1995 05-23 Agenda CITY OF POWAY I! . REGULAR MEETING - MAY 23, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CZTY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION~REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. : A. C letion Certificates to Volunteer Park Rangers 4. ~ (State law may prohfbft the Cfty Councfl from takfn9 actfon on ftems not on the agenda. Your concerns wf7) be referred - to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - - JMB 16 'HRO GH 2 ENACT IN 0 E .. AT TH S .INT N · n '~ ~ B NO ~$C ~ n TH $ TEM$ PR 0 TO TH VO ~._ ' TIC HE ;~c." - C" C L, ST F THE J SP F I -' OB ~1 OR DIS ~^ ~ ITEM 'ARE L E CO DF ED I ,NE " 'APPE ~ 'E G,r I ' zSN ~ ITEM, FIL OUT A R U T TO SP LI gREEN N ~'R OF a A COMMEND~ ~,~ , AND RD IN OPPO T N) AND E T . /HE CI~ * C R . 5.* rdinance No. 444 - Sec nd Reading - "An Ordinance of the City of oway, alifornia, Adding Chap er 8.05 to Title 8 of the Poway Municipa Code elating to the Regulat on of the Sale of Tobacco Products" (Con inued rom May g, 1995, Item .) (7 1-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMI~ENDATXON.' Take public input; read title and waive further reading ( vote); close public hearing and adopt ordinance (roll call vote). Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MAY 23, 1995 - PAGE TWO 6.* rdinance No. 446 - Second Read ng- "An Ordinance of the Ctt of Poway, alifornia, Adding Chapter ]5. 8 to the Po ay Municipal Co e Adopting eft in P of Title 2 of the Ca) fornia Code of egulations ela ing to Mob lehome Inspect OhS, Except ee and Penalty rovisions, err aning to ne Construction, Use Main enance, and Occupancy of obi ehomes." ( untinued from May 2, lggS, tem 6.) (701-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; read title and waive further reading ( vote); close public hearing and adopt ordinance (roll call vote). IGS 7.* Environmental Assessment and Variance 95-01, George Montello applicant, Alb rt P. Cruz, owner: a request to allow construction of a 319 square foo room addition on the property located at 11875 Poway Roa The app ication also includes a request for e variance approval to a ~ow the add tion to encroach 8 feet into the required 20 foot s de-yard setback. 203-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. 8.* Lease Agreement with the Poway Valley Community Garden Clu for the Community Garden on Redevelopment Agency property located at 1 112 Vista View Drive. This is a request to lement a community gar en with start-up loan from the agency to supp ment anticipated contri utions o material and labor. It is estimated ere will be slightly more than 5- plots on the 1.01 gross acre sites ~ ~:. (602-01 #226R CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMNENOATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt two benefit resolutions (1 City, 1 Redevelopment Agency); authorize the Executive Director to execute the Lease; appropriate $5,000 from the Redevelopment Agency CIP reserve fund. 9.* Landscape Maintenance District 83-1. First public hearing to allow public input for ts to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. Proposed t for Zone A is $~18.48 per ear, and for Zone B is $255.35 per year, which represents no c ange from Y 93-94 for both zones. (Zone A: Rancho Arbolitos; Adobe R dge I and I, AKA Poway Woods; The Colonies, AKA Poway Hills; Casa Rea , Unit 7; ancho Espola; Country Creek; Woodland Hills; Communit 16 V llas, AKA oway 16; Pa k Village Condos; Cicero-Pacific; Gateway/L Manda; Jonathan ark Lane; ndian Trails; Royster/Footman Lane; Carme Vista; Nidla d states; Sto bs; Cusick; Diroma Estates; Royster/Stone anyon. Zone : win Peaks P aza; Urban Economic; E1 Rancho Grande, Montessori; Pomera o oarding Care; Kindercare.) (705-0) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; continue public hearing to June 27, 1995 for adoption of ts of $118.48 in Zone A and $255.34 per year in Zone B which is no change from ]993-94. Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MAY 23, 1995 - PAGE THREE ]0.* Landsc · District 86-1. First public hearing to allow public input t r Ls t be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during, iscal year 1995- 6. Pro osed L for Zon A is $261.00 er ear w ch is decreased rom $26 .02, and no t or Zone B. (Z ne : Br dlewood; Piedmon Park; tone Canyon Park; The rove; Hunting on ate; Jmes; Jemy Corporation; tratford; Green Valley roves; Serena a; teen alley Oaks; Bernardo Winery; Liu; Krikoriantz. Zone B: Poway hapel.) (705-09) CITY MANAGER'S RECONNENDATION: Take public input; continue public hearing to June 27, 1995 for adoption of ts of $261.00 for Zone A which is a decrease from $261.02 in 1993-94. 11.* Landscape Maintenance District 86-3. First public hearing to allow public input for ts to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. Pro osed t for Zone A is $163.00 per ea , and for Zone B is $113.80 er year, which represents no change from Y 3-94 for both zones.