Item 16 - Approval of Minutes ~DA R TO.' Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. City Ma INI~I_ATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~'~jK Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk'7!~ DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the April 18 and 25, 1995 regular . and April 27, 1995 adjournea regular meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW E tal review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. None None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of the Poway City Council meetings of April 18, 25 and 27, 1995. ACTION IvlAY ~ 3 1995 ITEM 16 ~ CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 1995 The April 18, 1995, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBER SENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Bob Emery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Su~an Callery (Councilmember Callery arrived at 7:02 p.m.) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT ames owersox it- .anager .arjor e Wahlsten it' lerk teve ckis it ttorney ohn F tch s s ant rity Manager ob Thomas rec or o ommunity Services ark Weston rec or o ngineering Services arren Shafer rec or o edevelopment Services ark S nchez rec or o afety Services teve treeter rinc pal lanner teve lackwood heri f's enny iley enior Management Analyst PLEDGE OF AL ,NCE Councilmember Emery led the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATION Mayor Higginson proclaimed April 23-29, 1995 as "National Infant I Week" and May, 1995 as "Toddler Immunization Month," and presented the proclamation to Mary Sammer with the American Red Cross. PRESENTATIONS A. Mayor Higginson presented an Employee Suggestion Award certificate and $75 to Pattie Cook, secretary in the Engineering Services Department, for her suggestion regarding City letterhead. B. Vicki Campbell, Field Representative for Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith, presented an Assembly Resolution to Elaine Wilcox, Secretary to the City Manager, for her recent life-saving efforts. 5473 )~IAY ~ 3 1995 Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - April I8, 1995 Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. The following persons were present wishing to speak: Vicki Campbell, field representative for Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith, reviewed various legislation with the City Council. Ric DuDeck, 12859 Luiseno Drive, stated his neighbor is building a second story on top of his garage that will have a view directly into the Dudeck's bedroom and the home on the other side. City Manager Bowersox stated Planning Services staff will visit the site tomorrow. (1180-03) CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Emery pulled Item 19 from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Cafagna requested additional information on SB 1122 on Item 25. Motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Emery to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 15. Approv 1 o M nu - ity Cou ci arc 1 , 5, egular ee ing - arc 2 , 5, egular ee ing arc 2 , 5, egular ee ing 17. Ratification of Warrant Registers for period of March 20-24, March 27-31, 1995. {401-10) 18. App of $5,000 to modify the existing building at the Poway Community Swim Center to be used as a vending machine (1401-01) 19. Appropriation of $12,681 for a Portable Pool Program at Poway Community Swim Center. (1401-01) 20. Award of contract to Rapid Sign and Graphics to prepare and maintain the advertising sign panels for the Poway Events Kiosk Sign Program and structures. (602-01 #1057) 21. Authorization to acquire mitigation land for Scripps Poway Parkway East: APNs 324-011-07 and -09 from Vernon and Marie Novak for $230,488.50. (1002-01R) 22. Approval of First Ame dment to the agree ent between the County of S n Diego and the City o Poway for Public ransportation Services for Y 1994-95 through FY 19 6-97 and auth for SANDAG to implement t e appropriations from oway's unallocated DA Reserve as approved by t e City Council on March 28, 1995. (602-01 #3 ) 5474 1995 ITEM Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 23. Approval of First Amendment to the agreement with the Metropolitan Transit District Board {MTDB) to regulate taxicabs in the City of Poway. (602-01 #854) 24. Award of bid for Wat r Treatment Plant Upgrade to C.E. Wylie Construction rompa y in the amoun of $5,700,672 (1718); auth for transfer of 440, O0 from Fund 32-8912 to Project 1718; appropriation of $300,000 rom he Sewer Fund eserves; an increase in the Revenue Bo d amount frm 2,50-,000 to $2,91 ,300; and adopt Resolution No. 95-0 O, entitle , Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway garding I s Intention to Issue Tax-Exempt Obligations." ( 02-01 #105 ) 25. Adoption of the following positions on pending legislation: support