Item 15 - City's Investment Report~'O: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director ofAdminiStrative Service~ Christine Tsung, Finance Manager DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: City' s I Report ABSTRACT ~lonthly reports of ' are required to be presented to Council. For your inf attached is an portfolio listing as of April 30, 1995. A phased withdrawal of funds from the San Diego County Investment Pool proposed by the County Treasurer is also detailed in the report. ENVIRONMENTAL RE~lEW E 1 review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines The ' portfolio earned $328,992.46 interest during April 1995. ADDI' ~OTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the City's I Report and direct the City Manager to proceed with the Phased Withdrawal Option from the San Diego County Investment Pool. ACTION I of 19 -AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~fd~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manaj~e~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City~anager~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services Christine Tsung, Finance Manager DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: s ort BACKGROUND- t Code Sec. 53646(b) requires the or chief fiscal officers to make a monthly report that includes the type of date of maturity, amount of deposit, current market value of all maturities that exceed 12 months, and interest rate. FINDINGS Cji folio The book value o the ' t portfolio as of April 30, 1995 was $72,102,150 which consists o the City's general operating reserves wh ch qualify for investment repot ing purposes. Also added to this report s a detailed schedule of the City's an Redevelopment Agency's bond proceeds hel for payment of inf purposes. It a book value of $4 ,085,986. The gener 1 operating res ryes portfolio consisted of Time Certifica es of Deposits TCDs) whi h otaled $2,667,000, Gover ment National Mortgage ssociation Cert fic tes {.NM s) which were booked at 973,548, U.S. Treasury otes urchased or 12,41 ,1 2, Federal Home Loan Mor ga e Certifica es wh ch were booke at $ 17,709, medium-term Corpora e otes which 'ere oked at 2,464,015, Fe eral gency issues of $1,000,000, U.. G e ur ies whic are booked a $7,0 9,529, a 1 paper purc ase for 9 2, 2, deposit at the Local Agenc' Investment Find (LAIF) of $ 1,491,577, and 2 ,9 ,278 ives ed through the San .iego County Investment Pool. The market va ue of the oun y Pool increased 1. 14% and is estimated at $21,128,347 at April 30, 199 . recap of the San D ego County Pool's Investment Portfolio as of April 30, 995 is attached. ACTION: I~lAY ~ 2 1995 ITEM 15 Agenda Report - May 23, 1995 Page 2 The values of fixed income as legal tools under California government ode , are closely tied with interest rates. As interest rates go up, the marke va ues of the securities go down. The difference between book (purchase pr ce and current market price is considered an unrealized loss (or ga n, f the market price is higher). A real (realized loss is when the principal of he security is redeemed before it maturity date a market value lower than i s bo k value. The book value f he rity's opera ng portfolio is $ 2,10 ,150; the market value a us d r the San. ego County P ol funds is $69, 43,8 7 for a "paper loss" of ,1 ,3 , or 3.0% o the total, he book value of the ity's bond proceeds is $ ,0 ,9 ; the marke value ad usted for the San Diego County Pool funds is $ The City does not redeeming any of the prio~ to he r ma urity date, so no real osses will be realized. The funds on deposit at LAIF and the San Diego County I Pool earn variable interest