1995 06-13 Agenda CITY OF POWAY IBi:~,gQNmt;;j16rggal'Jiqlggfml REGULARMEETING~JUNE13;1995. 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law .ay prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 10 THROUGH U~;!t MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO'S'tPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE PULLED FOR DISCUSSION. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE PULLED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A REQUEST TO SPEAK SLIP (GREEN IN FAVOR OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND RED IN OPPOSITION) AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* Rehearing of Environmental Assessment, Variance 95-03 and Development Review 95-05, the Chabad of Poway, applicant. This is a request to construct a new religious complex consisting of a synagogue seating 150 persons, as well as classrooms, office and social hall at 16934 Old Espo1a Road. A variance from the required 40 foot front yard setback to 30 feet along the Espola Road frontage is requested. (203-08) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; issue Mitigated Negative Declaration; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. 5.* Proposed Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1995-96 for the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency; 5-year fiscal forecast; report from the Budget Review Committee. (205-02) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; receive report from Budget Review Committee and 5-Year Forecast for the General Fund budget; continue public hearing to June 20, 1995. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation - CITY OF POWAY - cm ..;OUNCIL AGENDA. JUNE 13, 1\. j. PAGE TWO 6.* Third Party Rental Rates for the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. (401-17) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution establishing third party renta 1 rates. STAFF REPORTS 7.* Report from the Library Advisory Committee recommending $71,165 for the Poway Library for 1995-96. (701-09) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the $71,165 Library budget for FY 1995-96 as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee. 8.* Status report on City Council Goals and Objectives. (202-01) liJil;li~\Aiii~~~!!i~l~j-;~~~~~j~~,~~!:,~i!~:;liiigit"1~~~f;~it,ii~~,ll'3;111'1111~1 9.* Commercial Rehabilitation Program. (Referred from November 1, 1994, Item 7.) (209-00R) CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: 1) Direct the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to develop a targeted Commercial Rehabilitation Program to use first $250,000 in rehabilitation funding for projects that would implement the concepts contained in the Poway Road Specific Plan; and 2) approve concept program guidelines for the basic program and direct staff and Committee to bring back implementation plans for both programs for review. ~i~[:~~'!