Item 14 - EA & Award of Bid for City's Solid Waste & Recyclables Collection & Disposal Svs TO: AGENI'~ REPORT SUMMAB'tsTnUTED FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Hayor and Hembers of the City Council James L. Bowersox; City Han~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City HanagerC1)lr James R. Williams, Director of Public ~ervices~ September 20, 1994 DATE: SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment and Award of Bid for the City of Poway's Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection and Disposal Services. The Issuance of a Negative Declaration (indicating no significant adverse environmental impacts anticipated) is recommended. f ~ \~ ABSTRACT Bids were opened at 5:00 p. m. on September I, 1994 for the City of Poway's exclusive franchise for the collection of solid waste and recycling. It is recommended the exclusive franchise be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services. This report addresses the potential environmental impacts associated with the City of Poway entering an exclusive franchise for solid waste and recyclables collection and disposal services. The issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The solid waste disposal and recycling needs for the City of Poway are currently provided by five different solid waste management companies. An environmental evaluation of converting to an exclusive franchise was conducted tp determine the potential environmental impacts. The initial study indicated that the ~~ project would create a positive effect through the reduction in the number of trucks ~ entering and serving the City, a corresponding reduction in air pollution while still maintaining a consistent high level of health and safety. Based on these findings, the issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT Effective January 1, 1995, award of this franchise will save the City of Poway apprOXimately $230,000 annually, and reduce sol id waste rates by an average of 25% for all residents and commercial customers. .- --- 1. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report has been provided to the general managers of candidate solid waste management companies: Jerry li Murphy, Browning-Ferris Industries; Conrad Pawelski, Coast Waste Management, Inc.; Fred ~ Penning, Waste Management, Inc.; Jeff Ritchie, Mashburn Waste & Recycling Services; and 'j Rick Berlin, Laidlaw Waste Systems. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award the exclusive Solid Waste Franchise to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Mashburn Waste and Recycling SerVices, in the aggregate and extended, .unit price amount of $3,758,936.68, and to issue a Negative Declaration. ACTION Approved staff recommenda t i on. 4-0. Councilmember Callery absent. ~~~~-' Marie Lofton, Deputy City Clerk ~ ~..~ 1 of 16 SEP 2 0 i994 ITEM 4 Thursday September 22, 1994 "". POWAY C - 1 ~ EWS .. HIEFIAIN New trash deal should c'ut'bills by about 25 % By Melissa B. Tamberg Staff Writer I The City Council talked trash Tuesd;iynigbt, voting unanimous- ly to grant an exclusive franchise to haul Poway's garbage to Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services. One of five companies current- ly holding permits to haul the city's trash, Masbburn submitted the lowest bid for the contract to collect solid waste and recycling. Effective Jan. 1. the franchise is expected to save the city approximately S230.