rates. The interest rate for the month ending April 1995 is estimated at 5.959% for LAIF, and 4.74% for the County I Pool. The TCDs are at 14 different financial institutions throughout the state. The certificates are placed in $100,000 increments with the amounts in excess of the first $100,000 collateralized as outlined by state law using either mortgages or federal 9 On May 4, 1995 the San Diego Cou ty Inve tment Pool Oversight Committee ly ap roved the implemen ation o the C unty T Phased Withdrawal Pro osal for all Volun ary Par icipan s. The plan was also ly en orsed by the Volun ary Par icipan s Group on May 3, 1995. The proposal was a so reviewed by Metropolitan West ecurities, Inc. (MetWest) who concluded that the proposal "makes sense to all parties" and confirmed the costs as presented to the Oversight C The Phased Withdrawal Plan proposed by the County Treasurer prov des tha all voluntary articipants who elect to participat will be fully wi hdr wn rom the Pool at fu 1 value by December 31, 1997, with he exception of AND G w ich would comp ete their withdrawal by June 30, 19 8. The proposal s s ruc ured to take advan age of the periods of projected hig liquidit' in the Poo , thereby avoiding the sale of at a loss to create liqu dity. In the event cash flows are not projected, the County Treasurer has commit ed to create the liquidity to make this plan work. The Proposa will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors for their on May 16, 1995. 3 o f 19 MAY 2 3 1995 ITEM Agenda Report May 23, 1995 Page 3 The City of Poway's Withdrawal Schedule would be as follows: April 30, 1995 Investment Balance (after $5 million pass thru transferred to County) $57,026,563 ay 1995 o o a $ , , · une 1995 o o a , , eptember 1995 o o a , , ecember 1995 1 o o a , , arch 1996 o ota $ , , 0 · une 1996 o ota , , eptember 1996 o ota , , ecember 1996 1 . o ota , , ecember 1996 Interest 4/1/9 to 9/30/96 , , (Estimated March 1997 o o a $ , , June 1997 o o a , , September 1997 o o a , , December 1997 1 . o o a 1 , , December 1997 Interest lv/ / 6 to 9/30/97 4 , (Estimated February 1998 Interest 10/1/97 to 12/30/97 (Estimated Total 100% of Balance + Interest )63 Staff has reviewed the flow of funds from this proposal against pro ected cash flow needs over the same period and concludes there will be adequat cash from all available sources to meet both operating and capital needs. It s recommended that the City of Poway elect to )articipate in the Phased Withdrawa Proposal. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW E tal review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The t portfolio earned $328,992.46 interest during April 1995. PUBLIC AND None Staff Report May 23, 1995 Page 4 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the City's Investment Report and direct the City Manager to proceed with the Phased Withdrawal Option from the San Diego County I Pool. Attachments: A. I Report (Including the new computer report which lists all the for the City. It is ~ by type of nd li ts market value and maturity dates for all ncl d ng those with maturity dates in excess of 12 months.) B. sc ule detailing the ' for the bond issues managed by he y. C. an ego County Pool's Investment Portfolio as of April 30, 1995. D. an ego County Investment Pool, Phased Withdrawal Proposal. 