Item 7 - Engineer's Rpt & Resolution Intent Levy & Collect LMD 87-1 AGENDAREPORTS~ARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide U DATE: June 6,1995 SUBJECT: Engineer's Report and Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 for Fiscal Year 1995/96 and Set Dates for Public Hearings ABSTRACT - The maintenance of public landscape improvements within Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 requires funding. The California Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 [ACT] allows for the collection of assessments from parcels annexed into the district for this purpose. In order to collect assessments, Chapter 3 of the ACT requires a resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments and an Engineer's report. There are currently 222 assessed commercial/industrial parcels in LMD 87-1. It is the intent of the District (LMD) to expand the scope oflandscape improvement maintenance to include those areas along major roadways currently maintained by the Land Development Association (LDA). The purpose of this intent is to lower the combined LMD and LDA assessments, to extend LMD maintenance to the east on Stowe Drive and to provide a more uniform maintenance program for the area. ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW - This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMP ACT - Due to foreclosures of and bankruptcy proceedings for some parcels within the District, it is anticipated that insufficient revenues will be collected through assessments to maintain the District's landscape improvements. The District is, therefore, requesting deferment of all or portion of the payment of water bills until properties have been sold and assessment liens recouped. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE - C.F. Poway, Poway Corporate Center, Parkway Business Centre, and board members of the Pomerado Business Park Land Developers' Association. RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that the City Council: I) adopt the attached resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 87-1 for fiscal year 1995/96; 2) approve the Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for fiscal year 1995/96,3) approve the attached revised LMD 87-1 FY 95/96 budget; and 4) set two public hearings for June 27 and August 1, 1995. ACTION JUN 6 1 5 IT 7 fill"-! 1 of 34 99 ~ AGENDA REPOR' CITY OF POW A Y FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James 1. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager':\'~ ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aider June 6, 1995 TO: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Engineer's Report and Resolution Declarin~ the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Powav Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 for Fiscal Year 1995/96 and Set Dates for Public Hearines BACKGROUND Landscape Maintenance District was formed on January 27,1987 to maintain landscape improvements installed in conjunction with new subdivisions within the boundaries of the District (Exhibit A of the Resolution). The following is a list of commercial subdivisions currently annexed into and assessed by the district: Map No. Development Net Acres TIM 87-13 Pomerado Business Park Phase I Phase II Parkway Business Centre Phase I (including the 5.43 net acre lot purchased by the Poway Redevelopment Agency) Poway Corporate Center Phase I 117.601 135.315 TIM 85-04 129.277 TIM 86-02R 29.709 Total Units Assessed 411.902 ACTION: 2 of 34 JUN 6 1995 nEM 7 ~ '. . Agenda Report - Intent to. ty Assessments LMD 87-1 June 6, 1995 Page 2 Although the following property is annexed into the district, the final map still has not been recorded by the County of San Diego. Therefore, parcels within this map will not to be assessed during FY 1995/96. Map No. TIM 87-13 Development Parkway Business Centre Phase II Net Acres 136.400 Pending property annexation: Map No. Development Net Acres TIM 88-04R Rolling Hills Estates (Commercial) 6.00 Map No. Development !.lni!.i TTM 88-04R Rolling Hills Estates (Residential) 120.00 FINDINGS FY 1994/95 Landscl\pe Ml\intenl\nce District Fl\cilities and Assessments The Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 currently maintains 60 acres oflandscaping under contract. The estimated value of these improvements is $21,250,000. The improvements, installed in conjunction with new subdivisions within the boundaries of the district, have benefit to all property owners within the district. During FY 1994/95,222 commercial/industrial parcels were assessed a total of $309,475.22 based on 412.1 72 net assessed acres.. Another 36 net assessed acres, associated with McMillin's Rolling Hills Estates, were funded by the City's General Fund in the amount of$27,030. The decision for this supplemental funding came from the acceptance of improvements along Scripps Poway Parkway west of Po mer ado Road [associated with the McMillin development]. Maintenance of these improvements by the District began FY 1993/94 without fmal map approval and District annexation. In April, 1995, the Poway Redevelopment Agency purchased a lot [consisting of 5.43 net assessable acres] within Parkway Business Centre. This property will continue to be assessed at lNet assessed acres are the total of properties usable acreage for development within a subdivision. 