Item 14 - Ratification of Warrant Register TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: -- AGENDA REPORT SUM1VIARY ~ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~~ ~ ('~ John 0, Fitch, Assistant City ManagerqJt Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Adminis~ative Servic~þ) May 2, 1995 Ratification of Warrant Register for the Period April 10 to April 14, 1995 ABSTRACT The attached report for the peri od April 10 to April 14, 1995 is submi tted to the City Council for ratification/approval, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The total amount of warrants paid for the period April 10 to April 14, 1995 was $2,748,304,48. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the warrant register for the peri od April 10 to April 14, 1995, ACTION l 1 of 14 ~1AY 2 J2;~'J 14 1995 '/ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y - ~J v ~- "r >'c c c_c .,"j ~>':"~-'~ This report is included on the Consent Calendar There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately- If you wish to have this report pulled for discus"on. please nil out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Counol meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members~f he City Council James L, Bowersox, City Mana ^ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Peggy Stewart, Director of Administrati}e Services DATE: May 2, 1995 SUBJECT : Ratification of Warrant Register for the Period April 10 to April 14, 1995 BACKGROUND The weekly register of audited demands is submitted to the Council by the Director of Administrative Services for ratification/approval, The attached report is for the period April 10 to April 14, 1995, FINDINGS The following register is submitted for your ratification: DATE April 10 to April 14, 1995 AMOUNT $2,748,304.48 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The total amount of warrants paid for the period April 10 to April 14, 1995 was $2,748,304,48, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None ~ ./ " ACTION: 1995 )) 14 ' ~ 2 of 14 ~iAY 2 li~,¥J Agenda Report May 2, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approye the warrant register for the period April 10 to April 14, 1995, Attachment: 1) Warrant Register for the Period April 10 to April 14, 1995 c: \data\wpf; l os\warrant. agn 3 of 14 h\AY 2 1995 n¿NJ 14 ~ ~ I ~ ~ . .¡¡ : I ~ 0 " ~ c 0 ~ . "" " ~ 0>- :q 0 g> 5- " a. . ~ "" 0 0 § î; ~ ~ " ~ ~ - <> , "" , ~ 0 w w ~ ~ z " '" <> , 0 , &'" - 5 ê ; 4 of 14 ~ <> , ~ , ~ 0 0 '" u w : u '" w ! ~ ~NOOOOOOO~O<>~""""OOO""OOO-~OOOOOO-~OO~ -~ooOOOOOO~N~""<>OOO~o~~~~oooO~O~~OON ~~~i~~~ig~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~i~~~~i~~~g~ - ~ ~ -- -~""--- -- o~ 00 N" j." 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I DATE PAYEE/VENDOR INVOICE COMMENT fUND ORGN ACCT PROG CHECK AMT .þ .----------'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,---,----,-,------------------------------,------,-- 15779 Calibrate radar system 100 0504 4308 200 53.00 16199 Radar repair 100 0504 4308 200 137.97 00012570 04/13/95 aOOO02376 Ritchey fipp Chevrolet 056043 Auto and Related products 611 0401 4799 300 27.49 OS6021 Auto and Related products 611 0401 4799 300 2.57 056022 Auto and Related products 611 0401 4799 300 16.78 056400 Auto and Related products 611 0401 4799 300 153_77 00012571 04/13/95 aOOO02383 Robert f Driver Co Jan-Har 95 Premi... for sped 100 8632 2,700.00 00012572 04/13/95 aOOO02386 Robertson C_any, The 416001'HAR Creit check service 291 1120 4120 500 147.00 292 1130 4120 500 29.00 416003-HAR Credit checks 294 1150 4120 500 56.00 00012573 04/13/95 Robyn Showerman 1172 Refund deposit 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 00012574 04/13/95 Roger Drews 801764 Refund class cancelled 100 0203 7624 4000 50.00 00012575 04/13/95 