~!!'r!p~r~,:!:!II':~~1!~,;M!~!!i\~El!nsnl!li~~91alipl~p,b51,)~jji\JJ:lll;wl!;Yi, Jti~!!~~g~~~;~,;l\m~~Rt,g~;;I,~!li'lx!!!!n~X;~lil;!:l~iR~r!;i CONSENT CALENDAR 10.* Approval of Minutes - City Council May 16, 1995, Regular Meeting May 18, 1995, Adjourned Regular Meeting 11.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency May 16, 1995, Regular Meeting May 18, 1995, Adjourned Regular Meeting 12.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of May 22-26, 1995. (401-10) 13.* Acceptance of City Reroofing Project from Stricker Roofing, Inc. (602-01 #1028) 14.* Receive and file Status Report regarding "First Night" alcohol-free celebration. (Referred from March 7, 1995, Item 3) (1180-05) * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY" CITY JUNCIL AGENDA" JUNE 13, 19\._" PAGE THREE 15.* Approval of Pol icy on the allocation of Cable Plant from the City's Mileage Bank with Cox Cable San Diego, Inc. (1208-01) 16.* Approval of Final Map for Poway Oaks, TTM 94-02, Shea Homes, Inc., appl i cant ; approval of agreement re1 at i n9 to publ ic improvements, and adoption of Resolution No. 95- - Annexation into landscape Maintenance District 86-3; Resolution No. ~ - Establishing Parking Restrictions along a portion of the north side~ Metate Lane East of Pomerado Road, and Resolution No. 95- ,Establishing a Stop Control on Poway Oaks Drive at Metate Lane. ---- (203-01) 1:~1*il:t!;t~~g~!!~;!;il1iRl.g~j,n~;!~!g~ll,~~~igggJjljIJii.nlIJWlili1Btil.*%;ri..'trli.'1I1k_~ttlli~ -- CITY MANAGER ITEMS 17. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS ~~ MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 19. MICKEY CAFAGNA 20. SUSAN CALLERY 21. ROBERT EMERY 22. BETTY REXFORD 23. DON HIGGINSON .. .. .. ... .... ... .... ..... ... ... . ... ... ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. ~)ii;i;ili:,:iliIIIIIJllllllltll'II~JIII,IIIIr.ll1lp!t!m~it1tg!i!!q.rij~.i[~~~ ADJOURNMENT Adjournment to Thursday, June 15, 1995, 7:00 p.m., Meadowbrook Middle School, 12320 Meadowbrook Lane. TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR JUNE 15, 1995 I. Joint Meeting with Poway Unified School District Board of Trustees. 0:1/ ~"3.,i 1 '3'35 1 '3: 00 t,l '3t,7'30-:"f,~: I'A\/E ';;F'IFF II I F'AI;E 01 C~m/J10_-1- ,'57 ..?kif/' CCJLLe~Lt 'O!2,().,f,1 /i' p~ C / If e t1 ~ "vet L. j-11 aIL IIJ t< /V JI/ w<- rU c- 41df;2.3 CO/?Jm~ /D C/ty CW/l6/1. Iff,)' f WtJtt/t! ~/.2.e.; to /;v;/7tj !JaG,? t:Ae tnuh (!o/1c/"'qd: .; e!I-S't;1~e With J.ftlP-f I~OF-6 - receli/e- Cl/lc.1 111e... f"I/n I 'I In ec6//lj mat 4uc ht:(t/e (J/J t./l1b/t;scif' ?'UOICld/. t?