3 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 't-l Agenda Report - Intent 1 evy Assessments LMD 87-1 June 6, 1995 Page 3 the proposed rate of assessment based on its net acreage. Including the McMillin project. revenues will be collected for a total of 448.172 net acres. Pomerado Business Park. Phases I and II Facilities. Phase I Land Development Area Assessments. and Phase II Maintenance Costs During 1994, the Land Development Area [LDA] (Association) consisted of both Phases I and II of Po mer ado Business Park and maintained approximately 92 irrigated acres, and 39.02 non- irrigated acres.2 These areas were maintained at a contracted cost [through Heaviland Enterprises, Inc.] of $306,720 per year, or $25,560.00 per month. The water usage [based on usage from July 7, 1993 through July 7,1994] averaged 10,219.25 units per month plus meter and pumping charges for a yearly cost of approximately $203,670. Electricity was budgeted by the then LDA at $6,204 per year [which is determined by the number oflandscape meters times a constant SDG&E cost]. On February 18, 1995, a fourth amendment to the CC&Rs for the Pomerado Business Park formally deannexed [phase II] 74.51 acres, 35 of which are irrigated, from the 'Covered Area' of the LDA. This action was taken in order to alleviate the financial burden placed upon property owners within Phase I for the maintenance of improvements within Phase II. CF Poway, Inc. holds all ownership of the parcels within Phase II. Since the beginning of 1995, the LDA, Phase I, lowered its Association fees, thus lowering the contract and water costs for the maintenance of the remaining 57 acres. Revenues in the amount of $172,290.24 per year are being collected from property owners based on 117.6 net assessed acres. This equates to $1,465.05 per net acre per year for the maintenance and administration of LDA 'covered areas' [57 acres]. Lower LDA assessments meant cutting water usage by approximately 34 percent [to a budget of $46,202] and contract cost from $14,910 per month [or $178,920 per year] to $3,300 per month [or $39,600 per year]. The labor provided under this revised contract is for three men 2.5 days per week. CF Poway, Inc., [phase II] currently maintains 35 irrigated acres, and 39.51 non-irrigated acres within Phase II of the Pomerado Business Park. These areas, also maintained by Heaviland Enterprises, Inc., are maintained at a cost of$2,275 per month, or $27,300 per year. This contract is for one man 40 hours per week to water street trees only and allows for irrigation system maintenance. Water usage for these areas has decreased by approximately 53 percent [from $133,830 to $62,900 per year]. 2Maintained acres are the acres of landscape improvements within a development for which assessments are collected based on net assessed acres, either by the Landscape Maintenance District or by the Land Development Area [Association]. 4 of 34 JUl\ 6 1995 ITEM 7t\!il Agenda Report - Intent to , y Assessments LMD 87-1 June 6, 1995 Page 4 Parkway Business Centre Facilities and Assessments There are approximately 423 acres within the Parkway Business Centre. Phase I, annexed into LMD 87-1 January 16, 1990, contains 150 acres of Light Industrial and 22 acres of open space. Phase II, annexed into the District [but unrecorded to date] consists of 276 acres - 139 developable acres, and 112 open space acres. Landscape improvements for Phase I of the development along Stowe Drive east of Community Road were surveyed and found to be as follows: The southeast corner of Stowe and Community Roads is planted with Cistus purpereus (rockrose), large trees, and rosemary. Continuing south on Stowe, the south side is planted with various trees and honeysuckle. The north side of Stowe, west of Crosthwaite Circle, has a variety of trees and shrubs as well as rockroses, honeysuckle, and coyote brush [Baccharis pilularis]. Weeds were prevalent throughout, especially along those portions of the roadway that did not have improved parcels adjacent to the landscaping. Internal streets [Crosthwaite and Parkway Centre] had street trees. Most of the trees, shrubs, and groundcover appeared healthy when inspected on April 21, 1995. Irrigation has been established in the area on both sides of Stowe Drive from Community Road to Crosthwaite Circle. Some irrigation was noted on the interior streets. Landscape improvements along Scripps Poway Parkway are limited to non-irrigated medians. Most of the undeveloped area is covered with we~ds. Seven lots have been sold and developed within the subdivision, including the South Poway Sports Park. Landscape improvements adjacent to these lots is being maintained by the individual property owner(s) to an acceptable level. These property owners are currently paying $750.84 per net acre for the current Landscape Maintenance District areas [not inclusive of any LDA or Pomerado Business Park, Phase II, areas]. District Analysis Last surruner, the City became aware that irrigation and maintenance of common area landscaping controlled by both the LDA and CF Poway, Inc., was to be decreased by roughly 40 and 75 percent, respectively. Since then, staff was requested to consider increasing the scope of District landscape maintenance to include those portions along the major roadways maintained by the Association and developer, and analyze any impacts this would have on property owners currently paying assessments. Of the combined LDA and Pomerado Business Park, Phase II common areas, it has been determined that roughly 56.6 acres oflandscaping lie along the major roadways (Scripps Poway Parkway, Stowe Drive, and Community Road). The balance oflandscaping [slope and street frontages - 74.51 acres] is within the interior portions of the developments and has no common benefit. 