AB 1715 which initiates a pilot housing element self-ce 'ification for the San Diego region; support AB 1731 which authorizes cal government to meet housing needs by identifying adequate sites or hrough substantial rehabilitation of urrent housing stock; support AB 3 9 which authorizes issuance of $500 m llion in state bonds for library construction; support AB 138 which woul allow local governments to obtain a waiver from the prevailin wage sc edule if the project is funded by a portion of local dollars; upport AB 135 which would extend the $1.00 fee on a vehicle registrat on indefinitely to fund the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program; support A 563 which excludes a city from liability for cost or damages that resu t from hazardous m terials contamination on a municipal right- of-way if it was not caused y actions or of the city; support AB 282 whic would allow c ties and redevelopment agencies to review properties w ich are request ng reduced oppose AB 142 which is an attemp to bring the Public Records Act into the electronic age; and support SB 23 as an enforcement mechanism to combat cable television signal theft. {701-11) Motion carried ly. -04) ORDINANCE NO. 443/SECOND READING TS SIGNAGE Mayor Higginson read the title of Ordinance No. 443, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Amending Chapters 17.26 and 17.40 of the Poway Municipal Code Concerning Temporary Uses and Temporary Signage." Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is second reading of an Ordinance amending the zoning ordinance regarding uses and signage. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Ann Calvert, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, 15245 Ridgeview Place, stated she had served on the sign ordinance task force. She commended the City Council for Director of Planning Services Wright- 5475 Iv1AY 31995 ITeM 16 ,) Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 Quastler's excellent staff and urged adoption of the ordinance. Motion by Councilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Emery to close the public hearing and adopt Ordinance No. 443. Motion carried ly on a roll call vote. ( ) CO ITIONAL USE PERMIT 6 -08 DE LOPMENT REVIEW 95-0 A CANT: ~D OF AY Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request to a new religious complex ~ of a sanctuary, fellowship hall, classrooms and offices on a 1.1 acre parcel which presently houses a temporary complex at 16934 Old Espola Road. Staff recommends approval. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Rabbi Goldstein, 16934 Old Espola Road Councilmember Callery expressed concern regarding how close this will be to the street and if the neighbors are aware of the proposed design. ~otion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Emery to close the puli earing, issue a Negative Declaration with mitigation and a op lanning Resolution No. P-95-19, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Counci o he City of Poway, California Approving Conditional Use Permit 8 -0 .odification, Development Review 95-05 and Variance 95-03, A Parce umber 273-820-15." Motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Callery voting "no. CO DITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-03M{3) VA IANCE 95-02/DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-06 A Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request to add a 5,473 square foot service and parts area to the Townsend Dodge auto dealership at 14010 Poway Road with a variance to allow a portion of a 760 square foot service write-up booth to encroach completely into the required ten foot side yard setback. Staff recommends approval. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Michael Sheridan, 14063 Jean-O-Reno, objected to employees of the dealership parking in front of their homes and stated the service department uses 5476 t IAY 2 3 1995 ITEM 16 · Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 their neighborhood streets to test drive cars. Jerry Green, 13311 Via Stephen, stated he has the same concerns as Mr. Sheridan. He also stated the air compressors go on and off during the night and trucks make deliveries which is very disturbing to the residents' sleep. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Robert Townsend, 14010 Poway Road, stated he has issued a policy to his employees not to park or test cars in the neighborhood. The compressor will be enclosed with the new Motion by Councilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Callery to clo e the ublichearingandado t P1 nningResolutionNo. P-95-20, en itled, "AReso ution f the City Council o the ity of Poway, California Approv ng a Modificat on to onditional Use Permi 85-0 M{3} and Variance 95-02 and Deve opment Review 5-06, Parcel Num er 3 3-190-68, 69," amended to prohi it employee parking and car testing in he neighborhood to the north, and requiring the air compressor to be shut down at night. Motion carried ly. ( ORDINANCE NO. 445/FIRST READING ROOF AND FACIA MOUNTED SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS Mayor Higginson opened the ublic hearing and read the title of Ordinance No. 445, "An Ordinance of he C ty of Poway, California, Amending Section 17.37 of the Poway Municipal Co e to llow Roof and Facia Mounted Satellite Dish Antennas in Residential Zones ZOA 4-04)." Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Currently, roof mounte satellite dishes are prohibited beca,se of their visual impacts, however, the new smaller dishes are unobtrusive an it is recommended the Zoning Code be amended to allow them under certain condi ions. In response to Council query, Principal Planner Streeter stated a no ee permit will be required. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Emery to issue a negative declaration and set second reading for Ordinance No. 445 for May 2, 1995. Motion carried ly. (lOO2-01) RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION MIDLAND ROAD SEWER PROJECT Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. There is the to acquire ly 6,670 square feet of property near the terminus of Midland Road, north of Twin Peaks Road, for the 5477 I 1AY 3 995 ITEE 16 Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 construction of the Midland Road Sewer. Councilmember Cafagna disqualified himself from consideration of this item and left the room. There was no one present wishing to speak. .otion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Mayor Higginson to close the public earing and adopt Resoluti n No. 95-021, entitled, "Resolution of the City of oway Finding and Determin ng the Necessity that Certain Property be Acquired nder Eminent Domain Procee ings; Directing the City Attorney to Commence a Court Action for Said Purpose. Thomas: APN 314-650-26)." Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Cafagna disqualifying himself. CABLE PR( Staff report by City Manager owersox. Southwestern Cable TV has submitted its FCC Form 1205 to the City. ased on the City's cable consultant review, staff is recommending that the Ci y Council determine that Southwestern's proposed charges for equipment and ins allation costs are in substantial conformity to the applicable FCC regulations. The new charges will result in an overall decrease in costs for cable subscribers. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Callery to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Cafagna out of the room. (Councilmember Cafagna re-entered the meeting.} AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT AFFORDABILITY GAF Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Under the judgement entered in Smith v All Persons, the Redevelopment Agency is requir d to conduct several studies a d to use the services of David Rosen to perform hese studies, star recommen s approval of an agreement with David Paul Rosen Associates to comp ete a Nee s Assessment and an Affordability Gap Analysis n a form approved y the Ci y Attorney, and to appropriate the contract cost of $83,500. Th s item was continued from the meeting of April 4, 1995 in order to get more information for the City Council regarding how the amount of the contract was determined and how the City/Agency could insure effective cost control. The cost was based on the preparation of similar documents for other public agencies in California. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Callery to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried ly. 5478 t~IAY 28 1995 ITEM 16 Page 7 - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 ( ) AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS CONTRACT WITH DAVID PAUL ROSEN Staff report by City Manag r Bower ox. The Redevelopment Agency has approved a five-year impleme tation p an whic includes development of affordable housing projects. In ad ition, t e Smit J dgement further requires the Agency to develop these pro ects. T e nego iat on and development arrangements requ re expertise which i unavailable on sta f. There is an existing agreement w th David Paul Rosen and Associates, an staff recommends an amendment of he contract of $100,000 which will increase the contract amount to $135,0-0. Council continued this item from April 4, 1995 for more inf Councilmember Cafagna stated he had asked the questions at the April 4, 1995 and he has reviewed the and feels staff will keep an eye on the expense. Mayor Higginson pointed out that these were negotiated items with Mr. Rosen. Motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried ly. ) METRO SEWER BILLS FOR 1994-95 Item introduced by ~ty Manager Bowersox. Staff report by D rector of Engineering Services :ston. The City of San Diego