Item 9 - Denial of Claim AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY 20: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana]~~ BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ INITIATED ! Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ~ative~e~rvic~s~%) Douglas A. Milton, General Services ManagerL~Y~,----(--Y DATE: May 9, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Margaret Finley ABSTRACT A claim for damages was received from Margaret Finley on March 23, 1995. Ms. Finley claims one of her tires was damaged when her auto struck a pothole on Pomerado Road. The amount of the claim is $67.60. It is recommended that the claim be denied. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. ACTION lof6 - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This repor~ is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the repor~ pdor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Councit, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. [f you wish to have this report putled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk pdor to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members o,f~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC%~Y~f Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ~ativ~ Service~s-~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager~WTq.~..~ DATE: May 9, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- Margaret Finley BACKGROUND On March 23, 1995, a claim for damages was received from Margaret Finley of Poway. The amount of the claim is $67.60. FINDINGS Ms. Finley claims that her auto struck a pothole on Pomerado Road causing damage to one of her tires. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidlines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Margaret Finley A. CTION: 2of6 INLAY 9 1995 ITEM 9 , � � •, p , City Of Poway � l�t �`3 '�� U CLA1M AGNNSTTHE CITY Of PGWAY =; �- GiY � FOYVAI! RI5IENNNACi�JY1Q[T .� % . . J 8 sn�: ecetved by -- `� � :5..9�Aa+1 ' ¢er-0ffieo:Ma�1 �vtrtho Counter � �--�j �-'l'l? =�� eiaim�muat De filed wNn t�e City Ctsrk or Risk KMnagarot th� Gty ot Powaty.adtl�ln 64mo� alte ich,t�e i�iQent or event occutred. 'Be sure your daitn ta a ainst.tnm Cih► ot Powsy, not anott�Qr Ge �ntl Where paee b Msuf►iatnL Pbase use additlo��l paper-arid kl�ntiy Infiormatlon Oy P��GRPh nurtsb�r. ConiPietetl Wma must be rt�Ued�or defivered to The Clty oYPow�y,19325 GN(c Cini�rDrfve.Poway, CA.��206a ('P.G, ;bz 789 ), Attr+: Risk Manaqer 'O THE HONORABGE IiAAYOR IIND GIT1' COUNCIL. TFiE CRY OF POWAX CAL]F,ORNIA .. 1�o undecsigned rospectfuty submits the fo►towinp cialm and fntormatlon r,laUve to tlama9e`.to Persons ud/o�. personal p�opertY: . 1. Plame oT da3mant m� Y-. t` �.�' i Address oi:claimant - b. Phone No. a Oate oi'birth - d. Social Secu�Ity No �. Drivers:Ua No. ?'— Name, t�fephone and post office addtess to-whicti cfafmanf desirei notir.es to be aenYB'ott�er pian 8bove: 3. Occurrence or svent from wtiich ths cfaim•�ises: . . . S 0,7 m. a Pl�ce�( sxact and spseitic IoeaUon) _ � . Cate iG 4.� b. 'TUne �,_� R � m I� G.0 h [ � d Pa n-, P.�c� d.� � S o �- � m b ,� . f".'!.m '���C�-�: �.• �- . d How a�d under what circums,tances did dantiage orinjury aeur't Sptcity the parUcular occurrence, eveni., act,o� omissio� you daim oaused'tris injury or darntg� (use addtiorial'•paper ifs`nocassary ). I was driding South on Pomerado jusf past Rimbach' when L:hit a uot,tiole in the road It instantly slashed my tire and caused the 3amaAe. I believe the Citv is respon"sible because the pot hole ha� not been revaired' °nd it was noc_m�rkP� =n__rhac �. WI11t p3t'3pJI1r eCti0t1 by�,11►t Gty. O� itS @rtipipyOBt� Cdusld the mJ1lQ�d d3tm8g��5�t attached) tnjury? . The`City should have ei'Eher repaired this pot hoYe or at [fie very least had it �arked w�th a road block wiCh a fla'shing yellow warning 11ght. -Pomeiado is too busu a road for such a hazatd to go unrepaired and not [o be marked so that after dark 3 of 6' ists are aware of the danger present. � hiAY 9 1995 6 � ' ��1 - B. Give;l doscrtptlon oPMia inp.: . i�PQnY damape or Ioss, go isr v nown ai the tlme ot tnis ` , aairri; ff.thers wtn'no inju. ,:. ssate "NO injuries.