5 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ,,,1 Agenda Report - Intent t, ~evy Assessments LMD 87-1 June 6, 1995 Page 5 To include the 56.6 acres oflandscaping within Pomerado Business Park's major roadways and additional areas along Stowe Drive within the Parkway Business Centre would: . Decreased the combined proportional LDA fees and LMD assessments by 7.34 percent . Increase the combined CF Poway, Inc. maintenance costs and LMD assessments by 5.75 percent. . Increase Parkway Business Centre and Poway Corporate Center assessments by 5.2 percent. . Increase required revenues for the McMillin development by 66 percent. Assessments for Pomerado Business Park, Phases I and II, and the McMillin development are proposed to be $1,246.214 per net acre [Commercial/Industrial]. Poway Corporate Center and Parkway Business Center, having no association landscape maintenance fees, are proposed to be assessed $790.00 per net acre [Commercial/Industrial]. Residential units would be assessed based on the District formulation of one net acres = 4 units, or $311.55 per unit annually. Prior to completing the above analysis, staffheld a meeting on May 3, 1995 with members of the LDA board and CF Poway, Inc. Those present included Neville Bothwell, Samuel Craig, Linda Richardson and City/District staff. During this meeting staff presented the concerns over the reduced level of maintenance for various landscape areas within South Poway, other than those maintained by the LMD. The proposal to include those LDA and CF Poway, Inc. irrigated landscape improvements totaling 56.6 acres that lie along the major roadways within the scope of landscape maintenance district maintenance was discussed. The LDA and CF Poway, Inc. representatives were agreeable to the proposal if the District could lower the combined assessments, and if any additional landscaping added by the District [City] for Parkway Business Center would not pose a burden to their parcel assessments. There being no property owners' association or developer to install needed improvements, staff agreed to estimate the costs for the installation of improvements and maintenance, for common areas to the east of Community Road, to determine appropriate mechanisms to recover the costs from individual property owners, and ultimately to calculate additional subzone assessments for these areas, separate from the already developed areas. Staff will accomplish this by next year's report to Council. Under Sections 2.06(e)[poway Tech Center] and 2.6(c) [pomerado Business Park] of the developments' CC&R's, Failure to Perform Oblieations, the City, or District, may [after at least 60 days written notification to the Association] assume the performance of such obligations and/or to include such obligations in the Landscape Maintenance District. . . and [the Approving Agents (property owners)] shall reimburse the City. . . all costs or expenses incurred in performing such maintenance obligations. . . Notice has been sent, by certified mail, to all affected property owners and LDA Board members, of the City's intent for Landscape Maintenance District 87-1. The notice of intent described that the City will assume responsibility for the maintenance of all slopes and street frontages along the major roadways [Scripps Poway Parkway, Stowe Drive, and Community Road] within the South Poway Business Park. 6 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 I i'l Agenda Report. Intent to L ,y Assessments LMD 87.1 June 6, 1995 Page 6 Due to development foreclosures and bankruptcy proceedings, it has been determined that approximately 65 percent of the Fiscal Year 1994/95 assessments have not been paid [as of April 21, 1995]. These delinquent assessments total $200,149.17. The District anticipated a collection of $309,466.48 in revenues during 1994/95. Delinquent assessments since 1992 total another $1 10,155.06. [See Attachment 5]. According to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, an Engineer's Report and assessment recommendations for the district must be presented for City Council consideration and public comment on an annual basis. This report [Attachment 2] has been found to be technically correct as presented. Improvement ofIrri~ation Effectiveness and Efficiency LDAlCF Powav. Inc. Areas (56.6 acres) . Abandon irrigation oftop 1/3 of slopes, these areas have transitioned to native plants as was intended by original design and no longer require irrigation. . Utilize soil polymers on the bottom 2/3 of slopes to retain water and to offset excessive percolation. CF Poway Inc Areas . In areas where trees die, they will be replaced and grouped into copses and retrofit irrigation to drip. LMD/LDAlCF Powav Slopes: . Broadcast seed using CCC workers or work release with drought tolerant vegetation materials, as required in the area. These items will reduce irrigation costs by 40 percent throughout the area. Future developments will be carefully analyzed for best management practices in water use and maintenance costs for landscape designs. This method will be used to calculate the Parkway Business Centre improvements that were not completed under map conditions. An estimate for adding these improvements, in addition to future maintenance costs will be the primary criteria for approval to create a development subzone for Parkway Business Centre. This will insure that assessments are proportional to benefit until Phase II of Parkway Business Centre has been recorded and regular District assessments levied. If a subzone is not to be created for Parkway Business Centre, the costs for improvements and maintenance are to be proportionally borne by the individual parcel developers and the time of construction. 7 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ~'l Agenda Report - Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 87-1 June 6, 1995 Page 7 Contract Maintenance At present, the LDA and CF Poway, Inc. landscape improvements are maintained by Heaviland Enterprises, Inc. The LMD landscape improvements are maintained by Pac West Land Care, Inc. It is the intent of the District/City to continue this arrangement wherein, Heaviland will continue to maintain the 56.6 acres (plus one acre at the east end of Stowe Drive) of the total 117.6 along the major roadways, and Pac West the 60 LMD acres. When the LMD contract comes up for renewal, the District will exercise its option to terminate the current contract and rebid the entire 117.6 acres as one package. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Due to foreclosures of and bankruptcy proceedings for some parcels within the District, it is anticipated that insufficient revenues will be collected through assessments to maintain the District's landscape improvements. The District is, therefore, requesting deferment of all or portion of the payment of water bills until properties have been sold and assessment liens recouped. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE C.F. Poway, Poway Corporate Center, Parkway Business Centre, and board members of the Pomerado Business Park Land Developers' Association. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) adopt the attached resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 87-1 for fiscal year 1995/96; 2) approve the Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for fiscal year 1995/96, 3) approve the attached revised LMD 87-1 FY 95/96 budget; and 4) set two public hearings for June 27 and August 1, 1995. JLB:IDF:JRW:PSN Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resolution ofIntent Engineer's Report Revised FY 1995/96 LMD 87-1 Budget Proposed Budget! Assessments South Poway Delinquent LMD Assessment Listing (As of April 1995) 8 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 "l RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY. CALIFORNIA DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 87-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 for the purpose of maintaining. servicing. and operating public landscape facilities located within the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit "An of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk's Office. pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS. the public interest and convenience require the maintenance. service. and operation of public landscaping and soundwalls within said terri tory. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows; 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 2. Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 87-1 for fiscal year 1995/96. 3. Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code. two public hearings will be held on June 27 and August 1. 1995 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall to consider the levy and collection of the proposed assessments. PASSED. ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway. California. at a regular meeting this 6th day of June. 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten. City Clerk 9 of 34 ATTACHMENT 1 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 'iW EXHIBIT A \ \ '.". "~ 1iI'')1 j \"L ./;<-. I) ., "'~'."'"'' T'; ,/ l' " ---, /" , ( , \ I / (" ');' ~ r // I ..J ~j ~. I I ___-..J- I 't./-.~ ~~ ('" ~[' r'" I ~:J,_ j--l~ ). "-_(:::~\. L.i - - --..r-....J ) \ . ) ". ~ ~.J"J t __~ L_ -- (I. (0 1 \ (II /'~- T'- ~ ; , -" . :Jr rU1 I J -, U i r-J _JlJ '-. ~_/\/ .e.. _.- ~~';f;tjt- ~..~ ----, \ \ \ \ \ \ "- ...~'" -" ...':..~ ~~ .. BOUNDARY OF LMD 87-1 ~- I ..-..ecoa _ ) 10 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ..it-l ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR POW A Y LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 87-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 PURPOSE District 87-1 was formed on January 27, 1987 for the purpose of financing the maintenance and operation of landscape improvements installed in conjunction with new subdivisions within the boundaries of the district (Exhibit A). This report sets forth the fmdings and engineering analysis for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 for fiscal year 1995/96. FINDINGS The Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 (Act) allows assessments to be levied for the maintenance of certain public improvements within a subject district according to benefit rather than estimated value (Section 22573). The necessary revenue required to maintain the landscaping improvements within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 has been calculated according to benefit for fiscal year 1995/96 as provided for by the Act. All assessments collected within this District will be expended on maintenance, utilities, and administration of District 87-1 landscaping improvements. New improvements that are to be maintained by Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) 87-1 include approximately 57.6 acres that were previously maintained by the Land Development Area [Association] (LDA) , CF Poway, Inc., and Parkway Business Centre. These 57.6 acres, installed as a requirement of development, lie along the major roadways [Scripps Poway Parkway, Stowe Drive, and Community Road] and have been found to have benefit to all properties located within the District. These new areas of maintenance are within the current boundaries of subdivision annexation as noted on Exhibit B, sheets 1 through 4. Maps are on file with the City Clerk's Office that defme those areas to be maintained by the District. During fiscal year 1993-94, the extension of Scripps Poway Parkway, west of Pomerado Road, was completed by the McMillin Development (TIM 88-04R) as a condition of map approval. The McMillin map remains to be fmaled and annexed into the district. Since FY 1993/94, the City of Poway funded the additional maintenance of improvements for this project that equated to six net commercial/industrial acres and 120 residential units for an assessment value of $26,340 and $27,030 for FY 93/94 and FY 94/95, respectively. It is proposed that the City of Poway continue to fund TIM 88-04R assessments until the project has been annexed into the District and the parcels placed on the District's collection roll. To date, the Parkway Business Centre, Phase II map has not been recorded by the County of San Diego, although the parcels have been annexed into the District. Until