has billed us $2, 15,037 for three quarters of 199 -95 which represents the full allocation of all costs minus Mayor Gol g's for the Clean Water Program. he current billing raises ma y undamental questions about appropriateness of certain charges. In May 99 , San Diego calculated Metro sewer rates expressed as "Contr ct" and "Fa r hare". Many member agencies dispute the ability of San Die o o charge a air Share ,nder the current contracts and feel they are not obl a ed to pay or man o the improvement costs until the court case is set e ; the waiver is gr te ; and the disputes under the contract are settled. Sta recommends paying e ill under protest and participate in a detailed aud of the Clean Water rogram accounting and cost allocation methodology. Motion by Councilmember Emery, sec nded by Mayor Higginson to approve full payment of the invoice f r the firs three quarters of Metro and Clean Wate Pro ram under protest; an authorize he City Manager to enter into an agreemen wit other members to und an au it of accounting, cost allocation, an eng neering analysis of a 1 costs to etermine appropriateness of costs assigne to he members. Motion carried ly. Mayor Higginson noted that because of the action taken on this item, it will not be necessary to hold a closed session to decide whether to initiate litigation which was placed on this agenda as Item 14B. 5479 I IAY 1995 16 ' Page 8 - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 REGIONAL 800 MHz RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Staff report by City Manager in he San Diego region, public afety agencies are utilizing aged and/or non-c~ pati le ' ' systems. n the City of Poway, law enforcement, fire an pub ic services are unable to alk on common radio frequencies. The County o San iego is spear-heading the evelopment of a ~egional 800 MHz radio system w ich will place all participants n common tion. They have formed County Service Area 135 for the purpose of funding the regional tions sy tem. Zone F is cote minou with the City of Poway's boundaries. The CSA 135 ee will be $1.00 per enefi unit or $7.00 per single family dwelling. Zone 's benefit charges w ll no exceed $1.12 per benefit unit. The CSA will be or 15 years and the enefi charge will be set annually. Council discussed their ability to al er the benefit units charged to ' 1 if we can define the size of a business. ioti n by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Mayor to adopt Resolution o. 5-022, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, ali ornia Approving a Bud et for County Service Area 135 - Zone F and Requesting he :vy of Benefit Char es for County Service Area 135 - Zone F," with the cond ion that will be looked at more closely; and approve an Agreement for the Regiona Communications System. Motion carried ly. PORTABLE POOL PROGRAM Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Staff is proposing to purchase a 15' x 30' portable pool to provide swim lessons for the 3 to 5 year old age group. There have been large waiting lists for the lower level swim classes during the past five summers of operation and this should solve that problem and generate additional revenue for the swim center. Councilmember Emery stated he had pulled this item from the Consent Calendar and asked what type of security there will be. Director of Community Services Thomas stated it will be inside the fence adjacent to the wading pool. In response to Mayor Higginson's question about the life of this pool, Director of Community Services Thomas stated it is about five years. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Callery to approve the appropriation of $12,681 for the purchase and operation of a portable pool at the Community Swim Center. Motion carried ly. CITY MANAGER ITEHS 26A. City Manager Bowersox stated the Carson & Barnes Circus, sponsored by the Poway Lions Club, is scheduled to be in Poway this week-end in the South 5480 I~lAY g 3 1995 ITEM 16 ' Page g - CITY OF POWAY - April 18, 1995 Poway Business Park. They did not apply for a Temporary Use Permit in time to be approved by the City Council. Staff will issue one using the same conditions as they had two years ago. 26B. City Manager Bowersox showed an advertisement for Pierce Fire Trucks which uses the newest Poway Fire Department apparatus. This picture will be used in their world-wide advertising. 26C. City Manager Bowersox requested the City Council adjourn the meeting in memory of Nellie Wright, Director of Planning Services Wright-Quastler's mother who died last Friday. CITY ATTORNEY ITEHS City Attorney Eckis requested a closed session be held in accordance with Code §54956.9(c) to decide whether to initiate litigation on two potential cases; and pursuant to §54956.9{a), existing litigation, in the cases of Poway Redevelopment Agency v. Parkway Business Centre Partners Ltd., and Poway Royal Mobile Home Owners Association v. the City of Poway. MAYOR ~ UNCIL- ITEMS 31. Councilmember Rexford stated she will not be able to attend the next ADAPT meeting and asked someone from staff to attend. 