Item 6 - Public Hearing to Consider EA & Proposed Del Poniente Sewer Line Extension Project AGE1~A REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services DATE: June 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Public Hearinq to Consider Environmental Assessment and the DroDosed Del Poniente Sewer Line Extension CaDi tal ImDrovement Project: ADDlicant/Lead Aqencv: City of Poway ABSTRACT The proposed project is the first phase of an eight inch sewer trunk line extension designed to ultimately replace the existing Del Poniente pump station. Staff has completed the environmental review documentation for the project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project required the completion of an extended environmental initi al study, mitigated negative declaration, and a mitigation monitoring program. In addition, the approval of "findings" for an interim habitat loss permit for coastal sage scrub impacts is necessary. FISCAL IMPACT The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Financial Program indicates a total estimated project cost of $602,000.00. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to all owners of property located within the project alignment corridor and within a 500 foot radius of such corridor. As of May 19, 1995, no correspondence had been received. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council consider and approve the environmental assessment documentation and authorize the construction of the project. ACTION E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\DELPON.SUM 1 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 .. ,-l ~ AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant Ci~anager Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services Jim Nessel, Senior Planner DATE: SUBJECT: June 6, 1995 Public Hearing to Consider Environmental Assessment and the proposed Del Poniente Sewer Line Extension Capital Improvement Project: Applicant/Lead Agency: City of Poway BACKGROUND The proposed project is the first phase of an eight inch sewer trunk line extension designed to ultimately replace the existing Del Poniente pump station. As shown on Attachment 1, this phase involves the construction of approximately 2,660 linear feet of sewer line beginning at the intersection of Midland Road and Orange Blossom Lane just north of Twin Peaks Road, extending on a general northerly alignment, and terminating at the southern boundary of the approved but undeveloped Huntington Ridge (Unit 3) residential subdivision located south of Del Poniente Road (See Attachment 1, Project Alignment Corridor). The final phase of the project along with the elimination of the existing Del Poniente sewer pump station will occur in conjunction with the future development of Huntington Gate (Unit 3). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project required the completion of the attached extended environmental initial study (Attachment 5), mitigated negative declaration (Attachment 2), and a mitigation monitoring program (Section I of Attachment 3). In addition, the approval of "findings" for an interim habitat loss permits for coastal sage scrub impacts is necessary (NCCP Findings included in Section II of Attachment 3) Please note that the final initial study document will be distributed to Council prior to the June 6 public hearing. The environmental assessment documents have been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the City of Poway CEQA Implementation Procedures, and the California Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program Process and Conservation Guidelines. In accordance with the time limits mandated by State Law (CEQA), a properly ACTION: 2 of 31 Agenda Report June 6, 1995 Page 2 advertised and noticed 30-day public review and comment period for the draft environmental assessment documents began on March 20, 1995 and ended on April 20, 1995. Written comments received during and subsequent to the review period along with the "responses to comments" are included in Attachment 4. The environmental documents conclude that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment (mitigated negative declaration) because of project revisions and recommended special mitigation measures added to the project, which mitigate the identified potential significant environmental effects of the project to a level of less than significant. The specific project mitigation measures are contained in Section I of Attachment 3 under the following environmental issue areas: soils and geology hydrology air quality biological resources socioeconomics cultural resources health and safety The initial recommended measures for biological impacts have been modified to address the comment letter from the Department of Fish and Game (See comment response in Attachment 4). CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Powav News Chieftain and mailed to all owners of property located within the project alignment corridor and within a 500 foot radius of such corridor. As of May 19, 1995 no correspondence had been received. FISCAL IMPACT The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Financial Program indicates a total estimated project cost of $602,000.00. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council consider and approve the attached mitigated negative declaration, mitigation monitoring program, and NCCP findings, and authorize the construction of the project. JLB:JDF:RWQ:JN:kls Attachments: 1. Project Alignment Corridor 2. Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 3. Mitigation Monitoring Program/NCCP Findings 4. Comment Letters and Responses 5. Extended Environmental Initial Study (Limited Distribution) 3 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 ~ f . 1 i wZ ....0 z- w.... -< z.... 000 0..0.. ...J::; w=> Co.. \ \ \ \ \.- ---- -- ~.' :: < ZW a: a: w< :1;C) ....z a:- 0C) z< .... 00 z< a:w Wa: t;< WC) :=z :1;- ....~ =>.... 000 00 .... z w ::; W 00 < w w .. C) Q 00 I I I .1I.~""'" II II II Ii Ii II II II II '" ~ " .Z ti .. .. '" >w a:.... << cC) zz> =>0.... O....a: alf@W z_~ ~ ffi~a: 0 "C :1;=>0.. ;:: ....:1; ~ =>a: 0 00 (.) C1Ju. "E OJ c: :it c:; OJ 0" ~ Q. E E OJ OJ E E c: c: .2' .2' ;;( ;;( ~ ~ '" OJ ~ ~ '" "'- en en5 ell Q) "oC E -0 C '" iiiQ. Z '2 "c en 0 o- W Q. Q.'" Cl m'C _Cl w '" c: ....I 0.2 00 c:1:: Eg> ~ 0 ~Q. "'.- ~- - >- 1::C: ::l.... o ::l 0(.) Z~ en- I . . I . . I . . . I . . . 4 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 DON HIGGINSON, Mayor SUSAN CALLERY, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmembc:r MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmember BElTY REXFORD, Councilmember - CITY OF POWAY CITY OF POWAY PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Name and Address of ApplicantjCEQA Lead Agency: City of Poway. P.O. Box 789. Poway. CA 92064 2. Project Title: Del Poniente Sewer Line Extension Proiect 3. Project Location: City of Poway. County of San Dieao. California - The subject Droject will beain at the intersection of Midland Road and OranQe Blossom Lane and extend on a aenera1 northerlY a1ianment for aDDroximatelv 2.660 feet where it will termi nate at the southern boundary of the aDDroved but undeveloDed HuntinQton RidQe residential subdivision (also known as Unit 3 of the HuntinQton Gate residential subdivision). 4. Project Description: The Droiect is described as the norther1v extension of an existina eiaht (8) inch diameter sewer line which Dresent1y terminates "at a manhole located within the intersection of Midland Road and Oranae 810ssom Lane. aDDroximatelv 300 feet to the north of Twin Peaks Road. The new sewer line will be connected to the existina manhole and will extend a10na a aenera1 northerly a1ianment for a distance of aDDroximate1Y 2.660 feet and terminate at the southern boundary of the HuntinQton RidQe residential subdivision. 5. In accordance with Resolution 83-084 of the City of Poway, Procedures to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the City of Poway has determined that the above project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An Extended Initial Study has been prepared for the subject project. The City of Poway, acting as the CEQA Lead Agency, has determined that an Envi ronmenta1 Impact Report wi 11 not be required. 6. Minutes of such decision and the Extended Initial Study prepared by the City of Poway are on file in the Department of Planning Services of the City of Poway. . 7. This decision of the City Council of the City of poway is final. Contact Person: James R. Nessel. Senior Planner Phone: (619) 679-4256 Approved by: Reba Wright-Quast1er, Ph.D., AICP Director of Planning Services ATTACHMENT 2 JUN 6 1995 ITEM b City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789. Powav. California 9?074-1)789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 Date: \ 5 of 31 ailing Address: ,., Aecyc!ec Paper FINAL SECTION I. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM AND SECTION II. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL SAGE SCRUB NATURAL COMMUNITIES CONSERVATION PLANNING (NCCP) PROGRAM INTERIM HABITAT LOSS PERMIT APPROVAL FINDINGS PREPARED FOR PROPOSED DEL PONIENTE SEWER LINE EXTENSION PROJECT PROJECT APPLICANT/LEAD AGENCY: CITY OF POWAY PREPARED BY CITY OF POWAY PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT MAY, 1995 -5 of 31 ATTACHMENT 3 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 ., I -.