a map has been deemed complete by recordation by the County of San Diego, assessments for this subdivision will not be assessed. ATTACHMENT 2 11 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 . H LMD 87-1 Engineer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 2 The District has been advised that Parkway Business Centre, Phase I [unsold parcels] and all of Phase II, has gone into foreclosure. Due to the developer's financial position, property taxes and District assessments have become delinquent. These unpaid assessments will be held as liens against the property and will be reimbursed to the District upon purchase of property. Until such time as these assessments can be recouped, the City of Poway will be assisting the District with adequate funding from its General Fund to cover the District assessments allocated to the Parkway Business Centre, Phase I parcels. The District shall repay the City upon reimbursement to the District by each property's purchase. One parcel consisting of 5.43 net acres was purchase by the City Redevelopment Agency. Assessments will be collected for this parcel. If it cannot be collected through the County Assessor rolls, a bill will be issued from the District to the Agency for the payment of assessments for services rendered by the District. ENGINEERING and BENEFIT ANALYSES The name of this district is Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 87-1. The boundary of the district is shown on Exhibit A. Property lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the landscaping maintenance district are shown in detail on the County of San Diego Assessor's maps. These maps are on file in the County Assessor's Office, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 103, San Diego, California 92101. Assessments for the district will be calculated on a per net acre basis by dividing the required revenue by the total net acres within each district. The district consists of the following developments: M<w No Development Net Acres TIM 86-02R Pomerado Business Park Phase I Phase II Parkway Business Centre Phase I (including the 5.43 net acre parcel purchased by the Poway Redevelopment Agency) Poway Corporate Center Phase I 117.601 135.315 TIM 85-04 TTM 87-13 129.277 29 709 411.902 Benefit units temporarily funded by the City's General Fund: TIM 88-04R McMillin Rolling Hills Estates 36.000 448.172 12 of 34 ,JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 '~l LMD 87-1 Engineer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 3 Although the following property is annexed into the district, the fmal map still has not been recorded by the County of San Diego. Therefore, these parcels will continue to show a zero assessment for FY 1995/96, and will not be shown in the revenue calculation of assessments. TIM 87-13 Parkway Business Centre Phase II 136.400 Assessments will be collected from properties annexed into the District and that have recorded maps with the County of San Diego. Assessments will not be collected during FY 1995/96 for McMillin's ROlling Hills Estates (TIM 88-04R) and Parkway Business Centre, Phase II (TIM 87-13) because the maps are not anticipated to be recorded prior to July 1, 1995. Assessments cannot be collected from public-owned parcels (Le., all public streets, public avenues, public lanes, public roads; public drives, public courts, public alleys, all easements and rights-of- way, all public parks, greenbelts and parkways, and all public school property being used for public school purposes). FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE The facilities to be maintained by the district are defmed as the landscape and hardscape improvements within the rights-of-way including roadway medians along portions of Pomerado Road, Scripps Poway Parkway, and Community Road; detention and retention basins; and staging area. The estimated value of the existing landscape and hardscape improvements to be maintained under this Landscaping Maintenance District (LMD 87-1) is approximately $48,250,000, including the detention/retention basins. The acreage to be maintained by the District is to be increased from 60 to 117.6 acres. Performance standards and specifications have been developed by the City of Poway for landscape maintenance improvements to assure a specific maintenance level for landscape assessment district properties. A recent assessment of the present level of maintenance service received by the areas maintained by the District was found to be at a higher level than required. Most of these contain mature landscaping requiring less maintenance. It was also determined during this assessment, that those areas maintained by the Land Development Association may have fallen below an acceptable level of maintenance service. Therefore, in order to bring the LDA areas along the major roadways to standard, the District proposes to include the LDA areas noted above and within Exhibit C. The level of maintenance within the LDA areas are to be increased, and maintenance levels for the LMD areas are to be adjusted [lowered] according to a new level of maintenance based on the Engineer's fmdings. 13 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7, ~i LMD 87-1 Engineer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 4 PROPOSED BUDGET LMD 87-1 FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 Contract 180.000 165.150 260.970 Water/Power 139.770 142.200 195.800 Administration 39.360 38.150 28.880 BUDGET 359.130 345.500 485.650 6-Month Reserve 179.565 172.750 242.825 TOTAL 538 .695, 518.250 728.475 'V Cash Carry Over 052.835) 079.565 ) 172. 750 Interest Used (8.380) (2.180) 0 Reserves Used 09.500) 0 70.075 ~~~_, ~!"ff; ~==:J~.'~~J'~~~~J ~...~;'i~~rr.:@IF..~."~0i~. --- l------~..-.~.. -J. ~'. l"\f'!_,r:~l'f.;!II,(llJ(+i';'" --..l~._.. .~... .: ' .,.. ...: ~f i~@1(~'Wf: i:~~:I."':J1;Jr,:[ --~l---------' ~--'-l~;;:j~-': ~._.