions wlthln the boundaries of the distrlct (Exhiblt A). ThlS report sets forth the findings and engineering analysis for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for fiscal year 1995/96, FINDINGS The Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 (Act) allows assessments to be levled for the maintenance of certain public improvements within a subject district according to benefit rather than estimated value (Section 22573), The necessary revenue required to maintain the landscaping improvements within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 have been calculated according to benefit for fiscal year 1995/96 as provided for by the Act. All assessments collected within this District will be expended on maintenance, utllities, and administration of District 86-3 landscaping improvements, Although no new district improvements have been added during the past fiscal year, one parcel has been annexed into Zone B of the district, This parcel, known as MegaFoods Plaza, is at the northeast corner of Poway and Midland Roads It is diagonally adjacent to the Creekside Plaza landscape - District maintained improvements, Therefore, this parcel will be assessed at a rate of 100 percent according to current policy, ENGINEERING and BENEFIT ANALYSES The name of this district is Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 86-3. The boundary of the district is shown on Exhibit A. Property lines and dlmensions of each lot or parcel of land within the landscaping maintenance district are shown in detail on the County of San Diego Assessor's maps These maps are on file in the County Assessor's Office. 1600 Pacific Highway. Room 103. San Diego. California 92101. On February 25, 1992. by Council Resolutlon No. 92-039. Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 was divided into two subzones: 86-3A for residential and 86-3B for commerclal Assessments for each subzone of the district will be calculated on a per unit basis by dividlng the assessment revenue by the total units within each district, MAY 2 1995 IT~M 13 8 of 31 LMD 86-3 Englneer's Report Flscal Year 1995/96 Page 2 Zone A consists of the following residential developments' ~ Development Uñi ts TTM TTM TTM TPM 3994 88-03 89-06 91-05 The Pond Sycamore Springs Carriage Road Townhomes Creekside Lane Condos 30 67 *36 *4 Total Units Assessed 137 Zone B consists of the following commerclal developments: ~ TTM 88-03 TPM 90-04 CUP 90-18 MDR 92-27 DR 91-28 Develooment Sycamore Spri ngs Wal Mart Rancho Towi ng & Storage Poway News Chieftain Mortuary Services Internati ana 1 Creekslde Plaza St. Mar Enterprises Children/Preventive Dental MegaFoods Plaza ~ 288 71.44 ***1.46 ***1. 42 TTM 90-05 CUP 92-08/DR 92-14 DR 92-08 Under Bldg Permit ***1. 42 60 12 ***1 88 ***.80 36.28 Total Units Assessed 177.7 Assessments will be collected from properties annexed into the dlstrict. However, assessments cannot be collected from pub 1 ie-owned pa rce 1 s (i. e . all public streets, public avenues, public lanes, public roads. public drives, publlC courts, public alleys, all easements and rights-of-way, all public parks, greenbelts and parkways, and all public school property being used for public school purposes). --_u_--------_u_u_---- * Under current City policy, subdlvisions consisting of five or more lots that do not have direct access through. or are not immediately adjacent to developments containing improvements maintained by a landscape maintenance district, shall be assessed at 50 percent. Carriage Road Townhomes (72 parcels) and Creekside Lane Condos (8 parcels) are developments subject to this policy. ** Commercial units are calculated as one net acre = four units (based on SANDAG studies) ***Under current pOll cy. all commerci a 1/ i ndustri a 1 developments that do not meet the criteria (having direct access through, or are immediately adjacent to developments containlng improvements maintained by a landscape malntenance district) shall be assessed at a 50 percent rate. !