5 of 19 ~1A¥~31995 05/09/1995 PM - 1 CITY OF POWAY POWA PORTFOLIO MASTER SUMMARY APRIL 30, 1995 AVERAGE "-YIELD TO MATURITY--- PERCENT OF AVERAGE DAYS TO 360 365 INVESTMENTS 800K VALUE PORTFOLIO TERM MATURITY EQUIVALENT EQUIVALENT Local Agency Investment 61.58 1 1 5.257 5.330 of 3.70 1,383 639 6.613 6.705 Mortgage Backed 1,091,257.62 1.51 10,453 7,490 8.143 8.256 Treasury Securities - 17.22 1,367 1,055 6.765 6.859 Medium Term 3.42 1,769 875 7.307 7.408 Federal Agency Issues - 1,000,000.00 1.39 1,096 891 7.111 7.210 Commercial Paper - 962,321.67 1.33 222 165 6.313 6.401 Securities - 9.85 946 219 6.543 6.634 TOTAL INVESTMENTS and 100.00% 617 385 5.847'~ 5.928% CASH O.OO O.OOO O.OOO (not included in yield Accrued Interest at 93,670.73 TOTAL 93,670.~ TOTAL CASH and ~ ~)mv'3~ The City shall invest in only those investments authorized by the State of CHRISTINE TSUNG California under Government Code Sections 53601.1, 53602 and 53635. Investments shall be made using the prudent man theory with given to the DAYJ~l~I/~ fo[lowing itents in order of priority; 1. Safety; 2. Liquidity; 3. Yield. 6 of 19 J'~]AY 23 1995 ITEM 15 , 05/09/1995 CITY OF POWAY PM - 2 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DETAILS - INVESTMENTS PO'WA APRIL 30, 1905 ~TMENT PURCHASE STATED --- YTM "'' MATURITY DAYS ~UMBER ISSUER DATE SOOK VALUE FACE VALUE MARKET VALUE RATE 360 365 DATE TO MAT LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUNDS 040001 LAIF CITY OF POIJAY 5.959 5.577 5.959 1 040002 LAIF AGENCY 5.959 5.877 5.959 1 040004 SD CNTY INVST POOL .740 4.675 4.740 1 SUBTOTALS ar~ AVERAGES 5.257 5.330 1 OF DEPOSIT 010947 EAST-WEST FEDERAL BANK 9/07/94 90,00 .00 99,000.00 99,000.00 6.830 6. 6.9 09/07/99 1, 92 010948 EAST-WEST FEDERAL BANK /07/94 99,00 0 99, .00 99,000.00 6.830 6. 6. 09/07/99 1, 92 010928 FIRST INTERSTATE -SACRAMENTO /04/92 99,00 0 99, .00 99,000.00 6.300 6. 6. 03/04/ 10 010929 FIRST INTERSTATE -SACRAMENTO / 4/92 99, 0 99, .00 99,000.00 6.300 6. 6. 03/04/ 10 010951 FIRST NATIONAL SANK OF MARIN / 2/95 99, 0 09, .00 99,000.00 7.150 7. 7. 01/29/ 75 010952 FIRST NATIONAL SANK OF MARIN 0 / 2/95 99, 0 99~ .00 99,000.00 7.150 7. 7. 4 01/29/ 75 010933 FREMONT INVESTMENT &LOAN 0 / ?/92 90~ 0 99, .00 99,000.00 7.210 7. 7. 1 03/27/ 98 010934 FREMONT INVEBTMENT &LOAN 0 / 1/92 99, 99, 0 .00 99,000.00 7.060 7. 7. 5 03/31/ 7 02 010926 FRANKLIN BANK 0 / 1/92 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.450 6. 6. 4 02/21/ 6 98 010927 FRANKLIN BANK 0 / 1/92 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.450 6. 6. 02/21/ 6 98 010939 FRANKLIN THRIFT & LOAN 0 / 7/92 94, 94, .00 94,000.00 6.500 6. 6. 07/07/ 7 O0 010940 FRANKLIN THRIFT & LOAN 0 /07/92 94, 94, .00 94,000.00 6.500 6. 6. 07/07/ 7 O0 010930 FIRST REPUBLIC TNRIFT 0 /1 /92 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.500 6. 6. 03/11/ 17 010949 GREAT WESTERN BANK 0 /0 /95 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.500 6. 6. 09/29/ 5 53 010950 GREAT WESTERN SANK 0 /0 /95 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.500 6.5 0 6. 90 09/29/95 153 010953 IMPERIAL BANK 0 /1 /95 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.650 6. 0 6. 2 09/15/95 139 010954 IMPERIAL BANK 0 /1 /95 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.650 6. 0 6. 2 09/15/95 1~9 ~943 IMPERIAL THRIFT 0 /1 /92 99, 99, .00 99~000.00 6.250 6. 0 6.337 08/18/97 842 54 IMPERIAL TBRIFT 0 /1 /92 99, 99, .00 99,000.00 6.250 6. 0 6.337 08/18/97 842 0,u931 RIVER CITY BANK 0 / /92 100, .0 100, .00 100,000.00 7.300 7. 0 7.401 03/20/97 691 010932 RIVER CITY SANK 0 / /92 100, .0 100, .00 100,000.00 7.300 7. 0 7.401 03/20/97 691 010945 SAN DIEGO FIRST SANK 0 / /94 99, .0 99, .00 99,000.00 6.200 6. 0 6. 8<5 03/30/99 1,431 010946 SAN DIEGO FIRST SANK 0 / /94 99, .0 99° .00 99~000.00 6.200 6. 0 6. ~ 03/30/9<) 1,431 010937 SARATOGA NATIONAL SANK 0 / /92 99,00 .00 99,00 .00 99,000.00 6.500 6. 0 6. 90 06/03/96 401 010938 SARATOGA NATIONAL BANK 06/ /92 99~00 .00 99,00 .00 99,000.00 6.500 6.500 6. 