32. Mayor Higginson requested Councilmember Callery's and Councilmember Emery's appointments to the Housing C be scheduled on the agenda. RE( Mayor Higginson recessed the meeting into Closed Session as requested by the City Attorney at 8:35 p.m. He called the meeting back to order at 9:50 p.m. with all Councilmember~ present. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Higginson adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. on motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford in memory of Nellie Wright, mother of Director of Planning Services Wright-Quastler. City of Poway 5481 IilAY 2 3 1995 ITEM 16 CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING APRIL 25, 1995 The April 25, 1995, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. )BERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery Bob Emery, Don Higginson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Betty Rexford (Councilmember Rexford arrived at 7:01 p.m.) )ERS PRESENT ames owersox ity Manager teve ckis ity ttor ey ohn F tch sis ant - ity Manager eggy tewart rec or o Administrative Services ob Thomas rec or o ommunity Services ark Weston rec or o n ineering Services eba Wright-Quastler rec or o 1 nnin Services andy Williams rec or o u lic ervices ark S nchez rec or o a ety ervices _ teve lackwood heri f's leu enan enny iley enior Management Analyst iarie ofton eputy City Clerk OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Callery led the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATION Mayor Higginson presented a Proclamation for "Year of the Veteran, 1995" to Dan Kreyling of the United Veterans Council; Robert Sniffen and Jim Graig of San Diego Veteran Services. ORAL Mayor Higginson announced that because he had to leave early, he was going to trail Public Oral C until after New Public Hearings. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Emery to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 5482 I'~IAY 23 1995 ITEM 16 .,, Page 2 - CITY OF POW. - April 25, 1995 9. Approv 1 of Minu - City Council arch 30, 5, Adjourned Regular Meeting pril 4, 1 , Regular Meeting pril 11, 5, Canceled Regular Meeting 11. Ratification of Warrant Register for period of April 3-7, 1995. {401-10) 12. Denial of claim for damages: A) Steven M. Roberts; and B) Brittany A. Roberts. (704-13) 13. Concurred with staff determination that rller related sports and traini g is in substantial conformance with the ntent of activities and spor s authorized under Conditional Use Permit 9 -04, Steve, Donna and Maxine D x applicants, Tek-Ice Arena located at 123 0 Stowe Drive. (203-0 } 14. Award of bid for Orange Blossom Drainage Project to Western Pacific Construction in the amount of $49,987.00 (1421). (602-01 #1064) 15.1 Approval of City's Investment Report as of March 31, 1995. (408-01) 15.2 Award of bid for the Water Treatment Plant and Distribution/Collection SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) System Improvement project to Pacific Envirosystems, Inc., in the amount of $845,004. (1718) (602-01 #1063) Motion carried ly. ( MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-02 ¢ ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff r port by City Manager Bowersox. This fs a request to relocate an existing eauty college with an enrollment of 60 students from their present location a 14034 Poway Road to a larger facility in the Lively Center, located at 13 68 Poway Road. Staff recommends approval. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Kathy Shawl, 13239 Ann-O-Reno Lane, stated she lives adjacent to he school's present location and the students are currently parking on er residential street which causes parking problems for the residents, he requested Council look at this, should there be a problem with he relocation. lotion by Mayor Higginson, second by Councilmember Callery, to close the public earing and adopt Planning Resolu on P-95-21, entitled "A Resolution of the Cit' ouncil of the City of Poway, Cal ornia, Approving Minor Conditional Use Permi 5-02, A Parcel Number 7-101-42" and, if Poway Hair Design does no relocate, bring parking problem back to Council for resolution. Motion carrie ly. 5483 Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY April 25, 1995 - COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY RETROFIT AI Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff report by Director of Public Services Randy Williams. Three energy conservation firms have been interviewed for the purpose of evaluating ways the City could save energy. It has been determined the City would benefit to upgrade