--.---...------'"" ---------- ----._-..-..---~-- SJ:CTION I. FINAL MITIGATION KlNITORING PROGRAM SUBJECT PROJECT: PROPOSED DEL PONIENTE SEWER LINE EXTENSION PROJECT APPLICANT/LEAD AGENCY: CITY OF POWAY PURPOSE OF PROGRAM - This mitigation monitoring program has been prepared in accordance with Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code. The purpose of this program is to ensure the implementation, successful completion and effectiveness of mitigation measures approved by the Lead Agency for the subject "project", as recommended in the Final Extended Initial Study. This Program will be approved in connection with the Lead Agency's issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and decision to approve and carry-out the project. The Extended Initial Study prepared for the project, which is bound under separate cover, incorporates this Program by reference at the end of Section 1. Executive Summary. IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING and REPORTING - This Program will be incorporated into the project construction specifications and/or appropriately noted on the project design plans. The Program will be discussed in detail at a pre-construction meeting conducted by the Lead Agency. The pre-construction meeting will involve appropriate staff of the City of Poway, the environmental consultants and construction contractors under contract with the City, representatives of interested public agencies, and designated mitigation monitors. The City of poway Planning Services Department (project planner) and Engineering Services Department (project engineer and designated project construction inspector) will be responsible for ensuring that all approved mitigation measures are accomplished. 'Several recommended mitigation measures require the expertise of a qualified or certified professional environmental consultants. These consultants will be under contract with the City and will provide expert assistance to City staff. As the CEQA Lead Agency and project applicant, the City will closely coordinate the completion of mitigation measures with the environmental consultants, construction contractors, and all affected public agencies, including identified responsible agencies and trustee agencies from which permit approvals must be obtained. As mitigation and monitoring requirements are completed, the City project planner will finalize a reporting form and distribute the form to affected agencies and parties. RECOMMENDED MITIGATION MEASURES - The following environmental impact mitigation measures are recommended in the Final Extended Initial Study, are listed by the same sections contained in the subject document, and are incorporated into the project design plans and/or construction specifications. When fully accomplished, these measures will effectively reduce related impacts to a level of less than significant. SECTION 4.1 SOILS and GEOLOGY 1. If blasting is required, then blasting of dense boulders and floaters will be performed in accordance with the City of Poway Blasting Ordinance Number 258. Measures within the ordinance include notification to residents within 500 feet from the project corridor of proposed construction activities. Handling and disposal of oversize material should be performed in accordance with recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. 7 of 31 2 JUN 6 1995 ITEM b ., \ 2. The pipeline will be in conformance with appropriate seismic design parameters of the Structural Engineering Association of California and applicable local building codes. Use of flexible pipe joints will be used where appropriate. 3. Disturbed areas not planned as a sewer maintenance road and staging areas will be revegetated as soon as construction is completed. Revegetation will be consistent with the planting recommendations contained under biological resources (Subsection 4.4). 4. Construction activities resulting in the creation of temporary stockpiles of exposed slopes should be curtailed during periods of heavy rainfall to prevent runoff of sediment. 5. The special provisions within the construction specifications for the project include a section regarding "shoring" of trenches during construction. Shoring will be installed to allow placement of pipe and to prevent caving during construction. SECTION 4.2 HYDROLOGY 1. To minimize shallow groundwater impacts, dewatering measures will be required to create a dry construction zone. Such measures which will be covered in the construction specifications for the project would include 1) controlling the lowered water table through pumping, or 2)discharging of pumped water to a storm drain in a manner that will. not create overflowing, flooding, or pollution. Dewatering activities would need to comply with monitoring and testing methods of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2. Erosion impacts associated with initial site clearing will be minimized by revegetation of disturbed areas as soon as is feasible after construction activities. The final erosion control plan will need to identify the location of haybales, sandbags, and silt barriers where applicable. 3. Potential sedimentation impacts to the adjacent streambed will be avoided by restricting .seasonal operations near the streambed, covering of stockpiles, and use of berms, swales, and gravel bags as needed. 4. In the event of heavy rainfall, potential impacts related to spoil stockpiles will be minimized by using barriers or sandbags to prevent eroded material from entering the adjacent drainage. SECTION 4.3 Air Quality 1. Spray all dirt stock-pile areas daily or as needed. 2. Vehicle sReed for all construction vehicles will not exceed 25 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. 3. Trucks hauling material will be properly covered. 4. Open trenches/construction sites should not be left uncovered for more than 24 hours per day. 5. All vehicles' tires and wheel wells should be water-washed before leaving the construction site onto adjacent paved road. 8 of 31 3 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 '.1 .---- .~-~--------~----'---_. SECTION 4.4 Biological Resources (Floral) (REVrSEDI NOTE: PLEASJ: UK TIIlI: LJ:AI) AGlCNCDlS RESPONSJ: TO TIIlI: DEPAR~ or rrSH AND GANZ (COFG) ~ L&T'1'ER DAftD APRIIo 27, 1995, INCLODING TIlE LJ:AI) AGlCNcr MITIGATION RESOLU'1'ION LET'1'ER DATED MAl' 18, 1995. (SEE ATTACBMEN'J: 5 or 'rHIS AGENDA IlEPORT) ADDrTrONAL NOTES: 1. IN ADDrTrON, TIlE crn's MAY 18 LETTER DlD:rcATES A PROPOSED WETLAND BABrTAT rMPACT MITrGATrON I'EE AS I'OLLOWS: 4. Southern Willow Scrub - $2,280 5. Disturbed rreshwater Marsh - $ 50 Total Wetland r_ - $2.330 IN RESPONSE TO THE crn' S MA1' 18 LETTER, MR. DAvm I.l'dmEAD or TIIlI: CDrG SAN DJ:EGO NCCP PROGR.!\M OE'FrCE REQtlESTED ON MAY 21 THAT TIUS '1'O'1'AL :AM:ltlN'r BE EARMl\RI\ED TO BE USED T01Q1Ul WETLAND MITrGATrON, rr DETEIlMDIED BY TIlE crn TO FtlRTBER THE rMP1.EMI!:N'1'ATrON or TIlE P01l7.% ~ IlCP. TIlE crn CONCURS WI'rH THAT REQtlEST. 2. TIlE crn's MAY 18 LETTER ALSO ACIINOllI.EDGES TIlE BrOLOGICAL RESOURCE TECIlNICAL REPORT IlECa.ea:NDATrON CONCElINING THE SAN DJ:EGO ~RT SENSrT:IVE PLANT SPECJ:ES. ALSO SEE RESPONSE NO.6 TO COrG c~ LETTER. 1. The loss of coastal sage scrub will be mitigated by onsite revegetation and/or offsite habitat acquisition and preservation via participation in the City's poway Subarea HCP. Onsite revegetation would include hydroseeding the impact area with coastal sage scrub species currently present onsite, and initiation of a weed abatement plan. The City's contract registered Landscape Architect will prepare a revegetation plan to be submitted in conjunction with the interim habitat loss permit for coastal sage scrub. The City's contract registered Landscape Architect has proven experience and success with coastal sage scrub revegetation efforts. Monitoring of the revegetated area should occur for 3 to 5 years to ensure successful restoration, and should include yearly reports documenting progress of the restoration effort. Signs informing the public of the sensitive habitat and its value should be placed at access points along the pipeline corridor to discourage people from entering the coastal sage scrub. Because of the small acreage and lower habitat quality of the scrub onsite, coastal sage scrub revegetation at a 1:1 ratio may be the most appropriate mitigation option for this project. - If onsite-revegetation of impacted scrub is not feasible due to operational constraints (i.e., creation of a permanent sewer easement/maintenance road), then acquisition and preservation of offsite habitat at an appropriate mitigation ratio (1:1 per City policy) and in a configuration that contributes to a viable regional preserve would be an alternative. 2. The project will require a Streambed Alteration Agreement with the CDFG, a Section 404 permit(s) from the ACOE, and a 401 water quality certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The project most likely qualifies for Nationwide permits 12 (Utility Line Backfill and Bedding) and 33 (Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering) . Application for permits, agreements, and certifications will require documentation of all expected wetland impacts (e.g., resulting from trenching, dewatering and/or siltation basins, staging areas, spoils sites, and any other activities associated with pipeline construction). 