Item 9 - Commercial Rehabilitation Program ~ -'"' AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ~ "- Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency ~~~~~co~ James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ BY:~.ohn D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager/Assista~xecutive Directorl{~ ~~arren Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Services -, David Narevsky, Redevelopment Manager~ June 13, 1995 TO: FROM: INITIATED Commercial Rehabilitation Program ABSTRACT At the City Council meeting held on September 6, 1994, Mayor Higginson proposed consideration of a program for business owners for commercial revitalization/rehabilitation. The City Council approved and directed staff and the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to formulate a plan and policies to bring back to the City Council for review. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact generated by this report. The fi sca 1 impact of establishing a commercial rehabilitation program would depend upon the nature of the specific type of program and guidelines selected. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be sent to the Chamber of Commerce, the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee and the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee (RHAC) t"t t" Ctt, COlliiiii'd""0""t Ag"" di",t t" '"'C to d",lo, . t"9,t,d Commercial Rehab. ~Qn Program and approve the concept for the basic program, with implementation por both programs to be brought back to the City Council/Redevelopme Agency as soon as possible. ACTION c:\data\agenda\rehab595.cov JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 1 of 7 - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: FROM: INITIATED Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire~ ~ BY:~ohn D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executive Dire~o arren Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Services David Narevsky, Redevelopment Manager DrJ June 13, 1995 DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Commercial Rehabilitation Program At the City Council meeting held on September 6, 1994, Mayor Higginson proposed consideration of a program for business owners for commercial revita 1 i zat i on/rehabil i tat i on that was simil ar to the successful affordabl e housing preservation (rehabilitation) program. As proposed, this program would provide grants/loans for certain improvements to provide "facel ifts" for businesses in order to help stimulate and revitalize their growth. The City Council approved and directed staff and the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to formulate a plan and policies to bring back to the City Council for review. The Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee appointed a Commercial Rehabilitation Subcommittee to establish the concept program guidelines. The Subcommittee prepared a report that was presented to the full Committee at their April 24, 1995 meeting. This report is included as Attachment 1. FINDINGS At the April 24, 1995 meeting of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, staff and the Commercial Rehabilitation Subcommittee presented information concerning typical commercial rehabil itation programs from other communities. The relationship between the Poway Road Specific Plan and this proposed program was di scussed, with the Committee i ndi cat i ng that the Commerci a 1 Rehabilitation Program should be compatible with the Poway Road Specific Plan. The Committee discussed operation of the "basic rehabil itation oroaram." El i gi bl e imp.I'Llents woul d i ncl ude 1 easeho 1 d upgrades such as carpet, paint, new fixtures, .(;s, signage and product enhancements, i ncl udi ng design fabricationnstallation. The attached April 24, 1995 Report includes the recommendations of the Subcommittee which were adopted by the full Committee. ACTION: 2 of 7 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 Commercial Rehabilitation Program June 13, 1995 Page 2 Discussion was also held on the concept of a "tarqeted rehabilitation oroqram." The Committee felt it important to target a portion of the identified rehabilitation funds for efforts at implementing some of the concepts contained within the Poway Road Specific Plan. The goal of this targeted rehabilitation program is to conduct a demonstration of how the Specific Plan and the focused efforts at implementing the Plan can improve a specific building or area. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact generated by this report. The fiscal impact of establishing a commercial rehabilitation program would depend upon the nature of the specific type of program and guidelines selected. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be sent to the Chamber of Commerce, the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee and the Poway Road Specific Plan Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommend at i on of the Redevelopment and Hous i ng Advi sory Committee that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency: (1) di rect the Redevelopment and Housi ng Advi sory Committee to develop a targeted Commercial Rehabilitation Program to focus the use of the first $250,000 in rehabilitation funding for projects that would implement the concepts contained in the Poway Road Specific Plan, and (2) approve the concept program guidelines for the basic Commercial Rehabil itation Program and direct staff and the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to bring back implementation plans for both programs to the City Council for review as soon as possible. ..... Attachment: ~eommercial Rehabilitation Subcommittee Report dated 4/24/95 c:\data\agenda\rehab595.rpt JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 3 of I AGENDA REPORT REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee Commercial Rehabilitation Subcommittee April 24, 1995 Report from Subcommittee BACKGROUND The City Council requested that the Committee develop a commercial rehabilitation program focusing on providing assistance to small businesses. Accordingly, the Committee appointed a subcommittee of Jim Crosby, Duke Ayers and Mary Mitchell to develop proposed program guidelines. The Commercial Rehabilitation Subcommittee held a meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 1995. In their discussion, the Subcommittee identified a related issue they felt they should bring to the Committee for discussion. The Committee feels there is a need to request the City Council\ Redevelopment Agency to consider an expansion of the Commercial Rehabilitation Program. Therefore, the Committee has divided their report to the Committee into two issues. The first involves the Subcommittee's idea regarding the expanded rehabilitation concept, and the second is the Subcommittee's recommendations for operating the basic Commercial Rehabilitation Program. DISCUSSION During the Subcommittee's discussion of the program, the issue of how the rehabilitation program relates to the implementation of the Poway Road Specific Plan was raised. As originally envisioned, the Commercial Rehabilitation Program was viewed as a separate program that would be compatible with the Poway Road Specific Plan but would not be an implementation vehicle for the Specific Plan. During the Subcommittee