Item 19 - Reimbursement Approval for Grant of Easement for Sewer TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant Cit' Manager~)~'~f Mark S. Weston, Director of .] ' .~ Service~i:~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil nglneer ~ Roger A. Free, Associate Civ 1 Englneer~,~, DA~E: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Reimbursement Approval for Grant of Easement for Sewer APN's 314-650-14, 15, and 32 n order to construct a portion of the proposed gravity sewer from the Del Poniente pump station to an existing gravity sewer main in Midland Road at Orange Blossom Lane, it is. for the City to purchase the sewer ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No tal impact statement for the acquisition of the sewer easement is - required. L IMPACT The project budget includes sufficient funds to purchase the ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONAND CORRESPONDENCE None. It is recom ended that the City Council approve reimbursing Joseph Z. Czarzasty the amount of $ ,600.00 for a 20-foot sewer easement (7,460 sq.ft.±) and DWHLS, L.P., a California imited Partnership the amount of $1,000.00 for a 20-foot sewer easement (4,780 sq.f .±). ACTION MAY231995 ITEM 19 I n~ R AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Mark S. Weston, Director o ng ~'?~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civi ng ~'~ Roger A. Free, Associate C v 1 .~, · DATE: May 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Reimbursement Approval for Grant of Easement for Sewer; APN's 314- BACKGROUND: he City has been acquiring the to construct a portion of he sewer from the Del Poniente sewage pump station to the gravity sewer ocated in Midland Road at Orange Blossom Lane. This is a Capital Improvement roject. The proposed project involves the cons ruction of approximately 2,660 feet of eight inch diameter sewer line which w 11 begin at the intersection of Midland Road and Orange Blossom Lane and exten on a g neral northerly alignment where it will at the southern boun ary of he approved but undeveloped Huntington Ridge (Unit 3) resi'ential subdivis on. Private development will extend the sewer to the pump s ation in the fu ure. Ultimately, the of this sewer wil eliminate the annual of the pump station and periodic repair, ts removal also eliminates the potential for a sewage spill during a power ou age or pump failure. Staff has worked on this project for several years. We expect it to go out for bid in May, the contract to be awarded in June, and to begin in August, 1995. FINDINGS: To c nstruct the proposed sewer line to the existing sewer, the City needs to acqu re these sewer '~he properties are located north of the exis ing t rminus of Midland Road at Orange Blossom Lane and southwest of the term nus o Budwin Lane and are shown on Exhibit "A," "B," and "C" (Attachmen s 1, 2, and 3). This eight-inch sewer line is essential to the developmen of Huntington Ridge as well as the existing homes in the area. ACTION: ~AY 2 3 ~995 ITEM 19 2 n'F ~ eimbursement Approval r Grant of Easement for Sewer; PN's 314-650-14, 15, & 32 ay 23, 1995 age 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The project budget includes sufficient funds to purchase the easement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No tal impact statement for the acquisition of the sewer easement is required. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is reco mended that the City Council pprove reimbursing Joseph Z. Czarzasty he amount of $3,600.00 for a O-foot sewer easement (7,460 sq. ft.±} and ,WHLS, L.P., a California Limi ed Partnership the amount of $1,000.00 or a 20-foot sewer easement ( ,780 sq. ft.±). JLB:JDF:MSW:JS:RAF:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Plat Map - Czarzasty Property 3. Plat Map - DWHLS, L.P. Property IllAY 2 2 1995 ITEM EXHIBIT APPROVAL CITY OF POWAY ITEM:  TITLE : EXHIBIT "A" Y~IAY 2 3 1995 ITEM 19 SCALE: N.T.S. ATTACHMENT: ~ PLAT TO ILLUSTRATE SEWER EASEMENT CZARZASTY PHOPEHI Y / P.O.T. ~~/. - - NORTH  27.52' POINT "A" ~w ~o.~.. o. /.~// ~ PARCEL 1 P.M. I ~/ I ~0~ /.~/~ / ~,~ I ?/.- I . ,o /0'~ ~ 0', - N8~39'5~ / ' /~ -]U~:: ~AYg31995 I EM 19 EXRIBIT "B" NORTHWEST COR. //' P.M. 10528 / N69'O7'OO"W N88"39 '~2" W / 15. PARCEL 2 N20'55'00" E"~'~ N69'O7'OO"W 15.00' (33 -~ O0 ~ "- ~ PARCEL 1 II (...) Lb, Z CD '.O.B. I_'L] '" PARCEL 1 WFST UN£ OF ~ PARCEL MAP CE , ~o52~ PLAT TO ILLUSTRATE SEWER EASEMENT