__._____...~._~_ ._.._ ,........l_._._.__ __. __-'_.~_ ..J .._.~ ~-' .' .--- -. __._'_n_ -7 '-~_'~---'---'-":7'"-- "-:~~----1~- --~ ~~~~f~'J~J(&ii!llf@I 11.)~?(~~f.~~ ~2;.)~~~1- j,_~~~~j ~~'+...c < - ^< REQUIRED REVENUE "-, ~ "",,:,- 384.320~ 336 . 505' ,r, 485 650 ~ . , Reserves Added o B.380 77 . 980" I I Interest Earned Appropri ated Reserve Fund .Bal ance 2.180 77.980 o 7 . 905 :7 ASSESSMENT Assessments are proposed accordingly and to the budget amount required to maintain and administer the District facilities. Assessments for the Pomerado Business Park, Phases I and II, are proposed based upon these developments [Association] current maintenance fees and Landscape Maintenance District assessments, or $1,246.21 per net acre. Parkway Business Centre and Poway Corporate Center, having no association maintenance fees are proposed to increase to adequately maintain common landscape improvements within the District as well as that associated along the major roadways of these developments, of $790.00 per net acre. Once the McMillin map has been finaled and recorded with the County of San Diego, the 120 residential units will be assessed a proportional share of the $37,390, or $311.58 per unit per year. 14 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 I ~l LMD 87-1 Engineer's Report Fiscal Year 1995/96 Page 5 Parkwav Business CenterlPowav Corporate Center Assessment Total = Net Acre Assessment No. of Net Acres $125.600 = $790.00 per net acre per year 158.986 Pomerado Business Park Phases I and II McMillin = Net Acre Revenues Required No. of Net Acres 5360.050 = $1,246.21 per net acre per year 288.916 Pomerado Business Park Phase I and II Assessments = 288.916 net acres - McMillin's 36 net acreS;t $1.246.21 or $315,190 The City's proposed portion of costs [contribution] towards the maintenance of improvements associated with the McMillin development = $360,050 - $315,190 or $44,860. All budget column items are rounded to the nearest $10. The actual revenues to be collected total $485,656.46, of which $446,142.86 will be collected through assessments. A complete parcel listing and their respective assessments are shown on Exhibit "D" which is on fIle in the office of the City Clerk, City of Poway, California. Respectfully submitted, ( , \ ~/~/q5 Date 15 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 : 1.-1 ......."..,:.. ..... It_., \ \ 10M''''' ----, \ \ \ \ \ \ "- ...~~ ~- " BOUNDARY OF LMD 87-1 @ ~ , ....,.ecoo _ EXHIBIT A r--1 . . r:J rU1 I _, l.J ! r-.J _JU ~. ?~_/'V' ~.7 ) / 16 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 .,..., Sheet No. ...1.. EXHImL::B: POMERADO BUSINESS PARK TIM 85-04 UNITS.u...z ~ porl_1 /lO-Q ~ NO SCALE VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD 87-1 17 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 11.f 14 Sheet No. ..l. EXHIBIT "B" PARKWAY BUSINESS CENTRE TIM 87-13 UNIT 1 ~ POJl''''' ~ ~ 5rQw! Ii'dAJJ t:: ~ ~ a RIA" NO SCALE VICINITY MAP BOUNDARY OF LMD 87-1 18 of 34 ,JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ,*\ Sheet No. -1.. EXHIBIT "S" POWA y CORPORATE CENTER TIM 86-02R UNIT 1 NO SCALE ro ~"'H QlaaO ~ VICINITY MAP iL- . i ! . ~ A r------ . <(f i \ ~~ I "-, , \ , , I \ I . \ -\ II I \ I I \ ~ L.I i I ~-----_..._--- BOUNDARY OF LMD 87-1 19 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 . H Sheet No. ~ EXHISIT "S" PARKWAY BUSINESS CENTRE TTM87.13 UNIT.z ~ NO SCALE VICINITY MAP ., --- -..-.. ~- BOUNDARY OF LMD 87.1 .. =~~: . \ ; -:.-1' " . .. n I u .. JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ,II ~ ''':lGloo;l '""~- 20 of 34 EXHIBIT "C" LMD 87-1 (NET) FY 95/96 TM 85-04 3172221100 3.505 4,367.98 POMERADO BUSINESS PARK 3172221200 3.210 4,000.35 PHASE I 3172230100 3.140 3,913.11 3172230200 2.914 3,631.46 3172230300 3.126 3.895.66 3172230400 3.602 4,488.86 3172230500 5.532 6,894.06 3172230600 6.359 7,924.67 3172230700 4.175 5,202.94 3172231000 N/A 0.00 3172231100 3.222 4,015.29 3172231200 3.300 4,112.51 3172231300 1.753 2,184.60 3172231400 1. 558 1,941.60 3172231500 1.064 1,325.96 3172231800 1.379 1,718.52 3172231900 7.241 9,023.84 3172232000 2.461 3,066.92 3172232100 3.670 4,573.60 3172232700 1.056 1,315.99 3172232800 0.796 991.98 3172233000 0.313 390.05 3172233100 5.865 7,309.05 3172233200 4.140 5,159.33 3172233300 3.954 4,927.52 3172233700 1.280 1,595.14 3172233800 1.000 1,246.21 3172240100 2.435 3,034.53 3172240200 0.558 695.39 3172240300 0.623 776.39 3172240400 0.667 831.22 3172240600 0.697 868.60 3172240700 0.644 802.55 3172241500 0.313 390.05 3172241600 1.307 1,628.80 3172241800 0.510 635.57 3172241900 0.510 635.57 3172242000 0.770 959.57 3172242100 1.310 1,632.54 21 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ,~j 3172242200 0.830 1,034.35 3172242300 0.740 922.20 3172250100 2.040 2,542.28 3172250400 5.680 7,078.49 3172250500 2.180 2,716.74 3172250600 0.510 635.57 3172250700 0.490 610.64 3172250800 1.320 1,644.99 3172251000 0.366 456.11 3172251100 0.344 428.69 3172251200 6.339 7,899.74 3172251300 2.133 2,658.17 3172251400 0.700 872.35 3172251500 0.690 859.89 3172251600 3.280 4,087.57 UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 117.601 146,555.78 TM 87-13 3172804300 6.400 5,056.00 PtwN BUSINESS CENTRE 3172804400 6.200 4,898.00 PHASE I 3172804500 4.500 3,555.00 3172804600 N/A 0.00 3172804700 3.700 2,923.00 3172804800 7.000 5,530.00 3172804900 4.700 3,713.00 3172805000 5.430 4,289.70 3172802100 3.200 2,528.00 3172802200 2.600 2,054.00 3172802300 2.400 1,896.00 3172802600 3.400 2,686.00 3172802700 3.300 2,607.00 3172802800 3.000 2,370.00 3172802900 3.200 2,528.00 3172805100 4.700 3,713.00 3172805200 1.800 1,422.00 3172805300 3.100 2,449.00 3172805400 2.100 1,659.00 3172803400 3.200 2,528.00 3172803500 3.900 3,081.00 3172803600 3.200 2,528.00 3172803700 3.300 2,607.00 3172803800 3.400 2,686.00 3172803900 3.100 2,449.00 3178100400 1.300 1,027.00 