Item 10 - Request to Apply for Transit Development Act TransNet Funds AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members\~°f the City Council ~ FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag~,r'- INITIATED BY: John O. Fitch, Assistan~ City Managee~' Reba Wright-Quastler, D~rector of Pla~ihing Services~d' DATE: May 9, 1995 SUBJECT: A request to apply for Transit Development Act/TransNet Funds. ABSTRACT The City Council must authorize the submittal of TDA and Transit grant proposals. This year staff is submitting five grant applications that would provide funds for sidewalk and bike lane improvements on Garden and Pomerado Roads, bike facilities on Scripps Poway Parkway, bike racks for new parks and a bike/pathway linkage study to enhance the access and safety routes between schools, residential neighborhoods, parks and commercial areas. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT Approval of the grant funds could generate approximately $380,486. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A public notice for this report is not required. A copy of the resolution will be forwarded to SANDAG per their request. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution to approve and authorize SANDAG to consider the Ci~of Poway's 1995-96 TDA/Transit combined grant submittal of $380,486, ACTION E: \C 1TY\PLANN 1NG\REPORT \81KE. SUM ~IAY 91995 ITEM 10 1 of 4 AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY /~~ This re~ is included on me Consent Calendar. There Mil ~ no serrate di~ussion of me re~ pdor to approval ~ me Ci~ Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to ~ removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed se~rateiy. If you wish to have this re~ pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indica~ng the re~ numar and give it to ~e Ci~ Clerk pdor to me beginning of me Ci~ Council mee~ng. TO: Honorable ~ayor and Nembers of the City Council FROH: James L. Bowers0x, City ~aniL~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~' Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services~s~- PROJECT PLANNER: James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner II DATE: May 9, 1995 SUBJECT~ A Request To Apply for Transit Development Act/TransNet Funds for a sidewalk and bike lane improvements on Garden and Pomerado Roads, additional fundinq for bikP facilities on Scripps Poway Parkway, bike racks for new parks and a bike/pathway linkaqe study to enhance th~ access and safety routes between schools, residential neiqhborhoods, parks and commercial areas ABSTRACT In order to apply for grant funding, the City Council must first authorize the request. The attached resolution authorizes the San Diego Association of Governments to consider funding the pedestrian bridge and bike lane improvements on Pomerado Road. BACKGROUND With the passage of Proposition A and two percent of the monies from the Transit Development Act(TDA), the SANDAG Bicycle Facilities Committee will have approximately $2,200,000 available this year for bicycle and pedestrian related improvement programs. The distribution of money is based on competitive grants submitted by each of the member jurisdictions. Claims for eligible projects generally exceed the funds available by two to three times each year. Once submitted, the claims are ranked according to predetermined criteria. After the initial prioritization has been made, the SANDAG Board of Directors allocates the funds to the individual projects. This year, the City of Poway is submitting five grant proposals for a total of $380,486. The first grant proposes $21,325 for a concrete sidewalk and bike lane on Garden Road that will extend from Whitewater Road east to Sycamore Valley Road. This project will provide safer access for the children commuting from the ,A. CTION: 2 o:~ 4 MAY 91995 ITEM 10 Agenda Report May g, lgg5 Page 2 Sycamore Canyon Estates west to Garden Road Elementary School. The second grant proposes the construction of a sidewalk section on the east side of Pomerado Road between Holland Street to Meadowbrook Lane. Students and others walking to Meadowbrook School and beyond must use a narrow earthen path which is further complicated by the intrusion of mail boxes, signs and utility boxes. With the estimated loss of $2,000,000 in transit funds for Scripps Poway Parkway, staff is requesting $198,581 to supplement the construction of bike lanes along this roadway. Although the bike lanes are required as part of the road construction, staff was able to receive $125,000 of the $260,000 required to construct these facilities. Staff has tentatively received approval of the fourth and fifth grant proposals. The fourth project proposes a linkage study that would evaluate existing and propose new pedestrian/bike paths that interconnect residential neighborhoods with schools, parks, government facilities and commercial areas. The intent of the program is to enhance the safety and security of the "short cuts" used throughout the City. With the construction of two new miniparks and the additional demand in the Community Park, the fifth grant requests the acquisition of four new bike racks. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed requests are covered by the General Rule that CEQA applies to _ projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. As these proposals are requests for consideration only and that it can be said with certainty that this activity will have no significant effect on the environment, they are not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal obligation to the City. Approval of the grant funds could generate approximately $380,486. This year there are over $6,000,000 in proposals and $2,200,000 in grant funds. Given this significant imbalance, it is uncertain whether staff will receive full funding on these projects. CORRESPONDENCE A public notice for this report is not required. A copy of the resolution will be forwarded to SANDAG per their request. RECOMMENDATION It is recon~nended that the City Council approve and authorize SANDAG to consider the combined grant submittal of $380,486 that would propose a sidewalk and bike lanes improvements on Garden and Pomerado Roads, additional funding for bike facilities on Scripps Poway Parkway, bike racks for new parks and a bike/pathway linkage study to enhance the access and safety routes between schools, residential neighborhoods, parks and commercial areas. JLB:RWQ:JHL:kls Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution 9 1995 I'FE~ l0 3 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING GRANT FUNDS THROUGH THE TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT ACT AND TRANSNET TO PROVIDE SIDEWALK AND BIKE LANE IMPROVEMENTS ON GARDEN AND POMERADO ROADS, ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR BIKE FACILITIES ON SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY, BIKE PACKS FOR NEW PARKS AND A BIKE/PATHWAY LINKAGE STUDY WHEREAS, the City Council desires to continue to improve the safe passage of its pedestrians and bicyclists through the City; and WHEREAS, certain monies are available on a competitive basis through the Transit Development Act and TransNet which can be utilized to fund the aforementioned projects; and WHEREAS, a request for grant funding through the San Diego Association of Governments must first be authorized by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Poway, hereby authorizes the San Diego Association of Governments to consider the funding of City of Poway grant applications submitted under the 1995-96 Transportation Development Act and TRANSNET Non-Motorized Grant Funding cycle. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California this 9th day of May 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ~AY 9 1995 IT;a~ l0 4 of 4