Item 11.2 - Resolution in Support for Elimination of Waste Shredding Requirement AGENDA .EPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable 14ayor and Hembers of City Council [~'~ .IOM: James L. Bowersox, City Man DATE: May g, 1995 SUBJE~r~J': Resolution in Support of an Application to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Elimination of the Waste Shredding Requirement at the San Marcos Landfill In 1992, the County of San Diego sought a permit to expand the San garcos Landfill in conjunction with the construction of the NCR~ facility. One of the conditions included in the permit was a requirement that 75 percent of the waste to be deposited in the landfill would be shredded to a size no greater than four inches. Since this was a performance objective of the NCRRA facility, the County agreed to the condition in order to obtain the permit. After dealing with the NCRPJk facility for over a year, it is apparent that the cost of operating the facility is financially detrimental to the solid waste system. Therefore, the Board of Supervisors, with the recommendation of the Solid Waste Authority, has initiated the closure process for NCRRA. In order to finalize the closure, operating permits must be modified including that requiring shredding. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. ACT The closure of the NCRRA facility would save $14.3 million within the Solid Waste Authority budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. REC0HHENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution {Exhibit B} supporting the request for elimination of the shredding requirement from the San Marcos Landfill permit. ACTION NAY 9 1995 ITEM 11. 2 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of Athe City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~)~) OATE: May 9, 1995 SUBJECT: Resolution in Support of an Application to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Elimination of the Waste Shredding Requirement at the San Marcos Landfill BACKGROUND In 1992, the County of San Diego sought a permit to expand the San Marcos Landfill in conjunction with the construction of the NCRP, A facility. One of the conditions included in the permit was a requirement that 75 percent of the waste to be deposited in the landfill would be shredded to a size no greater than four inches. Since this was a performance objective of the NCRRA facility, the County agreed to the condition in order to obtain the permit. After dealing with the NCRRA facility for over a year, it is apparent that the cost of operating the facility is financially detrimental to the solid waste system. Therefore, the Board of Supervisors, with the recommendation of the Solid Waste Authority, has initiated the closure process for NCRILA. In order to finalize the closure, operating permits must be modified including that requiring shredding. FINDINGS Attached is a copy of a letter (Exhibit A) from Dianne Jacob, Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors, and Ron Morrison, Chairman of the Solid Waste Authority, requesting support for the elimination of the shredding requirement at the NCRRA facility. The engineering and construction of the expansion of the San Marcos Landfill contains features that technically support the request for elimination of the shredding requirement. Further, there is no evidence that any other landfill in the County has a shredding requirement of this magnitude as a provision of a discharge permit. Therefore, in consideration of both technical reports and practicality, there is no need for the shredding requirement. 2 of 6 9 1995 ITEM 11. Z Agenda Report Hay 9, 1995 _ Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The closure of the NCRRA facility would save $]4.3 million within the Solid Waste Authority budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATXON AND CORRESPONOENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution (Exhibit B) supporting the request for elimination of the shredding requirement from the San Marcos Landfill permit. Attachments: 1. Exhibit A: Letter from Dianne Jacob and Ron Morrison 2. Exhibit B: Proposed Resolution , 3 of 6 )lAY 9 1995 ITEM DIANNE JACOB CHAIRWOMAN April 26, 1995 N~y - 1 1995 The Honorable Mickey Cafagna crF~ OF POWAy CITY MANAGERS OFFICE City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, California 92064 Dear Councilmember Cafagna, The purpose of this letter is to request your support of our application to the Regional Water Quality Control Board to eliminate the shredding requirement from the San Marcos Landfill permit. As you will probably recall, the State Water Resources Control Board included a condition as part of the permit which states that "upon commencement of operation of the landfill's recycling center, at least 75 percent of all waste disposed at the site shall be no greater than four inches in size." Therefore, as we move forward to close the NCRRA facility and remove the cost of operating the facility from the tip fee, we must also seek an amendment to the permit which will allow us to continue to operate the landfill without the requirement to shred the waste first. From an economic standpoint, we have no choice but to eliminate the cost of the NCRRA facility. From an environmental standpoint, all of the studies have concluded that there will be no adverse impact on the beneficial uses of the waters of the State with the removal of the shredding requirement. We seek your support either by letter or by resolution (draft attached) to the Regional Water Oualitv Control Board. We understand our application will be heard on May 16, 1995. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Tom Webster, General Manager of the Solid Waste Authority and Acting Deputy Director of the County's Solid Waste Division at 974-2828. Diarthe JacOb ~ Ron Morrison Chairwoman, Board of Supervisors Chairman, Solid Waste Authority Attachment (619) 531-5522 FAX (619) 696-7253 T~ ~:REE 800-852-7322 4of6 EXHIBIT A )lAY 9 1995 ITEM 11. 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING THAT THE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD ELIMINATE THE SHREDDING REQUIREMENT IMPOSED UPON THE SAN MARCOS LANDFILL WHEREAS, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)issued a permit to the County of San Diego for the expansion of the San Marcos Landfill in January of lgg2, which did not impose any requirement that any portion of waste be reduced to the size of four inches or less; and WHEREAS, the County agreed to all of the conditions in the permit issued by the Regional Board and presented substantial evidence that the design as approved by the Regional Board was protective of the beneficial uses of the waters of the State; and WHEREAS, the discharge requirements were appealed to the State Water Resources Control Board and as a result the State Board conducted a workshop to assess the need for additional requirements; and WHEREAS, during the workshop it became known that the separately - permitted NCRRA facility was going to produce shredded waste; and WHEREAS, the San Marcos Landfill and the NCRRA facility were and still are two separate solid waste management entities which were designed independently at different times and were never intended to rely on one another; and WHEREAS, the State Board decided to include Condition B. Discharge Specification, #16 of Order 92-02 in the permit to operate the San Marcos Landfill which states that "upon commencement of operation of the landfill's recycling center, at least 75 percent of all waste disposed at the site shall be no greater than four inches in size;" and WHEREAS, a Technical Report has been submitted to the RWQCB which demonstrates that as a result of the many engineering containment features installed at the San Marcos Landfill that the removal of the shredding requirement would have no adverse impact on the beneficial uses of the waters of the State; and WHEREAS, there is no landfill operation in the United States where shredding of municipal solid waste of this magnitude is a discharge requirement; and 5 of 6 EXHIBIT B ~AY 9 1995 ITEM 1 1 . 2 Resolution No. .. Page 2 WHEREAS, the cost associated with running the NCRRA facility has created economic distress to the San Diego Solid Waste System which therefore requires the closure of the facility and that we stop running the shredders, or we may be faced with closure of the landfill and the subsequent exportation of waste. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Poway City Council strongly supports the request to eliminate Condition B. Discharge Specification, #16 from Order g2-02 which would allow the San Marcos Landfill to operate without the requirement that all waste disposed of at the site shall be no greater than four inches in size. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California this gth day of May, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the __ day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 6 of 6 bIAY 9 1995 ITEM 11. 2