¡1AY 2 1995 r- ~v 13 9 of 31 LMD Engineer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 3 FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE The facilities to be maintained by the dlstrict are defined as the landscape and hardscape improvements within the rights-of-way adjacent to portions of Pomerado Road, Beeler Creek, and an area along Poway Road at the intersection of Oak Knoll Road for Zone "A." Zone "B" facilltles to be maintained by the district are presently defined as the landscape and hardscape lmprovements along portions of Poway. Midland. and Community Roads. The estimated value of the existing lmprovements to be maintained under Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 is $321.000 for Zone A, and $130.000 for Zone B. Performance standards and specifications have been developed for the landscape maintenance improvements to assure a level of quality of landscape assessment district properties. A recent assessment of the present level of quality has been conducted, and the current maintenance levels meet the City's landscape maintenance standards. 10 of 31 MAY 2 1995 ij a1 13 LMD 86-3 Englneer's Report Flscal Year 1995/96 Page 4 PROPOSED BUDGET Zone "A" LMD 86.3A FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 Contract 11,410 10.920 11.150 Water/Power 5.200 6.900 6.400 Administration 4.060 3,950 3,460 BUDGET 20.670 21,770 21. 010 6-Month Reserve 10.335 10.885 10.505 TOTAL 31.005 32.655 31.515 Cash Carry Over Cll.110) 00.335) 00.885) Interest Used 0 0 0 Reserves Used 0 0 0 Reserves Added 0 1.701 *10.272 Interest Earned 0 0 0 Appropriated Reserve Fund Balance 2,436 2.437 14.410 ASSESSMENTS The assessment for each unit within Zone A is: Required Revenue No. of Units 122...JJl = $163.00/year (or $13.583/month) per 137 residential unit No increase in assessments are anticipated for FY 95/96. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- *A total of $17.000 was received from the Sunwood (aka Pond) subdivlsion developer at the completion of project and placed in a Capital Improvement Project accounting budget. As of March 1995. $6.727.73 was spent for the purchase of a pump and installation of LMD landscaping. The CIP project account is being closed. and the balance of funds returned to the District reserve fund account. MAY 2 1995 17¿:NI 13 11 of 31 LMD 86-3 Englneer's ""port Flscal Year 1995/96 Page 5 Zone "B" LMD 86-3B FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 Contract 4,000 8,400 8,900 Water/Power 2,300 2,800 2,720 Administration 980 1,290 2,200 BUDGET 7,280 12,490 13,820 6-Month Reserve 3,640 6,245 6,910 TOTAL 10,920 18,735 20,730 Cash Carry Over 0 (3,640) (6,245) Interest Used 0 (50) 0 Reserves Used 0 0 0 REQUIRED REVENUE 14.485 Reserves Added 8,820 1,050 5,737 Interest Earned 50 350 Appropriated Reserve Fund Balance 8,820 9,870 15,957 ASSESSMENTS The assessment for each unit within Zone B is: ReQuired Revenue No of Uni ts $20 222 = $113,80/year (or 9,48/month) per unit 177.7 A complete parcel listing with respective assessments 1S shown on Exhibit "C" on file in the office of the City Clerk, City of Poway, California, Respectfully submitted, ( :JJ (}oJ ~ ~ Date 12 of 31 !,ìAY 2 1995 1'7¿~VJ 13 \ \ -:::'-... - \ \ \ \ \ \ "~~". ~ '~ NO SCALE "A" ~r r'-1 I j -1 U I . I J r-- , -J1.J \, 13 of 31 I:' -',] 13 ' ¡,lAY 2 1995 ' ,-, EXHIBIT "B" THE POND (aka SUNWOOm TM 3994 14 of 31 ~. NO SCALE IlOllJé# V;éY¿: LN.- P / NT ¡; (h..t/ ~~á 5/TEtIÇ;/eo C()UNA ~ VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No, 86-3 ZONE "A" Sheet No. ....L ".0 $ ZONE "A" Sheet N~, ..L EXHIBIT "B" SYCAMORE SPRINGS (aka POWAY ESTATES) (Residential) TIM 88-03 NO SCALE VICINITY MAP 1995 L-~"!.