1995 05-18 Agenda CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - MAY 18, 1995 - 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL C S - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE T.I IS r F RM Wn '_P M_ ING 0 THE 7 AN IS NOT DESIc F P ~B C ~ T TI CKc ITE'_. , I YO F t ~ I F MA~z " I~,~ T I._ AG ,a, yo~MAY .- F INPUT L. TH H M P . TI . TE 2, IC 0 ,.L COTM cA I ~ , I PR IDE ~ T J ~I~ - PO ~UNI Y ~OSP ONA~'CITY- ATt T M" TA' EA 0 A~'" ; HON !E , I ACC RDANCE ,. STA E LAW, 0 ~ , 0 MA' BE TAKE AT T.I M I G ON NY SUC ITE . 1. - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) 3.* P by Pacific Bell regarding proposed fiber optic telephone network upgrade. (]~08-0]) CITY MANAGER'S ECOMMENOAT[ON: Authorize the Cit~ Manager to negotiate a contract with i11iam Marticorena of Rutan & Tucker to assis~ in the development a negotiation of a contract w~th Pacific Bell for the installation o fiber optic facilities in Poway's public right-of-way. 4.* SUSAN CALLERY - O of San Oieguito River Park JPA's proposed private property rights protection policx. (Continued from May ]6, ]995, [tem ]3.) (]503-28) COUNCZLMEMBER'S RECONNENOAT[ON: Direct JPA representative to vote for policy at next OPA meeting. 5.* BOB EMERY - D' of ballot initiative on mob~lehome rent control (Continued from May ]6, ]995, Item ]4) (70]-]]) COUNC[LNEMBER'S RECONMENOAT[ON: Provide direction to staff. ADaOURNMENT