and/or replace heating, ventilating, air conditioning, lighting, irrigation equipment, and mechanical systems at City facilities to make it operate in a re efficient and cost effective manner. The cost of the improvements are paid ur from the savings realized by reduced costs of operation, utilit compan re ates, and energy savings. The program is designed to be sel -fundin a does not require any up-front capital expenditures. Staff as esta lie ed guidelines in the scope of work that would maximize savings bene its to t e ity and recommends entering into a performance contract with Southland Indust es to provide the design, installation and maintenance for the energy management needs of the City; and enter into an energy conservation rebate agreement with SDG&E for the capital portion of the project. There was no one present wishing to speak. Council inquired what the total cost of retrofitting would be, and 'ow he savings will be realized. Director Williams stated it would be an es ima ed $600,000 capital expense paid for by Southland Industries and repaid by t e C ty with money saved on utilities. In the contract, Southland will guaran ee he savings and if they are not realized, Southland will pay the difference. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna to close the public hearing and adopt staff recommendation. Motion carried ly. Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications and announced that Deputy Mayor Callery would take over the meeting. Mayor Higginson left the meeting at 7:16 p.m. The following persons were present wishing to speak: David Hamann, 17033 Co ote Court, representing eight property owners, requested Council reco ider CUP 86-08M, Chabad of Poway, heard on April 18, 1995, because the ariance was not incl'~ed on the Notice of Public Hearin ; pertinent in ormation was not d closed to them when they contac ed the Planning Department; and the .otice of Public Hearing was too br ef to alert property owners to the s ze and scope of the proposed facili y. City Manager Bowersox stated he would ask the City Attorney to look at the adequacy of the Notice and bring a report back to Council. Joye Davisson, 13733 Celestial Road, representing ARTS ALIVE!, invited the public to the "Rites of Spring" annual fund raiser for the Performing Arts Center. I IAY g 3 199S ITEM 16,84 Page 4 - CITY OF POW,.. - April 25, 1995 ( ) ~BA S Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Section 8.76.070 of the Poway Municipal Code gives any property owner the right to appeal the "Notice to Clean Premises" within ten days. Notices were given on April 3, 1995, and no appeals have been received. There was no one present wishing to present an oral appeal. ( ~ REVIEW OF FY 1995-96 FINANCIAL PLAN AND 5-YEAR FISCAL FORECAST City Manager Bowersox stated a member of the Budget Review Committee has requested they be allowed to review this report before it goes to the City Council. The Committee begins their meetings tomorrow and staff recommends this report be removed from calendar. Council concurred. DESIGNATION OF SITE FOR SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION Cit Manager Bowersox stated the Real Property Division of the County of San Die o has requested this item be removed from calendar to allow more time to res lve some issues in the Memorandum of Understanding including size of the fac lity and value of the site. Council concurred. ( ) RELOCATION OF AUTO DEALERS taff report by City" nager Bowersox. At the March 21, 995 meeting, the City ouncil discussed os ble alternative land uses that coul be considered for the outh Poway Busin ss ark, including the relocation of he auto dealer from oway Road to the out Poway Business Park. While this i ea has merit, t e use of Redevelopment unds for this purpose appears to have een precluded y the passage of AB 1290, which went into effect on January I, 1994. W thout assistance from the Redevelopment Agency, it would be cost-prohibitive to ryto relocate these b Council concurred to receive and file. ) REQUEST TO CO-SPONSOR FAMILY DAY AT LAKE POWAY Staff report by City Manager Bowersox For Parents' and Kids' ke is requesting the City of Poway co-sponsor their f rst "Family Day at Lake oway'~ fro 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Sunday, May 2 , 1995. This fund rais ng event s also being sponsored by Target Stores and s supported by local b S afl is recommending the City Council author ze co-sponsorship of this event an waive the parking fees, facilities fees, and fishing fees. ~AY 2 3 1995 ITEM 16 5485 Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - April 25, 1995 Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Neville Bothwell, 12951Metate Lane, President of For Parents' and Kids' Sake, invited Council, staff and their families to attend. Motion by Councilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Rexford, to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Higginson absent. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 16. City Manager Bowersox wished his , Elaine Wilcox, a Happy Birthday. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 20. A. Councilmember Emery announced he will not be able to attend the May 2, 1995 Council meeting. B. ouncilmember Emery asked City Attorney Eckis if his app intment of ill Cross to the PowayHousing C would be a co lict since r. Cross is named as a plantiff in the lawsuit with oway Royal states. City Attorney Eckis responded that he coul not see a conflict. Bill Cross stated he was in the process of having his name removed from the lawsuit. 19. Deputy Mayor Callery announced Councilmember Emery's appointment of Bill Cross to the Poway Housing C IT Upon motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna, Deputy Mayor Callery ordered the meeting adjourned to 5:00 p.m., Thursday, April 27, 1995. The time of adjournment was 7:35 p.m. City of Poway I IAY p, 3 1995 16 5486 CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA NINUTES uF THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, lgg5 The April 27, 1995 meeting, adjourned from the April 25, lg95 regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 5:09 p.m., by Mayor Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COUNCILHEI SENT AT ROLL CALL Susan Callery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson COUNCILMEMBER5 ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, 8ob Emery {Councilmember Emery arrived at 5:31 p.m.) STAFF NEMBERS PRESENT ohn F tch ssistant Ci y Manager eggy tewart irector of dministrative Services andy illiams irector of ublic Services arie ofton eputy City lerk PUBLIC OP~AL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY RATE STRUCTURE AND RECENT Item intr duced by Assistant City Manager Fitch. Linda Brannon, Poway's representa ive on the Board of Directors for the San Diego Co nty Water Authority {SDCWA}, w th the technical of members of the SDC A staff, pres nted current in ormation regarding Metropolitan Water District's (, ) rate truc ute, actual rates adopted, as well as recent decisions of the Dc ~ regar ing heir rates. From the beginning, staff has monitored the var ous elemens o the changed rate structure and unit costs to evaluate and mi igate the mpact to Poway water customers. Some of staff's efforts will also e discussed. Director B tlined the reasons for the water rate increase which included the reliability and quality of the water supply and capital ' programs. Bob Campbell, Chief Financial Officer for SDCWA, reviewed the current capital improvement programs; the proposed Emergency Storage System sites and new pipelines; the Authority's preparation for any possible earthquake damage; local resource development; and MWD's reasons for a new rate structure and its effect on the City of Poway. 5487 IvlAY 23 ~995 ~T~t~ 16 , Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY April 27, 1995 (Councilmember Emery arrived during this d' at 5:31 p.m.) Director of Public Services Williams a staff report with a detailed review of the rate structure adopted by MWD. The charges include a commodity charge, a connection maintenance charge, a readiness-to-serve charge and a new demand charge. He discussed the reasons for the Authority's increase in rates every year by explaining how their bonds are sold over a period o~ years. Director Williams described six areas of concern that he has regarding what is being done for Poway They are: 1) the quality of water to the 2) ability to provide an adequate water supply of water on a day-to- day basis; 3) protection of customers from drought conditions; 4) the efficiency of the treatment plant and its distribution system; 5) how to control and eventually eliminate rate ' to the customer; and 6} the of the water supply during an emergency or disaster. He noted the current upgrade of the water treatment lant will help assure that the quality of the water remains higher and the capi al replacement fund creates a reserve for future capital projects. Director illiams stated he has information on available "water tours" if anyone would be nterested. Co, ncil d' included the status of the distribution system at Lake Poway; a istory of the capital replacement fund; the effect of rate on af ordable housing which is sponsored or owned by the City; and the status of we ls. Larry Quate, 16239 Oak Creek Trail, distributed copies of graphs showing water rates in Poway and the CPI, and water/sewer costs as percentage of gross income. - He requested Council speak up against further in water rates. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford, Mayor Higginson ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 6:15 p.m. ,1 City of Poway 5488