()(x) annually. and will reduce solid waste rates by an average of 25 percent for all residents and commercial cus- tomers; according to City Manager Jim Bowe~ox. \ In addition, downsizing from fi~ baule~ to one will alleviate the ....number of garbage tru cks on / Poway streets, noted Public Services Director Randy Williams. Another benefit of the fran- chise is that it will afford the city greater regulatory powe~ and will aid in Poway's recycling efforts, Williams said. "This franchise holds (Mashburn) liable to meet AB 939 reductions," he explained,. refening to mandates requiring cities, by 1995, to reduce by 25 percent the amount of materials going to landfills. By the year 2000, the waste must be reduced by 50 percent In 1992, when the City Council approved contracting \\~th an exclusive hauler, it agreed to limit the bidding of the fran- chise to the five collecto~ already providing services: Mashburn, Please see GARBAGE, page Al0 September 22.1994 :-. 1m Garbage Continued from page Al L;1idlaw Waste Systems, Coast Waste Management, Browning- Ferris Industries. and Waste Management of San Diego. . . In excbange,.lbe companies agreed to work under a permit for three years, at which time the franchise would be granted, rather than wait. the full five years for amortization. "Otherwise, we would have had to wait until 1997 to do a franchise," Bowe~ox explained. City of t1Cr."t~ NY''! I Published by the City of Poway Winter 1994 Volume 12 Number 4 City gets single waste franchise Not too many years ago, the most we thought about trash disposal was to remember what day to carry it to the curb for collection. Some of us wish for the good old days! Solid waste management has become one of the munici- pal services provided to residents that generates the most sensitivity to method of operations, cost, practice, and long- . term importance to environmental preservation. Responding to these concerns, the California State Assembly introduced legislation to minimize landfill disposal. Assembly Bill 939, the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, was put into force on Jan. 1, 1 990. This act mandates achieving the reduction of solid waste going to landfills by 25 percent no later than 1995, and an additional 25 percent (50 percent cumulative reduction) by the year 2000. One approach to controlling materials going to landfills is to centralize all efforts for solid waste collec- tion and disposal with one servicing organization - imple- ment an exclusive franchise. On Jan. 14, 1992, after much research, a public hearing, considerable public input and debate, the Poway City Council voted "yes" to implement a single solid waste and recycling services franchise to become effective Jan. 1, 1995. The City had three objectives in going to a single fran- chise: . To provide refuse and recyclables collection and dis- posal services to the city's residential and commercial customers at less than the current charges, while main- taining a high quality of service. . To minimize Poway's waste stream but, as a minimum, to achieve the 25 percent and 50 percent waste diver- sion goals mandated by the Integrated Waste Management Act. . To ensure the franchise does not fail for financial rea- sons and the Franchisee will have an incentive to pro- vide maximum long-term performance in meeting the city's financial and operational objectives. A complete bid specification package was provided to each of the five permitted haulers and bids were opened on Sept. 1, 1994. Following an evaluation of the bids received, staff determined Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services to # be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. A public hear- ing of the City Council was held on Sept. 20 to award the it franchise. Some of the changes residents will see beginning Jan. 1, ;c~ ~a As~ Do-it-Yourself Oil chang- er, you can participate in oil recycling! Just bring yaur used, unmixed, ail (up ta 5 gallans) inta .one .of F'away's Recycling Program Centers CHIEF AUTO PARTS - 13397 Paway Raad . Everyday 8 a.m. ta 11 p.m. I<Ri\GEN AUTO PARTS - 13272 Paway Raad . Manday-Friday 8 a.m. ta 9 p.m. " . Saturday 8 a.m. ta 8 p.m. 