¡Î 13 15 of 31 CARRIAGE ROAD TOWN HOMES TIM 89-06 NO SCALE ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet No-. ...L VICINITY MAP 16 of 31 ~ MAY 2 1995 rr ¿)}] 13 17 of 31 CREEKSIDE CONDOS TPM 91-05 NO SCALE ZONE "A" EXHIBIT "B" Sheet NG-. ~ VICINITY MAP "POlLJ~'( ~ ~l--~'~~G_~~"~.' b. ¡21 I ~---r--j BOUNDARY OF LMD No, 86-3 R.OAt) '2 :! £ £ 0 V ~ MAY 2 1995 r¡:::~,1 13 WAL MART TPM 90-04 18 of 31 NO SCALE EXHIBIT "B" " z .. 4 ... £ VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No, 86-3 \ ~ \ L.LE:F\A.,'j ~ n.OAD :---------tl ¡; I L - -\ °1 I I. ¿ I I 0 1<1. 7" I I r I I A í I I Z ~ I ~ f I I ~ £ ---- -~ ------- E 0 ~ \J '\. I '\. ¡ ....... '-- ZONE "B" Sheet Na: i ~ [¡JAY 2 1995 I'T~NI 13 SYCAM EXH ORE SPRING IBIT "B" (Commercial) S (aka POWAY ESTAT ES) TIM 88-03 ZONE "B" Sheet No--. -L NO SCALE 19 of 31 -; ~ U>I\D VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No. 86-3 L\p¡ ~...'t> --~ ..... ~OP ,... ~&;.-:< \ ,} ~~ \ ~ \ \ 0 \ \ "1- \ --!.- \ \ \ ) \ /// ~:~~~ ~o~ ~ " MAY 2 1995 lïcM 13 RANCHO TOWING AND STORAGE CUP 90-18 NO SCALE 1'01.»1'1" ~oP,J) EXHIBIT "B" VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No. 86-3 20 of 31 I I I I I I I L_-J t uJ ~ ::S CJ ZONE "B" Sheet No-: ....L ~ y ': ~ e ~ .9 MAY 2 1995 lTèM 13 POWAY NEWS CHIEFTAIN MDR 92-27 NO SCALE "'POWPoY 21 of 31 ZONE "8" Sheet NO'. ---4- EXHIBIT "B" VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No, 86-3 ~ ~ 0 ~ 1; Q r:l. 3 <J ~ , , I I I ¡ : I L__-.J MAY 2 1995 IT.ë:ìv1 13 MORTUARY SERVICES INTERNATIONAL DR 91-28 NO SCALE EXHIBIT "B" f'0.....4 ROI\Þ ~ ,\ 1:; SrTE: VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No, 86,3 "-° ~ 1- - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-____I POWF'\~ 22 of 31 Q ~ z :l 3 0 f ZONE "B" Sheet No.....§... ÇJ 41 .,. ~ ~- t t () \J I MAY 2 1995 ITEM 13 EXHIBIT "B" CREEKSIDE PLAZA TIM 90-05 NO SCALE ZONE "B" Sheet No, í A >I 0 \ ~ VICINITY MAP 23 of 31 POWf\'{ RD - - - --I IA 1'1:1 I() :z: ,// I cr ./ .J // e £. MAY 2 1995 II¿M 13 ZONE "B" Sheet No.....L EXHIBIT "B" ST MAR ENTERPRISES (Taco Bell) CUP 92-08/DR 92-14 NO SCALE VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD No, 86-3 rl., ~I ¡ ~I I ~I I cci I 1-, I \ ~-- I Po l.ù ~ '< R-OF;'j) " ~ ( œ 3 0 MAY (f 1995 ITi:M 13 24 of 31 CHILDREN/PREVENTIVE DENTAL DR 92-08 NO SCALE EXHIBIT "B" ZONE "B" Sheet Ng. ~ r-- --1 ~I BOUNDARY OF ------- L- --_..J LMD No. 86.3 j q ih ~T 25 of 31 VICINITY MAP 1L TA SSE: L l 0 p ~ rí IJJ ~ 0 Q.. MAY 2 1995 I1ë:M 13 MEGA FOODS PLAZA NO SCALE 26 of 31 '2 0 <:!. :r t z :J ~ ~r EXHIBIT "B" PÖlù-A't' R.1:> ZONE "B" Sheet No.:.~ '!J , \4 VICINITY MAP .0- - --- --- ~i I 1 .<\: I 21 ~ i I BOUNDARY OF ~ ri :..... LMD No. 86 - 3 H, I L I ~----- , I MAY 2 1995 ITEM 13 EXHIBIT"C" LMD 86-3 ZONE "A" APN UNITS ASSESSMENT FY 1995/96 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------- TM 3994 THE POND UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 3177920100 1.00 163.00 3177920200 1.00 163.00 3177920300 1.00 163.00 3177920400 1.00 163.00 3177920500 1.00 163.00 3177920600 1.00 163,00 3177920700 1,00 163.00 3177920800 1.00 163.00 3177920900 1,00 163,00 3177921000 1.00 163,00 3177921100 1.00 163,00 3177921200 1.00 163,00 3177921300 1.00 163.00 3177921400 1.00 163.00 3177921500 1,00 163.00 3177921600 1,00 163.00 3177921700 1.00 163.00 3177921800 1.00 163,00 3177921900 1.00 163,00 3177922000 1.00 163,00 3177922100 1,00 163,00 3177922200 100 163.00 3177922300 1.00 163.00 3177922400 1,00 163,00 3177922500 1,00 163,00 3177922600 1,00 163.00 3177922700 1,00 163.00 3177922800 1,00 163.00 3177922900 1,00 163.00 3177923000 1.00 163.00 ------------------- ------------ ------------------------- 30.00 4,890,00 3163200100 1.00 163,00 3163200200 1.00 163,00 3163200300 1.00 163.00 3163200400 