90 06/03/96 401 010941 TRAMS PACIFIC NATIONAL SANK 08/ /92 100~00 .00 100,000.00 100,000.00 6.250 6.250 6. 37 08/12/97 836 010942 TRAMS PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 08/ /92 100,00 .00 100,000.00 100,000.00 6.250 6.250 6. 37 08/12/97 836 SUBTOTALS ar~J AVERAGES 6.613 6.705 639 MORTGAGE SACKED SECURITIES 080001 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 09/17/~ 2 ,66 . 9 3 ,408.49 30,224.21 8.000 8.784 8.906 08/15/06 4,126 080003 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 04/20/87 8 ,04 . 0 9 ~692.70 92,671.61 9.000 9.137 9.2~ 05/01/16 7,673 081008 GNMA POOL 192832 04/20/87 59 ,39 . 2 60 ,399.52 600,009.26 8.000 7.958 8.069 04/15/17 8,022 081007 GNMA POOL 203379 04/20/87 26 ,80 . 6 26 ,969.56 265,796.68 8.000 8.001 8.112 04/15/17 8,022 081001 GNMA POOL 13057 08/11/~5 11 ,34 . 5 11 ,023.28 117,780.42 8.000 8.503 8.621 08/15/06 4,126 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 1,091,257.62 1,104,493.55 1,106,482.18 8.143 8.256 7,490 * Market value of $ , 7 of 19 IAY g3 1995 ITEM 15 .,, t 05/09/1995 CITY OF POWAY PM - 3 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DETAILS - INVESTMENTS P(TWA APRIL 30, 1995 IHVESTMEHT PURCHASE STATED '-- YTM "' MATURITY NUMBER ISSUER DATE BOOK VALUE FACE VALUE MARKET VALUE RATE 360 365 DATE TO MAT TREASURY SECURITIEE ' COUPON 070001 US TREASURY NOTE 09/25/90 497,968.75 500, 00.0 503,595.00 8.500 8.484 8. 02 08/ 5/95 1 070002 US TREASURY NOTE 4/12/94 488,671.8~ 500, 00.0 483,905.00 5. 75 6.323 6. 11 03/ 1/99 1,4 070003 US TREASURY NOTE 4/21/94 483,593.75 500, 00. 483,905.00 5. 75 6.568 6. 59 03/ 1/99 1,4 070004 US TREASURY NOTE 5/06/94 989,218.75 1,000, 00. 988,440.00 . O0 .664 6. 6 04/ /99 1,4 070005 US TREASURY NOTE 6/02/94 499,687.50 500, 00. 498,280.00 . 5 .672 6. 5 05/ /99 1,4 070006 US TREASURY NOTE 7/12/94 494,296.8~ 500, 00. 498,125.00 . 5 .927 7. 24 06/ /99 1,5 070007 US TREASURY NOTE 0 /12/94 499,453.13 500, 00. 498,905.00 .50 .453 6. 43 05/ /97 ? 070008 US TREASURY NOTE 0 /09/94 4 ,765.63 500, 0 500,155.00 7 .792 6. 86 07/ /99 1,5 4 070009 US TREASURY NOTE /15/94 4 ,984.38 500, 498,280.00 .485 6. 75 08/ /97 9 070010 US TREASURY NOTE /15/94 4 ,593.75 508, 500,155.00 .847 6. 2 07/ 1/99 070011 US TREASURY NOTE /15/94 4 ,671.68 500, 498,280.00 .508 6. 9 08/ 5/97 070012 US TREASURY NOTE /09/94 5 ,156.25 500, 498,280.00 .399 6. 8 08/ 5/97 070013 US TREASURY NOTE /13/94 4 ,437.50 500, 498,280.00 .528 6.6 9 08/ 5/97 070014 US TREASURY NOTE /13/94 4 ,640.63 500, 500,155.00 .940 7.0 08/ 1/99 070015 US TREASURY NOTE /20/94 4 7,500.00 500, 498,280.00 .600 6.6 08/ 5/97 070016 US TREASURY NOTE /20/94 49 ,921.88 500, 500,155.00 .023 7.1 O8/ 1/99 1, 070017 US TREASURY NOTE /23/94 49 ,484.3 500, 498,280.00 0 6.678 6.7"7 08/ 5/97 070018 US TREASURY NOTE /23/94 49 ,828.1 500, 500,155.00 7.075 7. 08/ 1/99 1, 070019 US TREASURY NOTE /30/94 99 ,656.2 1,000~ 996,560.00 0 6.692 6. 08/ 5/97 070020 US TREASURY NOTE /30/94 1,00 ,000.0 1,000, 1,000,310.00 6. 0 6.411 6. 09/ 0/96 0 070021 US TREASURY NOTE 1/08/94 49 ,828.1 500, 502,500.00 6.875 6.908 7. 10/ 1/96 070022 US TREASURY NOTE 2/08/94 49 ,812.5 500, 505,155.00 7.250 7.389 7. 