'Sunday 8 a.m. ta 7 p.m. " all FilTERS ALSO ACCEPTED Shauld the abave lacatians be unable ta accept yaur ail due ta containers being full, used ail and ail filters will be accepted by appaintment aI"jlyat the City .of Paway by calling 679-4373. The Used Oil Recycling Program is spansored by the California Integrated Waste Management Board and JE;;< the City of Poway' . 1995, include: . A reduction in rates - approximately 25 percent-~ *- for all residential and commercial customers of the franchisee, . Restrictions on operating hours in residential neigh- borhoods (no earlier than 7 a.m. or later than 6 p.m.) for collection vehicles, . A reduced rate for residential customers who can limit their general trash to less than one 40-gallon can per week (excluding recyclables and green waste), . A reduction from nine trash vehicles in your neigh- borhood each week to three or less, . And much more. In late November you will receive an informational packet in the mail from Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services, describing all services and procedures that will start Jan. 1, 1995. If you need additional information, you can call Mashburn's Customer Services Department, 743- 7710. i i " I :1 f ., .., f ":'- ;: ; ~{ " -,1 ,'. ...;; :.; 11 " ,'-t ~--~~ (~ ...~ ;~" r:. j" ~." ;.:/ .. :t '~. :~f ,{{.: 'p' "f" " :.; .~ i OJ'I~.9S 08:59 '0'619 7 ~S US5 un OF pow.n. . .... ... ~... .. t.. , ,......, .-. LAW Of"F'IC ES SuL1.IVAN, HILL, L:EWI~ & MARKHAM 5~C ...tS-T C 9TAtr.T SUITe 1!oC,C h.!': tl':5Go, <:"4tll'ORJ<lA 02'0' -31540 TCI.CO"'ONC ,e'li) 2';13....100 r".~ ~61al !::J1-4);7f: !H: C~ I nm SEP 2 1 189, Septembe~ 20, 1994 VIA FACSIMILE i U.S. )AIL: (619) 440-n01 {l~ "J-- ---_.- . .. Stephen M. Eckis, Esq. MCDOUgal, Love, Eckis & 460 N. Magnol ia A.....enuE' Drawer 1466 El cajon, CA 920~O Grindle .-.".---.-.- .- R.e: Re&1inq ,. Mashburn City of Waste I< 1>olo7ay SoUd Waste ,. kecyc11~f SerVices Dp,'-'r Mr. Eckis: Franchise , As you are aware, this la,' firm represents Mashburn Waste & RGcyclil1g Service!: ('Ua<:hburn"). It has been h.c"cu'1ht to OUl. attention that in conn action ~ith the recent City of Po~ay noqu~st lor Bids for Sol id Wa:;te and Recycling Franchise ("RFlJ"), one of ~he bidders for ~he fr.nchiso has unotticially requested a copy of l1ashburn's response tc the RFB. ~lashburn' S proposal sl.bJ:li tted in response to the RFB ("PrDpDsa l") .is e:>:empt froJ:l the ge'loral disclosure requi.rements of Cali fornia <,ovcrnlTlcnt Code :oecti;'l"l G250 (See 68 Op. Att0:t'JI"'Y 0.:11 eel. 16 \ 1985)). Using the b.llancing test of California COVernT.ler,t Code section 6;255, the A.~torney Gel1eral concluded, based on the re;.,soninq Of National l;'arks and Conservation Association v. ~e, 547 F.2d 673 D.C. (19,'6), that: 1 I f \ ~ ..;i~h respect !.o pre-qualification financi.al statcD.ents from potential 17idders I a court would probc.l.>J,< hoJ d, subject, of course, to the limi"tless varlE:T,y ot' ext.aneous circuEstances ....hich might appear in a given case, that the interests on the part of the local agency in not chilling future information-9athering abill~; in prospective contr.ctual relationships, and on "the t:~rt of such ent:A'='prise in ?):"ol:",cting it~ 1"9iti"''''t" privacy interests as w~ll as in the preservation of its undisclosed compr;,ti ti ve adval1t:ages, would out....eigh the ~u~lic's neea !.o ~e informed with regard to tn~ cont~nts of such financial statements. OO;S765.W? IilJ002 ;:~ :} '~ . ~ y, -,(;. ,~ 'f>~ :~ '1 . ~ ,f ;t ;~ i ~. , ') .{ , ;t. " , , ,~. I~ r { " ,. I . l !. , , :~ 03'14'95 09:00 '5'619 7 H 1455 CITY OF PORAY .. .": ..' .. .... :. :.. r".. ^ t..-\ov CF'F'ICtS S1.1Ul'.:o\N. Hill, LEWIN & MAl'lKI:AM Stephen M. Eckis, Esq. September 20. 1994 .Page 2 68 op. Attorney Gen. C,ll., sU'Pra, i!l't l!