1.00 163.00 3163200500 1,00 163.00 3163200600 1.00 163.00 3163200700 100 163,00 3163200800 1.00 163.00 3163200900 1.00 163.00 3163201000 1.00 163.00 MAY 2 1995 11EM 13 TTM 88-03 SYCAMORE SPRINGS 27 of 31 3163201100 1.0" 163.00 3163201200 1.00 163.00 3163201300 1.00 163.00 3163201400 1.00 163.00 3163201500 1.00 163.00 3163201600 1.00 163.00 3163201700 1.00 163.00 3163201800 1.00 163.00 3163201900 1.00 163.00 3163202000 1.00 163.00 3163202100 1.00 163.00 3163202200 1.00 163.00 3163202300 1.00 163.00 3163202400 1.00 163.00 3163202500 1.00 163.00 3163202600 1.00 163.00 3163202700 1.00 163.00 3163202800 1.00 163.00 3163202900 1.00 163.00 3163203000 1.00 163.00 3163203100 1.00 163.00 3163203200 1.00 163.00 3163203300 1.00 163.00 3163203400 1.00 163.00 3163210100 1.00 163.00 3163210200 1.00 163.00 3163210300 1.00 163.00 3163210400 1.00 163.00 3163210500 1.00 163.00 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0.50 81.50 3170904410 0.50 81.50 3170904411 0.50 81.50 3170904412 0.50 81.50 3170904413 0.50 81.50 3170904414 0.50 81.50 3170904415 0.50 81.50 3170904416 0.50 81.50 3170904417 0.50 81.50 3170904418 0.50 81.50 3170904419 0.50 81.50 3170904420 0.50 81.50 3170904421 0.50 81.50 3170904422 0.50 81.50 3170904423 0.50 81.50 3170904424 0.50 81.50 3170904425 0.50 81.50 3170904426 0.50 81.50 3170904427 0.50 81.50 3170904428 0.50 8150 3170904429 0.50 81.50 3170904430 0.50 81.50 3170904601 0.50 8150 3170904602 0.50 81.50 3170904603 0.50 81.50 3170904604 0.50 81.50 3170904605 0.50 81.50 3170904606 0.50 81.50 3170904607 0.50 81.50 3170904608 0.50 81.50 3170904609 0.50 81.50 3170904610 0.50 81.50 29 of 31 MAY 2 1995 ITEM 13 UNITS/ASSESSMENTS TPM 91-05 CREEKSIDE CONDOS TOTAL UNITS/ASSESSMENTS ZONE "8" 3170904611 3170904612 3170904613 3170904614 3170904700 G._" 0.50 0.50 0.50 14.00 81.50 81.50 81.50 81.50 2,282.00 ----------------------------- ---------------- -------------------------- 36.00 5,868.00 3174740100 4.00 652.00 --------------------- ----------- ------------------ --------------------- ----------- ------------------ 137.00 22,331.00 APN UNITS ASSESSMENT FY 19935/96 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------ TTM 88-03 WOODCREST TPM 90-04 WAL MART CUP 90-18 RANCHO TOWING/STORAGE MDR 92-27 POWAY NEWS CHIEFTAIN DR 91-28 MORTUARY SERVICES INT'L TTM 90-05 CREEKSIDE PLAZA 30 of 31 3163203500 2.88 327.74 -------------------------- -------------- ----------------------- 2.88 327.74 3171306600 3171306700 3171306800 63.36 2.64 5.44 7,210.37 300.43 619.07 ------------------------ ------------- ------------------------ 71.44 8,129.87 3174721900 1.46 166.15 ----------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- 1.46 166.15 3174730700 3174730800 0.71 0.71 80.80 80.80 --------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------- 1.42 161.60 3174730600 1.42 161.60 ---------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- 1.42 161.60 3178200100 3.68 418.78 3178200200 2.76 31409 3178200300 2.76 314.09 3178200400 17.44 1,984.67 3178200500 6.16 70101 3178200600 3.24 368.71 3178200700 3.68 418.78 MAY 2 1995 HEM 13 CUP 92-08/DR 92-14 ST. MAR ENTERPRISES DR 92-08 HARDESTY/COLEMAN Under Bldg. Permit MEGAFOODS PLAZA TOTAL UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 31 of 31 3178200800 3178200900 326 1712 37326 1,948.26 ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- 3171010700 60.12 6,841.66 1.88 213.94 ------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------------- 3170211000 1.88 213.94 0.80 91.04 -------------------------------- --------------- ---------------------- 3171304700 0.80 91.04 36.28 4,128.66 ----------------------- --------- ----------------- 36.28 4,128.66 --------------------- ----------- ------------------ --------------------- ----------- ------------------ 177.70 20,222.26 MAY 2 H ¿M 13 1995