Item 14 - Stowe Dr. Extension between Pomerado Rd and Old Pomerado Rd AGENDA REPOI ;UMMARY TO: Honorable ~,_yor and Members of the City Com..~'l fc~_~~ Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L.'Bowersox, City Mana~'~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager C~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Stowe Drive Extension Between Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road ABSTRACT n June 11, 1992, the City Council and the Redevelopment A ency held a workshop to iscuss s veral issues relative to the Old Pomerado Road n ighborhood. At that meeting he Counc 1 and the Agency approved the project to extend towe Drive from Pomerado oad to 0 d Pomerado Road. Staff also presented the traff c signal analysis at the ntersect on of Old Pomerado Road and Pomerado Road. Shou d Stowe Drive not be extended, a traffic signal would be warranted in the future at the int of Old Pomerado Road and Pomerado Road. Staff has prepared preliminary desi n based on current survey and development plans of vacant parcel and has raised severa safety issues regarding the roadway. Staff requests approval from the Council o arrange a neighborhood meeting to discuss the current preliminary design of the S owe Drive extension and discuss alternatives to the proposed design such as replacing t is project with a traffic signal at Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road. IONMENTAL REVIEW This report does not require tal review. FISCAL INPACT There is no fiscal impact with this report. PUBLIC NOTIFIC, )RRESPONDENCE Standard distribution; Bill Rickles, President, Southwest Poway H A Neville Bothwell. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Coun il/Redeve opment Agency direct staff to conduct a neighborhood meeting to discuss the indings o the preliminary design of Stowe Drive extension and discuss the replacemen of the S owe Drive extension project with a traffic signal at Pomerado Road and -ld Pomera o Road. ACTION 1 OF 6 MAY 2 8 1995 ITEM -' AGENDA REPORS CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire~ INITIATED BY: ~; ~.. ~tch, Assistant City Manager~ ~'~ ston, Director of Engineering Service~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Stowe Drive Extension Between Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road BACKGROUND On Ju e 11, 1992, the City Council and the Redev lopment Agency held a works Dp to discus several issues relative to t e Old Pomerado Road neigh or'oDd. At hat meeting the C uncil and t e Agency approv d the project to ex en Stowe Dr ve from Pomerado Dad to Old omerado Road. he approval was base on a pre iminary design wh ch included a reliminar a ignment and a descript on of the roadway. The fda w y varied fro a slope f % near Pomerado Road to 15% with a substa dar roadway of 4 feet wi e. Staff also indicated t e design would be coot ina ed with the evelopmen of the vacant land west o Pomerado Road. $400, O0 as been budgeted from he Redevelopment Agency for he extension of Stowe rive. Staff has begun the design by completing he preliminary survey. At that orkshop, st ff presented th traffic s gnal analysis at the intersec ion of Old omerado Road an Pomerado Dad. Should Stowe Drive not be exten ed, a traff c signal would e warrante in the future at the intersec ion of Old omerado Road an Pomerado Dad. FINDINGS Staff has completed the survey a d has begun the preliminary alignment design for the Stowe Drive ased on this more detailed survey and design analysis, staff has identified s gnificant issues relative to the design of the Stowe Drive The ssues include the following: ACTION: 2 OF 6 ~AY: 199 Agenda Report - Stowe Drive Extension Between Old Po~erado and Po~erado Nay 2~3, 1995 Page 2 1. To accommodate from the vacnt land to St we Drive from the undeveloped properties, a port on of the roa way must be con ructed with the slope not to excee 6%. By cre ing a sec on of roadway with a 6% section, t e slopes on e remaining sec ons of the roadway exceed the City standard of %. A por on of the roadway would have a vertical slope o 17.6% (see Attachments I and 2). 2. Based on the vertical curvature and the horizontal of the roadway as proposed, the design speed would equate to 20 mph. Based on the steepness of this roadway, we believe it would be very difficult for drivers to maintain a speed of 20 mph. 3. The lower portion of the roadway which has a 15% sloe terminates with a short landing of a 6% slope roadwa at a T- This section of roadway also has a ho izontal curve which, under further analysis, staff finds to e a substandard and unsafe design. 4. The width of the roadway as proposed is 24 feet wide. For a low -olume rural residential roadway, a 24 foot wide roadway may e acceptable. Based on the horizontal and vertical curves and he volume of the roadway which may exceed 1,000 vehicles per ay, staff believes the roadway would be safer at the City s standard width of 36 feet. 5. To widen the roadway to the City standard of a minimum 36 foot wide roadway in a 54 foot wide right-of-way would require the taking of more property and potentially impacting adjoining other 6. Existing resi ential roperties on the north side th t use this corridor as t eir dri eways will have to connect the r driveways to towe Dr ve in a section of roadway tha approaches 15 which s an undesirable location for riveways. 7. Th budget was based on the removal of the Big Stone Lodge of ice building during the construction of the road ay. This bu lding is now a residential unit which will add a ditional re ocation costs to the project budget. Widening t e roadway may require additional cost by causing damages to o her properties. 30F6 I/lAY g 3 1995 ITEM Agenda Report - Stowe Drive Extension Between Old Pop. redo and Pomerado May 23, 1995 Page 3 8. Constructing the Stowe Drive extension as proposed will' concentrate drainage to Old Pomerado Road. Staff anticipated collecting the drainage from the roadway and disch rging it to the creek; however, with the detailed design, staf has determined that additional drainage will be collec ed on this roadway from the vacant properties which will requ re increased drainage costs. Based on a better understanding of the development lans of the adjoining property; a more detailed survey; and preliminary d sign analysis, staff believes that the current alignment of the Stowe Dr ve will create a ubstandard un af roadway as well as increased pro ect costs. Staff has etermined tha w thout the of Stowe Driv , a traffic signal would e warranted a 0 d Pomerado Road and Pomerado Road. Staff re uests approval rom the Counc 1 o arrange a neig'borho d meeting to discuss he current preliminary desi n of the Stowe Dr ye and discuss al ernatives to the proposed des gn such as replac ng h s project with a traf ic signal at Pomerado Road an Old Pomerado Roa an nstalling drainage ' ts along Old Pomerado Roa in the vicinity of t e existing ap ENV] REVIEW This report does not require tal review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact with this report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND Standard distribution; Bill Rickles, President, Southwest Poway H A Neville Bothwell. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Co ncil/Redevelopment Agency direct staff to conduct a neighborhood meeting to iscuss the findings of the preliminary design of Stowe Drive extension an discuss the replacement of the Stowe Drive project with a traffic s gnal at Pomerado Road and Old Pomerado Road. JLB:JDF:MSW:mh Attachments: 1. Plan View 2. Profile 4OF 6 ~AY ~ ~ 1995 iTEM 1~+