>, 16. The facts surrounding the Mashburn Proposal are analogc~~'to the facts in 68 Op. Attorney Gen. Cal. 16 in that 'the Mashburn Proposal i~ SiJ:lilar to the pre-G:ualificatioh financial s'tatemen'l:s requested by t'he county iron> pot.ential bicider& since the I'ropos::!l contains confidential, pX'opriet..ry financial information. III ",Mition, the Mashl:urn proposal com:a1ns intorna'tion \,Thich is within the California Civil Code definition of tra{l", sec:..-ets, spr,cif ically infor:matic:n inc1 udinq a formula, pattern. e,)rnpi j a t ion, program, device, roethoj, technique or process that: (1) d~T.ives independent economic value, actual or potential, froll1 not being g":n"'~ally kno....n to th.. pUbli" or to other persons ....ho c"" .01:>1:ai" econol:1ic value from th:'.s disclosure or Use; ana (2) as the SUbject of effort:s that are reasonable unde. the circumstances Lo main'ta.in its secrecy. lcal. Civ. Code S 3426.1(d).J As trade secrets, the information falls wit:'lin the p.ivilege of $llbdivision (k) of CaLifornia Governl:lent: '::ode section 6254. (See Cal. Evidence Code s~~t.ion 1060; Californ:;a School ElllPlovees Association v. SunnYvale ?]!;];:entarv School Dis1::;~ict, 36 Ca1.App.3d 46, e;e; (1973)). The format of the Mashburn Proposal, 'the contents, thureo!, the !llethodology of persuas:.on and presentation are aU r.ompi.lations ot naterial l.'hich cons't.it:\;t.e trade secrets. The compilation obviously provides Mashburn a business advantag~, otherwise, a bidder who ~as not awarded the Poway franchise eontract vou'" net be reque!iting .. copy of such informati,n. In good faith, Mashburn presented its proprietary and confidE:ntia1 compilation of information to the city 01.: Po~ai'. To allo~.. a competitor to have aC",es$ It) that cOr.fidential informa'ticm lJo-uld be patently unfair. It 1.Jould act to chill full and cornple:te partiCipation and provision of useful information to public e:1tities. It provides eornpetiti,v{, "dvantages to those who have not: developed thOse advantages by their o.m sk;,.ll. On a related matter, """! understand that the City"" i1) release the deta i led rate st:rUctLlr~ for w4ste ha\.lling- l'ervlces cont:alned in Mashburn I S proposal at the tirne Mashburn COIl'.l!lences s:er'ri.cp.s uncier the franchise agreement.. We agree that it is in the be::t interest of the City, the Poway residents and the waste hauler to release information regarding the rates simultaneous with Mashburn providil'l9' services pur<:uant to the franchise agreQlnel"lt. Tllia will insure a more orderly transition from the City's current sJ'sten: --- lJU7t>7GS.WP Ii!J 003 !f .< .~ .j:' i r .~ i.,. ,>1 .>1 .71 :.."1 i. .1 -4 .:: . z .-~ . '~ .. 'j , . ~'. : 1 : ;-< , ~i "; ; .~. i ~ , .~ ;"j ;: " :1 .., 3 . > 'j. .' " l'. ',~ 1 ,~ l ..t f ':f "i"3 ~ ~ .> .J'~ .. .,. ~ . ~.. '.~' ~ 03'~~'95 09:01 '5'619 7 H 1<55 on- OF POIl'W : . .. ... ~ """ ,..... LAW Orf".c'S SUlJ.l\'Al\, HILL. LEWIN & MARK;{AM Stephen M. ECkis, Esq. September 20, 1994 Page 3 us t ng t j ve ditferent '::raSh haulers 'to an exclusive ",1(',ste hatJling franchise. he respectfully requeit that if the City of l'oway rec~ives any rC'quc:>t.s for the Mashl;'Jrn Proposal or in1'ormaticn cont.ained in the Ma~nhurn Proposal, including the specific rate structu~e fu~ Wa5t~ hauling service$, w~ether those requests are official or uno1'ticial, that the city contact us imlnediately before the City taKes any action so t.hat the rightlO of Mashburn as :;afeguarded u:1der California laH <.re not abridged. Please contact J:le if you have questions. Very truly yours, SULLIVAN, lULL, L!HIN " !".A.RKHAM , f ~d>;/' , .-21,',) )1, B'i~,/j/.//',/;'l~'~~':'Af.-e ~ ,.~DELINE: CLARK SILI'ERMAN Mr.5;lldr c: Hr. James J.lashburn, President Mr. J~ffrey S. Ritchie, General Manager 007676S.W? @OO~ { i i '. .. t ',: ..... {. ":) ;:1 :~ ..., ; ,1' ~ 1- ~. "\ , <- . 1: ,. ." I ;. ~ . , , t ~ , ~ -, j: . . ~: ~, ~.~ ~ t~ ~ :.1 . ~. 1 '1 ~ '~ " .... ~~ .~ -", ',:;i ..t.t ,~ ..',:;I ~. " ~ ;~ '~ ii <4 ';,1j . ~;.