(Zone : The Pond; S camore Sprin s; Carriage oa Townhomes; Creekside Lane ondos. Zone B Sycamore S ' · r~ngs,Wal- ar ; Rancho Towing/Storage; Poway News Chie tain; Mortu ry Services nt l; Creekside Plaza; St. Mar Enterprises; Ch ldren/Preven ive Dental; egaFoods Plaza.) {705-12) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; continue public hearing to June 27, 1995 for adoption of ts of $163.00 in Zone A and $113,80 in Zone B which is no change from 1993-94. STAI 12.* Report regarding drainage improvements for the Poway Library site, located on the southwest corner of Poway and Bowron Roads. (1402-02) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIO : Adopt Alternative D which is a combination concrete channel and natural zed channel improvements to flood proof the library site and direct sta f to complete the environmental review and site development process wh ch will allow development on the north and south portions of the library site. 13.* Traffic Safety Committee review regarding parking conditions on north side of Norwalk Street at the intersection with Norwalk Lane/Old Community Road. (1163-01) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMNENDATXON: Adopt Resolution establishing parking restrictions on a segment of the north side of Norwalk Street. 14.* Stowe Drive Extension between Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Rod. 1110-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to conduct a nei hborhood meeting to discuss the findings of the preliminary design of St we Drive extension and the replacement of that project with a traffic signal at Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road. Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 23, 1995 - PAGE FOUR 157 City's Investment Report as of April 30, 1995. (408-01) CXTY MANAGER'S RECO~MENDATXON: Receive and file and direct the City Manager to proceed with the Phased Withdrawal Option from the San Diego County Investment Pool. 16.* Approv 1 M nu - ity Cou cil pr ] , 5, egular eeting pr 2 , 5, egular eeting pr 2 , 5, djourne Regular Meeting 17.* Approv 1 M nu - edevelo ment Agency pr ] , 5, egular eeting pr 2 , 5, egular eeting pr 2 , 5, djourne Regular Meeting 18.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of May 1-5, 1995. (401-10} 19.* proval of the acquisition of two 20-foot sewer ease ents for the Midland ad/Orange Blossom sewer pro ect; 1) Joseph Czarzas , in the amount of ,600, located north of the xisting terminus of Mi and Road at Orange ossomLane; and 2) DWHLS, L.., aCalifornia Limite artnership, in the amount of $1,000, located sou hwest of the terminus o Budwin Lane. (1001-02) 20.* Resolution No. 95- - Ordering the Summary Vacation of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedicatio-6--of a Public Highway Easement on Midland Road from Orange Blossom Lane to Del Poniente Road. (VAC 95-01) (1002-06) 21.* Resolution No. 95- - Ordering the Summary Vacation of an Easement for County Highway for~adway Purposes on Midland Road from Orange Blossom Lane to Del Poniente Road. (VAC 95-02) (1002-06) 22.* Resolution No. 95- - Approving Advance Retirement of Bonds for Assessment District-~'. 79-1 by September 2, 1995. Assessment District 79-1 was created to fund public improvements for the installation of a water system and appurtenances for properties in the eastern portion of Poway. (405-02) 23.* pproval of amendment to Agreement with the County of San Diego fo anagement and Implementation of an Eighteenth Year Community Developmen lock Grant Project; adoption of two benefit resolutions (1 City, edevelopment Agency). (602-01 #799 24.* Ap roval of interpretation of South Poway Development Standards to all to lng operation and temporary storage of vehicles on Lots 41 and wi hin Parkway Business Centre; Anytime Towing, applicant; APN 317-810- & 9. (203-0 # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 23, 1995 - PAGE FIVE 25? Adoption of Planning esolution No. P-95- - Temporary Use Permit 95- 31, seventh annual pring Street Fair,-~P-oway Chamber of Commerce, applicant, to be hel Sunday, May 28, 1995 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Midland Road between drian and Edgemoor Roads. (203-07) 26? Adoption of Planning Resolution No. P-95- - Temporary Use Permit 95- 23, Phil Spears/Poway High School Band--B-6osters, applicants, for a Christiansen Amusements fundraising carnival on the Mega Food /K-Mart site, northeast corner of Poway and Midland Roads, June 1-4, ]99 . 203-07) 27.* Adoption of Planning Resolution No. P-95- - Denying Minor Con itional Use Permit 95-03, Bruce and Carolyn CasseTte-, applicants: a requesting to construct a lighted tennis court at 13712 Paseo Valle Alto, in Green Valley Estates. (confirming action taken May 9, 1995, Item 6) (203-24) 28. 30. MICKEY CAFAGNA 31. SUSAN CALLERY 32. ROBERT EMERY 33. BETTY REXFORD 34. DON HIGGINSON Exhibit in Preparation