/11 1./ ~~~ V..eAe.- lres~ 02 (;?:f' c:Jh,,~~ _ (!d;9/};tl)' H17/;?L50// j)czcl II 199, eO;rC/-/ac.r4-M..s Iromt/Je. ,Same (!o71D-,,6uwrs. /Yom /}JqCh 6"r/7 T:::.;1elr w/t/e6) rfn&lds t:?/7c1 4'S'ScJc _ ) Ih-er-c are. /J}q4j fqC'.s0/orlct.bk ~c,0,.()'rzs S~Y-rCU /l'c/I;' -Ch~s bioi. ...J. tJ'tJulcl ~,4c Iv ~O~~C 6:/r Cl fle-J r A.t.v~ ~(717<< l/y' (! hede'cl. /J;qJt:kt:s Wlfh -rh~ e)C~e;Jt/c/? 0/ /J1'l5hbW'/) J74'/C I!ca::, / JI1 wrlili?.f f'1J<?T ;--/;o/ tJ~re /lor q ;%(~/'?/ fo. k pl'i~.Je;t{:; Qf- -jl;e Sqn7 - kr S:Q;i /'~~ p/c/ O"p€/ll/')7- If f'/7{o/. /Vifc; -{:;het/ (.L}o~/c1 oJ- ~ j);vc, ;rfl(! e~.s~c/ /:;/C/ ??//Oed.$ fO/.1l W4cJ/P~ or OJl/,brltr/J/~r.z Cl/}c/ q~t9d17{)/J.5 (he IrrI;trtly c;f -rhe. b,C; OjJf;1117f" i!1fr:.r f.h /4/ji!9' a oOC/1' w~-t /At:. 1;Jd;t/I;/<t'ct/ hft/ler$" hCld i6/4 m~, I /ac/ se~/ <?l~eof1e~..s-: /, /low Wa't( /4 -//;e InU;h h/cI {J/JcI /'ql-eS )~e,4/: S::ef",~__f ~ ;?~lPr ~;1h I%d16af/l C?/ld ffi~ t!(/c."~// ? !fhd'bur/JI LU<rp /f; -che pn:?Ceb5 tAr --t:h~:f /-IMi-d, -ro !;tlV~ -f'"k// -tr~y, r~-r&5' /n.c/CtiSc.cI l.'JcfJa:. rf;ve... e/(w (J-T Erfc./~/7'7is- Th~6 WqS /l~T dode .."L. '/ I <"" ,,+ 2.::2. ~-13-15 UI1./ tk -~~t:...{_: - ~ # 3 ,~I (!f;lGU7C;IJ1?:/,rJ a~~ //; /;/~ e4-.T-:o~ ~/?n/~;J /Jqc/ T~~?/) Crc';fiT-' j20/ /Je?t7f/~//r1J' -r4'rl C"..o4//'tlcT /1'7 ?</'/)IC~ Q :z. 5 ~ rare. dec/"e4'Se.- ~T /CS_ C<-"~m&f'.5 a/1c/ CC//;?'1;rJt2/C/q-/ Ct.t'S7?Jdlc:/S" tJo&-Llc! pc- ct-sJ"1p:d h~ all TJlI~ Wt1S ~/S leq'~4J? ~nc( J..qke .- Pr~/l~;f/ rI &rftVj/K( w.o'<lcI t?t:u/c. su// -7h:r/ i/;r:- (lo!7i7Qcr,A e- ne.7-rjf;/qrcc/ b~C( lei /~~/? (1 ,;zs j (!/~cr ~6e. I () ( /)-n 6J5j- /~. Cu6Jt;/I';l~/S I . 6",1- 4 5/f4/frct'?/,l& //?t:.rCq,5e. do, 6P""'r77'en:::/q/ &67c).J'Y)er:$; -t:H(5 JClr.51 dCJe5/l'c OOCUlt?/' q 6 70a:/. tVhcj /lj .91~/d WCt/lc// d/~I 5fqfr io ;J:4/lc/e -r/;~/'?; W/-I'h ) wot. -rite lovJe-:s-r hie/de, ? LUh1 wtJuld/(c C1J4(lCr'j. uJ.CU1t To M.?tiJ cJhtd- .n'rQ c/ e u. -p -ft-t4j- h /;j (rh~1 r /'Qles J h a c/ Ih q dO/7~ so, -rhey tuoulel or kOcVr7 tie 0768 cle.~refft5e ~$ '/he bClQ/'c1 t<.Ja6-fl:;/6e Cd-lei 1/116/C'1ct/fr.l; 00 cJ~/d ojJ /he- /uiJ//c. 1~.5~ rqf~ iUl~:/e ue-hdct-/ec/ 7& {!~me u;a (Jq'-. 13/-;{ ~ e'<//!c'c-&/- ;-416 Wa.5 f/c.r/lecl f!8~7 i"lte. C! fena:~ l(/~'i.? Pcrles 1U.d't 011c?(f qI.P/'ot/a:/ /!/c;J. .29?1, (,e4res (5)W.c.t!d hiU/e.. j~ f:!ctf./vcJc/~J. S~ ,;z~IA 0 /D~ W /:11; 6f/,iJt7J"""o / CJ r heL?