discussion, they felt it was important to target some of the rehabilitation funds for efforts at implementing some of the concepts contained the Specific Plan: T~bcommittee's conclusion ~as that ~hey wanted to suggest that the full commlt.port a request to the Clty CounclljRedevelopment Agency that the basic progr -expanded to provide a targeted rehabilitation program to focus on certain areas ch would serve to initiate implementation of the Poway Road Specifi c Pl an. The second issue the Subcommittee reviewed was options for operating the basic program. The following details the recommendations of the Subcommittee for the policy framework for the Commercial Rehabilitation Program. These guidelines would serve as the basic program policies and, for the most part, would also work for the expanded program with some additional details. These policies will enable the staff to develop the additional details for implementation of the basic program. JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 4 of 7 Attachment 1 Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Subcommittee Page 2 Define eligible areas for participation in the Commercial Rehabilitation Program: All commercially zoned property along Poway Road should be considered eligible, including the commercial areas on Midland Road, Community Road, Pomerado Road, etc. What businesses should be considered eligible? All businesses that are owner/operated with gross sales under $1,000,000 and which haven't previously been part of assisted redevelopment projects (such as Creekside Plaza, Wal*Mart and certain auto dealers) should be eligible. How much money per loan/grant should be provided? $5,000 per loan, with up to an additional $5,000 loan provided by the Agency that would require a dollar for dollar match from the Applicant (maximum Redevelopment Agency contribution of $10,000). What repayment of the Loan should be required? No interest loan, forgiving 10% of the loan for each year the business remains open. Fully forgiven after 10 years. How much money is being requested for this program? Program Options: (1) If an expanded program is approved, the first $250,000 would be set aside for the targeted commercial rehabilitation, and any funds in excess of that would be split 50/50 between the basic program and the targeted program. (2) If the expanded program is not approved, then all funds available be used on the basic program. The exact amount of funds which are available is not know at this time. Who will admini~bis program? The City's Depa. of Redevelopment Services would administer the program. The work would be peed by a consultant who would coordinate the program and the loan/grant process. It is anticipated that this would require 15-20 hours per week once implemented and approximately 35 hours for the initial program start-up. The cost of administration is expected to approximately 20% of total program costs. What improvements are eligible under this prograIJ? For those properties located within the defined area, any of the following improvements which enhance the building and or its appearance are eligible: 5 of 7 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Subcommittee Page 3 (1) facade improvements, (including design, permits, construction), (2) signs,(including design, permits, construction), and (3) paint and/or outside cosmetic improvements. What priority ~ill be established for applicants?' Under the expanded program the Subcommittee suggests that certain areas be targeted and then be prioritized based on: (1) their impact on the appearance of Poway Road, (2) the level of involvement between the tenants and the property owners, and most importantly, (3) how well they implement the concepts identified in the Specific Plan. If the expanded program is approved by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency then more definitive criteria would be developed. Under the basic plan, the process would be as follows. After approval by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency, staff and consultant would hold a meeting to discuss the program and distribute applications. The program and the meeting would be advertised in the Poway News Chieftain. An initial due date would be established and appl i cat ions randomly put in sequence from the fi rst day's recei pt. All subsequent applications would be placed behind the first batch in order of receipt. In reviewing the applications submitted, the Subcommittee feels a priority system for ranking the requests should be established. The Subcommittee recommends that the following factors be considered: age of the building, current physical condition of the building, consistency with Poway Road Specific Plan, and whether the applicant is coordinating improvements with other tenants/property owners. Do business owners need to qualify as low/moderate income households? Low and moderate income status is not required, as Redevelopment Agency Housing Fund monies are not being used to fund the program. What business plan or other training is required? A plan for expeiie of these funds would be required. The plan would have to provide informa - n what improvements were being requested, why the improvements are needed, and. he improvements would benefit the business and the community, as well as be in' ping with the Poway Road Specific Plan. What other eligibility requirements are there? (I) All work must be done in compliance with Poway Road Specific Pl an. (2) All work must be done in accordance with all applicable City and State Codes. (3) All work must be done by licensed, insured contractors. No portion of the work may be performed by the business owner or relatives. 6 of 7 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Subcommittee Page 4 4) All work must be inspected by Building Department, as applicable, and by staff/ consultant in all cases; and performed in a "good workman 1 ike manner." Loan Security Issues The Subcommittee feels it is necessary to require both the tenant and landlord to co-sign for loan. They felt this is needed to insure the tenant has the authority under their lease to do the work and also to insure that the landlord is aware of the tenant's plans. This may also encourage landlords to work with other tenants to undertake a joint project, thereby reducing the Redevelopment Agency's overhead in administering the program, and most importantly, help to ensure a consistent appearance in a commercial center. Fund Control Issues The Subcommittee feels the best way of handling payments under the program is to require applicants to pay for the work in full and to then request reimbursement from the program once the work is completed. RECOMMENDATION The SubCommittee recommends that the Committee: (1) request that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency direct the Committee to develop a targeted Commercial Rehabilitation program to focus the use of first $250,000 in rehabilitation funding for projects that would implement the concepts contained in the Poway Road Specific Plan, and (2) after review and discussion, approve the program guidelines for the basic Commercial Rehabilitation Program, and forward them to City Council/Redevelopment Agency for approval. -.. a PC'C:\RDHAC1\REHAB1.RPT JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 9 7 of 7