3178100500 0.900 711.00 3178100600 N/A 0.00 22 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ':' 3178100700 N/A 0.00 3178100800 N/A 0.00 3178100900 1.000 790.00 3178101200 0.900 711.00 3178101300 0.890 703.10 3178101400 0.800 632.00 3178101500 0.900 711.00 3178101600 0.889 702.30 3178101700 0.900 711.00 3178101800 0.858 677.82 3178101900 0.780 616.20 3178102000 1.100 869.00 3178102100 1.200 948.00 3178102200 1.500 1,185.00 3178102300 1.200 948.00 3178102400 1.400 1,106.00 3178102500 1.000 790.00 3178102600 0.900 711.00 3178102700 1.200 948.00 3178102800 1.120 884.80 3178102900 1.110 876.90 3178103000 1.000 790.00 3178103100 1.200 948.00 3178103200 1.300 1,027.00 3230906200 5.900 4,661.00 3230906300 3.700 2,923.00 3230906400 3.500 2.765.00 UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 129.277 102,128.82 TM 85-04 3172700700 2.610 3,252.62 POMERADO BUSINESS PARK 3172700800 1.992 2,482.46 PHASE II 3172700900 1.816 2,263.12 3172701000 1.906 2,375.28 3172701100 1.944 2,422.64 3172701200 3.352 4,177.32 3172701300 2.389 2,977.22 3172701400 1.882 2,345.38 3172701500 1.316 1,640.02 3172701600 0.991 1,235.00 3172701800 2.240 2,791.52 3172701900 1.831 2,281.82 3172702000 0.996 1,241.24 3172702100 0.653 813.78 3172702200 1.477 1,840.66 3172702300 0.753 938.40 23 of 34 .JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ",,1 3172702400 0.807 1,005.70 3172702500 0.640 797.58 3172702600 4.998 6,228.58 3172702700 4.674 5,824.80 3172702800 3.894 4.852.76 3172702900 4.102 5,111.98 3172703000 1.118 1,393.28 3172703100 1.026 1,278.62 3172703200 1.200 1,495.46 3172703300 3.469 4,323.12 3172703400 4.977 6,202.42 3172703500 6.297 7,847.42 3172703600 6.315 7,869.84 3172703700 2.626 3,272.56 3172703800 2.765 3.445.78 3172703900 2.998 3,736.16 3172704000 3.024 3,768.56 3172704100 2.678 3,337.36 3172704200 2.344 2,921.14 3172704300 2.150 2,679.36 3172704400 2.988 3,723.70 3172704500 0.442 550.84 3172704600 0.608 757.70 3172704700 0.313 390.06 3172810700 3.116 3,883.20 3172810800 3.276 4,082.60 3172810900 3.024 3,768.55 3172811000 2.796 3,484.42 3172811100 3.440 4,286.98 3172811200 4.411 5,497.06 3172811300 4.280 5,333.80 3172811400 3.154 3,930.56 3172811500 5.971 7,441.14 3172811600 7.246 9,030.08 UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 135.315 168,631.62 TTM 86-02R POWA Y CORPORATE CENTER PHASE I 3172710100 3172710200 3172710300 3172710400 3172710600 3172710700 3172710900 3172711000 24 of 34 0.836 0.723 0.756 0.520 0.648 0.670 0.520 0.520 660.44 571.16 597.24 410.80 511.92 529.30 410.80 410.80 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 l' 3172711200 3172711300 3172711500 3172711600 3172711800 3172711900 3172712000 3172712100 3172712200 3172712300 3172712400 3172712500 3172712600 3172712700 3172712800 3172713000 3172713300 3172713400 3172713500 3172713600 3172713700 3172714000 3172714100 3172714200 3172714300 3172714400 3172714500 3172714600 3172714700 3172714800 3172714900 3172715000 3172715100 3172715200 3172715300 3172715400 3172715500 3172715600 3172715700 3172715800 3172715900 3172716000 3172716100 3172716200 3172716300 3172716400 25 of 34 0.719 0.699 0.519 0.500 0.681 0.583 0.543 0.576 0.764 0.545 0.514 0.521 0.533 0.594 0.673 0.603 0.608 0.608 0.619 0.769 0.591 0.606 0.606 0.657 0.536 0.512 0.492 0.495 0.512 0.545 0.679 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.330 0.330 0.338 0.338 0.337 568.00 552.22 410.00 395.00 537.98 460.58 428.98 455.04 603.56 430.54 406.06 411.58 421.08 469.26 531.68 476.36 480.32 480.32 489.00 607.50 466.90 478.74 478.74 519.02 423.44 404.48 388.68 391.04 404.48 430.54 536.40 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 270.98 260.70 260.70 267.02 267.02 266.22 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 'I \ 3172716500 3172716600 3172716700 0.337 0.337 0.337 266.22 266.22 266.22 UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 29.709 23,470.10 TOTAL UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 411.902 440,786.32 TIM 87-13 (Annexed/not finaled) 3230901700 27.600 0.00 PKWY BUSINESS CENTRE 3230904300 4.300 0.00 PHASE II 3230906500 37.700 0.00 3230906600 13.900 0.00 3230910200 4.700 0.00 3230910300 48.200 0.00 UNITS/ASSESSMENTS 136.400 0.00 TIM 8S-04R (Unannexed/Not finaled) MC MILLIN'S ROLLING HILLS ESTATE 3200112300 3200112400 0.840 35.160 1,046.82 43,816.74 UNITS/CITY SUBSIDY 36.000 44,863.56 ============================================= TOTAL REVENUE REQUIRED 447.902 485,649.88 26 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 .,~.I PROPOSED C. / OF POWAY (Revised FY 1995/9610 ...~Iude LMD/LDA 1/LDA 21PBC) NON-LABOR CALCULATION WORKSHEET Department Public Services Division Landscape Maintenance District (0425) _.<ift No. Preliminary Date 24-May-95 Account Account Expenditure Juslification: Le. What to be Number Description Budaeted purchased; what uSed for 2110 Electricity 7,200 Estimated electrical usage for various meter services (major roadways only 2730 Water 188,600 Estimated water usage (major roadways only 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 50 Estimated mileage reimbursement for Management Aide 3120 Vehicle Operations. 