Item 7 - Library Advisory Committee's Recommended Funding for Library AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY r- -, INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James 1.. Bowersox, City Man* John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ "'9::;_ ;~ Robert 1.. Thomas, Director of Community Servi/:,-s /~ Patrick R. Foley, Senior Management Analyst 1{Vl111J TO: FROM: DATE: June 13, 1995 SUBJECf: Library Advisory Committee's Recommended Funding for the Poway Library in FY 1995-96 ABSTRACT The Library Advisory Committee is recommending a $71,165 budget for the library in FY 1995-96. The proposed budget includes: 1) funding for a part-time children's librarian for 30 hours per week, 2) the purchase of 40 books per month, 3) UMI work stations, 4) New York and Los Angeles Times on microfilm,S) contingency funding for equipment maintenance, 6) $5,000 to update the reference books that are 12 years old, 7) connection to the internet, 8) CD ROM storage cabinet, and 9) books on tape. It is recommended that the City Council approve the $71,165 library budget for FY 1995-96 as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subj ect to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The $71,165 will have to be appropriated from the General Fund in FY 1995-96. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONOENCE Additional notification sent to the Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the $71,165 library budget for FY 1995- 96 as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee. ACTION 1 of 8 13 IT JUN 1995 ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you w;sh to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Ser~ Patrick R. Foley, Senior Management Analyst June 13, 1995 Library Advisory Committee's Recommended Funding for the Poway Library in FY 1995-96 On May 22, 1995, the Library Advisory Committee considered a proposed library budget of $71,165 for FY 1995-96. The budget (Attachment A) proposed by the Committee included the following items: Children's Librarian Continue funding position for 30 hours per week $30,958 Baker 1 Taylor Book Purchase Plan Purchase 40 books per month 7,500 UMI Newspaper abstracts on disc and Business Dateline General periodicals on disc periodical abstracts on disc Los Angeles Times on microfilm New York Times on microfilm 6,680 7,285 1,270 2,156 Contingency Funds These funds would be used for repair, replacement, or upgrade of hardware or software for UMI system Reference book update Books on tape Internet connection CD ROM storage unit ACTION: 2 of 8 3,000 5,000 1,500 3,055 1,800 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 7 Agenda Report June 13, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS The Library Advisory Committee is recommending a $71,165 bUdget in FY 1995-96 that includes increased funding of $1,800 for a CD ROM storage unit, $1,500 for books on tape, $3,055 for the internet connection, and an increase of $900 in contingency funds. If approved by the City Council, the $3,055 internet connection will become an annual cost to the library budget. The cost includes the annual CTSNET connection fee of $1,080, PacBell annual business line charge of $1,440, security software $500, and set up fee of $35. In FY 1994-95 the City Council allocated $61,929 for the library. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The $71,165 will have to be appropriated from the General Fund in FY 1995-96. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the $71,165 library budget for FY 1995-96 as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee. JLB:RLT:PRF:js Attachment: 1 - Proposed Budget (C:\OATA\AGENDA\LIRVIOGT.95) JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 7 ,.1 3 of 8 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR CITY OF POW A Y 1995/96 t CHILDREN'S LmRARlAN-30 Hours Per Week A Children's Librarian is essential in this community. Toddler and preschool storytime, library tours and lessons, class visits and reference help are all very necessary services. II. UMI PROQUEST SYSTEM General Periodicals On disc This CD ROM product indexes 450 magazine titles 'and includes full image for over 200 magazine titles. It is in constant use by many members of the community, including students of all ages, business people, those looking for product evaluation, and anyon looking for fairly current information. Business Dateline This CD product consists of full-text regional business journals including San Diego Business Journal and San Diego Daily Transcript. This workstation is in high demand with patrons looking for employment, those interested in stocks and bonds and students doing reports dealing with business. Significant topic areas are: company profiles, real estate markets, industry regulations and new product development. Newspaper Abstracts Ondisc This database includes cover to cover indexing to articles from 10 of the most respected newspapers in the country including the New York Times and the LA Times. m. EIGHT DRAWER CD-ROM STORAGE CABINET This cabinet will hold up to 2,680 discs. We get about 40 discs quarterly for General Periodicals Ondisc and we are running out of room in the carousels we are currently using. IV. NEWSPAPERS ON MICROFILM New York Times (1996) LA Times (1996) (please note that these prices are only valid if paid before July 1995) We only keep two weeks worth of newspapers so having newspaper on microfilm is a necessity. V. BAKER AND TAYLOR PURCHASE BOOK PLAN In past