° . � D'amaAe to mv left front tire. There.were no boclil'v iniuriec 'N � 4ip Gost to renlace tirP 567:60 =' S: Gtw name(s) ot tno Ctty:omptoyee(s) caus;n� tne damape or�ijury: — . • .Y . ._ . __ . .. � � � � yi �. Name and nddrfss bt any otA�rper�on k�jund: ; � r - � . i ;. 7. NiRls:mmlld`aCldflSS Of t?1! OMR1f� Ot.�ttY ditlt�g�Q plp�0f�� . — - Marearet- and Garv�.:Fdnlev� . � �. • r 8. Damapes � � i4noun2 cia;med �5 ot tlY,s: date g e i�. ao � • - b. EsUrnateC amount.ot fufure costs: s o t• Total amoun2 claimed: : 6r:6o 4 Basis for eomputahon of arnounis clalmed ((nGud—Capits:pf �I.b�lls;invoices, e;timates, etc) ; Bill from DISCOUNT Tire Co Inc. attached. 9. Names and addresses o! a!I wltr�easss, hospRaf3, doetors, �fc: - a d • . c , . d � ,. 10. dny �Cditional in}ormation that rtupht bo hslptul in eansiderinp fhft qaJm: � This-particular sectioci.of'Pomerado is not we11 1it From Ninth Stree[ South to � • the shoppin¢ center is-virtuallv dark and without�a warnine barricade theze was no i . wav to see this not hole. �NNiEi'nh�iv�a: Ti' 1'a d CF'ttkiiNAL .6FFcriSe i'v �(LE i► i�1L5'e CLdii�At (ij�nal Code §72;' Insuranee Code ; 356.1 _) . I Aava raadsthe maR�rs�nnd staiertrrus-meda in V+o+abov�; Whn ard I kt+ow U+e_adms�l� bo truo of my own knowleC�e, ' axcept aa tc thcie mittsrs �cateC upon Inlorinatbn er baliaf to sueA mattera f be�ro ihe sartis.tp po trye. 'I+cenity ur+d � ptnalty o1 perjury` •thit the fo'r'e;olrig i`s TRllE ind CORRBCT. � � ` s��a nus � o�- �, or /Yl:a�c�G�., . 9s�:., �e �: �: ��,,.r,-� ' �;���� o� a;�� c�, c� � �. �.. ---- po�+.y; Ga9fc,nta . DOCClMEN7°N0. �p � 4 of 6 1�1AY 9 1995 I�cM 9 Margaret Finley claim ~-'nst City of Poway ~.~ 3d continuation: in the dark one would know that there was such a hazard. I was going approximately 40 mph and can not imagine the danger or damage had I been travelling at the 45 mph limit. I believe that this particular pot hole was deep enough and on such a busy road that the City should have been aware of it and the danger it presented to motorists especially after dark. If it could not be repaired due to weather or any other reason it should have been blocked by a barricade with a flashing yellow light. ~,,1AY 9 1995 I"J'~ 9 5of6 ��:1�$d�b�[�h41�:Rtl9-1�:1�:711:� �' ��� �� � �� �p:I��flIb7NL414:C:lelCUlycs , � .. . � r2257613 i I DATE � �' S:; � 11 :41 RM .- .. TlRE'CO.�INC.' .. `�;�57E13 . � � � �, . FINLf_Y'.GRRY . . ' . rn CA5 10 1 12E51 PO4JRY RD ND SOI:D i� STORE';p� � TRAN STORE ADDRESS � � , TO — -- - GOWiI`! f:q '��0F4 KEM R`,99 GOWIlY CR 9�064 -� SALESPERSON b10-9�6-36Q0 � - � i . . ... .. ' : ,' .. � � � ♦ � • • ' � �. iS130 1 � G1e5/60R 9�S B RO�D HLIGGER R�D G/T 50.99 101.98 9�075 1 - STRTE REQUIRED ENUIRONMENTAL FEE 0.25 N:50 tf0�;":4 1 2 WASTE. 'f.IRE bISI'OSpL F£E ].�� �. �� , �� .. � �. .. 8Q015 1 � SPIN BRLANCING BOMPU7ER S('IN BALANCF 9.00 18.00 s �ti146 1 2 RUOBER UALVE 2.29 4.50 . I ;Y lo� ,�'' ��` � �� � ; , . G� / S ;n ; � TAX: 7,63 � ' ' BUNITS� 2 , - �• . CHECK (�CCT; �+0@�0d1N6702E NUM; 2196 RUTNH 0N TOTRL: 135.19 ���� . co CHECK• 135.19 TFNDL'NGD: 135.19 . cn WORK OflDER - - � � - � LIMITED WARRANTV � � � ❑ REPAIfl �( . .. � ❑ ROTATION // �F (� �IFETIMS WORHMANSHIP7MATERIALS � O MOUNTNG � LIf[TSME PRORl�TEU RO�1D HRZ4IRD • ('Yi ❑ AIqCHECK Lfl � Rfl .`� 0�000� MILEAGF WpflR�NTY � � _� ❑ 'RETURNTIRE Ct1R MILERGE �42,.074 y/`a � l, �,�.,_.�- . - ❑ CMANGESNOW : � � s�ansi 5 rolae � CUSTD R RETI6HTEN LU4� : S AFTEfl 45 MIlE9 _____ _ Ce�dWde� ed�nawleepa� recolp o� gooas ��« mNC�a ti i �- � " � : ... . . . _ '. a���m d Ne TdaL stam �Aerson erW ageeee te pMOrm tl . ' ' ' �uinn�c - . .. . ________ " . ._ . . .. .. _ .. . - .