11/ 0/96 1 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 6.765 6.859 1,055 MEDIUM TERM NOTES 090032 EF HUTTON GROUP INC 06/17/91 493,635.00 500,000.00 507,810.00 8.875 9.075 9.201 05/01/96 '~68 090037 FORD MOTOR CREDIT CC~MPANY 03/09/94 972,8~0.00 1,000,000.00 946,900.00 5.625 6.192 6.278 01/15/99 1,357 090035 PHILLIP MORRIS 03/26/92 497,500.00 500,000.00 502,735.00 7.500 7.517 7.622 03/15/97 686 090036 TRAVELERS CORP 05/14/92 500,000.00 500,000.00 501,600.00 7.625 7.521 7.625 01/15/97 627 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 7.307 7.408 875 FEDERAL AOENCY ISSUES - COUPON 061009 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 10/06/94 1,000,000.00 1~000~000.00 1~001,250.00 7.210 7.111 7.210 10/06/97 891 COMMERCIAL PAPER - DISCOUNT 050001 GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORP. 03/03/95 962~321.67 1,000,000.00 962,321.67 6.349 6.313 6.401 10/11/95 165 SECURITIES - COUPON 100011 FIDELITY GOVERNMEHT SECUR FUND 0 /08/94 500,000.00 500,000.00 463,972.74 6.600 6.510 6.600 02/08/96 85 100012 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 0 /09/94 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 926,141.89 6.587 6.497 6.587 02/09/96 86 100013 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 0 /11/94 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 926,141.89 6.587 6.497 6.587 02/11/96 88 100014 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 0 /22/94 500,000.00 500~000.00 468,534.90 6.665 6.574 6.665 02/22/96 99 100015 FIDELITY GOVERNMENT SECUR FUND 0 /23/94 500~000.00 500,000.00 469,921.11 6.684 6.592 6.684 02/23/96 O0 8 o f 1 9 ~'IA¥ 2 3 1995 ITEM 15 05/09/1995 CITY OF PO~AY PM - 4 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DETAILS - INVESTMENTS PC~A APRIL 30, 1995 ~TMENT PURCHASE STATED --- YTM --- MATURITY OAYS NUMBER ISSUER DATE BOOK VALUE FACE VALUE MARKET VALUE RATE 360 365 DATE TO MAT SECURITIES ' COOPON 100002 US GOVERNMENT FUND 10/30/8 699,529.20 699,529.20 720,637.36 8.000 7.890 8.000 10/30/95 184 100003 US GOVERNMENT FUND 07/22/9 50 ,000.00 500,000.00 471,808.93 6.500 6.411 6.500 07/22/95 84 100004 US GOVERNMENT FUND 08/13/9 0 ,000.00 200,000.00 186,821.71 6.500 6.411 6.500 08/13/95 106 100005 US GOVERNMENT FUND 08/24/9 5 ,000.00 250,000.00 232,805.25 6.500 6.411 6.500 08/24/95 117 100006 US GOVERNMENT FUND 09/10/9 . 0 ,000.00 300,000.00 277,436.68 6.200 6.115 6.200 09/10/95 134 100007 US GOVERNMENT FUND 09/28/9 0,00D.O0 500,000.00 463,461.53 6.250 6.164 6.250 09/28/95 152 100008 US GOVERNMENT FUND 10/08/9 0 ,000.00 400,000.00 370,484.24 6.230 6.145 6.230 10/08/95 162 100009 US GOVERNMENT FUND 10/12/9 400,000.00 400,000.00 370,769.23 6.230 6.145 6.230 10/12/95 166 100010 US GOVERNMENT FUND 11/12/9 350,000.00 350,000.00 328,721.75 6.310 6.224 6.310 11/12/95 197 SUBTOTALS and AVERAGES 7,099,529.20 7,099,529.20 6,677,659.21 6.543 6.634 219 TOTAL INVESTMENTS and AVERAGES $ 71,725,748.00' 5.847% 5.928% 385 *Market value adjusted for San Diego County Pool funds $69,943,817 05/09/1995 PM - 5 CiTY OF PO~AY POWA ACCRUED INTEREST DETAILS APRIL 30, 1995 Interest Collected $ 88,883.88 $ 1,226,435.08 PLUS Accrued Interest at End of Period 367,425.60 367,425.60 LESS Accrued Interest at Seginning of Period ( 307,433.10) ( 224,019.42) Interest Earned during Period $ 148,876.38 $ 1,369,841.26 Mortgage gackod Securities: Interest Collected $ 7,462.00 $ 78,028.39 PLUS Accrued Interest at End of Period 19,827.94 19,827.94 LESS Accrued Interest at Beginning of Period ( 19,851.52) ( 20,579.90) Interest Earned during Period $ 7,438.42 $ 77,276.43 interest Collected $ 239,596.92 $ 1,858,115.22 PLUS Accrued Interest at End of Period LESS Accrued Interest at Seginning of Period ( ( Interest Earned during Period $ 172,677.6<5 $ 1,656,155.08 TOTAL Interest Earned during Period $ 328,992.46 $ 1(] of 19 J~'~IAY g$ 1995 ITEM 15 MARKET BOOK VALUE VALUE $ $ $ 4.740 4.740 4.740 TOTAL FUND: 5.959 1990A 336,374.13 336,374.13 336,374.13 5.959 48,063.70 48.063.70 48.063.70 5.959 TOTAL BOND $99.754.73 $99,754.73 $99.754.73 5.550 1990A 436,128.86 436,128.86 436,128.86 O,~ '~ND495 11 of 19 )'~IAY 23 1995 IT~.