9 of 31 4 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 . \ 3. ~ part of the wetland permit process with these resource and regulatory agencies, a detailed site-specific mitigation and monitoring may be required for disturbance of wetlands along the northern project alignment. The mitigation plan would detail all impacts to wetland habitats as a result of the project and will specify in-kind replacement of habitat quality, as well as planting specifications, monitoring methodology and frequency, and reporting procedures. Typical habitat replacement ratios include 3:1 for southern willow scrub and 1:1 for freshwater marsh. Based on expected.mitigation ratios, a total of 0.081 acre of wetland replacement habitat may be required by the agencies. 4. In addition to the revegetation efforts, a qualified biologist shall be retained prior to construction to ensure that no additional impacts to sensitive habitats occur. The biologist shall be onsite when staking and flagging at the project limits is being conducted by the surveyors. The biologist shall conduct periodic (monthly) inspections to ensure sensitive habitats in proximity to project corridor are being avoided by construction activity. The City inspector and/or City's biological monitor shall have the authority to halt construction activities that threaten sensitive biological resources for which there is no established mitigation plan. Typical habitat replacement ratios for coastal sage scrub would be 1:1 unless gnatcatchers are detected onsite during the preconstruction survey. If gnatcatchers are detected the habitat replacement ratio would be 2:1. 5. The setback for the southwestern staging area shall be no closer than 15 feet from the southern willow scrub habitat. All fueling within this staging area shall maintain a 25 foot setback from the southern willow scrub. Compliance with this requirement will be periodically monitored by the project biologist/City monitor. 6. To address potential secondary impacts related to vehicle incursion outside of the right-of-way, it is recommended that the easement boundaries be staked and flagged at 15 foot intervals and these stakes be maintained throughout the construction. To address long ter.m access and maintenance impacts, it is recommended that all maintenance routes be on existing paved roads or on the impacted portion of the right-of-way and that vehicle access be controlled to eliminate the potential for an increase in off-road or pedestrian activity. wildlife Habitat 7. Potentially significant indirect impacts to wildlife habitat may occur through an increase in pedestrian traffic in the project area that could result in increased noise levels and trampling of vegetation. These impacts could be reduced to nonsignificant by the revegetation and signage measures outlined under vegetation, above. Sensitive species 8. To reduce adverse impacts to sensitive plant species it is recommended that the careful construction practices, including flagging and avoiding the largest stands of plants, are followed. Seed of the affected species (such as San Diego sagewort) should also be collected onsite prior to construction and included in appropriate revegetation mixes. SECTION 4.5 Biological Resources (Fauna) 1. Impacts to potential gnatcatcher habitat can be mitigated to below levels of significance, through the measures identified under Section 4.4 (Floral) . 10 of 31 5 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 . ." -~--_._-_._-~~._---- --....,- SECTION 4.7 Socioeconomics 1. The City of poway will be required to pay fair market value or equal consideration as required by law to all property owners whose land is required for easement purposes related to the proposed project. Section 4.10 Cultural Resources The following measures are based on the proposed scope of work for the Del Poniente Sewer Line Extension Project cultural resources mitigation plan. The Scope of Work is included in its entirety as Appendix B of the Extended Initial Study and is fully incorporated herein by reference. 1. Recommendations for the mitigation of direct impacts to CA-SDI-4,606 include the provision that the corridor through the site will be capped with Class II aggregate base material prior to any construction or trenching. The capping program must be designed and monitored by an archaeologist. After all areas of the site within the construction corridor (approximately 20 feet wide) have been capped, the trench may be excavated. The trench will be no wider than three feet. By following this construction progr~. the mitigation of direct impacts can be limited to the area of the width of the trench along the center line of the pipeline corridor through the archaeological site. The mitigation of the direct impacts associated with the trenching through CA-SDI-4606 will include preparation of a research design, field investigations, laboratory analysis and a final report. These measures are discussed in detail in Appendix B of the Extended Initial Study. 2. To address potential secondary impacts related to vehicle incursion outside of the right-of-way, it is recommended that the easement boundaries within both CA-SDI-4,606 and CA-SDI-11,144 be staked and flagged at 15 foot intervals and these stakes be maintained throughout the construction. This is also a requirement for mitigation of biological resources. To address long term acce~s and maintenance impacts, it is recommended that all maintenance routes be on existing paved roads or on the impacted portion of the right-of-way and that vehicle access be controlled to eliminate the potential for an increase in off-road or pedestrian activity. 3. To address incremental loss of CA-SDI-4,606 it is recommended that the data recovery program include the integration of data from previous work at the site and that a map of the entire site including all previous work be produced. To address long term impacts to the regional data base as a whole it is recommended that the artifacts recovered during the data recovery program and associated notes be preserved in perpetuity for future research purposes. A potential location for storing of artifacts is the City of Poway Heritage Museum. Implementation of the proposed mitigation recommendations will reduce direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to a level of insignificance. SECTION 4.11 Health, Safety, and Nuisance Factors (Noise) 1. To avoid potential indirect impacts to the gnatcatcher as a result of noise construction, the City of Poway will only construct the pipeline outside of the breeding season (i.e. August 1 through January 15). 2. All residences located within 500 feet of the pipeline alignment will be notified in writing by the City of poway regarding construction time and duration at least 72 hours prior to construction in their area. 3. If required, blasting of dense boulders shall be performed in accordance with the City of poway Blasting Ordinance Number 258. 11 of 31 6 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 .j 4. The intensity of potential noise sources shall be reduced by the selection of equipment having the lowest noise emission levels possible. proper maintenance of~equipment, and fitting of noise generating equipment with manufactured recommended mufflers. 5. The City of poway shall include a noise limit specification in the construction contract that the contractor will comply with all provisions of the City of poway noise ordinance related to construction. 6. All equipment maintenance will be done within the staging area only away from residences located to the north. 7. Provide enclosures for stationary equipment. JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 ~",,,\ 12 of 31 7 --------"---.. --. - -"~------_..- ----- SECT:ION :I:I. 1'DllU. sotl'rIIEJlN CAL:II'OJUUA COASTAL SAGII: SCRUB NA'rtJIUIL CCMoIDN:ITD:S CONSERVAT:ION PLANN:ING (NCCP) PROGRAM DlTEP.IM 1IA!l:I'rAT LOSS ~T APPROVAL FDlD:INGS SUBJECT PROJI!:CT: PROPOSED DEL POND:N'rII: Sl!:WEJt LDIl!: EX'l'ENS:ION PROJECT APPL:ICAN'r/LEAD AGENCY: C:In OF POWA% NOTE: PLEASE SEE UV:IS:ION NO'rI!lS :IN SECT:ION 4. 4 OF FDllU. NJ:T:IGAT:IOH IClN:ITORJ:NG PROGRAM AND C:In' S Ml'.r 18 LE=zJl lU!:GARD:ING UVJ:SED CSS LOSS 'l'O'rAL. The following "Interim Habitat Loss Permit Findings" are recommended by the City of poway, as Lead Agency and Applicant for the subject "public improement" project, and will be adopted concurrent with the issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and the decision to approve and carry-out the proposed project. The "Findings" will be made in accordance with Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the approved Southern California Coastal Sage Scrub Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Process Guidelines and Section 3.a. of the companion NCCP Conservation Guidelines. The "Findings" are based on the Lead Agency's careful evaluation of the draft City of poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan. The "Findings" are consistent with the biological resource report, impact analysis, and associated coastal sage scrub habitat mitigation measures addressed in the project's approved environmental assessment ("CEQA") documents. These documents include the related Extended Initial Study and Biological Resources Report (Appendix A), Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Mitigation Monitoring Program, which are fully incorporated herein by reference. The "Findings" are also consistent with the City's General Plan, Redevelopment Plan, and Capital Improvement Program. The required "Findings" for approval of the Interim Habitat Loss Permit can be made and are as follows: 1. The proposed habitat lost is consistent with the interim loss criteria in the Conservation Guidelines in that 7056 total acres of CSS have been inventoried as existing in the City of Poway. The initial 5% allowable habitat loss figure is 352.8 acres. To date 2.42 acres have been approved from the 5% habitat loss account, therefore, the remaining balance in the 5% allowable habitat loss account is currently 350.38 acres. (lU!:VlSED) The proposed project will impact 0.227 acres of low quality CSS habitat, 0.315 acres o~ baccharis scrub, and 0.141 acres of disturbed CSS habitat, for a total impact of 0.368 acres (Revised to~ _ 0.684 acres). With the approval of the interim habitat loss permit for the subject project, a balance of 350.01 acres (Revised ~ance - 349.70 acres) would remain in the City's CSS habitat loss account. 