~ " .~ . ";<j .~ ~ '. MEMORANDUM TO: Rita Berglund, Customer Services Manager FROM: James R. Williams, Director of Public Services DATE: September 21, 1994 SUBJECT: Solid Waste Franchise Aoreement As you are aware, last night the City Council ~warded the City-wide franchise agreement to Mashbum Waste and Recycling Services-effective January 1, 1995. Until December 30th, Mashburn will be making the necessary adjustments to complete the transition. Since your division receives numerous inquiries from residents new to Poway a~d residents wishing to change from their OJrrent hauler, the following information is provided to assist your division during the transition period . Infonn residents the City a.Jrrenll'{ has three pennil1ed residential haulers; however, starting January 1, 1995 Mashburn Waste & Recycling Services will be the exclusive hauler collecting solid waste and recyclable materials within the City of Poway. . Mashburn's toll-free Customer Services number is 743.7710. Two additional Poway telephone lines will be installed the beginning of December. A cost breakdown of Mashburn's rate schedule is al1ached for your information. The aggregate of this information is considered by Mashburn and our City Allorney to be confidential business information. It is acceptable to share rate information in answer to specific questions like: "How much will it cost for a 3 cu. yd. bin to be collected twice weekly?" However, do not release the entire list without authorization from the City Allorney. Please fet me know if I can provide any further information. ., Ipq , Allachment II~~ COAST WASTE MANA(;r~MENT, iNC. F'....(J~E: (ti1~} 929.9400 (619) 4S2.9ff11) FA>::: /~1gl931 0211!1 6&60 EL CAMINO AEA.L, P.p. GOX ~'7. CAALS8AO. CALIFORNIA i20,a.OeA7 March 15, 1995 Kyla Evar~on 13561 Comuna Oriv~ Poway, CA 92064 SUBJECT; September 1. 1994 I'ow~y Tr..~h 8l.d (lp~n~nB Dear Mr. Everson! Neithar I or anyon~ in my company und~r&tood that th~ Poway trash bid opening wae an open bid llnd thet we W~r~ allowed to be pr~s~nt on,5eptQmbaf I, 1994. the eChaduled bid opening date. Had we been aware of ~n open bid and bec.su9EI of past experiences w1th bid op~nings. our firm would h<<ve been repre.ented by an 8~.r.t or me. I was surprised to hear that in your met tins on Fridey. Merch 11, 1995. Randy WllHarr.5 told Ji,n lluckJ.~>', Al1na Pappas. and you that all participants ware invited fo the September 1. 1994 bid opening. Sincne).y. ~.J Arb de Jon& Director Coast Weste Xanagement, Inc. ADJI CC: Jim Buckley . ~.r..TJ5F;FD CU~,'('~MI J.( I!. OliR' I, I.!' t:l~N~dDLfoJ.rln"" 11.1 Events of Default -r:- - -' '1-1'1- f.J' /6 -,~ 5~t/"'- c.'Ck/s' ; r... -77..... ::5pc;;:<Ley .f'idX/apL,1 M"A. ~cK".! I'/" /11'( <-'///V,',,,;. ~ 5t!"~;r: .?...~, J P~L/ 7J1~s~'J':"/f;J ;t'...,-t'/wJ -/,r; //. /13 . ?1M ~~4"'iAl .... 577F"c- ~f.f:",'d) ?'r'I'J-{lp-'1.r-' ~tJ;<. rPAr /"",."",,,,...1/,-,,. ARTICLE 11. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Each of the following shall constitute an event of default ("event of default") hereunder: A. Failure to Perform. Contractor fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time, and: (1) if the failure or refusal of Contractor to perform as required by Article 5 or Sections 9.2 or 5.14 of this Agreement is not cured within two (2) business days after receiving notice from the City specifying the breach; or (2) in the case of any other breach of the Agreement, the breach continues for more than thirty (30) calendar days after written notice from the City Manager for the correction thereof, provided that where such breach cannot be cured within such thirty (30) day period, contractor shall not be in default of this Agreement if Contractor shall have commenced such action required to cure the particular breach within ten (10) calendar days after such notice, and it continues such performance