~ 15 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE DATE: May 16, 1995 TO: Board of $ SUBJECT: PROPOSED PHASED WIlliORAWAL OF VOLUNTARY FROM TWE COUNTY'S POOLED CASH FUND SUMMARY: Issue Should the Board o? S concur with the San Diego County I Pool Oversight C approval o? the T s proposal for a phased withdrawal of Voluntary Participants from the San Diego County's Pooled Cash Fund. Recamendation CHIEF ADM!~ISTR~TiVE OFFICER: Concur with the San Diego County Pool Oversight s reco~endation to adopt and approve the phased withdrawal of voluntary Fiscal Impact Based on the Hay 4, 1995, report of the Financial Advtsor, West Inc. (MetWest), to the San Diego County Pool Oversight (attached), the this proposal would cause a projected interest yield reduction of 5 basis points (.05 percent) { Lely $1.2 million) to the County's share (all County funds) of the Pooled Cash Fund over a Z.B year phaseout period. This projected interest yield reduction assumption is based on the current interest rate and the withd awol of all funds on the specified ares and in the amounts as shown in the attach d Proposed Participant Phased 1 This yle d reduction wil vary based upon t e interest rate Specifically, f interest r~tes rise, he interest yield reduction wi 1 If interest rates fall, the interest yield wi 1 ~e impact of this proposal will be factored into the interest earnings projected for Fiscal Year 199B-96 and will be incorporated into the Proposed Policy and Program Budget. D 13 of 19 ~lAY 2 3 1995 ITEM 15 SUBJECT: PROPOSEO PHASED WITHDRAWAL OF VOLUNTARY PARTICIPANTS FROM THE COUh~FY'$ POOL£~ CASH FUND BACKGROUND: On May 4, 199S the San Diego County I Pool Oversight ly approved the impl of the County' s Phased Withdrawal Proposal for all Voluntary P ' ' ts based on its unanimous by the Voluntary participants on May 3, 1995. Under this proposal (attached}, all Voluntary . who elect to in the phased withdrawal would be fully from the Pool at full value by Oecember 31, 1997, with the of SANDAG which would complete their 1 by June 30, 1998. Since December 1994 the Mandatory and Voluntary participants of the Pool and the County TKeasurer have worked collectively as a gro p throd~h the Pool and San Diego County I o~l Oversight Committee to insure the safety of their principal investe in the Pool. During this period, there has been a set of wi hdrawal rules placed upon the Voluntary to prevent a 'run on the Pool while a manageable solution to the withdrawal issues could be resolved. The San Diego County I Pool Oversight Committee has reviewed several possible solutions to this issue and has concludeU that the s Phased Withdrawal Proposal presents the best possible solution for all parties This proposal will be of mutual benefit to both voluntary and It allows voluntary the flexibility to structure their cash needs for 1 and purposes while taking advantage of peak cash ltquidtt7 periods to minimize the impact of the cash withdrawals on To further validate the Proposal, the San Diego County Investment Pool Oversight Committee contracted with Metro¢olitan West Inc. ~MetWest) to review the Proposal to first ensure that it is wortable and second to identify the cost to the Mandatory P MetWest concluded that the pro osal "makes sense to all parties" and confirmed the costs as to he It is expected that the cost of this proposal to the Monde Dry P will be a in interest earnings of approxima ely $2.7 million in the current interest rate over the .S year period of the phased 1. The proposal not only prov des the Voluntary Participants with timeltnes for from the Pool, but it also does so while providing liquidity for all p without the projected sale of at a loss to create liquidity. The Treasurer is currently soliciting Voluntary P election of the Options included in the Phased Withdrawal Proposal. 