Item 9 - Initiation of GPA 95-01 AGENDA Rl._ ORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jame. L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManageAi" &. Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of PI~n~ing Services ~ , DATE: June 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Initiation of General Plan Amendment 95-01 to: amend strategy I.F.4 of the General Plan to allow structures in the South poway Community Plan to exceed 35 feet in height; 2) create four new commercial land use categories and delete the Manufacturing Service (MS) and Commercial Community (CC) categories, and; (3) redesignate properties in and adjacent to the Poway Road Specific Plan area consistent with the revised land use categories. ABSTRACT The report proposes the initiation of General Plan Amendment 95-01 which would allow for amendment of the South Poway Community Plan height restrictions for industrial buildings and for the adoption of the proposed Poway Road Specific Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The initiation of general plan amendments is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the resolution initiating the proposed General Plan Amendment 95-01. ACTION E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\GPA9501.1SM 1 of 5 JUN 6 1995 ITEM 9 ell L OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant CitY"Manager~~ li Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services i2'->-' INITIATED BY: DATE: June 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Initiation of General Plan Amendment 95-01 to: amend strategy I.FA of the General Plan to allow structures in the South Poway Community Plan to exceed 35 feet in height; 2) create four new commercial land use categories and delete the Manufacturing Service (MS) and Commercial Community (CC) categories, and; (3) redesignate properties in and adjacent to the Poway Road Specific Plan area consistent with the revised land use categories. BACKGROUND General Plan Heiqht Limitation In recent years there have been several inquiries from industrial uses that require buildings higher than 35' in order to accommodate automated warehousing and inventory retrieval systems. The General Plan currently prohibits buildings over 35' as follows: I.FA. Structures shall be no higher than two stories or 35 feet, whichever is less. Exceptions may be made for architectural projections such as church steeples and freestanding clock towers and as specified in the Old Poway Specific Plan. If any addition to the existing Pomerado Hospital building is constructed, the expansion may be the same overall height from grade as the existing structure, if it is attached or connected to the existing structure. Powav Road Soecific Plan The draft poway Road Specific Plan anticipates dividing the specific plan area into four nodes which would be distinguished by separate design standards and permitted land uses. In order to adopt the plan it is necessary to first establish these land use categories in the general plan and redesignate the properties within the planning area to the land use designation assigned to the node in which they fall. 2 of 5 It is also recommended that the Manufacturing Service (MS) zone, which is currently applied to properties near the Poway Road/Garden Road intersection be eliminated. Properties within the specific planning area that are currently zoned MS would be redesignated Automotive/General Commercial. There are three properties which front on Garden Road which are zoned MS but are not part of the specific planning area. Because J UN 6 1995 ITEM 9 Agenda Report June 6, 1995 Page 2 of their location on Garden Road, it is recommended that these properties be rezoned Community Neighborhood. FINDINGS General Plan Heieht Limitation In order to accommodate proposed industrial uses whose equipment dictates a building over 35' in height, it is recommended that the South Poway Specific Plan be amended to allow industrial buildings up to 45' in height as long as those buildings are not adjacent to downhill slopes along the perimeter of the business park. In addition, it is recommended that any 45' building element be setback an additional ten feet from the required front yard setback. Since these recommended amendments require an amendment to the general plan height limitation, it is recommended that the City Council initiate a general plan amendment to address this issue. Powav Road Specific Plan In order to establish the framework for the Poway Road Specific Plan, it is recommended that the City Council initiate a general plan amendment to establish the Automotive/General Commercial (A1GC), Town Center (TC), Mixed Use (MU) and Community Business (CB) land use designations and to delete the Manufacturing Service (MS) and Commercial Community (CC) designations. It is also recommended that the City Council initiate a general plan amendment to redesignate properties within and adjacent to the specific planning area to the appropriate land use designations. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The initiation of a general plan amendment is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. JUN 6 1995 ITEM 9 3 of 5 Agenda Report June 6, 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDId:JQtt It is recommended that the City Council adopt the resolution initiating the proposed General Plan Amendment 95-01. JLB:JDF:RWQ:kls E:\cITYlPLANNINGIREPORTlGPA9501.1NI Attachment: Proposed Resolution JUN 6 1995 ITEM 9 4 of 5 RESOLUTION NO P-95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA INITIATING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 95-01 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway recognizes that the need may arise to amend the City's General Plan; and WHEREAS, Section 65350, et seq., of the California Government Code describes the procedures for amending General Plans; and WHEREAS, Section 17.46.020B of the Poway Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) provides that a change in the boundaries of any zone or a change in regulations may be initiated by resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment 95-01 consists of the following: GPA 95-01 A which would amend strategy I.F.4 of the General Plan to allow structures in the South Poway Community Plan area to exceed 35 feet in height; and . GPA 95-01 blZOA 95-01 which will create four new commercial land use categories for the Poway Road area and delete the Manufacturing Service (MS) category and the Commercial Community (CC) category. This item would also redesignate properties within the proposed Poway Road Specific Plan area to one of the new categories. Properties along Garden Road, adjacent to the specific plan area, would be redesignated from MS to Commercial Neighborhood (CN) and the portion of the property occupied by the Lutheran Church which is currently zoned MS would be changed to the Residential Single Family - 2 (RS-2) designation which is currently on the remainder of the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Poway by adoption of this resolution, does hereby initiate General Plan Amendment 95-01 and associated changes to the Zoning Code and zoning boundaries, as identified above. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this sixth day of June 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk E:\CITY\PLANNINGIREPORT\GPA9501.1RS .JUN 6 1995 ITEM 9 ' "" 5 of 5