diligently until completed. (j B. Misrepresentation. Any representation or disclosure made to City by Contractor in connection with or as an inducement to entering into this Agreement or any future amendment to this Agreement, ~ proves to be false or misleading in any material respect as of the time the representationOr disclosure is made, whether or not. any s~ch representation or disclosure appears as part. of this Agreement; C. Seizure or Attachment. There is a seizure or attachment (other than a prejudgment attachment) of, or levy affecting possession on, the operating equipment and facilities of such proportion as to substantially impair Contractor's ability to perform under this Agreement and which cannot be released, bonded, or otherwise lifted within seventy- two (72) hours excluding weekends and holidays. D. Financial Insolvency. Contractor files a voluntary petition for debt relief under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, debtor relief, or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or consents to the' appointment of or 'taking of' possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee (other than as a part of a transfer of equipment no longer useful to Contractor or necessary for this Agreement), trustee (other than as security for an obligation under a deed of trust), custodian, sequestrator (or similar official) for any part of the Contractor's operating assets or any substantial part of Contractor's property, or makes any general assignment for the benefit of Contractor's creditors, or shall fail generally to pay Contractor's debts as they become due or shall take any action in furtherance of any of the foregoing; E. Court Decisions. Any court having jurisdiction shall enter a decree or order for relief in respect of the Contractor, in any involuntary case brought under any bankruptcy, insolvency, debtor relief, or similar law now or hereafter in effect, or Contractor shall consent to or shall fail to oppose any such proceeding, or any such court shall enter a decree or order appointing a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator (or similar official) of the Contractor or for any part of the Pwy.fran.agr 9-20.94 -37- Contractor's operating equipment or assets, or order the winding up or liquidation of the affairs of Contractor. F. Reasonable Assurances of Performance. Contractor fails to provide reasonable assurances of performance as required under Section 11.6. ~11.2 Rlqht.12. Terminate Upon Default Upon a default by Contractor, after any required notice, the City Council shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without need for any hearing, suit or legal action. 11.3 Possesslon.2i Prooertv Upon Termination In the event of termination for default, the City shall have the right to take possession of and use in the provision of services enumerated under this Agreement any and all of Contractor's land, equipment, and other property (excepting solid waste) used or useful in the collection and transportation of solid waste and the billing and collection of fees for these services. The City shall have the right to retain the possession of such property until other suitable arrangements can be made for the provision of solid waste collection services, which may include the award of an agreement with another waste hauling. company, but in no case for more than 45 days. If the City retains possession thereof after the period of time for which Contractor has already been paid by means of bills issued in advance of providing service for the class of service involved, the Contractor shall be entitled to the reasonable rental value of such property. Contractor shall furnish the City with immediate access to all of its business records related to its billing of accounts for services. 