years we have subscribed to the McNaughton Leased Book Plan. The price of the plan has gone up without the company offer- ing any additional benefits. For approximately the same cost, the 4 of 8 $30,958 $ 7,285 $ 3,495 . $ 3,185 $ 1,800 $ 2,156 $ 1,270 $ 7,500 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 7 , I books can be purchased from Baker and Taylor. Forty best sellers will be selected each month and the bills will be paid upon receipt of the invoice. Adult patrons are thrilled to nnd best selling books on our shelves. More than 75% of this collection is in constant circulation and that's with limiting patrons to only 3 of these books at a time. Yr. BOOKS ON TAPE . Many of our library patrons commute fairly long distanc'es to work. Having a book on tape to listen to, really makes a difference to these patrons. Our current collection is old and wo(ll out. VII. INTERNET Poway Library received a state grant which pays for connection to the Internet. Grant money runs out in June of 1995. The County might be able to offer Internet on our online public access catalog (our computerized card catalog) but that would take away one of our four catalogs and would not allow for a graphical inter- face such as Netscape or Mosaic. VII. REFERENCE BOOK UPDATE There are many outdated reference books on the shelves which need updating. / vm. CONTINGENCY FUNDS . This money should be set aside for repair or replacement of cd-rom or other computer equipment. Items II.. m., IV., and V. do not include tax. II.-$ 70 (only $1,000 of General Periodical Ondisc gets taxed) III.-$126 IV.-$240 V.-$525 $961 5 of 8 $ 1,500 $ 3,055 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $70,204 $ 961 $71,165 JUN 13 1995 ITEM 7 e e - " I CABINETS 1 -c:../VV... VVv This CD-ROM cabinet will accommodate an entire Image coUoetion. It's available in four- and eight-drawer units. with or without 5Ccurity lo<:ks., Color: lighr grey. FEATURES The highost stOtage capacity we ofter. A place-holder featute allows bulk storage while retaining a reserved slot for each disc that's removed. You can add the deskrop module shown below to the 4-drawer cabiner to convert ir to a desk. :::.i7~-~ 9~~':,;:; ~~~~'~F-~':; ":.":;'.:. ~. '-~~'-'"'' J l' ~.' SPEOFICATlONS >\"8-DrAwn" CD-ROM Cabnut Dimemions: 5S"H x 26"W x 29 112"D Capacitf' 2.680 discs 4-DrAWn" CD-ROM cAbinet Dimensions: 30"H x 26"W x 29 1/2"D Cap.citf' 1.340 disco Desktop (for 4-drawer cabinet)" Dimen.ions: 60"W x 29 1/2"D Description S--drawer cabinet Lockable 8-drawer cabinet 4-drawer cabinet LocbbJe 4.drawer cabinet Desktop (for 4-drawer cabine') (Ozl/ for shipping informlJrion) L ~ ~ r-.,-' , ..',-...,_....~-. .." .".~."...""" 6 of 8 .-----unit Price $1.800.00 $1.865.00 $1.060.00 $1.125.00 $ 404.00 ~ ~ 1 J I ~ :i ~~ .~". r = j ~. '- ~ .,.,..-,......"'..,c.~. - ...''" '........ J~N-1-3.-.1995..,.lT.EM..7, ;~~ ,'."'" - . Explanation of Change From McNaughton Leased Book Plan (Item V.) The new price for the McNaughton Plan is $578 per month or $6,936 (plus tax) per year. Since these books are leased, we have to send them back to McNaughton at some point. Ifwe decide to keep a book, we must pay an additional $2.00 - $3.00 per book (depending on the quantity purchased). Since we have the 40 book per month plan, each McNaughton book would cost $14.45 per book. McNaughton gives a $25 allowance for each book so I tried to limit my McNaughton selections to books costing between $20 and $25 Many times a best seller costs $26. I could get it from McNaughton, but it would count as two books. On occasion, a best seller costs $18 or less.. I could also get those books from McNaughton, but it would be a bit of a waste considering the $25 allowance. By switching to Baker and Taylor I don't have to limit book selections to a small range of prices. I can order the best sellers regardless of cost as long as I don't go over my yearly allottment of $7,500 . Some months I'll be ordering more than 40 books and other months, I'll be ordering less, depending on how good the book reviews are, patron demand, etc. Baker and Taylor will be giving us an excellent deal. We will get 40% off of most titles. I can call them and have the books delivered unprocessed the next day or have it take two to three weeks with processing. The processing costs $.49 per book. I have included this amount in the $7,500 price. Shipping is included and we can send back damaged books for replacement. ... . JUN 13 1995 ITEM 7 7 of 8 INTERNET Poway Library received a state grant which included Internet access for the public. The grant runs out in June 1995. It is possible that San Diego County Library will offer public Internet access on one of our OPACS (on-line public access catalogs), but we only have four catalogs and this would leave us with far too few. In addition, we would not be able to access our Poway Library Homepage. A volunteer spent a great deal of time putting together a home- page which includes sites which are of particular interest to members of this community. We would not have the ability to use a graphical interface, such as Mosaic or Netscape, on the OP AC and it is the graphics that really make the Internet fascinating. Internet Breakdown of Costs CTSNET one time set-up fee $ 35 Security software (to keep password secure, etc.) $ 500 Monthly connect fee to CTSNET (240 hrs per month of access )$90 X 12= $1,080 Pacific Bell business line costs. $120 (per month) X 12= $1,440 $3,055 ... a JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 7 8 Of 8