14 of 19 ~IAY g:3 1995 ~TEM 15 , BOARD OF AOEkNDA ITEl( INFOIU(ATZON SHEET SUBJECT: PROPOSED PHASED WITHOP. AWAL OF VOLUNTARY PARTICIPANTS FROM THE COUNTY'S POOLED CASH FUND SUPV. :IST.: All COUNTY COUNSEL APPROVAL: Form and Legality ( ) Yes (X) N/A ( ) Standard Form ( ) Ordinance ( ) Resolution CHIEF FII~CNCIAL OFFICER/AUDITOR APPROVAL: ( ) N/A (~)'-Yes 4 VOTES: { ) Yes ( ) No CON~I~ACT RE'VIEW PANEL: ( ) Approved PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: N/A BOARD POLICIES APPLICABLE: N/A CITIZE~ COHI~ITTEE STATEMENT: On May 4, 1995, the San Diego County Pool Oversight Committee ly adopted and approved the Treasurer'; Phased 1 Proposal as discussed and amended. CONCURREHCES: ,/Tax Collector ORIGII~TIN~ DEPARTI~EI~T: Auditor and Controller COffI'ACT PERSON~ Robert Booker, Ed.D. (S30-5413) Chief Financial Officer/Auditor and Controller DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MEETING DATE ) IAY 2 3 1995 ITE).,) 15 15 of 19 SAN DIIEGO COUNTY Ilq'VES~ POO1_ PtlASED ~RAWAL I:~ROPOSAL I. Deposit. No fu~u~ ~mpom~ an: proj~t~ ~om Vol~ P~¢ip~u' =~ ~¢ for ~on ~m ~B ~ ~y ~d lun~ 199~ ~d $36 ~on ~om S~AG b~?*~ May 1995 ~d Ap~ 1996. ~y ~cn~ may m~ ~Ro~ d~siu into ~c P~i a~ ~y Omc. ~on~ d~siu wo~d be ~ m ~c ag~cy u~n five (5) wor~g days notice or ~ew pr~e~s. 2. Wi~. Wi~dmw~a to ~ P~cip~u who ~t ~ p~cipate ~ ~e would be ~e u~mg ~g ~h~ SC~ OF ~~w~ PA~N~S, ,~ ~mw~ ~d ~e co~e~nd~g ~c~mge payout ~ be b~ u~n ~ch agency ~ of Ap~ 30, 1995. ~ore, on ~ch <h~ul~ paym~t ~ ~h ~en~ ~ ~ve ~t p~c~t of ~ b~ce ~ of Ap~ 30, 1995. ~ ~ ~ent ~ agency to p~cipam m · e Pro~ is fac~ ~i~ ~ ~b~oMm n~ for op~g ~nds before z <h~ payment ~d ~ ~ ~ av~able Mnd$ ouuide ~c P~I ~e M~ to a ~ (30) ~y · ey wo~d ~ ~ow~ ~ ~i~w ~e n~ ~nds, provM~ ~at ~e P~I h~ suf~i~at for [~: ~ Howler, ~ ~ubs~uent mh~ul~ wi~dmw~s wo~c Oc ~uc< or ~ffi such ~me ~ ~ ag~gam ~w~s ~ b~k on sch~c ~ ~ pamcipmu. S~ ~ is Mn~ble, "awilnhle hnds" wo~d be de~ ~ =y ~nds of ~e ~gency. ~y exc=p~on to ~s ~cy would ~uk~ ~ appm~ af ~u Ov~ight Comm~. 3. wi~w~ EiCon. Agencies wM~ p~ci~m m ~s pro~ may e!<t to have sch<ul~ ~d~w~ paymenU y ~cnt m ~ b~ or Mve ~e paym~m mm~ P~I. ~ ~e ev~t ~ ag=cy M~ m have ~e paymen~ mmm in ~e P~I. ~ey would have ~c ab~ m ~dmw ~ "b~' ~ngs u~a ~ (30) ~ys noUce ~¢out ~y or ~. 4. ~t~ D~buflon. ~$t ~ be c~ q~ly m ~h ag~cy's nmd ~ nom~. ~t~t ~gs be~ Apffi 1, 1995 ~d S~mmb~ 30, 1996 ~ be (arable for ~m ~e P~O M D~mb~ 1996. ~ be~n ~mb~ 1, t996 ~d S~temb~ 30, 1~7 w~ b~ di~bu~ ~ D~embcr 1997. htmst ~M be~n October I997 ~d D~emb~ 30, I~7 w~ be dis~but~ ~ Feb~ 1998. 5. G ~e T~ ~ ~d ~¢ ~ght Com~ ~ ~at he ~B ~m ~e n~ ~qm~ to m~ ~: pl~ work. ~ ~on ~s P~ be p~n~ to ~e Coun~ ~d of 5u~imrs for ~eR on May 16. 1995. COUNTY OF:: 8AN DIEGO 16 o f 19 IvIAY 2 3 1995 |'r~ 15 6. Pe. nmanent Withdrawal Rule. For any ag~n¢~ ~ to participat~ in this Proposal, the Withdrawal Rulta shnl! be replaced with the single followin,, Rt~i=: Withdrawal will b~ permit~t only for those agc-ncies which can d' that ~hcv have absolumly no funds available out.