140 Fuel for division vehicle - Unit 52 2.07 gallons/week at $1.30/gallon = $140 3130 Vehicle Maintenance 260 Repair & Maintenance of Special Districfs vehicle & equipment 3310 Telephone 180 Estimated telephone and modem usage costs 4116 Contract Landscape Maint 260,970 South Poway landscape @ current cost = $204,970 LMD = $95,890 LDA 1/LDA II = $109,080 Parkway Business Center [quarterly weed abatement included in LDA II cost] Non-contractual extras @ $56,000 Irrigation repairs = $40,000 Weed abatement = $4,000 Plant replacement = $8,000 (includes $5,000 for drought tolera Detention/Retention basins = $4,000 4308 R&M Equipment 240 Office equipment maintenance fees 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 280 Estimated cost of office supplies for district 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 250 Estimated cost of photographic and photocopy supplies 4908 Education and Training 120 Percentage of cost for training programs for Management Aide 4922 Printing 200 Cost of printing specifications and notices 4932 Advertising 500 Public notices for invi~ing bids and Engineer's Reports 5510 Capital Outlay Rental-Vehicl 200 Annual rental for replacement cost of division vehicle(s) 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Equi 300 Annual rental for replacement cost 5710 Administrative Cost 24,560 Management Aide @ 450 hours = $11,250 Landscape Supervisor @ 400 hours = $11,200 Sr. Management Analyst @ 100 hours = $2,110 484,050 Total Operations & Maintenance 6122a Equipment - Office 1,000 Equipment for District landscape office 27 of 34 ATTACHMENT 3 JUN 6 1995. ITEM 7 , I TY OF POWAY (Revised FY 1995/96 ,nclude LMD/LDA 1/LDA 21PBC) NON-LABOR CALCULATION WORKSHEET Department Public Services Division Landscape Maintenance District (0425) Draft No, Preliminary Date 24-May-_~ Account Account Expenditure Justification: I.e. What to be Number Description Budgeted purchased; what used for 6122b Computer Hardware 500 Upgrades 6122c Computer Software 100 Software upgrades and programs for second lap lOp 1,600 Total Capital Outlay 485,650 Total Division Non-labor 425NONL 1.S0P 28 of 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ,t \ PROPOSED BUDGET/Assessments LMD 87-1 FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 Contract 180,000 165,150 260.970 Water/Power 139,770 142,200 195,800 Administration 39,360 38, 150 28,880 Cash Carry Over Interest Used Reserves Used (152,835) (8,380) 09, 500 ) 079 , 565) (2,180) o 172,750 o 70,075 ASSESSMENT Assessments are proposed accordingly and to the budget amount required to maintain and administer the District facilities. Assessments for the Pomerado Business Park, Phases I and II, are proposed based upon these developments [Association] current maintenance fees and Landscape Maintenance District assessments, or $1,246.21 per net acre. Parkway Business Centre and Poway Corporate Center, having no association maintenance fees are proposed to increase to adequately maintain common landscape improvements within the District as well as that associated along the major roadways of these developments, of $790.00 per net acre. Once the McMillin map has been fmaled and recorded with the County of San Diego, the 120 residential units will be assessed a proportional share of the $37,390, or $311.58 per unit per year. 29 0 f 34 ATTACHMENT 4 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 ., I Parkwav Business CenterlPowav CO\:porate Center Assessment Total = Net Acre Assessment No. of Net Acres $125.600 = $790.00 per net acre per year 158.986 Pomerado Business Park Phases I and II M~MiIlin = Net Acre Revenues Required No. of Net Acres $360.050 = $1,246.21 per net acre per year 288.916 Pomerado Business Park Phase I and II Assessments = 288.916 net acres - McMillin's 36 net acres x $1,246.21 or $315,190 The City's proposed portion of costs [contribution] towards the maintenance of improvements associated with the McMillin development = $360,050 - $315,190 or $44,860. All budget column items are rounded to the nearest $10. 30 0 f 34 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 , I ..... C/) f- Z LlJ :2: C/) C/) LlJ C/) C/) < a :2: ....I f- Z LlJ :;:) o Z ....I LlJ a >- ~ o c.. J: f- :;:) o C/) 31 of 34 -:1! , ~I ,- ,:; CD ,~ 10 :~Q .j]1 E~I < :II .;g .sl, ~~II - ,I c: i ~ CDI g'aliil = I CD " Q....J, -"Eli E CDI' < :IIi ~ c;!l .g '~I'I. c.. a, i ----,. _ Ii ~ eli LC) ~Ii c> 61' ~.sll c> -I >- ~II' u. I --.J' ~! a fill :2: 'E I '....I CD' ~ ~I! <l' CDI C> fIl, >- ~II. .u. i :- c.. , < . . <l' C> - o '" - to o LC)ON<l'~ON~NNNN<l'~~NO<l'NtO~O ~.....LC)~~~~~~OC>tOLC)tOtOLC).....tO~~o..... LC)~~"'<l'C>tOLC)~~~~~~~~~~mMM~ .....O.....LC)~tO"'LC)tO"'tO<l'OLC)C>tO"'LC)~C>~~ "'N~~~~<l'~C>N"'~tOC><l''''<l'<l'LC)~<l'C> ~~N~~~~NN ~~~~~~N~~ ~~~<l'O~~N<l'O O~~~"'C>"'C>LC)~ ~~~~c:i~~~c:iN <l'~~<l'C>O(OO~LC) ~ to."'.~ <l' ......LC) to <l'~_ ~.,... .,... 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"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ATT ACHMENT 5 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 7 : , (/) I-- Z UJ ~ (/) (/) UJ (/) (/) ~ o ~ ...J I-- Z UJ :J o Z ...J UJ o >- ~ o a. J: I-- :J o (/) 32 of 34 N ~I ~I u)' I '~I ':0: II ,~ ~I: 1,_ col' ,Ol 0' ,iD Ii ~I '~'N co '<t '<t co co N '<t '<t 0 co N '<t '<t co 0 0 ex:> N N '<t '<t N '<t 0 0 0 0 '<t N ex:> ex:> ex:> ,~- C11....r t'-- CD "'=t ('f") co C') 0 LO ........ 0 0 LO f"-.. (J) C"') LO ex) LO 0 M 0 T'"" 'r- co (X) N o::::l ,.... co ...,. f'.. co :5 ~lloi C'i oi oi 0 -.i- cO 00 ,...; ,...; cO ,...; 0 0 oi -.i- C'i ,...; cO .0 ,...; ,...; cO 0 -.i- -.i- cO -.i- N 00 ,...; oi -.i- .~ ,0N~M~OMN~~~~~~~~'<tM~MO~~N~~~~~ex:>M~~ I co l'~. 0). o. ex:> f'-. co.~.~.~. 0). 0_ N. C\!. o. ~_ co. N. M '<t N N. co. N. ~_ 0)_ 0). '<to 0). ~_ M. ~_ N N li(5 :.= M N ("') N ("I") ~ -.::t -- N N N N .,... T'"" N T'"" LO LO co <0 <0 co co ........ f'. ........ ~ 0 'I-- OlI ~ : 01 , , ~, 'c l,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N : Ol i,O) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) , OlI' 5--, c:: CO!! = 01, Ol I' ,:0 : ~ Ol ::J o ~ co >- - <:3 MMMMMMMMMMMM 0)0) O)O)ClClCl ClClCl Cl 0) ------------ 000000000000 MMMMMMMMMMMM ------------ co co co co co co co co coco co co 000000000000 :----"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 N N N N N ex:> 0 ex:> '<t '_ C'iO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ex:> ~ co ~ ~ Cl ~ M M ex:> Cl : E OlIIO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 -.i- r--: N N r--: N -.i- cO cO ~ ,'~ ::J i Cl ~ <0 ~ ~ '<t ~ Cl M 0 ex:> I ~ 0"1 <0 '<t N ~ ~ ~ ~ co ex:> '<t co. 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