2. The proposed habitat loss does not preclude connectivity between areas of high habitat values. The northern portion of the project is within Proposed Resource Protection Area (PRPA) No.9, as identified on the GIS FPA Vegetation and Preserve Design colored maps of the Draft poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). Table 5-3 of the Draft poway HCP ranks this PRPA as "medium" for acquisition priority, preservation value, and risk. 3. The loss of the 0.42/0.684 acres of CSS to development does not cumulatively exceed the five percent interim take guideline, as discussed in item 1. above. _ 3 of 31 8 - JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 4. The habitat loss will not preclude or prevent the preparation of the poway Subarea Plan, or ultimately a sub-regional NCCP such as the MSCP/MHCP because of the negligible impact of the proposed project on CSS habitat and other sensitive habitats affected by the project. The area in the vicinity of the proposed project is within the Focused Planning Area of the poway HCP. Several parcels are developed with homes and the future developed of the remaining undeveloped rural residential land in the area would be affected by the provisions of the final approved poway Subarea HCP and other applicable requirements. In an effort to minimize impacts to higher qUality CSS habitat, the project has been designed so that impacts will be limited to low quality and disturbed CSS habitat. Based on the most current Gnatcatcher (CAGN) surveys conducted for the project, no CAGN species have been sited within the project impact corridor. As shown in Table 4-1 of the Extended Initial Study (Table 1 of the Biolobical Resources Report), 0.147 acres of the total 0.368/0.684 acres of CSS habitat disturbed is considered a temporary impact subject to the recommended mitigation measures consisting of on-site revegetation and monitoring, and/or off- site acquisition. 5. The habitat loss has been minimized and mitigated to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with Section 4.3, as stated in #4 above and discussed in greater detail in Sections 4.4 and 4.5 of the Extended Initial Study. 6. That habitat loss will not appreciably reduce the likelihQod of the survival and recovery of listed species in the wild because the majority of the on-site CSS will remain undisturbed through the completion of recommended mitigation measures for the project and the implementation of the poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan. 7. The habitat loss is incidental to otherwise lawful activities in that the subject habitat loss would not occur until necessary state and local approvals are obtained. 14 of 31 9 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA PETE WILSON. Governor GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH 1400 TENTH STREET ~GRAMENTO, CA 95814 & . April 20, 1995 JIM NESSEL CITY OF POWAY 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE BLDG. A l'OWAY, CA 92064 Subject: DEL PONIENTE SEWER LINE EXTENSION SCH #: 95031046 Dear JIM NESSEL: The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named environmental document to selected state agencies for review. The review period is closed and none of the state agencies have comments. This letter acknowledges that you have complied with the State Clearinghouse review requirements for draft environmental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act..' Please call Mark Goss at (916) 445-0613 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process. When contacting the Clearinghouse in this matter, please use the eight-digit State Clearinghouse number so that we may respond promptly. Michael Chiriatti, r. Chief, State Clearinghouse STAFF NOTE: NO RESPONSE BY LEAD AGENCY NECESSARY R6SfolJse itJ CotnlYle.rr.s 15 of 31 A TT ACHMENT 4 JUN 6 1995 1TEM 6 ::: ill --.:~~: ::."-:-'" ~.::^ TO: SEP 6. 1'30'3 5:35PM t'.......4 p.a2 Notice of Completion S'2!1,k Ita,.y D"c:u"ulIt M -i-;Ho~"f- n d.-~l MiJ,llO' Stal( Ckannshoo~, 14()() Tenth Slr('(l, S.cnnk'.nlO, C^ 9581. 9J6/..S-0613 SCH, 95 0 3 ~ P"'/K' nu.: J'Eo.eas~.2i;"1.- 9..Q.w;:l,[n=;-_..~wG1Z...LlNcr-EJ(:c.. j....dA,""", -_....t:.J.:r.~.RJ.JAi-______ _ _ c.."."P~, :rIM IJ"'~ _ S."''''''''."'-U.3z.s-....w,,,G UsbLUiQ.ll.ll.-.,.l!.I..PIaA. ""'- {"q)t..~.=A- .r;.t-74....e ~"'- -=-~='O_~A.f._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~.~"l::: ~ __ _~:::. =~~~~.~ __..:. __ _ __ ProJ.ect Loc:::..Uon CounlY:.-5A.u._.D..ta,O_ Ci{)'IN~"e&l CommunilY: Ctr'f r.c <au (")1F:"J.n en,,,s..,,, ...1'yJw_PE"<'~_.Rn/_MlDU.6U:LH.c._ 7,.C.... s.zl164- T""'....... I. e 7 ,H A.nuloClr"PII('cINa fi=..AbL~~c..~4:=l Seaton: 1.. Twp. 1""'1+:5" Ranae;..2~ nuc;CA.,,,,.. w.1hin 2 Miln. 5"10: Hwy II: __"'./4_ ____ ._.__ W.W:r...ays. _ ~1!tJj.."suA-):"G:'" .alieL:fi.,~' /T"4Dy _ .:5~.:. _ A,'PO"'- _____J'll..____ __ ..i1w.,,, -&fA. S.-looo., ~..&I!I;:~IfU;1!llL,rrB~1 __h ___ _._ ___ .___ _________ ____________~~.!2e.L€"_____ Document Type J Ru.uM 0 NvlUlbon I'ra.onc a Kedr..cloprnCl'lI Use Perm. 0 eo"",) Pami! Land Ui"'isioft (Subdlvi"ion. oomer (Ary l.AP...JI.A1.... 1'llIeeIMap,Tr.aMal"t<c.) 1~~oVe:trt~ ('~ ----------------~--- Ptt>N __MCt>_ ceo...: ONor o r....ly COM gg"'et:.~c o Dull ErR o S"M'lemaur.;\IUsc.ql,l("nl NEPA: o EIR (rt;Of sell No.)____ DO"",, o NOI Other: oEA OlJrarlEJS OH)NSI LOCI.' ActlCNI Typ- O ~rw,aJ rlan Urda1e o Go:rw,.J f'1an AmendJ'llClll o Gene,.J PIGl Elc:mrnt o Communiry Pian OS, OMa 01'1 OSil o...IOf)mtInt Ty" [J Ruidlt'nt.iaJ: UNsS A~rU oO!roec: 5q/l.- A.CTt'.J- f-rJD'US OConunen:,i&!- Sqp.- A,'r<\- 1~"IQJus~ 01ndu~trial: Sq/l.== M'''S~ E",,.I",~u---:--- o Educlti('OtU! OR.C'Cfulional o Jow 00c:whal.1 DPinal Documeru OOthfl" o WII/I:t FaciUlte5: T~ o Tr.mpM\&tion: "'- nMinina: Mj~GJ o Power: Tip<. - "--,V,;,,-' OW"~"fc.aVGc:1lt "(Ie ----- - o lIu..llO;rus WUIoC:: Type 0O<h<r...1-~;-p. ..,n' r.7iM.1~-';;'t:R.._ - - - - __ _._ __. _ ___ _._ _______ ___.__ _J.P.F~S~cl..1:.'!!S p,.o~~t I..u.. Olacu...d In Oocurn.nt 8 ArS\helkA'jlual o AlrieulwrallAnct 8' Ai, Qullity gArdleOlor;ic.allHiSllXKtJ. o Coul&! Zont II" OrIiNlr;e1A.biorp.ion .. Ecoroomi<JJow OFisctJ. o Flvco.1Pllil\lFlnl:w1in.c o r'Ot'Ul Und/I:ire H".ald Qg~lor;i('ISC'.i$lllic iO~:~. Popul'tion/lkou$lnt R.lln('c [\,blic: St.rw"u/F~ilitic:s RM"c.atiof\lT'flU o SchooWt/nivmilic:s QgSC'plK.S)'Jo&Cms 8l5cwCf" CI,*=-it)' fil$oij&o.~radinc o Solid Walle' DT(la.iclHuarci<tus ~T,aCf.c:JCiInIl&lioa )IlVtr;~lation ID WIll:' QutJ.ity iW''''Suppl''''''''''''''''''' WeilandlRirwian WiWll(e Growth IndUelll" Lanclult. Curnulu;w E!ffrc/,l 0""'" ;~:~ ~-':-IZ:';I;;:::-,,~p~n~;~ (~;-~;; 4-') f;;;a7.;Z ~~,.,~ (PP)-.R~~~. S'>J<;L"- f;>.r''',-y ~ (RS-z.).....J ~u__ ~51"""n"""" (. (f!R-c.\ ) - - - - - - - - - - ---~_ _ _ ___ _~____l.:,:.:_L___________ __ CLEARINGHOUSE CONTACT: Mark Go.. (916) ....S-0613 srATE REV'... "GA,,, ~_;;11 __ "15" DEPT REV TO ACENCYI 2- I":) AGENCY REV TO SeN ..:i. - I 8 SCH COKPLIANCE L( _ ;;0 95u310'Uj atT "'"' --- -~~. ---'- _Boatinq ___ ___Coa.tal cc.. _ ___Coa.tal COn.y ___ ___COlerado RYr ad ~ con..rvatiens: _'bh " c...___ _ _per..try ~Park. , R~/ORP ___ ___Reclamation _ _BCDC _ _DWR P"".- JICJ'PR SCR IIOKII-. 011' ALL ~s ... "h'an~ Bou. ___ _Aeronautic. _ _alP I __Cd'ran. I } ___ _Tran. Pl&M~ !!!!!!I!!.-Rou.ioq , 0...1 _ ~t.III c ..ltAnl _._Dr1nkin9"820 --:--:"' ___ _Medical Wa.t. pr...o:w: J"OItVaRn LAn ~bu'llS DIUCTLY 'TO TB:I: T Ran ACmIl!r alLY AOKD/UOJI2L (a..cure..: '3/ 25'1 -- 16 of 31 lead -.- . .~nt bv SCH\ atT """ .t.t./~r a9C. ___ _General S.rYic.. ___ _OLA (Schooh) Cal/Ua ~AR. _ _CA Wa.t. Mgat Bel ___ ___SWRCBI--Granta ___ _SWRCBI--Delt.. ___ ___SVRCBI--wtr Quality ___ ___SWRC8:--Wtr Right. -_. WQC8#~ _ _DTSC/CTC 1'th/A4lt Oo.rrect.iODll ___ ___Correction. Iadepe_' <:<.0 ..... '...qy eo- ___ _HAIIC _ _POC ___ ___S.nta Mn Ktn. ~St..t. Land. ec-: ___ _Tahoe R91 Plan ___ _Other: JUN 6 1995 ,- ITEM 6 _i l g'B.8-8~]g'08~ = J 'i.!:: 'g j ~ : 19'iJ;~~t;R '=.x~l'l!jB8els -.~v_"'. "u ~--~.1'2eD.~ ~l~i~~-6l~:- ~;..:;:-a"'l.!!'-. "g'5-1J~,,;a5~.. ~ ~ 5 ! Q = g ! ~ 5 i:!'Q..l;!.x!i .;1; c::.- ~ _ ... _ . :5 '. -5 -R: l;. ,.. -' ... Jl ... ""u:l!.e,,;'~.,'_!l O~iJ~8!!b O!:i ~ a u ~ ~ 5 ~ e ~ ~."..=J"OEM.ee ~!!g)$._~~.:\i8 .!]