Item 13 - Parking Restrictions on Norwalk StreetFROM: Bowersox, City Ma~ BY: John D. Fitch, City Manage ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Serviceq~ Michael H. Robinson, Traffic Engineer~.~ t~' DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJ-ECT: Parking Restrictions on a Segment of the North Side of Norwalk Street At citizen reque t, the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) reviewed conditions on Norwalk Street at the in ersection with Norwalk Lane/Old Community Road. The TSC recommended parking restrict ons on the north side of Norwalk Street in order to improve sight distance for veh cles exiting Norwalk Lane. This actions is not subject to CEQA review. Costs will be limited to installation and of no parking signs. Mary Tamayo and JoAnn Thrasher. The Traffic Safety Committee recommends that City Council approve the attached Resolution establishing parking on a segment of the north side of Norwalk Street. ACTION 1 OF 5 MAY 2.3 1995 ITEM 13 -- --AGENDA REPORL CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~e~) INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant C~ty Manager~~¥ /) Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Servic Michael H. Robinson, Traffic Engineer),~ DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Parking R on a Segment of the North Side of Norwalk Street BACKGROUND Periodically, Traffic Engin ering has received requests from the public for installation of stop or yie d controls at the intersection of Norwalk Street and Norwalk Lane/Old Commun ty Road. Requestors have reported near accidents involving vehicles exiting he northerly driveway of Poway Country Pre-School on Norwalk Lane. This issue was reviewed by the Traffic Safety Committee {TSC) on March 14, 1995. Norwalk Street is a 34-f ot-wide east-we t running residential street. The west end of Norwalk term nates in a cul- e-sac which contains two driveways, one on the north side an one on the sou h. The north driveway {Norwalk Lane) serves two residences an Poway Country re-school. The south driveway provides access to approximately 18 residences (Old Community Road). See site diagram, Attachment A. Speed Limit: Norwalk Street 25 MPH {prima facie} Traffic Volume: 300 AWD Est. including pre-school traffic Accidents: No reported accidents within the past three years. ACTION: 2OF 5 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS Staff review revealed no unusual conditions. Stop signs are not warranted and vehicles exiting both driveways are required to yield to traffic on Norwalk Street. ight visibility was checked. Drivers turning onto Norwalk Street from Old ommunity Road can see 1 240 feet to the east, which equates to a 5 MPH stopping sight distance. Vi ibility at the northerl driveway is more imited because of a mature willow ree and because of the osition of the driveway in the cul-de-sac. There s approximately 120 fee of sight distance for drivers exiting the Poway Country PreSchool driveway, his is insufficient for the 25 MPH speed limit. Mary Tamayo, owner of Poway Country PreSchool was contacted regarding staff's findings. She agreed that parking restrictions would improve sight visibility at her driveway and concurred with the proposed recommendation to the TSC. On March 14, 1995, The TSC determ ned that landscaping trims on Norwalk treet and parking r strictions e st of he driveway along the northerly Norwal curbline woul improve sig t visi ility above minimum requirements for t e existing 25 M H speed limi . Lan scaping trims were requested and have een accomplished y the proper y owner. Following the TSC meeting, Ms. Tamayo contacted staff and indicated that she no longer supports the recommended parking restrictions, stating that the restrictions will impact parking availability for her business. The completed landscaping trims, without parking do not improve visibility enough to meet minimum requirements for the 25 MPH speed limit. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Costs will be limited to installation and maintenance of no parking signs. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AJtD CORRESPONDENCE Mary Tamayo and JoAnn Thrasher. RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Safety Committee recommends that City Council approve the attached Resolution establishing parking on a segment of the north side of Norwalk Street. JLB:JDF:MSW:MHR:pc Attachments: A - Site diagram B - Resolution 3 OF 5 ~AY ~ $ 1995 II'EM 13 ~o ...... ~ ~ IR HYD~.NT ~ ...... nm k LO E ~ ...... ~ ~ TR ET LIGHT ~ EL PHONE POLE NO A NTS ~T~IN .. ..... No ~ZNG T~ P~T T~E Y~S (O~OSED) CITY OF POW'AY ~TEM: S=ED~AG~ PARKING ON A SEGMENT OF THE NORTH  ' TITLE: SIDE OF NORWALK STREET SCALE : = ATTACHMENT: A 4 OF 5 A I~AY 2. 8 1995 i i C~ 13 RESOLUTION NO. 95- - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA EST A NO PARKING ZONE ON A SEGMENT OF THE NORTH SIDE OF NORWALK STREET Whereas, Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of "No Standing or Pmrking" zones in the City of Poway; and Whereas, the City Council has determined that a certain No Parking zone should be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code, a No Parking zone is hereby established on Norwalk Street in the following location: No S' Along the north side of Norwalk Street, beginning at the westerly extended driveway curbline of the most westerly driveway and extending easterly a distance of 80 feet. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at a regular meeting thereof this 23rd day of May, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie '. Wa'lste , City Clerk of the Cit of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty o per ury hat the foregoing Resol tion No. 95- was duly adopted by the ity ounc 1 at a meeting of said ity Council held on the 23rd day of May, 19 , an tha it was so adopted by t e following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: City of Poway 5 OF 5 ~AY%31995 I~(~M 13 ,