~ !d)1 IS ///'oc/. c2'14. /m/d/'/Q/j6. - -rhis c/4'~ 1-..5 sa./~Iy /:;/4...57'- ~e.. q;-e.ct'?d:7; q/)cI -t:A''e- t3r;ctn/J'f~ q;J(Jroc/q: / 0/ /C(.k e~e. /W"l e"tr} r.J ~ , Ie 7h-e efr't reCe(V~ Q tUcR/q; 1c~'S#"/6/~ t26J.zH7f -r:4e ~dy -Tv. C€JnO;kr eb-m 111.1l?-l/ n7 /r?:5Jecul (91 Cur/;o/Cle rec<jc.(,i;y. Mr.5 I~r ~~:$ I1tJF 6Jzt1W/J Iv q II hlc(/e.t<S- 011:,( IllYJ)kf/), (ti4 Cf,/I'rdt/ e \S /; qu Ie ('" Of/? Slf/ :f.J.'Jd. _ /Jld6hhprl7 rc-6jJbadS &j7J 30:4-, ftJ /h~ ........J ,A/ C. I<jlJj !e/kr t1/ld ''5ft;/-~ AAs 1J.u (.,Jt:JJ;(d/ -hCCr!;qt'Y-:. ~ ha~e //lfl,. ;jr1JQ1 o74~ 4<</MS 717crf-f/Jr!t'/' bIds- wP~UtJ.j2 J~ /pev'€-re.e/ a6//"'1 p1fl1 ~ //V~? / . j:l tlfe ()t;fer b IdJfe/S w~ Q/1r;x:<.Jed * . exl-vd 7'ft~;-" b/Q; c?~ /J'k64h~r'/) d d W ()'a 101111 ~,,;; Old'/? l!,ec1:u1? 111'1/''''' J'tJA-oShiwlWfl, /e#~ 4n"f: 4:.5/~ &r 6'~/ 3(:) . bV4,)" +,qlse Cb~':;/m(Slfrl~a7/ f tth:Jt</,/ If ~ ~ ['(JIm" CPVT r.'7'~~ . at': ;Z5~ ,rcc/~c.hi/';y /~/UISe:-/ -t;:;1)-. C!-,,~~/ dcc7's, mq-:fhbur/? 10 c; .5eQ,SCY7ed' b/~M/ q//lc! ~4oq/c/ ,,2q.c/e 4!Y/'cd&! -Me. /l?1S//'d}-- /J7t?QO/l /4 ~ /lo-r Mc/ 0/ ~c MU/-' 4'1fr'l 4", ~cf /le.. orAer ,b/c//etcS.;;c / / C4ec.kc/ WI/;{ ~ve 6:1-a~~'0I u/ouw ~ coY'r~c/e/;#e /P7rS/~FJ9. //lfb. '7/ferdJ,~ / ;r; am., t25L,.,;; ~ C~MICt/ ro ,Q/"/<'t //l Dt.CTSlde WC<fiC( / 7-0 tl1t/~.!Y?7:,z~ ctc?S /c.>stl.e cv?-d q em} ~ jJ<l'l cr7~r Q '$scc . t.u (111 <!dy CffcJF ~r &U/7c'c/J b ': ,!:Id:ra.:/~ h /llk.rf?. M- 1#7 -c:tif: /4t/a.7'7f'<?.7;?;~ r /J cvd the Oller. if .:b,Clle<5 ht' q;//oWCCf/ . ;Iv€'Y;ff,d Me//' .t;$' t?-$' ~6~ ba/"-'?' {?// Lrpq ~ PI'70,N<':.. iF 6/'1 7~,f'I:J'9LJ :~ ;:.' is .D~n'7' Irojh ~ur 1Yafe.I' " December 3. 1994 James Bucklcy 13720 Woodgnte Place Poway. CA 92064 Dear Mr. Buckle.y, In response to your requt'$tl looked back through my phone log and could 11~'t find th;: ;nlbn11?tiol1 we had discussed s;:wfalmol1lhs 2g0. lfI renlel11b~r correclly, aro\Jlld the first of October I was doing some research with the ciit1c:rcllt cities On 111;: Cost of trash disposal ~nd I called the city ot'Poway. r was transf"lwd to sev'Tal diftcrcm pc.ople but I C~l1't rCl11cmbe.r the name of the woman \\.ho returned my call and answered my que$lirJl)S. Basically, 1 was told \hal, at the decision oftbe parties involved (Cily 3nomcy and slaft' " alld 1I1ashbul11) the illfommioil r \\'0$ seeking would not bc a:,'ailabJe to the public until 3ftu the l1rst of the year when Powoy's new contra.;:t with M;tshburn leok effect. SinccJ:)e.ly, ./0-f; --_ >x..'Y v n..",,-,,-- / (~ .1 ~':.-..... Dellna Tisdale. . . Preshknt DONNA TISDALE P.O. BOX 1175 BOULEVARD, c,\ 91905 (619) 766-4170 " F,\X: (619) 766-4922 DIANE RICHARDS 1783 BUCKM/\N S?RII'\GS RD. CAMPO, CA 91906 (619) 'liB-9195