Roy Shabda 0000211 Refund deposit 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 00012576 04/13/95 aOOO03064 S R E C""""ny Installation of concrete sla 1678 1000P 6412 600 745.00 2926 R & H light fixture 100 0204 4308 400 215.00 00012577 04/13/95 aOOO02191 Safe Tech 109082-1 Bicycle helmets 100 0504 4906 200 156.00 00012578 04/13/95 aOOO02193 Safeco Insurance APRIL life insurance 100 8625 902.01 00012579 04/13/95 Sally Stine 801791 Refund class cancelled 100 0201 7625 4000 17.00 00012SBO 04/13/95 aOOO02250 San Diego Children's Theatre HAR-95 final Recon 100 0204 7622 4000 4,471.00 100 0204 7471 6000 -5,431.30 100 0204 7471 6000 3,000.00 100 0204 4922 400 -125.00 00012581 04/13/95 aOOO02252 San Diego Cl ipping Service HAR'95 Newspaper clipping for Harch 100 0011 1799 100 53,30 000125B2 04/13/95 aOOO02299 San Diego Elevators Incorporated 11182 April '95 elevator service 100 0204 4306 400 146.00 00012583 04/13/95 aOOO02459 San Dieguito River Park Joint Power 95f-39 Qtrly assessment 100 0010 4924 100 6,152.00 00012S84 04/13/95 aOOO02479 SANDAG 837 Traffic Consultant 100 0604 17140 100 1,769.85 00012585 04/13/95 aOOO03646 Santiago, Rebecca final payment 100 0201 4118 400 18.00 00012586 04/13/95 aOOO02496 Scales, Randy APRIl-95 ReintJursement for reserve ff 100 0501 1520 200 196.50 00012587 04/13/95 aOOO02806 Servi cemaster 712851 Janitorial services for Hare 100 0204 4114 400 1,943.10 ~12588 04/13/95 aOOO02807 Servicemaster C_lete Restoration 106931 Carpet cleaning 100 0204 4114 400 191.00 ~12589 04/13/95 aOOO03238 Sismey, Brett APRll-95 Reinb. reserve ff 100 0501 1520 200 125.50 0 12590 04/13/95 aOOO02996 Smith, Gregory J County Assessor 56039 Haps 100 0301 4918 100 47.50 6)i'012591 04/13/95 aOOO03013 Sokkia Heasurement Systems 33268 Surveyor Stakes l/2 x l l/2 100 8187 85.33 Q9,012592 04/13/95 Somerset Auctions 0000210 Refund deposit 100 0201 7471 6000 30.00 t@¡12593 04/13/95 aOOO03025 South Coast Asphalt Products 140698 materials 211 0407 4520 300 170.77 (J1 140697 materials 211 0407 4520 300 40.66 140863 materials 211 0407 4520 300 \ 214.88 åõij12594 04/13/95 Southcoast Heating and Air Conditio 97153 Repa i r of HVAC at HantJurger 510 0409 4302 300 518.01 ilØd12595 04/13/95 aOOO03032 Southern Cat if Soil Testing Inc 129632 Soil Testing/Pomerado Rd. Bi 1240 1000P 6420 600 1,107.40 == - ~ ~~ ~ ~ « Q Q. z => ~ ~ ;! ~ ~ !€ ~ ~ h~ c - IS ~ê: ~ 13 of 14 w :;: ~~ ¡ ggRg~ggg~~g~~~~~~~~~Ng~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~g ~~~~~i~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~i~S~~ Ñ ~ . ~ ~~~i ~ ~ u w z u '" ~ Q 0000 ~~~~ 0 00000000000000000000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0 ~~¡H~~~~ ~ ¡j < &~~~~~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ z ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0 ¡goo~~:go~ o¡g¡g~~o¡gg 0 ~ ~~NOOOOON~OONN-N~~~~~O~~~OOOOOOOOOO:g-OO ~~~OOOOO~~OO~~~~~~~~~O~~~OOOOOOOOOO~-OO ~~N-----NN--NNNNNNNNN-NNN---___----~~-- ~ Z W ~ j } ~ -¡¡ : ø < - u ~ ØU - CU ø ~ ~ C'- ~ ,~'2 ~ ~~ ~ n: ~ ~ :: ~ 8- ~~~ ,- . ~C~~~~;;; ~ ..O~CC C ~ ,=~..Ü~ 8-,~~~~ 3 ¡¡~s~'2 ~ ~ [in n'É't~~]E~~§ U<O~Q~~Oo«U w U ~ ~ ::¡ ~;;;::;: - ~ ~~,;., ~ ~ ,,~"'- o~< ~O~~-""-~~""Oo w~;;~~~~:::c:c,:, Oo<-O"'~~---O Q.U~"~",--~~u '" . c ~ ~ § ~ 0 ø ø 0 ~ "" ~ ~ ~ ~.;; C .. ~ ~ ,~ C 0 C C ~ ~ ~~ UO ~ - ~ :ö - ~ ~;;; ø~~~i~';'. ~,!¡;oc-~- ~~~i~~~ 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ "" ~~~~~~~ i!' ij å- 0 ~ 0 ::J 0 0 ¡¡¡ '" ~ g ¡¡¡ :a,,~ ::¡~~ 000 ggg ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 ¡¡¡ ~ ~ ~ " is ~~~~~~~ ;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:; ~~~~~~~ 0000000 ¡¡;¡¡!&go~::J :c:c:c~~~~ ooooõoõ 0000000 0000000 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1l U U ~-.;-.; ~ E E 0 0 0 in WOoOo ~O& g:g:¡¡! 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