11.4 City's Remedies Cumulative: Specific Performance The City's right to terminate the Agreement under Section 11.2 and to take possession of the Contractor's properties under Section 11.3 are not exclusive, and the City's termination of the Agreement shall not constitute an election of remedies. Instead, they shall be in addition to any and all other legal and equitable rights and remedies which the City may have. By virtue of the nature of this Agreement, the urgency of timely, continuous and high quality service, the lead time required to effect alternative service, and the rights granted by City to the Contractor, the remedy of damages for a breach hereof by Contractor may be inadequate and City shall be entitled to injunctive relief. 11.5 Excuse from Performance The parties shall be excused from performing their respective obligations hereunder in the event they are prevented from so performing by reason of floods, earthquakes, other "acts of God,' war, civil insurrection, riots, acts of any government (including judicial action), and other similar catastrophic events which are beyond the control of and not the Pwy.fran.agr 9-20-94 -38- 13.8~ Each of the followIng Exhibits is attached hereto and incorporated hereIn and made a part hereof by this reference. Exhibit A . Frequency and Location of City Bins and Collection Exhibit B . Recycling Public Education Program Exhibit C - Schedule of Maximum Rates to be Charged Exhibit D . Rate Increase Example dN~NJ DATED' f::l;/ CONTRA TOR: ~ t..d" DATED: Cj -~ 1- ~'-I CITY:: " J ~ I ~ ~'- "", . _/ - Mayor .:) ATTEST: t( ?VU-t-t: By: , ~f(t ~: M..... .J~ vL E-=I(i$ <7' PT'- r,j- hi. ..77,,., 8,u/(L "'Y ::;'7fr ,yL y ;P1~ .Ec,~;': . t. ::r;'" G.!Ad ;r;.;:.c: ./:w/"J 'o/;.t(;<- d,v .<;:"''''7/0.",'1 ' / n",r /j" 4.9/ 7/.<<r E~,(,,t;r c 713'", a,h/Lc?r.,._ -,o(LId,d,,,- of' N;'})(. /?",r<'~ r. ~<:. ~/ ..A ,,;u/S .<f/...,,,,.u' j?a}Li<' .H~;;'/tM" =.t'''f~''I' . / / --:",/ / Ar ;<1LC. 7/~"'J ,4f'/2/t ??U. ....<;.-. / . . ~. .4JttL c.'P~,t..-u-vj';t.':? /f;Vf' /-'J,d 14<;/."#/' ' . ( . ;r'- ., /.;' 1'.,. d,,~ g:.!~c/l.."'_ oSc<:/ ......;1 ' ~/ . '-r -r.;{", /'k -<>"- /" /?:i'd .(I ,R 'j"" . ,tJ#-UA~,--e ' / /-<;; ,,(I c;:.m./L,~..f'<; L' "I" r' .<</",v ,.p"7(.t"~T~ ~r 1':i!4.r E4~j, /:r, ,r,k r/.'...b'L'::/1" ~':,N ;r;:1",/ ~~'d7 -" "'/, < all;.,,$ C["P;'/I<',;f ./I"",/".,..,c";'l- ('A/////",Q/ljJ. . .<f,vd V"'.:: V",('",C. :r..L.t ;r:; /1<','7(<'s"'- . 4'.>1;0<- .:' . ,d /)1.<..r!.tI,t"'''' .".. / '- . < /1uK P.o'. ./ ..:::;. H;tM~-r:O;.J, "'- ' ~ t?::' r ;1"A4f y c1/nc.....G- ' / i>wy.fnIn..gr ~2ll-Q4 -45- Irvv: jl COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. PHONE: (61~) 929-9400 l61~) ~52.9B'O FAX: IC,9l931-02,9 5fltl<O [!l eM/,INO REAL, P.O. BOX $047, CARLSBAD. C/~lIFORNlA P2018.Q947 September 23, 1994 Steven M. Eckls City Attorney City of poway P. O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 RE: REFUSE AND RECYCLING SE..~VICES BID Dear Mr. Eckls: Please consider this Jelter as my fonnal request to obtain the rate infonnalioll 011 residential, commercial, llldustriaJ, and recycling services from Mashbul1l Waste and Recycling Services who has beell detennined to be and approved on 'lilesday, Se.ptember 20, 1994 by the City Council as the successful bidder to provide these services for the City of Poway. . I appreciate YO\lr consideration and tha."lk you in advance ill providing me with the requested iJlfonnalion. 