~id¢ the Pool except for a thirty (30) day ot~raang rede. rye. Since ~ is fungible, "avallabl~ funds" will be defined as any funds of thc agency. ALI will be subject to the review of the Withdrawal Review Group. The withdraw'a/rule :hall remain m ~/-fec: 1998, the completion date of the Phased WithcLrawal. Reg~d/c~s of ~he Option chosan by an agenc'y, all future deposits shall be hancLl~d La , uath lam i above. ?. G ' lencies. The grancifatktred agencies, including the . Colleges, who usa ac se..wic~ of thc County to k~p their :=cords and/or issue for the a§e. ncy can continue to function 100% in this will be tItateg a.s a mandatory parU~pant (ukis a~ium~s ~ha[ uhe agency shall continue to make the. ar dq~osits mm ~¢ Pool). They cam a/au opt to be treated as a voluntary agency and elect :0 partl¢ipa:~ in the Withdrawal Proposal m the m~rn¢ fashion a.s the otb y agencies. However, any agency so opung shall be subject to all of the placed upon the otb . age,ncics, including me Withdrawal Rule. and would ~_,'J~__ tu s~t up their own and check issum§!clearm§ system. 8. Additional Options. Any volunl:ary agency, including grandf'athr..red age~cies, which ini~ally e/ecu not to parucipat= in the Pha.~d Withdrawal may later opt for the Phased Withdrawal. Such agencies e/coting phased withdrawal would be placed on the Phased Sch~ule, ra~rlg into accour, t their d~i~osir, s and withdrawals to April 30, 1995. Any volunra~-y agency shall at aJ/ times have the option to withdaaw at mazket or withdraw a b~ular of in-kind secuntie~ which woul~l approximat~ the market value and coupon y/eld of the Pool, but no so:uriti~ would be included that mature before lun¢, 1997. 9. St. art Date. All agencies el~;xing to par~icipat= in this Proposal will rcc~,.,e ' ' payment within five (5) working days afxr~ i~aipt of the Ejection Form by the Tre~urem Office, but no earl/= than May 18, 1995. 10. A_qs~lmption. The withdrawal schedule w~s prepared with thc assumption that th= County and Schools wi.il issue TRAN$ and Teernr Notr. a as projecmcl in the caah flow proj=aons and that the set a.Ud~ for the Notea will be made with their third pan7 uust=:s bl, the Schools in December and May and by thc County in December, April, May and June. 17 of 19 MAY ~2 199S !~ 15 SCHEDUI-F~ OF ~~W~ PA~S Wi~w~ ~d~ ~s pr~ s~ be ~e ~ ~ Vol~ 15~ bu~s ~y of ~ch mon~. ~ch P~cip~t so ~g m p~cipa~ ~ ~e Pro~ s~ ag~cy ma~ r~mv~ ~ ~ payment und~ ~s p~ sh~ nol be ~mfl~ to ~ese ~h~e for ~ Volun~ P~ci~m o~ m~ b~ow. ~e ~o~ : for ~h ~ is ~e m~ ~o~t ~a~ would be Mon~ M~h 2.62~ ($13m) 5.12% ($25m) lune 5.2~ ($26m) 5.12~ ($2~m) 5.91% S~=mber 5.25~ ($26m) 6.82~ ($33m) 7.87~ t$39m) To~ 25.24% ($12~) 34.11% ($167m) 39.~% ~e~ amounu ~m~nt ~e b~s of ~e Voi~ P~Up~u ~ of Ap~ 30, 1995 w~ch ~ff= kom ~e ~h 30, 1995 6~ by ~e ~uc~on of $~3.8 million ~ch w~ ~ to - p~ap~u =d ~e ~clu~on of $106.a for ae Commum~ CoHeg~. ~e ~h~ule for S~AG ~d ~B for ~ ne~ wi~ ~ fo~ows: I~ $ $ 6,850,439 ~h 18,5~,814 15,205,881 Ap~ 31,9~,239 May 1~,828,~39 f~y 15,085,~39 Augus~ la,275,439 S~b~ 7,2~,~26 9,992,~9~ 10,5~2,67~ Novcmb~ 5,9~,439 D~mb~ To~ $108,~,750 $95,~8,708 ~9,236,861 S~AG's ~m~g b~ of $53 ~on (1 199B, SAN DIEGO COUNTY INVES~ POOL d~ m ~pa~ ~ ~e Ph~ Wi~w~ Prog~ ~ de~nb~ m ~e p~. W= ~at ~y ~di~o~'wi~dmw~s r~ues~ abov~ a~d b~yond · c Sch~,,l-~ Pzym~ ~ ~ subj~ m comp~ ~ ~e P~t Wi~w~ K~e ~fl ~ ~u~ or e~a~ Sch~ul~ Paym~ ~ such ame a o~ ~ on ~h~e. We ~sh ~ have o~ Sch~ul~ Pa~ ~t ~ us on · e Sch~ P~ym~t Da~. We ~sh ~ have o~ Sch~ul~ ~ymen= h~d m ~e Co~,T T~. ~e S~ Paym~n~ d~ ~ o~ '. be arkie for ~w~ by o~ Ag~c7 ~ ~ (30) ~ys no~. ~ O~ON ~. ~e d~s not de~ ~ ~cipa~ ~ ~e P~ Wi~w~ ~og~ ~ d~b~ in ~e a~h~ pr~. We ~ ~t ~ wi~s ~u~ by o~ Agency ~ OPx'ION 3. ~e ~ ~w o~ ~ b~ ~ ae P~I at ~a ~t vaue ~ of Ap~ 30, 1995. ~ O~ON 4. ~e ~ue ~ of Ap~ 30, 199~. It ~ und~st~ ~ ~s s~ be a sm~ b~et of m- ~d ~fi~ ~t appm~mams ~e m~k i cou~n yi~d of ~e P~I but d~ not ~ude ~ ~at ma~ befo~ June 1997. Print N~,ne Sig.q ~t-~um PAUL BOLAND TREASLIR.F_.R-TAX COt Title Date Dam 19 of 19 ~,iAY 23 1995 ~T~M 15 ,