~l~~'~"i.xl' -B:;:..!=",~~ ... Q,CS"'-uuu '; Q j e -; > i! ~ ~ :ee~'iE-';~ ~iQe...e..e"5u u'"f.2J'i.~~i~11 :-Ci c:Llit5 = g 1 Co. ~ "i ~ (J ; lit ~ ,:..r C<1Ii '-":aoUQo Oc;=fai E~'= g e-a: tf.!~s.!~Me;~- l-i~~ga~~!-;I ~].ill ui:l! !l.5e 1I ~!'i:=ile~~,:Iooo" .. '0 'i. == 'il iJ roo I Ql'" <1~5P*{-u~ "':~~~~EQ.g-:5~ .!'. "ll ... i'i . fi~~~ '!]2Si .8~~~ 'i 'll - e -..cf..8 5. '" i ..!! l:-s; :;; :: =- ~ v .. .;. · ;; ! il !l It. .a i ; .s ol-e~ 116~:!t:: ~ ! · l'o 1$ -= 'B ... l:';';.8 ~ ~ ~ 1 1-.... .. l! J! I:; t 1;l_'51t ; ~ i n :;.:i:e='; >> zt'g I." -ocfc !tiil N52.5[ QIE-CO Co ~ V+ ~ ;.. ., ~ ~.::.. ~ ~.. ~ . ~ ("l '" -s. , ~ (, ~O ..0 lOCI C...... San Diego County Archaeological Society Environmental Review Committee April 17, 1995 To: Mr. Jim Nessel, Senior Planner Planning Services Department City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive, Building A Poway, California 92064 Subject: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration Del Poniente Sewer Line Extension Project Dear Mr. Nessel: . I have reviewed the cultqral resources aspects of the subject PMND on behalf of this committee of the San Diego County Archaeological Society. Based on the contents of the PMND and the cultural resources report for the project, we concur in the impact analysis and mitigation measures proposed, with the following exceptions: (1) The capping in way of archaeological site SDI-4606 is a good approach, since it also provides mitigation for future access along the pipeline route. However, this would then preclude the use if plywood sheets or steel plates, as mentioned on page 4-35, since they would seem to not be compatible with a permanent access route. (2) We presume that the trenching through the cap will be monitored by a qualified archaeological monitor, and that the results will be included in the project archaeologist's final report. Thank you for providing SDCAS with this opportunity to review and comment upon this proposed project's environmental studies. Sincerely, ~~~1~~ Environmental Review Committee cc: Ogden Environmental and Energy Services SDCAS President file JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 . r1 18 of 31 po. Box 81106 Son Diego. CA 92138-1106 (619) 538-0935 OGDEN ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY SERVICES ..... 5510 Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA 92121 6194589044 Fax6194580943 95-152-3152 May 12, 1995 Mr. James W. Royle, Jr., Chairperson San Diego County Archaeological Society Envirorunental Review Committee P.O. Box 81106 San Diego, California 92138-1106 Subject: Re5pvn3~ tv Ciiiiiment fo. th.e Del Ponient: Sc\.,:::r L:iiC E;.::tcr.s;or.- F:nal Extended Environmental Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Dear Mr. Royle: The City of Poway distributed the Draft Extended Initial Study, the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Mitigation Monitoring Program for public review from March 20, through April 20, 1995. The City received a written comment from you on behalf of the San Diego County Archaeological Society (SDCAS). The following is in response to your comment letter dated April 17 , 1995. 1. As discussed on page 4-34 of the Extended Initial Study, direct impacts to archaeological site CA-SDI-4,606 will be limited to the width of the trench to be excavated for the pipe. The limitation of impacts to the width of the pipeline trench will be accomplished through the placement of a protective capping material over the 20-foot wide sewer line easement Capping material will be comprised of Class IT aggregate base material made of a mixture of gravel. rock and sand. The use of plywood sheet or steel plates would be used as an .alternative capping material, if necessary, during construction only. These alternative capping materials, if used, would be removed upon completion of the sewer line construction. Once the construction of the sewer line is completed, a 12-foot width of Class IT capping material will be compacted and remain in place to serve as a permanent access for maintenance purposes. 2. It is true that capping: activity associated with trenching of the sewer alignment will be monitored by an archaeologist, as stated in Mitigation Measure #1, page 4-36 of the initial study. Mitigation of direcf impacts associated with the trench!ng through CA-SDI-4606 will include preparation of a research design, field investigations, laboratory analysis and preparation of a final repon. The City of Poway will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, on Tuesday, June 6 1995 at 7:00 p.m. If you have any additional question please contact Jim Nessel, at the City of Poway (619) 679-4256. SiJ!cere1y, ~ t~[;'n .' Project Manager ITG/sdh cc: ""~~~tt:orp of Engineers Contract #3-1395-1000-1010-3151 19 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 ,I @ i1~ t~ . " n ; ~$' ~. , ~~ ...- N ~ ~ " 0. C '" ~ < t:> 0 . Z < ~ ~ ::: on ii: . . ... - ~ i; ~ . ~ -:J ... , Z. .. w S... O' 20 of 31 ... '" '" .. ,.. ~.. "'" CO' " .. ... ...... . c c . ." It >OU 0 .. .. =S~:: :.!;~ '''U . 0 .... ., >o:G ~ .Ml"'l :s:: ..._1Pt 0 zu... . ",'J .. '" '" ... "' ... . . . . " ... .g ....... "'0 ".. "..... tSc:; 00 ....." .... c c 0 ~:r ..illS . .... c ...c. ........ c... ~"'..; '" .. .... ~cX;:; . " ..." ...... .. c ." ....." ..c.. .0 ". c ... & " :: " . . C . .. '" .IJ u". w CI~" uo .... U ctfl~ t.;t_.w_ c c: .c:4.... ~l'lIO C1UO . ......c c:....~ \of ........e wll Q,I!:COJ a.)oo....~c: C1.1:~ o.c:"" ellS" ... ~~.. ~ ;..~~.... g'tZJ 6. g: ~~ .ct~.=,,2::~g'''60~~; .2:::5i~~'Ose::::.t; 8i 000 ......=a..:~ .c "f'(,Q ..........1: 0 :lI 0)0,0 .. .c.:;,Oou....'t\ICl=....u~."" o . CoC ............. Z!:g~~~~~....:~Ua&: c:....... .......... II .......,,U <<II. . " IttJ;z _ClO .=C:UCf 1!'t2....c .'0> s:o...... .... ...,u...."O~-.GOt1! "'..~ ~ J~~z:.w =1: a &.-0 cf 0..... OtCt ......'02.... 2. 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CloW.,4.t::l ~ " "" 0'"" '0...-4.:.... . ~ "'~ '" """ 0 JJ .... C"'"'".. > !ol 10 0 0"" ClU_....~.... 104M Com".. ... .... O...~Q .w~>.. . --4Da. ,..........:lGJ ...__"'w .....1:."'" 0.... C;" I:'T'I WI .. :l _3: *' ... 0'1. Cl c ~~oa.S'1 Q,'O eM. I: ao"'''o&.I 0 o ~",i;:!: ., tJ c .&J > ':;w""'''C .,1.1 ""'04. ".u c: I) ... C _!GO. 0020:: ." ..... .. ....c: - -.. . =-.Ot.l...~... 0& )eN~... to. C _.oN OOCl..,J.. JI. _"" I I i .1i:'l:t~3t; ./:J,J c: tI'O.. ..0....... .. .oo U_Q_ .,......0\ CI\ 00"_ ".- kO...'Ia"''O Q.u"C'-z_ .. o .. . C . ~..i ...0 0'" . ..::::1 '" .. ~.'<:::l.:", . . ... ... u ""= ~.. ;::~.2 ...'" _ "" .. .. ... . ... ... ... . ;:: " . ... " . . .. .. " ~ JUN 6. , 1995 ITEM 6 STATE Of CALIFORNIA_THE RESOURCES AGENCY PeTE WILSON. Go_ DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 3.30 GOLDEN SHORE. SUITE .50 ~G BEACH. CA 90802 ,310) 590-5113 @ April 27, 1995 Mr. James Nessel City of poway 13325 Civic Center Poway, California Drive, Bldg. A 92064 Dear Mr. Nessel: Draft Extended Initial study for the Del poniente Sewer Line Extension Project SCH 95031046, San Diego County A Department of Fish and Game (Department) biologist familiar with the project area has reviewed the above-referenced document, relative to impacts to biological resources. The proposed project involves a two-phase extension of the Del- poniente gravity sewer pipeline within the City of Poway. The initial study evaluates impacts associated with the first phase of construction, involving extension of the sewer line from the intersection of Orange Blossom Lane and Midland Road to the southern boundary of the approved but undeveloped Huntington Gate residential subdivision. The second phase of the project will involve extension of the sewer line through the Huntington Gate subdivision and removal of an existing pump station. The project area is located in the central portion of the City of Poway, approximately 35 miles north of downtown San Diego. The site is bounded by Del poniente Road on the north, Espola Road on the east, Twin Peaks Road on the south, and Twin Peaks Mountain on the west. Implementation of the project would result in impacts to 0.227 acre of coastal sage scrub, 0.141 acre of disturbed coastal sage scrub, 0.005 acre of freshwater mar~h, 0.076 acre of southern willow scrub, 0.315 ~cre of baccharis scrub, 0.220 acre of eucalyptus woodland, and 0.668 acre of disturbed/developed area. The San Diego horned lizard and orange-throated whiptail (Federal Category 2 candidates for listing) would also be adversely affected by the loss of 0.368 acre of coastal sage scrub habitat. In addition, approximately 0.004 acre within the pipeline corridor supporting the San Diego sagewort, a sensitive plant species, would be directly impacted by construction activities. As proposed, mitigation for impacts to 0.368 acre of coastal sage scrub and 0.315 acre of baccharis s~rub (potential habitat for the California gnatcatcher) would include on-site revegetation and/or off-site habitat acquisition and preservation 25 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 Mr. James Nessel April 27, 1995 Page Two via the City's Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). Because of the small acreage and lower quality of the coastal sage scrub habitat on site, revegeta~ion at a 1:1 ratio is thought by the City to be the most appropriate mitigation option for these impacts. However, if preconstruction surveys result in