7 Sincerely, y Arie de rong OWller/lJirector Coast Waste Management, rnc. ADl/mb cc: lames R. Williams, P.E. Director of Public Services Cily of Poway A SATISFiED cusroMER I,S OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION ~, ~ - CITY OF POWAY- DON HJ(j(iIN!lO;\l, Mllyt.'r llOn EMF.RY. D'PllIY MUlW .u. TOSY SSF.SKO. C\.l1.mcilmcmbeJ' SUSAN CAI.L~kY, Councilmemhc:r MICKEY CAJ;AGNA. Counc.illllcmhcr ---.. october 13, 1994 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 5960 El Camino Real P. O. Box 947 Carlsbad, CA 92018-0947 ATTN: Arie de Jong, owner/Director Re: Refuse and Recvclinq Services Bid Dear Mr. de Jong; I am in receipt of your letter dated September 23, 1994, requesting the "rate in.formation" on residential, commercial, inciu.strial and recycling. services from Mashburn" !IS the successfu~ bidder to provide services to the city of Poway. I have notified Mashburn of the request and they have objected to the release of any information. One of the bases for the objection is that it is unclear from your request what you mean by "rate information." ... "I'have indicated to Mashburn 'that my office will make a prompt determination of what materials should be released. I have advised them to provide me immediately in writing with any legal authority bearing on the issue of what can and cannot be released. MeanWhile, I ask that you clarify in writing what you mean by "rate information." For example, is that term limited only to the rates .,~~~~~~!3~~~ei\sio~~~l frif~JinWf~ri:~~;e\:a~~~rYt~~. ;~~g obrtfo w~~~- determined? ,',' I?ME/kprn . " . co: ".; James L. BOl.'ersox, City Manager I". - ~~iling Addre~~: r '.., "tC,.."Ii-\II.;.;:...., . ,e:. City Ha!! Lc'cated at 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789, Poway, Callfornia 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400--- '\ 'I , \ . \~\\\ ~J 10-14-94 NOTE TO FILE: Page 26 of the Franchise Agreement makes reference to a resolution adopted by the City Council approving Mashburn's rates. This resolution was going to be scheduled for adoption on 10-18-94 and was pulled at the instruction of the Director of Public Services and the City Attorney. /~~,/'/ f/Lrp/ ~v<- Iff ~/J) P:~-5'~; )..~/ / ,II " '.. . _ .'. ....: :;j', . ,,' , ,,_.. .......1 .I.~ ........ ....'.........lJlll.......i-\-.I,( -fL.1 r-... Ll .~_. , - ( /", 1-. c: . <) LAW Q~FICte SULlJV,AN, :e:1:LL, :Lnwm 84 M.umR.A.M 'In wr:.:,. e "nu:.t"1' .Ultl. IDCo SA.N' lllRGO, C..U.II1On:tn.. 9$101-06040 'n:'L.CPHOW!. (0Jt;J) l!J:)..IOO r!oJ< (819) l"'.4n. october 19, 1994 V!l fACBIMtLll (&1') .60-6.01 Stephen M. ECkim, Baq. MaOouqal, Love, Eckis , Grindle 460 N. Maqnoli6 Avanue Dra",ar 1466 El Ca~on, CA 92020 n81 Oity of l'loway SoH4 WIlBta C, ~eCi:16lia~ ~h:&)ICbille -~ H.lil'lhl)\Il'1\ WaItt , fteoycl~g S~rvi6~~ Dear Mr. Eol<isl As we diacussea, ~nol08e~ is a oopy of tn~ survey of residential and oommercial solid waste rat~s compiled by the City of Del Mar ataff in conn~ation If! tn the recent h.ea:dnl1 reo-a:rdinq COB5t Waste '!lo rates tor s~rvices in Del Mar. ~he rates tor solid ~aste removal under the new POW!lY trl1nchlsQ agreement with Maehhurn are reflected in t~e tbir~ cQl~n of tha uppor portion of. the survey. In oonneotion with the poway City Counoil's upooming action to approve . oity ordinance containing the new trash rates! We WOUld apprec1at. your ldviaing us whsl'I the city CouncH adopts tha resolution containing suoh rates. Very truly your.! SULLIVAN, HILL, LEWIM ,. MARKHJ>.M , Mt!8/n r Xncl05UX'a '. 01 Mr, Jeffrey s. Ritohie, G$neral Manage~ (v/o encl.) OO"118~.\QP tlj- ili J~ ~r , ilr- Sf mfl- ~ J;~~~ ~.r1~;f s 11!L .- III J!!1l'- ~ .5' J<l>1W ~ 011 (:,; C!! e I ii !~ 'U~@n f gll~ .1 ~~~~~.I '~I e !~~~1~51~ ~~! ,1/ . :~:~!~:li f.~ , . II fi ~&!~~~' ~S"E~ i'J~I~~ . .. IF~i~~~/it " t; Irl1lj!j ~ ~ J:;: BJ 31d! S; , .I~;fi~'~~~ . ~~Q1~~~~ , ~"....... i~a~!~ ~ ~! ~ ~~~~ m-~ ~~~ial ~ 18 ~ 18 j 3 g i J;l S fit.., ,. ~ . ~ aa ~ .. J;I~ r! I n~U~~1 n !~ !!!N!! '1!~ g~ 1.1 'iiJ g , z;~~ff; I~I." ,S~~~!~~ i ~ iitil*~; . j 'III JlnljiU~ 'ill' ~, !1~5~~!W ~ J~I ~il;t:ii!~ Jl/11 ~1i~1 ~ it~iii~ I e !'~'~r!~~ ~ Jest . *iill!li J~ S . IfltJI,lf il~~ .JIAIB & I :tJ ::;; ~ I~~ ~ M'~ ~I~ ~ <':Qllt'"'!2~!, . tj.~. "" , , 1 '! " 619~'31,1375 - , 61 $ ar-- B - .t....,.rtlA... - "".'.':~'~r'.,,",. _ ....r .'..... ..,OJ.' :(i-:;-~4 fJ,:1'P'J.( ~n"',; +tf\?