the detection of gnatcatchers within the project area a 2:1 habitat replacement ratio would be implemented. On-site revegetation would include hydroseeding the. area(s) impacted with a coastal sage scrub mix containing those species currently found on site, and initiation of a weed abatement plan. The City's contract-registered Landscape Architect will prepare a revegetation and monitoring plan to be submitted in conjunction with the interim habitat loss permit for coastal sage scrub. Monitoring of the revegetation area would occur from three to five years to ensure successful restoration, with annual reports documenting the progress of the revegetation effort. Signs informing the public of the sensitive habitat and its value would also be placed at access points along the pipeline corridor to discourage people from entering coastal sage scrub habitat. If on-site revegetation of impacted coastal sage scrub is not feasible due to operational constraints, then acquisition and preservation of off-site habitat would be an alternative. Off- site replacement would be conducted at a 1:1 ratio, per City policy, in a configuration that contributes to a viable regional preserve system. AS described in the Draft Initial Study, typical replacement ratios for wetland habitats required by the resource/regulatory agencies include 1:1 for freshwater marsh and 3:1 for southern willow scrub. While no ratios are proposed for impacts to wetland habitat, it is implied that a 1:1 ratio is expected from the resource/regulatory agencies, given the quantity of habitat to be impacted. In addition to the revegetation effort, a qualified biologist would be retained to ensure that no additional impacts to sensitive habitats occur during construction activities. The biologist would also be responsible for monitoring staking and flagging operations conducted by project surveyors, and periodic (monthly) inspections of the condition of sensitive habitats in proximity to the project corridor. Further, the setback for the southwestern staging area would be no closer than 15 feet from the outer edge of the southern willow scrub habitat. Equipment fueling operations within this staging area would occur at least 25 feet from the outer edge of the southern willow scrub habitat. The Department's comments regarding impacts to coastal sage scrub, wetlands, and sensitive plant species are the following: JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 ... I 26 of 31 Mr. James Nessel April 27, 1995 Page Three The Draft Extended Initial Study fails to address the location and potential impacts of the project in the context of the City's proposed Subarea RCP. Approximately two-thirds of the project occurs within the RCP's Focus Planning Area (FPA) around Twin Peaks. A portion also occurs within a Proposed Resource Protection Area (PRPA #9), an area designated as at a higher risk for impacts to biological resources, and one that should be prioritized for acquisition and/or protection. Given the project's location, and the likely use of the site by the California gnatcatcher, a 2:1 mitigation ratio for impacts to coastal sage scrub (disturbed and undisturbed) and baccharis scrub is appropriate. This would result in a total mitigation obligation for impacts to coastal sage scrub and the California gnatcatcher of 1.366 acres. Before on-site revegetation of coastal sage scrub habitat would be acceptable, the City must demonstrate that the revegetated areas would be contiguous with, and make a contribution to, poway's permanent biological preserve system. If this condition cannot be met, than all mitigation should be directed toward appropriate habitat acquisition, protection, and- management off site, but within the proposed preserve system. The Department recommends that the City attempt to find mitigation lands within PRPA #9 if possible, but lands anywhere within the proposed Subarea RCP FPA would be acceptable. The above mitigation would be.consistent with the Department's Natural Communities Conservation Planning guidelines, and allow the project to proceed under the interim 4(d) Rule for the California gnatcatcher. The Department concurs with the use of a 1:1 replacement ratio for impacts to freshwater marsh habitat, but does not concur with use of a similar replacement ratio for southern willow scrub habitat. Given the proximity of wetland habitat to the 12-foot-wide permanent sewer maintenance road (to be constructed), potential for continuing direct and indirect impacts to wildlife and wildlife habitat due to human and pet encroachment into the project area (because of creation of the sewer maintenance road), use of the wetland habitat by large and small mammals such as deer, bobcat, and coyote, and ample acreage in which to provide wetland mitigation, we recommend impacts to southern willow scrub habitat be mitigated at a ratio of 3:1. Further, replacement of wetland habitat should be conducted within the project area and utilize local plant material to the greatest extent possible. A detailed site-specific mitigation and monitoring plan should be included as part of the Streambed Alteration Notification submitted for this project. As described in the initial study, this plan should detail all ~mpacts to wetland habitats, specify in-kind replacement of tabitat quality, 27 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM b Mr. James Nessel April 27, 1995 Page Four planting specifications, monitoring methodology and frequency, and reporting procedures. In addition, this plan should include measures for the protection of the revegetation areas from human and pet encroachment during the maintenance and monitoring period. The Department concurs with mitigation measures proposed for sensitive plant impacts. These measures include flagging sensitive plant populations located adjacent to construction and/or staging areas and collection of seeds from affected species (San Diego sagewort) prior to construction for use in the on-site revegetation effort. In addition to the collection of seeds, we recommend the top six inches of soil, supporting the stand of San Diego sagewort to be impacted, be excavated and spread within the area selected for the reseeding of this species. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Questions regarding this letter and further coordination on wetland and sensitive plant issues should be directed to Mr. Randy Botta, Wildlife Biologist, at (619) 675-0124. Coastal sage scrub issues should be directed to Mr. David Lawhead, Environmental Specialist III, at (619) 467-4211. 'h ricia Wolf cting Regional Manager Region 5 cc: see attached list 28 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 Mr. James Nessel April 27, 1995 Page Five cc: Mr. Randy Botta Department of Fish and Game San Diego, California Mr. David Lawhead Department of Fish and Game San Diego, California Ms. Terri Dickerson Department of Fish and Game Laguna Niguel, California Mr. Jim Dice Department of Fish and Game Borrego Springs, California U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad, California u.S. Army Corp of Engineers Los Angeles, California State Clearinghouse Sacramento, California 29 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM b , ! / CITY OF POWAY DON HIGGINSON. Mayor SUSAN cALLERY. Deputy Mayo, BOB EMERY. Councilmembet MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmember BE1TY REXFORD. Councilmember May 18, 1995 Mr. John Lovio U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad Field Office 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mr. David Lawhead California Department of Fish and Game NCCP Program 4949 viewridge Drive San Diego, CA 92123 SUBJECT: Gentlemen: The city of poway sincerely appreciates your input and creative recommendations provided at the our May 11, 1995 meeting to resolve the biological impact mitigation for the subject project. The Department provided written comments on the environmental assessment documentation prepared for this capital improvement project. Given the Department's comments, along with the existing and probable continuing habitat disturbance adjacent to the project corridor due to human access and eventual planned residential development, the Department and the Service have recommended that onsite impacts would be more effectively mitigated using the city's pro12osed subarea HCP .. i1"!-lieu" mitigation fee. Such fee will be deposited in the existing city habitat mitigation fund ~ccount and used for habitat acquisition, restoration, monitoring, or management, pursuant to the draft poway subarea HCP. The city agrees with your recommendations, and provides below a summary of the recommended measures. Where wetland habitat mitigation is concerned, it is our understanding that the in-lieu fee mitigation strategy must receive approval from Ms. Terri Dickerson of the CDFG Laguna Niguel office. As noted below, we have also sent this letter to Ms. Dickerson. This project and its environmental documentation will be considered for. approval by the poway city council on June 6, 1995. Therefore, it is requested that the recommended mitigation, . including wetland JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 30 of 31 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive 'M h~~,o<<' P () Rox 789 Powav. California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 Mr. John Lovio, Mr. David Lawhead May 18, 1995 Page 2 mitigation, be fully resolved prior to this date. The City would appreciate your support and consultation regarding the resolution of wetland impact compensation by the proposed in-lieu fee strategy. Summary of In Lieu Fee Mitiqation Strateqy The habitat acreage figures indicated below are from the project's Extended Initial Study and are based on the total of temporary and permanent impacts of the project. In addition, it has been agreed that the several habitat types impacted by the project are of "moderate" quality. Therefore, the mid-range of $10,000 per acre in-lieu fee compensation is acceptable, and mitigation replacement is based on recommended ratios. Please note that baccharis scrub and disturbed freshwater marsh have been added so that all biological impacts may qualify under the recommended in-lieu fee strategy. 1. Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) - .227. acres impactedjl:l ratio equals $2,270 2. CSS-Disturbed (CSS-D) - .141 acres impacted/1:1 ratio equals $1,410 3. Baccharis Scrub (BS) - .315 acres impacted/1:1 ratio equals $3,150 4. Southern willow Scrub (SWS) - .076 acres impacted/3:1 ratio equals $2,280 5. Disturbed Freshwater Marsh (FM-D) - .005 acres impacted/l:1 ratio equals $50 Total In-Lieu Mitiqation Fee $9.160 Based on the above, the City proposes to deduct the css, CSS-O, and BS impacts from its current Special 4(d) Rule Interim Habitat Loss Account (0.684 acres tota~). The total fee indicated above will be deposited in the City's existing mitigation account. In addition, the southernmost staging area will be relocated further south to avoid impacts to the San Diego sagewort sensitive plant species, as recommended in the biological technical report. The City requests your approval of this mitigation strategy five days prior to the City Council's June 6, 1995 meeting. Jo ncerely , , tMv- im Nessel Senior Planner cc. Ms. Terri DiCkerson, CDFG 1600 Permit Section 31 of 31 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 ;9~r~/f'1S- LEONORA PIEROTTI THOMAB 6316 MOUNT ROYAL DRIVE LOS ANl3ELEB CALIFORNIA 90041 RECEIVED, JUN 2 1995 CITY OF POWAY -' CITY CLERK'S OFFIC! 27 MAY 1995 MARJORIE WAHISTEN, CITY Cl.ERK CITY OF POWAY COUNCIl. CHAMBERS 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE POWAY. CA 92074 R~:: THE UNFAIR MARKET VALUE ASSESSED TO PARCEL 1#314-650-26. DFAR SIR/MA'AM: I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOUIl APPRAISED VALUE OF MY 5.52 ACRES. THIS PROJECT WILL HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF MY PROPERTY. THIS PROJECT IS MAKING APPROX-- IMATELY 25.500 SQ.FT.(59% acre) OF MY PROPERTY UNACCESSABLE; USELESS; NULL AND VOID. THIS PROJECT IS DISRUPTING ACCESS TO ~YPRIVATE PROPERTY. A GRANT DEED (;'t EASEMENT FOR A 40 FOOT WIDE INGRESS AND EGRESS ROADWAY WAS RECORDED IN MARCH OF 1978. INDIAN PEAK ROAD EASTERI.Y FROM THE THOMAS PROPERTY TO BUOWIN LANE AND SOUTHERLY ON BUOWIN LANE TO TWIN PEAKS ROAD. (See (1 ) GRANT DEED attached). OBVIOUSLY. MY PROPERTY CAN AND WILL BE DIVIDED INTO FOUR PARCELS. AS WAS PRO- POSED IN 1966 AND 1989 APPRAISALS ~ BY THE CITY OF POWAY ENGINEER. YOUR PROJECT STUDY CLEARLY SHOWS THIS EASEMENT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO THE THOMAS PROPERTY. (See (.z J PAGE 4-14 attached). INDIAN PEAK ROAD IS CURRENTLY BEING IMPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $70.000. I. TOO. MUST CONTRIBUTE. POWAY'S DRAFT _~ENDED INl.:n.bl....STI!I2X-~:QB.. THE DEL_EQlU~~~D ~~_~T~~L~PROJECT (MARCH 1995) STATES: "TH~: CITY OF POWAY WILL BE B~MI2.IQ...fAY FAIR MARKET V~. . . TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS. . . " THEREFORE. YOU MUST PAY THE $3.44 PER SQ.FT., NOT 18~ PER SQ.FT. (See (.3) PlAT PLAN WITH VAl.UES at Lached ) . "THE SEWEll AL 1 GNMENT WOULD F.X'rEND THROUGH THE CENTER O~' FOUR PRO PERT 1 ES. . . THOMAS PROPERTY... FRAGMENTATION OF THE UNDEVELOPED PARCELS WOULD POTENTIALLY ~~_~,.EI..9PMENT OF THE LOTS. . . ~!.!1..TING__.l1LA SIGN1.f.~:rJ!'lPACT. YOU MAY NOT REDUCE THE VALUE. NOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. OF MY LAND. 18C/SQ.FT. FOR 6,670 SQ.FT. IS ABSURD! _ "EASEMENT ACQUISITION.. .WOULD NOT RFSULT IN.. .THE DISRUPTION OF ACCESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY." I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT. F'..ASEMENT ACQUISITION ~IL!2~1"_llU:r...EL.Y RESULT IN THE DISRUPTION OF' ACCESS TO MY PRIVATE PROPERTY. (See (4) PAGE 4-25 attached). JUN 6 1995 ITEM 6 LEONORA PIEROTTI THOMAS 5315 MOUNT ROYAL CRIVE LOS ANGELES CALIFCRNIA 90041 WE GRANTED A 60 "'ClOT WTDE EASEMENT IN 1987 FOR THE B.liiHI.~WAY MAP 9.f~E..L PQ~.J.WI"E SEWER EXTEN~. (See (5) EASEMENT MAP attached) YOU ARE ~.9W PROPOSING THIS SEWER LINE AND tTTILITY TO BE 50 FEET FARTHER INTO MY PROPERTY. THIS IS NO,. FAIR DEALING. THIS IS UNJUST. (See (6) 20 FOOT EASEMENT attached). YOU HAVE APPRAISED MY PROPERTY AT ONE-QUARTER ITS FAIR MARKET VALUE AND GIVEN A VALUE TO ONLY 6.670 SQ.FT.(NOT 25.500 5O.FT.). THEN. YOU HAVE. AGAIN. PENALIZED ME BECAUSE IT IS A CREEK BED. I FEEL THE CREEK BED IS AN ASSET TO MV PROPERTY AND ITS tv. ulTIAL DEVELOPMENT. WILDLIFE AND GARDENS. $0.182 PER SQ.FT.X 6.670 SQ.FT.~ $1.214. 18 CF.:NTS PER SQUARE FOOT?! b.670 SQUARE FEET?! THIS IS IiQI ACCEPT- ABLE! MY PROPERTY IS IMMEDIATELV SURROUNDED BV SEVEN UNDEVELOPED PARCELS TO THE EAST AND SOUTH: ALL 010" WHICH HAVE THE SAME CREEK BED ADVANT- AGES: PARCELS 314-650-32.-33.-34.-35.-36.-37.AND -38. THESE EQUIVELANT PROPERTIES RANGE IN PER SQUARE FOOT PRICE FROM $1.51 PER SQ.FT. TO $3.44 PER SQ.FT. ON": ADJACENT PROPERTY WITH THE SAME CREEK BED JUST SOLD FOR $2.30 PER SQ.FT.#314-650-35. (See (7) PLAT Pl.AN attached). IS THIS A TIlRNABOUT YOU HAVE PUT ON MY PROPERTY? PUT IT ON SOMEONE ELSE'S PROPERTY. DON'T FACE IT WEST IN1'O MY PROPERTY. FACE IT ~! EAST TOWARD EXIST. 60' EASEMENT! -(See (B)PLAT PLAN attached). A SEWER LINE IS NECESSARV, BUT I tlQ OBJECT TO: 1. THE UNFAIR MARKET VALUE ASSESSED: 2. THE TAKING OF AN ADDITIONAL 50' X 370'(APPROX.) BEYOND THE EXISTING 60' EASEMENT WE ALREADV GAVE; 3. THE MAINTENANCE ROAD AND TIlRNABOUT INTO MY PROPERTY: 4. THE DISRUPTION OF ACCESS TO MY PRIVATE PROPERTY; ACCORDINGLV. I BELIEVE THAT THE FAIR MARKET VAl.UE OF THE PART OF MV PROPERTY WHICH THE CITY OF POWAV WOULD BE UTILIZING AND/OR RENDERING USELESS IS $87.720 (25,500 SQ.FT. X $3.44 PER SQ.I-T.). THEREFORE. THIS LETrER SHALL CONSTITIlTE MY CLAIM FOR PAVMENT IN THIS AMOUNT AS A RESULT OF THE CITY OF POWAV'S PROPOSED TAKING OF THAT PORTION OF MV PROPERTY. I ALSO DEMAND ASSURANCES THAT 1 WILL "OT BE LANDLOCKED BV THIS PROJECT. IN OTHER WORDS. MV PROPERTY WILL HAVE SUFFICIENT INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM BOTH MIDLAND ROAD AND INDIAN PEAK ROAD. AS PER MY PREVIOUSLY RECORDED EASEMENTS. S~CpV. J ~tft&amtU JUN 6 1995 ITE!'.:rt~llli e~.' ~ vJ~ cc: HONORABLE MAVOR. COUNCILMEMBERS. CITY A'M'ORNEY. PLANNING SVCS.DIR. _URDlric; AE'.JUt';o'TEO Sf '> . ~ 11:9.1 , . , "&COIIIO&O .A'L THI. 0&&0 A~D ",NLIE.. OTHIEII .N .'a..c;.W. "A'" 'All .fA'l"~Iof'. '0 [ 1 J GRANT DEED 4D' WIDE F.AS~EICT 7S-10BG14 Leonora Pierotti Box 111 Placentia, CA 92670 I ;':'. ......':":--~ . ,,~,. 1,..~ !..ll;~ ;~':::I:u AE,:utS1 Or -; YL~'1.......L ):/ ;p <fur 4 M~~ B \2 42 f\o\ '15 ~ ..J c.: r~c;;.~ f-E:OROS SAH.lJIL~O r.ou..n. tAL-IF. u&ItLEY F ,BLOOM KtCORDER r No. .:.rrow Nu, .~AelE ....OVE THIS LINE "'OR ,.ECO,.OE,,'S USE ~~ nn ASSLSSOR'S PARCEL NC. portion of 314-032-17 lil\i\NT UEED ;~~:o~~~~~ and portion of 'f' undl"r..iJ!llctl dcdiolrl"''' t1'~L L1.c 11","UJlII:1l11U')' 11';,II.f.:r lioI\ u ,__:::.~:-::...,?~....~.~.~.s.ideration.,.. I l:Ollll'ulNI Oil Iht' full v"llIt' "I Ihe iUIt:rc..1 Uf ",ruperty ....,,"c)'ctl. or i.. J computed gn Ilu: full \'alue 1\:>> IIaC villue or licIlli ur cu..:umLloIlIt:cai rrmaininK then:.." loll lilt: lime ur ...Ie, Th., lauJ. Ilelnlmt.~ ur rculty i. IOl'illcd ill unintlifpnnllcd arc.. 0 l,:ilY 01 ."HI i" tlH 1\ VAJ.U,"'BLF: CO:\"S1DEBATIO~, r~l:t'ipt of whidl i... hereby .dwowlcdg~J. M~TT w. SOK~CH and MARY A. SOKACH, husband and wife, trrcby CRANT(S) to ~ONORA PIEROTTI, an unmarried woman, Iht rollo"lll~ dl:'lljlll~c1It'.lll,rul'crly ill tlll~ !:u\lllly of SAN DIEGO . ..tiolU' ul Califl,lruia: Easements for ingress and egress, roadway and purposes incideneal thereto, to and from the property of Grantee, oVer and across the property of Grantor, Easterly and southerly over ~xisting privat~ road easements, Southerly on private eaaemene Bud....in Lane to T'win Peaks Road. said easements ar~ particularly described on Exhibit A attach~d hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Said easements are appurtenant to the property of Grantee specifically described in Exhibit B attached hereto and by ttlis reference nlade a part hereof. Such easements shall automatically extinguish upon the completion of Midland Road, or other public roadway, providing direct access to and from the property of Grantee described in Exhiblt B. Dllle,1 ~_~~~~~L_l_9.?_B_. _(j:'-P J;~--- ~ W. SOKA~lI .J~- ~ ~"",""L ._. _.I~'---- MA Y~'tIl<ACl1 ST.\TE lIF C...I.lFlllI!'lil.\ \ S. 'f ~~ I "."~_ .;;' at') Dleqo II" ""'-,1\.'" (. ~ ~ ,1970"'1",.. ....., I'''' ....1..,. ~.. '" 1'..1.1" "', .....1 I.., ",I I..".". ..."I.....h 1"........11, ..----- -- ,..:;>R r....... ......y :;.l:Al.. 0" $TA~~ 01"1..,.....1 ~~TT W. SOKACH and I'\ARY A.. SOAACil .1..""""1"..,, _ .. _........ "rI''''''''^Yt/'t.Yt/'^,,^~ .......~~.-.... O...CI.... I'A" )- ~ ~~~:-.; UNA A. CLAnK .: ~ ~. ~...;; NUIIl.Ml l'UUIIC ,C'UIIUMNIA :. .: ~:~f. 1"""'I~IOIlICt:.salllJlC""U.'_II." )0 ~~ My CommiSSIon bra JUIL 6. 1111 ). < ___ --V-~.",^.,. ,..",..V^V.....,........... - 1.1" ,I.,' ,...,_.".. ..1......11<1"'.& aro .ul....."I..,.I....I... .,110.., .,..11.....1..,1;."..1 110.,. th~y..,.,........l II... ..;I.."., c:1~~ ~illllllllllr" "I NUI..rv JUN 6 1995 ITEM Q '.1 "All, T\"( :'iT.o\TnH~""",,.O !'\IIT)" SIIUWN O~ .'(\1..10WI:\G L1Nr; ....IIte) p:\lrry ~1l...tIlJWN. M..\II,ASI\IIlE,.llll \ lion: ._~--~...~_.... _._.__.~..... .-...--,-...-.. H.m" ._--~ .-... ..-- ..-.,..... "'""", !..IJr,.. ---------..-. -.... Citt l- SI;lI.. [ Z J PROJECT STUDY S"')WI"G 40' EASEMEIIT.PI 4-14. k1 . ~ >'.1 ! '1";- ........ , I. Y.- ~..,.. liJ?/ . , ...., ~I ,," '~..II'- : "" ::l~"-:'''''' In - . . .....,"...-.. III ,- orr;"" ..- . .,~'" ':,... <f ,. ~ I 11 11 '...... 'r I .. I ~. ...... ',I ': p> . & .)! \ :+I~!: i.t fA ~ , ,Ill: ; ~ ~ " I . ~ .; :y, fil ~ 88~ J:li I~I . -:"d ~;~ 'ii ~l~:;D ~i~l o Ii" !'i~ u u~ ~2~~ 8 qH~!Jn :; ~.~d~~'€! .... :: 'C:: .:D ": .J:. ~ C : ~ .... '0{ ~ ~ '';:.;.;': -}". ::. ~ . . . . . . . . i~ A ~ .Z. ~ ~ . E ~ ~ \J < II . ;: ~l ~,i ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ . ! s ~ 'i :' ~~=2= c. ~ 0 _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- :: :::.,,;:- .;: l:j :. -: .f. . ~ . " . !~ '"0: :;;c U ~= . . ...,.co c tArhu, a. 211'ch > lI)U'Jcn(/)xJ:~J:J:J::::::w LlUUClilf.)Ij,I....cnVlCCC ~ ~ J: ~ 0. Q,. <II ... ;:. <II "" U C ~- @.. \\lp\p.]l ~",,\'- <rf}-1- . -....",... " ....' .. ----- ..-!'- . ......\.\l'~ _~.....1C'" ..., ,.. f~~~ \SO" 0 , . ...- 0 ~, 0 l' 0 b 0 . JUN 6 1995 ITEM Ii , .. Ir'_.. : ~' -< ."3 J I'I<OI'~:HTY VALUES Mll:'fER'O ~ 14 .,.s0 - DS" 5.54-^c.. I ~.~~ J: 314.6~0 ~'j (Sanchez 1/ / .7 :tc.Nu ., O.!S~t. l.U.cl'I '$~- '5l:> ICl 2.. '2.!5'....c. Mvo,\.CC ~ o.5'lAC. 314.650.15 l'J1, (Czarasly ~ f\ll I.OOI'le 1.0lAc:. t..J I "..... I. 314-650.14 I (Czarasly ~"'>oI 1.2!5"Ac. ~I" "5'0' ~ 1i1l"~~ I.OO-'lC. :31'\ . '5'O-J:L.. 314-650-3S (DaVIS J.OO~ """"r/tl",~ 16 S'OO.OOO '3-1"1 c;.So.., I (S2.:JO/st :&14 ..50-'? /$125,00 :: "lAC J.OSAC. ($2.87/sf) 314.65C>-34 (Davis I.OO'<;C. 314.650-26 (Thomas $135.000 5.5;(.AC. ($3.10/sf) I.c:::tl":> "nCTll"'~ "oLL.... N I :3\~, (I. 314. ~6"O--U; '!Ii4-('5"C ,,, 1// $150,000 "'~'GSO.'z. :.OS-AC. /'0.0"":' I / I ($3.44/sfl 1>"''ll~ I Co INDIAN PEAK ROAD S~NEJI)~ ~N~~' ~I~ e~. Mol'tr. '!l1+.650-~ "!l14- '50 ':l.%. ~1+."!5"'.a7 C.! 1.0.<: 0."0"'- $135.000 01.0 SAC. i ($1.51/sf) I I i : I 314.65C>-36 (Rios / """-trr _ste. "'CfCl: ~ ~^ i 1.8+"'C. 31~"SO' 3-8 :3'4-Ub'.aq. -:e~ .'-5'"0 -~ I I 0.\;5'....c. $125,OUO / ::c.OGA~l S~, 000 t.l.6<oAC. I ($1.5&/sf) ($1 _ 74/sf) , 314-652-21 (SDG&E Property) , 31.4-651-03 (Poway Unified School Districl) J..~. /~y i ~. I~' Q: I /~ / t ,\ I; ~ / , / , / I / / / I!( \ l III JUN 6 19 5 ITEM ~ I 'r ~ I I I ( 4 J PROJECT S11JDV PAGE 4-7.5 Impact The southern 280 feet of the sewer alignment would traverse an area for which a dedicated 84-foot wide City easement already exists. However, beginning at the Poway Unified School District propeny, the alignment would extend through eight parcels, resulting in a total easement acquisition of 1.08 acres of land (Figure 4-7). The sewer alignment would extend through the center of four propenies, two of which are currently undeveloped (Po way Unified School Propeny and Thomas Propeny). Although the amount of land needed for the easement alignment would be minimal (less than one acre), fragmentation of the undeveloped parcels would potentially constrain future development of the lots as allowed by their land uselzoning designation, resulting in a significant impact. The easement alignment from the Poway Unified Property to the Czarasty Propeny would be maintained as a 12-foot wide Class n aggregate base sewer maintenance road, while the remaining easement area (20 foot corridor through Sanchez property) would not be used for a maintenance road although capping with the Class n aggregate material would remain. The sewer alignment would extend along the edges of the remaining parcels which are currently developed with single-family homes. These propenies appear to be developed to their allowed densities and. therefore, the extension of the pipeline through these propenies would not disrupt future development of the lots. Easement acquisition needs for the project would not result in the removal of homes or the disruption of access to private property . Socioeconomic impacts as a result of easement acquisition and fragmentation of private property would be considered a significant impact if unmitigated. The following measure below would reduce this impact to below a level of significance. No additional socioeconomic impacts would occur since no homes would be removed and access would be maintained for the affected propenies during and after construction activities. Measures IncoJ:POrated to Prqject I. The City of poway will be required to pa, fair market value or equal consideration as required by law to all propeny owners whose land Is required for easement purposes related to the proposed project. 3127JJOOO 4.25 JUN 6 1995 ITEM b , \ -~-----_.- r ~> J (1 01 2) 19t5"l St.'WER EASEMENT 60' ~ ) NTS ~ I AREA TO BE ACQUIRED AP NO.514-"'50-t~ ---.:;: :2 .' . -/. ..,./' ;IG.I:IT OF WAY PARCEL NO AI5~-Z u.. .~O. SI4-"?O-~/O .' ~ OF AQUISIT~ JZ 009 6F. )ATE 9-2.3-87 .~ )WNER LEOMJRA P ROHE RIGHT OF WAY MAP OF DEL PONIENTE SEWER EXTENSION .--- --;---.-- --- . I / p '" I 'r-' I' I I ' I , I I / : , I ., I (l of l) , (lB'1 ~t;WER EASDlENT bO' I N ~ N . v:\ U <0 III ~.""'J N O~1l1 i=~~ .~ M ~~ ggE /' ...no .of >.DOOM < I .0 . C.---N ~ (/1(/1 :"l or r"'l .o~ , uo v. v;orco..... -;/'10 ..r-- >.DOIll:ll < I oN 0 Q~__N ~ (/1(/1 r-> - , , r"'j 0 0...... 1 U 0 III :r.OIllO..... '"'" of) 0 .. 0 >.DOIl1- < : . t""', . c...,.--l'""'l - (/1(/1 M I. / N' ,;.. / .to; ~ 0 0 ~ i \ '.. I i, 1 U 0 III I { rl ~oIllO"'" I " _~i ...JlO .or , ~ >.Dooor I'" <' . Jl ' / !::Ii 0""'--:-' I Ifi ~ :::, (/I tJl I C ----,./.; ---'" ------------ r~-- 01. I I ~ I \ ~'i ..... . 3 INDIAN PEAK TRAIL ------------- & . 'Of (j o .D ""') .Ol"i""j I t.:OUl ::l1ll0..... I"l or ..D .D:Ilitllf: h' / , '8 I ~~ / h:: I .O~' I f5'{..... I a .. / ~ I~ I JUN 6 1995 ITEM b 'I \ !- :t: i~ .0.... .1 UO III UO 1lI0..... tiJ.t"lJ"J ..- V:.D0.r.1Il , .~ . f-~N- - ~ - (/I (/I a::M .. ra. !- = i::; . 0.... ,1 U 0 III HOIllO..... ...l.f)~ ..~ ~~o.r.r- 1 . III ' f-~N-- ~~ (/1(/1 a::r-> .. ,~.-- ---...-.. ~ N . V:I t.: <0 'tI J: I.o~ ~ OIC'" ;l: I . I-~'" .- M ~ , . C... ; t,;C III ~1ll0""" , -..\,0 , l.r. I f...> J SEWI:;R LINI:; 20' WIDE EASEMENT / / I g: (;j / N ,'-. I' I / , ; I - -, .O~~ ~elll :!:iO-::c...... .,....r. 0 ..0 ~~oo,., ... .0. C"--!">.l ; 'J'Hh ~ - . 0 "-i , l.;C V. ViO"':O....... -~o ..:",,- >.::o.r.co < I .~ ' C..--N - <fl<l) M - - .0.... . _::: 0 VI 'J'. _ ... 0....... -.I".c .0 >..cc~- < .!"'j' QIIIl;"--M ~, I..f> IJ) !. I ,,'. I J:I ::: ./ \ '\ / I~~ I to> g ~ \1. ~ ~o~o...... I '. _o!!J - '" 0 . ~ I '..;) >.::oo~ (;;' < . J1 ' I -i C...--M I l:Ji ::t :: <I) <I) I "' ' ____~ ___5; ____________ INDIAN PEAK TRAIL ---- -------------- ~ -"if (j o h. / 'I I w..~ / ...: I .o~ I 15~" I I:JI$~ I .. I ,/ JUN 6 1995 ITEM .6 I- :l:: 0:""- S:::""". '0..... . i WO III \.10'tl0..... .a".r:.n ..- ~..co.n~ 'M . f-lI:f'N-- ~ - (/) IJ) ll::,., - to.. l- ll:: i ~ .0'" . I U 0 III !,J,ClllO..... _U"llf') ..~ 1Il.:l 0 1I\r- i . U"l . !-..N-- 1Il- (1)<1) ll::M - ro. r -/ J 3'46~0-J~ SOLD FOR $2.30/50.1'1. I I / ~ r;; I N , ,- I I I .c N . t!:l to; <0", J: ..-, N O.t:J'l i=';',r; - l""l ~: ~g~ / -.no ..01' <>.cOCM . C . C"--N <1'111'1 '"" .,. r-: .0.... I U 0 :r. VlO'llC.... -;,(')0 .:-- >.co.r.:c C I .N . O"--N (/'111'1 l""l r"". . 0.... u c :n :roo"'::>.... _.no -0 >.c::>.r.- < . ~ . 0.'11I:'--:""') - (/,HI'I l""l '. I N '1"' I !:t - . C.... ./ I~ lUOrr. II .~ ~O~O, I !>I:{ _.1'.0 ..,. -J >.cOO'" I ,.. < ..r.. I rj~ c.,--~ I ,:J~ ~ ::; <lHI'I I /" ~ ____J-I. --- ------------ INDIAN PEAK TRAIL. -------------- ~ J o ::>.. ::> III ::>.... -.c fl.r. l" / It / .... / .O~ I f5~" I ~a~ I .. I .I JUN 6 1995 ITEM .6 Ii f~ -0.. . : ~ 0 en \./0 'llc.... ~.l':.r'J ..- rr..t: c.r..r. .- f-"N~": v: - IJ'i IJ'i "',.... - r.. f- '" i::; .0.... .. I U 0 If. uo"'o.... Cil.nJ'l ..,. Vl.:lO.r.r-- ; .;Il . .....,N__ l/l- lIHI'I "'M ... I ~ I ~ - . c.... .I ,~~ u 0 u; { . ~o~o, I _oj -....0..... :>..:>00.... /" C....... ti~ C'lIf - - ~ / :J~ ~ =. IJ'IIJ'I I ./ ~ ____J-' --- ------------ r 8 J J ~ f'OQT LONG STRI-:ET N ~ N. v: 1 U co III :E.'" N O..:>or. ~~.,.; M -.J oq" $ !}j / . , r....-- ~. I .' . 1 ~j I ~z \ .... . i3 ~g I IlD~ , I 1:1.. I / I ~ ;;; , , - I I / , . :Il:~g~ /' -.no .01' ~.c~g,: c..-_~ 1J'I'.f) .., 01 -: . C .... 1,;0 rr. :1:0"00...... -J")O a:"-- >..co.r::c C 'N' C"--N IJ'IIJ'I . . - .0.... I,; C :Il :l:C"'=>....... -.r. 0 ..0 :>..:>o.r.- < . - . c...--:~ ~ (/)V) INDIAN PEAK TRAIL. -------------- ----\ y Q... Q III 0..... oJ.!) or . i I ; ____--i_____~ -" ! / / '" ~ /'" ~ J o . / kl Ii! / ...:: I .Q~ I f5;' I ~iS~ I I I JUN 6 1995 ITEM .6 .... .z i~ .Q.. . 1;';0 r.n ;;.c::'Co....... ..a....J'", .._ :r.~o.r: .r. .- ~.~;,.:.:. :r. - (/) (I) .z.., :.. .... :I:: i;!; .Q... o I U Q Ul UOlllQ' ~ ~.r: .... :Il..:>o.r.r-- . . or'> . !-.,N-_ ;n- .(/)<1) =M - :..